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ʒиN 9 - Room for Translations
ʒиN 9 - Room for Translations<br><br>The cover of this zine was sent to the ten artists as an invitation<br>to participate in the translations processes, an invitation to<br>the Translation Room.<br>Two Denis (Avallon + Berlin) committed to taking one work<br>from each of the 10 participants and translating them into other<br>languages. We immediately gave up the pressure of national languages<br>and came to see translations as a wider and more crucial<br>process. The process was online dialogic the whole time.<br>[translation] we walked the author’s work through the translation<br>process<br>{author’s comment} the author did or did not comment on the<br>translations<br>The whole process of inviting authors to participate, dialogic<br>translations, creating comments, layout, and final reflections on<br>what happened took 4.5 months. Our reflections on the practice<br>of translations are given in text on the last pages of this zine.
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