Fall Sale TGarsatnindgOCT 6TH - NOV 11TH,2018
2-5 PM
Lockwood Santa Lakegirl Luna
Rita 120 Vineyards
510984 M onterey Cabernet Sauvignon Heading up North?
640067 Monterey Chardonnay 602164 Cabernet Bring the Lakegirl! 563091 aCrisp Chardonnay
565985 Pinot Noir 613958 Carmenere
601154 Chardonnay 533602 Cabernet S eSletactffion 12.99540231 Lunatic Red
FIRST $ 600489 Malbec 533603 Chardonnay
600251 Pinot Noir 533601 Pontoon Red SALE $
22.99BOTTLE 12.99544781 Zinfandel
5.99600490 Rosé of Cabernet PRICE
SALE $ 10.99501606 Luna Pinot Grigio
Mado en Baus L'opale Gear
Provence Family Rosé Box
This French Rosé Fantastic California wines! Celebrate Fall with Gear up for a wild
is one of the best Try a bottle or two tonight. this pale pink beauty! ride!
in the market today.
550000 Cabernet sellOinugrR#o1sé! 502242 Chardonnay
16.99$645264 Rose 550001 Chardonnay 10.99624809 Rosé
14.99502243 Pinot Noir
SALE 15.99550002 Pinot Noir SALE $
Silver Bouillot WVailllleaymette Chateau
Beach Garbillot
Tremendous 16.99$504553 Whole Cluster Rose 2013
Our best selling French values!
Sauvignon Blanc SALE St-Emilion wine at this
from New Zealand! 602046 Brut PRICE price? Crazy indeed!
614496 Rose
500032 S auvignon Blanc 609971 Blanc de Blanc Brut 18.99512838 Whole Cluster Pinot Noir 16.99612112 Chateau Garbillot
SALE $ 17.99SALE $ SALE $ SALE $
24.99512836 Pinot Noir Estate
Uniquely RED BORDEAUX Item# Description $99.9Sa9le
EUROPEAN I66666666666t32223325110e75002140527m21244841031#24319384133 27864705310 DCCCCCCCCCCCeahhhhhhhhhhscraaaaaaaaaarrittttttttttpueeeeeeeeeetaiaaaaaaaaaaodnuuuuuuuuuu eCBAABCACACsaaaaeennnnLpllplyggggaoolcbbefeeeennhiveelllltuuuueueSSrrnnvsssseee2egg2211GGM0luu0099laa1eorr9009ss02nqq225365 0duu00 1o10ee1ttt15oo 2nn022000801 $$$$$$$811242222 $$$$2992449446499999999999...........99999999999Sa99999999999le $8.99
Drouhin 653626 Chateau Troplong Mondot 2011 $34.99
625411 Chateau Valfontaine 2015 $24.99
653615 Connetable de Talbot 2011 $24.99
630029 Les Lauriers Rothschild $8.99
625149 Marquis de Calon 2011
610464 Marquis Haskell's Rouge
Item# Description Sale
White Burgundy for everyday! $499.99
600734 Chateau Climens 2001
605120 Chateau de Fargues 2001 $179.99
15.99 12.99612764 S t-Veran
627338 M acon-Village 610449 Chateau de Fargues 2005 $139.99
625152 Chateau de Malle 2006 375ml $37.99
SALE $ 629362 Chateau Caronnes 629346 Chateau de Malle 2007 $49.99
Ste Gemme 2012 $21.99 629348 Chateau de Malle 2009 $59.99
604834 Chateau Cheval Blanc 2003 $449.99 629350 Chateau de Malle 2009 375ml $37.99
610465 Chateau Cheval Blanc 2005 $899.99
Volnay 603840 Chateau Clarke 2010 $34.99 629354 Chateau de Ste Helene 2009 $29.99
660481 Chateau $34.99 612610 Chateau des 1000 Anges 2005 500ml $19.99
Villamont 652279 Chateau Clarke 2012 $299.99
610994 Chateau Clerc Milon 2011 $84.99 600820 Chateau d'Yquem 1997
From the legendary 653624 Chateau $129.99 605360 Chateau d'Yquem 1999 $249.99
Jadot Hospice de Beaune 652288 Chateau Clinet 1998 $119.99 610076 Chateau d'Yquem 2002 $449.99
charity auction. 652287 Chateau Clinet 2011
Make this your evening 603835 Chateau Clos de l'Oratoire 2011 $49.99 604838 Chateau d'Yquem 2003 $499.99
wine as you sit outside 635643 V olnay Cuvee Blondeau 2012 625409 Chateau Corbin 2011 $39.99 606980 Chateau d'Yquem 2004 $229.99
with friends and family. 610423 Chateau Des Graves Red $12.99 604839 Chateau d'Yquem 2005 $949.99
59.99SALE $ 609004 Chateau Des Laurets $34.99 $449.99
11.99610324 BeaujolaisVillages 612112 Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2005 $219.99 625110 Chateau d'Yquem 2008
PRICE 652286 Chateau 645050 Chateau Fage Graves de Vayres $12.99
SALE $ 653628 Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 2009 $449.99 604594 Chateau Filhot 2003 $69.99
2016 #2 Wine 626172 Chateau Garbillot 2013 $16.99 $199.99
PRICE on the Haskell's 627250 Chateau Gloria 2011 $49.99 614182 Chateau Gilette 1978
613148 Chateau 620904 Chateau Grand Jauga
Top 100 list! 603678 Chateau Haut Bailly 2011 $89.99 Sauternes 2009 375ml HOTVALUE! $14.98
610946 Chateau Haut Brion 2007 $419.99 600538 Chateau Graville Lacoste $18.99
652281 Chateau Hosanna 2010 $269.99 629366 Chateau Jacquet Blanc $8.99
645859 Chateau La Conseillante 1995 $129.99 621226 Chateau La Graviere Blanc $10.99
628638 Chateau La Conseillante 1998 $179.99 610387 Chateau Le Sartre Blanc $25.99
Les Lauriers St-Emilion 2012 609008 Chateau La Conseillante 2003 $99.99 630027 Chateau Loumelat Blanc $10.99
627232 Chateau La Croix Beaucaillou 2011 $49.99 602143 Chateau Mille Anges Blanc $8.99
629708 Chateau La Graviere Rouge $12.99 610290 Chateau Rayne Vigneau 2005 $64.99
Do not miss this gem of a wine from the famous Saint-Emilion 630015 Chateau La Pierriere $12.99 600732 Chateau Rieussec 2001 $179.99
area of Bordeaux. This wonderful wine has a deep purple color 627248 Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2009 $1599.99 604870 Chateau Rieussec 2003 $99.99
with fine cherry, plum and toffee aromas. Consume now or 612114 Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2010 $1599.99 610296 Chateau Rieussec 2005 $89.99
24.99630029 Les Lauriers 2012 612115 Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2012 $849.99 630024 Chateau Tour Leognan Blanc $18.99
cellar for up to 10 years! SALE $ 610446 Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2013 $649.99
PRICE 600004 Chateau Lafleur 2010 $1899.99 620901 Chevalier du Pastel
613154 Chateau Lafleur de Roy 2013 $29.99 Sauternes 2009 375ml $12.99
609011 Chateau Lafleur de Roy 2015 $34.99 614834 Marquis de Haskell's Blanc $8.99
Cuvee Chateau 652284 Chateau $179.99 620900 Seigneurs Monbazillac 2007 375ml $10.99
Fouquerand Matalin 624218 Chateau Le Gay 2005 $129.99 RED BURGUNDY
630026 Chateau Le Gay 2008
The must-have Burgundy. A wonderful blend 652283 Chateau Leoville Las Cases 1995 $199.99
of Merlot and 610383 Chateau Leoville Las Cases 2009 $449.99 Item# Description Sale
59.99635646 Savigny Les Beaune 2014 Cabernet Franc. 660482 Chateau 622559 Beaune Bressandes Jadot 2012 $45.99
652282 Chateau Leoville Poyferre 2011 $99.99 628008 Beaune Vigne de L'Enfant Jesus
SALE $ 8.99610476 C hateau Matalin 610476 Chateau l'Evangile 2007 $189.99 Bouchard 2010
648001 Chateau Loumelat Rouge $10.99 $99.99
PRICE SALE $ 675856 Chateau 628408 Bourgogne Pinot Noir Bouchard $12.99
675857 Chateau Lynch Bages 2011 $119.99 654483 Bourgogne Pinot Noir
Haskell's PRICE 610409 Chateau Malmaison 2010 $29.99 Charles Vienot
#1 wine for 653621 Chateau Malmaison 2012 $29.99 $14.99
653620 Chateau Margaux 2011 $649.99 634851 Bourgogne Pinot Noir Faiveley $19.99
2017 600680 Chateau $8.99 606084 Bourgogne Pinot Noir
604880 Chateau Matalin Goichot 2014 $14.99
610426 Chateau Mille Anges 2011 $12.99
627198 Chateau Mille Anges 2012 $13.99 635990 Bourgogne Pinot Noir
604875 Chateau Mille Anges Mozart 2012 $11.99 Villamont 2013 $15.99
653619 Chateau Montrose 2005 $139.99 640831 Bourgogne Pinot Noir
653618 Chateau Montrose 2011 $149.99 Villamont 2014 $16.99
610401 Chateau $299.99 629436 Chambertin Clos de Beze
Uniquely European................... 2-5 Sparkling Stars/Rosé/ 609021 Chateau Palmer 2011 Faiveley 2011 $299.99
French........................................ 2-4 Worldwide/Potpourri........... 8-9 620902 Chateau Pape Clement 2001 $199.99
Austrian/Croatian/ 652278 Chateau Pape Clement 2003 $119.99 626546 Chambertin Clos de Beze
German/Hungarian/Italian.... 4 Beer & Cider...................................10 Pavie 2005 $449.99 Jadot 2009 $329.99
Portuguese/Spanish................. 5 Spirits...............................................11 $239.99 624136 Chambolle Musigny Latour 2005 $99.99
BOGO...............................................12 Pavie 2008 1.50L $$217299..9999 626552 Chambolle Musigny Les Bauds
Delicious Domestics................. 6-7 Pichon Baron 2003 Jadot 2009
Pichon Baron 2011 $99.99
Pichon Comtesse 2011 $139.99 629116 Chambolle MusignyVillamont 2010 $39.99
PLEASE NOTE Pichon Lalande 2005 $159.99 627140 Charmes Chambertin
Haskell’s exercises the utmost care in the preparation of this brochure, but we are not Pichon Lalande 2009 $249.99 Marchand 2009 $139.99
responsible for printing errors or omissions. Deliveries are subject to availability at the time Roland La Garde 2011 $11.99 619081 Chorey Les Beaune Villamont 2011 $19.99
the orders are received. All bottles are 750 ml. and all cases are of 12 bottles unless otherwise Sociando Mallet 2011 $54.99 626722 Clos Vougeot Faiveley 2009 $179.99
noted. Some vintages may rotate to the most current if the vintage runs out. Thank you. 630028 Chateau Tour 629442 Clos Vougeot Faiveley 2011 $179.99
St Georges 2015 HOTVALUE!
Item# Description Sale Item# Description Sale Uniquely
632147 Corton Clos des Corton $169.99 610118 Chassagne Montrachet $30.98
Faiveley 2008 Bachelet 2004 HOTVALUE!
612460 Corton en Charlemagne 627126 Chassagne Montrachet
Senard 2005 HOTVALUE! $59.98 Morgeot 2009 $64.99
606089 Cotes de Nuits Villages $24.99 611536 Chevalier Montrachet Latour 2005 $249.99
Goichot 2014 612466 Corton Blanc Senard 2005 $79.99
626898 Gevrey Chambertin $6.99
Bouchard 2009 $59.99 627000 Haskell's Maison Blanc
657118 Hautes Cote de Nuits Blanc
652881 Gevrey Chambertin $59.99 Boisset 2015 $21.99 Casa Farrelli
Bouchard 2012 606083 Macon Lugny Goichot 2014 $14.99
628832 Gevrey Chambertin Clos Prieur 625766 Macon Mancy Villamont 2008 $10.99
Gelin 2010 $129.99 654482 Macon Villages Charles Vienot $11.99 Trust us, these wines surpass the quality of wines twice
606091 Gevrey Chambertin Goichot 2013 $44.99 627338 Macon Villages Drouhin $12.99 their price!
600238 Grands Echezeaux Jadot 2004 $219.99 657119 Macon-Ige Boisset 2015 $21.99 628220 Pinot Grigio
627130 Meursault Caillot 2009 $34.99 $10.99 629714 Prosecco
611510 Grands Echezeaux $59.98 604229 Meursault Charmes Cuvee 7.99$629716 Bianco
Villamont 2004 HOTVALUE! $6.99 Bahezre Lanlay 2005 HOTVALUE! $49.98 628222 Chianti
626672 Haskell's Maison Rouge 604235 Meursault Loppin 2003 1.50 $79.99 SALE
654487 Hautes Cotes de Beaune PRICE SALE
Charles Vienot $13.99 $45.98 PRICE
$ 85.98
628018 Le Corton Bouchard 2010 $99.99 604232 Meursault Loppin 2008 HOTVALUE!
629422 Le Corton Bouchard 2011 $99.99 604237 Meursault Loppin 2008 1.50L HOT VALUE!
624226 Meursault Perrieres
652892 Le Corton Bouchard 2012 $119.99 Ballot-Millot 2006 HOTVALUE! $64.98 Chateau
624118 Mazis Chambertin Bouchard 2005 $319.99 606081 Montagny Les Guignottes de Maligny
635638 Mazis ChambertinVillamont 2009 $129.99 Goichot 2015 $23.99 Vouvray
653002 Morey St Denis Potel 2011 $64.99 625770 Montagny Villamont 2007 $14.99 Voltaire Enjoy this light, crisp,
611588 Nuits St Georges Boudots 629114 Montagny Villamont 2010 $14.99 slightly flinty Chardonnay
Jadot 2005 $99.99 612002 Montrachet Drouhin 2005 $449.99 Made with 100% Chenin with anything you pull
624612 Nuits St Georges Dubois 2006 $29.99 $649.99 Blanc grapes, this wine is out of lakes or streams.
$59.99 626576 Montrachet Jadot 2009 perfect for sipping. The original un-oaked
652882 Pommard Bouchard 2012 611540 Montrachet Latour 2005 $549.99 Chardonnay.
606085 Pommard Goichot 2014 $44.99 635529 Petit Chablis Maligny 2013 $15.99 12.99607090 Vouvray
653000 Pommard Potel 2012 $74.99 654481 Pouilly Fuisse Charles Vienot 2014 $19.99 15.99635529 Petit Chablis 2013
611798 Romanee St Vivant Latour 2005 $329.99 SALE $
606087 Santenay Goichot 2014 $21.99 613406 Puligny Montrachet $39.99 SALE $
673003 Santenay Villamont 2013 $21.99 Maroslavoc 2006 $14.99 PRICE
647252 Savigny Les Beaune Bouchard 2013 $39.99 627224 Rully Villamont 2009 PRICE
628266 Savigny Les Beaune Blanc
635646 Savigny Les Beaune Cuvee $59.99 Villamont 2009 $13.99
Fouquerand 2014 612764 St Veran Drouhin $15.99
635639 Savigny Les BeauneVillamont 2011 $19.99 612964 Vougeot Blanc 1er Cru
673002 Savigny Les BeauneVillamont 2014 $21.99 Vougeraie 2005 $69.99 Fall Sale
622668 Volnay 1er Cru Santenots $38.99 OCT 6TH - NOV 11TH, 2018
Marchand 2014
629424 Volnay Caillerets Bouchard 2011 $69.99 Item# Description Sale
652890 Volnay Caillerets $199.99 635451 Bourgueil Matabrune $8.99
Bouchard 2012 1.50L 635450 Chinon Clos de la Niverdiere
658991 Muscadet Chateau de La Turmeliere $9.99
635643 Volnay Cuvee Blondeau $59.99 611938 Muscadet Cuvee Catherine $10.99
Villamont 2012 $24.99 612319 Muscadet l'Aubiniere $7.99
629112 Volnay Villamont 2008 $89.99 612323 Pouilly Fume Reserve Veneau $18.99
626730 Vosne Romanee Faiveley 2009 612321 Pouilly Fume Veneau $14.99
645262 Sancerre Benoit Girard $19.99 Batasiolo Chateau
611940 Sancerre Cuvee Catherine $23.99 Mille Anges
Item# Description Sale 608056 Gavi
610174 Batard Montrachet Colin 2004 $129.99 635446 Sancerre Rouge Benoit Girard $19.99 675856 Chateau
624234 Batard Montrachet Colin 2006 $129.99 $8.99 9.98$ HOTVALUE! Mille Anges 2012
650120 Bourgogne Aligote Boisset HOTVALUE! $12.98 612645 Saumur Les Plantagenets $10.99
654480 Bourgogne Aligote Les Moutots 629374 Touraine Les Charmes Sauvignon $8.99 SALE 13.99SALE $
Boisset 2013 HOTVALUE! Clerc 2008 612320 Touraine Les Roche Blanc $8.99 PRICE
625182 Bourgogne Chardonnay $12.98 600027 Touraine Les Roche Rouge $11.99 PRICE
$11.99 606194 Vouvray Cuvee Catherine 608062 Barbera d'Alba
626418 Bourgogne Chardonnay 629372 Vouvray Domaine de Vaufuget $11.99 648001 C hateau
Lequin-Colin 2009 $10.99 612322 Vouvray Les Lys HOTVALUE! $10.98 13.99$630166 Dolcetto d’Alba Mille Anges 2011
627120 Bourgogne Chardonnay 607090 Vouvray Voltaire $12.99
Les Tremblots Dubois 2009 $10.99 RHONE / CHATEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE SALE 12.99SALE $
627132 Bourgogne Chardonnay PRICE
Marchand 2009 $10.99 Item# Description Sale PRICE
622667 Bourgogne Chardonnay $99.99 16.99608058 Moscato d’Asti
Marchand 2015 $15.99 641290 CDP Beaucastel 2012 $179.99 675857 Chateau Mille Anges
605354 CDP Beaucastel 2015 1.50 SALE $
625180 Bourgogne Chardonnay Pillot 2008 $11.99 626948 CDP Blanc Boislauzon 2011 $44.99 11.99Mozart 2012
635991 Bourgogne Chardonnay $27.99 PRICE
Villamont 2012 $15.99 645459 CDP Blanc Cabrieres 2015 $27.99 SALE $
645458 CDP Cabrieres 2013 19.99633251 Nebbiolo
640833 Bourgogne Chardonnay 612132 CDP Charbonniere Domaine 2012 $42.99 PRICE
Villamont 2014 $16.99 612135 CDP Domaine de l'Ange 2012 $46.99 SALE $
654488 Chablis Charles Vienot $19.99 8.99$602143 Blanc
608901 Chablis Domaine Colombier $19.99 604958 CDP Domaine des 3 Cellier $29.99 PRICE
629496 CDP Domaine Lafond 2011 $39.99 SALE
660517 Chablis Fourchaume Maligny 2015 $34.99 612153 CDP Domaine Lafond 2012 $39.99 39.99608064 Barbaresco PRICE
606082 Chablis Goichot 2015 $22.99
629478 CDP Mas Boislauzon 2011 $42.99 SALE $
612141 CDP Mas Boislauzon 2012 $46.99
Uniquely RHONE / CHATEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE Item# Description Sale
Item# Description Sale 601316 Bernkasteler Dr Auslese $49.99
Chateau Loumelat Thanisch 2001
626954 CDP Usseglio 2009 $49.99 625054 Bernkasteler Dr Kabinett
Loumelat Rouge is a complex wine that offers 612146 CDP Usseglio 2012 $44.99 Thanisch 2007 $39.99
velvety rich fruit. It's great with food or simply 612148 CDP Usseglio
enjoy a glass over a great conversation. Mon Aieul 2012 1.50L $249.99 625056 Bernkasteler Dr Spatlese $49.99
627994 CDP Usseglio Reserve 2010 $199.99 Thanisch 2007
Loumelat Blanc is a clear light yellow color with 610676 Dillmann TBA 2005 HOT VALUE! $35.98
green hues. This wine goes best as an aperitif or 629490 CDP Vatican Reserve Sixtine 2011 $44.99 604186 Dr Loosen Riesling 375ml $9.99
with seafood.
629470 CDP Vieux Donjon 2011 $54.99 603980 Erbacher Marcobrunn Auslese
$10.99630027 Chateau Loumelat Blanc SALE 626952 CDP Tour St Michel 2009 HOTVALUE! $49.98 Schloss Schonborn 2003 HOTVALUE! $51.98
RHONE / COTES DU RHONE 610670 Erbacher Marcobrunn Auslese Schloss
630026 Chateau Loumelat Rouge PRICE Schonborn 2005 375ml 28.98 HOT VALUE! $
Item# Description Sale 605787 Graacher Himmelreich Auslese
$9.99 Gold Cap Joh Jos Prum 2003
640213 CDR Acantalys $9.99 610854 Graacher Himmelreich Auslese $99.99
640212 CDR Blanc Acantalys $11.99 Joh Jos Prum 2003
629736 CDR Bourjassot Cuvee Fanny 2012 $39.99
645460 CDR Cabrieres 2013 $12.99
624240 CDR Cambis $9.99 610674 Hattenheimer Pfaffenberg BA Schloss
605044 CDR Chapelle St Arnoux $9.99
645265 CDR Dame Victoria Rasteau $12.99 Schonborn 2005 375ml HOTVALUE! $109.98
658541 Liebfraumilch Valckenberg
626986 CDR Delas Freres $9.99 Madonna $11.99
626988 CDR Delas Freres 1.50L $23.99 605898 Pfaffenberg Beerenauslese Schloss
612150 CDR Domaine Boisson $12.99 Schonborn 2003 375ml HOTVALUE! $99.98
625825 Piesporter Michelsberg
Hugel Georges 660516 CDR Domaine l'Obrieu 2015 $14.99 Fritz Zimmer $11.99
Duboeuf 604045 CDR Domaine l'Obrieu 500031 Sittmann Riesling HOTVALUE! $8.98
Gentil "Hugel" allies Les Frangines 2015 $12.99 550898 Starling Castle Riesling $8.99
the suave, spicy flavor A smooth wine with fine 610306 CDR Rastellains $9.99 603996 Steinberg BA Kloster
of Gewurztraminer, the tannins, harmonious 612306 CDR Rastellains Blanc 2014 $9.99 Eberbach 2003 375ml $79.99
body of Pinot Gris, the and complete. Ideal 645462 CDR Vieilles Vignes Cabrieres $12.99 625220 Thanisch Riesling 2014 $12.99
finesse of Riesling, and for all occasions, from 640834 Chateau d'Aigueville Massif 605878 CWaephJloenheJroSsoPnrunmenu2h00r 3AuHsOTleVAsLeUE!G old$95.98
the refreshing character aperitif to cheese. d'Uchaux 2015 $12.99
of Sylvaner. 635992 Cotes du Rhone Blanc Chateau 627336 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Auslese
$10.99611704 BeaujolaisVillages d'Aigueville HOTVALUE! $9.98 Joh Jos Prum 2003 $34.99
614062 Gentil 612441 Cotes du Rhone Villages Chateau 611904 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Beerenauslese
SALE d'Aigueville HOTVALUE! $9.98 Kerpen 2006 375ml
SALE $ PRICE 660514 Crozes Hermitage Dommaine HUNGARIAN $32.99
Michel Poinard 2015
11.99PRICE Zaccagnini $19.99
645461 Le Petit Cabrieres 2015 $10.99 Item# Description Sale
Gazela Highly recommended.
Vinho Easily Italy’s best value! FRENCH 608046 Donausonne Blaufrankisch $8.99
13.99626820 Montepulciano Item# Description Sale ITALIAN RED
Irresistible with soft Item# Description Sale
flavors of apricot and $SALE 612325 Domaine l'Enclos $7.99
grapefruit. 629764 Fortant Cabernet Sauvignon $10.99 640130 Amicone Cantine di Ora $14.99
PRICE 606099 Goichot L'envolee 608064 Barbaresco Batasiolo $39.99
5.99616266 GazelaVinhoVerde Cabernet Sauvignon $9.99 608062 Barbera d'Alba Batasiolo $13.99
606093 Goichot L'envolee Chardonnay $9.99 608050 Barolo Batasiolo $39.99
SALE $ 606097 Goichot L'envolee Pinot Noir $9.99 659641 Barolo Vajra $34.99
606095 Goichot L'envolee Sauvignon Blanc $9.99 610131 Chianti Classico I Colombi $14.99
PRICE 614062 Hugel Gentil $11.99 605950 Chianti Classico Villa Cafaggio $15.99
612554 La Forge Estate Cabernet Sauvignon $12.99 630166 Dolcetto d'Alba Batasiolo $13.99
612542 La Forge Estate Chardonnay $12.99 605212 Gaja Promis $34.99
612552 La Forge Estate Merlot $12.99 623528 Gran Passione Rosso $10.99
612546 La Forge Estate Pinot Noir $12.99 627360 La Fiera Montepulciano $5.99
612558 La Forge Estate Sauvignon Blanc $12.99 628574 La Fiera Primitivo $5.99
612544 La Forge Estate Viognier $12.99 650634 La Gondola Merlot HOTVALUE! $9.98
660812 Le Croizillon Cahors $10.99 645361 Monte Antico Rosso $10.99
630227 Le Val Cabernet Sauvignon $10.99 602031 Morellino di Scansano I Massi $16.99
630224 Le Val Chardonnay $10.99 633251 Nebbiolo Batasiolo $19.99
Silk & Quinta 630221 Le Val Pinot Noir $10.99 627758 Pecchenino Dolcetto Dogliano $12.99
Spice de Cabriz 627368 Picpoul de Pinet Blanc Felines
Jourdan $8.99 622773 Talamonti Mod'a Montepulciano $9.99
A balanced taste Concentrated flavors of d'Abruzzo
with very soft tan- dark cherry, roasted plum AUSTRIAN 626820 Zaccagnini Montepulciano $13.99
nis. Pair with pork and dried raspberry; ITALIAN WHITE
chops, beef strew layered with rich spicy Item# Description Sale Item# Description Sale
or any thing off the notes.
grill. 689789 Gruner Veltliner Pratsch 1.0L $12.99
9.99626678 Colheita
609080 Red Blend CROATIAN 628220 Casa Farrelli Pinot Grigio $10.99
SALE $ 632083 Cavatina Sparkling Moscato $9.98
SALE $ Item# Description Sale 510849 Cupcake Pinot Grigio HOT VALUE! $7.49
PRICE 600003 Korta Katarina Plavac Mali $18.99 611234 Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio
9.99PRICE 600002 Korta Katarina Posip $18.99 608056 Gavi Batasiolo HOTVALUE! $8.99
600044 Korta Katarina Rose $18.99 603350 Kris Pinot Grigio $9.98
627700 Korta Katarina Ruebens Reserve $37.99 627362 La Fiera Moscato $9.99
627358 La Fiera Pinot Grigio $5.99
GERMAN 628778 La Fiera Soave $5.99
608041 Marchetti Verdicchio $5.99
Item# Description Sale 608058 Moscato d'Asti Batasiolo $9.99
607044 Bernkasteler Dr Auslese $119.99 $16.99
Gold Cap Thanisch 2003 375ml
Item# Description Sale Montecillo Uniquely
Pair this Spanish red EUROPEAN
602568 Santa Margherita $17.98 wine with your favorite
Pinot Grigio HOTVALUE! $10.99
613808 Tommasi Pinot Grigio
Item# Description
$7.99 barbecue.
629252 Broadbent Vinho Verde $9.99 Amicone Marques
626678 Cabriz Colheita $59.99 8.99669049 Crianza de
655897 Cockburn's 2011 $79.99 A slow aging process in oak Caceres
606006 Croft 2003 SALE $ barrels lends notes of sweet
625340 Croft 2007 $89.99 chocolate to the beautiful
627212 Croft 2009 $89.99 PRICE
600808 Delaforce 2000 $79.99
632152 Dow's LBV 2011 $21.99 and full-bodied wine.
613750 Dow's Vale do Bomfim $9.99 A wonderfully made
606004 Fonseca 2003 $109.99 14.99640130 Amicone Cantine di Ora Spanish wine. Pick up
625342 Fonseca 2007 $109.99 a case today.
627210 Fonseca 2009 $119.99 SALE $
612658 Fonseca Quinta Do Panscal 2005 $69.99 Tommasi 12.99$630848 Rioja
691102 Fonseca Tawny $15.99 PRICE
613564 Fonseca Tawny 20yr Port $49.99
626006 Fonseca Tawny Port 10yr $29.99 Light and refreshing! Highly
616266 Gazela Vinho Verde $5.99 Recommended
627698 Gazela Vinho Verde Rose $5.99
625730 Gould Campbell 2007 $69.99 10.99613808 Pinot Grigio Monte
631200 Graham's 10yr Tawny $29.99 Antico
634157 Graham's 2011 $99.99 SALE $ La Forge
613670 Graham's 20yr Tawny $49.99 Pick up this medium to
602774 Graham's Six Grapes $18.99 PRICE We are astonished by full-bodied wine from
607630 Quinta do Noval 2003 $89.99 the quality! Tuscany today. Perfect
625676 Quinta do Noval 2007 $89.99 Dow’s with your pasta dinner.
635215 Quinta do Noval 2011 $109.99 Port 612554 Cabernet
625682 Quinta do Noval Silval 2007 $49.99 612542 Chardonnay 10.99$645361 Rosso
625248 Quinta do Vesuvio 2007 $99.99 For over two centuries 612546 Pinot Noir
609080 Silk & Spice Red Bend $9.99 the name of DOW has 612544 Viognier SALE
606002 Taylor-Fladgate 2003 $99.99 been associated with 612558 Sauvignon Blanc PRICE
625344 Taylor-Fladgate 2007 $109.99 the finest Port from
627208 Taylor-Fladgate 2009 $119.99 the vineyards of the 12.99SALE $
625590 Warre's 2007 $79.99 Upper Douro Valley.
9.99613750 Vale do Bomfim
652124 Warre's 2011 $79.99
SLOVENIAN Sale Fonseca
Item# Description PRICE
$12.99 Some of the best Tawny Ports made. Sip on one tonight!
645075 Pullus Pinot Grigio 21.99632152 Late BottleVintage 2011
613564 20yr Tawny 15.99691102 Tawny
Item# Description Sale 29.99 49.99626006 10yrTawny
624538 Atteca Garnacha $12.99 SALE $
612768 Can Blau Montsant
681402 Castillo Jumilla Monastrell $8.99 PRICE
625511 El Jamon Crianza $10.99
625513 El Jamon Garnacha $8.99
625515 El Jamon Tempranillo $8.99 Graham's Beaujolais
629754 Filon Old Vine Garnacha $7.99 Port Nouveau
629196 Honoro Vera Garnacha $6.99
645068 Honoro Vera Monastrell $6.99 18.99602774 Six Grapes Since 1972, Haskell’s has been the leader in
634505 Honoro Vera Red Blend $6.99 selling Nouveau Beaujolais in the Twin Cities.
612770 Juan Gil $12.99 SALE $ At the incredibly low price, you won’t find
628542 La Rioja Alta Vina Alberdi $19.99 better Nouveau Beaujolais for less anywhere.
630848 Marques de Caceres Crianza $12.99 PRICE The French say that if you drink Nouveau in
625534 Marques de Caceres Gran Reserva $25.99 the year that it’s made, you’ll have good luck
630020 Marques de Caceres Reserva $18.99 631200 1 0 year Tawny all of the following year.
610570 Marques de Caceres Verdejo $8.99
616056 Montecillo Crianza $8.99 29.99SALE PRICE
$ $8.98671482 Duboeuf 603256 Bouchard HOT VALUE!
613670 2 0 year Tawny 671452 Duboeuf Rosé
600972 Mommessin
We Deliver! $ Release date November 15, 2018
Pre-order your Nouveau today!
Delicious Cloudline DOMESTIC CABERNET
DOMESTICS Item# Description Sale
by Domaine 502233 29 & Oak Oakville Reserve 2015 $54.99
Drouhin 501170 75 Wine Company $17.99
605184 Alexander Valley $17.99
The French Connection! 500010 Angels Landing $18.99
500728 Artesa Premiere 2003 $119.99
Cline 15.99510056 Cloudline Pinot Noir 550000 Baus Family $15.99
551370 Black Box 3.0L $16.99
SALE $ 640910 Bogle $8.99
Highest review to date for the Bota Box 510448 $15.98
PRICE $21.99
Cashmere Red! 3.0L HOT VALUE!
511820 Buehler Vineyards
501490 Cashmere Red 550190 Caymus Napa $74.99
91pts. R.P. 507162 California Zinfandel 607236 Chateau Ste Michelle $11.99
549697 Farmhouse Red 550150 Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells $13.99
507360 Ancient Vine 509450 Columbia Crest 2-Vines HOTVALUE! $6.98
9.99549698 Farmhouse White 605530 Columbia Crest Grand Estate $8.99
12.99$Zinfandel 511036 Decoy $17.99
SALE $ 551288 Duckhorn Napa $59.99
Bota Box 512982 Ferrari Carano Reserve $39.99
535272 Fog Mountain $11.99
500332 Folie a Deux $17.99
Decoy 510448 Cabernet 600590 Hess Select $12.99
555311420401894822 RPSaienudovvtiogGlnuriotginoionB lanc J Lohr 600162 $12.98
Crafted in the style of HOT VALUE! $13.99
Duckhorn Vineyards 510446 Chardonnay 510240 Joel Gott
winemaking, it's 501291 Pinot Noir 3 LITER 511852 Josh Cellars $12.99
perfect for any 531028 Nighthawk Black BOX 553410 Louis Martini Sonoma $13.99
occasion. 542237 Mazzocco $18.99
502234 Method Napa $29.99
511036 C abernet 15.98SALE $ 513918 Michael David Freakshow $15.99
500025 Mud Pie $11.99
SALE $ PRICE HOT VALUE! 514336 Our Daily Cab $8.99
525362 Pine Ridge Napa $49.99
17.99PRICE 515525 Pra Vinera Reserve $13.99
502240 Projection $11.99
542601 Roberts & Rogers Howell Mountain $79.99
Columbia 510400 Roberts & Rogers Napa $44.99
Crest Grand Estates 524528 Roth Estate $24.99
Chateau 504502 Seven Hills $21.99
Ste. 521716 Shannon Ridge $10.99
Michelle Don't let the price fool you, these 504688 Terraces 2014 $59.99
are some of the best everyday 510866 Tisdale $3.49
Indian Wells tables wines to come out of 549675 Torchbearer Napa $21.99
Washington. 575015 Torchbearer Oakville $34.99
554075 Vina Robles $17.99
500336 Whitehall Lane $34.99
Wines created in the 605530 Cabernet 8.99SALE $ 606701 Woodbridge 1.50L $9.49
luscious, opulent New 507952 Chardonnay DOMESTIC CHARDONNAY
World style. 605532 Merlot PRICE
Item# Description Sale
550150 Cabernet 550001 Baus Family Sonoma $16.99
540260 Chardonnay 553456 Black Box 3.0L
Wente Whitehall 641275 Bogle $7.99
13.99540772 Merlot Lane Bota Box 510446 $15.98
For five generations, 3.0L HOT VALUE! $11.99
SALE $ the Wente family has Flavors of blackberry, 540290 Bread & Butter
been dedicated to the currant, black cherry 550482 Buehler Vineyards Russian River $11.99
PRICE art of winemaking and toasty oak meld 533244 Butter $13.99
and to the philosophy exquisitely with ample 607224 Chateau Ste Michelle $8.99
Colby that the quality of a mid-palate weight, a 540260 Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells $13.99
wine originates in the silky mouth-feel and 500898 Clos du Bois $9.99
Colby Red is a flavorful vineyard. luxuriously smooth 605526 Columbia Crest 2-Vines HOTVALUE! $6.98
California cuvée of tannins. 507952 Columbia Crest Grand Estate $8.99
Cabernet Sauvignon, 11.99 607508 Morning Fog Chardonnay 510844 Cupcake $7.49
Zinfandel, Shiraz, 34.99 500336 Cabernet Sauvignon 655008 Cuvaison $18.99
Merlot & Petite Sirah. SALE $ 554741 Emerge $11.99
SALE $ 540138 Far Niente $54.99
512584 Red PRICE 550332 Ferrari Carano $18.99
PRICE 535271 Fog Mountain $11.99
SALE $ 15.99 509320 Riva Ranch Chardonnay 507956 Gary Farrell Russian River $29.99
502242 Gearbox $14.99
9.99PRICE SALE $ 606336 Hess Select $9.99
J Lohr 600160 $9.98
Item# Description Sale Item# Description Sale Delicious
510242 Joel Gott $12.99 601156 Chateau Ste Michelle $8.99 Projection
511856 Josh Cellars $10.99 550918 Ferrari-Carano $11.99
642540 La Crema Sonoma HOTVALUE! $13.98 535275 Fog Mountain $11.99
538640 Mazzocco $15.99 510244 Joel Gott $10.99
507620 Mer Soleil Santa Lucia $27.99 500210 Vina Robles $12.99
500008 Mer Soleil Silver $19.99 606706 Woodbridge 1.50L $9.49
500023 Mud Pie $11.99
551156 Newton Unfiltered $39.99 DOMESTIC ZINFANDEL Sale
554002 Pine Ridge Carneros $19.99 Item# Description
502239 Projection $10.99 $12.99 These California gems are a must for your dinner table.
620224 Rombauer HOT VALUE! $36.98 507360 Cline Ancient Vines $9.99 In fact, open a bottle before dinner and enjoy!
551982 Sonoma Cutrer $16.99 507162 Cline California $12.99
530752 Terraces 2015 $34.99 547149 Gusher $18.99 11.99 10.99$502240Cabernet
504689 Terraces 2016 $34.99 556691 Mazzocco $11.99
510868 Tisdale $3.49 699105 Mud Pie $11.99 SALE
521580 Trefethen Double T $12.99 515526 Pra Vinera Reserve $24.99 PRICE
501670 Vina Robles $15.99 548143 Rossi Wallace $12.99 $502239 Chardonnay
534241 Vina Robles Karma $10.99 551068 Seven Deadly Zins $35.99
509320 Wente Riva Ranch $15.99 504690 Terraces 2015 $14.99 SALE
523473 William Hill North Coast $12.99 575014 Torchbearer Lodi $14.99 PRICE
606710 Woodbridge 1.50L $9.49 502241 Windstorm
Item# Description Sale
Item# Description Sale 511212 14 Hands Hot to Trot Red HOTVALUE! $19.99 Chateau Ste. Michelle is Washington
$16.99 502232 29 & Oak Napa Proprietary Red
553458 Black Box 3.0L 511112 Apothic Red $7.99 State’s founding winery featuring
508406 Blackstone $7.49 510826 Black Box Malbec 3.0L $16.99
640970 Bogle $7.99 641160 Bogle Petite Sirah $8.99 award-winning 607230 Riesling
607234 Chateau Ste Michelle $11.99 531028 Bota Box Nighthawk wines. 600994 Gewurztraminer
540772 Chateau Ste Michelle Indian Wells $13.99 Black 3.0L HOT VALUE! 7.99SALE $
509454 Columbia Crest 2-Vines HOTVALUE! $6.98 512088 Bota Box Redvolution 3.0L $15.98 601156 Sauvignon Blanc
605532 Columbia Crest Grand Estate $8.99 510836 Chappellet Mtn Cuvee HOT VALUE! $15.98 PRICE
535484 Emerge $11.99 $29.99
501490 Cline Cashmere Red $12.99 607224 Chardonnay 607236 Cabernet
535274 Fog Mountain $11.99 8.99 11.99550412 Pinot Gris
547147 Headstand $11.99 549697 Cline Farmhouse Red $9.99 607234 Merlot
510870 Tisdale $3.49 512584 Colby Red $9.99 SALE $
508890 Columbia Crest 2-Vines PRICE SALE $
551104 Ferrari-Carano Siena $15.99 PRICE
535273 Fog Mountain Field Blend $11.99
Item# Description Sale 509384 Menage a Trois Red $8.99
502238 Method Proprietary Red $16.99
500782 Black Box 3.0L $16.99 574115 Michael David Freakshow Red $15.99 Duckhorn Gary
Bota Box 510442 $15.98 510992 Michael David Petite Petit $12.99 Farrell
3.0L HOT VALUE! $14.99 503351 Mija Red Sangria $9.99 This full-bodied Cabernet is
576341 Second Growth Willamette $3.49 550991 Mud Pie Petite Sirah $11.99 the perfect wine for that Combining a full
511114 Tisdale $9.49 551158 Newton Claret $19.99 special occasion. palate with generous
509052 Woodbridge 1.50L 504556 Nota Bene Arianses $21.99 fruit flavors, finesse
504558 Nota Bene Ciel du Cheval $32.99 59.99551288 Cabernet and elegance, this
DOMESTIC PINOT NOIR Sale 504557 Nota Bene Dineen $25.99 Chardonnay is a
Item# Description 504559 Nota Bene Syrah $23.99 SALE $ must for your cellar.
$15.99 504560 Nota Bene Una Notte $27.99
501982 A to Z $15.99 515527 Obscured Red Blend HOTVALUE! $8.98 PRICE 507956 R ussian River
500007 Angels Landing $15.99 550448 Our Daily Red $8.99
550002 Baus Family Sonoma $16.99 547148 Protest Red $24.99 Chardonnay
561771 Black Box 3.0L $15.98
Bota Box 501291 $15.99 29.99SALE $
3.0L HOT VALUE! $49.99
510056 Cloudline $11.99 PRICE
552328 Domaine Serene Yamhill $14.99
535412 Fog Mountain $12.99
502243 Gearbox $18.98 521718 Shannon Ridge Playtime
521528 Josh Cellars $7.99 Red Blend $10.99
$24.99 504104 Terraces Rhyolite Estates
620126 La Crema Sonoma HOTVALUE! $16.98 Red Blend 2013 $84.99
551272 Mark West California $12.99 510398 The Prisoner $39.99
560012 Matrix Russian River $11.99 501668 Vina Robles Red 4 $13.99 Michael David Winery
Meiomi 550832 $29.99
624543 Montoya DOMESTIC WHITE
515524 Pra Vinera Reserve This hugely popular Zinfandel spends 12 months in both
515289 Rossi Wallace Item# Description Sale French and American oak. The Cabernet is a dense, rich, full-
bodied, meaty, almost Mediterranean style of wine. The
576343 Second Growth $25.99 600994 Chateau Ste Michelle $7.99 Petite Petit is brimming with aromas of dark fruit, vanilla
Chehalem Mountain $28.99 Gewurztraminer $7.99 bean and cocoa. This wine packs one jammy punch.
576344 Second Growth Dundee Hills $18.99 607230 Chateau Ste Michelle Riesling $9.99
576342 Second Growth Willamette $3.49 549698 Cline Farmhouse White $17.99
510876 Tisdale $9.49 601802 Conundrum White $9.99 513918 F reakshow Cabernet
550560 Woodbridge 1.50L 503352 Mija White Sangria $11.99
DOMESTIC SAUVIGNON BLANC 501458 Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc/Viognier 510992 P etite Petit 90 pts. R.P.
510316 Vina Robles White 4 $13.99
$90 pts. R.P. $574115 F reakshow Red Blend
Item# Description Sale 12.99 12.99 15.99$ 551068 Zinfandel 500891 Red
510450 Black Box 3.0L $16.99 SALE
Bota Box 534192 $15.98 PRICE
Lovely Bread SPARKLING
POTPOURRI & Butter I6666666666666666666666566666t9010025530031305305200530319e0857850493269480040297244464m1400322307898070797511141022#8711480658728974472298135375 6794148813238761904286864460 DBCBSBVCLCBJBDLNBMDVSFRMLSLLMeeeeeeraiaaaeeeeaoaaoooooisleauauctvvcvsgguuctceVVuuummMMieronsaammiaaexiiuuvvdaaiiipoolslllVettrFteeeaaarrllFeLllliiiiPmmoooonDaaaiDnnCosairosSSrnCCnecBuentttearelaaVVpp ueFralloerCNrttriBRBlpiiiiileiaaellccPRruguuulsEaPCaCoArlalarruqqBraotunlddv skkorpIhsioi LsiuucnonrtsetlolalaeratBuPasuaaeii eoodscesissnnn ennr rttteBttoBouetggRdc RBMHdacRerNRncOslteoorcuBoaTBRooeEo u/BoPsVsNtnnrBoxrcsVsAteeurruHLecPctelesouHUB ROatrotD eOrEgHTasd t !NnreTe O V eoruVe TAssDco/AclLVtteLUVo BrcABiUErLgyHoEr! Ulvr!eOaEe uPTa! sn Vtr Ao cLsUsE e! c c$o1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1111131112111251114145$$$$$$9998992169996462634322620029............................9999999999999999999999999999Sa8989999999998899999989999999le
Ferrari Carano
Stylish and distinguished wines. Full-bodied wine that BEAUJOLAIS
550918 Fume Blanc is easy on the wallet.
90 pts CA Grapevine!
29.99508232 M erlot 18.99$550332 Chardonnay 11.99540290 Chardonnay
11.99SALE $
BOTTLE 39.99 15.99$ $512982 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 551104 Siena PRICE
BOTTLE Zinfandel
Bogle A beautiful medium-
bodied wine with low
A favorite of Haskell’s tannins, mild acidity
customers through and a robust palate.
the years. The wines
are always delicious 547149 Zinfandel
and the prices are
always just right. 12.99SALE $
640910 Cabernet Item# Description $9.9Sa9le
641160 Petite Sirah $10.99
Bianchi 654484 Beaujolais Villages Charles Vienot $11.99
SALE $ 611704 Beaujolais Villages Duboeuf $15.99
Columbia One of the hottest white 610324 Beaujolais Villages Jadot
8.99PRICE Crest Two Vines wines on the market! 630232 Brouilly Louis Tete
641275 Chardonnay 8.99612072 N ew AgeWhite (Sweet) Item# Description Sale
650441 Mount Tabor Cabernet Sauvignon $12.99
$640970 Merlot Consistent “Best Value” and “Best SALE $ 650440 Mount Tabor Chardonnay $12.99
Buy” picks.
509450 Cabernet 509454 Merlot 666It515e824m593#092 805 DCBCeohosctaureitcpsethiaodanuu rdCRlGharroeknneeaRcRohasesé-t eClilnasinasulRtoRsoés é $$11$990...999Sa999le
7.99PRICE $6.98508890 Merlot/Cabernet 605526 Chardonnay Jam
SALE Cellars
Protest PRICE
HOT VALUE! 640832 Cotes du Rhone Rosé
This Sonoma County Chateau d'Aigueville HOTVALUE!
red wine blend, which 645263 Domaine de Fazi $9.98
finished aging in craft $9.99
rye whiskey barrels for The Butter Chardonnay
45 days, provides aromas Mt Tabor has a rich creamy 660515 Domaine Grand Bourjassot
and flavors that will texture that will Sablet 2015 $14.99
challenge your senses. Fresh and fruit driven melt in your mouth. 647115 Gerard Bertrand Cote Des Roses $15.99
Kosher wines for any 624809 l'Opale Rosé $10.99
24.99547148 Red Blend occasion. 13.99533244 Chardonnay 645264 Mado en Provence $16.99
630018 Marques de Caceres Rosé $8.99
SALE $ 650441 Cabernet SALE $
650440 Chardonnay
QuLaimntiitteieds! 12.99SALE $ Method Our
Gerard PRICE Fantastic California
Bertrand wines! Pure wines, no
Meschini preservatives added!
Malbec wines from 514336 Cabernet
Argentina at their finest.
Fresh finish with hints of 16.99502238 Proprietary Red 2015 8.99550448 Red
candy. Pick up this 9.99$626104 Malbec
wonderful French Rosé. SALE $ SALE $
647115 Cote de Roses PRICE PRICE PRICE
SALE $ 13.99$626114 Malbec Reserva 502234 C abernet Sauvignon
15.99PRICE SALE 29.99Napa2014
Item# Description $15.9Sa9le Cavatina Bubbly
635501 Rendez-Vous $19.99 Champagne quality for a & WORLDWIDE
600029 Rosé d'Anjou Ligeriens $5.99 fraction of the cost!
635447 Sancerre Rosé Benoit Girard $14.99
600490 Santa Rita 120 Rosé of Cabernet $4.99 632084 Prosecco
563641 Second Growth Willamette Rosé $4.99 632083 S parkling Moscato
509240 Sutter Home White Merlot
601030 Sutter Home White Zinfandel
606352 Rose Le Val Piattelli
5665656666I6666t21102401231621e05660200621062m20564112040002#50249310100776 20044552008531 DCCAFPSPSCBMSMCelpiaaaaaiiigeslaaaeecvnlllliucttllllrncsseiiiiittthpaeccaaaacaeerthharihtlloBABAAiCollsiinbiiinnleelll podNatttCMiillaaacylieaOeRMankaTbSMwMaeLaloSaheMboksryaClareiAesrbrnrlCalaorbcaagbeAalevbn zbheecestanet c e/ckeWSdr MMc nsaMe heuaasatillvtGbblSeibgere aaenccunc ov nMig anlobne c $$$$$$$$11111111$$$$$$89999903110520..............99999999999999Sa99999999999999le 9.98HOT VALUE! These remarkable Some of our best
sparkling wines are selling Argentinean
SALE $ the result of combining wines. Quality wines at
noble varietals with affordable prices
traditional methods. 566400 Cabernet
630228 Brut 10.99611290 Malbec
630229 Rose
NMaupmam 12.99Lively and fresh, perfect Domaine
AUSTRALIAN for wedding receptions de Fazi
and other get-togethers. Spice Rosé
Item# Description $7.9Sa9le Block
$7.99 604184 Napa Brut Prestige This is one of the best
601914 Koala Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon $7.99 554046 Cuvee M Our best selling Rosé wines we have
601920 Koala Ranch Chardonnay $7.99 Argentinean wine. tasted in years. At this
601921 Koala Ranch Sauvignon Blanc $5.49 16.99SALE $ price, you will want to
601916 Koala Ranch Shiraz $5.49 buy a case!
601004 Yellow Tail Cabernet Sauvignon $5.49 PRICE
613928 Yellow Tail Chardonnay $5.49 9.99$645263 Rosé
607148 Yellow Tail Pinot Grigio Stock up today, you
613930 Yellow Tail Shiraz won't be disappointed. SALE PRICE
12.99500035 Malbec
CHILEAN $5.9Sa9le Rothschild
Item# Description $5.99 Family SALE $
120 Cabernet Sauvignon $5.99
602164 Santa Rita 120 Carmenere $5.99 PRICE
613958 Santa Rita 120 Chardonnay $5.99
601154 Santa Rita 120 Malbec Malbecs Bodegas
600489 Santa Rita 120 Pinot Noir Callia
600251 Santa Rita These wines have great
depth and concentration
Item# Description $24.9Sa9le
$7.49 on the palate and the Intense fruity wines
603524 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc $8.99 finish is rich and long from Argentina.
510766 Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc $11.99 lasting. The Rothschilds
613944 Giesen Sauvignon Blanc $9.99 know how to do it! 626455 Alta Malbec
626460 Kono Sauvignon Blanc $10.98 620220 Alta Torrontes
627152 Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc $10.98 610008 Flechas de 642670 Bella Syrah/Malbec
600410 Seaside Pinot Noir HOTVALUE! $9.99 610001 Malbec Los Andes
600411 Seaside Sauvignon Blanc HOTVALUE! $11.99 11.99 15.99$SALE PRICE $SALE PRICE 9.99635265 Shiraz
629694 Sileni Sauvignon Blanc $13.99
500032 Silver Beach Sauvignon Blanc SALE $
550848 Whitehaven Sauvignon Blanc
New Oyster Bodegas El Koala SelSetcatfiof n
Zealand Bay Portillo Ranch
Giesen Tropical fruit and a Dedicated to making Koala Ranch is back! Grab a case
refreshing finish. quality wines for everyday or two of this wonderfully made
A wonderful citrus enjoyment. Australian wine. Excellent
nose with a hint of 9.99627152 S auvignon Blanc wine at a great price.
gooseberry. Perfect 660456 Cabernet
with grilled fish. SALE $ 660458 Malbec 601914 Cabernet
660459 Pinot Noir 601920 Chardonnay
613944 Sauvignon Blanc PRICE
10.99660545 Sauvignon Blanc $7.99601921 Sauvignon Blanc
8.99SALE $ New
Zealand SALE $ 601916 Shiraz
Refreshing DOMESTIC CRAFT BEER 362714 Squatters Hop Rising 6pk cans $8.99
BEER & CIDER Item# Description Size Sale 349285 Squatters Orange Golden Ale 6pk cans $8.99
323320 Bells Limited Seasonal 6pk btls $8.99 349286 SquattersTropical Double IPA 6pk cans $8.99
Sam Adams 402003 Bells Porter 6pk btls $7.99
335447 Bells Seasonal 6pk btls $7.99 IMPORT BEER
309107 Seasonal 12pk btls Item# Description Size Sale
398812 Bells Two Hearted 6pk btls $8.99 12pk btls $13.99
13.99348890 '76 12pk cans 303101 Blue Moon Belgian White 12pk btls $13.99 400002 Amstel Light
400536 Corona 12pk btls $13.99
SALE $ 306596 Blue Moon Belgian White 15pk cans $13.99 412554 Corona 12pk cans $13.99
303102 Blue Moon Seasonal 12pk btls $13.99
PRICE 303103 Blue Moon Variety 12pk btls $13.99 400544 Corona Light 12pk btls $13.99
405068 Corona Premier 12pk btls $13.99
354412 Brooklyn Brewery Sampler 12pk btls $13.99 405069 Corona Premier 12pk cans $13.99
352474 Brooklyn Brewery Seasonal 12pk cans $13.99
340596 Deschutes Fresh Squeezed 12pk btls $17.99 490082 Dos Equil Lager 12pk cans $13.99
400000 Dos Equis Amber 12pk btls $13.99
355513 Deschutes Fresh Squeezed 12pk cans $17.99 498932 Dos Equis Lager 12pk btls $13.99
305666 Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA 12pk cans $18.99
305665 Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA 6pk btls $10.99 444220 Guinness 12pk btls $13.99
400034 Guinness Extra Stout 12pk btls $14.99
305667 Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA 4pk btls $10.99 400051 Heineken 12pk btls $13.99
305670 Dogfish Head
Flesh & Blood IPA 6pk cans $13.99 400054 Heineken Light 12pk btls $13.99
400020 Heineken Light 12pk cans $13.99
305671 Dogfish Head Seaquench Ale 6pk cans $10.99 400822 Newcastle 12pk btls $12.99
Summit 320227 Founders All Day IPA 15pk cans $14.99
305591 Founders Centennial IPA 15pk cans $14.99 310260 Ommegang Gift Pack $24.99
322362 Summit Seasonal 12pk btls 467600 Paulander Oktoberfest 12pk btls $14.99
300105 Full Sail Session Lager 12pk btls $9.99 485424 Paulaner Hefe Weisse 12pk btls $14.99
12.99310914 Summit Seasonal 12pk cans 304523 Goose Island 312 Wheat 12pk btls $13.99
385473 Goose Island IPA 12pk btls $13.99 400893 Paulaner Variety 12pk btls $14.99
SALE $ 414056 Stella Artois 12pk btls $13.99
365541 Goose Island Seasonal 12pk btls $13.99 436658 Stella Artois 12pk cans $13.99
PRICE 325586 Goose Island Variety Pack 12pk btls $13.99
346500 Kona Big Wave 12pk btls $13.99 MINNESOTA CRAFT BEER
Schell's 362571 Kona Long Board Lager 12pk btls $13.99
354153 Kona Variety Pack 12pk btls $13.99 Item# Description Size Sale
398828 Schell's Oktoberfest 12pk btls
359022 Lagunitas IPA 12pk btls $15.99 346066 21st Amendment 15pk cans $16.99
12.99315850 Schell's Firebrick 12pk btls 356451 Lagunitas Lil Sumpin 12pk btls $15.99 Blood Orange IPA
306601 21st Amendment Brew
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