SATURDAY september 29
art. performance. local. free.
ART ALL NIGHT 2018 venues
punch here
femme fatale dc (pP. 6-7)
1 4620 wisconsin avenue
the bold center (pp. 8-9) new this year!
4000 chesapeake Street
seoulspice (p. 10) Raffle
3 4600 wisconsin avenue
Get a hole punched for each A t All
Night venue you visit!
4 welcome center (p. 11) Visit at least 10 locations (we’ve
4601 41st street
given you 2 to sta t!) to be entered
5 the tile shop (p. 12) into a ra le for great prizes from
4530 wisconsin avenue local Tenleytown businesses!
No cost to enter! Simply bring your
6 middle c music (p. 13) completed map to the Welcome
Center by 11:45 p.m. to be entered.
4530 wisconsin avenue
7 whole foods market (p. 14)
4530 40th street (wisconsin avenue entrance)
8 st. columba’s church (p. 15)
4201 albemarle street
9 Iona senior services (p. 16)
4125 albemarle Street
10 janney elementary school (p. 17)
FREE PUNCH 4130 albemarle street
11 best buy window (p. 18)
FREE PUNCH corner of wisconsin & albemarle
12 tenleytown metro plaza (p. 19)
corner of wisconsin & albemarle
4450 wisconsin avenue
1 40th St.Chesapeake St.
Wisconsin Ave. 2
3 4
art all night
welcome center
Brandywine St.
the tile shop
middle c
River Rd.
7 Fort Dr.
40th St.
whole foods
Wisconsin Ave. shuttle
42nd St.
AU museum
8 9 11 12
st. iona senior best buy metro plaza
columba’s services (window display)
Albemarle St.
10 13
Janney Elementary tenley-friendship
school library
au museum insetNtebernaslkeaytAtoveo.wn to amerimcaunseuunmiversity
WARD CIRCLE art of the drink specials
AU museum-tenley shuttle stop
art all night 2018
Tenleytown Main Street kicks o A t All Night with a special
pe formance of music and dance from around the world as we
celebrate the power of the a ts to transform and transpo t
you. Join us at the Metro Plaza (Wisconsin Avenue &
Albemarle Street) at 7:00 p.m.
Then, follow our pe formers along Wisconsin Avenue as they
herald the sta t of the a ts festival, passing Tenleytown’s a t
and pe formance venues. The procession ends back at the
Metro, but your a t journey is just beginning! Enjoy a t, music,
dance, poet y, theater, and more at 14 venues throughout the
night. And look for amazing chalk a t creations by Rajan
Sedalia in front of the Container Store and along Tenleytown’s
sidewalks as you explore A t All Night.
page 4
Located at 4601 41st Street, NW (intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and
Brandywine Street), the Welcome Center is your place to ind general
information about A t All Night; buy limited edition Tenleytown t-shi ts;
enter the A t All Night Ra le (details on page 2); and purchase A t of the
Drink wristbands (details below). Be sure to bring your punched
guidebook to the Welcome Center by 11:45pm to be entered into the
drawing for great prizes donated by located businesses!
art of the drink
Back by popular demand, the A t of the Drink features special tastings
at select Tenleytown a t and pe formance venues and requires the
purchase of an A t All Night wristband sold ONLY at the Welcome
Center. Please note that designated A t All Night locations se ving
alcohol will not accept payments for drinks and will require you to show
your wristband. Wristbands provide access to ive cocktail, wine, and
beer tastings, all for just $20!
American Universi y will provide FREE shu tle se vice be ween the
Tenleytown-AU Metro Station (Red Line) and the American Universi y
Museum eve y 15 minutes. Look for A t All Night signs marking the
shu tle stops.
page 5
femme fatale DC
4620 wisconsin avenue
A t collective Femme Fatale DC celebrates A t All Night with 8,000 sq. t. of dance pe
for live music from Tenleytown favorite, Cheaper Than Therapy. View an outdoor exh
window vigne tes invite viewers not to look through but within. Step inside to enjo
central exhibit space, take in works by more than a dozen women a tists of all ages
least, Femme Fatale DC opens its retail shop so you can bring a t home with you. Sho
Enjoy international dance pe formances while you shop - and then show o your ow
art on display
Laura Aikman exhibits paintings of s ylized, colo ful trees
A tisia Bu ton presents 3D dress form a t pieces
Renee Comet presents beautiful - and usable - textile a t
Calvin Custen presents mixed media & illuminated sculpture
Leslie Goldman exhibits works in ink and oils
Pamela Gordimer exhibits vibrant paintings
Jour'dan Haynes shows photography and paintings
Shyama Kuver depicts the world of the soul in multiple media
Mohini Malhotra presents curated paintings by women a tists
Haley McKey shows a t inspired by nature, mythology, and the female form
Carol Morgan explores the human form
Rose Mosner favors bold colors in abstract forms
Brianna Pippens explores the nuanced beau y and eccentrici y of women
Elissa Poma’s ci yscapes feature DC neighborhoods
Sarah Renzi Sanders creates energetic cosmic paintings
Leslie Saunders presents photographic abstractions
Julie Sheah is an illustrator and book a tist
Heather Sulton exhibits whimsical, eclectic paintings
page 6
e pe formances, music, exhibits, and even a retail shop. Visit the a t lounge and patio
exhibit by Calvin Custen, whose altar pieces car y subliminal social statements while
enjoy vibrant po trayals of the natural world and DC ci yscapes. At Femme Fatale’s
ges who explore abstraction, the beau y of the human form, and more. Last, but not
Shop jewel y, a work, textiles, and more from dozens of local women entrepreneurs.
own moves as a DJ keeps the pa y going late!
art on display (continued)
Monica Vercillo uses vibrant color and pa tern in her paintings
Danon Walton features her bright, bold mixed media a work
art of the drink
Cra t cocktails presented by local mixologists and Bluecoat Gin in the retail shop.
Wine and sparkling wine in the a t lounge. Purchase A t of the Drink wristbands
at the Welcome Center to enjoy.
7:30-8:10 p.m. Taal Academy of Dance will pe form Bollywood,
folk, and classical dances (retail shop)
8:00-10:00 p.m. Cheaper Than Therapy rocks out on the patio (a t lounge)
8:20-8:50 p.m. Flamenco dancing by La Magdalena (retail shop)
9:00-9:50 p.m. Belly dancing with Sahara Dance (retail lounge)
10:00 p.m. DJ Teddy beats brings the music, you bring your
moves (retail shop)
10:00 p.m. DJ G-Rock spins wordly beats (a t lounge)
10:15 p.m. Street Light Circus’ juggler and hand-balancer pe form against a
multimedia backdrop of images of their urban circus
page 7
the bold center
4000 chesapeake street
The BOLD Center o ers an enticing, eclectic stage for visual and pe forming a ts. Pain
intimately lit pe formance lounge o ers cozy tables from which to enjoy live music an
follow the life-sized illuminated sheep, on loan from the iSheep exhibit just back from
art on display
Facul y members from Photoworks at Glen Echo Park display photographs
that combine technical experimentation with a tistic vision
Jaime Jazell exhibits po traiture and ine a t photographs
Ter y Pellmar showcases digital a t and mixed media
Ravi Raman’s paintings re lect inspirations from the world around him,
ranging from music to literature to places he has traveled to people he meets
Lyubomira Buresch is an expressionist a tist who uses contempora y visual
language to map a recognizable emotional geography in her paintings
A tists Pauline Rakis and Kath yn Camicia present oil and ac ylic paintings
highlighting intuitive elements, states of mind, and abstract landscapes
Veyron Pax explores topics of immigration and identi y politics through the
digital manipulation of photography and video
Life-sized, illuminated, interactive sheep sculptures from the iSheep exhibit
on loan from Bardia Saeedi
page 8
aintings, photography, and digital a t ill the BOLD Center’s extended galle y hall. The
and dance pe formances. And don’t miss special drink o erings at this location. Just
rom Burning Man, that will guide you to the steps of the BOLD Center.
art of the drink
Cocktails from ultra-premium EFFEN Vodka. Purchase A t of the Drink
wristbands at the Welcome Center to enjoy.
7:30-11:30 p.m. Live music by jazz qua tet
8:00 p.m. Original choreography by the Davis Center
9:00 p.m. Original choreography by Joy of Motion
page 9
4600 wisconsin avenue
The American Universi y Photo Collective presents 23 works depicting the
concept of distressed and disto ted, o ering a strong sense of visual and
emotional tension. A t All Night visitors can take home an image
commemorating the evening at a Polaroid photo booth. And while you are
there, enjoy SEOULSPICE’s traditional Korean lavors with a modern wist.
Happy Hour specials, in addition to their full menu, available until midnight.
performance schedule
Throughout the evening, listen to music curated by Calkidan Fissehaby, General
Manager of American Universi y’s campus radio station, WVAU.
page 10
art all night
welcome center
4601 41st street
Located at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and Brandywine Street, the
Welcome Center is your place to ind general information about A t All
Night; buy limited edition Tenleytown t-shi ts; enter the A t All Night Ra le
(details on page 2); and purchase A t of the Drink wristbands (details
below). Be sure to bring your punched guidebooks to the Welcome Center
by 11:45pm to be entered into a drawing for great prizes donated by located
art on display
Theodore Ca ter presents the “Tenleytown Bestia y and Sel ie Garden.” Friendly
enough for the smallest visitors, yet big enough to astound, the creatures in our
bestia y love to show o their teeth, claws, and impressive size! Come and grab
that pe fect sel ie with a menacing beast looming overhead. The irst 100
visitors will also get a piece of a t to take home.
performance schedule
8:00-11:00 p.m. Jim Green ield presents “100 Years of Popular Music.” Listen as
he pe forms at least one song from eve y decade from 1900 to
page 11
the tile shop
4530 wisconsin avenue
Amidst a backdrop of gleaming tiles, visitors can explore whimsical
mosaics, get lost in geometric abstractions, encounter voodoo
priestesses, revisit icons of the 70s and 80s, and much more! Enjoy
collages, textiles, paintings, photography, and sculpture on wo levels.
art on display
Prints and cards of collages by Carolyn Long
Colo ful, whimsical mosaics by Ge’Vonna Keyes and Edwin Salmeron
Paintings by David Salgado and Leslie Rose
Collages by Ma t Paul
Photography and paintings by Amber Shemesh
Emotionally charged, abstract sculptures by Laura Bocalandro
Wood collages, oil paintings, and textiles by Lena Frumin
art of the drink
Sample brews from DC’s own 3 Stars Brewing Company. Purchase A t of the
Drink wristbands at the Welcome Center to enjoy.
7:30–9:30 p.m. The Middle C Jazz Ensemble pe forms live in front of The Tile
page 12
middle c music
4530 wisconsin avenue
A t and music always abound at the District’s only full-se vice music
store, so stop by and see the great things that are happening here during
A t All Night.
art on display
Washin ton, DC’s foremost political photographer, Lateef Mangum, reprises
his photography exhibit, giving viewers an inside peek into District politics
Award winning Richmond, VA a tist, Sandra Verna, exhibits a new collection
of watercolors
Pablo Ma tone presents “Relojea te” - unique pictures and jewel y created
from recycled watch pa ts
performance schedule
Enjoy live music in front of Middle C Music throughout the evening
page 13
4530 40TH STREET (entrance off wisconsin avenue)
Whole Food’s outdoor patio transforms into a stage for ma tial a tists,
circus pe formers, and modern dance. Enjoy the pe formances while you
sample wines o ered by Whole Foods and explore exhibits of sculpture,
jewel y, and more in front of the store.
art on display
Tracey Filar A wood exhibits beaded jewel y items - each piece is a unique
expression of both the a tist and the wearer
Sco t Hunter uses papier mâché and other media to create unique sculptural
pieces that tickle the funny bone and spark the mind
Anne Bouie creates organic sculpture from botanicals and found objects
Olga DeNogga presents larger than life sculptures in bold colors and natural
art of the drink
Wine tasting cou tesy of Whole Foods Market. Purchase A t of the Drink
wristbands at the Welcome Center to enjoy.
7:30 p.m. JTR Jujutsu exhibition of emp y-hand self-defense
8:30 p.m. tactics with simulated sparring
9:45 p.m. Be amazed by Street Light Circus’ juggling and
Glade Dance Collective presents an original modern dance
insired by Tenleytown histo y
page 14
st. columba’s
episcopal church
4201 albemarle Street
St. Columba’s welcomes you to explore, create, and listen as you travel
through four large rooms of a work. O ten described as “a watering hole
for the spirit,” St. Columba’s invites all ages to walk a labyrinth while
listening to live music. Or just sit and savor the music. Children - and the
young at hea t - can turn their imagination into creation at the Lego A t
Center, open until 8pm. All will enjoy a t from the Red Pear Galle y and
other area a tists. All ages welcome!
art on display
Photography by Lee Ewing
Sculpture by Nancy Frankel
Red Pear Galle y a tists Robe t Erskine, David F y, Ronald Gardine, and Karen
Schultz present paintings, sculpture, textiles, and wood turnings
performance schedule
7:00-10:00 p.m. St. Columba’s presents “Bach (Almost) All Night” as
area organists pe form works by Johann Sebastian
Bach throughout the evening
page 15
senior services
4125 albemarle street
Iona is proud to exhibit and honor the work of highly skilled a tists who are
over the age of 60. Tour the Lois & Richard England Galle y’s exhibit of
watercolors presented by a tists from the No thwest Neighbors Village,
tap your toes to live music on Iona's front porch, and enjoy lively
conversation and refreshments throughout the evening.
art on display
Colo ful and delicate still life watercolors painted by Andrea Selvaggio, Barbara
He erman, Erica Ling, Nancy Arbuthnot, Shirley Thompson, Soye Kim, Sura Kim,
and Ting Yang. Curated by instructor Joey Mánlapaz.
7:00-9:00 p.m. Andrew Tro ter, with Steve Berg, pe forms Americana and folk
originals on Iona’s front porch
page 16
elementary school
4130 albemarle Street
Grab a blanket, pick up a meal to-go at a nearby restaurant, and enjoy a
picnic as we present “Bluegrass on the Lawn” in front of Janney
Elementa y. A lemonade stand will be provided by the Janney 5th grade
class. This family-friendly event will have all ages tapping their toes.
interactive art
“My Wish for the Future” - Hung along the Janney fence, ind chalkboards where
you can share your wish for the future ... of your neighborhood, your friends and
family, your nation, or your wildest dreams. Tenleytown Main Street will prese ve
these wishes and exhibit them beyond A t All Night.
performance schedule
7:00-9:00 p.m. The Shedkickers
page 17
best buy
corner window
wisconsin avenue & Albemarle street
In celebration of A t All Night, Irene Chan presents “Travel to A t in
Unexpected Places.” Paper airplanes and paper ships traverse across the
window as Tenleytown travels to new places, cultures, and experiences
through the power of a t. Meet the a tist and learn about her process at
7:45, 8:45, and 9:45 p.m. in front of the Best Buy window.
all day & night
page 18
metro plaza
wisconsin avenue & albemarle Street
Tenleytown Main Street kicks o A t All Night with a special pe formance
of music and dance from around the world as we celebrate the power of
the a ts to transform and transpo t you. Then we bring the funk as Crush
Funk Brass Band pe forms funky, jazzed up classics and modern songs.
Dancing encouraged!
performance schedule
8:00-10:00 p.m. Crush Funk Brass Band pe forms on the Metro Plaza
The FREE American Universi y shu tle will run eve y 15 minutes be ween the
Tenleytown Metro Plaza and the American Universi y Museum. Enjoy some
funky music and then hop on the shu tle to visit the A t All Night venue at AU.
Look for A t All Night signs marking the shu tle stop on 40th Street.
page 19
4450 wisconsin avenue
Tenleytown’s past, present, and future is on display at the libra y. Discover a tistic e
a tists and pe formers. Plus the award-winning Wilson High School Poet y Club hos
henna a t.
art on display
Kath yn McDonnell presents “Merging Worlds,” a series of kinetic sculptural
paintings hung dramatically beneath the libra y’s wo-sto y staircase
Visual a ts from area schools, including National Presbyterian School,
CommuniKids, Wilson High School, Alice Deal Middle School, Georgetown Day
School, and more
Anita Seline presents “Janney Days,” a nearly 100-year histo y of Janney
Elementa y’s critical place in the Tenleytown communi y. First published in
2001, the Janney PTA recently re-published the school’s histo y, with Seline
adding a chapter on the school’s expansion years. Copies of the book will be
National Presbyterian School proudly celebrates 50 years in Tenleytown! View
historic photographs from the school's early years, as well as original a t and
images of NPS students' annual Tenleytown study.
page 20
At SEOULSPICE, we combine traditional Korean
flavors with a modern twist!
(Korean sushi-burritos), STREET
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Showers with Bench • Modern Kitchens
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4000 Brandywine Street NW • Washington DC
Mayor muriel bowser presents Art All Night
in pa tnership with Destination Congress Heights, Historic Dupont Circle
Main Streets, H Street Main Street, Minnesota Avenue Main Street,
No th Capitol Main Street, Shaw Main Streets, Tenleytown Main Street,
and Ward 7 Business Pa tnership, with suppo t from the DC Commission
on the A ts & Humanities and the Depa tment of Small and Local
Business Development.
Photography event management
Judy Licht vincent baylor
design public relations
rennie anderson otim williams
Art all Night Logo
ELXEL Creative agency
executive director, tenleytown main street
leigh catherine miles
art of the drink sponsors
EFFEN Vodka BlueCoat Gin Bin 1301 Wine Bar Miolo
Wine Group Human Brands 3 Stars Brewing Company
Whole Foods Market
Art all night planning committee
Shiri Alon Rennie Anderson Lyubomira Buresch Andrew
Huff Lena Frumin Matthew Frumin Helen Gibson Bette
Land Carolyn Long Brian Shell Pleasance Silicki
Dwight Sterling Patricia Witalka
Thank you to the scores of a tists, pe formers, businesses, volunteers, and
the greater Tenleytown communi y for pa ticipating in A t All Night 2018
and joining Tenleytown Main Street in this celebration of the a ts.
tenleytown main street thanks our generous event sponsors
Tenleytown Main Street
4545 42nd street nw suite 214
washington dc 20016