Palliative Program Workflow
Community Referral
Referral received
• Intake Coordinator will schedule [insert hospice name] admission RN to evaluate all
incoming referrals.
• If it is determined that the patient does not qualify for hospice services or does not wish
to enroll onto [insert hospice name], education will be provided regarding the Palliative
o If patient and/or family request Palliative Program services, nurse will obtain
signed Palliative Program Agreement.
Initial phone call will be made by Palliative Outreach Coordinator within 5 days of a referral,
unless requested sooner.
• Complete documentation of initial phone call & needs assessment in EMR in the Notes
• Outreach Coordinator will send copy of note to assigned liaison, Intake Coordinator and
Palliative Program management.
o Engagement with facilities will be done in person by assigned liaison, not
Palliative Outreach Coordinator.
Internal Referral from Hospice – Live Discharge
Referral Received
• When a patient is discharged live from Hospice, they will be offered services from
the Palliative Program once discharge planning has been initiated.
o If patient and/or family request Palliative Program services, nurse will obtain
signed Palliative Program Agreement.
Initial phone call will be made by Palliative Outreach Coordinator within 5 days of a referral,
unless requested sooner.
• Complete documentation of initial phone call & needs assessment in EMR in the
Notes section.
• Outreach Coordinator will send copy of note to assigned liaison, hospice Intake
Coordinator and Palliative Program management.
o Engagement with facilities will be done in person by assigned liaison, not
Palliative Outreach Coordinator.
Palliative Essentials provides patients who have a life-limiting illness with supportive care coordination.