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God’s End-Time Moves is as much about the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit as it is about the affirmation of His Truth and Word, both of which shall touch down everywhere on earth. This book is a work of the End-Time Prophetic Mission, to show in what direction the Lord God of All Creation will be leading the world and, even more so, the Church. God is set to show in every way that the world is not in place by accident, and the Spirit of God will appear to walk on two feet while still being solidly Spirit. In His mercy and grace, God always allows an adequate period of preparation so that no one will be caught unaware, except by personal choice. God’s End-Time Moves, therefore, is His wakeup call!

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Published by Outskirts Press, 2020-01-20 11:36:18

God's End Time Moves by Ida ZaraGrace Iyen-Aghedo

God’s End-Time Moves is as much about the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit as it is about the affirmation of His Truth and Word, both of which shall touch down everywhere on earth. This book is a work of the End-Time Prophetic Mission, to show in what direction the Lord God of All Creation will be leading the world and, even more so, the Church. God is set to show in every way that the world is not in place by accident, and the Spirit of God will appear to walk on two feet while still being solidly Spirit. In His mercy and grace, God always allows an adequate period of preparation so that no one will be caught unaware, except by personal choice. God’s End-Time Moves, therefore, is His wakeup call!

God’s End Time Moves
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2018 Ida ZaraGrace Iyen-Aghedo

All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any
other person or work. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. The views expressed
in this book are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Except as otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV).
Copyright © 2000 by Zondervan. Used with permission.

Bold lettering has been added by author for emphasis.

Milestones Publishing

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-578-20403-1
Hardback ISBN: 978-0-578-20404-8

Cover Photo © 2018 Ida ZaraGrace Iyen-Aghedo. All rights reserved - used with permission.


A Solemn Declaration!

By God’s Grace and Truth, I am Ida the Prophet, who is also
known as Prophet/Evangelist ZaraGrace Iyen-Aghedo, and do
hereby solemnly declare, that by affirmation of God’s Prophetic
Word, in the End-time Moves of God—THE LORD GOD OF ALL
CREATION, that I am an End-time prophet of God, to the Church
and to the nations.

That by the same mandate, I have been called to speak on any issue
affecting human life on earth, and/or matters affecting the Church
of God on earth; That this role will be played to its fullest extent,
by God’s truths and revelations, WITHOUT ANY RESERVATIONS,
UNLESS IT IS SO INSTRUCTED; And that I perform this duty in
the execution of my Office as a Prophet of God, without recourse
to any third party; That none of what is contained on these pages
is meant as an offense to any individual or group of people; But
should anyone have questions, or take issue with any part of this
book, I will be available to answer such questions.


Scriptural Introduction

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons
and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.

Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my
Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the
earth…” –Joel 2:28-30.

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do
not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and
flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:

It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” –Isaiah 55:10-11.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole
world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”—
Matthew 24:14.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgment ........................................................................ i
Preface ...................................................................................... iii
Introduction................................................................................ v

1. The End-time Move of God.................................................. 1
2. The Weight of Evidence ..................................................... 13
3. Saints of God..................................................................... 21
4. The Rule of Order.............................................................. 36
5. Behold! The Kingdom of God ............................................ 50
6. PROPHECY ....................................................................... 58
7. Grace And Wisdom ........................................................... 73
8. Interpretation..................................................................... 85
9. Holy Spirit Ministry ......................................................... 103
10. The Anointing ................................................................. 115
11. Symbols And Representations .......................................... 133
12. World of the Dotcoms ..................................................... 149
13. The Connection ............................................................... 157
14. The Believer’s Choice ...................................................... 170
15. Toward A Better Understanding ....................................... 180
16. Birthing ........................................................................... 221
17. Forgiveness ..................................................................... 244

18. God’s Determination ....................................................... 264
19. Reach In To Reach Out .................................................... 290
20. He Bore The Prize............................................................ 323
21. It Is A Treasure ................................................................. 334
22. And God Remembered!................................................... 364
23. A Bold New Move ........................................................... 375

Post Script ............................................................................. 399
Appendix................................................................................ 435
Notes...................................................................................... 437
Bible Reference ...................................................................... 443
Index ...................................................................................... 450


I acknowledge that the work set down in this book is from
beginning to end the work of the Holy Spirit of God, having no
more role in it except as a Prophet of God whose hand has been
used to make the writing possible. Everything you read here is
from beginning to end a teaching from the Lord; by a One-to-one
ministration, by direct instruction, by leading, and by visions and
revelations of all kinds, which may be by day or by night, and/or
by previously recorded teaching from God.

Therefore, I take not the glory! All the glory and praise belong
to the LORD GOD OF ALL CREATION, through the name of Jesus
Christ, Savior of all.



God’s End-time Moves is as much about the outpouring of
God’s Holy Spirit as it is about the affirmation of His Truth. Both the
outpouring of His Spirit and the affirmation of His Word shall touch
down everywhere on earth. A major move is already under way
to close many churches and to renew others. The churches which
formerly laid claim to God’s Word as if it were their sole right to
preach the Good News, shall become exit points for people seeking
true salvation and true wisdom from God. Manifestations of God’s
Holy Spirit and of His Movements shall be reported in many places
around the world. Calculated attempts to thwart these movements
shall be dealt invisible blows, and such attempts will be crushed.

A corrupted version of God’s Holy Moves will also be in place,
but will be exposed without any waste of time. Those who have
learned to depend upon God will become more confident to call
upon His name. The Church of God shall become like “a merry-
making” body, as there shall be ushered in a great celebration, not
only for the victories of God, but also in anticipation of Christ’s
return to earth. No one knows the day or the hour of His return,
but every activity and sign shall point in that direction. The flavor
of God’s Holy Word and Truth shall permeate the earth. And the
relationship between God and humanity shall be headed for that
direction and bound for that path, which God alone created before
time began. And so sweet shall it be, heaven and earth will appear
merged as one, both in purpose and in affirmation. These Moves of
God shall be seen from all corners of the earth, overrunning powers
of darkness, and causing them to lay down their arms completely.



GOD’S END-TIME MOVES is a work of the End-Time Prophetic
Mission, to show in what direction the Lord God of All Creation will
be leading the world, and even more so, the Church. God is set to
show in every way that the world is not in place by accident. He is
about to dismantle the theory of Evolution. Agents of righteousness
shall be released to move according to God’s plan and purpose,
and they shall be afforded every opportunity to look only to that
horizon where God alone is the Leader. Barriers and obstacles set
up by powers of darkness shall simply give way. And the Holy
Spirit will revive the work of God’s Kingdom, and there shall be
ministrations and acts of the Spirit as in the Apostolic Church, and
more. And the desires of men will meet with those of God, for
same purpose and for same reasons. And the Spirit of God will
appear to walk on two feet, while still being solidly Spirit.

The Great Outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit: A Phenomenon of
Our Time.

The greatest outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit is yet to be seen. And
the greatest evidence of such outpouring shall be seen in this time
and era. Amid what may appear like a period of utmost confusion
on earth, the Spirit of God will take center stage to reveal God’s
leading and direction for the teeming populations of the world.
In what may be regarded as absolute drama, hearing or receiving
from God will not be the exclusive right of any specific persons
or group of people. God will appear to be hiding in plain sight.
We will all be able to see evidence of God, not only as a Supreme
Being, or just a Great God and Father, but as One whose Love rests


deeply with His Creation, man being the epic of that Creation.
Denying the existence of God will become farfetched. Evidence of
His Person, and of His Being, shall abound. Many skeptics will see
and know for certain that God is real, and that His Word is Truth.


God’s truths, whether by prophetic affirmation, and/or by
teaching, preaching, and in any other form, will be held up as
the standard for justice and as the basis for acceptable forms of
social interaction of all kinds. This will be so because, there will
be overwhelming evidence of God as a Supreme Being, and as
Creator of heaven and earth.

Affirmation of God’s Word and Truth shall be upheld with signs
and wonders, and with many miraculous happenings. The earth
shall be redeemed through the workings of God’s Holy Spirit, and
by the affirmation of God’s Word. The seeming complexities of life,
brought on by the attempt to find the right way through sheer ef-
fort, will become revealed for what they truly are—a stumbling
block in God’s path. It will become obvious how simple life was
meant to be—God, man, and a relationship, where the bridge be-
tween God in heaven and man on earth was, is, and will continue
to be Jesus Christ!

People on earth will become more attuned to the eternal purpose
of God in creation, and so better able to appreciate God as the
Supreme Maker and Master.


The purpose of this book is to draw attention to what God is
prepared to do in the world. God will not make such a major and
Definitive Move without first alerting people who live on earth of
what is to come. In His mercy and grace, God does always allow
an adequate period of preparation so that no one will be caught


unaware, except by personal choice. This therefore is a wakeup
call. Will there be those who procrastinate? Yes! And will there be
those who slumber? Yes. It is especially for these groups of people
that the message of God is intended, while it is yet for all.

This is a call to all. Only a mad person continues to sleep when
the fire alarm sounds in his own yard. Because it is a matter of
life and death, the normal reaction from such a place will be for
people to run to save their lives and possessions. But this is even
more serious, because while possessions come and go, life is lived
only once, and that once to fulfill God’s purpose on earth. What a
dreadful thing for anyone to have to go through this world without
fulfilling that purpose.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole
world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”
–Matthew 24:14.

The Scripture quoted above will come to signal the most obvious
sign of the End Time. The Gospel Message will be preached with
such intensity and with such acclamation as never seen before. In
addition, there shall be no place barred from the Message. “The
earth is the Lord’s” will not need to be explained to anyone. By
such acclamation of His truth and by the victories of His Moves,
it will become obvious that there is only one God who created
heaven and earth. The Lord God would have more than proved
His case.


Time can be classed into different periods, from pre-history
to most modern, or from when time began, to now. Science has
tried to locate the beginning of time in billions of years. Some of it
sounds factual, some of it sounds like a myth. But the question is,
who really knows when time began?

With or without our scientific gadgets, it is safe to know and to


believe, that the only one who knows when time began is the one
who lives in Timelessness, and that Being is God. He who knows
the beginning of time knows the end of time. Different religious
sects, groups, and even individuals have at various times predicted
the end of the world. They have on each occasion been proved
totally wrong, because their stand is outside of God’s Truth. Does
End-time mean the end of the world? No.

God works by allocating events to different time periods,
according to purpose. Therefore, time for God is dispensational.
Once the period and the associated events are done with, there’s
a movement forward. For God, it is the dispensation that comes
to an end, to give way for the beginning of another. This work, for
example, represents an End-time Prophetic Ministerial Moves of
God, which will come to be viewed as an End-time/ New Beginning
Move of God. With God time is primarily eternal, and secondarily
in blocks of dispensations. Human beings are supposed to view
time the same way, for it to have meaning according to God’s Will
and purpose. But, because it is ordinarily impossible for man on
earth to view time only in eternal terms, God gave His Spirit to
interpret time for us as meaning; Living to please God where we’re
currently located—on earth! And this, as time and events allow for
happenings on earth, based on God’s will and purpose. This is the
only assurance that we shall join Him to spend time with Him in
the place where time has no end—In Timelessness, also known as
Eternity. A major End-time Move of God to the Church, to close
this age and Dispensation, will be the Sign of Elijah.



The End-time Move of God

The Church, under the present administration of the Holy Spirit
exists in the End Time, according to God’s dispensational purposes.
This period will close with the great revival, the type which the
world has not before witnessed. The Move of God which is now
on, is to prepare the entire world for this End-time Dispensation.
It will be marked by the Perfection Ministry. And the Prophetic
Ministry will once again take center stage.

The End-time moves of God refer to the collective events, actions,
utterances, and movements according to God’s dispensational
purposes, when actions, activities, movements, utterances, and
the very essence of human life on earth will be directed by the
Holy Spirit. That move of God may appear veiled now, but the
work is on and the move is on. We are getting to that place and
time when God will directly speak to people, whoever they may
be, and wherever they may be. This will include individuals who
may be private citizens, public servants, members and leaders of
government and businesses, those engaged in private employment,
as well as heads of governments and nations. God will in effect
be saying by such acts of the Holy Spirit, “I own the world and
everyone in it.” But doesn’t that describe the Acts of the Holy Spirit
in the New Testament?

The preponderance and far-reaching effects of the works
of the Holy Spirit will be nothing like the world has ever seen.
What is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles will seem just like


an introduction to the power of the Mighty God. The Acts of the
Apostles would have prepared the ground solidly for what comes
next. There will be a rain of activities, from the well-known cities,
to the remotest parts of the earth. And God’s purpose will become
the single most important reason for movements on earth, as people
will learn to respond to God’s desire for movement. Responses to
God’s desire shall be brought about by a state of preparedness of
heart as witnessed by the Scripture which says, “Thy people shall
be willing in the day of thy power…” –Psalm 110:3 (KJV).

The day of God’s power has come, and people shall be willing
to do as the Spirit of God leads. Such willingness, which may
have been seen at other times as arrogance, will be understood
as willingness made possible by the Holy Spirit. It will be quite
completely in place for there to be an allowed use by God, of
anyone who claims that God either spoke to him or her, or that he
or she felt a leading of the Holy Spirit in ways previously unknown.
Then it will become obvious that God does have a use for everyone
on earth, and not just a privileged few. And many aspects of the
workings of God’s Wisdom shall be put abroad for all to see.

It will become apparent that God does not have a privileged class.
There are only two sets of people according to God’s consideration;
those who love God and are in a personal relationship with Him
through Christ, and those who are not.Yet, for God, the classification
doesn’t end here. He regards those who have not had a revelation
of Christ in their lives, that is, those to whom the grace of Salvation
has not been revealed, as people in need of His special mercy.
Hence the so-called godless of the earth are neither destroyed nor
cut off yet, until such a time when their relentless resolve to oppose
God’s ways, if that be the case, brings them nothing short of the
bitter end of God’s judgment.

If anyone believes that he belongs to a privileged class because
he’s either a preacher, a teacher of the Word, or some other category
of worker in the House of God, that person is deceived. There are
no privileged classes with God. He views all humanity the same
way, and that is, everyone can become a tool in God’s hands. And


for the same reason, everyone can become God’s messenger as His
Will allows.


This ministry is already in place, and God has been preparing
His work for the outward move. Although it might appear as if this
ministry was suddenly thrust on us, but that would not have been
the case. Just as God was preparing Moses on the back side of the
Midian desert, for the eventual deliverance of the Israelites from
the bondage of Egypt, so has God been preparing the End-time
Prophetic Move in seeming unfamiliar places. This is just another
indication of the Sovereignty of God over the whole universe.

Indeed, the End-time Moves of God are not about edifices which
have been built in His name, nor will it be about the imposing
nature of such buildings. Rather, God’s End-time Moves will be
visible from wherever God has designated, which sign shall be
unto men as Abject Obedience. And because the Church has
been looking for the same signs which the world is looking for, the
difference in operation between the Church as it stands today, and
God’s End-time Prophetic Move will be obvious. If God were to be
carried away by palaces built by men, then heaven will have no
value. But so that we do not become fixated on the things of men’s
glory, heaven exists. And so, Jesus gives us advance knowledge of
what that is like.

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I
would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go
and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you
unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” –John 14:2-
3 (KJV). Is there a Christian person who is not looking forward
to this ultimate experience of the Christian walk? But should we
then despise edifices on earth just because they seem to be out
of the ordinary? That is not in the least implied. While we should
use the best of everything to serve God, nothing should be forced.
Let the erecting of edifices in God’s name be by provision and by


allocation of resources by God’s Will, and for His purpose. Then it
will be a righteous work. Provision is God’s specialty.


Humanity delights in the familiar, but the great moves of God
are hardly ever in the familiar. God will again and again use sources
that will set everybody asking questions, even those involved. Can
Gideon deliver the Israelites from the hands of the Midianites? —
Judges chapters 6-7. Is Moses able to deliver the Israelites from
Pharaoh? —Exodus chapters 3-15. Is Jesus, the Christ? Can the son
of a carpenter be the messiah and savior of the entire world? Can
any good thing come out of Nazareth? And can any come out of

From generation to generation, people have underrated God.
Incidentally, most of the questions are asked from among the
church-going populations, many of whom are set in their ways,
believing God to act only in ways they can understand. If God did
not speak to their pastor or to someone they know, He probably
did not speak at all. It is this mind-set that God is clearly set to
wipe out.

Jeremiah the Prophet in the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah,
prophesied for decades, about a punishment that was due to
Israel, and which was to come by way of banishment to a foreign
land. The Israelites did not change their ways however, preferring
to believe that God was more merciful and more gracious than
the message preached by the Prophet Jeremiah. This, even as it is
today, is a psychologically safe place for most human beings to be.
“We” indulge in “our” excesses, and hope against hope that God
does not react or carry out the terms of His vow to punish. Why?

Have human beings changed since the Israelites of old disobeyed
the word of God through the prophet Jeremiah, and through other
prophets? And have humans changed since the Israelites rebelled
against God and Moses in the wilderness? It is about comfort, and
it is about the familiar. Anything that makes people shift from the


familiar is often resisted, because change is always challenging,
and most times uncomfortable. Well, there’s news for all who may
want to resist change. Resisting change at this point is out of the
scope of human endeavor, because what we are facing right now
is not just a social change, but also a spiritual movement. It is too
late to resist the change that is now in the air. This Change is here
to stay, bringing about many more changes.


That Bible that has all the markings on it, but without the
terms of what has been marked being applied to daily life, and
in dealing with other people. The markings come in all shades of
color, showing highlights of what is supposed to be important, but
without the markings on the heart. Because the reminders are not
in the heart, they are only superficial and carry no more weight
than ink marks. Let the markings be taken to heart, and they shall
become ingrained in our thoughts and in all that we do. Phoniness
will then take a back seat, and so shall the markings become
relevant indeed.

Phoniness is what needs to change. Arbitrary and superficial
consideration in dealing with other people is what needs to
change. Presumption in dealing with the things of God and of
His righteousness is what needs to change. Although some have
considered it their birthright to be the only ones who can “hear
from God”—it is only an assumption. Fortunately, such people do
not exist anywhere on earth. The people called, “The only ones
who can hear from God” do not exist anywhere. Whereas the
world looks at people in stereotypes who look different from them,
God looks at every human being as a potential tool in His own
hands. This is God’s Word and it is God’s truth. Anything contrary
is not from God.

Nobody receives from God based on skin, hair, or eye color.
Nor is “hearing” or receiving from God based on language,
gender, height, or on anything else, except based on being human.


And the Spirit of God who makes no discrimination based on
some superficial consideration, sees everyone as God’s potential
messenger. There is no superior versus inferior with God.


God has no consideration of anyone or of any group of people as
either inferior or superior. As mere mortals, “For all have sinned and
fall short of the glory of God,”—Romans 3:23—and are redeemed
by grace through the name of Jesus Christ alone. All humanity
without Christ, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or achievement, faces
the same judgment of condemnation. But “there is therefore now
no condemnation,” for those, and for any, who live life through
Christ. This is because the Spirit of God grants freedom from the
entanglement with sin, and justification to the believer because of
life lived through the Spirit.

God is interested not only in the message, but also in the
individual who is willing to be led by His Spirit. What the Lord God
wants to know is if you are at your place of assignment, carrying
out your duty according to the leading and direction of the Holy
Spirit. It does not matter whether you have or have not a family
history of preachers or teachers of God’s Word. God does not deal
with anyone based on ancestral history. He will relate to, and deal
with everybody as an individual first. A parent’s salvation does not
automatically make the children saved, nor does the salvation of
an individual translate into salvation for his or her parents. It is an
individual thing. But we are all called to prayer to affect the people
in our lives with the Word of God. Even then, every single person
on earth no matter the background, will give account to God for
his or her God-given time on earth.

The Moves of God are not about any specific group of people,
although that seemed to be the case in the past. And never again in
the history of the world will God’s name become attached to one
group of people or nation. It is a dispensation that is already done
with. And although God can still call out certain individuals and


groups in some striking ways, it will be all about Him. All associated
works and ministries will give praise only to Him, through Christ.
God will come to be known to all His Creation as the LORD GOD
OF ALL CREATION. God is not personal, except by the name
of Jesus, and will no longer be personal to any specific group of
people, region, community, nation, or group of nations who do
not approach Him by the name of Jesus. All who call on Him must
do so by the name of Jesus only. HE IS THE LORD GOD OF ALL
CREATION, a name by which He will come to be identified to all

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are
in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”
–Romans 8:1(KJV).


Exodus as a word readily recalls the movement of the Israelites
from the bondage of Egypt to the Promised Land. Exodus simply
means to exit or to depart. This is what the Israelites did when they
left Egypt, to make the journey to the space promised by God to
their ancestors, and to take possession.

Today, another exodus is in sight. While the exodus associated
with the Israelites is more substantially a physical movement,
although it was also a spiritual one, the modern-day exodus will
even be more markedly a spiritual movement. And this movement
is from the evil city to the City of God, where the City of God is a
location in the heart. Unless anyone has learned to move first from
evil thoughts and inclinations, as well as from the evil associations
of the heart, there will be no movement at all. This Exodus shall
become the Reign of Righteousness which the Word of God has
foretold from the beginning of time.

Before the earth came to be, God already ordained a Reign
of Righteousness which no move of the devil and his agents of
wickedness can stop. At this point, Exodus could very well be a
physical movement, but A Location in the heart will become the


most major place of the Present-Day Exodus. Why would the heart
play such a significant role in the spiritual movement here revealed?

“Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked
any longer. For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of
lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality
and accepts no bribes” –Deuteronomy 10:16-17. “Rend your heart
and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for He is
gracious and compassionate…” –Joel 2:13. “The good man brings
good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil
man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For
out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks” –Luke 6:45.
“For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual
immorality, theft, false testimony, slander” –Matthew 15:19.


The call is for a complete migration from the wickedness of the
heart, which translates into real words, deeds, and actions on the
surface, to a place of total and complete repentance. The heart is
where it’s all happening, whether in its stand against God, or in the
wicked and evil moves against fellow human beings.

This is a call to repent. Let your heart be torn in pieces and let
the grace of God show you how to put it together again with the
love of Christ. If any one person could provide all the needs of the
Church of God on earth but has not the heart to love his neighbor
as himself, he labors in vain. The Call is for the reawakening which
must precede the great Move of God, where Christianity does not
depend on how many times anyone goes to church in the week,
how many sermons he or she can preach or hear, or in how many
Bibles he or she possesses. Christianity is first and foremost about
love, Selfless Love, the type which Christ has shown, and who
said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is the first and last duty
of a Christian person, second only to loving God with one’s entire
life and with everything one owns.

There are many who perceive themselves as having been called


by God, except they are still to answer the call of that Call, where
the Call is to love your neighbor as yourself. And this love is not an
abstract word, but in living the righteous life in complete obedience
to God’s truths and ways, knowing that our thoughts, utterances,
and actions affect other people directly or indirectly. But if we avail
ourselves of the teachings of Christ, we shall all be in a good place
to love as God’s Word has taught us, and so answering the Call


What is at stake is so dear and so close to God’s heart that nothing
will be left to guess work. This is where the love of God will become
most visible. Not only has the Lord God given His one and only
Son for humanity, but is still prepared to lead and guide us all the
way to His Eternal Kingdom. God will not rest until He has done
all that He has purposed for the salvation of humanity. Therefore, a
more intense preaching of the Gospel is about to follow. Not only
that, God will be available to make Himself known to people all
over the world as never thought possible. Those who have been
reached by God will literally bear messages they have little or no
understanding for, but will no doubt know where to deliver such
messages and/or what to do with them. They will have leading
and direction as if God Himself were holding them by hand. Large
pieces of the puzzle which have plagued humanity for generations;
of who God is, and how the earth and humanity came to be, will
suddenly begin to fall into place. There will be no doubt anymore
in the minds of people, that there is a Lord God of All Creation.


The Church of God will come to mean not just any building
that has the name of Jesus written on it, or the inscription “church”
on it, but a place and gathering that is Spirit-led. In other words,
the Church of God shall become a tower of the Spirit and not just
an edifice built by men. Even though it may be a tower built by


human hands, it will be a work of the Spirit in the first place. From
planning to actual construction, a church building will be used in
every way that the Spirit of God directs, including programs and
activities happening in the building. They will no longer be edifices
of men’s glory, because they will be towers of the Holy Spirit first and
foremost. And many will wonder how it is possible to wait on God
for everything. This is why it is called God’s Work. The alternative
is to set it up as your own work, which is where the church has
been for a long time. It is for this reason that many assemblies will
be dismantled. The choice is either for the individual to have his
way, or to let the Spirit of God have His way, whose business it is
to establish a church.

Whereas the Church has been mobilized for different purposes
in the past, including personal, economic, political and other, it
will no longer be possible to do so, as God intends to make bare
the true purpose of the Church. Church for some religious leaders
has come to signify prestige, as well as standing for both economic
and political power. The personal uses of the church will no longer
be possible. It will become the assembly it was meant to be—THE


The question is, what does Church exist to do? It appears no one
is asking this question. Many misrepresentations of the role of the
Church stem from its inability to answer this question. In addition,
the Church has been underrated by the very people who claim
to be Christians, its teachings misapplied, and in many instances
nonexistent. Its focus is on bread and butter.

The Church Like A Dynamo: It is the power that powers
everything. It is the power that sets everything else in motion. But
when you shut down that power and still expect it to work, then
something is significantly wrong. On the one hand, the Church is
praying for fire from heaven, while on the other hand engaging in
actions and activities capable of shutting down the movement of


the Holy Spirit. It’s like having a generator set which is a source of
power and light, but whose owner shuts it down and have all sorts
of objects placed on it, causing it to become idle and to gather
dust. And then, that same individual turns around to say that the
generator is not useful. What a perception!

The Church is praying for miracles, while at the same time
crippling the activities of the Holy Spirit. But because the Holy
Spirit cannot be crippled, His reaction is always to move away
when the people calling on the name of God have no ears to hear
God’s truth. This contradiction which is pervasive in the Church
today, accounts for the lack of perception among those who are
supposed to be custodians of the righteous Word of God’s Truth.
The fact is many places are set up as a church but where the will
of the pastor takes precedence over God’s Will and God’s truth. In
such a gathering, pastor will lead the congregation to do what he
thinks is the right thing to do, as opposed to what the Holy Spirit
specifically says is right to do. In other words, many local churches
exist as the personal enterprise of the pastor.

The Church of God is like an enzyme, a catalyst. It makes things
happen. The existence of the Church in any community means the
presence of GOD. And contrary to many beliefs, the presence of
God is not necessarily quiet. God can use Quiet and any other
means to achieve a purpose, as everything is in His power to do.
But the presence of God is where things happen. It is like a dynamo;
a Power House, where works are constantly going on. The greatest
problem that people have with the Church is that they want to
run the Show. But the question must be asked, what does anyone
do with a generating set that is running perfectly and providing
power for all? You just let it run! You let it run to do what it knows
how best to do, while you obey the rules. The rules will include
knowing how to start it, when and how to refuel, and when to just
let it run.

Another question is what to do when you apply yeast to your
dough. Would you help the yeast, or would you let it take its
course? Again, you must know the rules. By this you will be able


to tell when to take over from the yeast, or how to work with the
yeast to work your dough from one stage to the next, and to the
next, and to the next, until you have your sweet or savory bread.
You do not do the work for the yeast or for the enzyme or catalyst.
You watch out for when to do your part. The same principle can
be applied to every God-led project or enterprise, you must know
when it is time to do your part. The Spirit moves or should move
everything, while working in conjunction and in cooperation with
God’s chosen human agent. The human agent should be one who
is able to discern between times of work, of prayer, of waiting, and
of doing anything else, according to God’s own designations. The
individual so elected by God must be one who is sensitive to the
Holy Spirit in every way.

The Church exists as an instrument of God, to guide and to
lead humanity to that point where He wants everyone on earth to
be—in affinity with GOD—in desires and purposes. While this is
the main reason for the Church, the Church like a reactor is able to
change society, not so much for the obtrusiveness of individuals,
but because of the workings of the Holy Spirit—a role which
many have assumed, and one which has made many activities of
the Church seem laughable.



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