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Sophia's colonial Ebook

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Published by Sophia Bivona, 2019-05-22 11:16:43

Colonial Times

Sophia's colonial Ebook


By Sophia Bivona

Table of Contents 8. Clothing From The Past
9. Going to School
1. Welcome to the 13 10. A Child’s Day
Colonies 11. Claiming Independence
2. A Growing Town 12. Glossary
3. The 13 colonies 13. Bibliography
4. Colonial Homes
5. Colonial Homes VS
Homes today
6.. Food And Cooking
7 .Fun Facts: kitchens

Welcome to the 13 colonies!

A colony is a place owned by another country. The 13 colonies in
America were owned by England and ruled by King George.

King George owned all the colonies except New York, which
used to be called New Amsterdam.

The person who owned New Amsterdam before King George took
over was Peter Stuyvesant. But avensaly, King George took over
New York. before he did this, there was a war. No one got hurt
because New Amsterdam surrendered pretty quickly. Soon, after
King George took over, he gave New Amsterdam to his brother,
James, Duke of York. And that's why New York is now called New

A growing town

In a colonial town, they had a
building called the meeting
house. They used it for
meetings, parties, and
sometimes as a school.

Here are some of the things
you’d find in a colonial town:

Streats were narrow and
unpaved, many buildings were
made from bricks, there were
very few big buildings, a
govinger is like the leader in
a colony, and people
throughout garbage on the

A map of

the 13


King George
ruled over the 13
colonies before
the colonist
independence. The
colonies were
split into New
England Colonies,
Middle Colonies,
and the Southern

Colonial homes

Colonist lived in many different kinds of homes. Wealthy
people had humongous homes, And people who were not
wealthy, usually only had one room for the family
would share to sleep

Colonist had a little hut with a bathroom that everyone
in the village would share. At night, nobody would want
to go outside in to go to the bathroom so, they had a
pot under there bed called a chamber pot that they
would use so they don't have to go outside to use the
bathroom. But guess who emptied it! Not the mom, not
who filled the chamber pot, but the kids! It was one of
their chores.

Colonist were very afraid of fires so, they had their
kitchens outside.

This is a cutaway drawing of a
colonial house:

Colonial same Homes
Homes today
Non-wealthy houses are Even if your not
people’s homes made out to-to wealthy, your
where really small of wood home is still bigger
and had one room and brick than a colonial home

Most people were Most people get
farmers there food from the

Food and Cooking

People worked hard, and looked forward to their meals.
The kitchen was the “heart” of the home. Most people were
not wealthy, so usually, people only had one room in their
homes and a big part of it was the kitchen. The center of
the kitchen was a fireplace. They had a fireplace instead of
a stove because there were no electricity in colonial times.
Also, everything was cooked over an open fire. The fire was
not allowed to go out because it was difficult to start a
new one. That rule must be good in the winter, but horrible
in the summer.

Wealthy people had a kitchen house outside their house
because colonist were really afraid of fires. Some people
who were like really really wealthy, had a kitchen building
outside their house.

Fun facts: Kitchens

Some colonial families ate their meals from trenchers, or
bowls carved into tabletops.

A potato boiler was filled with potatoes and put into a pot
of boiling water. When the potatoes were cooked, the
boiler was lifted out of the pot. The water drained out
through the holes.

Soups and stew were cooked in heavy iron pots.

Clothing from the past

Wealthy women wore beautiful gowns. Most fancy gowns
came from Europe. A women put on many layers of clothing
to get dressed, especially in a fancy gown. Women also
wore feathers, jewelry, and flowers in their hair. Some
women wore wigs. Not every women dressed in fancy
clothing. Most women wore plain gowns with aprons on
top to keep their dresses clean while they worked.

The clothes that women wore back then were very different
than the clothes women wear now. For example, women
always wore a dress. Then never got to wear pants, or
breaches which were basically pants back then.

Colonial men’s clothing was almost as fancy as women’s
clothing. Men wore suits with breeches.

Breeches were short pants that ended at the knees. Under
their breeches, men wore stocking that went down to the
length of regear pants. Under their suit coats, men wore
vest called a waistcoat.

Going to school

Good morrow! Let's take a tour! Pray, pardon me, I forgot
to introduce myself! My name is Caroline, and I will be
showing you my school! I can not wait to to show you the
school! But please hush, mother just hit the hay for a
little power nap! She was up all night catching up on work
that she never got to do a couple of days ago because she
was ill. Ok! I can't wait any longer to go! Let's go take
the tour! Every day before school, me and my little brother
Thomas have to do are morning chores! Like mother would
always say, “many hands make light work!” So next, we
would go to school. We are lucky because sadly, not
everyone can afford to go to school. Take a gander at the
school for a moment! in school, teachers are strict, but
the classroom is still a noisy place. The older kids sit in
the back and the younger kids sit in the front.

A child's day

Most colonial children had a lot of hard work to do
everyday. Girls helped their mothers in the home, and boys
often worked in the fields. Some boys became apprendences.

Claiming Independence

In 1776, leaders of the thirteen English colonies had a
meeting. They decided to work together to form a new
country, a country that was separated from England. In 1781,
the colonies won a war against England. It was known as
the war of Independence, or also known as the
Revolutionary war. From the help of george washington,
and many other people, the colonist won the war and
became independent from England.

Because the 13
colonies did not like the name the 13 colonies anymore, they
changed their name to the United States of America.

Click on the box with the play
button to watch a video!


Apprentice: Someone who works for a tradesperson to learn a

Breeches: short pants worn by Colonial men
Colonist: A person who lives in a colonie
Colony: A land or place settled and ruled by people of
another country
Trencher: a piece of wood hollowed out and used instead of
a plate


Isaacs, Sally Senzell. Life in a Colonial Town.
Heinemann Library, 2001.

Kalman, Bobbie. A Visual Dictionary of a Colonial
Community. Crabtree Pub. Co., 2008.

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