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LYL LARGE Brochure_Singles_FINAL 11-16-18

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Published by eva.norman, 2022-12-12 23:30:39

Live Your Life LARGE Brochure

LYL LARGE Brochure_Singles_FINAL 11-16-18

Medical • Mobile • Wellness
Transforming Lifestyles. Optimizing Health.

Our Services

Physical Therapy rehabilitative and preve
one’s journey towards ma
Our Physical Therapists are
movement system experts. exceeding ex
They will tailor fit a program
around your abilities, needs, Personal Training
and budget. They have
the cutting edge tools and Our Personal Trainers will
knowledge to maintain, restore, create a plan designed to
and improve your movement meet your needs, abilities,
and overall health and activity. If you and budget. They will consider
experience pain or discomfort from an acute or your lifestyle, schedule, and
chronic condition, Physical Therapy can help. your individual goals. You’ll
learn how to train to prevent injury,
Occupational Therapy improve posture, and increase strength,
endurance, flexibility, and balance. All of our
Our Occupational Therapists Trainers are experienced in motivating you to Live
can help if you have an injury, Your Life, and help make it the best it can be.
traumatic life event, disabling
physical or a mental condition
that has impacted your
day-to-day activities. They
are experts in adaptations

and techniques that improve
underlying conditions and help
make tasks and activities easier for you.

Speech Therapy Acupuncture

Symptoms such as trouble The goal of our Acupuncturists
swallowing, impaired speech, is to holistically treat the
difficulties eating or drinking, body’s energy flow (Qi/Chi)
and socializing with friends, and help realign and rebalance
can all be signs of a larger the body. It has been proven
issue. Speech impairments to enhance immune function
can develop from a variety and treat nausea/vomiting from
of conditions and events in the chemotherapy, and can be an
adult and geriatric population. Our excellent alternative treatment for many other
highly trained Speech Language Pathologists will chronic health conditions.
help you recognize the issue, educate family and
friends and help you work towards improving your
overall quality of life.

Our Services

entive services to every- Dietary Services
aximized well being while
expectations. Small changes in your diet
can have a big impact on
Massage Therapy your overall health. Making
dietary changes can help
In addition to being relaxing, prevent, lower dependence
Massage Therapy is an on medication, or help manage
important aspect of any chronic diseases such as pre-
integrative and holistic diabetes/diabetes, high blood
wellness program. From pressure, heart disease, weight management, and
treating sports rehabilitation some forms of cancer. Our Registered Dietitian
injuries to treating specific Nutritionists (RDN) will guide and counsel you on
conditions, Our massage therapists healthy eating habits and proper nutrition so you
have exceptional manual skills to address your can lead a healthier lifestyle.
specific needs. Some of the many benefits include;
stress reduction, a strengthened immune system, Wellness Programs
increased circulation, and an overall decrease in
chronic muscle pain. We hope you enjoy your time
with us. In addition to all of the
Health Coaching above services, Live Your Life
also has a variety of group
If you struggle to lose wellness programs aimed at
weight, control cravings, education and community
and make positive healthy health. We love giving back
food choices, our Health and providing presentations
Coaches are here to help.
From creating a balanced and group trainings to community
nutritional and lifestyle plan, businesses, schools, churches,
hospitals, community centers, or senior living
preventing disease, managing facilities. A complete list of our group wellness
diet restrictions, to education and programs and educational programs can be found
support, ALL of our Health Coaches on our website. Contact us today to help you keep
will help you adjust your behaviors so you can your community healthy.
achieve your health and life goals.

I am thrilled that you found us and chose to be a part of the
Live Your Life family! I want to take a moment and thank you
for trusting us to help you on your road to better health. Our
clients tell us we have a meaningful presence in their lives
and have a passion for making a difference. They are excited
about the variety of services we offer and our ability to tailor a
program to their needs and way of life. Please take a look at the
services we offer. If you have questions, or
if you see something that looks appealing,
don’t hesitate to let us know! Thank you
for the honor and privilege to help you
Live Your Life.

Dr. Eva Norman

President and Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy

Call Us Today To Live Your Life

Call: 612.568.5506
Fax: 612.395.5506

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