Zera’s Learning
Elderbank Early Years
Settling back into Early Years and having fun, welcome back Zera.
Zera enjoys exploring all the areas in the
playroom. She has settled in really well and
can follow our new rules and routines.
I do a big
My new suit for
Zera is in
the Stars
Date: September 2020
Very happy to see what Zera is Child’s plan
learning and very happy with her
progress I am learning to take responsibility for and begin to
plan my own learning. As part of my PLP targets I
identified that I wanted to play in the water.
Baby shark in the
Viewed on Seesaw. 18/09/2020 Date: September 2020
Zera enjoys outside playing and running around with
her friends.
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
We were talking about our
hearts beating faster after
doing our exercises. Zera said “I
feel my heart.” ❤
Bundle 12/1
Zera is learning to talk about how
energetic activities make her feel.
Date: September 2020
That’s play dough I in the stars
Bundle 10/2 Date: October 2020
Zera is learning to recognise familiar signs, labels and logos in
her environment.
Date: September 2020
Number 4
Counting the plates
for snack
Bundle 2/3
Zera is learning to become number confident counting to 5.
Me the star
Zera is the Star Helper
Great job Zera ⭐
Date: September 2020
I was setting the Zera’s Interests
table up
I build a big
Zera enjoys setting the table for our snack, building towers and
sensory play.
Making play
Date: October 2020
Using role play to recreate situations. Sharing play experiences with others.
I play hide
and seek
Date: October 2020
I making tea.
When we go down to the woods...
A carpet.
Zera collected Autumn leaves and ferns
then she placed them on the ground to
make a fern carpet for our den
Date: October 2020
When we go down to the woods...
I’m on the swing
Zera really enjoys exploring our wooded
area especially the tree swing.
She enjoyed having her snack under the
shelter with her friends ☔
Date: November 2020
Zera participated in our Autumn Treasure
Hunt challenge to help raise funds for our
nursery. She collected all of the items on her
list and donated £23. Well done Zera ⭐
October 2020 I’m the
Tooth fairy
Me like
Zera became a big sister
Ruby my sister
Zera enjoys cuddling her new baby sister
Ruby Rose.
Zera enjoyed drawing a rainbow with all the
different coloured pens.
17th November 2020
We took part in
Odd Socks Day
to celebrate
Fantastic friends
Opening the
2020 It’s snow
I made a bauble
My Christmas
Zera had a great It’s Santa Claus
time at her Tooth fairy book
Christmas party
she especially
liked all the party
games and
dancing with her
95.88 Evaluation of Learning Plan
Zera is having fun and enjoying playing with
Really happy with Zera’s progress. Zera all her friends. She really enjoys our
has done really well.
outdoor learning environment, she added a
fern carpet to our den in the woods. Zera is
learning to become number confident
counting to 5 and has a keen interest in
numbers. She especially enjoys helping to
set the tables for our snack and counting
the plates and glasses. ⭐
Date: January 2021
Discussed with mum. 11.1.2021
Happy with Zera’s plan. Child’s plan
I am learning to take responsibility for
and begin to plan my own learning. As
part of my PLP targets I identified that I
wanted to copy my name.
Writing my
Discussed with mum. 11.1.2021 Date: February 2021
That’s writing my
February 2021
Zera expressed an interest in copying her name, she
wanted to write on the IPad. Great job and well done
Zera ⭐
Ice Challenge Zera was carefully using a hairdryer to
melt the ice and rescue her animals.
Our first home learning challenge
was to make some ice then help
rescue the animals that are frozen.
Date: January 2021
Date: January 2021
Fantastic throwing and catching
Zera. Well done ⚽
Zera made a yummy snack as Date: January 2021
part of the family food
challenge. Bundle 11/3
Zera is learning to throw and catch a ball using
both hands.
Bundle 14/3
Zera is learning to copy
some shapes and letters
from her name.
Zera made a beautiful bracelet adding
the letters from her name. She also
made her baby sister Ruby a bracelet
too. Zera you are a star ⭐
Date: February 2021 I was writing my name.
Date: February 2021
Zera went on a number hunt
activity to find lots of numbers.
Well done Zera
Looking for
Date: February 2021 Bundle 2/2
Zera is learning to recognise numbers to 5 and can now recognise
numbers to 10.⭐
Zera’s Interests
I was playing with
the shaving foam
Zera enjoys sensory play especially the shaving foam. She likes to
help out in the nursery and is a fantastic friend.
Date: February 2021
Play anHdomLeea r ning at
Zera enjoyed exploring
the contents of her play
and learning at home
box. She had loads of
fun learning to cross
stitch. Well done Zera
Date: February 2021
Thank you Zera Well done Zera you are a
for my beautiful fantastic big sister with
Valentines card. I helping your Mum to feed
baby Ruby.
love it so much
Date: February 2021
Outdoor Learning
I was playing
on the tree
Zera really
enjoys outdoor
play. She
especially loves
the swing in the
Date: February
First we It’s Easter
went on an Day.
Easter Egg
Hunt to find And we went a
an egg with lovely walk to
our names. the play park.
Then we
had loads
of fun
rolling our
eggs down
the hill.
Happy with Zera’s progress Evaluation of Learning
Learning plan extended due to lockdown
restrictions. Zera attended her hub
placement at the start of this term
which she really enjoyed. She has been
taking part in learning activities while
at home and it has been fantastic to
see some of the photographs and videos
of Zera being busy and happy. Zera is so
happy to be back at nursery with her
friends and enjoys all aspects of
nursery, especially outdoor learning
experiences. She has been very busy
learning to recognise and order numbers
to 5 and with a little help can now
recognise numbers to 10.⭐
Date: May 2021
Shared on Seesaw. May 2021
May 2021
Put it at the
Zera is learning about plants and what they need to live and Zera enjoyed helping to plant some sunflower seeds and
grow. butter beans. She also helped to plant some potatoes in our
garden. We are going to look after them and watch for them
Date: May 2021
to grow.
Zera is learning to recognise the difference between letters and Date: May 2021
numbers. She was sorting the letters and numbers into separate
Zera is learning to describe some features and properties of shapes during
piles play. e.g. straight, curved, corner and edge. She can identify 2d shapes and
was counting the straight sides of them too.
I’m 5.
Happy 5th birthday Zera
from all of your friends at
Date: May 2021
Fun at the Park. Learning to cross the
road safely.
I’m playing
with Bobby.
Crossing the
Date: May 2021
Working hard and having fun at Elderbank Early Years. ⭐
Evaluation of Learning Good Luck and enjoy the next chapter of
Zera is enjoying outdoor learning and our your learning journey into primary 1
walk to the woods she especially likes Zera. ⭐
playing on the tree swing. Zera is learning
about plants and what they need to live and
grow and she has planted some sunflower
seeds and butter beans. She is learning to
recognise the difference between letters
and numbers and can identify familiar
Zera enjoyed visiting her new class teacher
Mrs Cook and the Primary 1 environment as
part of her transition.
She has worked so hard during a very
challenging and different year due to Covid
I will miss her beautiful smile and laughter
and all her chat too in our Stars Group.
Good luck Zera⭐
Date: June 2021