18.1 The K’Ford
Academy Newsletter
Art Bokeh Effect Photographs December 2Shanzay Adnan 019
by S Bianco and L Griffiths Mrs Bianco and Year 10 Photo- Lola Batty
graphy students have been Zara Hadley & Lauren Palmer
12 Days of Christmas getting into the festive spirit by
producing bokeh effect
These are the entries that a photographs.
group of Year 8 and 9 students
have painted as part of a local In photography, bokeh
schools project for Himley Hall. (Japanese: [boke]) is the
The posters will be printed on aesthetic quality of the blur
transparent film and displayed in produced in the out-of-focus
the windows of the mansion. parts of an image produced by a
They will be on display from lens. Bokeh has been defined as
Friday 13th December as part of "the way the lens renders out-of-
the ‘Winter Lights’ event and focus points of light".
remain on display until the New
Year. If you would like to visit the Using the Aperture priority setting
hall to see the display the Coffee on the DSLR cameras students
Lounge is open Tuesday to explored different focal ranges to
Sunday 11 - 4pm. create ‘Depth of Field’ and
achieve these wonderful
Thank you and well done to Year Christmas photographs.
8 students; Alexia Chapman,
Oliver Fisher, Maddison Brigdale Riley Langford
and Year 9 students; Ava
Griffiths, Kate Calvert, Katie
Edwards and Emma Aston who
all gave up lunchtimes and
worked really hard to paint these
Sienna Bennett
18.1 WAT
K’Ford from Holly Page, Daisy Harris,
Christmas Eleanor Timmis, Freya Hughes, by P Guest
Activities Myla Haywood, Mia Hickman,
Ellie Raybould, Lily-Anna Windsor Academy Trust’s annual
by T Macdonald and N Abel Cassidy, Alicia Evans, Hayden conference, held on 6th December,
Rowley, Lewis Everall, James brought together staff from across
Congratulations to Year 8 Poole, Methuli Ravikumara, all nine schools, parents and guests
student, Aroosh Shahid, whose Brandon Downing and Gabrielle from other multi-academy trusts and
fabulous design was chosen for Downing. national organisations.
this year’s Christmas card
design. Well done Aroosh! Alongside all of the musical The theme “Tomorrow’s People”
Carol Concert performances were readings and was showcased across the day and
On Thursday 12th December, we carols, making the evening full of began with amazing performances
held our annual Carol Concert at Christmas spirit. from students of all ages from
St. Mary’s Church. Students across the Trust.
from all year groups performed Miss Abel & Mr Macdonald
to a packed out audience raising would like to thank all of the The programme included world
£222 for Macmillan Nurses as students that performed and for renowned keynote speakers
well as contributions made on their hard work in preparing for including Baroness Susan
the evening for The Children’s’ the event. Greenfield, Mary Myatt and Sir
Society. Ranulph Fiennes .
Thank you to Jack Payne who
returned to our academy to Approximately 800 delegates also
support with had the opportunity to choose
the technical aspects of the from inspiring and innovative
evening and to Eleanor breakout session speakers.
Bradbury, Niamh Guest and
Bethany Palmer who welcomed 13 Kingswinford students performed
our guests to the church. Our at the WAT Conference at the ICC
final thanks go to Reverend on the 6th December. They
Giles and his team for giving us performed two pieces alongside
the opportunity to hold our Carol students from our other schools
Concert at St. Mary’s church and within the trust. This year, we had
to the staff and guests who our WAT choir, WAT dance troupe
supported the event. and a WAT rap group – indeed two
of our students were chosen to rap
There were outstanding a solo section in the performance -
performances from our school Jake Connelly and Lucas Nijhof-
choir and orchestra as well as Clarke. Holly Page was also
some wonderful solos and duets selected to perform a solo during
the performance.
Well done to those students and
also to Eleanor Timmis, Ellie
Raybould, Sophie McColgan,
Bobbie Perry, Daisy Harris, Mia
Hickman, Ashleigh Smith, Hayden
Rowley, James Poole and Lewis
Everall who also performed.
All of the students had committed a
lot of time to ensure they were
prepared for the event and are to be
congratulated on representing our
school and Trust perfectly in front of
such an esteemed audience and in
such an incredible venue! -
Definitely stars of the future!
Jumper Day
by P Guest
On Friday 13th December we all
donned our Christmas Jumpers,
blazers, reindeer hats and elf
costumes to raise money for
Save The Children. We raised
over £190. Thank you to
everyone who took part.
Art, Design & Competition where students Christmas
Technology design their own ‘Illusive’ Dance Show
By E Wilkinson by C Mclaughlin
We have decided to make our
Year 7 favourite designs! Fingers The Kingswinford dance
Photography crossed we will win first prize! students will be performing in
Masterclass the second Christmas Dance
Textiles Show to celebrate their
A new extra-curricular photo- achievements in dance over the
graphy master class is coming Students have been working autumn term. Dancers included
soon for year 7 students! hard in all areas of Art, Design students from Year 7 –Year 11
and Technology and have including the GCSE Year 10/11
We are offering a chance for produced some amazing dancers, Junior Dance
budding photographers to outcomes Company (year7&8),
master shooting in manual mode Kingswinford Dance Company
using one of the Art Textiles Technology students (Year 8,9,10 & 11) plus dancers
Departments top of the range have designed and made their from Year 7 PE. The show sold
SLR Canon cameras. Students own fantastic storage pouches out very quickly as students are
will be introduced and expected based on a ‘Monster’ theme. very keen to show parents and
to explore various aspects of Special mentions to Maiya-Jay, friends their developing talent.
photography such as view point, Liam, James and Olivia for
depth, exposure, light trails, etc. outstanding practical items
Further details will be shared
with students.
For any further information
speak to Mrs Shaw.
Well done to Josh for this
amazing headphone holder!
Year 9 Textiles
Thursdays 3.15-4.15 pm
Come along if you are thinking of
choosing Textiles as a GCSE
Option, or just to explore the
world of textiles!
We are currently working on our
entries for an ‘Illusive’ London
by R Deakin
a workshop looking at the real- at school. They are now
life decisions that are made
during an epidemic and they got ambitious and excited about
to see a lecture by a senior
professor on the usefulness of further education. Comments
stem subjects.
from students included
Year 9 Girls in Stem Day “engaging, inspirational and
On Wednesday 18th September informative” and many now want
to go to the university. With a
a group of Year 9 students
hugely successful day, UoB can
pat themselves on the back for a
job well done!
visited The University of Year 8 Maths Day
Birmingham to attend an event
aimed at Year 9 girls, providing Reported by Lucas Nijhof Clarke
an inspiring day of interactive
activities to encourage then to Students from Kingswinford
continue studying Science, Academy were left amazed after
Technology, Engineering and a fascinating experience at The
Mathematics at GCSE, A-level University of Birmingham on
Wednesday 23rd October. This
incredible opportunity included a
tour and a lecture. The Year 8
students learnt more about
maths in the real world, saw a
and beyond. Students took part functioning top of the range
in a workshop which involved campus and also got to attempt
testing the strength of chocolate some challenging graph theory
bars using scientific equipment; puzzles unlike those they would
WAT Maths and videos Movember
challenge winner
gcse.html by T Macdonald
Well done to Zahraa Kapasi for • KS3 BBC bitesize –
winning the Windsor Academy interactive quizzes, tests The Movember Foundation is
Trust autumn maths challenge. and videos the leading global organisation committed to changing the face
esize/subjects/zqhs34j of men's health. In order to raise
money for this worthy cause,
Reminders… staff donned various
moustaches (real and fake).
Staff were judged on the best
one by Mr Grey – our resident
facial hair expert!
We have subscribed to Maths Equipment reminder Congratulations to Mr Fendek for
Watch for Years 10 and 11.
Students are set homework on Please could you ensure that in coming first and thank you to
this and they are also January your child returns to everyone who helped to raise
encouraged to do independent school fully prepared for their
study to concentrate on their Mathematics lessons. It is vitally money. Mr Fendek raised £200
weaknesses. important that your child has the for this important charity with his
correct equipment, not just for fantastic ‘tache!
Students have their own examinations, but also in their
personal logins and are able to Mathematics lessons to help
watch videos to help them improve their confidence in using
improve. it correctly. Below is a list of
equipment that they are required
Parents can monitor progress to bring to every lesson:
and homework set by using the
following login instructions: • Black pen
• Pencil
Joe Bloggs would have a login of • Eraser
jbloggs@kford followed by a • Pencil sharpener
password of kford 2019. • Ruler in cm
• Scientific Calculator (e.g
Other Useful websites
Casio FX85-GTPLUS)
The following are some • Pair of compasses
recommended websites to help • Protractor
students with their homework • Glue stick
and independent study: • Green pen
• Corbett Maths –
Worksheets, answers
and videos.
• Maths genie -
Worksheets, answers
Year 11 Y10 -Work October
Careers Experience Enrichment
by L Mroczko by A Wall
by L Mroczko
13th – 17th July 2020 Our Aspire Curriculum Day that
On Thursday 17th October, took place on Thursday
Kingswinford Academy held its A proportion of Year 10 students 24th October involved a wide
annual careers evening in the have already arranged their own variety of engaging activities.
Sports Hall. Work Experience Placement.
Administration of these arranged Year 7 students watched a
The aim of the evening was to placements is well under way. performance from Loud Mouth
provide important information for This stage of the process can and focussed on the importance
students and their parents/carers take many weeks/months. of the five ways to wellbeing.
on current post 16 options. The Students who wish to take part They then spent the afternoon
evening was broken into two in this exciting and rewarding discussing mental health and
halves. week should be encouraged to ways to support themselves and
arrange their placement ASAP. others.
Beginning at 5.30 pm, there was The final cut of date for all
a series of short presentations applications is Monday Year 8 students went to
by the school staff and from our 24th February 2020. No Legoland Windsor to find out
Connexions advisor. The applications can be accepted more about the model building to
presentations covered topics after this date. Students not support them with their DT work
including main routes and attending Work Experience will and consideration of the forces
options post 16, careers take part in the school’s Active and movements involved in the
interviews and application Learning Week. rides.
procedures. Students then had
opportunities to speak with Students requiring help with their Year 10 students visited the
representatives from post 16 work experience should see Mr National Holocaust Centre and
organisations and school staff on Mroczko in DT2 or Mrs Museum and had the chance to
a one to one basis in the Sports Woodhouse. Additional meet and listen to the story of a
Hall. application forms and work Holocaust survivor. The day was
experience medical forms are incredibly moving and the
If you were unable to attend this obtainable from the Admin office, students were a credit to the
evening, you can speak to Mr which is located by reception. school.
Mroczko to get information.
There were over 20 visitors,
which will included local
colleges, sixth forms,
universities, training providers
and public sector organisations.
Sporting win and Ellowes Hall for finishing We had the privilege of taking 45
Successes second. Kingswinford students to Old Trafford on a
unfortunately missed out on a rainy Thursday evening, but
by S Holder & C Gould top 3 spot by 0.3 marks and even with the miserable weather
finished in 4th place. In the students were in great football
U16 Girls Basketball individual competition, Tiarna spirits and kept the staff fully
finished in 3rd place out of more entertained on the coach with
We had a number of girls play than 50 students and hit the their singing and chanting!
our first U16 basketball game of highest score of the competition, The students thoroughly
the season against Beacon Hill scoring 9.9 on the vault. Finally, enjoyed watching United win
Academy. The girls were a huge well done to everyone 4-0 against AZ Alkmaar.
outstanding throughout the that took part and we look
whole game, showing not only forward to having you back later A massive thank you must got
great skill and commitment to in the year for another one of our to Mr Staten for the hard work
the team but also great own competitions! he put into organising this trip.
sportsmanship to our opponents. Also, a big thank you to all the
The girls haven't played together Man U v AZ Alkmaar other staff who helped make
as a team in over a year and this opportunity possible, for a
they came together and Thursday 12th December: lot of students this was their
achieved a sensational result. A first experience of watching a
special mention goes to Ria After a mundane first half, the live match. The students
Wooldridge, Lydia Mills and game burst into life in the 53rd represented the school and
Samia Hussain, but the girl of minute when Ashley Young once again have done the
the game has to go to Grace drove home Juan Mata's cross school proud.
Gregory who stole the show. for his first goal since February.
Greenwood stole the headlines
The girls won 56-8. Well done
to all who played !!! though, firing home from the
edge of the box before
Dudley Schools producing a fine left-footed finish
Gymnastics Competition to end the scoring frenzy. It was
the first time the 18-year-old had
To add to our sporting success scored two in a first-team game
within the Kingswinford and took his overall tally for the
Academy, this year we hosted season to six. He is now United's
the Dudley School Games leading scorer in Europe this
Gymnastics competition. The season.
competition saw 15 teams
compete from 8 different schools
within the Borough and the top 3
schools would progress through
to the Regional School
Games. Kingswinford Academy
was represented by 5
outstanding gymnasts, some of
which have competed at regional
and national level for their own
clubs and executed some
fantastic results on both the floor
and vault apparatus. After an
exceptionally high standard of
competition we congratulate
Windsor High School for their
Windsor Remembrance World Skills
Sixth Form Day Show
Application by J Wilkes by L Mroczko
On Monday 11th November, with On the 21st November, all of our
by J Latham-Pugh, a representative from the British Year 10 students had the
Windsor High School & 6th Form Legion, our students held a opportunity to visit the World Skills
remembrance assembly, to pay Show at the NEC. This show is
As you are aware, Kingswinford their respects to those who the UK’s largest skills,
Academy is part of Windsor made the ultimate sacrifice apprenticeships and careers
Academy Trust. As a Trust, we during war. Each form group event.
would like to support the journey planted a memorial cross,
of our Key Stage 4 students in to creating a memorial garden for The event was broken up into
Post 16 education. Therefore, the local community. The several areas, Construction &
Kingswinford Students who Academy was also proud to Infrastructure, Health, Hospitality
would like to apply to study Level contribute to Summerhill's poppy & Lifestyle, Digital, Business &
3 courses are most welcome to display, where over 900 of our Creative and Engineering &
make an application to Windsor students created an individual Technology giving students lots of
Sixth Form – top performing Sixth poppy to represent a life lost opportunities to communicate with
Form in Dudley for the past two during war. Lest we forget! providers of higher education.
The show enabled over 70,000
We are fully aware that students young people to engage with local
may be concerned with transport and national businesses,
to Windsor Sixth Form, so, as Government lead provision and
part of our trust family, we provide many other educational providers.
daily transport to students from It hosts and promotes a diverse
Kingswinford to Windsor Sixth range of careers and was packed
Form. with advisors and skills activities
offering a wide selection of
The deadline for applications is employment options, careers
this Friday 20th December; advice and future pathways.
however, should students wish
still to apply we would very much
encourage and support them
during this process. Please
make your on-line application via
the Windsor High School and
Sixth Form website.
Last words Goodbye, good bless and good luck to all Coming to
four of our departing staff! Kingswinford
by T Macdonald
Glad Welcomes! Academy!
Fond Farewells!
Whilst sad to see staff leave, we are excited 25th – 27th March
My starting comments are tinged with by the arrival of 3 more staff to join our 2020
sadness as we say goodbye to four very amazing team. Whilst replacing such
much loved members of staff this half wonderful staff is always hard, we are
term. As always at the end of a term staff fortunate in the imminent arrival of Ms
leave and other start with the school and Willmitt as our new SENCO, Mrs Airey as
we are very sorry to say goodbye to Mrs Head of House for Neon, and Mrs Dickens
Edwards, Ms Smith, Mrs Stevens and Mrs as our new Attendance Officer. I am sure
Hollies. Mrs Stevens and Mrs Hollies left students, staff and parents will wish them
slightly earlier in the term and we would all a very warm welcome and we look
like to wish them both the very best for forward to them joining our team!
their futures and thank them for all of their
hard work at Kingswinford Academy. A strong end to the decade
Ms Smith is leaving at the end of the term: Well the results are in, literally, for our
a much loved teacher and form tutor by all students at least! Reports will have gone
of the students and staff, she will be sorely home and you will have an idea of how
missed for her caring nature and friendly your daughters and sons are doing this
and supportive approach to all – we wish year. I can proudly say that our students
her the best in her next career steps and I continue to improve on previous years and,
know she will miss all of her students! in particular, our Year 11s are set to get
another astounding set of results this year
Mrs Edwards is heading to the Brier Special as they get closer to their GCSE exams.
school – for a SENCO there is no greater They have worked, along with all year
dream than to work in a Special School groups, tremendously hard this term and
(alongside our very own Mr Stanton!) and we expect great things of them – well
the Brier is an Outstanding special school done, they certainly have all earned a good
which will only improve with Mrs Edwards break.
influence! I am quite certain, however, that
we will see her again soon as she leaves her That just leaves me to wish you all a very
daughter and husband at Kingswinford as Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
student and staff respectively to it is a fond
farewell sure in the knowledge that she will
return to see how we are all doing.
Date Upcoming Events
Monday 6th January
Thursday 16th January Term starts
Wednesday 22nd January
Students start at 9.40am
Y8 Parents Evening
Ski trip meeting for parents in hall 5:30 – 6:30pm
Friday 31st January Dance Trip to Sleeping Beauty, Wolverhampton Grand
Theatre (times tbc)
Wednesday 12th February
Friday 14th February Y7 Parents Evening
Monday 24th February
Half Term holiday starts
Half Term holiday ends