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Published by CELESTE ORTIZ ESPINOZA, 2019-09-20 17:21:27

Untitled presentation (2)

Untitled presentation (2)

All About Celeste Ortiz


The night before my mom was in labor, my parents got in an argument.
They were both mad so my dad spent the night at my godparent’s house. The
next day he got a call saying that my mom’s water broke and she was in the
hospital. He rushed to the hospital and when he got there, my aunt was at the
door stopping him from going in the delivery room because of the argument
they had last night. My dad and aunt started yelling at each other loudly that
my mom could hear them from inside the room. My mom ended up letting
both of them in and a few hours later i was born.

Event 1: Hospital Scare

A few years ago, my mom got a call from my grandma saying that my
grandpa was in the hospital due to a heart attack. We were eating lunch
when my mom told my siblings and my dad. We immediately stopped
everything we were doing and started packing for our drive to San Jose.
When we got to San Jose it was late at night so my parents dropped off
my siblings and i in our uncles house and they headed to the hospital.
The next morning my parents came for us and took us to hospital with
them. Most of my family that lived in San Jose was there at the hospital.
We would all make food then eat at the hospital, this was our routine for
about a week or more. We would pray that our grandpa was going to be
okay and he would pass this. My grandpa had open heart surgery, the
surgery went fine. After that he was recovering good and he was starting
to feel better. We headed back home after we knew he was going to be

Event 2: Kindergarten

My first day of kindergarten, my mom dropped me off in
a classroom. My mom waved to me goodbye and i waved
back. I heard a bunch of kids crying, screaming, yelling, i
wondered why they were crying. They thought we were
never going to see our parents again but my mom told me
that she was going to see me after school. We all went
into the classroom and our teacher started explaining the
rules to us. His name was Mr.Zensa, my older sister told
me that he was mean and strict. We went out to play for
recess and lunch, the day seemed like it went by pretty
quick. The bell rang to go home and my mom picked me

Event 3: Giving Back on Thanksgiving

When I was 10 years old, my parents were
thinking about ways to give back to people
and the community. My sister said “why don’t
we give out food to the homeless”. We all
thought it was a great idea. A day before
thanksgiving we went to the store at and got a
bunch of canned foods, water, and granola
bars. We put them in paper bags, put them in
the car. Then next day we started driving to a
place where multiple homeless people lived.
We handed the bag outs and the homeless
people had a big smile on their face!

About the Author

Celeste Ortiz was born on March 23,2006. She is 13 years old and has
a pet chihuahua. She is an 8th graders at Stephen White Middle School.
She is a hardworking student and tries her best in school. She lives with
her mom, dad, brother, and sister. She is the middle child. Her younger
brother is 9 years old and her older sister is 17 years old. Her favorite
colors are red and black and she spends most of her free time on her
phone. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends!

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