It is exuberant how there are people who use ordinary wood lathes to care for
perfect chess pieces. The majority of people still use wood lathes for making
chess, And they render beautiful chess every time they do it. Their excellent
skills and artisanship are unparalleled. However, customers question whether
CNC woodturning machines can be used to make chess. Considering the
technological advancement these days and tools available to perform almost
any task, CNC woodturning machines can be used to make chess. And the
method is easy, feasible, and economical.
CNC Wood Lathes
Universal engraver reviews that mini CNC wood
lathes can be used instead of ordinary lathes to
turn chess pieces. Both these lathes are similar in
concept and function, However, They require two
completely different operator skill sets. CNC wood
lathes require advanced computer and graphic
knowledge, While ordinary lathes require a more
artistic skillset. To add to the convenience, CNC
wood lathes are safer than ordinary lathes.
CNC Wood Turning Machine.
A CNC wood lathe is categorically designed to perform functions
related to engraving. This advanced machine ensures that
functions such as wood milling, woodturning, and carving are
performed with utmost precision and perfection.
A chessboard typically has six kinds of chess pieces - Pawn, Rook,
Knight, Bishop, Queen, and the King. While the pawn can be
completely turned on a CNC wood lathe, the other five chess
pieces can only be partially turned owing to their design which
requires detailing. This detailing cannot be done using a CNC wood
turning machine.
Universal engraver reviews and takes a closer
look at these chess pieces for easy
Pawn: The Unique selling point of the pawn is
that it is cylindrical and symmetrical in its
shape. This makes it easier to be turned
using a CNC wood lathe
01 Pawn 02 Rook
The Unique selling point of the When it comes to carving the rook, The majority of
pawn is that it is cylindrical and the turning can be performed using the CNC wood
symmetrical in its shape. This lathe, except for the slots on the head. Hence, as
makes it easier to be turned using practice, These slots are made manually later
a CNC wood lathe since they are easy to execute.
03 Knight
Knight’s base can be turned using the CNC wood lathe.
Since the Knight’s head is not cylinder-based, it cannot be
turned using CNC. The Knight’s head consists of details
such as eye, mouth, etc, and while these can be carved
using hand (although not an easy task), There are other
machines such as a 4axis CNC carving machine or a 5-axis
router, Which can perform this task ideally.
04 Bishop 05 Queen
Almost the whole of Bishop can be The queen has the most intricate design across
turned using a CNC wood lathe, all chess pieces, and that is the top part of the
except for the slots on the head. crown. Therefore, while the rest of the Queen can
Similar to the rook, these slots can be turned on the CNC wood lathe, the crown top
be handcrafted separately can be either handcrafted or mechanized with
the help of a more advanced 5-axis CNC.
06 King
The King’s base and head can be turned using the
CNC wood lathe, however, the small detail on the
top of its head requires it to be either handmade
or milled by an advanced CNC such as 5 axis