Brand Guidelines
December 2018
Table of Contents 1
1 Introduction
1.1 The Eekatta Brand 2
2 Logo 3
2.1 Logomark 4
2.2 Logotype 4-5
2.3 Primary Logo
2.4 Alternate Logo 6
2.5 Logo with Tagline 6
2.6 Logo Spacing 6
3 Logo Variations
3.1 Monotone 8
3.2 Single Color 9
3.3 Full Color Icons
4 Logo Usage 10
4.1 Clear Zones 12
4.2 Logo Sizing 13
5 Typography
5.1 Logo Typeface 14
5.2 Primary Typeface 14
5.3 Secondary Typeface 15
5.4 Typeface Notes
5.5 Additional Fonts 16
6 Color 17
6.1 Primary Colors
6.2 Color Palette
6.3 Color Ratio
7 Brand Application
7.1 Image, Elements, Pattern & Texture
7.2 Brand Application Example
1 Introduction
1.1 The Eekatta Brand
Eekatta is the test prep brand for the independent student who is serious
about optimizing test day performance. Our books comprehensively and
efficiently review the core concepts tested on the exam. Our co-founders
are standardized testing experts who have coached thousands of
students and written industry-leading test prep materials. You’ll feel
prepared and confident taking the exam, because our practice tests
mirror the test day experience. Training with our materials is like having a
personal test tutor in your backpack!
Our company values:
2 Logo
2.1 Logomark
Our logomark, “The Eekatta Button”, consists of a crescent, a bar, and two checkmarks.
Together they form a disk emblazoned with an uppercase “E”. The crescent shape, which gives
the button its dimension, symbolizes growth, while the checkmarks symbolize achievement.
There are several verisons of the button that can be utilized dependent on the size and
application, but the shape should never be modified. The button should only be used
independently of our logotype in rare instances where space is extremely limited, such as
icons. it should always be unmistakeably linked with the Eekatta name.
2.2 Logotype
The Eekatta logotype is derived from the BP Replay font, but has been customized to provide
balance and legibility. The shape of this logotype should never be modified in any way and it
should never appear without our logomark.
2.3 Primary Logo
Our primary logo is a combination logo that aligns our logomark and logotype in a horizontal
orientation on a white background. This is also referred to as a “logo lockup” because the
spacing should never me modified.
2.4 Alternate Logo
Our alternate logo is a combination logo that aligns our logomark and logotype in a vertical
orientation on a white background. The alternative logo should only be used where
composition demands it.
2 | LOGO
2.5 Logo with Tagline
The logo with tagline provides space for a tagline or web address below our logotype. It
should never be used for secondary branding information.
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2.6 Logo Spacing
The following diagrams explain the logic used to arrange the elements of our logo. It’s
important that these proportions are maintained to keep our logo consistant.
Fig. 2.1 Points aligned in red dictate proportion and alignment of the logomark and logotype.
The width of the letter “t” dictates the space between the two.
▼ Fig. 2.2 The width of box “a”dictates the
a proportion of logomark and logotype. The two
a should be ceter-aligned to one another. The letter
“t” dictates the space between them two as
lorem ipsum dolor
½a ½a
Fig. 2.3 The width of the letter “t” dictates the space between the logomark and tagline as well
as the space between the logotype and logmark. The width of the tagline text should
be inset from the logotype by half this width. The cap line of the logotype and the base
line of the tagline dictate the scale and alignment of the logomark.
3 Logo Variations
3.1 Monotone
Keep contrast between our logomark and logotype in monotone applications.
3.2 Single Color
A knockout white version of the logo can be used over solid color or subtle gradient no lighter
than the examples below. It’s suggested that a 10% black “glow” be applied to the logo to
improved contrast.
The alternate versions of the Eekatta button shown here are intended for standalone use in
applications that require single color silohuette icons.
3.2 Full Color Icons
These variations on the Eekatta button are provided as examples of how shadow and gradient
can be applied to give our logomark more contrast and impact in standalone applications.
4 Logo Usage
4.1 Clear Zones
It’s very important that our logo has room to breath. Please don’t let shapes or text infringe
on the minimum clear zones defined below.
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4.2 Logo Sizing
Our logo type should always be legible, whether printed on the spine of a book or displayed
on the corner of a cell phone screen. Use the chart below as a general guideline.
Minimum Size Maximum Size
Button No maximum size, but
consider using a combined
16px 11/32” logo for anything larger than
web print an icon.
Primary Logo
No maximum size
24px web or 11/32” print
Alternate Logo
No maximum size
32px web
1/2” print
5 Typography
5.1 Logo Typeface
This typeface is for use in our logotype ONLY and should never be applied elsewhere.
BP Replay
BPreplay developed from the need to improve MgOpenModata, a rounded typeface made
available as an open source font from its owner Magenta. The regular weight of
MgOpenModata went through a series of glyph corrections, and in several cases complete
alterations (eg. a, epsilon, zeta, xi, omega, etc.), and BPreplay regular was born. BPreplay
italics, bold and bold italics, together with small caps and old style numerals, were
redesigned from scratch based on BPreplay regular.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
BP Replay Regular
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu
Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
BP Replay Bold
5.2 Primary Typeface
This typeface is the voice of our brand. Amongst other properties, it was chosen for it’s wide
selection of free font weights. These should be employed generously for both web and print.
The default weight for paragraph text should be “Light” for web and “Book” for print.
Fira Sans
Fira Sans is an open-source typeface designed by Erik Spiekermann with additional
contributions from Carrois Type Design. It was created for the Firefox OS in 2013 and shortly
thereafter released as open-source. Fira Sans is heavily based on Spiekermann’s FF Meta and
features a contemporary humanist design with open apertures and a large x-height. The Fira
family is still under active development and currently features nine weights with matching
italics as well as a monospaced version.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
Fira Sans Light
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
Fira Sans Book
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
Fira Sans Medium
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
Fira Sans Bold
5.3 Secondary Typeface
This typeface is used for text that might be found on a test. It was selected for legibility in
long passages and it’s similarity to Minion Pro, which is widely used by the College Board. It
also has a resonable selection of math symbols available for a free font.
Cochineal is a fork of Crimson Text, a remarkable creation of Sebastian Kosch. Crimson Text is a
font family for book production in the tradition of beautiful oldstyle typefaces like Garamond. As
such, it features oldstyle figures, small caps, fleurons, math characters and the like. e name
Cochineal is intended to suggest that, while it is Crimson, the font may have bugs involved. More
than 1500 glyphs were added to Crimson for the creation of Cochineal, allowing a more than
modest chance that some poor spacing or kerning or accent placement might have been introduced.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
Cochineal Roman
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( @ & $ * : ; ! ? )
Cochineal Bold
5.4 Typography Notes
All of the Eekatta typefaces are provided under the SIL Open Font License :
BP Replay
Distribution :
Fira Sans
CTAN Distribution :
Mozilla Distribution :
Google Fonts Distribution :
CTAN Distribution :
Google Fonts Distribution (Crimson Text ) :
5.5 Additional Fonts
These are some additional free fonts that fit the Eekatta brand style and might be considered
to create contrast against a primary and secondary fonts. They are distributed under the
Apache License Version 2.0:
Roboto Slab
Google Fonts Distribution :
Clear Sans
Distribution :
6 Color
6.1 Primary Colors
Eekatta Green Ocean Deep Turquoise
#40b98e #1c4d63 #42c0c6
R64 G185 B142 R28 G76 B99 R66 G192 B198
C70 M1 Y59 K0 C91 M63 Y43 K26 C65 M0 Y25 K0
6.2 Color Palette
Tints and shades of our primary colors should be incorporated to provide variety as needed.
Generate additional tints and shades at
#349875 #112e3c #35abb1
R52 G152 B117 R17 G46 B60 R53 G171 B177
C78 M18 Y67 K3 C90 M70 Y53 K54 C72 M11 Y32 K0
#40b98e #1c4d63 #42c0c6
R64 G185 B142 R28 G76 B99 R66 G192 B198
C70 M1 Y59 K0 C91 M63 Y43 K26 C65 M0 Y25 K0
#54c49d #276c8b #62cbd0
R84 G196 B157 R39 G108 B139 R98 G203 B208
C63 M0 Y51 K0 C86 M51 Y31 K7 C54 M0 Y21 K0
#7ad1b3 #328ab3 #89d8dc
R122 G209 B179 R50 G138 B179 R137 G216 B220
C50 M0 Y38 K0 C78 M35 Y16 K0 C43 M0 Y16 K0
#a0dec9 #4ca4cd #b0e5e8
R160 G222 B201 R76 G164 B205 R176 G229 B232
C36 M0 Y27 K0 C67 M21 Y9 K0 C29 M0 Y10 K0
6.3 Color Ratio
The ratio of colors shown below should be used as a rough guideline in creating Eekatta
branded materials.
Eekatta Green
tints & shades
15% 15% 10%
Turquoise Ocean Black
tints & shades tints & shades tints
7 Brand Application
7.1 Imagery, Elements, Pattern & Texture
7.1.1 Imagery
Eekatta imagery should feel contemporary and
connote self-guided productivity. Preference the
use of gradient maps with white highlights
applied to simple, but dynamic close-cropped
images with ample negative space. Doing so will
help maintain our brand palette and provide
opportunity for overlayed copy.
7.1.2 Elements
Use the crescent, bar, and checkmark shapes
from the Eekatta logomark as inspiration when
creating brand elements. Preference the use of
circles and rounded forms derived from the logo
shape that suggest depth and isometric
7.1.3 Pattern & Texture
Our brand doesn’t call for an extensive use of
pattern or texture. Preference solid color
combined with subtle gradient, low opacity
shadows, and tinted overlays.
7.2 Brand Application Example
The file “Cover Example FINAL.pdf” is intended to serve as an effective application of the
Eekatta brand. Notice the document’s background is roughly 50% white. A white background
behind the Eekatta logo is strongly preferred for any print document. Light colored
backgrounds and horizontal bars are used to define sections of text. Tints of black text are
combined with colored and knockout white text to help create heirarchy. Outside of the logo,
Fira Sans is the only font used. The use of several font weights helps reinforce heirarchy. Drop
shadow and icons draw the eye to more important text.
Eekatta is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur AP Calculus AB Exam AP® 1st edition
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Stephanie Moyerman, PhD is a lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
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Emily Meredith Sledge, MBA is a lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
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incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris . Stephanie Moyerman, PhD
Emily Meredith Sledge, MBA
math and testing