The Business People Forum
Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI) is pleased to
invite you to The Business People Forum to introduce Adamz
Group that have international expertise in various fields such as
consultancy, training & development and contracting.
On Monday 29.04.2019 at 9:00 am in Qatar Chamber
The topic that will be presented in the forum are
•Consultancy & Professional Development Solutions
•Human Resources Consultancy
•Professional Training Services.
•A national awareness campaign to educate children about safety
from an early age
•A national awareness campaign to educate the new generation on
Qatari customs and traditions.
•E – Learning Solutions in collaboration with EBSCO
•Launch of "Security and Safety Passport"
For more information please contact us:
Ehab Qasem / Noble Elaklouk / Ms. Laila
Tel: +974 3047 7753 / +974 3047 7795 / +974 445 591 32
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]