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Lukas Manning - 2019 Colonial Ebook Published Copy CHOICE 4

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Published by Lukas Manning, 2019-05-28 09:08:02

Lukas Manning - 2019 Colonial Ebook Published Copy CHOICE 4

Lukas Manning - 2019 Colonial Ebook Published Copy CHOICE 4

Welcome To
Colonial Life.

Lukas Manning

Table of Contents

Welcome to the thirteen colonies page 3
Colonial towns page 4
Running a colonial home is a lot of work page 5
Farming / food page 6
My school is better!, No mine is! Page 7
How do i look ? page 8
freetime/fun page 9
Jobs in colonial times page 10
Road to revolution page 11
Bibliography page 12

Welcome to the 13 Colonies!

A colony is a big chunk of land, many colonists live on a
colony, a colony is ruled by a king or queen. The colonies were
owned by king george the third the colonies were divided into
three parts the middle colonies the new england colonies and
the southern colonies.

Some colonists went to different
colonies. A colonist might have
went to a different colony because
they were looking for money, loot,
bigger land or because they
couldn't practice their religion at
their colonie.

click to play Colonial towns

Colonial towns had a few shops a school and a church the church was usually
where government business took place colonial towns were full of children and
some of the children came from europe and other countries

Each and every house had enough land to raise animals.
Parents grandparents aunts uncles and cousins all lived
together in the same house in colonial town. The most
important building in a colonial town is the meeting house. One of the most
busiest stores in the town was called an apothecary. it was one of the most busiest
stores in the town because it sold medicine, tobacco , spices and also candy.
People also went to a apothecary to get eyeglasses and get bad teeth pulled out.

Running a colonial town is a lot of work

Running a colonial home was a lot of work for the colonists
most things were done by hand and everyone had their own
job to do. The men and boys would plant crops chopped
firewood and fixed tools.

Women's jobs were different moms and aunts made the
wool and linen. girl cousins helped do these jobs so they
could learn how to do these jobs in the future.

Most houses had a stone fireplace in the middle of the
house. The toilet was outside in a small building called a
necessary. People also kept chamber pots under their beds.
They used the chamber pot at night so they don’t have to walk
to the outdoor toilet

Farming/ food

Native americans who were familiar with the land taught the
colonists how to farm. the animals men hunted was cooked
over the fireplace. Family’s would raise their own food

they raised cows , pigs , sheeps and chickens. Men hunted
for deer rabbits and turkey they also fished. They grew grains
fruits vegetables and other foods.

Most food was cooked in the fireplace in the main room of
the house. A pot hung down over the fire and sometimes the
pot had a stew of meat and vegetables. Sometimes it had
pudding made of eggs and sugar everyone had to be careful
about burning their long clothes in the fire

My school is better

no mine is.

Colonial children went to school in one room school houses and we went to a
school with more than one room in the whole school. A student who didn't know
their lessons might have to wear a pointed hat in front of the whole class. colonial
schools were strict the was allowed to hit a misbehaving student with a branch
schools today the teachers wouldn’t hit you with a branch if you were misbehaving.

Schools were not free parents sent money or food to pay. Schools today are
not free but today you would only pay with money and not food.Many colonial
teachers felt students learned best by memorizing their lessons. We don't
memorize are lessons in schools today. And most colonial schools had benches
instead of desks. Schools today don't have benches instead of desks.Children
learned to read , write and to solve math problems. There were no blackboards for
the teachers to write on. There were no pencils.They had to use quilts. It was tough
for children back then when they go to school. It wasn't as easy schools today the
teachers and schools were more strict there were no pencils. And some kids didn't
understand and they could get into a lot of trouble.

How do i look

Women and girls wore long dresses with don't
petticoats underneath, girls dont usually and
wear that. they wore leather shoes wear
caps. Girls today wear caps but don't
leather shoes. In the winter women wore
hooded cloaks.unlike girls today. At home
girls wore aprons so they don't get there
dresses dirty.

Men and boys wore breeches, long shirts and leather
shoes today we dont wear breeches, in winter men leather
breeches, wool shirts and boots. Outside they wore coats,
mittens, and hats. Just like us today Staying warm was

Clothes were expensive and took time to make. Most
people just had two outfits. everyone today has more outfits.

Freetime and fun

Men and boys often liked to race and they also liked shooting
contests. Children had special games like hopscotch ,building
kites and also playing with marbles.

Women went corn husking bees they also had quilting
bees they made dolls from leftover rags or cloth colonial
children played games that are still around today including
tag or hide and seek.

much toys such as spinning tops were made from wood
and string. Colonists played many outdoor games quoits was
popular. Players tossed rope rings over spikes colonists
played nine pins in their yard instead of bowling with ten pins,
colonists played with nine pins. Kids made whirly gigs in
colonial times had made a lot of games.

Jobs in colonial times

Women worked at home they made candles butter, soap and
took care of the children.

in the town the blacksmith made horseshoes and worked
with iron steel and tin. Blacksmith also made tools such as
hammers they made and repaired farm tools and kitchen pots
and other things

The cooper made barrels and buckets many slaves worked
on large farms called plantations. Milliners sold fabric, jewelry
and other goods they made and repaired gowns and hats and
other types of clothing women and men were shoemakers
they sold ready made shoes and also crafted custom made
shoes and boots.

Road to revolution

The american revolution all started when the british
government decided to make the american colonies pay a
large share of the war debt from the french and indian war.
Through the sugar act stamp act and other taxes. The british
tried to collect taxes that the american people considered

It ended when, a stunning defeat. In october 1781, the war
virtually came to an end when general cornwallis was
surrounded and forced to surrender the british position at
yorktown virginia. Two years later the treaty of paris made it
official america was independent!



Isaacs, Sally Senzell. Life in a Colonial Town. Heinemann
Library, 2001.

Kalman, Bobbie. Colonial Life. Crabtree Pub. Co., 1993.

Machajewski, Sarah. A Kid's Life in Colonial America.
PowerKids Press, 2015.

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