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National CEU Approved Early Childhood Science Teacher Training Workshops 2020-2021

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Published by Dr. Diana Wehrell - Grabowski, 2020-02-21 11:19:29

National CEU Approved Early Childhood Science Teacher Training Workshops 2020-2021

National CEU Approved Early Childhood Science Teacher Training Workshops 2020-2021

About Dr. Diana About the Trainings CEU Approved
Dr. Diana Wehrell-Grabowski, AKA Dr. Diana, has  All trainings are approved for CEU Credits,
dedicated her career to education and has more than and approved provider of CEU by IAECT. Science & STEM
35 years of experience working with school districts, Professional
private schools, organizations and libraries in the  All trainings help to meet National and
field of science and STEM education. She is a sought Regional Educational Initiatives including: Every Child Staff Development
after national speaker and consultant. She has trav- For
eled the world since 1987 sharing her passion and Succeeds Act (ESSA) & Race to the Top Early Learning
knowledge of science and STEM with educators, ad- Challenge (RTT-ELC). Early Childhood
ministrators, afterschool care staff, librarians and Teachers
parents. She is an advocate for hands-on-minds-on  All trainings help to build and strengthen the cognitive
teaching and learning, and providing learning envi- development and general knowledge of the Diana Wehrell-Grabowski, Ph.D.
ronments that will empower children of all ages. toddler—six-year old. Science Education Consultant

 Dr. Diana Wehrell-Grabowski received her Ph.D.  All trainings introduce participants to 104 North Brevard Avenue
in Science Education from Florida Institute of Lessons/experiences that help to cultivate and nurture Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931
Technology in 1994. She also has a Master’s degree curiosity and creativity, and empower the young child.
in Curriculum & Instruction in Science Education. PH: (321) 799-9004
 All trainings meet the requirements of the National Cell (321) 614-1596
 Diana has presented hundreds of teacher Science Education Standards (preschool & K levels) E-mail: [email protected]
training workshops and institutes throughout the
world to public and private institutions and organiza-  All trainings incorporate the use of hands-on-
tions. minds-on, inquiry-based explorations to teach science

 Diana has been a keynote speaker, guest concepts. Participants will be actively engaged in the
speaker and presenter at over 80 conferences learning process throughout the entire training.
throughout the nation and world.
 All trainings incorporate best practices based on
 Diana remains active in the classroom by current early childhood research findings.
presenting hands-on science lessons to young chil-
dren as a guest presenter. Additionally, she provides  Trainings range in length from full-day to
coaching to educators within the classroom as well. multiple-days, to week-long institutes. Diana is a
proponent of providing sustainable, on-going training that
 Her business has been awarded several will allow for in-depth content and learning experiences.
prestigious grants. Additionally, she has worked
collaboratively with other organizations in writing Florida Rates
grants that were awarded. Three hour workshops or less……….$800.00+
Six hour or less (full day) ……………..$1, 200.00+
 Diana has written dozens of science & STEM
training manuals during her career which are used in National Fees
her trainings. Three hour workshops or less ………$1,200.00 +
Six hour or less (full-day) fee range $1,800.00-$2,000.00+
 Diana is an active member of NAEYC, NSTA,
YALSA, Head Start, ASEE, ALA, STEM Coalition, After-  The fees listed above include materials and
school Association +. supplies to conduct the workshops for up to 25
participants. Clients print manuals. Air travel clients
Looking for a lively, interactive, will be asked to provide any “heavy or large materials
engaging & meaningful keynote, such as blocks, water tubs, etc.
preconference training or  There will be an additional fee accessed to
breakout for your conference?
Contact Dr. Diana for details @ cover all travel expenses incurred by the consultant.
 Pre– proposal quotes are submitted for all

Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Screen Free Coding for Young Children Incorporating LEGO® and Duplo® Bricks to Develop
Math (STEM) Practices & Content in the Early During this training participants will be introduced to and Strengthen 21st Century Skills
Childhood Classroom the importance of incorporating During this training participants will be
During this training participants coding in early childhood. Partici- introduced to STEAM-based lessons
will be introduced to STEM pants will be introduced to a wide that incorporate LEGO®, Duplo®, and
practices and content appropriate -array of affordable screen-free compatible building bricks to nurture
for the early childhood classroom. coding gadgets and toys as well and develop 21st century skills, and
Explorations are meaningful, as games to use when introducing develop engineering habits of mind. Participants will
empower and inspire the student, and nurture creativ- young children to the foundation- learn how to design and deliver STEAM-based learning
ity. Participants will: Be immersed in conducting al principles of coding. Some of the gadgets include experiences that make connections to the real-world
-based explorations that : Emphasize engineering Botley, Code-n-Go Mouse, Fisher Price Code-a-Pillar and through playful learning. Teachers will leave the ses-
design, incorporate important and developmentally Robot, Bee Bot, Coding Critters, and others. Participants sion inspired and empowered with a new outlook as to
appropriate STEM content and skills, and promote will have the opportunity to use all the gadgets as they how LEGO and Duplo building systems can provide
engineering habits of mind. From tinkering to build- undertake coding and engineering challenges through- young children with the skills needed to thrive in the
ing structures with everyday materials and recycla- out the day. 1-2 days. 21st century. Participants receive a detailed manual
bles, incorporating STEM practices in the block cen- and access to LEGO Challenge Cards. 1 day.
ter, incorporating children’s STEM-based literature, Using Loose Parts To Promote
journaling and more. Lastly, participants will be intro- Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math Teaching Science To The Young Child Through
duced to affordable and age-appropriate, Participants will be introduced Early Childhood Children’s Literature
technology to incorporate within the early childhood to the theory of Loose Parts.
classroom. 1-5 day sessions. Loose Parts empower our crea- During this training participants
tivity !Loose parts are materi- will learn how to bring science to life
Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through als that can be moved, carried, through popular pre-primary
STEAM Practices and Explorations in the Early combined, redesigned, taken children’s literature. Endless exam-
Childhood Classroom apart and put back together in multiple ways. Par- ples and strategies of how children’s
ticipants will learn how loose parts can promote literature can be used in the classroom to present
Teaching collaboration and communication STEAM content and practices in the early child- scientific concepts will be modeled and experienced
via construction: a natural connection exists between hood classroom. Through hands-on-minds-on ex- during this training. Participants will have the oppor-
the engineering design process and social-emotional periences participants will tinker and explore with tunity to review many fictional and non-fictional books
core competencies. Participants will gain an under- a wide-array of natural, recycled and everyday ma- with scientific themes from well-known authors such
standing of how science, technology, engineering, art terials and learn how to use them within their as:Andrea Beaty, Eric Carle, Dr. Seuss, Pfister,
and math practices (STEAM) can be used to develop classrooms, and in outdoor settings. 1-3 days. Zoehfeld, Gibbons, Leo Lionni, Lois Ehlert, Robbins, Bill
and nurture social-emotional learning in young chil- Martin, and Jenkins, Participants will be actively en-
dren. Results include children learning to empathize Teaching Science To The Preschool Child gaged in conducting inquiry-based investigations
with others, make responsible decisions, share General (covers all areas of science) across all science disciplines, scientific inquiry, and
materials, regulate their emotions and more. During this training participants will engineering. This training reinforces the powerful im-
Participants will also be introduced to STEAM and SEL- be introduced to the most current pact of incorporating literacy connections within sci-
based literature. teaching methodologies and ence lessons on a daily basis in an engaging and I
learning theories in science inspiring way. 1-3 day sessions.
STEM for Infants and Toddlers education. Participants will learn
Participants will be introduced to foundational how to provide opportunities for the preschool Connecting Science Across The Curriculum
principles of STEM. Learn how to incorporate age- child to develop age-appropriate observational, The use of a interdisciplinary
appropriate STEM explorations for infant and toddler exploratory, and analytical skills necessary to approach to teaching science forms the
learning environment. 1-2 days +. study the Nature of Science. All explorations are basis of this workshop. During this
hands-on-minds-on. The following science areas/ training participants will be presented
Young Nature Explorers concepts will be covered: Scientific Thinking with a broad overview of how science
During this training participants will (developing observational skills, 21st century can be creatively integrated within all
learn simple yet effective ways to use the learning skills, Life Sciences (plants, animals, & the subject areas. Participants will conduct numerous
school yard, neighboring parks, and oth- environment), Earth and Space Science (rocks, hands-on science explorations which explore the
er outdoor settings to teach the young child about the water, weather, & space), and the Physical connections between Science and other disciplines
many wonders of our natural world. Concepts to be Sciences. Multiple-days. including:Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, The
covered include: nature awareness, animals/wildlife, Arts, and Physical/ Health Education. Lastly,
habitats, ecosystems, conservation, ecology, energy, participants will expand their science knowledge base
botany, gardening, engineering outside and more. and learn how to creatively integrate science concepts
Participants will also gain new ideas to connect nature and, explorations within all subject areas using an
science with other subject areas. 1-2 days. interdisciplinary approach. 1-3 day sessions.

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