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Published by SUMBER PANITIA SK GOPENG TAMAN GOPENG BARU, 2023-03-16 14:24:27



KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 39 Inculcation of SPS should be repeated throughout the year to provide opportunities for pupils to improve and enhance mastery of the intended skills. The scope of knowledge for Level II is shown in Table 13. Table 13: Content of KSSR Science Level II THEME SCOPE Inquiry in Science Science process skills Life Science Human: breathing, excretion and defecation, respond to stimuli, skeletal system, blood circulatory system, relationship between body systems, reproductive system and nervous system. Animals: breathing organs, vertebrates, survival of the species and interaction among animals. Plants: respond to stimuli, photosynthesis, survival of the species, seeds dispersal, interaction among plants, preservation and conservation. Microorganisms. THEME SCOPE Physical Science Properties of light, sound, sources and forms of energy, renewable and nonrenewable energy, sources of electrical energy, series and parallel circuit, safety precautions in handling electrical appliances and conservation of electricity, heat and temperature, force and its effects, frictional force, air pressure and speed of objects. Materials Science Basic sources of materials, properties of materials, rusting, states of matter, changes in states of matter, natural water cycle, food spoilage, food preservation and waste management.

KSSR SAINS TAHUN 5 40 Table 13: Content of KSSR Science Level II THEME SCOPE Earth and Space Gravity of Earth, rotation and revolution of the Earth, phases of the Moon, constellations, phenomena of eclipses and the Milky Way galaxy. Technology and Sustainability of Life Lever, simple machines and complex machines, uses of tools in life, stability and strength of objects and structures, the advantages and disadvantages of technology.


KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 42 1.0 SCIENTIFIC SKILLS CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 1.1 Science Process Skills Pupils are able to : 1 Recall the science process skills. Suggested activities: Carry out an investigation to acquire science process skills such as: (i) Measure temperature using a standard tool and unit with the correct techniques. (ii) Carry out experiments to determine the factors that cause rusting. (iii) Carry out experiments to determine the factors that affect the brightness of bulbs in series or parallel circuit. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Observe by using all the senses involved and tools if necessary to make qualitative observations to explain phenomenon or changes that occur. Classify by comparing or identifying similarities and differences based on common characteristics. Measure and use numbers by using appropriate tools and standard units with correct techniques. Make inferences by stating the initial conclusion or by giving reasonable explanations for the observation made using the information gathered. 2 Describe the science process skills.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 43 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 3 Apply the science process skills to perform a task. 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 Predict by making reasonable assumptions of an event or phenomenon based on observations, prior experiences or data. Communicate by recording information or ideas in suitable forms and presenting them systematically. Use space-time relationship by arranging occurrences of phenomenon or event in a chronological order based on time. Interpret data by selecting relevant ideas about an object, an event or the trend of the data to make an explanation. 4 Analyse the science process skills to solve problems or to perform a task.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 44 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 5 Evaluate the science process skills to solve a problem or to perform a task. 1.1.9 1.1.10 1.1.11 1.1.12 Define operationally by describing an interpretation of a task carried out and observed in a situation according to determined aspects. Control variables by determining the responding and constant variables after the manipulated variables in an investigation have been determined. Make a hypothesis by making a general statement that can be tested based on the relationship between the variables in an investigation. Carry out experiments by using the basic science process skills to collect and interpret data, summarise to prove the hypothesis and write a report. 6 Design an experiment to solve a problem systematically and be responsible to oneself, peers and environment.


KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 46 2.0 HUMAN CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 2.1 Human Skeletal System Pupils are able to: 1 Label the main human skeleton. Notes: Function of the main human skeleton: Main Skeleton Function Backbone supports the body Skull protects the brain Rib protects internal organs Hand and leg bones support and movement Suggested activity: Observe human skeletal model/ diagram to identify bones and position of joints. 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 Describe the function of the main human skeletal system. Identify the bones and position of joints in human skeletal system. State the function of joints in human skeletal system. Provide reasoning on the importance of skeletal system to human body. Explain the observations of human skeletal system through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 2 Describe the function of each main part involved in blood circulatory system.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 47 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 2.2 Human Blood Circulatory System Pupils are able to: 3 Sketch the pathways of human blood circulation. Notes: Function of the main parts in blood circulatory system: Part Function Heart pumps blood to the lungs and whole body Lungs place for exchanging carbon dioxide with oxygen. Blood Vessels transport blood to the whole body Block diagram of blood circulation pathways in human body: 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Describe the function of the main parts involved in human blood circulatory system. Sketch the pathways of blood circulation; rich in oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide in human body. Summarise the importance of blood circulatory system in human body. Explain the observations of human blood circulatory system through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 4 Provide reasoning on the importance of skeletal system and blood circulatory system in human body. Blood rich in carbon dioxide Blood rich in oxygen Human body Heart Lungs

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 48 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 2.3 Relationship between the Systems in Human Body Pupils are able to: 5 Generate ideas on the importance of taking care of all the systems in human body. Notes: Examples of the relationship between the systems in human body: (i) When a person is choked by food (digestive system), the respiratory tract will be blocked (respiratory system). (ii) When a hand’s bone is broken (skeletal system), the hand will be swollen due to blood flow distruption (blood circulatory system). Systems in human body that can be related such as digestive system, blood circulatory system, respiratory system, and human skeletal system. 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 Explain through examples the relationship between the systems in human body. Provide reasoning on the importance of taking care of all the systems in human body to function efficiently. Generate ideas ways to protect the systems in human body to ensure a healthy life. Explain the observations on the relationship between systems in human body through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively on the relationship between the systems in the human body.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 49 3.0 ANIMAL CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 3.1 Survival of Animal Species Pupils are able to: 1 State the characteristics and specific behaviours of animals to ensure the survival of their species. Notes: Survival of the species is the ability for animals and plants to maintain their species to avoid extinction. Characteristics and specific behaviours of animals to protect themselves from enemies such as: (i) Detach body part. (ii) Spurt out black ink. (iii) Have fake eyes. Encourage the use of ICT to make observations on various characteristics and specific behaviours of animals to protect themselves. 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 State the meaning of survival of the species. Explain with examples the characteristics and specific behaviours of animals to protect themselves from enemies. Explain with examples the specific behaviours of animals to protect themselves from extreme weather. Identify ways animals protect their eggs. Identify ways animals ensure the survival of their youngs. 2 Describe the characteristics and specific behaviours of animals to ensure the survival of their species. 3 Explain with examples the characteristics and specific behaviours of animals to ensure the survival of their species.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 50 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 3.1.6 Explain the observations on the survival of animal species through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 4 Build a graphic organiser on the characteristics and specific behaviours of animals to ensure the survival of species. Notes: Specific characteristics of animals to protect themselves from extreme weather such as: (i) Wallow in mud: buffalo. (ii) Migrate: stork, whale. (iii)Hibernate: ground squirrel. Ways animals protect their eggs such as: (i) Hide the eggs: crocodile, lizard, butterfly. (ii) Lay slimy eggs: frog. (iii) Incubate the eggs: penguin. Ways animals ensure the survival of their young such as: (i) Carry the young in their pouch: kangaroo (ii) Carry the young in their mouth: crocodile, arowana fish. (iii) Attack when its young is disturbed: chicken, cat. 3.2 Create Animal Model Pupils are able to: 5 Predict the ways other animals protect themselves based on knowledge about characteristics or specific behaviours. 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Create an imaginary animal model that can protect itself from enemies and extreme weather. Provide reasoning on how specific characteristics of the created imaginary animal model can protect itself from enemies and extreme weather. Communicate on the specific characteristics of an animal to appreciate God’s creation for ensuring the balance of nature. Explain the observations of the imaginary animal model through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 6 Design an imaginary model of animal by applying the knowledge of specific characteristics and behaviours and provide reasoning about the characteristics.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 51 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 3.3 Food Relationship among living things Pupils are able to: 1 State the main source of energy in the food relationship. Notes: Food chain shows how energy is absorbed from the Sun by green plants to carry out photosynthesis and transferred from producer to consumers. 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 State the meaning of food chain. Identify producer and consumers in a food chain. Summarise food relationship among living things and the photosynthesis process in term of energy transfer in a food chain. State the meaning of food web. Build food webs in various habitats. 2 Identify producer and consumers in a food chain. 3 Build a food web in a habitat. 4 Provide reasoning on the importance of food relationship among living things in terms of energy transfer.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 52 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 3.3.6 3.3.7 Predict the effect on other living things if there are population changes in the food web of a habitat. Explain the observations on food relationship among living things through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 5 Predict the effect on population changes of living things in a food web. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively on energy transfer in food relationship among living things and present their findings.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 53 4.0 PLANTS CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 4.1 Survival of Plant Species Pupils are able to: 1 State ways plants disperse their seeds or fruits. 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 Explain with examples the specific characteristics of plants to protect themselves from enemies. Explain with examples the specific characteristics of plants to adapt themselves during climate and seasonal changes. Explain the observations about survival of plant species through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 2 Describe the specific characteristics of plants to ensure the survival of their species. 3 Explain with examples the specific characteristics of plants to ensure the survival of their species.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 54 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 4.2 Dispersal of Seeds Pupils are able to: 4 Build a graphic organiser to show the relationship on the characteristics of seeds with the ways of dispersal. Notes: Ways plants disperse their seeds and fruits such as: (i) By water. (ii) By wind. (iii) By human and animals. (iv) By explosive mechanism. The importance of the survival of animal and plant species such as: (i) Continuity of food sources for living things. (ii) Avoid extinction. (iii) Interdependence among various living things to maintain the balance of nature. Pupils predict ways of dispersal learnt for other seeds. 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 State ways plants disperse their seeds or fruits. Relate the ways of dispersal with the characteristics of seeds or fruits. Predict the way of a seed dispersal based on its characteristics. Explain the observations on dispersal of seeds through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 5 Support the predictions about the way other plants protect and adapt themselves based on the knowledge of specific characteristics of plants. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively on the importance of the survival of animal and plant species to ensure the balance of nature.


KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 56 5.0 ELECTRIC CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 5.1 Sources of Electrical Energy Pupils are able to: 1 Give examples sources of electrical energy. 5.1.1 Explain with examples the sources of electrical energy. 5.2 Series circuit and parallel circuit Pupils are able to: 2 Identify series and parallel circuit based on the circuit diagram given. 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 Identify the arrangement of bulbs in series and parallel in a complete circuit. Sketch the series and parallel circuit diagrams using symbols. Compare and contrast the brightness of the bulbs in series and parallel circuits.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 57 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 Carry out experiments to compare the brightness of bulbs in series or parallel circuit by changing the number of bulbs. Carry out experiments to compare the brightness of bulbs in series or parallel circuit by changing the number of dry cells. State the condition of bulbs when a few switches are opened or closed in a series and parallel circuit by carrying out activities. Explain the observations on series and parallel circuits through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 3 Build series and parallel circuits and sketch the diagrams using symbols. 4 Generate ideas on the effects of mishandling electrical appliances.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 58 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 5.3 Safety precautions in handling electrical appliances and the conservation of electricity Pupils are able to: 5 Conclude factors that affect the brightness of the bulbs in series and parallel circuits based on the number of bulbs and dry cells. Suggested activity: Carry out an activity to analyse the usage of electrical energy in house or school based on monthly electricity bill. 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 Generate ideas on the factors that affect the usage of electrical energy by carrying out activities. Explain with examples the effects of mishandling electrical appliances. Describe the safety precautions in handling electrical appliances Explain the observations on safety precautions in handling electrical appliances and the conservation of electricity through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively on the safety precautions in handling the electrical appliances and the conservation of electricity towards sustainability of life.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 59 6.0 HEAT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 6.1 Heat and Temperature Pupils are able to: 1 State the meaning of heat and temperature. Notes: Safety precautions should be taken when carrying out water heating activities. Effects of heat on materials when they gain and lose heat such as: (i) Materials become warmer or cooler. (ii) Temperature of materials increase or decrease. (iii) Materials expand or contract. Suggested activity: Pupils measure the temperature of water from ice to the boiling point. 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 State the meaning of heat and temperature. Measure temperature using the standard tool and unit with the correct techniques. Use space-time relationship to observe the changes of temperature when ice is heated and determine the freezing point and boiling point of water by carrying out activities. Describe the changes of water temperature when hot water is cooled down to room temperature. Conclude effects on materials when they gain and lose heat by carrying out activities. 2 Measure the boiling point and freezing point of water. 3 Make generalisation that materials become warmer when they gain heat and become cooler when they lose heat.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 60 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 6.1.6 6.1.7 Provide reasoning on the importance of application of expansion and contraction principle of materials in daily life. Explain the observations about heat and water temperature through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 4 Explain through examples the expansion and contraction of materials in terms of gaining and losing heat. Notes: When the hot water is left to cool down, the water temperature will decrease to the surrounding temperature and will remain unchanged. Suggested activities: Pupils carry out activities to show the effects of expansion and contraction of materials such as: (i) Heating the iron ball or ring. (ii) Heating and cooling of coloured water in a conical flask fixed with glass tube. (iii) Immersing a bottle with balloon attached on its mouth into hot water and ice . 5 Interpret data from water temperature against time graph to determine the freezing point and boiling point. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively to solve problem by applying knowledge on the effects of gaining and losing heat.


KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 62 7.0 RUSTING CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 7.1 Rusting Material Pupils are able to: 1 Identify rusty and non-rusty objects. Notes: Characteristics of rusty object such as: (i) Has a reddish-brown layer. (ii) Rough surface. (iii) Brittle. Suggested activities: Carry out projects to prevent rusting in school such as: (i) Paint the tools that can rust. (ii) Repair rusty windows by applying oil. 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 State the characteristics of rusty object. Make generalisation that objects made from iron can rust. Carry out experiments to determine the factors that cause rusting. Describe ways to prevent rusting. Provide reasoning on the importance to prevent rusting. Explain the observations on rusting material through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 2 Describe rusty objects. 3 Make generalisation that objects made from iron can rust. 4 Conclude the factors that cause rusting. 5 Justify the suitable ways to prevent rusting on objects. 6 Carry out projects to prevent rusting of objects in the surrounding and provide reasoning on the method used.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 63 8.0 MATTER CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 8.1 States of Matter Pupils are able to: 1 State that matter exists in the form of solid, liquid and gas. Note: Properties of solid, liquid and gas based on mass, space occupancy, volume and shape. Suggested activity: Make an analogy on the arrangements of particles in solid, liquid and gas by carrying out simulation. 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 State that matter exists in the form of solid, liquid and gas. Classify materials or objects based on the states of matter. Characterise properties of solid, liquid and gas by carrying out activities. Make generalisation that water can exist in three states of matter by carrying out activities. Explain the observations on states of matter through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 2 List the process of changes in states of matter for water. 3 Classify materials or objects based on the states of matter.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 64 CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 8.2 Changes in States of Matter for Water Pupils are able to: 4 Conclude the changes in states of matter for water in terms of gaining or losing heat. Notes: Water can change its states through processes of freezing, melting, boiling, evaporation and condensation. 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 Describe the changes in states of matter for water by carrying out activities. Explain with examples the changes in states of matter when it gains or loses heat by carrying out activities. Relate the changes in states of matter for water in the formation of cloud and rain. Explain the observations on changes in states of matter for water through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 5 Summarise the relationship between the changes in states of matter in the formation of cloud and rain. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively by making an analogy to explain the arrangements of particles in solid, liquid and gas when gaining or losing heat.


KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 66 9.0 PHASES OF THE MOON AND CONSTELLATION CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 9.1 Phases of the Moon Pupils are able to: 1 State that the Moon does not emit light. Notes: Phases of the moon such as new moon, crescent, half moon and full moon. Examples of constellations such as Orion, Big Dipper, Southern Cross and Scorpion. 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.1.4 State that the Moon does not emit light but reflects light from the Sun. Describe the rotation of the Moon on its axis and at the same time it revolves around the Earth in terms of direction and duration by carrying out a simulation. Use space- time relationship to describe phases of the Moon in a complete cycle according to the Lunar calendar. Explain the observations on phases of the Moon through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 2 Identify the patterns and the uses of the constellations. 3 Explain the movement of the Moon in terms of direction and duration. 4 Sequence the phases of the Moon correctly by sketching. 9.2 Constellation Pupils are able to: 5 Summarise the relation of phases of the Moon with events of life. 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 Identify the constellations and their shapes. State the uses of the constellations. Explain the observations of the constellations through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively on the existence of other constellations by seeking information from various media.


KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 68 10.0 MACHINE CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD REMARKS PERFORMANCE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR 10.1 Uses of Tools in Life Pupils are able to: 1 Identify simple machines in a tool. Notes: Features of inventing sustainable tool in terms of: (i) Material suitability; (ii) Life span; (iii) Maintenance; (iv) Cost; (v) Environment friendly; (vi) Safety. Suggested activities: (i) Choose tools in the surrounding such as mechanical pencil sharpener, toy car and mechanical pencil. (ii) Assemble the tools to understand how they function. 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.1.4 10.1.5 State the uses of a tool in surrounding. Explain the simple machines’ functions that combine, which enables a tool to function through observations on an actual tool. Provide reasoning on the importance of combination of simple machines to ensure the tool functions well. Generate ideas on the importance of features in inventing sustainable tools. Explain the observations on the uses of tools in daily life through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way. 2 Describe the uses of a tool in daily life. 3 Make generalisation on the importance of combination of simple machines found in a tool. 4 Explain with examples the simple machines’ functions that combine to ensure the tool functions well. 5 Provide reasoning on the importance of features in inventing a sustainable tool. 6 Communicate creatively and innovatively on modifications of a tool to make it more sustainable.

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 69 PANEL OF WRITERS 1. Dr. Rusilawati binti Othman Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 2. Hajah Zainon binti Abd Majid Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 3. Kamarul Azlan bin Ahmad Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 4. Kumutha a/p Krishnamoorthy Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 5. Nuraini binti Abu Bakar Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 6. Makrof bin Md Daud IPG Kampus Perempuan Melayu, Melaka 7. Asah binti Tambol SK Kantan Permai, Selangor 8. Aszoura binti Muhamed Salleh SK Dato Abu Bakar Baginda, Selangor 9. Balachandran a/l Kandasamy SK Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 10. Devi a/p Govindasamy SK Taman Selayang (2), Selangor 11. Fatul Muin bin Azizan SK Kuala Ketil, Kedah 12. Fazlinah binti Ali SK Sungai Sumun, Perak 13. Helmehusnarita binti Hussin SK Andek Mori, Johor 14. Irmayati binti Ismail SK Parit Jawa, Johor 15. Mazlaily binti Zakaria SK Seri Kelana, Negeri Sembilan 16. Mohd Azizi bin Alias SK Sungai Kantan, Selangor 17. Moorni binti Mohamad SK Sultan Ismail 1, Kelantan 18. Noor Laily binti Mohamad SK Sungai Tukang Sidin, Perak 19. Noorul Aisyah binti Abdul Ghafar SK Kajang, Selangor 20. Noraini binti Ibrahim PPD Besut, Terengganu 21. Puspa a/p Ramiah SK Bukit Maluri, WP Kuala Lumpur 22. Puteri Hanizah binti Megat Amaddin SK Melekek, Melaka

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 70 CONTRIBUTORS 1. Prof. Madya Dr.Rohaida binti Mohd Saat Universiti Malaya 2. Prof. Madya Dr.Tajulariffin bin Sulaiman Universiti Putra Malaysia 3. Mohd Munir bin Baharom Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor 4. Aza Abeha binti Adam SK Taman Damansara Aliff, Johor 5. Chandralegah a/p Kuppusamy SK Bandar Uda 2, Johor 6. Hamka bin Abu Bakar SK Gong Pasir, Terengganu 7. Logeswary a/p Arumugam SJKT Rawang, Selangor 8. Maimunah binti Mohamad SK Ismail Petra 2, Kelantan 9. Masliza binti Harun SK Taman Midah, WP Kuala Lumpur 10. Mohd Freezailah Arkmey bin Mohd Din SK Kemumin, Kelantan 11. Musa bin Atan SK Sri Tebrau, Johor 12. Norhayati binti Abd Wahab SK Nuri, Negeri Sembilan 13. Nur Azyyati binti Ibrahim SK Taman Universiti, Selangor 13. Rubiah binti Kemad SK Sungai Tiram, Johor 23. Ruzinar binti Ibrahim SK Tok Raja, Terengganu 24. Siti Aminah binti Ahmad SK Batu Belah, Selangor 25. Siti Hawa binti Yaacob SK Kemuning, Melaka 26. Siti Roha binti Abd Karim SK Kayu Ara Pasong, Johor 27. Teh Malihah binti Hussain SK Simpang Empat, Perak 28. Thiayagarajan a/l Packirisamy SK Kota Kemuning, Selangor

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 71 14. Sinasuria binti Mohd Sikon SK Taman Molek, Johor 15. Tan Sing Sing SJKC Serdang Baru 1, Selangor 16. Thenmoly a/p Rajan SJKT Vivekananda, WP Kuala Lumpur 17. Wan Md Azami binti Wan Razak SK Seri Kg Laut, Kelantan PANEL OF TRANSLATORS 1. Anon Sham binti Che Din Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 2. Nor Izni binti Mohd Hassan English Language Teaching Centre, Negeri Sembilan 3. Ros Amisha binti Shabudin IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas, WP Kuala Lumpur 4. Arni binti Mansor SK Batang, Melaka 5. Balachandran a/l Kandasamy SK Bandar Sunway, Selangor 6. Kamalakannan a/l Letchumanan SK Puchong Jaya 2, Selangor 7. Kavitha a/p Maslamany SK Taman Dato’ Harun (2), Selangor 8. Mohd Azizi bin Alias SK Sungai Kantan, Selangor 9. Mohd Firdaus bin Hj Dasuki SK Sungai Buloh, Selangor 10. Nalini a/p Murugaiyah SK Taman Universiti, Selangor 11. Norhaslinda binti Abd Arif SK Convent (2) Bukit Nanas, WP Kuala Lumpur 12. Rose Adeline binti Aman SK Seri Laksamana, Melaka 13. Sangeetha a/p Paramasivan SK Seksyen 17, Selangor 14. Siti Jamilah binti Hashim SK Bandar Tasek Kesuma, Selangor 15. Thiayagarajan a/l Packirisamy SK Kota Kemuning, Selangor 16. Wan Mohd Akmal bin Wan Mansor SK Putrajaya Presint 18(1), WP Putrajaya

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 72 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Advisors Dr. Mohamed bin Abu Bakar - Pengarah Datin Dr. Ng Soo Boon - Timbalan Pengarah (Dasar dan Sains & Teknologi) Editorial Advisors Mohamed Zaki bin Abd. Ghani - Ketua Sektor Haji Naza Idris bin Saadon - Ketua Sektor Mahyudin bin Ahmad - Ketua Sektor Dr. Rusilawati binti Othman - Ketua Sektor Mohd Faudzan bin Hamzah - Ketua Sektor Fazlinah binti Said - Ketua Sektor Mohamed Salim bin Taufix Rashidi - Ketua Sektor Haji Sofian Azmi bin TajulArus - Ketua Sektor Paizah binti Zakaria - Ketua Sektor Hajah Norashikin binti Hashim - Ketua Sektor

KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 73 Publication Technical and Specification Coordinator Saripah Faridah binti Syed Khalid Nur Fadia binti Mohamed Radzuan Mohamad Zaiful bin Zainal Abidin Graphic Designer Siti Zulikha binti Zelkepli


KSSR SCIENCE YEAR 5 This curriculum document is published in Bahasa Melayu and English language. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the Bahasa Melayu version and the English version, the Bahasa Melayu version shall, to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency, prevail.


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