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Hannah Shergold's 2020 collection of 24 original oil paintings. 20% of all sales will be donated to Tusk.

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Published by Hannah Shergold, 2020-05-18 09:13:47

Hannah Shergold - 2020 Tusk Collection

Hannah Shergold's 2020 collection of 24 original oil paintings. 20% of all sales will be donated to Tusk.

Keywords: tusk,tusk trust,hannah shergold,prince william,charlie mayhew,art,artist,emerging artist,investment,investment art,elephant,elephants,elephant art,wildlife,wildlife art,conservation,covid-19,covid,coronavirus,lockdown,deborah meaden

The Tusk Collection

Proudly fundraising for

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The Tusk Collection

Available now

20% of all sales from the 2020 Tusk Collection will be donated to Tusk. The full
collection will be exhibited in London at La Galleria Pall Mall from the 15th - 29th June.
Furthermore, two paintings have been selected for auction in June 2020 with 100% of

the proceeds from these two works being donated - see pages 65-73. Details of the
bidding process are available on the website at:



“In the middle of difficulty
lies opportunity”

Albert Einstein

Inlate2019artistandphilanthropistHannahShergold the exhibition is back on and will open on the 15th
approached Tusk CEO Charlie Mayhew and offered June.”
to dedicate her 2020 collection to raising funds for
the charity. Her new work was due to be exhibited Charlie Mayhew said of her, “I am constantly amazed
at London’s Institute of Directors at the prestigious by the generosity of so many artists who have
116 Pall Mall in June 2020 with an opening night supported Tusk over the last 30 years, but none more
and charity auction hosting 350 guests. The event so than Hannah Shergold, whose enthusiasm and
was already generously sponsored by HSBC with commitment to raising funds for Tusk is irrepressible!
celebrity hosts and guests confirmed. More importantly her paintings are outstanding and
I would urge everyone to invest in one of these
Andthentheworldfacedanunprecedentedchallenge stunning works of art, safe in the knowledge that by
with the outbreak of Covid-19 when the world went doing so you will be helping to fund vital conservation
into lockdown. Hannah had to cancel her London projects across Africa. The crisis brought about by
preview and replan the release of the collection COVID-19 means we must ensure we are able to
into the virtual world. “I made a commitment,” she maintain the frontline of conservation and protection
said, “and I feel that now more than ever I have of our precious natural world. We are hugely grateful
a reponsibility to honour that support for Tusk at to Hannah for her generosity and I wish her every
a time when their fundraising capacity and their success with the sale of her collection.”
projects are under threat. Despite the pandemic,

The Artist

Hannah graduated from Cambridge University
in 2006 having studied pre-clinical Veterinary
Medicine. After three years as a bronze sculptor
she joined the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
and commissioned into the Army Air Corps.
Following a ground tour of Afghanistan with the
infantry she qualified as a Lynx helicopter pilot and
has served all over the world including Germany,
Canada and Kenya.

In 2015 Hannah was deployed to Kenya to
conduct medical evacuation duties. Often based in
austere locations in the remote northern deserts,
she flew multiple casualties with life-threatening
conditions to medical facilities in Nairobi. Having
experimented with painting whilst on standby
Hannah’s work quickly drew a following, and
since her return to the UK in 2016 Hannah has
featured on Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year, in
the Financial Times “How To Spend It”, Mayfair
Times, Luxury London magazine, and was listed
as one of the top 10 “Women to Watch in the Arts”
by About Time magazine.

Still an Army Reservist and passionate supporter
of military charities, in 2018 Hannah was chosen


“Art is home for me.
It is my comfort,
My safe space.”

as the UK Invictus Games artist-in-residence, three original oil paintings as well as a percentage
travelling to Sydney, Australia, in the autumn of of her 2019 ‘Wild Collection’. With the help of Born
2018 for the Games. She raised over £50,000 for Free founder Virginia McKenna and patron Joanna
the UK team through the donation of her artwork. Lumley Hannah raised a staggering £65,000.

In early 2019 Hannah featured in the Sky Arts Hannah now paints and coordinates her
Portrait Artist of the Year competition having won philanthropic activities from her studio in
the only Wildcard slot for a place in the heats. Winchester. “I feel privileged to have worked
Her portrait, produced live in only 4 hours, was in such different fields and to have had such
selected by her sitter, ‘Top Boy’ and ‘Bulletproof’ wonderful experiences along the way, but
actor Ashley Walters, to keep as his own. art is home for me. It is my comfort, my safe
space, and it is what I have always returned to
Later in 2019 Hannah dedicated her London throughout a varied and colourful career.”
exhibition to the Born Free Foundation, donating

The Art

“I am, at heart,
a scientist.”

Since returning to the UK from Kenya in 2016
Hannah has developed her style and technique
using oil paints and palette knives. Her unique use
of horizontal and vertical strokes to break up her
paintings brings a geometric element to a subject
matter not usually associated with straight lines.
Hannah captures the energy and movement of
her subject with a bold use of impasto paint in
vibrant, often unnatural colours. She works quickly
to capture a likeness while the paint is still wet,
moving the medium across the canvas to create
the network of layers that are threaded through
her work.


“The process came about by “happy accident,” details that will enable the viewer to read the form.
Hannah says. “I am, at heart, a scientist and I like to force the viewer’s brain to work harder to
perhaps a perfectionist, so my work has a habit find the image so that they are continually surprised
of becoming too tight and controlled in favour of by shapes and lines that disappear and then re-
achieving anatomical correctness. Yet another emerge when viewed from different angles. It is
painting had lost its life and fluidity and in frustration a push and pull process that draws the subject in
I took a scraping knife to a canvas, intending to and out of focus - the challenge is to find the right
dispose of the piece rather than to improve it. But balance between realism and abstract.
the colours had been dragged through each other
in a way that had produced some intriguing, albeit ”Now, rather than being frightened by the prospect
accidental, effects. of making a mistake, I mentally prepare myself to
ruin a painting for the benefit of experimentation
“I now use this method as a tool to keep the energy and progression. Painting is a daunting process,
in my work. I force myself to break the painting but the careful balance of luck with judgement
down before reintroducing only the necessary makes it all the more exciting.”


The Charity

Tusk’s success is rooted in the
understanding that the interests
of both people and wildlife are
inextricably linked.


The charity was established in 1990 in response as the human population continues to grow and
to the devastating poaching crisis of the 1980’s, consume ever more natural resources.
which pushed black rhino to the brink of extinction
and saw 100,000 elephants slaughtered each Over three decades, Tusk has supported forward-
year for their ivory. Since then Tusk has become a thinking and successful conservation work in
highly effective and efficient force inAfrican wildlife Africa. The charity has helped pioneer a wide range
conservation. of successful conservation initiatives across 20
countries, increasing vital protection for over 70
The challenges facing the people and wildlife in million hectares of land and more than 40 different
Africa today are greater than ever. The world is threatened species. The diverse portfolio of
experiencing an extinction crisis. We are losing conservation projects supported by Tusk provide
species at between 1,000 and 10,000 times faster not just protection for Africa’s wildlife, but improve
than the natural extinction rate, caused almost the livelihoods and wellbeing for hundreds of
entirely by human activity. This will only worsen thousands of people.


Whether tackling the rampant illegal wildlife trade, Royal Patron in 2005. Tusk is known for delivering
habitat loss or human-wildlife conflict, Tusk’s success well-targeted intervention, and has maintained a low
is rooted in the understanding that the interests of both cost-income ratio that is one of the most competitive
people and wildlife are inextricably linked. Both must among its sector.
be served if their achievements are to last.
The organisation supports a network of more than 50
In its short 30 year history, Tusk has achieved a great provenly effective conservation projects. Tusk’s model
deal and has developed a strong reputation, buoyed is to identify and partner with the most effective local
by the high level of support and personal commitment organisations, investing in their in-depth knowledge and
of HRH The Duke of Cambridge, who became its expertise.Bysupportingandnurturingtheirconservation
programmes, Tusk is able to help accelerate growth
from an innovative idea to a scalable solution.

This experience and success in linking wildlife
conservation with sustainable rural development and
education makes Tusk well placed to respond to the
challenges presented by today’s COVID-19 crisis. 


The Impact of Covid-19 CEO Charlie Mayhew stated: "The loss of tourism and
donor income has impacted the ability of projects to
There is now deep concern that the impact of the virus carry on their essential work during this crisis. Instead
across Africa could undo decades of progress. The of launching a 30th anniversary campaign, the charity
collapse in tourism and the overall economy is seriously is focusing its efforts on a Crisis Appeal to ensure the
affecting rural livelihoods and conservation efforts, jobs of those working on the frontline of conservation are
with signs that it will lead to an increase in poaching protected and essential Tusk funded programmes are
and further degradationofhabitat.Thecrisishasalreadyled able to survive this extremely challenging period. The
to large-scale redundancies of wildlife rangers, community target is to raise £2m and Hannah's generous donation
liaison teams and other project staff. Maintaining its will go such a long way to helping us achieve this. "
support towards basic salaries and the operating costs of
Tusk’s project partners is the charity’s immediate priority.


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The Tusk Collection

Available now

20% of all sales from the 2020 Tusk Collection will be donated to Tusk. The full
collection will be exhibited in London at La Galleria Pall Mall from the 15th - 29th June.

Furthermore, two paintings have been selected for auction in June 2020 and 100%
of the proceeds will be donated. See pages 65-73. Details of the bidding process are

available at:



The question is, are we happy to
suppose that our grandchildren may

never be able to see an elephant
except in a picture book?

David Attenborough



Patchwork Elephants
oil on canvas | 150 x 100 cm

£20,160 inc VAT

Includes £3,360 donation
to Tusk



Spearmint Rhinos | oil on canvas | 120 x 60 cm
£15,840 inc VAT | Includes £2,640 donation to Tusk


The Lion’s Stare | oil on canvas | 100 x 100 cm
£18,600 inc VAT | Includes £3,100 donation to Tusk | SOLD

The Cheeky Chimpanzee | oil on canvas | 150 x 90 cm




The Cheeky Chimpanzee
oil on canvas | 150 x 90 cm
£19,200 inc VAT | SOLD
Includes £3,200 donation
to Tusk


The Leaping Tiger | oil on canvas | 150 x 75 cm
£19,200 inc VAT | Includes £3,200 donation to Tusk




Meercat Sentry
oil on canvas | 60 x 45 cm

£8,400 inc VAT

Includes £1,400 donation
to Tusk




The Blue Bull
oil on canvas | 75 x 120 cm
£15,840 inc VAT | SOLD
Includes £2,640 donation
to Tusk


High and Mighty
oil on canvas | 50 x 75 cm
£9,120 inc VAT
Includes £1,520 donation
to Tusk



Buffalo Bill
oil on canvas | 120 x 75 cm

£15,840 inc VAT

Includes £2,640 donation
to Tusk


“ My artistic process is
a head-first dive into
the unknown. Precision is
easy, but it has no soul.
I have to break with every
perfectionist bone in my
body to deliberately ruin
something I have taken hours
to achieve.

Create it, break it, fix
it, balance it - it is an
exhausting journey that I can
only dare embark on because
I know I will be saved by a
happy accident that science
could never have predicted.”



The Silver Stallion
oil on canvas | 120 x 75 cm
£15,840 inc VAT
Includes £2,640 donation
to Tusk




The Prowling Tiger
oil on canvas | 120 x 90 cm

£17,280 inc VAT

Includes £2,880 donation
to Tusk

Source photograph by kind permission of Wolf Adameit


Canter in Colour | oil on canvas | 100 x 100 cm
£18,600 inc VAT | Includes £3,100 donation to Tusk

Electric Rhino
oil on canvas | 40 x 50 cm

£7,920 inc VAT

Includes £1,320 donation
to Tusk

Source photograph by kind permission of Wolf Adameit


“It’s an age old puzzle - how
does a painter depict energy and
movement when there is only two-
dimensional stillness? I have
found the more I explore this
question the more the ideas come
spilling over.

In art there are no rules.
Animals are not grey and brown,
Natural forms can be married with
geometric shapes, fluid movement
can be depicted in harsh,
straight lines. There is no plan,
just an open-minded acceptance
that the finished piece will look
nothing like I intended.”




Mad as a March Hare
oil on canvas | 150 x 90 cm
£19,200 inc VAT
Includes £3,200 donation
to Tusk


The Lioness Hunt | oil on canvas | 120 x 60 cm
£15,840 inc VAT | Includes £2,640 donation to Tusk


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