The West Virginia
Summer 2017 | Volume 17 Number 2| West Virginia State Association of Free Will Baptists
After 5 years of Faithful Service!
This Issue is Dedicated to our retiring
State Promotional Director, Rev. Carl Lilly.
IN PERSPECTIVE with the promotional director
Retiring after 5 years of Faithful Service!
As Paula and I take the next step in tenure. I pray that they will conntinue to work with our
our ministry as pastor and wife, next Promotional Director to enable him to lead our
we want to thank all of the wonderful State to a higher level of commitment and service in
people that make up our West Virginia the coming years.
State Association of Free Will Baptist
for their love, support and prayers these Please pray for Paula and I that the Lord will open
past five and one-half years. You have up opportunities for us to serve Him as we settle in
been a real blessing to us and we pray our new home in the St. Augustine, Florida area. We
that we have been a blessing to you as well. will never forget the precious love and fellowship we
have experienced with our brothers and sisters in West
Through the Lord’s guidance we saw some changes take Virginia and we will make every effort to stay in contact
place in our State Association during this period that in the future.
have brought our churches closer together. While we
have witnessed some churches struggle in attendance Rev. Carl Lilly
and even close their doors for lack of support, we have State Promotional Director
seen others join our State Association and immediately 321Colorado Springs Way
become active in the service for the Lord. St. Augustine, FL 32092
I feel that all of our State Boards have done a wonderful Home Phone:904-295-8125
job promoting their respective ministries during my Mobile Phone:304-972-5507
Email: [email protected]
Brother Carl & Sister Paula,
We the WV State Association of FWB say, “Thank You” for all you have done for our state; the dedication,
time, and prayers you have extended to us. God has used you and your willingness to be faithful to Him, to
strengthen and encourage our state. We want you to know you will be greatly missed in our gatherings and
we pray God’s Blessings on you and your future endeavors.
Most Sincerely, the Members of the WV State Association of FWB
Message from the Moderator
Greetings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus has resigned and moved to Florida. I have
never worked with a better man in my life.
What an exciting time to walk with the Bro. Carl did a great job as the Promotion-
Lord and to be a part of His church. With al Director. He will truly be missed but the
anticipation we are looking forward to an- work of the Lord goes on. I’m looking for-
other State Association meeting. Our theme ward to working with our new Promotional
this year is so appropriate…”Not forsaking Director and seeing his vision for the state.
the assembling of ourselves together, as the
manner of some is; but exhorting one anoth- Let me encourage everyone to try to at-
er: and so much the more, as ye see the day tend the State Association this year. Bro.
approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25 KJV) Along Jody Fortner and the members of the Sun-
with the Promotional Director, members of shine Freewill Baptist Church are prepared
the Executive Committee have visited sev- and will be ready for a large crowd. Let’s
eral of our Conferences to try to encourage not disappoint them. May we all do our part
more to come to the State Meeting. Every to make this a wonderful State Association
member is important, every church is im- meeting!
portant. We need to bind together even more
in these last days. Yo u r S e r v ant in Chr ist,
I want to give recognition to Bro. Carl Rev. Earl White
Lily, our Promotional Director. Bro. Carl State Moderator
Sunshine FWB Church
2111 James River Rd, Huntington, WV 25701
72nd annual session of the West Virginia State Association of Free Will Baptist
June 9 & 10, 2017 2
Messenger Devotional
Assistant Moderator - Rev. Mike Smith
”How Valuable Is a Soul?”
In our day to day life we come in contact with what a difference salvation made in him. When we see
many different people. There are those that we work people who are unsaved, they are really in a terrible
with, or maybe a neighbor or someone that we go condition. They may not have the physical appearance
to church with. Regardless of what brings a person that this man had, but have the same need for their
into our path, they are a soul. Sometimes we forget soul. There is a scripture that comes to mind when I
that everyone who has been born into this world is an think of souls in Acts chapter 27. It contains 44 verses
eternal soul, and the body or person which we see is and is a very busy chapter with lots of terrible things
just a temporary dwelling that will soon pass away. happening. The cargo of the ship was lost, and in the
Witnessing may not always be easy, but it is something end, even the ship. The writer didn’t fail to mention in
we are called to do. Prayer and the study of God’s verse 37 that there was, on the ship, two hundred three
word are valuable tools we have to use in order to tell score and sixteen souls and they were all safe.
someone about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The
scripture has many examples of the love and care that The scriptures have made it clear just how important
God has for us and how sharing his love with someone souls are to God. Jesus said that God so loved the
can change their life. When the disciples returned they world that he gave his only begotten Son. It is not
saw Jesus talking with a woman of Samaria. They His will that any should perish. So whether we preach,
marveled that he was talking with her, yet none of or God provides us the opportunity to witness of His
them asked why. What they saw was a woman’s heart love and mercy, let us say that we all have sinned and
changed, a relief from the guilt and shame she had we all have come short of the glory of God. He is
carried for so long, and to know that forgiveness was just and willing to forgive us all if we will confess
available to her. She left her water pot at the well and believe. Just how much does God love souls? He
and went into the city witnessing saying, Come, see allowed His only begotten Son to die on an old rugged
a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not cross to pay the sin debt of the whole world. I praise
this the Christ? (John 4:29). Not only was there one His holy name, He loves us that much. So when we
soul saved that day, but many of the city came to hear see our neighbor or our co-worker, let us remember
the marvelous words that Jesus spoke and believed. that they are an eternal soul and pray for the Lord’s
help in winning them to Him, if they are lost.
When we read the story of the man who dwelt among
the tombs (Luke 8:26-39), Jesus and the disciples had Rev. Mike Smith
endured a rough and dangerous voyage just to get to
him. He was so much more than a man, he was a soul. Assistant Moderator
His condition was so pitiful when Jesus met him, but
Do you see people the way God Does?
3 THE MESSENGER • Summer 2017
Bible Memorization Painting - Kindergarten-3rd Grade 2017 Bible Music and Arts Festival
Kindergarten – Sawyer Jackson, Central, 1st Place Sawyer Jackson, Central, 1st Place
Kindergarten – Kennadie Bryant, Laurel Creek, 2nd Place Ryleigh Johnson, Central List of Contestants and Winners, Held at McCorkle FWB Church
1st Grade – Peyton Williamson, Central, 1st Place Painting - 4th-6th Grade
3rd Grade – Zoe Adkins, McCorkle, 1st Place Christopher Adkins, Central, 1st Place
3rd Grade – Bella Dingess, McCorkle, 2nd Place Randi Dingess, McCorkle
7th Grade – Allyssa Flowers, McCorkle, 1st Place Painting – 7th – 9th Grade
7th Grade – Jon Estep, McCorkle, 2nd Place Allyssa Flowers, McCorkle, 1st Place
8th Grade – Karrah Johnson, McCorkle, 1st Place Painting, 10th-12th Grade
11th Grade – Hannah Johnson, McCorkle, 1st Place
Savannah Johnson, Central, 1st Place
Group Bible Memorization Drawing – K-3rd Grade
4th Grade – Gaby Estep & Allyssa McDougal, McCorkle,
Gabby Dowell, Central, 1st Place
1st Place Drawing – 4th-6th Grade
5th Grade – Hayden Johnson & Randi Dingess, McCorkle,
Evan Bryant, Laurel Creek, 1st Place
1st Place Gabby Estep, McCorkle
Bible Sword Drill
4th Grade – Evan Bryant, Laurel Creek, 1st Place Mackenzie Brewer, Laurel Creek
Bible Millionaire Drawing – 7th-9th Grade
Park Circle FWB, 1st Place
Vocal Solo 4th-6th Grade Destiney Gilman, Laurel Creek, 1st Place
Hannah Staton, Big Elk, 1st Place Andrew Brewer, Laurel Creek
Vocal Solo 7th-9th Grade Drawing – 10th-12th Grade
Karrah Johnson, McCorkle, 1st Place
Brenna Barnett, Central John Brewer, Laurel Creek, 1st Place
Vocal Duet 7th-9th Grade Mixed Media – Kindergarten-3rd Grade
Karrah Johnson & Allyssa Flowers, McCorkle, 1st Place
Vocal Ensemble 1st-3rd Grade Bella Dingess, McCorkle, 1st Place
Central Half Notes, Central, 1st Place Finny Jackson, Central
Vocal Ensemble 4th-6th Grade
Park Circle. 1st Place T-shirt Design - 7th-9th Grade
Big Elk Vocal Ensemble 10th-12th Grade Destiney Gilman, Laurel Creek, 1st Place
Big Elk, 1st Place Photography, Single Photo – 1st-3rd Grade
Instrumental Solo 10th-12th Grade
Andrew Hundley, Laurel Creek, 1st Place Bella Dingess, McCorkle, 1st Place
Individual Sign Language 1st-3rd Grade Photography, Single Photo – 4th-6th Grade
Zoe Adkins, Central, 1st Place, Perfect Score
Individual Sign Language 7th-9th Grade Hayden Johnson, McCorkle, 1st Place
Destiney Gilman, Laurel Creek, 1st Place Hannah Staton, Big Elk
Group Sign Language 1st-3rd Grade
Heavenly Notes, Central, 1st Place Photography, Single Photo – 7th-9th Grade
Drama 4th-6th Grade Karrah Johnson, McCorkle, 1st Place
Scene 4 Him, Central, 1st Place Destiney Gilman, Laurel Creek
Hayden Johnson & Randi Dingess, McCorkle
Recorded Puppetry 4th-6th Grade Photography, Photo Essay – 7th-9th Grade
Big Elk, 1st Place Jon Estep, McCorkle, 1st Place
Recorded Puppetry 10th-12th Grade Textiles, 7th-9th Grade
Big Elk, 1st Place
Brenna Barnett, Central, 1st Place
Fabricated Art, 4th-6th Grade
Hannah Staton, Big Elk, 1st Place
Sculpted Clay, 4th-6th Grade
Hannah Staton, Big Elk, 1st Place
Interview, 4th-6th Grade
Allyssa McDougal, McCorkle, 1st Place
Infomercial, 4th-6th Grade
Big Elk, 1st Place 4
West Virginia State Association of Free WillBaptist
- I would like to thank each church and individual that has given to this years March For
Mission Fund Drive.
- However, at this point in time we have not reached our goal of $50,000.00.
- If you or your church has not sent in an offering, I would ask that you pray - and do what
the Lord puts on your heart.
- Pray that Tim & Lydia Awtrey can raise the much need funds to return to Bulgaria.
- Pray for Jonathan & Amy Postlewaite as they as make new contacts, and strive to start a
new church in Plevin, Bulgaria.
- Pray for Josue & Christina Rivera as they labor to start the 2nd Hispanic church in the
Eastern Panhandle, of W.V.
Mission Board Members:
Rev. Rex Cox (304-684-9458); Rev. Rickie Holstein (304-595-4246); Rev. Raybon Cook 304-682-6168);
Rev. H.B. (Bert) Hall (304-400-4799); John Poling (304-684-3433); Rev. Joseph Fortner (304-525-2280);
Rev. John Hudson (304-342-2879); Rev. G.W. Mounts (304-475-3446)
5 THE MESSENGER • Summer 2017
A Though about
By: Rev Rickie Holstein
The Bible Tells Us:
In Gen. 3:20 Eve was called the “mother of all living”. In Gen. 17:16, Sarah, “shall be a mother of
nations”. Gen. 24:60, Rebekah was to become “the mother of thousands and of ten thousands”, and Gen.
6:7 we see Mrs. Noah, the only mother to survive the global flood. In Ex. 2:6, we see Jochebed, the Godly
Mother of Moses, who hid him and protected him from those who would kill him. Moses went on to be
a great man of God. 1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:21, we see Hannah, who was barren as she prayed to God for a son,
and God answered and gave her a son. She then gave her son to the Lord. Prob. 21 we see the mother of
king Lemuel, as she instructed her son, what to look for in a godly woman. In the books of Matt., Mark,
Luke, & John, we see Mary the Mother of Jesus. In 2 Tim. 1:5, we see Timothy’s grandmother Lois, and
his mother Eunice who reared him up to love the Lord. This is but a few of the many Mothers found in
What Is A Mother? According to Webster – A mother is a female parent. I believe a Mother is a
gift of God. Our Mother is our point of origin, within her we were conceived, her womb was our incu-
bator. (READ Psalms 139:13-16,) Our Mother is our counselor, the one who advises, and the one who
formulates opinions? 2 Cr 22:3 Speaking of king Ahaziah, “...his mother was his counselor…,” we can
also read about at King Lemuel’s mother in Prov. 31. Note the influence of a mother and grandmother on
Timothy in the passage from 2 Tim 1:5, “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee,
which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.”
Our Mother is our teacher, Prov. 6:20 “My son… forsake not the law of thy mother:” Prov. 22:6 “Train up
a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Our Mother is our com-
forter according to Isa. 66:13, “As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be
comforted in Jerusalem.” Who else can comfort like a Mother? She was always there. Our Mother is our
conscience, that part of us that tells when we do right or wrong. Prov. 29:15, “The rod and reproof give
wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” Besides these things, our Mother fed,
clothed, and nurtured us from our youth up. Our Mother loves when no one else will. Our Mother cared
no matter how bad things get. Our Mother worries when we are sick and when we are well. Our Mother
protects against any and all. Our Mother provides; giving, giving and giving. Our Mother trains us from
our youth, to our adulthood.
Truly a Mother is a Gift Of God, and a Godly Mother is one to be treasured and beloved, We are
to reverence our Mother and our Father. Lev 19:3, “Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father...”
To reverence is to respect. We are to honor our Mother and our Father. Exod 20:12, “Honour thy father
and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” We are
not to despise our Mother and Father, Prov. 23:22, “...despise not thy mother when she is old.” Prov. 10:1
“...a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.” Prov. 15:20 “...a foolish man despiseth his mother.”
We are
thankful for all the Godly
Mothers within the
WV State 6
Great Commission That’s going to be fun!
News These ladies are coming to see how our WV
Dear Ones All, WAC groups function and to express appreciation to
Do You Remember When . . . . . ? Over 40 years the women of WV for supporting the work in Ivory
Coast for 50 years. Please come. You’ll be so glad
ago I came to your churches to inform you that the Lord that you did! Please note Sister Jody’s article for more
had called me to be a missionary? You understood the information. Feel free to call us if you have questions.
role that God wanted you to play in my going. You said,
“Yes, Lord” and committed to praying and giving? WNAC Purpose Statement: We are women
seeking to fulfill the Great Commission through
our God-designed roles in the home, the church, the
community, and the world.
Praying that all WV Free Will Baptist ladies will
come on board with the WV WNAC,
I returned Stateside in 2011 to care for my Mom and
eventually retired from fouvtuerrseeajosymtiossiionntraordyusceervMyiocceuC. toorkle welcomUenAttihlliecHeireFNC. Seowmmeitsh,
I often expressed my FWB Church’ would like to
Ivorian believers in Heaven. WELL! GUESS WPHasAtTor? & Family. Rev. Isaiah & Jessica Hatfield,3M04c-K94in9l-e2y713
You don’t have to wait that long! You now have &theEzekiel. (Pictre to the left shows naelwicebsumilidthin2@g.)
opportunity to meet “fruit” from missionary labor in
Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire). It’s true! National WNAC
President (Mrs. Solange Kambire) and National WNAC
Vice-President (Mrs. DeborahAmiezi) are visiting in the
U.S.A. in July. They specifically asked to come “where
Alice is”. Meetings have been organized in Chesapeake
(July 7th.), the Huntington area (July 11th.), and the
Beckley area (July 14th.) so that you can fellowship
with these lovely African sisters in Christ. I will also
take them to a meeting in Kentucky on July 8th., then
back to Kentucky July 15th. for National Association
meetings being held in Louisville July 16 -19th. Please
pray for safety on the highways, for physical stamina,
and a sharp mind to make sure my tongue knows when
to speak English and when to speak French. Wow!
Adopt a Granny - Contest Winner
Connecting Hope FWB Church
Generations Parkersburg, WV
More Information at:
7 THE MESSENGER • Summer 2017
WAC News with Sister Jody Sullivan
I recently received a letter from the IRS that said to come and share this special time – not just WAC
that I could be a possible victim of identity fraud. members. The only thing we ask is that you RSVP
My first thought was “Are you kidding me? How your attendance with me by calling 304.523.4417
could this happen?” When speaking with the so we can be adequately prepared.
accountant who did my taxes, he asked if I had There will be another meeting in the Beckley area
checked my credit cards for fraudulent charges. on Friday July 14th. This meeting will be held at
Yes, they were ok. The next step was a call to the Cornerstone FWB Church in Crab Orchard.
the IRS. When I placed my call with appropriate Dinner starts at 6 p.m. The format of this meeting
paperwork in hand, I had to answer multiple will be similar to the one in Huntington. In addition
questions to “prove” who I was in order to get to music, the Cornerstone Church will provide a
my refund. (Do you know they actually asked drama portrayal by one of their drama teams. I
my mother’s maiden name with middle initial will be sharing with the ladies that evening as
– and my dad’s first and last name. Where in the their speaker. This meeting is also open to any
world did the IRS get that information?) Finally lady – not just WAC members. Beckley area
after approximately 30 minutes with a very kind ladies, please RSVP with Sis. Loraine Tolliver at
and helpful lady, I’d “passed the test” and was 304.252.1568.
approved to get my refund. Our annual WAC Fall Retreat will be held on
I’m so glad I don’t have to prove my identity with September 8th and 9th, 2017 at the Cornerstone
Jesus! He said, “I am the Good Shepherd and know FWB Church in Crab Orchard. We will start at
my sheep, and am known of mine.” (John 10:14). 6:30 p.m. on Friday evening. Topics covered
I’m thankful I don’t have to go through the ordeal will be “The Obstacle of Unbelief” (Sis. Phyllis
of proving my identity with Him…He knows me! Smith) and “Breaking Free to Believe” (Sis.
He knows every hair on my head, knows every Jody Sullivan). Registration information will be
time I shed a tear, what I like to eat and more so distributed in July. If you are not on our mailing
that I love Him. list, let me know by calling or by email. My email
This July, we’re going to have the opportunity to is [email protected].
meet some of Jesus’ sheep from the Ivory Coast. We would be thrilled for all our WV FWB ladies to
These sisters are going to attend the National come and share the wonderful fellowship we have
Association but requested to come to WV to thank during our meetings. If you’re not a WAC regular,
the ladies for all the support we’ve given them please come and experience the fun and Christian
throughout the years. fellowship amongst the FWB WAC ladies. Hope
Our Huntington area meeting will be held on to see you soon!
Tuesday July 11, 2017 at 6 p.m. at the Prince of
Peace FWB Church. We will start with dinner Pray for us as we pray for you.
and have some special music by Soul Purpose. Jody Sullivan
Sis. Debbie Copley, a member of the Central
FWB Church, will be the special speaker for the WV WAC President
evening. Of course, the Ivorian ladies will also
speak. ANY lady in the Huntington area is invited 8
Sunshine FWB Church
2111 James River Rd, Huntington, WV 25701
Pastor: Rev. Joseph (Jody) Fortner
Church: 304-429-3831 / Pastor Home: 304-525-2280
“Not Forsaking The Assembly Of Ourselves Together” Hebrews 10:25
From Charleston, WV take I-64 West towards Huntington. Merge onto US-52 West, via
EXIT 6 toward West Huntington / Ironton OH. (0.4 mi.). Take the Madison Avenue exit,
toward the V.A. Medical Center. Turn right onto Madison Avenue. Take the 3rd right onto
14th Street West. (0.2 mi.). Turn right onto Memorial Blvd. West. (0.3 mi.). Memorial Blvd
becomes James River Road (0.2mi). The church is located on the left at 2111 James River
Road. (1/2 mi.)
Join the 2017 Prayer Team for the National Association in Louisville!
9 THE MESSENGER • Summer 2017
July 16-19, 2017
Louisville, Kentucky
The 2017 Free Will Baptist National Convention will be held July 16-19 in Louisville, Kentucky. The Galt
House Hotel will serve as the convention hotel, with convention events being held in the Galt House, the
KFC Yum! Center, and The Kentucky Center.
Important Information Regarding Onsite Registration: Convention Registration will be located on the 2nd
floor of the Suite Tower in the Galt House Hotel. Due to security at the KFC Yum! Center, no one will be
allowed to enter the KFC Yum! Center without a convention name badge. Attendees will be required to
register in the Galt House Hotel before being admitted to the KFC Yum! Center for convention business
sessions and worship services.
For more informaton go to
The Messenger PRESORT STD
c/o Adam White US Postage
4864 RT 52 PAID
Williamson, WV 25661 Permit 229
Huntington WV
Published Triannual by the
West Virginia State Association of Free Will Baptists
4864 RT 52, Williamson, WV 25661
Rev. Carl Lilly, Promotional Director Adam White, Editor and Publisher
Cell: 304-972-5507 Cell: (304) 785-1048
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Cover Photo: (Photographer Unknown) Found at -
Messenger Submissions
The West Virginia Free Will Baptist family loves reading special news & events from your
local church and conference. Please email your articles to [email protected].
Article deadline for the Fall edition is August 30, 2017.
By submitting material to The Messenger, you agree all submissions are property of The
Messenger, and you agree The Messenger has been granted the non-exclusive right to edit,
use, and reproduce any submission. Not all articles received will fit into the space given in
each issue, therefore we will “try” to insert unused articles at a further dates.