A Look at the
Mississippian, Maya,
Aztec and Inca
Ancient Civilizations
of the WBy: estern
Nate Lewis
Learning About Time
Watch the “Commonly Asked Questions about Dates” video on
Schoology to learn about the abbreviations/key words listed
below. As you watch, pause the video and write in your own
words what each of these means.
What does B.C. stand This time marker is used on the
for when looking at gregorian or christian calendar .BC
stands for “before Christ” and used
dates? to mark the period of time before
What does A.D. stand jesus’ birth
for when looking at
Also used on the gregorian
dates? calendar,AD stands for anno Domini
which is Latin for “in the year of the
What does B.C.E. stand
for when looking at Lord.”
Before Common Era...This is used to
mark the same dates as BC.
What does C.E. stand Common Era...This is used to mark
for when looking at the same dates as AD.
What do c. and ca. These stand for the word “circa”
stand for when looking which means around or about. It is
used when we don’t know the exact
at dates?
date of something.
Multiple-tier Timelines
Multiple-tier timelines use two or more rows of events. While each row
represents a different subject, the time period is the same.
Multiple-tier timelines can be used to help us look at cause and effect
relationships or patterns and themes among events in a specific period
of time.
We will be using a multi-tier timeline to show the rise and fall of four
early civilizations in the Americas: The Mississippian, Inca, Maya, and
Aztec and look for RELATIONSHIPS between the dates.
At the end of this unit,
you will insert at least
three images on this page
that you feel represent
the Mississippian people.
Delete this text box when
this is complete.
The mississippian Civilization was an incredible North American tribal group. There
are many reasons why people today find these people so fascinating. First of all, the
mississippians had ranks that they were for the of life. One of the ranks are the
commoners they would they did building, farming, crafting, and carving. The elites and
the chiefs were very important, the elites did nothing but they were believed to be
descended from the gods so if someone didn't serve them the gods would be upset, also
the chief would talk the sun god all day. Next, the agriculture of the mississippians they
did lots of farming. The mississippians would grow corn, beans, squash, and
pumpkins.The mississippians would grow beans and squash together is would benefit
the soil and make it healthier and they could keep farming on is.
The mississippians had a strong relationship with their gods.They grew lots of food and
if they disobeyed there gods they would not be able to grow their crops in bad weather
so they would end up starving. Also, they made a mound for the chief so he could talk to
the sun god which was in the sky. This is why the mississippians are very fascinating.
In addition to developing an organized society, demonstrating a strong faith in their
gods, and creating art and a system of trading, the Mississippian people also were
tremendously impacted by where they lived. While Mississippian tribes lived throughout
much of the present-day United States, they originated in the area we currently know as
central Georgia. This area provided warm temperatures and a long growing
season.They grew communal food such as corn, beans, squash, and pumpkins. The
area was also heavily forested. They were able to use the wood to create the walls of
their homes as well as fences around their community to protect the people. They used
the long grasses which grew on the land to create thatched roofs to shelter the families.
A final way that the Mississippian people used their environment for survival was
through hunting. A wide variety of animals lived in the area and the people were able to
easily hunt for deer, elk, and geese for food and clothing. There were also many rivers
and lakes around the Mississippian settlements which led to fishing as another means to
get food for the people. Clearly, the location of the early Mississippian people had a
significant impact on their lives. The people had both a powerful and purposeful
relationship with their environment.
Where in the World…
Were the Mississippian Located?
What is the approximate latitude
and longitude of the location you
What might the weather be like in
this location based on the latitude
and longitude?
What is the relative and approximate absolute location of the center of the South Appalachian
Mississippian culture?The relative location of the center of the S.Apalachin mississippians was
around Atlanta, Ga. This location is west of S. Carolina and east of Alabama. The absolute
location is approximately 33°N 84°W.
What might the climate be like in this location based on the latitude and longitude?
It would be warmer than most other parts of the united states. High levels of humidity in the air
make it feel warmer than it actually reads on the theremometer.
How would this affect the way people live in this area? People may need more water, colthing
would need to be lightweight, and they would need to be cool
Brainpop Video
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text box.
The Mississippian
Social Structure
Chief: It led the mississippian
tribe. Some mississippians of
tribes believed that there chief
was descendant from the sun
Elites: Elites have higher status. They were also believed
to be descended from the gods. Elites had larger houses,
special clothing, and no job so they had a easier life.
Commoners:Commoners grew food, made crafts, and served as
warriors and laborers. Rank lower than elites and did not have
all of the materials goods that elites had in their possession.
Settlements: Most Mississippians are farmers they often lived
close to the river where it would flood and make the soil
nutrients so they could farm on the land again.
The Mounds
Read the Khan Academy article posted in your
Schoology course: Fort Ancient Culture: Great
Serpent Mound. After you read, complete the
page below with your team.
Describe the physical attributes What do archeologists believe
of the Serpent Mound in your might be the reason the mounds
own words: are shaped like a serpent?
Shape like a snake it is The archaeologist
also 3 ft tall and 1,300 its believe that the natives
tail is in the east and the believed that snakes
tail was in the west. have supernatural
People believe that it is They Thought snakes where Danielle Knight GO Interactive, 2015
made by groups of special creatures and
Mississippian probably started worshipping
them because of what they
Who is believed to have created believe about snakes because
it? they thought that they have
supernatural powers
What relationship generalization
can you make between the
mounds and the people who
built them?
Research the Relationships
Explore the Mississippian links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.
What was the government like? The government was very strong and powerful, they
Did powerful relationships exist also had a strong relationship with there people. The
between the people and their elites had nothing to do and were believed to be
leaders? descended from the gods they were served by
commoners and the commoners liked serving them and
How was their society set up? it was a honor to serve them. commoners had to do
What were the types of jobs work like farming, building and crafts tools and other
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization? stuff.
They had a chief who was the leader he was the person
who would talk to the gods and lead the commoners.
Elites were to be believed to descended from the gods.
There is also the commoners they would serve the elites
and worked they would farm, craft, carve, and build.
Describe their religion. Did the They worshipped more than one god. They
relationship the people had with made mounds for the chief so he would be
their gods and religious leaders higher up so he would be able to talk to the
follow rules? gods.
What did the people invent, create, The tribe invented the bow and arrows to help them
or trade that allowed them to hunt they also made pottery, effigy, and traded stone to
exchange ideas or values with
zothers they had relationships use for weapons. They would make jewelry and
with? ornaments made of shells.
What was the agriculture like? They farmed beans and squash together also wild plants
What food did they eat? How and berries. The bean plants benefited with the soil
did they grow it? What adding nitrogen that beans naturally gave to soil. Which
relationships did the people means that there making richer soil. They also grew corn
have with their environment?
and pumpkins. They also for communal food and they
were very connected to their environment
Ancient Maya
Concept Map
The Maya
The mayans were one of the many civilizations to exist a long time ago they are one of the best tribes.
First, the mayans government was not like the rest of the tribes. The mayan government was not one
government but instead were different independent governments but with similar rules. Each mayan city state
had one noble family to run the government. Second, the mayans religion was a more unique religion. The
worshippers strongly believed in the relationship between supernatural and human beings. The mayans believed
in a underworld and a heaven and that they would to tasks that they believed would satisfy the gods of that
world. Last, is the mayan agriculture. The mayans used a method to grow their crops and reuse farmland this
method is were the farmer rotates to different farmlands then comes back to the first one and gets it ready to be
reusable. The mayans grew lots of plants for food they were pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cucumbers,
watermelon, chili peppers, tomatoes, chotes, breadfruit, papaya, cotton, tobacco, vanilla, cocoa.
Last, these are why they were one of the best tribes to exist. The mayans were affected by their location in many
different ways. First, way they were affected is what food they are able to get. They ate domestic wild animals
and fish and birds. The mayans farmed a lot the fruits they ate are pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cucumbers,
watermelon, chili peppers, tomatoes, chotes, breadfruit, papaya, cotton, tobacco, vanilla, cocoa. Second, the
mayans need to stay cool in the hot weather. The mayans had to wear lightweight clothing due to the hot
temperatures. Also, they had to drink lots of water to stay hydrated in the warm temperature. Third, the mayans
were surrounded by resources to help them build their houses. The mayans had lots of trees surrounding them,
this allowed them to make shelter for the commoners which were made out of thatch and wood. The mayans
made big stone temples they used the stone that surrounded them to make these big temples. This is how the
mayans were affected by their location.
Where in the World…
Were the Maya Located?
Map from ducksters.com What is the relative and approximate
absolute location of the center of the
Maya Empire?It is south of mexico
north of columbia. The absolute
location is 15˚N and 90˚W
What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and
longitude? The average climate of
guatemala is 77.5 degrees F˚. It is
warm and humid because of how
close they are to the equator.
How would this affect the way people
live in this area? They might have to
drink more water and wear
lightweight clothes so they don't
overheat with all the work they all and
they probably would not be able to
survive if they did not have a home to
Brainpop Video
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text box.
Warriors: they were most King/ City-States: each one
of the time peasants that Rulers had a independent
were forced to be warriors.
government. It is made up
of major city states.
Lived in luxury Social Classes
Only way to be
A ruler is threw
War. son inherited
Being king.
Priests: The most powerful
People in the ancient maya.
Common people gave them gifts and
Believed they were the only people
Who could talk to the gods.
Nobles: did not pay taxes, did not have to
produce anything and most of them had lots of free
Merchants and Craftsmen: creating art or running
business for peasants.
Peasants: most people were peasants they were sacrifices some
times and worked very hard.
Slaves: the lowest class. Slaves could be orphans, captured people, or
punished people.
Art and Religion
of the Maya
They had many different gods that represented forms of nature like the
sun god
Insert your picture here
The mayans worshiped the sun god which was one of the very
different gods they worshipped this is a drawing of the sun god.
Maya Language and
Number Systems
The top of my codex says Nate. The one
below that is My name is Nate lewis but
with a, a at the end of lewis. The first box
of the bottom is my name the next box is,
is then it is nate and the last one is lewis.
Determine the Relationships
Explore the Mayan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology course as
well as in the books and other resources available in class to complete this
What was the government like? The mayan empire was not one unified nation. There
Did powerful relationships exist was no central government, they were just a bunch of
independent cities. One noble family controlled each
between the people and their city state.the relationship between the people and their
leaders? leaders were picking officials the officials were people
who were chosen by the noble family and got to help
How was their society set up? make the rules the officials were normally elders and
What were the types of jobs
people had? Were the jobs people retired warriors.
did purposeful for the civilization?
The social structure is made up like a tree the roots are the slaves the
Describe their religion. Did the bottom of it is the peasants next is the merchants and craftsman then
relationship the people had with nobles also priests and last the king/rulers. The peasants are people who
their gods and religious leaders work on farms and sometimes were human sacrifices. Nobles did not have
to pay taxes and did not have to make anything they had mostly free time
follow rules? all the time. The priest were the most powerful people in ancient maya.
Common people would give them gifts and believed they were the only
What did the people invent, create, people who could talk to gods. Last was the king/rulers they lived in luxury
or trade that allowed them to
exchange ideas or values with and the only way to become one is threw war. And the son of the
others they had relationships king/ruler would inherit being king.
The mayans worshiped the gods of nature but also had a
heaven and underworld. They did religious ceremonies
that they thought would do favors for the gods in the
otherworlds. Worshippers strongly believed relationship
between supernatural and human beings. The early
mayans believed in human sacrifice and particularly
practised by elder priest.
They mayans made chocolate and
water reservoirs for when there is
droughts. The mayans traded salt,
cotton, slaves, quetzal feathers, flint.
What was the agriculture like? They grew pumpkins, sweet potatoes,
What food did they eat? How cucumbers, watermelon, chili peppers,
tomatoes, chotes, breadfruit, papaya, cotton,
did they grow it? What tobacco, vanilla, coaco. They grew these food by
relationships did the people rotating in between farmland to keep the
have with their environment? farmland fert. They used milpa which is good for
Ancient Maya
Concept Map