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2020 Jazz Aspen Snowmass Annual Report

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Published by dani, 2021-10-21 12:32:55

JAS 2020 Annual Report

2020 Jazz Aspen Snowmass Annual Report

JAS 2020




In 2020, Jazz Aspen Snowmass (JAS) launched what regulated distance of 25’ between the performers and
would have been its 30th Anniversary season from its patrons seated closest to the stage. While the set-up was
birth in June of 1991. The organization was coming off unusual, the sheer joy of being able to gather and listen
one of the most successful seasons in its history in 2019, to live jazz, blues, world music and more, was deeply
having completely re-invented its June Experience into a appreciated by all attendees and made JAS one of the few
series of pedestrian friendly small venue “French Quarter arts organizations still programming at all in summer 2020.
Club Crawl” of performances across the Aspen downtown
core, and, hosted a season ending festival on Labor Day The most important trends of 2020 can be summarized
weekend capped by brilliant performances from both Sting as follows.
& John Mayer, both of which were sold-out. JAS was
on-sale and well into planning for the full summer 2020 • JAS fundraising from individual donors was crucial
season of festivals when COVID-19 shut down the winter in allowing JAS to weather the storm of COVID-induced
JAS Café season in early March 2020. Soon thereafter, JAS reductions in programming. Crucially, many generous
announced its summer 2020 plans for its flagship festivals: JAS patrons allowed JAS to retain donations made for
both the June & Labor Day Experiences were re-scheduled the 2020 season prior to the event cancellations.
with their entire artist program lineup from summer 2020 Even while many donors accepted credit for the “fair
to summer 2021. market value” of their VIP tickets carried forward to
2021, the remaining “donated” income was crucial to
At the same time, however, JAS also announced its helping JAS weather the storm of 2020 financially.
intention to “Keep the Music Playing” in summer of 2020
with a full program of JAS Café performances, all
presented with capacity limited to 50 people per show • Music Education Programs: JAS In-Schools Local
(all tables with 6’ distance between them) at the airy roof Education Initiatives (LEI) continued to operate steadily
of the Aspen Art Museum. There was an awkward but even with schools moving to virtual learning. In-schools
instructors and musicians providing lessons through the

Pays to Play program, all pivoted to virtual classrooms. Studio adjacent to the main room. Full audio/visual
Additionally, JAS rewarded many students with new capability in the main JAS Café will allow for recording
instruments through the Step-Up program, and college or broadcast of meetings or performances, in either the
scholarships through our partners at JFMAF. Prior to studio or “live performance room” all with 21st century
the school closure JAS hosted the District 8 Honor digital capability. This multi-purpose Center will support
Jazz weekend in Carbondale showcasing students 4 primary pillars of activity: Listening. Learning.
from across the Western Slope. In an effort to keep Recording. Gathering. With preliminary design plans
students engaged in music during COVID JAS created approved by the City of Aspen, JAS decided in March of
a new Songwriting Contest for Middle and High School 2020 to put its public fundraising campaign on hold due
students which included two free online workshops to COVID-19. JAS spent the remainder of 2020 working
with professional songwriters. on refining its 3-D renderings of the space and planning
the public reveal of the newest plans in 2021 as the grip
• Flagship Program JAS Academy in Collaboration of COVID will hopefully be lessening.
with the Frost School of Music at University of
Miami, continued in 2020 . After a 7 year hiatus, SUMMARY OF 2020
in 2018 JAS was able to bring back its prestigious
all scholarship JAS Academy, which had operated In summary, the 30th Anniversary Season of JAS
continuously from 1996-2011, under the direction reinforced JAS’ resilience as an organization and our deep
of the 8-time Grammy winning Bassist, Christian connection to a community which rallied around us to
McBride. That summer plans were hatched to establish ensure we survived the challenges of COVID and found a
a new collaboration with the Frost School of Music to way to “keep the music playing.”
enhance the JAS Academy by embracing the innovative
curriculum of Frost and including it into the program. The entire staff and organization survived one of the
With the support of a major JAS benefactor, JAS and greatest tests in our 30-year history and emerged a bit
Frost started planning for a major expansion of the JAS bruised but in good health overall and well poised to move
Academy from one 2-week session in 2019 & 2020 to forward affirmatively with all our core programs intact and
two sessions of 2-weeks each for a total of 4 weeks ready for growth going forward.
annually, by summer 2021. The 2020 program operated
with extensive COVID-safety protocols for students Best regards,
inlcuding testing, social distancing during classes/
performances, and mask requirements, but was still Jim Horowitz
able to operate at full capacity of 21 students, hailing Founder,
from leading music graduate programs around the USA President & CEO
and beyond. The program is directed by multi-Grammy
Nominee, pianist Shelly Berg, Dean of the Frost School The MISSION OF JAS
of Music, and includes additional adjunct faculty from
Frost who serve as JAS Academy faculty. is to present and preserve jazz and
related forms of music through

world-class performances, events
JAS’ PLANNED PERMANENT HOME: and education programs.
A 501c3 organization that, since 1996,
In 2018, JAS took major steps in executing one of its has donated over $7.5 million
long standing and ambitious strategic initiatives, the to music education in the
desire to establish a permanent home for its many small Roaring Fork Valley and beyond.
venue performances and music education programs.
That goal took a major step forward when JAS identified
a potential location to establish “The JAS Center” at
the Red Onion and went under contract to purchase the
space in August of 2018. The space totals 9,000 sq. ft.,
mostly on the second floor and including the original
Red Onion upstairs saloon. In 2020, JAS revised its
plans to include the addition of a world-class Recording

B20O20AJRASD O F Jeff & Rita Adler
DIRECTORS Alpenglow Foundation
Alan & Judi Altman
PRESIDENT & CEO Mone Anathan
James Horowitz Anonymous
Rick Crandall, Chairman Anonymous
Richard Goodman, Vice Chair Jeff & Lisa Aronin
Donna Di Ianni, National Council Chair Richard & Anne Baer
James R. Jackoway, Programming Chair Robert & Cara Balogh
Robert Mann, Finance Chair Chris & Paula Bank
Andrew Paul, Governance Chair Edward & Sasha Bass
John Seybold, Strategic Planning Chair Kevin & Jane Berg
Donna Slade, Education Chair Bruce & Barbara Berger
Judith Steinberg, Compensation Chair Marc & Cathy Bern
Mone Anathan Tony & Cathy Blank
Susan Crown Gary & Amy Block
Charles Cunniffe Mark & Mareike Blodgett
Joseph L. Felson Randall & Allison Bone
Kitzia Goodman Andrea Booher
Neil Jacobson Doug & Kim Borror
Chris LaCroix Eric & Darlene Brandt
Tim LaRose Molly Brooks
James S. Levine R.C. & Beth Buford
Earl Michie Markey Butler
Scott Miller David Chazen
Kathryn Fleck Peisach Adam & Mary Cherry
Don Rosenberg Jeffrey & Rona Citrin
David Roth Tom & Megan Clark
Shawn Thomson Kevin Clifford
Elisha Zander David & Patricia Alper Cohn
James G. Fifield Arie Steve & Nancy Crown
Shelly Friedstein Laurie Crown & Rick Ortega
Marianne E. Powers Susan Crown & William Kunkler
John Provine Charles & Angela Cunniffe
EX OFFICIO Ben & Linda Davis
Markey Butler Ari & Ann Deshe
Mayor Snowmass Village Donna Di Ianni & Peter Rispoli
Chris Bank


Stephanie & Irv Don Glen & Tracy Larner John & Jeannie Seybold
David & Marsha Dowler Tim LaRose & Lorrie Wright-LaRose Deborah Newman Sharpe
David & Holly Dreman Les Dames d’Aspen George & Teena Shaw
Jeff Ecklund James S. & Suzann Levine Neal & Jacqueline Shear
Billie & Gregory Erwin Tom & Margi Levitt John H. & Patsy Shields
Steven & Kiki Esrick Pamela Levy Gordon Silver
Matt & Karen Fairbairn Adam & Melony Lewis Mark & Millinda Sinnreich
Henry Fella & Sara Woodward Marc & Ellen Lipton Elliott & Donna Slade
Joe & Sherry Felson Monty & Paula Loud Sue Smith
Jim & Helen Fifield Greg & Marilena Lucier Nicholas & Barrie Somers
Jon & Moira Fiore Nancy Magoon Nancy Spears
Anne Foster Robert & Judy Mann Steven & Alexis Spiritas
Paul L. & Alejandra Foster Jeffrey & Nicola Marcus Colette Stallbaumer
Tom & Darlene Fridstein Michael & Monica Maroone Steven & Candice Stark
Shelly & Golda Friedstein Tracy McLaughlin Chris & Becky Steere
Dain & Hillary Fritz Jason & Jenn Mendelson David & Linda Stein
Ronald & Cheri Fromm Alec & Gail Merriam Judith Steinberg &
David & Sheila Fuente Earl & Tricia Michie Paul J. Hoenmans
Carole Gaba Ben & Kristal Morris John Groccia & Kirstie Steiner
Dale Genet Richard Morris Michael & Lonna Stolper
Edouard & Brooke Gerschel John & D’Ann Norwood Meg & Alain Sunier
Nicole Giantonio & Jim Horowitz Florence Paley Kenny & Sandy Tate
Greg & Amy Gibson Doug Paley William & Laura Thomas
Stevie Gillman Paul & Erin Pariser Shawn Thomson
William Glenn & Patsy Malone Andrew & Margaret Paul Stuart & MarrGwen Townsend
Richard & Kitzia Goodman Harry & Kathryn Fleck Peisach Jesse & Filipe Vieira da Rocha
Gerald Grayson & Kathie Schulman Robert Pew & Susan Taylor Randy Ware
Richard & Eileen Greenberg Doren Madey Pinnell Michael & Adelaide Waters
Gerald & Ellen Greenspoon Christy Lee Pope K.C. & Randa Weiner
Perry & Michelle Griffith Robert & Lexie Potamkin Doug & Lynda Weiser
Jeff Grinspoon & Jon Foley John & Monika Preston Sol & Faith Weiss
Steve & Sally Hansen Michael & Lisa Puder Laura Welch
Jane Hire David & Nancy Pustka Joseph & Carrie Wells
Henry & Angela Hite Allen & Kelli Questrom Wendalin Whitman
Zachary & Melissa Holland Marc & Sheri Rapaport Larry & Lorrie Winnerman
Woody L. & Gayle Hunt Dennis & Julianne Ratner Julie Wooley
Scot & Barbara Hunter - Emerald Amnon & Katie Rodan Beau Wrigley & Sue Hostetler
Multi Family Office Marvin Rosenberg Jeffery & Elisha Zander
James R. Jackoway Don & Barbara Rosenberg Mark & Peggy Zilbermann
Tom & Mary James David & Meg Roth
Doug & Stefanie Kahn Andy & Ivette Rothschild
Bryan & Emily Kelln John Rowland & Sarah Broughton
Scott & Elizabeth Kimple Albert Sanford & Dorothy Wildman
Tom & Ann Korologos Patrick & Mary Scanlan
JoAnn Kurtz-Ahlers Wido & Carla Schaefer
Michael & Sheila Kurzman Steven & Julie Schlafer
Chris & Gaye LaCroix David & Phyllis Scruggs

DONORS FOR THE Kristeen Church Tracy Frickey
Jacqueline Clark Marc Friedberg
2020 SEASON Kevin Clifford Alan Friedman
David & Patricia Alper Cohn Dain & Hillary Fritz
Bruce Adelman Cheryl Bogdanow April Connolly Ronald & Cheri Fromm
Nance Alexander Randall & Allison Bone Dana Conroy David & Sheila Fuente
Alpenglow Foundation Andrea Booher Anne Cooke Carole Gaba
Alan & Judi Altman Doug & Kim Borror Lisa Cornell Robin Galambos
Mone Anathan Michelle Botica Rick Crandall Mike Galvin
Anonymous Mark Botvinick Laurie Crown & Rick Ortega Edgar Garrabrant
Anonymous Joseph Bower Susan Crown & Diane Gelose
Anonymous Harriett Breihan William Kunkler Dale Genet
Thomas Arkins Dean Bressler Paige & Chris Cumming Edouard & Brooke Gerschel
Richard & Anne Baer Bob Bridger Bobbi Cunningham Stevie Gillman
Karen Bagatelos Dennis Brinkman Caitlin Daly-Gonzales Mimi Gitlin
Gregory Baldwin R.C. & Beth Buford Patricia & Dorian Robert Glaze
Ada Barber Dave Burke Damoorgian Darby Glenn & Patsy Malone
Victoria Barrena Mardell Burkholder Dana Genyk Dana Genyk Michael Goldberg
Emily Benedek Markey Butler John Darcy Denise Goldfarb
Lee Bengston Susan Capiel Jeanette Darnauer Barbara Goldstein
Donna Kay Berger Lorrie Carlson Ben & Linda Davis Judith Gordon
Lee & Susan Berk Barbara Carson Linn & Sandra Davis Gale Gottlieb
Kathy Berkman Ruth Carver Rosemary Dawson Gerald Grayson &
Bret Berman Lisa Case Marjorie DeLuca Kathie Schulman
Marc & Cathy Bern Laurel Catto Elese Denis Richard & Eileen Greenberg
Ivy Bierman Maria Chansky Ari & Ann Deshe Gerald & Ellen Greenspoon
Terry Anna Binkley David Chazen Penelope Devine Michelle Griffith
Tony & Cathy Blank Adam & Mary Cherry Randy & Michele DeWitt Cheri Grinnell
Debbie Dillie Paula Gross
Betty Doong Jane Grossman
John Dorsey David Gurss
David & Holly Dreman Sandra Haber
Tim Durand Cheryl Hannah
John & Martha Eggemeyer Steve & Sally Hansen
Patrick Fagan Georgia Hanson
Matt & Karen Fairbairn J.R. Harding
Willa & Alexander D. Falck Roslyn Harkavy
Peg Fallon Allan & Pat Harris
David Fehr Joanne Harrison
Helen Feinberg Bunny Harrison
Todd Feldman Betty Hart
Shel Feldman Cheryl Hedrick
Patricia Ferris Joan Hess
Jon & Moira Fiore Jane Hire
Shannon Fischer Bret Hirsh
Pam Fleck Henry & Angela Hite
Renee Fleisher Christine Hitt
Ilene Follman Sharon Hoffman
Paul L. & Alejandra Foster Linda Hoffman
Melinda Fouts Zachary & Melissa Holland
Fran Freedman Blum Cynthia Houben
Brad Freeman Joanne Houck
Patricia Freeman Woody L. & Gayle Hunt

Scot & Barbara Hunter - Tara Marshall Jane Roche MJ Steneman
Emerald Multi Lynn Martin Amnon & Katie Rodan Warren Stickney
Family Office Mary Mary Harris Marylou Roels Janelle Stigall
Timothy & Natalie Hyland Ann Mass Noyes Rogers Pat Stocker
James R. Jackoway Meg Massey Don & Barbara Rosenberg Michael & Lonna Stolper
Alfred Jackson Laura Mathews Joe Ross Tracy Straus
Roberta Jacobs John Matteson Angela Ross Stacey Stuart
Suzan Jaffe Mark Mazo Wanda Sabatino Udelle Stuckey
Tom & Mary James Brett McKenzie Barry Salky Howard Suber
Ricky Jenkins Mary McKheen Gilbert Sanchez Rose Sullivan
Peter & Sandy Johnson Tracy McLaughlin Jay & Linda Sandrich Suzanne Suzanne
John Johnson III Anne McNulty Albert Sanford & Stephen Szabo
Doug & Stefanie Kahn Carole Meade Dorothy Wildman Jessi Tamayo
David Kahn Jason & Jenn Mendelson Patrick & Mary Scanlan Kenny & Sandy Tate
Pamela Kaplan Alec & Gail Merriam Jeffery & Carrie Scarborough Anne Teall
Christine Karnes Renee Michelson Wido & Carla Schaefer Bobbi Teliska
Jerry Katell Laura Miller Lisa & David T. Schiff Harold Thau
Dena Kaye & Dick Fallin Drew & Alana Milstein Paula Schultz William & Laura Thomas
Bryan & Emily Kelln William Mitchell Gerry Schwartz Elissa Topol
Nancy Kelly Martha Moran David & Phyllis Scruggs Nathan Torgelson
Phil Kendall Richard Morris George Sells Lucy Tremols
Scott & Elizabeth Kimple Deb Murph Mary Shafey Lucy Tremols & Galen Bright
Michelle Kleiman Krista Murray John & Margaret Shaffer Sharon Troyer
David Knight Ilona Nemeth Deborah Newman Sharpe Paula Turner
Tom & Ann Korologos Jeffrey & Karen Oddo George & Teena Shaw Holly Upper
Marta Kot Peter O’Grady Neal & Jacqueline Shear Robin Van Domelen
Michael Kurzman Lorraine O’Hara Shelley Saindon Samuel Wagner
Andrea LaBarge David Osterman Charles & Joyce Shenk Jeannie Walla
Amy Laha Martha Oti Joyce Sher Holly Wallace
Diane Landen Florence Paley Greg Sherwin Betty Wallach
Glen & Tracy Larner Doug Paley Michael Short Lisa Walsh
Joan Leavenworth Paul & Erin Pariser Jan Shute Randy Ware
Nicole Levesque Kristen Parisi Mike Simmons Michael & Adelaide Waters
Mary Ann Levitt Sarah Pattison Snow Simms Sol & Faith Weiss
Marian Levy Robert Perlmutter Mark & Millinda Sinnreich Linda Weiss
Larry Ley Allison Perry Alicia Sirkin Laura Welch
Warren Lichtenstein Hensley Peterson Bob Sirkus Larry & Lorrie Winnerman
Marc & Ellen Lipton Doren Madey Pinnell Clifton Slade Howard Wishner
Steven Litz Robert Plessett Laura Slade Roberta Wolin
Carol Loewenstern Kristi Plucker Shannon Slade Jude wolpert
Monty & Paula Loud Claudia Potamkin Ken Small & Mindy Wexler Julie Wooley
Pete & Sam Louras Robert & Lexie Potamkin Sharon Smith Stephen Wright
Nancy Lovendahl Michael & Lisa Puder Sue Smith Monica Wright
Greg & Marilena Lucier Nina Pustilnik Wynne & Aimee Snoots Shelby Wyll
Paul Lux David & Nancy Pustka Lori & Stuart Sobel Kelly Young
John & Catherine Maas Leslie Rainbolt-Forbes Nicholas & Barrie Somers Jeffery & Elisha Zander
Robert & Patty Mack John Ramo William Spalding Halle Zander
Jane Maetzold Ana Ramos Steven & Alexis Spiritas
Mark Manassee Marc & Sheri Rapaport Sydney Staley
Robert & Judy Mann John Rehl Margie Stein
Cathy Markle Stephanie Reid Martin Stein
Sheila Markowitz Memree & Richardson Gregg Steinberg
Michael & Monica Maroone Roberts John Groccia & Kirstie Steiner



Jazz at Aspen - Snowmass (Colorado Non-Profit Corporations)
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position - December 31, 2020

(With Comparative Totals at December 31, 2019)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Jazz at Aspen - Snowmass (Colorado Non-Profit Corporations)
Statement of Activities - For the Year Ended December 31, 2020

(With Comparative Totals at December 31, 2019)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Jazz at Aspen - Snowmass (Colorado Non-Profit Corporations)
Statement of Functional Expenses - For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
(With Comparative Totals at December 31, 2019)

Conributed RevenThueeasccompanying notes are an integral

Revenues by Type Individual Contributions (includes NC, Board,
2020 CONTCRoIBnUtrTibEuDte/dEARNEEaDrnRedEVENUES Partron)

2% Grant - Municipal


Contributed Earned 3.4% 0.8%


Individual Contributions (includes NC, Board, Patron)
Grant - Municipal

part of these financial statements. Expenses

Earned Revenues Education Programs June Experience

General/ Patron Ticketing Labor Day Experience Fundraising
Special Events
Management 2&0G2e0neEraXl PEJANSSCESafé
Conse2s0sio2n0s, EMAeRrcNhaEnDdicResE&VEONthUeEr SRevenues

54.8% 17% 26%
29% 3%

0.0% 16%

General/Patron Ticketing Education Programs & JAS Café June Experience
Special Events Labor Day Experience Fundraising
Concessions, Merchandise & Other Revenues Management & General JAS Café

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