Who Am I?
I moved to the United States when I was 12 years old. As a child, my mother called me “Lek-
Lek” because as a baby I would always say “lek-lek-lek-lek”. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a
doctor when I grew up. Instead of becoming a doctor, some of my past jobs were working in a
sushi restaurant and as stock person at a couple of clothing stores. I also have a degree in
Computer Engineering. One of my most rewarding job experiences was working as a CNA for 3
years. If I wasn’t working at ADP, I think I would be working as a chef.
My most embarrassing moment would have to be, being at a family event and dancing with the
parent of a friend – “without restriction”. Immediately after the dance was over I said to myself
“Wow, I just did THAT”. I blame it on MTV, BET and Soul Train.
If I could go back in time and give my younger self some advice, it would be not to new jack my
friend’s parent in front of all my friends and family– no, not really. I would probably teach
myself how and when to use credit cards, but that’s about it. I believe that everything happens
for a reason. Everything that has happened has led me to where I am today. I’m married with 3
children and purchased a home 2 years ago.
My favorite thing about working at ADP is the variety of people I get to interact with. They have
become part of my extended family. I don’t have to be face to face with my co-workers to have
a relationship with them. My co-workers make it easy to wake up and go to work each day
Superman vs Batman is a great comic book movie. For all
comic book lovers it gives you a sneak peak on Justice
League like Wonder Woman and others It also has a great
story line and by the looks of it there is more to come.
One of DC comics best movie yet.
--Carlos Villarreal--
A Pound of Butter I ns tructi ons I ngredi ents
In a large pot, Sauté the garlic and onion 1 lb. pancit bihon (Rice Noodles)
There was a farmer who sold a pound of Add the pork or chicken then let cook for 2 minutes ½ lb. pork, cut into small thin slices
butter to the baker. One day the baker Add the chicken broth then simmer for 15 minutes ½ lb. chicken, cooked, deboned, and cut
decided to weigh the butter to see if he was Put in the carrots, pea pod, cabbage, and celery leaves into thin slices (*or boil a whole chicken
getting a pound and he found that he was and simmer for a few minutes (*don’t overcook the and shred it of the bone you can use the
not. This angered him and he took the vegeta bl es ) broth for your chicken stock)
farmer to court. The judge asked the farmer Remove all the ingredients in the pot except for the ½ pound of Large Shrimp (*if you like
if he was using any measure. The farmer liquid and set them aside s ea food)
replied, amour Honor, I am primitive. I don't In the pot with the liquid in, add the soy sauce and mix ⅛ lb. pea pods or snow pea
have a proper measure, but I do have a wel l 1 cup carrot sliced thinly (*or buy the
scale." The judge asked, "Then how do you Add the pancit bihon (makes sure to first soak it in shreaded carrots)
weigh the butter?" The farmer replied "Your water for about 10 minutes) and mix well. Cook until ½ small cabbage, chopped
Honor, long before the baker started buying liquid evaporates completely (*or take Half of the broth 1 cup celery, chopped finely
butter from me, I have been buying a pound out and add more to the noodles if needed to avoid it 1 medium sized onion, chopped
loaf of bread from him. Every day when the from getting to soft) ½ tbsp. garlic, minced
baker brings the bread, I put it on the scale Put-in the vegetables and meat that were previously 4 to 5 cups of Chicken stock or 1 pc
and give him the same weight in butter. If cooked and simmer for a minute or two chicken cube
anyone is to be blamed, it is the baker. Serve hot. Share and enjoy! 5 tbsp. soy sauce (*add more if needed)
Chopped Scallion and a sliced Lime for
ga rni s h
Weekly Fun Activity Winners
Week # 1 Week # 3
Answer: A River Answer: Red Arrow
Week # 2 Week # 3
Answer: 888 + 88 + 8+ 8+ 8 = 1000 Answer: The Man was Bald
It’s a Tie!
April nominees are:
I would like to I wanted to I would like to I would like I want to submit I would like I would like
send virtual recognize to give my recognition to give
hugs to recognize Josh April, Hollie for Sundae J she to give April, April, Hollie
Shawnette for Stacy. Workin for being awesome and Stacy has been very Hollie and
encouraging our a shout out helpful with BAT Stacy a and Stacy a
team to send g with her over with his technical for always Alerts. She is shout out for shout out
these the years and literacy. This there to always willing to for always
recognitions. I seeing a month alone he lend a give me feedback always there there to
feel it is significant hand. and take the to lend a lend a hand.
important, no increase in her has assisted me in time to help me hand.
matter how big participation is learning how to work through any
the task, to inspiring. Than challenges I may
let someone k you for being use and upload be having.
know you brave and information to
appreciate finding your ADP Works, the Don’t forget to vote from this list for April’s VIP! Remember to
them. voice which is send your Recognitions for next month, too!
always valued West Send in your votes/recognitions to Shawnette by email.
and a pleasure Communication
to hear!
website, and on
our El Paso digital
monitors. I have
officially crowned
Josh as my
personal ADP
Geek Squad…