Penn Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing
Diploma 5/1/1987
Penn State University
Bachelor of Nursing 1991
Drexel University
Master of Science in Nursing :Nursing Education/
Faculty Role 6/14/2019
Work Experience
■ Pennsylvania Hospital
■ 6/17/1987 -10/15/1989
Medical Surgical Unit
■ 10/16/1989- Present
Intensive Care Nursery
Research and Evidence Based Practice – Hospital based
Practice council – Unit based
Nutrition – Unit Based
Photographer for Pictures with Santa last 15 years
Clinical Advanced Skills
■ Nihon monitor superuser
■ Keriton milk labeling system superuser
■ Certified to do arterial sticks
■ Certified to do PICC Lines
■ Supersticker for Peripheral IV’s
Teaching Philosophy
■ My Teaching Philosophy comes from my many years of being a student and a preceptor.
My belief is that the student is a big part of their own learning and that as the teacher I
can facilitate this learning. In keeping with adult nursing education, progressivism.
encompasses the learner and their capabilities through activities for lifelong learning
Malcolm Knowles’ Theory of Andragogy embraces the adult learner who is self-directed
and self-motivated while using their experiences to influence their learning through
relating the new knowledge to real life issues. In the educator role, I envision the multiple
aspects and methods of teaching to relate to students in varying circumstances.
■ Each persons’ experiences contribute to their vision, values and beliefs that influence
their contribution to education. A conducive safe learning environment with limited
distractions, proper lighting and comfortable seating allow learning to flow and stimulate
student interactions. Ready access to internet school resources with technical and
faculty support including simulation lab allows for independent exploration into relevant
nursing related areas. Affording adequate and varied clinical learning environments
ensure a more impressionable and lasting learning experience.
NCC Certification
Neonatal Intensive Care
Basic Life Support
Provider and Instructor
Neonatal Resuscitation Program Instructor
Pennsylvania State RN License
Research and evidenced based practice committee presented on how to do research.
Simulation Certificate
Professional Associations
■ NANN National Association of Neonatal Nurses
■ DVANN Delaware Valley Association of Neonatal
Technical Skills
Educational Technology
You tube
Microsoft Office
■ Outlook
■ Word
■ Powerpoint
Padlet for Teaching Toolbox
Padlet for Scholarly Works
Poster Presentation
Mary Beth Rice
Drexel University
• Preparing drugs for administration requires precise calculations, • The learner learns through modelling behavior in stages of • Active learning in a simulation assists the student to respond to the
preparations, dilution and titration (Bagnasco et al., 2016). attention, retention, reproduction and motivation (Bahn, role of the nurse in the environment the activity will eventually take
2001). place (Burke, 2012).
• Three times more errors are performed with increased harm in
medications given to children (Bagnasco et al., 2016). • There are four stages for the learner to model behavior: • The classroom simulation helps connect the concepts and the activity
attention, retention, reproduction and motivation (Burke, 2012).
• The error rate can be up to 60% during the preparation process (Warburton et al., 2016).
(Bagnasco et al., 2016). • By reinforcement, the student learns from the simulation , from other
• In the attention stage, the learner determines who and what students, and from their actions, memories and performance (Fadale
• Most common errors: use of a different drug than ordered, in the they need to emulate (Warburton et al., 2016). The student et al.,2014).
wrong concentration and infused at an incorrect rate (Bagnasco et al ., copies the educators’ demonstration of calculating and
2016). preparing the tubing, priming the tubing and working the IV • Scenarios for calculation, use of formulas , mixing and hanging of
pump with tubing properly placed and set to run at the drugs help students to learn the proper methods for administering
SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY proper interval. medications (O’Neill & Prion, 2013).
• Albert Bandura’s Social Learning theory considered interactions of the • In the retention stage, the learner observes the actions and • Use of the IV pump and proper timing practice prepare the student
person and their surroundings (Bahn, 2001). results of the role model (Warburton et al., 2016). The for the preparation of drug administration (O’Neill & Prion, 2013)
student forms a memory of the observed demonstration.
• The interactions shape the persons behaviour in how they reason and CONCLUSIONS
take action (Bahn, 2001). • In the reproduction stage, the learner practices the actions to
gain proficiency (Warburton et al., 2016). The student • Teaching IV drug administration to nursing students encompasses Social Learning
• Internal influences give the person accountability (Bahn, 2001). practices the activities to get better at performing and Theory
calculating prior to return demonstration.
• Destiny and chance are responsible for untoward actions (Bahn,2001). • Bandura examines the role of the observer and participant by the student and the
• There are 4 stages in the reproduction process: cognitive educator. The educator takes roles of modelling , facilitation and feedback.
• Bandura contends that modelling and observation gives the learner a organization, imitation, monitoring and refinement
base for learning (Bahn, 2001). (Bethards, 2014). The student replicates the activities of the • The interaction of student and educator shape the simulation and can determine the
educator for administration of IV drugs. success or failure of the memory and performance of the learned skill.
• By observing the performance the learner can develop their own way
to perform the activity for themselves (Bahn, 2001). • In the motivation stage, the learner is influenced by • Awareness of the stages of Social Learning Learning can guide the student through
feedback and their degree of proficiency (Warburton et al., the process and facilitate effective learning
2016). The student receives feedback from the educator
about their performance of activity and changes their • Proficiency of Iv administration is equated with patient safety and therapeutic
behavior based on the feedback. drug management.
1. Bagnasco, A., Galaverna, L., Aleo, Grugnetti, Rosa, F., & Sasso, L. (2015).
Mathematical calculations skills required for drug administration in undergraduate
nursing students to ensure patient safety. Nursing Educationin Practice. 16(1), doi:
2. Bahn,, D. (2001). Social learning theory: Its application in the context of more
education. Nursing Education Today. 21, 110-117. doi:10.1054/nedt.2000.0522
3. Bethards,M. (2014). Applying social cognitive theory to the observer role in
simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 10(2), e65-e69.
4. O’Neill, S., & Prion, S.,(2013). Using Integrated simulation in a nurssing program to
improve medication medication administration skills in the pediatric population.
Nursing Education Perspectives. 34(3). 148-153.
5. Warburton, T., Houghton, T., & Barry,D. (2016). Nursing Standard. 30(32), 40-47.
Contact Information
Mary Beth Freeman Rice MSN, BSN, RNC-NIC
[email protected]