Date Type of Promotion What is Being
Entire Year Bulletin Boards
BCS Program & FBLA
Entire year School Website BCS Program & FBLA
Entire Year Teacher Websites BCS Program & FBLA
Entire Year FBLA Website FBLA
Entire year Monthly school calendar FBLA
Entire Year Morning Announcements (video & audio) FBLA
August Brochures in counselors office BCS Program & FBLA
August August Brochures in WBL career center BCS Program & FBLA
August Table set up at Rising 9th Graders Meeting with display BCS Program & FBLA
board and brochures
August Table set up at Open House with display board and BCS Program & FBLA
August Flyers distributed to 1st period teachers promoting FBLA FBLA
September Sent department and FBLA brochures to Mundy’s Mill FBLA and BCS
Middle School
September Submitted pictures to the Georgia FBLA Website FBLA
September 3, 2015 Sent e-mail to Advisory Committee members requesting FBLA
that they prejudge the FBLA T-shirt Design for the Rally
October Advisory Committee Meeting FBLA
September-January Advisement with counselors BCS
-Juniors are taking place September until the end of
-9th and 10th graders will take place Oct-Nov
-rising 9th Jan 2016
November Sent e-mail to advisory council members requesting FBLA
help with donations for the Can Food Drive
Sent e-mail to advisory council members requesting BCS
December help with donations for the Pick An Elf Drive
Submitted pictures to the Georgia FBLA Website FBLA
January Sent e-mail to advisory committee members about the FBLA
February Pick an Elf program donations. Also sent pictures of
February items collected.
February 18, 216
March 19th Freshman Parent/Teacher Conference Night BCS Program & FBLA
March 25th
March 28th Senior Conference Night BCS Program & FBLA
March 31
FBLA Week 2/8-2/12 FBLA
Advisory Committee Meeting BCS Program & FBLA
Rising 9th grade Meeting BCS Program & FBLA
CTAE Career Expo BCS Program & FBLA
Guest Speaker Mr. Terry Owens BCS Program
Nicole Horne Guest Speaker (Advisory Committee BCS Program
Nicole Horne Guest Speaker (Advisory Committee BCS Program
Figure 1: Rising 9th grade meeting
Figure 2: Rising 9th grade meeting
Figure 3: FBLA table set up at Open House, Parent Teacher Conferences, and Rising 9th graders
Figure 4: FBLA Bulletin Board in BCS Classroom
Figure 5: Promotion of yearly CTAE Career Expo
Figure 6: FBLA Bulletin Board on CTAE Hallway
Figure 7: Career Center promoting BCS Courses/Programs
Monthly/weekly school calendar outlining FBLA activities
Figure 8: FBLA flyer distributed to 1st period teachers at the beginning of the year
FBLA promotion on school website
Figure 9: Audrey Blackwell-Bradwell's teacher site
Figure 10: Lamar Dobbins teacher site
Figure 11: Laura Kinchen's teacher site
Figure 12: FBLA Site
Figure 13: Email sent to Advisory Committee Members asking them to pre-judge FBLA T-shirt Design
Figure 14: FBLA Website
Figure 15: BCS information sheet distributed to rising 9th graders, counselors, administrators, and at open house
Figure 16: FBLA Brochure pg. 1
Figure 17: FBLA brochure pg. 2
Figure 18: BCS brochure pg. 1
Figure 19: BCS brochure pg. 2
Figure 20: CTAE Expo
Figure 21: Guest Speaker Terry Owens
Figure 22: Parks and Recreation Department (Advisory Committee Members)