Agricultural Scales and
Weighing Solutions
Weight-based solutions
to maximize profitability
9030 Bridgeport Pl. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 USA Sold by:
(800) 360-9619 • [email protected] Acadiana Scale
© Copyright 2016 Optima Scale Manufacturing Inc. • Printed in USA
Tel: 866.820.0ASE
Light-weight Animal/Ag Scales Heavy-duty Alleyway Scales
Model#: OP-922 Model#: OP-929
Cap.: 1000 lb x 0.2 lb Cap.: 5000 lb x 1 lb
Size: 43”(L) x 22”(W) x 1.7”(H) Size: 96”(L) x 30”(W) x 3.5”(H)
The perfect scale for weighing animals or many other Its heavy duty construction can accommodate most large
agricultural applications. The large, low-profile platform livestocks. It comes with a large platform (84” x 30”), inte-
makes it easy for animals to step onto the scale. An gral 6” long ramps, and 4” high side rails, making a com-
optional rubber mat is also available. The removable plete livestock alleyway. Its motion sensing technology
stainless steel platform (also available with painted mild delivers accurate animal weighing. The indicator comes
steel) makes clean-up fast and easy. The indicator comes with rechargeable battery and AC power.
with 4 AAA batteries and AC power.
Medium-weight Livestock Scales Livestock Scales w/ Rack & Gate
Model#: OP-920 Model#: OP-930
Cap.: 2000 lb x 0.5 lb Cap.: 4000 lb x 1 lb
Size: 48”(L) x 20”(W) x 2”(H) Size: 72”(L) x 36”(W) x 3”(H)
Portable and heavy duty with rugged steel tread plate Ideal for weighing hogs, sheep, cattle or horses while
construction. Its ramped ends allows easy access to the keeping them in the cage. It is heavily constructed and
scale. With its two carry handles and wheels, and a large comes fitted with all the electronics necessary for live-
rechargeable battery powered animal weighing LCD indi- stock weighing. The indicator comes with rechargeable
cator, this portable livestock scale makes a perfect scale battery and AC power.
for weighing livestocks on the go. Scales available for weighing either individual or group
animals (see back page).
Load Bars Washdown for Food Processing
Model#: OP-924 Model#: OPW-SP3
Cap.: 5000 lb x 1 lb Cap.: 15 kg x 0.5 g (30 lb x 0.001 lb)
Size: 24”(L) x 4”(W) x 4”(H)
(other sizes also available) 30 kg x 1 g (60 lb x 0.002 lb)
Size: 10” x 8” x 3.5” / 12” x 12” x 3.5”
An economical and effective weighing solution for vari- Model#: OPW-SS / OPW-L-SS
ous applications. It can be easily mounted under livestock Cap.: 6 kg x 0.2 g
chutes, platforms, sheep crates, wool presses, tanks or
hoppers. Its durable corrosion resistance galvanized finish (13 lb x 0.0005 lb)
(powder coating finish also available) and watertight 15 kg x 0.5g
componets make it perfect for outdoor environment. The (33 lb x 0.001 lb)
indicator comes with rechargeable battery and AC power. 30 kg x 1 g
(66 lb x 0.002 lb)
Bench Scales Size: 12” x 7” x 4” (OPW-SS)
16” x 11” x 4” (OPW-L-SS)
Built entirely in stainless steel, these scales are IP-67
rated fully protected against external agents and can be
cleaned under running water for sanitation and disinfec-
tion, making them ideal for any food industry use.
Floor Scales
Model#: OP-915 Model#: OP-916
Cap.: 100 lb x 0.02 lb Cap.: 5000 lb x 1 lb
300 lb x 0.05 lb 10,000 lb x 2 lb
400 lb x 0.05 lb 20,000 lb x 5 lb
500 lb x 0.1 lb Size: 24” x 24” x 4”; 30” x 30” x 4”
1000 lb x 0.2 lb 36” x 36” x 4”; 48” x 48”x 4”
Size: 12” x 12” x 4” 48” x 60” x 4”; 48” x 72”x 4”
12” x 14” x 4” 60” x 60” x 4”; 60” x 84”x 4”
16” x 16” x 4” 72” x 72” x 5”; 84” x 84”x 5”
16” x 20” x 4”
18” x 18” x 4” Extra heavy duty and extra reliability. NTEP approved,
18” x 24” x 4.25” legal for trade. It features industry’s top reinforced
20” x 20” x 4.25” heavy-duty construction for superior deck strength, top-
24” x 24” x 4.25” side access to self-leveling and adjustable height load
cells, checkered stainless steel or mild steel scale decks for
Designed for speed and accuracy with an extremely traction, optional ramps, bumper guard, forklift channels,
heavy-duty platform and rugged stainless steel en- and pit frames for installing flush with the ground.
closure that provides top performance for high-usage
applications. NTEP approved, legal-for-trade. Ideal for
busy shipping docks, outdoor markets, manufacturers,
food processing, and other bulk sales areas. The indicator
comes with rechargeable battery and AC power.
Custom software capable of
accurately recording all the data
wirelessly in real time.
Group Livestock Scales
Model#: OP-930G
Cap.: 20,000 lb x 2 lb
Size: 7’ x 10’
Large, heavy-duty and mobile.
Ideally suited to the unpredict-
able conditions of multisite
use in all types of environ-
Truck Scales
Model#: OPT-200
Cap.: 200,000 lb x 20 lb
Size: 10’ x 40’; 11’ x 40’
10’ x 60’; 11’ x 60’
10’ x 70’; 11’ x 70’
10’ x 80’; 11’ x 80’
Custom capacities and sizes
Legendary Reliability
Exceptional Strength
Revolutionary Design
No-bolt Module Connection
Unequalled Surface Coating
Optima Scale Manufacturing Inc.
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