She gave me a form on self-isolation and sent me government wouldn’t take such strong measures,
through, all in just five seconds. but I’m so relieved they did.
On my return to China I once again stopped in One problem remains, though, and that’s Kiwis’
Tokyo, Japan after a flight from Auckland on Air attitudes to wearing face masks. In Asia and many
New Zealand. Again, not a single crew member places around the world, face masks have been the
wore protective gear. They served food, they joked defining image of the battle against COVID-��. In
with passengers, they helped people with their New Zealand, they are not being recommended at
bags. all.
That was a far cry from the scene on my Spring This is probably because of New Zealand’s small
Airlines flight to Shanghai, where the crew wore population, and the ability for people to normally
full protective gear during the entire flight. In maintain one-meter distance, but there are some
Shanghai I was put through a myriad of steps situations where wearing a mask is proven to be
before being allowed to enter, including an very important.
interview about my health and where I’d been, and
my temperature being taken half a dozen times. According to New Zealand’s own Ministry of
Health, that includes situations where a minimum
After that I was bussed to a community health distance of one meter cannot be maintained, case
clinic in Jing’an District, where I live, for a novel in point: on planes.
coronavirus test. We slept eight hours on the bus
waiting for our turn, and waited another �� hours Air New Zealand recently announced that eight of
in the clinic before finally being allowed to go home their staff have tested positive for COVID-��, and
for quarantine. I’m not at all surprised. The very day New Zealand
entered lockdown, Air New Zealand were still flying
That, compared with a five second question in Kiwis home, and even in the midst of the novel
Auckland. coronavirus outbreak around the world, Air New
Zealand crew were still not fully protected. Some
I made a video about my experience and it went wore masks, some didn’t.
viral, with well over one million views on Facebook
alone, as well as mentions in New Zealand media. I am proud of our government for enacting
Soon after that, the Prime Minister announced such strict lockdown measures across the entire
the entire country would be locked down for four country, measures that are even more serious than
weeks. Shanghai ever had. But there is still a huge gap in
the understanding of the importance of wearing
That was great news, since I’m sure it’s the only masks and gloves, especially in situations where
way our small country can defeat the onslaught close contact is needed. I will continue to push for
of novel coronavirus. I was certain that our change, and hope it comes before people die.
Andy with his cat at his Shanghai flat. Photo courtesy of the author
Social Solidarity in the
Face of Adversity
By Clare Erasmus
A quiet street in Wellington on March 26,
the first day of national lockdown.
Photo by Guo Lei (Xinhua)
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As the March ��th anniversary of the A bus driver in Wellington wears
mosque attacks come to a close, our a face mask. (Xinhua)
beautiful New Zealand now faces the
COVID-�� pandemic that has thrown the this country opens its heart, embracing and comforting
world into a global crisis and an uncertain future. those affected.
Having grown up in South Africa in the ����s, I In a global sense, we are navigating unprecedented
lived a life that existed in segregated communities, times. It is evident that our countries are connecting,
disparities between class and mostly race; a society that talking, sharing and coming together to fight this
was fragmented, broken and characterised by racism pandemic. We face uncertainty, but we face it with
and apartheid, and what a loss that was to us all. social solidarity. Our world becomes stronger as we
connect and explore new policies that will cater to
Moving to New Zealand, opened my eyes and my worldwide wellbeing.
heart to a world that I had long desired. What I saw was
a diverse community that was like a quilt threading While we agree to disagree across countries on many
together people from different cultures, amicably.
What a wonderfully rich way to learn, grow
and experience the world in one place. For me,
Christchurch connected time, place and space of
countries. Connections across places, spaces, and
time enabled the networking of values, beliefs and
traditions across cultures. With a sociological lens, this
made Christchurch largely appealing, and a place that
I wanted to raise my children in. What a pleasantly
different way of life and experience of life my children
and their generations of children would enter into.
What a true privilege. New Zealand, through my lens,
you have got it right!
As I reflect back to March ��, ����, it was a moment
of utter disruption, loss and chaos. Without giving
more attention to the culprit, what I extracted from
this event was how a community emerged stronger,
a time where New Zealanders of all cultures banded
together and social solidarity was the order of the day,
week, month, year and beyond. The floral tributes, the
outburst of love and compassion towards our harmed
community, our fellow Muslims, highlighted how well
A COVID-�� billboard in Wellington.
Photo by Guo Lei (Xinhua)
People are shopping in an Auckland supermarket. About the Author
Photo by Li Qiaoqiao (Xinhua)
Clare is an author and educator, living locally
points, we help and learn from each other. in Christchurch. She has written books for both
educators and children. She has a Bachelor of
Nationally, we witness a strong sense of this solidarity, Arts (Sociology and Legal Studies), Bachelor
acts of kindness, people and communities looking out for of Arts Honours (Sociology), Masters of Social
each other, no matter your class, race gender or any other Science, Bachelor of Education, Certificates
social stratifier. in both TEFL and TESOL and is currently
undertaking her PhD in Education.
New Zeland and the world will be different post
the COVID-�� pandemic. Hopefully, the impact of the
connectedness between countries will be for the betterment
of our societies and the world at large.
As the English novelist and biographer, Dame Margaret
Drabble, put it“when nothing is sure, everything is possible.”
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By Bruce Wayne
Source from Source from DC Comics Source from
So who wins - Spider-Man or Superman? You recoil, paranoid that the infectious droplets be invincible without them like Superman?
Well, I’m afraid it’s a tie. Will a mask give have already found their way into your system. The topic has been up for discussion in the
you some protection, provided that you The future flashes before you: in a few days’ media a lot lately, so time to do some research
use it properly? Yes. But should you prioritise time you’re running a fever and coughing of my own. I ping a text off to my doctor
mask wearing ahead of other measures like non-stop. A few days a er that, Dr Ashley friend. “Hey man, hope you are coping ok with
social distancing and thorough hand washing? Bloomfield is announcing deadpan to the everything right now. Got enough masks?
nation that you’re the latest case. Then you’re Should we all be wearing them?”
No. surrounded by medical staff in hazmat suits
who put needles in your arms and swabs down He shrugs through cyberspace. “Hope we can
It’s a er-work drinks on Friday 20 March, your throat and feed you gruel for seven years. contain the spread... yeah I think you could wear
2020. There’s anxiety in the air, because there’s And even a er you’ve finally recovered, society masks if you’re going out, if you can find some.”
potentially Coronavirus in the air. Maybe that’s snubs you for a further seven years.
the reason people are drinking more than usual. Bah. That’s not the definitive answer I was
Snap back to the present. Oh, how you wished hoping for. People from some cultures,
Your tipsy colleague excitedly tells you that to be wearing a mask at that very moment, even particularly Asian cultures, swear by the
their child is a big fan of Peppa Pig. You don’t if it meant that you had to strain your three masks for health reasons. And common sense
only hear what they’re saying, you feel it too - Coronas for the evening through it on their would suggest that they’re probably a good
courtesy of those spi le-spraying plosions. way to your mouth. But how helpful are those idea, given that doctors wear them in high
masks? Can they stop viruses? Will they really stakes situations. A surgeon certainly doesn’t
make you invincible like Spider-Man, or can you want anything falling from his person and
contaminating a surgical site mid-procedure. essential things. The fact is that some people public. The exact distance cough and sneeze
So I set to Googling and read a range of in our society probably wouldn’t feel safe right particles can travel is contentious, but the
material, some well-informed and some less now going to the supermarket without a mask upper limit is generally accepted to be about
so. The easiest way to present the information on. six feet, or 1.8 metres (for coughing at least
is to take each side of the argument in turn. - sneezing isn’t a recognised symptom of
Without further ado, our masked hero Spider- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Superman, and Covid-19). So if you adhere to the two metre
Man opens with a five-hit combo: he’s arrived just in time to politely clap Spider- distancing rule, then the only way you’re
Man off the stage. He launches into his rebu al likely to catch the virus is by touching a
1. N95 filter masks provide excellent with authority: contaminated surface - hence the necessity of
frequent hand washing.
protection against anything airborne. That’s 1. Masks don’t provide reliable
universally accepted by medical professionals 5. When we buy masks, we are
and lay-people alike. protection. Particles can get through masks,
or even get stuck in masks. In practice even potentially depleting the supply for those who
2. Even surgical masks provide N95 masks won’t make you airtight. If you’ve really need them. That is the sick people, as
ever tried one on, you’ll know how impossible well as anyone who may not be able to observe
protection that is be er than nothing. Indeed, a task it is to get all the moulding tabs si ing social distancing around the sick, i.e. medical
some studies have shown that surgical masks perfectly flush against your face. Also, masks professionals. New Zealand’s authorities
can reduce the spread of droplets by up to do nothing to prevent particles ge ing into have sufficient reserves of masks at present,
80% (although most show the reduction rate your eyes. but whether supply and distribution become
is somewhat lower than that). That’s why sick significant issues going forward remains to be
people in particular are told to wear them. 2. Masks can actually result in you seen.
3. Masks stop us from touching our touching your nose and mouth more o en. So who wins - Spider-Man or Superman? Well,
That’s because you inevitably need to both put I’m afraid it’s a tie. Will a mask give you some
face, which is very important - given that our on and take off the mask. And if you don’t do protection, provided that you use it properly?
nose and mouth are the main entry points for so with squeaky clean hands, you’re pu ing Yes. But should you prioritise mask wearing
foreign objects into our body. Touché, Spidey, yourself at risk. ahead of other measures like social distancing
touché. and thorough hand washing? No.
3. Masks can give wearers a false
4. Sometimes it’s impossible to rely Anyway, everyone knows that Batman is cooler
sense of security. As mentioned earlier, they than both Spider-Man and Superman. And
on social distancing alone. This is particularly can make us feel brave, but the other side everyone should know that the best possible
the case for Spider-Man, when he’s swooping of the coin is that we may consequently put thing we can do, to protect both ourselves and
around the packed streets of NYC or ge ing ourselves in riskier situations, for example we others, is to be like Batman and stay in our
up close and personal with the bad guys. Or in may be less likely to observe social distancing batcaves. So back to watching The Dark Knight
Asia, where populations are much more dense guidelines. on Netflix. Happy Home Holidays everyone!
than in Aotearoa.
4. Social distancing and hand washing
5. Masks give wearers a sense of
are more effective measures for the general
security, which allows them to at least do the
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Unmasking the (many)
reasons behind the face mask
By Cissy Chen
Why do people wear facemasks? encouraged to wear masks.
More recently, Asia was significantly impacted by the SARS
● Wearing a mask when illness is rife demonstrates
a common sense of cooperation, sacrificing your own and bird-flu pandemic making people more aware of the
comfort for the good of others. importance of protecting yourself from the spread of air borne
● Perhaps more importantly they give the wearer a
sense of security and the ability to take action in a time But there are number of other reasons why people choose to
when many are feeling helpless. wear masks, including:
As one of the most visible symbols of the Covid-19 outbreak, ● Protection from pollution - busy trains, smog and
face masks have man y connotations. fumes are common in large cities, masks can help to
reduce breathing in some of the pollution.
You’ll have seen footage of people wearing them overseas,
and in New Zealand there’s increasingly more people wearing ● Collectivism - the ‘group’ is an important part of
them, particularly those with links to East Asian cultures. Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai culture, and great
value is placed on the collective. Wearing a mask when
While people in New Zealand may see wearing a face mask the common cold or the flu is rife demonstrates a common
as a sign you are unwell, this isn’t the case for many other sense of cooperation, sacrificing your own comfort for the
cultures around the globe. good of others.
They have a long history in Asia, going back as far as the ● Fashion accessory - fashion designers have leapt
global flu pandemic of the early 1900s when people were
Photo by Guo Lei (Xinhua)
on the mask-wearing trend and created colourful, diseases, but they do go some way to limiting the spread of
embellished masks, commonly worn by young people. coughs and sneezes.
● Practicality - face masks come in handy for a Perhaps more importantly they give the wearer a sense of
number of other reasons, when worn with headphones security and the ability to take action in a time when many
they are a sign that someone wishes to be left alone and are feeling helpless.
some women use them as a time-saver in the morning
and skip putting on their make-up underneath. Alongside Meng Foon Race Relations Commissioner, I’d
urge people to be aware of the differing reasons people may
● Anonymity - masks have been popularised by wear masks.
celebrities wearing them in an effort to stay anonymous
when in public. He wrote, “It is wrong to assume someone wearing a mask
is sick or has the coronavirus.”
I realise the science is inconclusive on the effectiveness
of wearing a face mask to prevent the spread of air borne We are all in this together. If you see someone wearing
a mask, don’t assume the person is sick. See instead their
effort to take action and to do what they can, based on their
knowledge and culture.
(The author is Asian Markets Manager at ChristchurchNZ)
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New Zealand top infection expert:
Wearing masks is more of a cultural
difference than a medical issue
By Li Huizi
Recently there are many Asian people wearing face A mask is certainly effective at preventing the spread
masks in New Zealand public places. However, of a respiratory infection, but the debate is how effective
wearers have constantly received suspicious looks and at what distance. Physical distancing should always be
from Kiwis. effective, he said.
David Murdoch, Dean of the University of Otago
(Christchurch) and co-leader of The Infection Group, said “But I think in a situation of a pandemic, we will see
wearing masks is more of a cultural difference than a more New Zealanders wearing masks, and there will be a
medical issue. greater acceptance of why people do that,”said Murdoch
“In New Zealand, it is unusual to go out with a mask who is an expert on the Ministry of Health’s advisor group.
on… there is a feeling that you must be really unwell if you
wear a mask, and if you are unwell you should stay home. Chinese response“very impressive”
So that’s the thinking for New Zealanders, but it’s also
realized that for many cultures it’s quite acceptable to do In Prof. Murdoch’s opinion, the Chinese medical
it,”Prof. Murdoch told Palmary. community’s response to the COVID-�� outbreak has been
“very impressive”.
“The rigorous and even aggressive response trying to vaccine [for this virus] within �� or �� months, but that’s a
contain the virus has got the outbreak under control more lot faster than it used to be,”he said.
than we would have thought, and now many countries “Sometimes a crisis like this can move technology on,
are using that experience to fight harder in their own just like wars do as well.”
response,”Murdoch said.
Obviously, the economic impact is huge and the right COVID-�� corresponds with influenza
focus now for China is to resume production, he said,
affirming the importance of surveillance efforts and the “The northern hemisphere is getting warmer and
rigorous follow-up of all the cases to prevent“a secondary viruses don’t tend to like the warmer climate as well.
peak.” So that would help hopefully resolving the outbreaks,”
International collaboration Murdoch said.
On the other hand, New Zealand is heading into winter.
There are“huge opportunities”for China-New Zealand The big worry is the influenza season, he said, adding,
cooperation on epidemic prevention, Murdoch believed, “What we don’t know is what happens if coronavirus
adding there are already some strong collaborations on corresponds with influenza and at least it would confuse
noncommunicable diseases between the University of things which means more people are unwell.”
Otago and Chinese research bodies.
“I don’t know whether there’s a risk of somebody
“We’ve seen remarkable collaboration between having both infections at once. Getting the influenza
different institutions worldwide, including identification vaccine this year is very important,”said the professor
and discovery of the virus, and then the genetic code of whose main research interests are epidemiology,
that virus, and the really quick sharing with the world,”he specifically diagnosis and prevention of respiratory tract
said. infections.
Regarding the lessons mankind has learned from the Murdoch said he was confident the New Zealand medical
outbreak, Murdoch said,“This will happen again…There’s system could handle the pandemic.
a very good chance we will see another epidemic like this.” “The country has had a pandemic plan for quite a
Another lesson is to see is how quickly a vaccine can be few years. So there has been preparation. We all thought
produced. Traditionally, a vaccine could take ��, �� or �� influenza was the most likely virus, but a lot of the
years to get into market, but the process is much faster principles and the pandemic plan apply to other infections,
now. so the key parts of that can be adapted for this.”
The Ebola outbreak resulted in quick development However, this sort of pandemic potentially could
of vaccine research.“We’ll probably be lucky to have a overwhelm any system if it was really bad, Murdoch added.
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Blame Game Hampers
By Wang Zhijian
As Covid-19 further grips the US, some US recriminations in face of the common challenge for
officials have been trying to find a scapegoat, mankind. To identify the origin of the virus is the job of
claiming China should be blamed for the scientists, and not politicians. In fact, throughout history,
spread of the coronavirus in their country. They even the origins of many viruses could not be traced easily
used the term of “Chinese Virus” or “Wuhan Virus” at initial phases of any outbreak, and in some cases
in contravention of the advice from the World Health definite conclusions may not have been reached at the
Organization. At this crucial stage, it is harmful to end. In the era of globalization with frequent exchanges
pack the media landscape with negative politicized of personnel worldwide, the way how virus originates
messages, and blaming others could not take and spreads is much more complicated than ever
accountability off one’s shoulder. before. Therefore, a sensible and scientific approach
should be taken to trace the origin of the virus rather
The virus knows no border and we need cooperation than making hasty or irresponsible judgments. On some
and multilateralism instead of vicious competition and
On April �, in San Mateo, San Francisco Bay Area, California, a
man was reflected on the glass of a closed store.
Photo by Wu Xiaoling (Xinhua)
A medical staff looked out the window
of a hospital in Brooklyn, New York.
Photo by Guo Ke (Xinhua)
On some occasions, the epicenter or places comprehensive, thorough and rigorous measures
most severely affected may not necessarily be the that China has taken against it have produced
actual origin of the pandemic and controversies positive results. China has been open, transparent
still exist in medical circles till now. It is worth and responsible in sharing most up-to-date
noting that the US Centers for Disease Control information, staying in close communication
have admitted that some Covid-19 patients were and carrying out cooperation with all relevant
misdiagnosed as having pandemic flu during the countries and international organizations. It
2019 flu season. took some time for Chinese medicine circle to
identify the brand new virus. Since then China
Since the onset of the epidemic, the most
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A man rode a bike passing a hospital in New York.
Photo by Guo Ke (Xinhua)
has wasted no time in releasing such information as Slandering or scapegoating others at this moment will
the genetic sequence of the virus, and has also been not make up for the lost time.
sharing experience on the prevention, containment
and treatment of Covid-19 without reservation. We are To our relief, the consensus on collective response
providing as much support and assistance as we can to Covid-19 has now created new momentum. The
to countries in need. recent special video summit held by the G20 leaders
including Chinese and US presidents has sent a
China’s contributions to the world endeavor message of cooperation and solidarity and injected
in fighting against Covid-19 have been widely confidence in the global anti-virus war. The G20
acknowledged. Even US President Donald Trump members, accounting for about two-thirds of the
tweeted in January that the US greatly appreciated entire human population and some 86 percent of the
China’s efforts and transparency in containing the gross world product, have pledged a commitment
virus. In early February, Dr. Tedros, Director General to “presenting a united front against this common
of WHO, called on the international community not threat” and introduced substantial measures including
to waste the precious time bought by China to take strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination
precautionary actions against the spread of the virus to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. President
outside of China. Xi Jinping has talked with President Trump by
phone, reaffirming the importance for all countries
The US placed the travel ban on travellers arriving to collaborate. Facing the storm, we are in the same
and transiting from China on 2nd February, but boat, and blaming others is not at all helpful.
unfortunately not many further substantial steps had
been taken by the US government since then before (Author: Wang Zhijian,
the number of infections ticked up in the country. The Chinese Consul General in Christchurch)
window of opportunities hard won through China’s
arduous efforts has regretfully not been fully utilized.
Conversation Corner
Face-to-Face By H. Naomi March, M.A.
Caught in the grip of a worldwide, viral
pandemic, each one of us is facing
an uncertain future, as the nation of
New Zealand continues its first month of Alert
Level-4, i.e., lockdown – except for absolute
essentials – and quite possibly an extension of
that time, in self-isolation. Perhaps this is the
perfect time to reset our priorities, to come
face-to-face with where we are right now, and
where we hope to go, once we reach the other
side of this traumatic time.
Face-to-Face with COVID-19 Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
COVID-19 Alert Level-4 lockdown in New
Zealand (NZ) is a very important and historic
time in our country’s history. My Great-
Grandfather (my Mother’s-Mother’s-Father)
died – aged 50 – in the 1918 Flu Pandemic, and
102 years later, NZ struggles again, as this novel
coronavirus spreads internationally. In its first
two months in NZ, the 1918 pandemic killed
9,000 of my great-grandfather’s generation –
half as many as those killed in four years of war
that had just ended.
In 1918, NZ had a population of 1.4 million,
and to understand the tremendous loss – in
comparison to the population back then,
with today – we multiply those numbers by
four. That would be like losing 36,000 New
Zealanders (NZs/Kiwis) now – in a two month
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period – with our population of 4.8 million. she was willing to “suicide” [translation: more – they are leaders in our society,
Such a comparison seems impossible for die] by looking after the sick person, alone, right now!
us to comprehend, or accept, and so our without PPE or even cleaning essentials, in
Government and the majority of our society, the little hospital. Ryman’s Retirement Village
have decided to “be kind, stay home, and representatives are calling people in their
save lives.” Yet, we are witnessing overseas Kindness and courage abounds in inquiries data base to see if they’re coping,
– via media – horrendous suffering and Christchurch, too, as neighbors and Church and when they find someone struggling,
numbers of deaths, and the full spectrum of members help my personal “bubble” stay they kindly help where possible.
human behavior. at home, by topping up groceries with little
things not included in the Student Volunteer We have so many courageous essential
For some people, their hearts – their Army (SVA) deliveries. In my earthquake services personnel – all putting themselves
courage – seem to be failing them for fear, memorial article – Feb.2020 – I described &/or their families – at risk. The following
and they act-out their greed and cowardice. how the SVA helped us clean up earthquake staff members come to mind – in any order
Others – feeling the fear and holding onto damage. Unobtrusively, SVA has continued – and deserve our thanks and prayers:
their courage any way – are making the behind the scenes during the last 10 years, Hospitals; Testing; research labs; NZ Defence
ultimate sacrifice while providing essential and now, a new group of students has Force, Police, Fire, Emergency NZ and
services for their communities. And the rest stepped forward, joining some founding ambulance services; Personal care at home;
of us fit somewhere in between – depending members, to help with grocery shopping. AA Road services; Pharmacies & Medical
on our circumstances – because not all self- clinics; supermarkets and delivery; produce
protection is an act of selfishness. SVA have designed a website to take growers & harvesters; postal and courier;
petrol stations; mechanics, electricians,
Face-to-Face with Cruelty and Kindness Photo credit: Hannah Wilkinson plumbers; public transportation; pet shops
Human cruelty has been manifested in and Vet hospitals; members of the media;
simple to complex acts, including: spitting – shopping orders for groups most vulnerable and the Prime Minister and her Government
on police, hospital staff, supermarket staff, to COVID-19- over 65’s, healthcare staff, – all striving to save lives. Have I missed
&/or fellow citizens; stealing – even from medically vulnerable or otherwise isolated. anyone? If so, please forgive me, and know
hospitals; an 86-year-old lady was killed SVA has designed a secure payment system, that others – especially “Google Doodles” –
when pushed by another patient in a NYC and only charges the person’s card for remember you every day.
hospital; worldwide verbal and physical exactly what they have ordered. And if the
abuse of Chinese people – the Auckland vulnerable can’t use the internet, they can We are blessed with living in a society
woman who videoed her experience, and in order by telephone. SVA don masks, and that values us, and does not want to see
East New Britain, Papua New Guinea (PNG), gloves, and orange ‘hi-vis’ jackets, and go to loss of life in the thousands, as other
where locals looted Asian stores as payback New World supermarkets to fill each order, countries have experienced – even if it
for the COVID-19 global pandemic. then drive all over town with deliveries. causes temporary financial hardship. We
Yet, in the same PNG location, kindness can recover financially – we have done
and courage were demonstrated when an These volunteers are courageous – I so in the past – with a large dose of Kiwi
unmarried nurse volunteered, saying that believe – because they continue to expose ingenuity. In fact, “The New York Times”
themselves to the COVID-19 risk in society, recently reported on USA cities that fared
to help the vulnerable. These young people better after the 1918 pandemic, by locking
are definitely leaders of tomorrow – and down hard and fast. Both their citizens and
their economic recovery far out-weighed
neighboring cities, who tried to save the
economy above lives. Protecting each other
and saving Kiwi lives, is a higher plane, and
most Kiwis value each other enough to do
what it takes. Our thanks and prayers are
also with those of our courageous business
owners who – while counting the cost –
are choosing to take actions that keep our
citizens safe during this national emergency.
Face-to-Face with Serious Challenges
While it sounds wonderful – to currently
have four weeks off work – spare a thought
for those of our fellow citizens who have
just had their workload doubled, especially
solo parents! Not only do they now have to
work from home – which is not the same as used to “doing,” that this might be a good self-talk – no point pretending we don’t –
working with the team in the office – they time to include some thought and action – remembering to speak or think kind words
are also teaching and entertaining their for “being.” of encouragement to self too, helps lower
children, too. When do they sleep, or just stress and clarifies thinking.
rest? Or go shopping for groceries, or do Face-to-Face with Self-Isolation
something special? It’s always important to face our feelings Feelings can run the gambit in this
– our emotions – and those of any children environment – especially fear of disease &/
And what about the families who are not or seniors, or the vulnerable in our care. or death – and our thoughts can follow our
safe at this time, as violence increases in It’s helpful to speak kindly – with love and feelings. For example, if we think it is “bad
some homes? If either you or someone understanding – to everyone’s emotional luck” to prepare for our future demise –
you know are not safe – please, phone the needs, especially little children, while that is most likely not helpful thinking. With
police and get help and advice on how to lovingly holding eye contact with them. Dr. or without COVID-19, we are all destined to
make a safety plan. Research how to do all Ross Campbell – figuratively speaking – calls depart this life – at some stage – and not all
this and remember to delete the URLs from this, filling the “emotional tank” of a child people are old when this happens.
your computer each time you finish your with unconditional love, thus determining
research, or ask a trusted friend to research how the child feels and affecting behavior. Rather than thinking that it’s morbid, or
for you. ** This parental /careers responsibility means being fearful to face our own mortality,
that “…only if the emotional tank is full can a think of it as one of the kindest things to
This is a time that also carries a sense of child be expected to be at his or her best or do for loved ones and friends, to ease their
loss – for people who were going to work, do his or her best.” (*Campbell, Chapter 3, suffering and struggles when the inevitable
or who volunteer many days per week, or Kindle Edition.) happens. I was surprised to learn – in a
attend worship with friends – now they Actually, that goes for everyone – at guest-speaker’s lecture while studying for
miss the company, let alone the routine of any age – and of course, since we all have my Master’s degree – that writing a Will,
getting out and about. We are, of course, and preparing our own funeral service – or
social creatures, and while we can keep Photo by: Sharon McCutcheon
contact through various technologies, we
have currently lost the physical side of
contact in social or professional settings.
For myself, I’m surprised to realize just
how many times I publicly interacted with
others, when I took my parents out every
week – not just the mother-daughter-
date which was usually to Ballantyne’s or
Riccarton Mall – but also medicals, and
groceries, and paying bills. And without
my weekly dash to dinner at the Distinction
Hotel – my favorite “bolt-hole” – I now need
creative ways to ward off cabin fever.
What are your favorite places and physical
activities that you’re currently missing?
How are you compensating yourself – and
congratulating yourself – for maintaining
the lockdown and breaking the chain of
transmission? “What to do” with self,
children or elderly, in our care? We are so
22 精彩
at least, listing favorite songs, readings and with successes and failures, with joyous all faiths, or of none, are discovering that
photos – is a very responsible thing to do. memories and the most gut-wrenching it presents an opportunity to slow down,
sadness – sometimes seems too hard to pause, and reflect, in prayer, or meditation.”
See and – if you confront, or so we might think. But pain
haven’t already – determine to take action and joy are part of our personhood – part While science is informing our national
this week. You and me both! I did a new of what it means to belong to the human response to this global tragedy – it cannot
will a few years back – but will review it – race. Difficult to do? Yes! Worth doing? yet provide us with protection through
and I need to finish the Order of Service and Definitely!!! I personally don’t find it easy, vaccination. In times like this – with life-
PowerPoint for each member of my family, hence my references – in other articles – to threatening trauma – many people become
which we started last year. It would be very skilled professional care for the “stuff” that’s aware of their own spirituality. Personally,
comforting to know that we had included too hard to do alone, or with loved ones. it’s important to honestly ask the existential
my Mother’s favorite song in her service, questions – the “Why am I here?” and
and special photos in the PowerPoint, and When Queen Elizabeth II addressed her “What’s the point of my life?” type of
told an anecdote that meant a lot to her. nation on 5 April 2020, she said, “Although questions – and receive honest answers.
On the other hand, if the circumstances self-isolating may be hard, many people of Yes, holy writings have – for Millennia –
were reversed, she wouldn’t have to worry
about any of that, for me.
I also learned in lectures that it’s my
responsibility to write my “Advance Care
Plan.” How about you – all done, already?
If not, see
PR/ACP_Plan_print_.pdf or call your medical
practice for a hardcopy to fill in. Then, make
sure your doctor – and any support people
you choose – receive a completed copy.
It’s not an easy read, but it’s the kind, and
responsible, thing to do.
If nothing else – doing a personal
PowerPoint and Life Story is a great way of
doing a mini-self-assessment – in clumps
of decades – with brief notes. Actually, I’m
looking forward to putting mine together
– once I’ve completed this article – as a
2020 self-evaluation, which creates a new
opportunity to realign my life.
Face-to-Face with Self Photo by: Hannah Olinger
During this time, when new boundaries
have been set for us, it is also an PALMARY 23
opportunity to set our own, personal new
boundaries – new goals and dreams –
because life on a post-pandemic planet will
be permanently changed.
Although ancient Greek thinking is still
popular in some circles – dualism does
not seem to serve us well – we are whole
beings, completely human. We can’t split
ourselves in two – a physical/social-self, and
psychological/spiritual-self – because those
parts of us make up the whole-person self,
and are interconnected.
Sometimes, it’s hard to confront our
vulnerabilities, our broken dreams,
broken hearts, and goals still hopefully
held. Coming face-to-face with self –
recorded stories of peace, comfort, and according to our unique design and gi�edness Daily, we can be grateful for three things
redemption, acquired by true seekers. Yet, – which was knit together in our very DNA! – and spend private time searching our own
even in our times, answers can also come heart and mind. As we evaluate ourselves –
through inspiration, prayer, reading, music, For example, for me, it means publishing including dreams that might be incomplete,
words, beauty, and nature – there are so many my first book, by taking my pre-booked leave or changed, or replaced with new, improved,
ways of connecting our spirituality. from writing “Conversation Corner,” to focus realistic goals – we evaluate not only what we
on research and writing. I can finally complete can “do,” but who we can “be.” We don’t have
When I have more time at the beginning of my commitment to myself, and to my calling. to let our hearts be troubled – we can spend
the day, I read something spiritual, and o�en I However, this doesn’t mean I won’t be quiet time ge�ng to know our spiritual needs
read Scripture and write a “reply” in my Prayer thinking of you – dear readers, and my friends – we can find peace, and live with hope.
Journal. In my personal relationship with God, at the magazine – because I will definitely
I find I can be completely honest – whether be thinking of you all. More than that, I’ll We’ve got this crisis covered – just as
in my journal, or in the depths of my heart be praying for you, too, for your health, your our ancestors coped in 1918, over a 2-year
– about my grief, my losses, my anger – and – finances, and your opportunity to enjoy period, enduring three waves of pandemic
my joy, my delights, my goals and dreams. completing your next unique calling. – because we’re in it together, as individual,
valuable people who make up a whole, caring
While you are being kind to others, are you Finally community. We can comfort those who
deliberately being kind to yourself, too? If you mourn, rejoice with those who celebrate, and
are currently time-poor, can you etch out a Even though we’re facing an uncertain future encourage each other with kind words and
li�le time for yourself, every day? It’s all too right now, we can feel secure knowing that deeds – using various forms of technology –
easy to be swamped by the needs of others at every level of society, we are cared about, and counting teddy bears in windows when
– especially in times of crisis – but I take at and cared for, as our nation responds to the outdoors performing essential activities.
least a few minutes a day, to write in my small COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen or heard
Gratitude Journal. Each day’s page has only about cruelty and kindness being exhibited We are breaking the chain of transmission
enough room to briefly record three things I’m worldwide, not just in NZ. New boundaries and saving lives, by staying home, by careful
grateful for, which, research confirms, is one have been set for us, and we are showing the hand-washing, and by being kind – especially
way of strengthening resilience. world – as reported by international media to self, as well as loved ones, and the
such as “The Washington Post” – how Kiwis vulnerable in our communities. Until we
Honestly – now – right now, is an excellent care for each other. meet again, I’ll say, “Bye for now, and see you
opportunity to re-evaluate and recalibrate, on the other side.”
and “do” and “be” who we truly are – to live
The following list contains some • Check the Government COVID-19 About the Author
recommended references: website:
H. Naomi March, M.A.(2016) has a
*Book by Dr. Ross Campbell, “How to • It is okay to ask for help if you or bachelor’s degree in teaching, and
Really Love Your Child” Revised & Updated, someone else is in danger. If you think a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral
2011, Kindle Edition someone could be harmed or may harm Leadership, with special emphasis
themselves, call the Police on 111, even if on pastoral care to women – in the
• Call your GP (doctor) before you visit you’re not sure. workplace, society, and the home.
– continue to contact your GP for ongoing Her studies also included a diploma
ailments, not just COVID-19 concerns or • Find your Local Women’s Refuge by in adult education from Ara Institute
symptoms. If you do not have a GP call calling 0800 743 843 (0800 REFUGE) to of Canterbury (formerly CPIT).
Healthline free on 0800 358 5453. be linked up with an advocate in your Email: conversation.corner.chch@
area, for 24-hour service advocacy and
• Media coverage or public discussion accommodation for women and their
of COVID-19 may affect you. It’s normal to children experiencing family violence.
feel stressed or anxious. For support with Free safety plans: https://womensrefuge.
grief, anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing,
call or text the free ‘Need to Talk?’ service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1737 • Rape Crisis Centres – call 0800 88
and talk things through with a trained 3300 for contact details of your local
counsellor. centre. Provides support for survivors of
sexual abuse, their families, friends and
• If you’re not sure who to contact for whānau.
help or if you need more information, call
the free government helpline on 0800 779 • Victim Support – call 0800 842 846.
997 (8am–1am, 7 days a week). 24-hour service for all victims of serious
2� 精彩
COVID-19 pandemic that
disrupted our way of life forever
By Michelle MacWilliam
With the current crisis, the be readily available, due to inadequate systems will be minimal as many people adhere to the
government and appropriate within the business structure but almost for government directives and health department
agencies have moved to get most small companies end of the financial year instructions.
ahead of this pandemic, with support packages is 31 March, and this becomes one of the busiest
being introduced and unparalleled cautionary times for chartered accountants. There will The call has been put out for people to shop
measures that have never before been invoked be the number of businesses wishing to have local, which is an excellent initiative, as the local
to protect New Zealand citizens. their financials completed with urgency as best business owner will appreciate the support,
business practice and those who need assistance ahead of Jack Ma, owner of Alibaba, and Jeffrey
However, in the world of the small to medium for their business as it is critical for ongoing Bezos, owner of Amazon.
business owner, of which around 97 percent of trading and survival.
the New Zealand business are, it will take time However, a local business must be prepared for
and effort to access these support packages. Over the next few months generating revenue dealing with customers under this constrained
Given many owners are wearing multiple hats with margin will be paramount. However, a environment, which will cause supply chain issues.
within the business structure to access these business will be disrupted with people either When we refer to the supply chain in this context,
funds, it could potentially take longer than self-isolating, foot traffic into a business will we are referring to the logistics of meeting the
required. As the necessary information may not drop considerably, and face to face contact customer’s request, some points to consider are:
• How will the client see your product or the platforms to the identified customers takes and their owners, stressful and complicated
understand your service? time. decisions will need to be made that will have
a direct impact and ongoing consequences
• How will you engage with them with no There are many aspects of increasing a for many. Often these will beyond their direct
face to face contact? digital footprint a business can complete some control and sphere of influence. Seeking
aspects in-house if given guidance, especially counsel and support from informed and trust
• How will you dispatch goods to the if you have staff who can assist, at this time, professionals, such as chartered accountants,
customer? many employees will wish to help. Mainly if it lawyers, business advisors, employment
assists in making their continued employment is relationship specialists and government
• But also how will they pay for the goods potentially more secure in the future. agencies will be invaluable. These networks
and services you are providing, overnight are interconnected and have an understanding
banking or pay wave are options. Database marketing will be invaluable at this of what the current position is. They have
time. Many independent businesses, either an in-depth knowledge base to draw from,
The other issue facing business but possibly don’t collect names of customers who have and especially in Canterbury, the established
more important is how is a company able to purchased from them, or have not used their professional networks have been at the
market to their identified target customer database to its full benefit. People who have forefront of supporting businesses in disaster
base, to advise them how they can meet their purchased goods from you are highly likely to scenario situations coming up one decade.
customers’ needs or solve their problem at buy again or refer friends; they are your most
this time. cost-effective sales force. About the Author
Regrettably, a lot of small businesses have not To retrench or increase your marketing budget Michelle is a well-established and
been proactive in the advancing of their digital will depend on both your industry sector, your acknowledged business advisor and strategist
brand, footprint and digital assets. Generally, understanding and perception of who your working in two different worlds, with New
due to the following reasons: target market is and how the local economy Zealand SMEs across many sectors. Her focus
looks like for your business. Given none of is especially in development of Omni Channels
• It was not a priority at the time. us has a crystal ball, it comes down to a pure that assist a business transitioning from the
business decision to market or not. bricks and mortar world to the digital/virtual
• They had a bad experience with a company for growth and future proofing. She also works
or person working in the online arena. If you decide to continue to advertise, be with businesses, councils and other entities in
smart and selective, target your ideal customer. development a China-New Zealand relationship
• They investigated the idea and were Make sure you are across the mediums you that is based on both trust and integrity for
overwhelmed with what they were presented need to be both in the bricks and mortar world long term relationship sustainability.
with to establish an online presence. and online, research how you can interlink your
advertising between the two worlds, as yet not She sits on many committees, involved in
• They were part way through developing everything is digital. a lead role in business engagement and the
their digital assets and strategy and were China-New Zealand relationship engagement.
struggling to justify the cost involved, so the When engaging people in this area, check
work was half done. out their credentials. Digital marketing is
a very young sector with many issues and
Having a weak digital presence and no strategy opportunists.
will hurt many businesses. As setting up a broad
digital presence by which we mean having a In the coming months for many businesses
touchpoint on multiple platforms or directories
and developing a targeted approach that links
26 精彩
anzac day,
25 april, 2020
Lest We Forget
While we are protecting New Zealand from the The Origins of Anzac Day
invisible enemy of COVID-19 we cannot march in a Dawn In December 1914, during preparations for the Gallipoli invasion, the
Parade, or attend a Memorial Service this year – but New Zealand Expeditionary Force contingents were grouped together
we still remember all our Military Personal, including for the first time as Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).
Nurses, who have died in all military actions, defending Together, they provided almost half of the total number of troops in
freedom. the Allied Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (MEF). From this point
on, all combined Australian and New Zealand forces became known as
They shall grow not old ‘ANZACs’.
As we that are left grow old; On 25 April 1915, Australians and New Zealanders landed together
Age shall not weary them at Gallipoli at a place later called ANZAC Cove. This date has been
Nor the years condemn adopted ever since as the national day of remembrance for war dead
At the going down of the sun in both countries. This first observance of ANZAC Day in New Zealand
And in the morning took place in 1916.
We will remember them
We also remember those who served and returned
from all Military and Peace-Keeping actions – especially
those with physical &/or psychological injuries.
We remember our current Defence Force personnel,
with deepest gratitude.
We tenderly remember all the families of those who
serve, and have served.
H. Naomi March, M.A.
28 精彩
Poppies The 5000 Poppies installation at the Air Force Museum in 2015.
Image credit: @Air Force Museum of New Zealand
In the Spring of 1915, fields of red poppies bloomed in the
churned-up ground of the Flanders battlefields in Belgium. This In Flanders Fields
sight inspired Canadian officer John McCrae to write the famous By Lt. Col. John McCrae
poem,’ In Flanders Fields’ and resulted in the red poppy becoming WWI Canadian Soldier, Physician and Poet
an internationally recognised symbol of remembrance.
In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Beginning in America in 1920, poppies were made and sold to Between the crosses, row on row,
raise funds for veterans. The New Zealand RSA sold over 260,000 That mark our place; and in the sky
poppies for veterans’ welfare in the first ever poppy day for ANZAC The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Day 1922. This tradition has continued to this day, with the poppy Scarce heard amid the guns below.
now representing the sacrifice made by New Zealanders in all
conflicts since World War One. We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
The Air Force Museum has asked us to please share the ANZAC Loved and were loved, and now we lie
story with children, and have included a colouring-in page on their In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
An RNZAF airwoman helps with the RSA’s Poppy Day
street appeal in Wellington in 1979.
Image credit: ©RNZAF Official PR2334-8~79
The Tailors of the World
By Nephtalim Antoine
Just like any other industry in the world, tailoring has its superstars and celebrities, but I just work a little different than usual - You’ve
got the tailors that are known for a certain cut or dressing celebrities and royalty or the tailors that innovated in their field with either
improving a technique or finding a new one. Being part of a certain fashion house or find-ing their own, or being part or a certain
long line of tailors - the list goes on really.
So it begs the question that is asked by many days in and day out - who are the best tai-lors in the world? That question has a ton of
great answers but it requires a different per-spective really. I’ll focus on the two tailoring Mecca’s - Italy and UK. We shouldn’t be ask-ing
the question of who’s the best but more what are the options available in these plac-es in general and what should I be looking for.
The best way to do this is to break it down by region really and then go from there. The UK alone has way too many options to just
scatter them in a jumbled list so I’ll try to do this as methodically as what makes sense.
30 精彩
Savile Row
So it’s pretty self-explanatory that we
would start in this location - there are so
many tai-lors concentrated all in one place
- it’s a sight to see for sure. Now here’s
how to look at Savile row - it’s an artisan’s
paradise in a way and you can think of it as a
district or quar-ter of houses, almost similar
to how there are fashion houses except
there aren’t anyone singular superstar
designers. There are certain tailors who are
highly respected in the field and revered by
their customers and peers in the industry
but you won’t find any of them being stalked
by paparazzi or on a talk show promoting
anything so to speak.
Some notable persons on the row:
Andrew Ramroop OBE - Maurice Sedwell
Edward Sexton - Sexton tailors
Oswald Boateng OBE - Boateng tailors
And notable houses: that they were making suits for the British my own favorite is Andrew Ramroop. He is
military. Some of their most famous one of the receivers of her majesty’s OBE
Maurice Sedwell characters include Duke of Cambridge, and a skilled craft person.
Charley Chaplin, and Sean Connery.
Dege & Skinner Starting his career in 1974 in the UK
Andrew Ramroop he initially was stuck in the back of the
Gieves & Hawks workshop because he was not white. Now
All the houses share a similar history he is the master tailor for Maurice Sedwell
Anderson Sheppard and have many interesting stories and and leads with extreme precision and works
share similar clientele. The next level to to inspire new tailors and cutters to join the
Huntsmans descend in to would be the actual craftsmen row.
themselves. One of the more notable and
Richard Anderson Italy
Henry Poole & co (one of the oldest) You don’t have to go far to see this
country’s contribution to not only tailoring
Age like wine but fashion as a whole. With that said there
is a difference between fashion and tailoring
One of the oldest in the business is but that’s another article for another day.
Henry Poole & co. Located at No.15 Savile Now Italy much like the UK has a big history
Row, they are one of the oldest tailors on of the craft and in the same way, they have
the row so of course they have plenty of houses like previously stated, it’s the same
history serving the royal family, international here. This side of the tailoring world it comes
celebrities and list go on. They made the down to being about the sprezzatura of the
very first modern dinner jacket under the art of ap-pearing effortlessly put together
designs as specified by the Prince of Wales and stylish. Now if you ask around, you’ll
aka Edward VII. definitely hear about the difference there
can be between the Neapolitan cut vs.
Gieves & Hawks is another age-old tailor Milanese cut.
and has a residence at the historic No. 1
Savile Row since 1912 but was operating
since the early 1809 and even before
The Italian style is highly varied and even a suit, 35 hours to make a dinner jacket, and Rubinacci
different between regions - Milanese air with more than 180 people worn on the jackets
Discre-tion in the north where your grey and through phases of ironwork and contain Initially, as a tailoring emporium started by
blue suits. Where then you have suits from Genato Rubinacci himself. His son Mariano
Naples have a more relaxed. (need change numerous hand stitches. soon later took control of the company and
from the author) changed it to just Rubinacci. It’s currently run
by his grandson Luca. Luca has innovated
Broni and met modern challenges in many ways
and he has made it a complete experience
This group was first established in Rome to get a suit made by Rubinacci, even going
in 1945 and founded by Nazarene Fonticoli as far as to have clients stay at the company
and Gaetano saving - the former a tailor and villa in Napoli, Chris around the bay in the
the latter an entrepreneur and they started exclusive company boat and dive into what
rais-ing interest from celebrities and heads it means when they say the “Naples style”.
of state and they staged the first men’s
fashion in history and it is ranked as one of Kiton
the most prestigious men’s fashion luxury
goods brands. Other houses have been through
transformations as well such as Kiton.
It is reported that a suit from Brito I can set
you back at least $6,000 and cost as much Founded in 1956 by Ciro Paone and
as $17,000 and can even be made with founded as CIPA later rebranding to Kiton
accoutrement such as 24 karat gold thread. 1968. It was named after Greek chiton
It sup-posedly takes up to 22 hours to make which is a type of garment akin to a tunic
worn by Greek aristocracy. Having 51 years
of tailoring and earning prestige among
industry, sporting deft delicate and softly
structured version of the Neapolitan suiting
made with the finest wools and fabrics that
money can buy.
No matter which of the regions or tailors
capture your interest they are all skilled and
on par with each other, but it’s like cars - the
same way one person may like sport cars
an-other may only like coupes. It’s all about
developing a relationship and language with
the tailor so they can capture everything in
detail that makes you who you are and give
you the suit you deserve.
32 精彩
New Zealand mom
Naomi and our wonderful
international friendship
By Niu Ben
Paul and his“Mom”with fellow educators, and student
recruiters, from the USA, China and South Korea.
(October ����)
It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, but I have had children a different future.
the wonderful experience of raising special children with the
help of our Global Village. One such international friendship We have tried all kinds of ways to let the children study
continues today, with a Christchurch-born lady, whom I hard. The teachers support a small free sky for the children
respectfully call Mom. with their own efforts, so they can grow healthily.
For six years (���� - ����) my wife Abigail and I worked for a At that time, limited school funding made it extremely
Christian welfare school in the rural area of Hebei Province, difficult to manage costs. Even though the teachers
near Beijing, China. The name of the school was“Fragrant volunteered to accept a very low salary, we still couldn’t pay
Lodge”, which means“the smell of balm from the broken them regularly. Having studied English, I was responsible
sacrifice of Christ”. It was named by a school student. for raising money from overseas. As the Principal, I not only
wanted to solve the daily expenses issue, but also wanted
Most of the students came from difficult family to do this work well, and to succeed in providing care and
circumstances - some of them were orphaned, some were education for disadvantaged children.
abandoned, and some had physical &/or mental challenges,
as well. We had been in the city for a long time, yet we were There were �� teachers and more than �� students in the
shocked to see and hear the sad stories and circumstances school, and the teachers were also house-parents whom the
of these children. There are many unimaginable situations children lived with after school-hours. Our requirements
happening in every corner of the world. Parents and relatives were not high, because we were as self-sufficient as possible,
were still quietly enduring, and looking forward to their through growing our own vegetables, and living simply. At
children’s happiness, hoping that our school could give their the time, ��,��� Chinese yuan per month (about �,��� NZ
Paul, and his wife Abigail, are in the middle of the
second row - Staff and students at Fragrant Lodge (c.����)
dollars) was enough for the entire funding gap, yet even that Paul with his Christchurch“Mom”in
was very difficult to fulfil back then. Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China.
We were introduced to Mom through mutual friends in (October ����)
faraway Australia. When we contacted her, she was very
enthusiastic and deeply moved after hearing about our work A few years ago, we heard that Mom needed to move back
at Fragrant Lodge. Although we had never met before, she from Australia to her hometown, Christchurch, New Zealand,
confirmed that she was a family member with these children, to take care of her elderly mother. We quickly sent money to
who called her“Gu-Gu”- literally,“my Father’s sister”or, her to make this massive move possible, although the money
auntie. was not much. At that time, apart from meeting on Skype, we
still had not had the chance to visit each other in person.
Mom taught our school children to pronounce English with
a good Kiwi accent - through Skype, one hour a day, four days She has no children. It’s a warm moment to recognize us as
a week - during the New Zealand Summer time. That meant her children. Until ����, we had the opportunity to organize
a five-hour time difference to maneuver around Naomi’s English teacher training in Kunming, Yunnan Province. My
availability and the students’study needs. Some of those mother flew to Kunming to meet us briefly.
children had the opportunity, later, to study abroad when
they grew up, which had a lot to do with the enlightenment at Thank you for giving us this opportunity to express our
that time. friendship and family ties across the ocean.
Mom’s online classes were interrupted by the terrible Paul and Abigail
tragedy of the Christchurch earthquakes, and she had to
move to Australia, and her new circumstances meant she was
unable to continue her online teaching.
Mom’s own life was very difficult, but she managed to make
financial donations to the school from her meager income,
which solved our urgent need. In the days of sharing weal
and woe, our hearts connected her to the school, and she also
connected her heart closely with the children, and with Gail
and me.
3� 精彩
Protect yourself
and others from
Wash your hands Cough or sneeze Clean and disinfect
with soap and water into your elbow or by frequently touched
often (for at least 20 covering your mouth surfaces and objects,
seconds). Then dry. and nose with tissues. such as doorknobs.
Don’t touch your eyes, Put used tissues Stay home if you
nose or mouth if your in the bin or a bag feel unwell.
hands are not clean.
immediately. PALMARY 35
For updates and more information on
keeping yourself safe, visit
PROTECT_ A4 _ 20/03
总第50期 ISSUE 50 新西兰 New Zealand
月刊 全国发行 ISSN 2�23-��0X 2020年�月 April 2020