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4 精彩
Exceptional Talent from
Young Music Scholars at Town Hall
On 2 November, Rangi Ruru Girls’ Carnival of the Animals: Aquarium, talent, and their incredible focus and
School Year 7 music scholar Polly Fossils, and the renowned The Swan. drive.”
Lee, and Year 9 music scholar for 2020
Chloe Jiang (who is currently Year 8 Director of Music at Rangi Ruru This was Polly’s third performance
at The Cathedral Grammar School) Girls’School, Janet Kingsbury, said as a soloist with the CSO; on two
were soloists with the Christchurch both students are very accomplished previous occasions she was a violin
Symphony Orchestra (CSO) at the Last pianists and violinists. soloist.
Night of the Proms concert, held in “The fact that these young women
the Christchurch Town Hall. are playing alongside much older Polly and Chloe are piano students
musicians is a clear indication of the of Christchurch pianists and teachers
Polly and Chloe joined the CSO high calibre of some of our current Melanie Lina and Michael Endres.
playing three piano duet solo and future music students,”she said,
movements from Saint-Saëns’ adding,“All credit to them, their Photo by Jim Huang
Conductor Brian Law (centre) with Chloe Jiang
(left) and Polly Lee
Polly Lee (left) and Chloe
Jiang were soloists with the
Christchurch Symphony
Orchestra Last Night of the
Proms concert in the Christ-
church Town Hall.
Polly Lee (left) and
Chloe Jiang
Chloe Jiang (left) and Polly Lee
Yo-Yo Ma by Jason Bell
Cellist Yo-Yo Ma:
Day-of-Action-Man Hero
Cross-cultural connections things that sometimes connect us to could attend lessons, and her tutoring
through The Bach Project someone we have never met, but who made a difference.
means a lot to us. Born in Paris to
Do you feel any kind of connection Chinese parents, Ma began learning 18 months younger than me, Yo-Yo
with Yo-Yo Ma – maybe through the cello with his father, when only Ma is my contemporary – part of the
music, or his generation, or four years old. At age seven he Baby Boomers generation – but there
performing in Christchurch Town moved to America, with his parents, is no way I am his peer, i.e., equal. I
Hall, or promoting our humanity and older sister. He continued his don’t even breathe the same rarified
through culture? You may have more cello studies at New York’s world- air as this hero among us – this great
in common than you first realized. famous conservatory – the Julliard humanitarian and gifted musician.
What difference does it make? School – with Leonard Rose, and
then continued his liberal arts Connection through the
Connection with a Stranger education at Columbia and Harvard Christchurch Town Hall
Universities, graduating with a degree
Yo-Yo Ma turned 64-years-old last in anthropology. Do you have any special memories
month, just days before a close of concerts you attended in the
family member and a close friend At seven, I began learning piano, and Christchurch Town Hall over the
of mine. Funny how it’s the little practiced with my Grandmother here decades, pre-earthquake? Perhaps
in Christchurch – she made sure I you performed there as a musician
6 精彩
or vocalist. In my late-teens, I sang giftedness early, and focused on it, Christchurch Town Hall Interior –
with the Royal Christchurch Musical and perfected it – I have been a“Jill- with its iconic 1972 décor preserved
Society – as part of the combined of-all-trades….”’During my years
choir that performed with the Brass teaching piano and theory of music,
Band at the opening ceremony. The I taught Bach to beginners. I played
newly restored iconic interior evokes a Bach Prelude and Fugue for my
so many fun-filled memories with teachers’diploma exam with Trinity
friends, especially in the mid-late College, London – having practiced
1970s. for many hours with a metronome,
to keep the strict time of the Baroque
Now, nine months after its period. Even though I love Bach’s
reopening, Yo-Yo Ma will perform music – especially because he wrote
his New Zealand debut in the it“for the glory of God”– my brain
Christchurch Town Hall, one of 36 and body and emotions prefer the
iconic venues chosen world-wide, freedom to give-and-take, or‘rob’
during his 2018-2019 Bach Project the timing of Beethoven’s Romantic
tour. It’s pleasing to know that a period music. The examiner reported
world-class musician agrees with us that I played the Sonata well, and John
– our Town Hall is iconic, on a global Ireland’s Soliloquy even better. On
scale – another connection. reflection, I was able to express what I
had no words for – the loss of my only
On Tuesday night, November 12, baby – through playing that music.
2019, Yo-Yo Ma will make his cello Music gives us power – the power
sing, enhanced by the incredible to express deep emotions such as
acoustics of our Town Hall. We will anger,frustration, grief, love and joy.
remember this world-class concert for
decades to come.
Connection through Bach’s
The purpose of the Bach Project
for Ma, was to perform J.S. Bach’s
six suites for solo cello without an
interval – a physical feat of over
two hours – and then take action in
the community, the next day. He
connects with people in each of
those 36 audiences through Bach’s
300-year-old music, because it speaks
a cross-cultural language – a language
of its own.
Unlike Ma – who found his
When I listen to Yo-Yo Ma’s CD recordings background music for quality restaurants,
of J.S. Bach’s Six Suites for Unaccompanied as I have. This realization makes another
Cello, his performance connects with my connection for me – regardless of our ability,
heart, mind and emotions, and I find it we, too, can reach out to support others at
comforting, and uplifting, and empowering special times, with music – either CDs or live
for my brain when I study. Bach’s music performances.
carries so much emotion and strength, and
I have always loved the sound of the deep, Other cultural connections Ma makes,
rich tone of the cello’s voice. Yes, learning include performing movie soundtracks, e.g.
to play cello is a desire of my heart – but it’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon – which
been on my‘Bucket List’for too many years won an Oscar, BAFTA and Golden Globe for
now, and I suspect I will‘kick the bucket’ its composer’s original screen score, among
before fulfilling this goal – hence my deep multiple other awards, including three more
appreciation for Yo-Yo Ma’s recordings of Oscars. Most of us have some concept of
Bach. the skills required to win these news-worthy
Connection through Culture
“The Bach Project continues Yo-Yo’s
Yo-Yo Ma has performed on the cello for lifelong commitment to stretching the
very significant and deeply moving national boundaries of genre and tradition to explore
and international cultural events, including music as a means not only to share and
the 56th Inaugural Ceremony – by invitation express meaning, but also as his contribution
from President Obama; Memorial for 9/11; to a conversation about how culture can
the Boston Marathon bombing memorial help us to imagine and build a stronger
service; under Paris’l'arc de Triomphe for society and a better future. It was this belief
the 100th Anniversary of the end of World that inspired Yo-Yo to establish Silkroad, a
War One. Yet he also plays privately, for collective of artists from around the world
friends’weddings, and sadly sometimes, who create music that engages their many
their funerals. traditions.”
“Silkroad’s music is contemporary and
Most amateur musicians have also played ancient, familiar and foreign, traditional and
classical and modern music for weddings, innovative, drawing on styles from around
funerals, church services, and even as the world to create a new musical language
that reflects 21st-century society. When we
8 精彩
Connection with a Human Hero
Yo-Yo Ma by Jason Bell While superheroes are fun – they
always win – we can’t copy their
create music together, we listen to our super-human-feats. But a human
differences, connecting and creating hero reflects who we want to be,
meaning from them.” by successfully behaving in ways
“Yo-Yo Ma’s multi-faceted career we strive to attain. Therefore it’s
is testament to his enduring belief in important to find a connection
culture’s power to generate trust and somehow – through our shared
understanding. Whether performing humanity, our similar experiences,
new or familiar works from the goals, circumstances, cultures, likes
cello repertoire, collaborating with or dislikes – with our human heroes,
communities and institutions to because they show us we can be
explore culture’s role in society, or heroes, too.
engaging unexpected musical forms,
Mr. Ma strives to foster connections Ma also serves the world outside his
that stimulate the imagination and musical giftedness through a number
reinforce our humanity.” of global positions, such as being a
member of the board of trustees of
the World Economic Forum – the
first artist to be appointed – and UN
Messenger of Peace.
Yo-Yo Ma and his wife of 41 years, Jill
Hornor, have two children, Producer,
Director and Writer, Nicholas Ma
and New York legal firm associate,
Emily Hornor Ma, who married fellow
Harvard graduate, John Mistovich in
2014. Although some of us – myself
included – have not been as successful
as this family appear to have been, we
can still relate to them.
My monthly column about our
connectedness as one race – human
– through Palmary magazine’s
conversation about our similarities
and differences in Western and
Chinese culture – is my local
contribution. While I’m only
just finding my voice with ink on
paper in our small corner of the
world, I don’t feel humiliated by
my small contribution – rather – I
am encouraged because of Mr.
Ma’s work, and how he uses his
abilities and opportunities to
promote something that connects
us – our respect for humanity, and
a deep desire to understand and be
As he has traveled the world, Yo-Yo
Ma has taken massive action – the
other focus of The Bach Project.
Musically, in each of his 36 concert
performances, he performs 6 Suites,
with a total of 36 Movements
without an interval – all on 6 Architecture and City-Making – makes yearning to breathe free,
Continents (and NZ). Hero enough, it desirable and fun for everybody The wretched refuse of
in the world of music appreciation! to participate in the shaping and
But then his humanity shines through enjoyment of Otautahi Christchurch.” your teeming shore.
in practical ways by following each Send these, the homeless,
concert with a Day of Action. The At the time of writing, Yo-Yo Ma
Bach Project website lists its global has not yet arrived in Christchurch, tempest-tossed to me,
partnerships, and names its two so I will draw attention to his Day I lift my lamp
Christchurch partners: of Action at the Mexican Border,
nz –“Rekindle creates opportunities by way of example. On Saturday, 13 beside the golden door!"
for resourcefulness. Resourcefulness April, 2019, Ma brought The Bach
is creating what we need from what is Project to sister cities Nuevo Laredo, He continued,“We must live by
around & within us, for the wellbeing Mexico, and Laredo, Texas. His words those words. I've lived my life at the
of planet & people. Rekindle shares were as powerful as his music, and borders. Between cultures, between
opportunities for resourcefulness Texas Public Radio videoed what he disciplines, between musics, between
by promoting the skills & knowledge said, and posted it on YouTube (see generations.”Ma also said,“A country
involved in creating what we need Research List below). Firstly, he is not a hotel and it’s not full. In
from what we have. We transform played Bach, and then he read from culture we build bridges, not walls,"
local resources through care & a plaque at New York’s Statue of and the crowd cheered in agreement.
craft; this being the opposite of Liberty: When young people were interviewed
wastefulness”and – on camera afterwards, they quoted
“Te Pūtahi – Christchurch Centre for "Give me your tired, your poor, him, almost verbatim – they are the
Your huddled masses generation that will continue Ma’s
work, and were clearly compassionate
and committed, as they shared their
feelings and thoughts.
On Reflection
There’s something about a hero
who is also a humanitarian – like
Yo-Yo Ma – who encourages us to do
what we can, where we are, when we
can, however we can, by calling us to
action, and living out his convictions
in his own sphere, as our example.
Did you find some connections
with him, too? Did something come
10 精彩
to mind in a way that inspires you connections – through similarities and
to continue on your path to connect differences in our human experiences
with humanity in cultural ways? – through our giftedness and
What action are you able to take to strengths, through culture, through
form connections in your family, music, through language, through
community, our City, nation and even food, through compassion, through
the world, if possible? forgiveness, through our humanity.
We can create cross-cultural peace
We DO need another hero – human, and prosperity by our actions, and
like us – but uniquely gifted. Yo-Yo Ma share the inspiration of music.
cares enough to show us how to build
Bibliography About the Author H. Naomi March, M.A. has a bachelor’s degree in teaching, and a Master of Arts
#cultureconnectsus degree in Pastoral Leadership, with special
Cellist Yo-Yo Ma Plays Bach In Shadow Of Border Crossing emphasis on pastoral care to women. She
continue=24&v=DtC55rfJQYY has traveled through many countries, and delights in finding diversity in people and places. Naomi supports EaglesNest
Silkroad |Bird Ascending - International (Hong Kong) with their cross-cultural education tours, to promote peace and prosperity. international-culture-tours As an Adult Educator, Naomi is currently writing her series of seminars into book- workbook formats. She specializes in “growing up, not growing old,”including health, and financial issues in the senior years.
E: [email protected]
By Clare Erasmus
Financial literacy is an extremely leading boys’schools in Australasia,
significant concept, and educational Medbury School, and the winner of
institutions worldwide are realising the The Most Inspiring Teacher Award
importance of introducing this sooner 2013.
rather than later. They are rapidly
seeking ways to adapt their programs Micah, you are one of the co-
to include the teaching of financial founders of Banqer. Can you tell
literacy. The momentum for instituting me a little about how you and
financial literacy is growing. your partners came up with this
The key idea around financial
literacy in children is about I had been teaching financial
empowering children with the tools, literacy as part of my classroom
skills and understanding around programme for a number of years. I
financial habits, and to set them up was using spreadsheets to keep track
positively for their future. It seeks of transactions, calculate interest and
to secure their financial future by to manage the class funds. One of my
being able to understand how to students at the time had gone home
manage finances. Essentially, financial and was speaking to his older sister
literacy refers to education around about what we were doing in class. He
understanding money and currency. was quizzing her about how to set-up
It is concerned with how to generate companies, pay tax and earn interest.
money, as in earning it; how to spend It just so happened that she had
it, save it, invest it, and how to budget. completed a course in programming
There is no doubt that educating and was looking for a project to work
children early on about their own on. I received a message from this
personal financial literacy will enrich student’s sister, Kendall Flutey, who is
their financial lives as they go into now the CEO of Banqer. We had coffee
adulthood. and talked about financial literacy. A
few days later more co-founders were
In my article this month, I cover an added and the idea for Banqer was
interview with Micah Hocquard, who born. Over the next twelve months, we
is one of the co-founders of Banqer, worked on developing the programme
as well as the pedagogy lead. Micah is
also the Deputy Principal of one of the
12 精彩
Micah Hocquard and trialling it in classrooms across that Banqer is designed, it makes
Christchurch. After five years Banqer learning about money engaging. It
Deputy Headmaster Medbury School has grown into a global company also gives the students an opportunity
Co-founder of Banqer helping children around the World to learn by doing and for me that is
BSc, Grad Dip Tchg to learn about money. Banqer allows the key. When students are able to
teachers and students to create actively get‘hands-on’they learn so
an online banking experience and much more. When they can see the
virtual classroom economy. It is fun, impact of compounding interest on
engaging, motivating and teaches their savings, when they experience
the students about a vast range of first hand the negatives surrounding
financial concepts and skills. bad debt, and when they are able to
learn from their mistakes in a safe,
Micah, in your opinion, why is virtual environment the learning is
financial literacy in children so enhanced. By introducing financial
lucrative? concepts at school we are hoping that
students will be able to carry this
Financial literacy is an incredibly knowledge and ideas about money
important topic as it plays such throughout their lives. This, in turn,
a crucial role in all of our lives, can help families and communities to
especially as adults. With the way thrive.
How can financial literacy be
implemented in schools for
children? From what age can we
start teaching children about
financial literacy?
I have seen first hand the motivating
factor that including financial
literacy in a classroom programme
can have. Teachers can integrate
concepts about money into a range
of curriculum areas to make learning
more engaging, relevant and fun.
Why not encourage students to
improve their writing by making
them all journalists and paying
them a wage for their articles and
stories? Why not enhance a student’s
understanding of mathematics by
getting them to calculate the income
for a business they have created? Why
not get students thinking about their
community by getting them engaged
in setting up a charitable event?
Financial literacy can be as little or
as big in the classroom as the teacher
and students want. Some people think
that ideas around money are too
complex for children, but I believe
that you can start teaching students
about money from any age. Five year
olds could be learning that money
has value, that you can earn it by
doing jobs, and that you can save it. At
thirteen years old you can introduce
the concepts of compounding implications can have a big impact
interest and tax, wants and needs, on communities, economic growth
and Eftpos cards. When students are and sustainability. In New Zealand,
sixteen years old you can discuss the we have a number of agencies who
financial responsibilities of owning are helping to establish programmes
a car, looking at retirement schemes around financial literacy. The
and borrowing money. When they biggest would be the Commission
are eighteen years old conversations for Financial Capability, which is
around flatting, bills and student a government agency that aims to
loans are incredibly valuable. Money build wealthy lives through education
conversations can be had at any age and information. They are also
and the younger they start the more responsible for Sorted in Schools.
time children have to improve and This programme supports teachers
develop their understanding of their and schools by providing a number
financial capabilities. of resources that can be used to teach
financial literacy. There is also Banqer
Micah, what is happening in which is used by over 70,000 students
schools around New Zealand across New Zealand and Australia.
with regards to Financial There are a small number of other
Literacy? independent programmes out there
as well. I believe these companies and
There has been a large push globally agencies are working to improve the
to improve the understanding lives of all New Zealanders through a
of financial literacy as the better understanding of how money
works, which is being adopted by a
14 精彩
larger number of schools throughout Let’s grow our financial leaders
New Zealand. of tomorrow
What can be done at home to It is clear that early financial literacy About the Author
support financial literacy? What educates children on how to have a
can parents do? good relationship and understanding Clare is an author and educator,
with money. This cultivation is an living locally in Christchurch.
The simplest thing parents can do invaluable lifelong skill that will She has written books for both
at home is to talk about money with stand the test of time. As parents and educators and children. She has
their children. Show them that money educators, we have a responsibility a Bachelor of Arts (Sociology and
is a topic that can be talked about. to motivate, initiate and engage Legal Studies), Bachelor of Arts
Share some of the basics about how children in developing healthy Honours (Sociology), Masters
money is used in the home. Parents financial habits. Empowering children of Social Science, Bachelor
can discuss the idea of a budget, with the financial‘know-how’early of Education, Certificates in
explain that money is finite and that on will prepare our children and both TEFL and TESOL and is
it has to be earned. Pocket money leaders of the future for the financial currently undertaking her PhD in
for chores and setting up a bank world, making sound decisions for Education
account can assist children with their themselves, our communities and
financial journey. Getting them to pay our world. From my discussion with
for things out of their own money is Micah, it is imperative that we start
a great way to show that money has educating our children about finances
worth. early as it impacts on our lives, our
societies and our world in more ways
than one.
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Motorhome travel
in the Netherlands:
A comfortable experience
16 精彩
By Jim Davis
It’s funny how as soon as you cross have their work cut out for them in
the border into some countries you years to come.
feel comfortable. Holland for me was
like that. The architecture is different, Travelling through Holland is best
the landscape is different and there done by a car or mobile home in
is water everywhere, but it felt a my opinion. You’ll find yourself
comfortable fit. in strikingly beautiful towns and
villages, and Leeuwarden was just
one of those towns. We particularly
wanted to go there to see the“Boy
I have to say 40 odd years ago
which was the last time I drove
round Holland, my memory of the
countryside was a bit different. Now
we all know Holland is built around
the water. But I didn’t remember it
being or having so much water in
it, on it, under it, and over it. I have
to say now it seems to almost have
more waterways than actual land or
roads. Quite literally every dry bit
of land looked like it was reclaimed
and elevated – I was amazed. A good
example of this is the Afsluitdijk dyke
in the north. Originally built in the
late 1920s to early 1930s, the idea was
to protect and allow the draining of
land as water is pumped back into the
Wadden Sea.
We crossed over it 40 years ago and
while I don’t have the photos with me
I am sure it was lower and we could
see the Wadden Sea and the fresh
water on the either side as we drove
across the road on top.
It looks to have been raised and
elevated over the intervening years,
and now they are doing it again. It
was an amazing engineering feat
just building the dyke to allow the
draining of the land, but they are
currently now adding height to the
dam, some two metres to compensate
for anticipated rising sea levels. With
so much of Holland already at or
below sea level they will certainly
and Girl”statue done by the same
artist who sculptured Anna in
Norway. Needless to say we were not
Another surprise village we found it was the end of the tourist season
on our journey was Giethoorn. It is when we were there, autumn has
now a World Heritage-listed site and everything well in its clutches, but
well worth visiting. Basically the area there were still people everywhere.
was a major peat digging area in the Visiting in summer would be chaotic
Middle Ages. As the peat was dug me thinks.
out the water flowed back in so that
the houses were essentially left on Gouda
islands among the diggings. Now of
course they are an attraction. Most are
thatched roof delights with amazing
gardens filled with hydrangeas, and
access is via water taxi or one of
the 170 plus bridges that link these
Talk about living in a goldfish bowl,
Heading further south we delighted
in the town of Gouda, famous for its
cheese, but another beautiful town
worth visiting, and walking around.
I was interested in visiting country with water water everywhere,
Rotterdam fundamentally to see the and the craft that sail its waterways
port area again. The history of Dutch are much varied and numerous. At a
seafaring is legendary, and they had guess I would think there are more
a huge influence discovering New boats in Holland per head than any
Zealand way back when. But it’s other country. They are quite literally
not until you actually drive through berthed everywhere.
this country and experience the
waterways, rivers and canals that When you visit Rotterdam however
you can see why the Dutch were such
seafarers. As I have said, this is a
18 精彩
they take on a new meaning and size effort to keep land drained for the
as they work their way up and along inhabitants. Nowadays the pumping
the waterway flowing to the North is done by large high capacity electric
Sea. Part canal, part tributary river for pumps, but in days gone by the
the Rhine, it’s a site worth seeing. The windmills did the job of draining the
port area is one of the larger ports in land, or at least trying to.
the world, and a boat tour sure makes
that point. The whole hydraulic engineering
feat that created the land we call
A quirky must-see in Rotterdam is Holland is simply man’s ingenuity at
their cube houses. Built in the late 70s its best. Understanding that a large
and early 80s they were a modern take part of the country is below sea level
supposedly for inner city living. is one thing. Actually seeing it, driving
round it, and realising what a massive
Think the flying saucer houses we undertaking it all is that holds the sea
had in New Zealand about that time, at bay, is another thing altogether. But
except put that all into a tilted cube. they have been doing it for centuries
Very impractical and a lot of unusable so I think they can still go a few more.
space inside, but interesting to visit.
Watch out for bikes
A nice water taxi ride to the outskirts
of Rotterdam finds the village of The Dutch are also well-known for
Kinderdijk, known for the 19 odd being a cycling nation, and like a lot
windmills that line the waterways
pumping water to the ocean, in an
of European cities now the bicycle Next minute, a bike or six are coming
is almost seen as king on the road. up past you, across you, or around
If you do ever get a chance to drive you with full right of way over regular
through this delightful country watch traffic. It’s nerve racking checking
out for the cyclists. Now I was a every direction around you half a
weekend warrior cyclist at home, and dozen times each time you go through
we are well-versed in the antics of the these things. But we survived and
average Kiwi car driver and cyclists thank goodness we didn’t run a cyclist
at home. Boy everyone should get over. Not sure how we avoided that
transplanted to Holland. but we did.
Bikes rule the roads, and they know A quick trip to Luxembourg
it. The bike lanes are everywhere
including around the myriad of We have booked our return trip to
roundabouts that dominate the road the UK on the Chunnel. Karen hasn’t
ways. It is truly a driving nightmare experienced that pleasure in a motor
going into roundabouts over here, vehicle so we are booked for Friday.
whether you are in a roundabout and However with a few days left up our
exiting it, or just still entering into sleeve we decided on a mad dash
a roundabout, you are watching the to Luxembourg to visit this small
traffic in front of you and around you.
country and the city of the same
What a delight, one day you are
in the flat table top topography of
Holland, next you are in some of the
most picturesque rolling fertile land
you’ll see on your travels. This small
country is like a mini Switzerland,
with a bit of French and German
architecture thrown in. Another
wealthy country due to its tax haven
laws, but boy oh boy is it ever a feast
for the eyes to travel around. With
us here in the autumn the leaves are
turning now so everything is a riot of
autumnal colours. But great roads,
clean well-presented villages, and an
ever-changing landscape make this a
great place to visit.
Luxembourg City – I’m not sure
how best to describe her. There is no
doubt it is a beautiful historic city,
however perhaps because of when we
were there, we didn’t see it in the best
20 精彩
light. For starters, the weather was If you would like to subscribe to our blogs –
horrible so that didn’t help, but it’s please sign up so they come directly to your
obviously a city going through growth inbox.
pains, because I have never seen so
much infrastructure work going on in travel-blog/
one place since we left Christchurch. We would love to hear from you:
Roads pulled up everywhere, 47 Mandeville Street, Riccarton,
apartment blocks being built Christchurch – 0800 30 30 80
everywhere, they weren’t pretty and Email: [email protected]
the traffic was a nightmare as a result.
All this in a city not much bigger than
Christchurch and it hasn’t had any
earthquakes. I expected something
better and different, but we could see
the diamond among all the rough - it
was just buried among the roadworks
and construction when we were there.
Now as I write this last paragraph
or two we are in Calais, and early
tomorrow we get on the Chunnel and
cross back to Blighty.
Have Jim and Karen inspired you
to embark on your own motorhome
adventure? Start planning your next
motorhome holiday with the team at
World Travellers Riccarton.
why so
By Jason Marsden
If you yourself do not own a Seiko previously been considered the this shift. With the patience and skill
watch I can guarantee you know equal of Seiko but there is a major of a craftsman hand polishing a blade
someone who does. In 1892 Kintarō shift underway as Seiko quietly, (or watchcase) Seiko has drawn upon
Hattori started producing watches deliberately and steadily re-orientates its 100-year history to ensure that they
under the name Seikosha in the Ginza itself as the winds of the watch will be around for another 100 years.
district of Tokyo Japan. 1924 saw the market change direction. Last month
name was shortened to Seiko. If we I discussed the growth of the luxury These days the serious watch
were to try to determine the meaning watch market and as fitness trackers community has a special respect
behind Seiko it would be similar to and smart watches take over the sub for Seiko and anyone looking to buy
Chinese jīngqiǎo (精巧), delicate, $1000 market, Seiko has watched with an affordable watch whilst gaining
exquisite. their keen eye and adjusted their credibility amongst the enthusiasts is
practices and products to align with well served by buying Seiko. This also
There are many brands that have means that a Seiko is always a good
22 精彩
2 analogue watch celebrating Arnold own style rules that continue to this
Schwarzenegger’s own watch he day. Featuring a hand assembled
gift for the watch enthusiast! wore in movies such as Predator and movement, hand polished case and
Whilst watchmaking is rooted in Commando. Interestingly, the same katana-like angled and polished
H558 watch is also one of the Bond hands, one of their most important
mechanical movements, Seiko were movie watches. watches, the SBGA211 otherwise
early adopters and innovators of known as the Snowflake, celebrates a
the quartz technology. During the Seiko not only continues to produces textured dial reminiscent of freshly
1970s the Swiss watch industry was good quality affordable watches, but
decimated by quartz watches and also draws upon its historic culture 3
it was Seiko that introduced the of fine craftsmanship and ancient
world’s first quartz chronograph techniques to produce high end fallen snow. The titanium case is hand
(stopwatch function) in 1982 with the watches to rival some of the best polished using the ancient Zaratsu
now very collectable 7a28 movement. Swiss offerings. In 2017 Seiko released technique. This yields a mirror shine
Prior to this Seiko had numerous a limited edition of 1500 watches that no other watch manufacturer has
mechanical movements of their own worldwide featuring an extremely been able to achieve on titanium.
styled to reflect the aesthetic of the difficult to perfect dark blue enamel
decade. Currently good examples dial. Under the supervision of enamel
of vintage Seikos are increasing in craftsman Mitsuru Yokozawa, each of
value as people appreciate their the 1500 dials was carefully laid with
style, reliability and connection with enamel powder and fired in a kiln to
horological history. Today Omega is melt the enamel into a permanent
the watch most associated with James dark blue disk. This watch was a
Bond, in the early days it was Rolex sellout success and set a new price
but many are surprised to find out point for that Seiko range.
that Seiko was 007’s watch of choice
in five movies during the late 1970s One cannot talk about the brand
and early 1980s. Not just a favorite evolution of Seiko without paying
of fictional heroes, in 1974 Colonel homage to their Grand Seiko line.
William Pogue took his Seiko 6139 If you love fine craftsmanship,
aboard the Skylab 4 mission and that exceptional finish and artistic flare
watch became the first automatic then Grand Seiko can be considered
watch in space. Although not flight on par with, if not slightly ahead in
approved by NASA Colonel Pogue some areas, with the likes of Rolex.
reported that the watch performed Grand Seiko produces all of its parts
flawlessly during the 84-day mission. in-house. First appearing in 1960,
Recently another action hero’s watch Grand Seiko set and wrote down their
from the 1980s was reissued- the
Arnie is a solar powered dual digital About the Author
Jason Marsden is a Retail
Property Manager for Colliers
International and an avid watch
collector. His collection includes
not just some famous Swiss
luxury watch brands but also a
number of vintage Seiko.
1. The unique texture of an enamel dial
2. Featuring a GMT hand for keeping track of
an alternative Timezone this 6117 movement
Seiko dates to 1973
3. A modern reissue of the classic“Arnie”watch
4. The blue enamel dial of the limited edition
Seiko changes colour in different lights
5. From 1975 a 6139 movement watch similar to
the one worn by Colonel Pogue on his Skylab
With a matching titanium bracelet without any tick or stepping. This 5
the watch feels almost as light as constant gliding hand is a visual
freshly fallen snow on the wrist. reminder of the universe’s constant
Internally the movement is so highly movement without pause or variation.
engineered and refined it approaches
perfection. A traditional spring Modern Seikos are widely available
powers a wheel which produces a from many watch retailers around
small amount of electricity. This is New Zealand. The Grand Seiko range
used to power an electromagnetic is available via Partridge Jewellers’
brake controlled via a special quartz Newmarket store in Auckland. For
circuit slowing the release of the vintage Seiko I recommend talking to
spring’s energy and producing an Ryan McKenzie at Five: 45 watches in
extremely accurate mechanical their Wellington showroom or online
movement. This electromagnetic at
brake, adjusted eight times every
second, is frictionless and results in NOTE: All watches featured in this
the second hand smoothly sweeping article are part of the writer’s own
around the dial at a constant speed collection.
24 精彩
New Zealand Asia Pacific Film Festival
held to embody multi-culture
By Lu Huaiqian
“Daffodils”, a New Zealand musical drama, won“The Best Music Film Award.”
From left to right“: Daffodils”film director David Stubbs, the film’s producer Richard Fletcher, and Li Bo, chairman of
the New Zealand Asia Pacific Film Festival and NZ Asia Trust
Credit: Sun Xueliang
The 2019 New Zealand Asia Pacific Zealand Māori Tourism said,“film economic development, from art.”
Film Festival kicked off on 1 and tourism have much in common. “New Zealand is generally a Māori
November in Auckland. It is the Both tell stories, carrying the power to culture society, and this festival
seventh Asia Pacific Film Festival, teach, influence and inspire.” has become a very important event
hosted by New Zealand Māori Tourism on New Zealand’s multicultural
and NZ Asia Trust. Li Bo, chairman of the New Zealand calendar,”Yang added.
Asia Pacific Film Festival and NZ Labour Party MP Raymond Huo said,
The opening ceremony started Asia Trust, highlighted that“film “We have more than 100 different
with traditional Māori dancing art speaks a unique language that ethnic groups living in Auckland. It is
and the entire program includes goes across all people, regardless great to see today we have films not
congratulation speeches, film award- of their national, cultural or social only from New Zealand, but also from
giving, and entertainment shows. backgrounds.” China, Japan, South Korea and many
“Asia Pacific Film Festival is the other places.”
The New Actor Talent Award went platform that has allowed people from According to the organisers,
to Yoson An, a 26-year-old New the film industry to show their works approximately 500 audiences
Zealand’s rising star, whose family and achievement, it helps them lift the participated in the gala event. The
(including three sisters) arrived in profile by the great media exposure,” selected films from China, Japan,
New Zealand from China when he was Li added. South Korea, and New Zealand will
just seven. An played the love interest be on show at Hoyts Cinemas on
of Disney’s remake of Mulan, after he Jian Yang, New Zealand’s National Auckland Sylvia Park in the next two
played a key role in the TV adaptation Party MP, said,“I am appreciated the days.
of Eleanor Catton’s Booker Prize- objective of the film festival to help
winning novel The Luminaries. New Zealanders to understand the
Asian culture, society, politics and
Glen Katu, board member of New
The Luxury
Sneaker Club
By Nephtalim Antoine
Sneakers! worn by almost every one
imaginable, are the universal sign
of cool. The tennis shoes, the running
shoes, all kinds of shoes in the domain
of sneakers are taking the fashion
world by storm in terms of once being
an item that was considered a lazy
way of dressing. It is now acceptable
to have a pair as a wardrobe staple.
But as times change, so do the players
involved. Yes, you may know what are
luxury sneakers.
But what about the high rollers in
luxury you may not have heard of?
I've got you covered.
26 精彩
Yoji Yamamoto’s brand Y-3 has
been catapulted to fame as the go-to
sneaker in luxury streetwear and
has had many endorsements from
celebrities in recent years. The
shoes themselves are a collaboration
between Yamamoto and Adidas and
have proven fruitful by garnering a
more than cult following. Both the
brand and the shoe have changed the
landscape of the industry by creating
a new category in fashion by bringing
true to form craftsmanship to the
world of sportswear.
John Lobb
John Lobb has been going since 1866 in merry old England and continues to further produce
at such a high level and quality that has yet to be bested. They initially started as a bespoke
shoe and boot maker but have risen to make some beautiful and well crafter sneakers as well.
While being a small selection, it's quality over quantity let’s not forget! Just to quickly mention
- my favorite style is the Evette high top.
Now there is a different type of beast that has been born in the sneaker world
and its name is the Balenciaga triple S. Usually sold around the $890 mark,
this shoe has caused some people to wonder what is so special about it
and why do so many people rush in droves to buy it and how does it
keep selling so well? Here's the deal - they have found a look that
works with the demographic they're looking at and not to mention
that it is heavily endorsed by major fashion influencers and can
be seen on the feet of many so-called "hype beast" it's become
popular. It's even started its own trend called the "Dad
Sneaker" and people love it to bits. It's only rivalled
by its cousin sneaker the $700 speed trainer which
would be a close second in popularity helping
Balenciaga to become the fastest-
growing company in Kering's
portfolio of companies. Long
story short it's THE must-have
sneaker of today.
Christian Louboutin
The French designer who is well known for bringing society the red bottom heel. He was a free-
lance designer for some time before getting an apprenticeship with Roger Vivier (possible inven-tor
of the stiletto). He then went on to design for Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel and Maud frizaud. In 1991
he opened his atelier and began to take the footwear world by storm. Looking at his rang I can only
speculate that the man is as big a fan of the colour red as I am, and some of his creations feature
beautiful one of a kind artwork and jewels on the shoemaking, making them a very well-crafted
luxury shoe. The sneakers are a thing of beauty alone and similar to Zanotti. They feature all over
mini studded uppers, along with gorgeous, genuine and soft leather. All his shoes are either made in
Italy or France. There's a large range to choose from including both high and low tops.
CQP which stands for quintessential
conversations and products was
founded in 2013 and was initially
named colloquy. The company is
based in Stockholm, Sweden, and
offers a selection of handmade
sneakers for its customers. It has a
plethora of colours to choose from
among its 4-5 style/models.
28 精彩
For all the blunders and crazy statements Kanye West has made over the years,
he does his best to back them up through action and financial risk. Everything
from his first album by taking almost twice as long to finish it and stating
to execs "it's ready when it's ready" all the way to his fashion brand which is
evident through his tumultuous relationship with Nike and its CEO Mark Parker.
He claims the CEO wouldn't even speak with him over the phone, regardless of
the fact that the Air Yeezy (both the 2009 & 2014 models) sold out. It wouldn't
take Kanye long to get an idea of what lay ahead and so he walked away - a risk,
but then his risk was rewarded with a new relationship with Adidas.
Kanye took that fallout with Nike and used it as fuel to find new partners and
a new venture, not wallowing too long if at all - he dusted himself off and went
back to the drawing board, he went as far to ask Nike for an office, desk, and
actual position title - they laughed. Adidas gave him everything he asked Nike
for in the end, fitting end that then gave the world Yeezy brand of sneaker. It's
one of the most popular shoes in Asia and features regular drops in all sorts of
patterns and colourways. A new drop shoe can sell out within 24 hours easily.
This show is the king of cool at the moment and people can't help but star if
you've got them on - definitely a crowd-pleaser.
Next up we have Giuseppe Zanotti, who initially was a freelance designer who worked
with various high-profile design houses in the 1980s. He then began working on his
self-professed obsession with women's shoes. He then branched out and started
to create his style of footwear featuring aesthetic style somewhat resembling
bijoux jewellery. In 1994 he began to show his collection to several magazine
editors and retail buyers such as Saks fifth avenue and Harrods to
name a few and most of them continue to carry his shoes today.
The beauty of Zanotti’s shoes is the spectacle of them. They
bring a certain image to the shoe market that you don’t
often see in similar style. Being a fan the black and gold high
tops myself, the modern-day Zanotti’s are sleek and have
great potential in both a casual and office space. I highly
recommend as a wonderful statement piece to the wardrobe.
Credit: Liz Zhang
165-year-old Ballantynes
opens new extension
By H. Naomi March,M.A.
Three years ago, the temporary Overseas Travel Discount – thus saving We trust them, because they will not
replacement for an old section of the GST value off the retail price of force a sale on us – customer care
Ballantyne’s store was removed, and all full price items at Ballantyne’s – based on integrity – and we value
on Friday, 18 October, 2019 – after a check with the store for details . that. Therefore, my report may sound
traditional Māori blessing – the long- somewhat biased, and it will certainly
awaited replacement was opened to Time for my disclaimer – I’ve been a sound personal, but I have not been
the public. Ballantyne’s first opened store-card holder for almost 50 years remunerated for writing it.
in 1854, and has been supplying the – the first person under 21 years of
people of Christchurch, Canterbury, age to be issued with one, on request. After the earthquakes that closed the
then New Zealand-wide, with both top The staff my mother and I visit almost City centre, the Ballantyne’s family
quality service and goods. weekly, feel more like friends than fought along with others to save our
shop assistants – and they treat every Mall, and to have our central City
The added good news is, if you, or customer with kindness and courtesy saved as a destination and shopping
your friends, or family, shop in-store – if a certain outfit doesn’t suit one of centre. The history of their success
within 30 days of departing New us, the staff member will honestly, and is well documented in words and
Zealand by plane or ship, you receive tactfully, point out its“shortcomings.” particularly photographs – starting
30 精彩
with the globally famous Re:START the place to meet with close family and me, seeing Ballantyne’s fully
shipping-container-shops in The and friends. Open and light, with an restored again, has provided us with
Mall, attracting shoppers and tourists atrium above the internal entrance more to explore during our trips to
alike, including comment in“Lonely from the Lichfield Street Car Park town. There’s also the sense of life
Planet.” entrance letting in more natural light continuing – a phoenix-like example
– the seated service offers a chef’s that recovering from setbacks – no
Now, nine years post-quake, we menu, while the glass cabinets Deli matter how painful or destructive – is
have our whole Ballantyne’s store menu continues the numbered seating doable. We enjoyed seeing familiar
back! It is beautiful and very service, or take away, if you’re in faces in unfamiliar surrounds. We
modern, in keeping with the City’s a hurry. The only thing currently also enjoyed the new furnishings
other new buildings. It also reflects missing in the wine bar is the offer department, with the fashionable
international stores of equal standard, of alcohol-removed wine – important return to colour in the home –
with spacious displays. The first in society, let alone a work-lunch displayed throughout the upstairs like
impression is,“wow – the light”– setting. Academy Award-winning an artist’s palette.
beautiful daylight shines through floor actress, Anne Hathaway is not the
to high-ceiling, wall-to-wall windows only person who has sworn off alcohol My congratulations to Ballantyne’s!
at the Litchfield Street end, with the ( Even in this“settling in”period, their
grand staircase elegantly blending in, celebrities/110194646/actor-anne- store’s new section has a unique
rather than dominating. hathaway-gives-up-alcohol-for-the- ambiance, and is a quiet, peaceful
next-18-years) and a variety of people place to browse and shop – a great
The experience was not like a trip have a variety of reasons – surely addition to the existing store. As long
down memory lane – coming home hospitality includes special needs as the tradition of training new staff
to Granma’s house – but more like other than GF. At least the famous members includes treating customers
meeting new family members for the British distilled non-alcoholic with the high quality care offered
first time, liking what we see, and cocktails are offered on the menu, and older relatives – Granny, or favourite
looking forward to getting to know on the Pantry shelves. aunt or uncle – mingled with their
them more, over time. That family- high quality products, the legacy
feel – that sense of belonging – is no Leading up to Christmas, special of the Ballantyne’s family-feel will
accident, nor is it contrived. The shopping nights and specialty classes continue indefinitely.
Ballantyne’s family has provided – some with prizes attached – are
high-end goods and services to their planned. Ballantyne’s has created I thoroughly recommend you try a
fellow citizens for 165 years, and quite a different, fun-filled, practical, visit, at least once – if it’s not already
continues to provide them in the new exquisite shopping experience – if you your family tradition to visit regularly.
build. don’t have to shop online. Enjoy!
The name of the new Ground Floor For my nearly-90-year-old Mother
Café, Deli, Wine bar, is“Kin”– just
The Confucius Institute at the University of Canterbury held the 2019 Chinese Prizegiving in Christchurch on 29 October at St Margaret's
College. Prizes were awarded for the 10th Chinese Calligraphy Competition, Excellence Awards for Chinese Language Students, as well
as HSK and YCT Exceptional Examination Results. Credit: Jessica Xue
Understanding China starts with language
By Stephen Jacobi/ Executive Director,New Zealand China Council
In August, China’s top live streaming Boxing Day last year. It’s something sense. For the Queenstown tourism
celebrity, Viya, descended on that could only happen in 21st century operator, it’s understanding why
New Zealand amidst a small army of China. social media app Tik Tok is such a
handlers and a whirlwind of publicity. phenomenon among Chinese tourists
From a hotel room in Auckland, she Understanding the world Viya and millennials. For the Wellington
promoted Kiwi products to her online lives in, along with her millions of craft beer brewer, it’s understanding
fans for four hours, racking up almost followers and the booming online why strong, dark and hoppy brews are
$30 million in sales. e-commerce platforms they sell from, proving so popular in China.
is something that every company,
Remarkably, this was less than half organisation and government that For New Zealanders more broadly,
of Viya’s record-breaking $66 million engages with China needs to do better. however, it means taking the time to
of sales in a single day. To put this learn how to speak and communicate
in perspective, it’s about the same For the Queen St retailer, it’s in Chinese. More than anything,
as what all Kiwis combined spent on understanding why installing an learning Mandarin will help us
Alipay terminal makes good business
32 精彩
understand the cultural nuances of Students are learning Chinese characters on the "Chinese Immersion Day"
China, leading to deeper connections, in September at Tūranga, Christchurch Central Library. Credit: Sammy Zhu
common ground, and greater
economic opportunities. we cannot shy away from the A girl is making paper cuttings
challenge of building our pool of on the "Chinese Immersion
Andy Boreham, a Wellington-born proficient Chinese speakers. That Day" in September at Tūranga,
Kiwi who now lives and works in can only help as we navigate the Christchurch Central Library.
Shanghai as a freelance journalist, choppy geo-political waters in our
puts it this way:“Language is a golden relationship with China. We may not Credit: Sammy Zhu
key into the feelings and dreams and always agree with our Chinese friends
thoughts of a nation. Secondly, and on things like human rights or the
just as importantly, it is a means of freedom of expression, but there are
communication, a way to share ideas many things we do agree on and more
and struggles.” we can be doing together.
But here’s the problem. We’re just It will be those New Zealanders
not learning Chinese in anything – whether public servants,
like the numbers needed for better entrepreneurs, students, journalists,
understanding between China and citizens and even live streamers, who
New Zealand. make the effort to truly understand
China and its people who will
New Zealand Chinese Language continue to carry our relationship
Week was first held in 2014. Its aim forward.
is simple but ambitious – to increase
Chinese language learning in New
Zealand. The initiative has done a
huge amount of heavy lifting to make
Kiwis aware of the benefits of learning
Chinese and getting programmes and
resources into schools.
In the six years which have followed
however, the number of secondary
students learning Chinese has
increased by little more than 1,500.
The number of formal tertiary
learners has actually dropped by a
third over the same period.
We’re simply not making the step
change needed to prepare for a world
where understanding Chinese cultural
traits, consumer tastes, technology
trends, innovations, social media and
more is the key to success, whether
you measure that by trade, investment
or otherwise.
There are many reasons for the
lack of uptake in Chinese language
learning at schools. It’s a very
difficult language to master, requiring
a lifetime of commitment to ongoing
study. Lack of curriculum resources,
qualified teachers and time in the
school day are all problems – even
if our perception research last year
showed there was strong interest in
learning Mandarin at school.
But in 2019, with China our top
trading partner and now our second
highest source of foreign investment,
Wham Bam Author Jam
By Li Huizi, Photo by Sammy Zhu
Clare Erasmus (pictured top genres including children’s books to the written word, through to the
left, right-hand side), author of romance, thriller, and paranormal. printing and distribution. They find
children’s books, brought her Kia This was the second time the annual it empowering having such an active
Kaha book series to the“Wham Bam event was held. role in the life of their books. Most of
Author Jam: A Reader Event,”which their books are available worldwide.
was held in Central Christchurch According to the organiser, Stacey
on Oct. 26. It was attended by 23 Broadbent, the event was attended The event chooses a different
authors and three vendors from by independent authors from New charity to donate to each year. Last
both New Zealand and Australia. Zealand and Australia. These authors year it was Mental Health, and this
The authors’books cover varying run their own publishing companies, year it was CanInspire.
seeing their books through from
34 精彩
CIIE to helps Silver Fern Farms
explore market potential: CEO
By Lu Huaiqiain
One of New Zealand’s service. You can find our products at many premium
leading agricultural hospitality venues as well as premium supermarkets
companies is looking in major cities. We have to adapt quickly to meet our
forward to further customers’needs in an ever-changing consumer landscape
understanding Chinese that continues to offer us opportunities.”
“The China market offers New Zealand’s agricultural
customers’needs and industry significant opportunities. A key focus for Silver
Fern Farms is to gain a deeper understanding of our
exploring its market Chinese customers’needs,”Limmer said, noting that
potential at the second the Chinese shareholder’s strong resources will help to
China International understand and win the market.
Import Expo (CIIE) to The company is a 50-50 partnership between Silver Fern
Farms Co-operative and Shanghai Maling Aquarius, a
Photo taken on Nov. 4, 2019 shows keep its market leading leading Chinese meat processor and distribution company
Simon Limmer, Chief Executive of edge, the country’s largest listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Silver Fern Farms. red meat exporter’s CEO “We have a unique DNA. Shanghai Maling and Bright
Foods are successful food producers and distributors in
said in a recent interview. China who have the in-market experience in China. Silver
Fern Farms Co-operative holds the strong relationship with
“CIIE is a strategically important event for Silver Fern farmers and the expertise in livestock. This governance
structure has provided us a unique and integrated
Farms. It is a significant opportunity for us to showcase advantage over our competitors,” Limmer said.
our brand and products at such an international stage.
Undoubtedly, CIIE will expand our market leading edge,” He said the market in China would help the company
said Simon Limmer, Chief Executive of Silver Fern Farms achieve its vision of becoming the world’s most successful
and sustainable grass-fed red meat company.
who has attended the CIIE for two consecutive years. He “We look forward to sharing the story of New Zealand’s
vowed to bring more high-quality products to Chinese natural, sustainable grass-fed farm systems directly to
consumers. Chinese consumers in the CIIE.”
Silver Fern Farms is New Zealand’s leading processor, With the theme of“New Era, Shared Future,”the second
CIIE, held from Nov. 5 to 10, has attracted more than 3,000
marketer and exporter of premium quality lamb, beef, companies from over 150 countries and regions.
venison and associated products, exporting to over 60 Photo taken on Nov. 4, 2019 shows the
countries around the world, according to the CEO. red meat production line of Silver Fern
Farms' plant in Te Aroha, New Zealand.
The Dunetin-based giant agricultural company is set to
showcase over 30 products in the expo.“We were the only
food producer ranked in the top 20 of the Colmar Brunton
Corporate Reputation Index in 2018 and 2019,”Limmer
He said the company would have their New Zealand
Maori Haka Performance Group returning this year
to provide the first-hand kiwi experience to the expo
Silver Fern Farms started off with small volume of
mutton products exporting to China which has now grown
into a significant international market for the company.
The most prolific growth has occurred over the past 10
years, with revenue from China now representing nearly a
quarter of all sales, Limmer said.
“China is our largest market with customers balanced
across all sectors including retail, wholesale and food
总第46期 ISSUE 46 新西兰 New Zealand
月刊 全国发行 ISSN 2423-110X 2019年11月号 October 2019