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Chennai's Best Startup to Work - 2021

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Published by tour On, 2021-06-26 13:26:36

10 Most Promising

Chennai's Best Startup to Work - 2021

TO WORK FOR - 2021

The Best Vacation Planners
Travel and tourism industries
are gradually on a high our team is what makes us the best
rise in recent times. With fit in the field. ”
the eventual demands in
Trust Is Its Strength
Trust is the main factor which

traveling and exploring new places, tourOn believes in. The company

India is gradually progressing with works with the intentions of building

their Startup tourism businesses a strong trust with their clients.

within the country. tourOn is The company does not believe in

one of the best travel startups in any kinds of guidelines, but trust.

India. tourOn offers rather diverse tourOn works with the motives

facilities, geographically, and of helping out and supporting

supports Niche tourisms as well. their clients. The company rather

tourOn, although being one of the Vikash Manoharan believes that nurturing trust among
new startup companies in India, CEO the employees and clients helps
has been serving in more than 18 them to understand their demands

countries already. and needs further.

Work Environment Fosters Its Vikash states, “The reason for

Travel at your Cultures starting up in India is because I
tourOn is famously known for their wanted to do something of my
work cultures and the services own. I believe that trust among

choice with "tour which they render. tourOn is best the employees is the main factor
known for their start-up travelling which drives the business further.

On" with your facilities. They are excellent in Hence, we look after fostering this
making tour plans for their clients trust as our main weapon in our

expectations by and offer rather tailor-made business startup. We deal in tour
our plans. services. They offer no package plans rather than handing out
services to their customers, hence packages, breaking the chains of the
not limiting their tourism plans, society, traditionally.”
which make them a unique startup

company in India. Future Insights

tourOn is famous for its no Vikash emphasizes that, “Our The company is trying to get into

package and customized travel workforce environment is what the markets of other cities in India as

startup facilities. Vikash Manoharan, makes us one of the best travel well. They are concerned in making

the Business Head of tourOn says startups in India. We work with their business more effective and are

that, “We are the best vacation rather positive and eco-friendly very much determined in spreading it

planners and have been listed among intentions. Our workforce is very even further to get proper domestic

the top five tourism companies in much determined and friendly to recognition. Vikash concludes, “We

2019. We give importance to every our clients which foster our work are planning ahead further to spread

traveler and look after their needs. culture. We have given complete out our business into the different

Our company was established back freedom to our employees which other parts of India. Our main aim for

in 2018 and ever since then we are have shown great positive results for the future is to present our business

striving to move even further so as us in the meantime in terms of our to the public in such a way so as to

to provide our customers with best services. Apart from this, the family- convince them to opt our method of

experiences in traveling.” like bonding within the members of travelling."

2 MARCH 2018

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