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Taming the Monster of Grief and Loss
Running away from this monster will only make things worse!

No one likes the monsters we’ve talked about for the past four weeks. They are ugly and fierce and will eat you alive. We’d all rather do our best to avoid them.

But no one escapes the clutches of this week's beast. Sooner or later, all of us face it. This monster comes in a bunch of sizes and will attack you periodically throughout your life. Believe it or not, you’ve already met it head-on quite a few times in assorted shapes and sizes.

This is the monster of grief and loss. Every time you experience loss, it’s lurking in the shadows. The biggest monster comes when we’ve lost a loved one or family member, but it’s also there every time you experience any important loss. Loss of a job. Loss of a dream. Loss of a marriage or health or pet. Every time we experience loss, there are the possibilities that this monster of grief waits to chew you up and spit you out.

And here’s the oddest part. Running from this monster isn’t the way to tame him. As hard as it sounds and as difficult as it seems, the only way to tame the beast of grief is to invite him to a wrestling match. If you run away, avoid or ignore this monster, he can wreak great havoc in your life in the future. Running away will only make things worse!

So, if you are ready to heal from past losses or make it through any future ones, you need to learn how to tame them. Not only will you prevent more significant damage in the future, but you will discover how to move past old wounds and scars that have kept you stuck. It’s that important.

So, if you run, make sure it’s straight to Journey’s Crossing in person or online at 9:15 or 11:15 this Sunday. Cause running away from it will only make things worse. Come on; we can do this together!
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