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Tame the Monster of Anxiety
Fighting a Monster in Your Head?

These nasty monsters seem to be everywhere. Either you are personally wrestling with one of them, or you are walking beside someone who is. The monsters of Anxiety. Depression. Addiction. Grief and Trauma seem to be breeding and brooding inside too many of us. Some may pretend the monsters aren't there. Others hope they’ll simply go away. Many believe they are strong enough to trap and tame them on their own.

We can do better! Let’s unite in recognizing, understanding, and responding to the growing mental health challenge here in Montgomery County.

These monsters are clawing their way into our friends, family, neighbors and co-workers, and even ourselves. Together, we can slow their damage, stop their spread and begin healing. You’re seen. You’re not alone. There’s help.

Join us this Sunday, in person or online, as we start our new series. This week we’ll discover how to tame the monster of Anxiety! Join us and bring someone to our Invite Day because many of us can use some help Taming the Monsters Inside Our Heads!
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