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PAWS Act Signed Into Law by President Biden • Happy Tails Adoption Updates • A Message From Executive Director Elena Bicker • Pippa Finds Her Calling - As a Service Dog • Grover Gets His Groove Back • Emergency Rescue Brings 100 Animals to Bay Area • Return of Puppy Socials • Rollover Your IRA • Queenie's Courage in the Dark • One Step at a Time: Mel's Recovery • Saving Lives Via Assistance Programs • Tribute Gifts • Volunteer Spotlight: Vicki Muzny • Your Legacy Saves Lives • ARF By the Numbers: 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Stats • ARF's Holiday Wish List

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Published by Animal Rescue Foundation, 2022-01-13 11:48:58

ARF Paws Press Mag - Winter 2021

PAWS Act Signed Into Law by President Biden • Happy Tails Adoption Updates • A Message From Executive Director Elena Bicker • Pippa Finds Her Calling - As a Service Dog • Grover Gets His Groove Back • Emergency Rescue Brings 100 Animals to Bay Area • Return of Puppy Socials • Rollover Your IRA • Queenie's Courage in the Dark • One Step at a Time: Mel's Recovery • Saving Lives Via Assistance Programs • Tribute Gifts • Volunteer Spotlight: Vicki Muzny • Your Legacy Saves Lives • ARF By the Numbers: 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Stats • ARF's Holiday Wish List


Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation • Winter 2021

Pippa Finds PLUS:
Her Calling ARF by the Numbers
Queenie’s Courage in the Dark


“It couldn’t be clearer how much service ARF is celebrating President Biden’s signing of the PAWS
dogs make life better for our Veterans.” for Veterans Therapy Act, which directs the Department
of Veteran Affairs to create a pilot program pairing
Rep. Elissa Slotkin, Congresswoman Veterans with service-related mental health challenges
and dogs training to be psychiatric service animals.
Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) touted the PAWS Act’s benefits
after its signing, “It couldn’t be clearer how much
service dogs make life better for our Veterans.”

This bill specifically promotes Veterans’ participation
in the training of their service dogs. Does that method
sound familiar? The PAWS Act was based on ARF’s
similar Pets and Vets training model, with the bill’s
authors even seeking ARF’s expertise while drafting the
legislation! “This is an incredible accomplishment after
many years of witnessing the significant therapeutic
benefits of Veterans with PTSD working with psychiatric
service dogs,” says ARF Executive Director Elena Bicker.
“Passage of this legislation moves our country closer
to providing those who have sacrificed so much the
richer, fuller lives they deserve.” c


We always love hearing from adopters and seeing updates on our former
dogs and cats! Tell your ARF alum’s tale by submitting your favorite photos
along with a quote at

“Taquito brings so much joy to our family (my nieces chose his new name —
it’s their favorite Mexican food). The way he gets so excited to see us and how
he wakes us up at 7:30 am to play, who needs an alarm? His cuddles are the
best! He has definitely filled our broken hearts from our recent loss of dog of
13 years. He loves to play, especially with is my 5-year-old niece. They’re bffs!
Taquito is a spoiled, little pup to say the least.” - Elizabeth c

Brian ( now Taquito)

(now MSismteorotShwieeetface) Amy (now Stella) Rosie



cEnhancing the human-animal bond
has always been an important piece
in providing the mental health benefits of animal
to ARF’s mission: People Rescuing companionship that we see at ARF every day.
Animals … Animals Rescuing People®.
Pippa, the adorable dog gracing the cover, and her
The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) Veteran, Rob, were matched in October and started
recently shared a study examining the link between their training just before Veterans Day in ARF’s brand
companion animals and their guardians during the new, purpose-built Engelstad Pets and Vets Center.
pandemic. According to the report, “despite being More about Pippa and Rob’s story on page four.
physically isolated from friends, family, or colleagues,
having a pet meant never truly being alone. Companion Pippa and Rob are training with Tammy Quirin, our new
animals not only helped to take their guardians’ minds
cPets and Vets National Program Director. Her team
coff negative thoughts associated with the pandemic,
leadership and canine training experience includes
but also provided a much-needed source of purpose.” serving 22 years with the U.S. Army as a K-9 handler,
trainer, instructor, certification authority, and as the
We’ve seen this firsthand. When working with Veterans Department of the Army Military Working Dog Program
in our Pets and Vets program, who are often at greater Manager. Tammy also spent more than 13 years with
risk when isolated, we’ve seen the therapeutic and the Department of Homeland Security as a Field Canine
practical benefits of emotional support animals and Coordinator and Regional Canine Training Instructor.
service dogs. We’re looking forward to many exciting next steps for
Pets and Vets and serving more Veterans.
From free adoptions and wellness clinics for Veterans’
pets, to our psychiatric service dog training program,
ARF’s Pets and Vets program is Saving Both Ends of the
Leash®. We believe that no Veteran should be without
the benefits of a companion, emotional support
animal, or service dog if they want one.

That’s one reason we were thrilled when the PAWS
for Veterans Therapy Act was signed. This legislation
acknowledges the therapeutic benefits psychiatric
service dogs have for veterans with PTSD. More about
the new pilot program is highlighted in the story

on the facing page, but this is a huge step forward Elena Bicker, Executive Director

Guava (now Charlie) Empe(rnoorwMCehoiwpp) atine El Matador (now Hanks)



“As soon as Pippa saw us, she started
doing her wiggly dance. We couldn’t
stop smiling around her!”

Amanda, ARF Veterans Program Coordinator

Pippa, a 1½ -year-old bulldog mix, won over ARF’s
rescue team at first sight during a recent trip to a
partner shelter in California’s Central Valley. “As soon
as Pippa saw us, she started doing her wiggly dance,”
recalls Amanda, ARF’s Veterans Program Coordinator.
“We couldn’t stop smiling around her!” In addition to
being extremely loving with everyone she met, Pippa
had all of the exceptional qualities ARF’s Pets and Vets
team looks for when selecting aspiring service dogs for
Veterans with PTSD, anxiety, traumatic brain injuries,
and severe depression. And ARF’s team had just the
Veteran in mind for Pippa: Rob!

When Rob and his family met Pippa for the first time,
his daughter proudly stated, “We’re a family now.” Since
being matched, Pippa is already making a difference.
The first time they went to a pet store together, Pippa
kept sitting on Rob’s feet, with Rob realizing, “She may
already be sensing when I’m anxious.” Over the course
of the next year, Rob will work with Pets and Vets’
expert trainers to teach Pippa life-changing service dog
skills, working towards her certification as a psychiatric
service dog. c


When Grover made his way to ARF, it was obvious he sweetheart tried to spend every moment on his foster’s
was a total sweetheart. But while he loved being pet lap, following them from room to room like a shadow.
and held, he yelped in pain when his lower abdomen Grover’s anemia had resolved and his medication had
was touched. Further inspection made it clear he had cleared his system of his bloodborne disease as well.
severe bruising around the site of his recent neuter He was ready for adoption and it didn’t take long to
surgery (performed at another shelter). It turned out, match him up with a lucky family. c
he was facing a two-pronged assault on his body.
Grover was anemic, and had an uncommon blood-
borne pathogen called Mycoplasma haemominitum,
which may be spread via ticks or fleas. Treating these
issues swiftly was of the utmost importance.

Grover was put on an antibiotic called Doxycycline and
a steroid called Prednisolone. He spent several weeks
in a volunteer foster home, recuperating and making
regular visits to ARF’s clinic for checkups. Under the
watchful eye of his foster and ARF’s medical team,
Grover blossomed. Now feeling much better, this



ARF, along with 11 other local shelters, recently assisted Many of the dogs and cats required specialized medical
in flying 100 animals from a critically over-burdened care from ARF’s veterinary clinic. A good number had to
shelter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The private charter plane, spend time in volunteer foster homes, recovering from
funded by BISSELL Pet Foundation, arrived in Hayward, the stress of the cross-country voyage. But from Willy, a
CA after just a few hours in the air. The Bay Area animal Chihuahua mix who needed a damaged eye removed,
welfare community came together on the tarmac to to Otis, a young hound suffering from skin and upper
welcome these animals into their new California lives. respiratory infections, each and every one of these
But the road ahead wasn’t an easy one for some of animals received with something they had been unable
these brave travelers. to find in their home state of Oklahoma: a fresh start. c


It’s difficult to overstate the importance of socializing Did you know that you can reduce your taxes by making
your new puppy. Experiences at this young, a gift from your individual retirement account (IRA) to
impressionable age will permanently shape a dog’s ARF? An IRA rollover is a simple and easy way for you to
future personality. Thankfully, ARF’s popular puppy help save lives. If you are 70½ years old (or older), you
social classes are back! Join us for 45 minutes of can make a charitable gift of up to $100,000, and your
fun for puppies 10-20 weeks old in a clean, safe gift will qualify for your required minimum distribution.
environment. Supervised by the experts of ARF’s You will not pay federal income tax on the amount
behavior team, puppy socials teach impressionable, given from your IRA.
young pups valuable play skills and bite inhibition.
Plus, they couldn’t be cuter to watch!

Read additional information, view upcoming dates,
and register online at c

To learn more about how you can save more lives
through your IRA, visit or email us at
[email protected]. c



“The universe is teaching us a lesson in
resilience and adaptability! Queenie
occasionally bumps into things but her
ease and confidence as she explores
unfamiliar surroundings is inspiring.”

Karen, ARF Foster Volunteer

In August, ARF began receiving distress calls from our Within a few weeks, she mastered climbing onto the
partner shelters who were being affected by wildfires. bed, leaping onto the dresser, and chasing bell toys,
The McFarland Fire, caused by a lightning strike just but loved playing in her foster’s hair the most. It didn’t
outside of Shasta-Trinity National Forest, was one take long for adopters to fall in love with the precocious,
of those blazes. ARF’s rescue team moved in to pull blind kitten, and ARF’s inbox was flooded with adoption
adoptable animals from local shelters to make room inquiries. She was finally paired with a happy family and
for evacuees. That’s where they first met Queenie: a left our facility to begin her new life (and to work on
3-month-old kitten with small, non-functional eyes. learning the layout of her forever home).

Queenie received all of the standard care dogs and cats Queenie is an example of the incredible spirit and
need when they arrive at ARF, but to prevent infection resourcefulness pets are capable of with a helping
or pain later in life, our veterinary clinic also made the hand, and their eagerness to pay it back with
decision to perform a bilateral enucleation, removing unconditional love. That’s why ARF’s motto is People
both of the non-functional eyes. On the day of the Rescuing Animals ... Animals Rescuing People®. c
surgery, ARF’s clinic staff was surprised to see that this
blind kitten was absolutely fearless — running laps
around her cage and meowing for attention.

The surgery was a success, and Queenie spent the next
six weeks in a volunteer foster home. Her foster was
amazed at how quickly this blind kitty memorized the
layout of her temporary accommodations and was
delighted with every new discovery Queenie made.



Every once in a while, Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue “From hydrotherapy to acupuncture
Foundation meets an extra-special animal who needs to physical therapy, ARF pulls out the
some extra-special care. ARF was contacted by a stops for animals like Mel who need
partner shelter to rescue Mel: a 9-year-old pit bull extra care and attention.”
who was experiencing some mobility issues. While
she seems happy as can be, and always greets people Jen, ARF Patient Care Manager
with a wagging tail and a smile, x-rays showed several
instances of spinal disc degeneration. This condition
likely put pressure on the spinal cord or a nerve root,
causing partial paralysis in her back legs.

Cases this unique require some thinking outside of
the box. ARF’s team found a unique harness, which
supports Mel’s hips and prevents her from stumbling
while on walks. She also began acupuncture treatment
on her back to stimulate never conduction and address
pain. And finally, Mel began regular hydrotherapy
sessions — walking on an underwater treadmill
— which help strengthen her muscles, re-build
stamina, and restore her normal body movements via
neuromuscular re-education. As time passes, and her
treatments continue, she has been growing stronger,
more confident, and eager to start her new life. At the
time of print, Mel was still looking for a forever home.
You can view her and all of our other adoptable animals

Advanced medical conditions like Mel’s are difficult for
many small, municipal shelters to address. Fortunately,
thanks to your support, ARF is always there to answer
the call and save these special dogs and cats, giving
them the second chance they deserve. c



“ARF is the only agency I’ve found that “My girl Dixie, who is an older dog, developed a
provides much-needed care for pets severe dental abscess. I’m a Veteran on a very
owned by Veterans.” limited income since my partner passed away.
Local veterinarians quoted $1,400+ dollars to take
Steph, ARF assistance programs client care of her. I didn’t want Dixie to suffer and
thought I might have to put her down because I
As many Americans find themselves facing difficulties couldn’t afford her care, which is so unfair after
like unemployment and lack of housing, ARF’s all she’s done for me! I was looking for resources
assistance programs, with support from Maddie’s Fund, and eventually I found ARF. I left a message and
have been more important than ever. Here is one letter they were able to get her seen and to prescribe
from a client of ARF’s assistance programs who was some antibiotics. Once it was known what care
facing the need to rehome — or even euthanize — her Dixie needed, they provided another stipend to get
beloved pet until our team stepped in to help: her discounted treatment. I found a veterinarian
from their Resource Guide who took care of her
for basically just the cost of supplies. She had 13
teeth removed and I could tell right away she was
so much better. I am so grateful to everyone who
made this possible. ARF is the only agency I’ve
found that provides much-needed care for pets
owned by Veterans. I am eternally grateful for
the care my Dixie received.”
- Steph c

Kate Sherman Kristin Clark
Art and Bob Janine Coakley We are pleased to recognize tribute gifts of $250 or
Maionchi, Dorothy Mark McGuire more, which offer a special opportunity to remember
Schwochow, a loved one, recognize an accomplishment, celebrate a
Donna Maionchi Lucky, special occasion, or thank a friend or colleague.
Betsy Hart, Janelle and Barry Rhondalynn
Clark Summers This edition includes gifts received 6/1/21 to 9/30/21.
Jeffery Wade Questions? Please email [email protected]. c
Blanca, Edith J. Price, Lucky of Villa
Roland, and Caos, Nancy Carter Sabey Patricia F. Wells, Trudi,
Robert Parker Hudson, and Ron Sabey, Stanley Wells Janelle and Barry
Bob Goldwater, Edward Leiter Clark
Lindsay McCrea Kristen Noe and Pepper,
Karen Carlson Lucy, Linda Carter-Noe Minona Inkster Yuri and Sonja,
Brewster Hebble, Henry and Cecilia Robert Kaliski David Martin
Friedlander, Ruben Lopez, Kent PerryJack Shibumi,
Brenda Thorson Margaux, MacCathy, Dan Lois Jacobson Zoey and Franny,
Cassidie Abello, Richard Friedlander Gaia Sun O’Hara, Elvestor Gene Underwood
Woods, John Punkin and Ally, and Timothy Cleer
Alana Renfro Jeffrey Sweet, Michael Barker, Coward, J.P. David Abel and
Charlie, Beverly Montoya Clearway Energy Porter, Jim Rangel, Cynthia Baron
Group and Gary Bradley
Alexandra Jerry,
Balmaseda Dewanna Hinman Mocha and
Delta, Jonne Lutz,
Kate Sherman Donald Dal Porto Morgan Stanley
Global Impact
Diane Hewson, RN, Josie, Funding Trust,
Staff of Labor & Dorothy Orolin Inc.
Delivery at Kaiser
Walnut Creek

IN HONOR Elaine Gor, Lucky, Glory, Joe and John Parth and Mollie, Timothy Cleere,
Rocky, and Russ and Marilyn Daugherty, Quoc Ma Gene Underwood
Bev Dozier-Jones, Wrinkles Lee, Carr Melinda Daugherty
Shari Santos Petey, Tony La Russa,
Stephanie Lee Jeff Sposito, Michele McKay Brindisi Animal Glenn and Diane
Catherine Stitt, Sereno McCoy, Foundation Colacurci
The Weixel Family Fallen Teammates
on Fairway Ford Dr. Jill Christofferson, Nancy and Kevin Simba,
Delanie Norton, Senior Softball Team, Joan Balzarini- Truitt Amber Storck
Susan Zellerbach Robbins
Dale Walter


Most people start volunteering at ARF for a few “Volunteering gives me a really
hours a week, but as Vicki Muzny soon realized, good feeling. I started small but the
the opportunities can build up! When Vicki started opportunities built up!”
volunteering she was still working and helped ARF on
the weekends. But since retiring, she has averaged as Vicki Muzny, ARF Volunteer
many as 200 hours per month!

“I love spending time with the cats and dogs. I like to
see the entire process,” explains Vicki. “I see animals
that come [to ARF]; I have helped with their intake,
in the clinic, walking the dogs, and assisting them
with adoptions.” To recognize all of her incredible
contributions over the past 12 years, Vicki was
presented with the 2021 Community Leader Award at
a volunteer milestone celebration in November.

Every year, ARF honors volunteers who have reached
milestones in their dedication to saving lives. In
addition to Vicki’s award, 80 volunteers were recognized
commemorating milestones of five years or more —
two of whom (Beth Guzman and Joe Kearney) have
been volunteering since ARF’s founding in 1991 and
celebrated their 30th year! Our life-changing programs
wouldn’t be possible without the extraordinary people
who give their time to advance the mission. c

Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation is a
proud recipient of funding from Maddie’s Fund®,
a national family foundation established by Dave
and Cheryl Duffield to revolutionize the status
and well-being of companion animals.




ARF is honored to recognize the following individuals If you’d like to learn more about including ARF in your
for their visionary commitment as Circle of Compassion estate plans, please visit And to everyone
members. Their legacy of love will continue to save lives, listed below as members of ARF’s Circle of Compassion:
of both people and animals alike, for years to come. we are grateful for your enduring generosity! c

CIRCLE OF COMPASSION MEMBERS Jean Kroeger and Edward Provencio Brayton and
Charles Bickel and William Katherine Stone
Anonymous (5) Sally Clausen Patricia J. Galvin Deyoe
Jean Landis Lois Stotz
David Abel and Don and Diane K. Garrison Thomas Prusinski
Cynthia Baron Clements Simonne O. Lasch Mariko Stricklin
Steve and Taryn Marie Ramagli
Harry and Chris William Coaker Jr. Garrison Lorna J. Lasky Margaret Sullivan
Abrahams Jennie M. Richards
Glenn and Diane Erica Gavin William Laudani and Jacob H. Blei Gail Summars
Robert Addison Colacurci
Dorene Giacopini Carol Le Guennec Marlene and David Elizabeth and Paul
Ernest Alvarado Carol S. Collins and Stephen Rivers Sundstrom
Wilson Christine and
Tami Anderson Rose Marie Philip Lee Cecile and Lana Jane and Merlin
Comstock Virginia Giovinco Roberts Taber
Joell Arens C. J. and Deborah
Candy and Bill Karla Golden Leonardis Renette Robillard Lynn K. Takahashi
Lynne M. Conrad
Armstrong Juanita Gonzalez Toni and Angelo Carol Robinson Kimberly Tarman
Betty Cosmos Ligi
Lindalee Ausejo Carol Goodstein Bette L. and Sally Taylor
Nicholas Costa Steve and Dixie Eduard P. Rockey
Angie Bailie Steve Griffin Loser Larry and Carol
Larry Crummer Debbie Rodriguez Tessler
Cynthia Kay Baker and William Elaine Gronskis Christine P.
Oman Macomber Deborah and Barbara Thomas
Nancy Balles Karyn L. and Frank William Rogers
Nancy and Stephen Gross Anne Maczulak Johnette D.
Sydnie Baron Cytron Teri Romero Thompson
Anita Guerra Carol Mann
Veronica Vasquez Joseph P. Daly Gayle and Brian Joan M. Tieso
Barrios Mary Hall Kristen Mansel Ronconi
Robert Darnell Pat M. Timmons
Bobbe Bartlett and Susan C. Hano Richard B. Jean Rosenthal
Mike Teskey William Dash Mathews Marianne Tomita-
Rick Harvey Carol Ross McDonald
Susan and Gary Diana F. Davis Dolores McCoskey
Barton James Hasse and Barbara Ross John H. Tyler
Corinne Davis Carol Fidler Lindsay McCrea
Perk Bell Darlene Rourke Ned and Miriam
Brenda de la Ossa Doug Hayden Michael McElwee Ubben
Evelyn T. Bencini Lisa Rowe
William and Linda Carol and Donald Andez E. E. J. Van
Rebecca Bianchi Desler Hayden McWhorter Mary MacMillan Beijmerwerdt
Joann Biondi Lyla DeVita Stephen and Jeanne Mello Sheila Van Riper
Christine Heller Barbara Sanford
Belinda Blair Judith A. Dexter Celia Menczel Evie Viera and
Steven and Wendy Elene Sayre David Isenberg
Rosalie and Clint Angel R. Hengst Terry Meneze
Blomberg Dominguez Marilyn Schaeffer Joan Vineberg
Rayford and Janet Loraine V. Meyer
Carolynne Born Lori Druet Hiatt Barry E. Scheffler Irma Voorhees and
and Kenneth Keri Meyer Ron Shafer
Gurley Kay Stratford Jane Hinz-Bowser Kay and Steven
Dubnoff Mathew Minshull Schramm Anna L. Voorhies
Robert and Alice Margaret Holmes and Vincent
Breakstone Mary K. Duffy Nancy Morris Jacqueline and Zeffaro
Kathy Honn Jeffrey Schubert
Marla Bretches George and Loretta Leona Murray Susan and Donald
Edgerton Janine Hopper Cynthia Schwartz Waller
Robert J. Brown Jay and Len Myzells
Marge Ellis Jayne Ingram Wilbur and Natalie Myra Wangerin
Maria Brunner Reiko Nabeta Seaman
Carol Rickards Marie and Richard Myrna Ward
Theresa Bucaro Emery Ivona Carole Nacon Lucy Selman
Carole Welch
Lynne and James Frances L. Ezer Farokh Jalil Alice R. Noriega Margaret
Buchholz Seneshen Carol Weldin
Vivian Faye Michael and Susan Karen Olesen
Sharon Budde James Tom Seymour Stanley Wells
Vida and Peter Theresa C.
Jeannette Burness Felsenfeld Aki and Troy James O’Loughlin and Terry Shaffer Dora Werner
Jay Helms
Karen Carlson Starr Fenn Carol and Ken Linda Shimp Ronald M. Whaley
Jones Violet Orfans
Gerald and Patricia Stephanie Floyd Linda and David Mary Whitaker
Carrell Katy Karimi Alfred G. Padro Shinn
Mia Fox James R.
Mark and Darla Janet Kass Bernice Palangi David P. Sickles Whittington
Carter Helene Frankel
Dennis Kaump Susan Paulson Thomas Smyth Kenneth and Akiko
Thomas Cassese Leanne R. Franklin Wiley
and Carol Sakai and Randy Mary and Stephen Marlene and Gary Cathi Soule
Mitchell Kenyon Peacock Val Wilson
Edward Cavallaro Gary Spaugy
Michael Franks and Naho and Quintin Connie Peak Gail Wilson
Lori and Michael Sharon Abdilla Kermeen Victoria and Phillip
Chiodo Melodie Pehr Sprague Judy Wobleski and
Judith French Richard Kilker Roger Stone
Ken and Dee Clapp Karen Petras Mark St. Cyr
Marion D. Fricke Thomas Knez Lynn D. Woerpel
Janelle and Barry Lori Pincus Kathryn and
Clark Diana Gale John Kopilow Donald St. Julian John L. Wood
Laura Pinelli
10 Flo Koutsoukis Paul and Delia Patricia S. Young
Rita Porter Stichick


As ARF closes out another year, we’d like to highlight “I wish we didn’t have to have animal
a few figures that showcase our lifesaving work. While shelters and all animals always had
animal welfare can’t always be looked at strictly by loving homes. However, if they have
the numbers, data like this can provide a look at how to make a pit stop before their forever
effectively your support is utilized in our neverending home, I would want it to be at ARF.”
mission to help animals and people — even during the
hardships of a global pandemic! The full annual report Christine, Yelp reviewer
is available for viewing at c

1,362 1,898 44
spay/neuter future service dogs and
cats and dogs adopted surgeries performed emotional support animals
into loving families
placed with veterans
211,053 lbs 83
rescue runs to
partner shelters of food and litter donated by animals rescued
P U R I N t to support struggling from NorCal wildfires

families and shelter animals

<1% 10% 33%
3% 5% 8%





FY 2020-2021 REVENUE FY 2020-2021 EXPENSES

Individual Gifts & Bequests $ 8,590, 1 36 Animal Care & Adoptions $ 2, 1 96,62 1
Grants, Corporations, & Foundations $ 6 1 1 ,642 Programs $ 1 ,42 1 ,624
Program Fees $ 367,9 1 8 Veterinary Clinic $ 1 ,908,6 1 6
Sales $ 345,339 Fundraising $ 503,740
Special Events (net) $ 5 1 7,063 Administration $ 676,822
Other $ 50,883 Program Development Fund $ 3,775,558

Total $ 10,482,98 1 Total $ 10,482,98 1



2890 Mitchell Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

People Rescuing Animals .
... Animals Rescuing People®


Until every pet has a home for the holidays, here are a
few ways you can support ARF’s animals in need. Gifts
may be shipped directly to ARF’s headquarters at 2890
Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598.

Here are some items from ARF’s wish list:

• Dog-safe peanut butter • Ziploc bags
• Canned spray cheese • Leashes
• Interactive feeders • Puppy potty pads
• High value treats • Cardboard cat scratchers
• Low-cal training treats • Exercise pens

Your holiday purchases can benefit the animals as well! View ARF’s complete wish list at c
Set ARF as your AmazonSmile charity and 0.5% of your
Amazon purchases will be donated. Alternatively, shop
for pet supplies online at Pet Food Express using the
link and a whopping 4% of your
purchase total goes to ARF!

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