Healthy Home Makeover
For twenty-five years, we have helped homes across the world become truly clean
through our Mission of radically reducing chemicals.
Chemicals can do more harm than good. No one should have to choose
between healthy products and products that work.
Living well is everyone’s right—free from harmful air pollution and chemicals in
the products we use, wear and consume.
Education inspires people to make healthy choices. When people know better,
they can choose better.
A small, conscious choice can lead to real impact. We can show you a healthier
way to clean, live and help protect our planet.
Never underestimate your power to make a difference. Good choices add up,
and together, we can create a cleaner, healthier world for all families for
generations to come.
What’s in YOUR home?
Chemicals by the Numbers…..
85,000+ # of chemicals listed with the EPA today
60,000 # of chemicals grandfathered in 1976
2,000 # of new chemicals introduced each year
287 # of chemicals found in cord blood of newborns
217 # of those that are toxic to the brain and nervous system
# of those that cause birth defects or
180 abnormal development in animal tests
# of those that cause cancer in humans
65x How much more vulnerable children
are to carcinogens than adults
Chemicals Household 45 chemicals Endocrine
and Cleaning = Disrupting
Childhood 20 cigarettes/ have been Chemicals linked
Obesity: day identified in with increased rates
Chemicals Cleaning with household dust. of Dyslexia,
used in spray cleaners ADHD and
disinfectants equivalent to Autism,
may increase smoking 20 ources/not-just-dirt-toxic- Asthma,
childhood cigarettes/ chemicals-indoor-dust Diabetes,
obesity. day Obesity. https://www.atsjournal
ent/190/37/E1097 ications/endocrine/en/
16 3.2x 93% 75%
Chemicals Toddlers and of people age 6+ of Americans
detected in teen preschoolers had detectable tested had
typically have levels of BPA in triclosan detected
girls including 3.2x more flame their systems. in their bodies.
parabens, retardants in their
phthalates, blood as their
triclosan mothers. port/pdf/FourthReport_Executive g/Triclosan_FactSheet.html
and musks. Summary.pdf
Children and Chemicals
• Pound for pound, children drink
more water, eat more food, and
breathe more air than adults.
• Lead dose: 40-70% more
absorption, vs 5-20% for adult.
• Immaturity - child’s ability to
metabolize, detoxify, excrete
chemicals, counteract toxins.
• Earlier exposure = more time to
develop diseases.
• Fetal exposure can be riskier as
well-time of rapid growth
Body Burden – Why Is It Important?
• What is Body Burden?
• Why does it matter?
• How do you reduce Body Burden?
Body Burden
• Total contaminants present
in the human body
• Some stay a short period
• Others lodge in organs and
Body Burden
• 700 contaminants found in
• Timing of exposure key
• Small doses may have no
impact on adults, but
measureable impacts on
Body Burden Impact:
• Permanent damage to
developing brains
• Loss of IQ
• Harm to the endocrine system
• Perhaps even affecting our DNA
Environmental Working Group Study
• 2007 and 2008,
EWG tested cord
blood in 10 infants.
• Identified up to 232
compounds and
pollutants in
newborns cord
exposed to Mercury
exposed to
exposed to
Lead, PCB & PDBE
How does Body Burden happen and
How do we reduce?
Through Through Through
Breathing Eating Touch
Healthy Solutions
• Your Mission: Reduce your exposure
• Home, Work, School
• Easiest and Fastest Way:
• Use Microfiber and Water
• 90% of cleaning can be done with only Microfiber
and Water
• Eliminate all purpose cleaner, window cleaner,
dusting spray, degreaser, floor cleaner, bathroom
• Bonus: Reduce use of paper towels too!
Three Ways to Clean
• Thermo - using heat
• Chemical - bonding/dissolving/killing
• Requires at least time and concentration to work
• It requires the large particles be removed from a surface
• It then requires chemical be applied to a surface
• Chemical left on surface for predetermined time
• Physical- physical removal= NORWEX
• No time
• No pre removal of large particles
• No chemical application and no residue
1/200th size
of human
This will build on center screen behind you
How Silver Ions Inactivate Bacteria
in Action
Reducing Body Burden thru Inhalation
• Use microfiber and H2O
• Dust, dust, dust, vacuum
• Reduce use of spray cleaners
• Use of air purification/HEPA
• Purifying plants
• Eliminate vinyl shower
• Air out dry cleaning
• Say no to air fresheners
• Use a door mat at all door
entries to eliminate 30-40% of
contaminants brought in.
Reducing Body Burden thru Ingestion
• Clean eating
• Washing
• Storing food-
eliminate plastic!
• Cooking food-
avoid non stick
Reducing Body Burden thru Skin
• Women use 12 personal
care products per day
• Exposes their skin to 168
different chemicals.
• Children are especially
susceptible when they
are babies- skin is more
Body Burden and Laundry Detergents
• Detergents can leave residue on clothes
• Can also inhale when doing laundry
• Also bad for the environment
• Phosphates, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium
Laureth Sulfate, Artificial Fragrance/Dyes,
• Look for detergents that DON’T contain these….
Reducing Body Burden thru Skin
• Reduce number of products being applied.
• Microfiber is an amazing solution to eliminate
cleanser and toner- uses physical action and
water to clean skin gently, without impacting
pH. Also exfoliates which stimulates the skin-
like dry brushing!
• Read ingredients on each product, particularly
those that cover large parts of body- Lotion,
Shower Gel.
• Avoid triclosan, antibacterials, SLES/SLS,
parabens, artificial colors/fragrances
Our Mission at Norwex
Improving Quality of Life
By Radically Reducing Chemicals
In Our Homes
We are on a mission to create awareness and inspire
you to learn more about how to create a healthy home.
6 Ways to Reduce Dust
1. Change bedding weekly
2. Remove floor clutter
3. Vacuum often, remove shoes
4. Take it outside
5. Clean from top to bottom
6. Air purifiers and plants
Norwex Laundry Detergent
• Cost: 1 bag (100 washes) for $24.99
• 4 bags: $99.96 per year
Name-Brand Laundry Detergent
• Cost: 1 bottle/bag (48 loads) = $17
• 8 bottles per year = $136
Thank You
for being a part of our
Healthy Home Makeover event!