T he Adult Diaper Thief
By: Addison Deschampe
Hi I'm Gary I'm 17 years. Today is my birthday. I looked in the mirror
at my blonde curly hair and bright green eyes. I'm actually 17! Almost an
adult! My sister yelled at me to hurry up. She wanted to go to Target.
We went to Target to get some eggs and butter. I needed to get
adult diapers because I wasn't potty trained yet. My sister already left
the store she must have forgot she had my money. I tried to call her,
but she didn't answer I don't know why. So I grabbed two packs of
adult diapers and ran. “AAHH!!!” The police were on me. I hopped on
this guy named Bob he was riding a scooter down the highway. I was
screaming at him to go faster and he said, “This scooter can't go any
faster” in an old musky voice. The surprising thing is he was running
away from something as well there was a police helicopter, after him
for stealing a #2 pencil from Walmart that was $1. He yelled at me to
get off but I didn't listen then all of a sudden his scooter transformed
into a helicopter, and we flew away.
My sister called me and asked what all the noise was and I said we were in
a speed chase! She, of course, freaked out but she was a spy for a living,
so she helped us out. She got in her invisible helicopter and flew to
where we were. She blocked us and the police were so confused on why
the bullets just stopped in mid-air. They didn't know her helicopter was
bulletproof, but I guess it was. My sister blew up the other helicopters.
From below it looked like fireworks. There was a bunch of people that were
recording it. It got on the news, and I was famous I was so famous I didn't
even go to jail. Bob, on the other hand, went to jail but I bailed him out we
became the best of friends. I would never want to lose him in my entire life
he was so funny and kind he's also sassy to some people but he makes me
laugh so hard when I have kids I'm gonna make sure they call him uncle
Bob he's not my brother but it feels like it. Once they were really old they
were still besties and Gary's kids had kids and they were the sweetest kids
ever. The rest of my life was pretty simple and I loved my life