Future of Stingray City
By Cyanne Raftopoulos
Some rights reserved by
Captain DJ
Table of Contents
Stingray Background Pg 1
Stingray city background Pg 2
The problem Pg 3
What we can do Pg 4
Citation Pg 5
Stingray background Body features
The stingray is a common animal but has
weird body parts.Like the wings, the wings are
used to move sand around to find fish scraps
or squid legs.Their mouth is under there body
to suck up anything below them.They don’t
have teeth so they crush everything.The
stinger or barb is going down from ½ way
down their spine to ½ way down there tail.
Stingrays live in reefs and
sandbanks.They eat squid and clams most of
the time.The squid are invertebrates so the
stingray can crush it.Also with clams they
only have a shell which is weak enough to be
crushed buy the stingray.
History of stingray city
How this old place became of in 1987 was
that the fisherman back then would
throughout their fishing scraps which was
squid and fish so it would attract the
stingrays and some other fish.Soon the
fisherman would get in the water and interact
with the stingrays.The more food that the
fisherman gave and the more time that they
spent with them the stingrays got more
comfortable with humans.Then it became a
tourist attraction and for some people it Stingrays, Grand Cayman. By Nadya
became a business over time. Kulagina.
The problem Starvation
Stingray Safety When there are no boats around
stingray city (which happens) stingrays
Every time the boats come in will starve because since most days
mostly they have to drop the they get fed by humans they won’t
anchors and the stingrays can get know how to get food themselves.
hit and die. We can still hang with them but feeding
them must stop or else they will die
Scars Story from starvation.
Scar is a stingray from stingray city
that got hit by a anchor and just
survived because no hammerheads
which is their main predator was
What we can do
● We can stop feeding the stingrays when the captain of the boat has squid
● Spread this information
● Drop anchors farther away from stingrays
Works Cited
“Stingray City, Grand Cayman.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 May 2018,
“Stingray.” ohap bio 12 [Licensed for Non-Commercial Use Only] / Planarian, 2012,
ohapbio12.pbworks.com/w/page/51616199/Sting ray.