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Published by vicar, 2019-05-30 10:20:27

June Mag 19

The Parish Magazine of

St Andrew’s, Norway

June 2019 50p

Father David King

VICAR: 425, Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7RT
Tel: 01323 723739 (Currently on
Sabbatical) Please contact Fr John

ASSISTANT CURATE Father John Underhill,
226 Latimer Road. Tel. 01323 410591

CHURCHWARDEN: Mrs Elizabeth Stanton
32, Long Beach View, Eastbourne,
BN23 5NE
Tel: 01323.479637

SECRETARY Mrs Sally Hood, 70 Queen’s Crescent
Eastbourne, BN23 6JR.

Tel: 01323.737748

TREASURER Mrs Frances Gardner, 49 Beatty Road,
Eastbourne, BN23 6DB.

Tel: 01323.639286

MAGAZINE EDITOR Father David King: (Currently on Sabbatical

- Please contact Fr John_
Tel: 01323.723739




Please let the clergy know of anyone who is ill at home, or in hospital, or
who has recently moved into the parish, and would like a visit. Communion
from the Reserved Sacrament can be given in Church or at home at any

time by arrangement with the clergy.
Baptisms, Marriages & the Calling of Banns of Marriage should be
arranged with Father John

We worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither

confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Essence.’ (Athanasian


On Trinity Sunday we will celebrate God as one God in three
Persons. This understanding is based on how we see God at

work in the world. We trust in a God who is: ‘God the Father,
source of all being and life, the one for whom we exist; God the

Son, who took our human nature, died for us and rose again and

God the Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God and
makes Christ known in the world’ (CofE Baptism Service).

The Trinity provides a model for Christian community. God the

Father, Son and Holy Spirit relate together in a love relationship
of mutual accountability with one another. They complement and

build on the work of each other. At His baptism, Jesus the Son is
obedient to His Father, who declares His approval as the Spirit

anoints Jesus for ministry. ‘The Holy Spirit descended on Him in
bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are

my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’ (Luke 3:22). To

what extent does the life of our church reflect this?
We also find our mission in the Trinity. Jesus said, ‘As the Father

has sent me, I am sending you.’ (John 20:21). As the Father sent
His Son into the world, so Jesus sends us out to do the Father’s

work, equipped by the Spirit of God. How are we called to share
in God’s mission ourselves?

If we live with a renewed awareness of the Trinity, our spiritual

lives will deepen, our vision of God’s mission will expand and
take on a new vitality.

With many blessings

Fr David


Father John’s Journal
‘Do whatever He tells you.’

John 2: 5
I have to admit, I never thought that I would see his grace, the

Archbishop of Canterbury at Walsingham, even less making a
pilgrimage and preaching at the National. But that is exactly

what happened this year. Archbishop Justin preached on Mary.

On how her voice is a prophetic voice. On how every time she
speaks she points us to Jesus. The core of his sermon was a

verse we have read here in the past few months: ‘Do whatever
He tells you.’

To hear the Archbishop proclaim the merits of pilgrimage to the
place where prayer, devotion and miracles have worn the veil

between heaven and earth thin, was a blessing. Because that is

what Walsingham is: a blessing. It is where God gave Mary a
special task, to continue to pour out the graces which God

continually fills her with. Everyone who goes there with the
pilgrim’s heart comes away hearing the words, ‘do whatever He

tells you.’
One statement of his grace was very clear. Mary still prays for

us. He did not dress the point up or try to water it down to make

it palatable to all ears. He said, plainly, that Mary continues to
pray for us now. For all of us, who live simple lives of love. For

us who find it hard to love everyone, but who know we must, so
try our hardest, and ask for her help.

If you haven’t been to Walsingham, I urge you to go at some

point in your life to that place where earth and heaven are close.
If you can’t go, I ask you to ask our Lady of Walsingham to pray

for you, just as she prays for us all.

Many Blessings
Fr. John

“Always we begin again…”

Rule of St Benedict


Don Wells
Beloved Dad and Grandad

15.4.1923 – 7.5.2019

We would like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you
to Father David, Father John and everyone at church as you

have all been so kind, caring and understanding during this

difficult time.
We drew great strength from the very wonderful and emotional

funeral service led by Father David and we are particularly
grateful for Father David’s time and support over the recent

Dad clearly touched many people’s lives and St Andrew’s was

central to Dad throughout his life, from a young boy, right up until

the final Sunday before he passed away.
Dad was such a lovely, kind, caring, positive and cheerful person

much loved and now greatly missed by his family and by so
many others.

He was so proud of his grandchildren and was the best Dad and
Grandad anyone could have wished for and we will all find it

hard not to be able to just pop round to see him.

We were very proud of him, as he was of us, and we take
comfort in knowing he is now reunited with Mum who he has

missed so much over the last three years.
We would especially like to say thank you to everyone for all the

many cards and letters we have received sharing such kind
words, memories and thoughts. They have been a great comfort

to us.

We would also like to say thank you to everyone who looked out
for Dad in recent years at church, church events and choir and

to those who have been giving him lifts to and fro over the last

few years.

With love and thanks,
David, Julie, Andrew, Eloise, Charlotte and Paul, Sue and Pippa




This month sees the start of my three month Sabbatical. During

this time Fr John will be taking over the reins at St Andrew’s, so

please give him your support and prayers.

The word Sabbatical comes from the concept of Sabbath, the
day of rest and theoretically should happen every seven years.

In reality sabbaticals come around much less frequently, and this
is the first one that I have taken since being ordained 19 years

ago. A Sabbatical is distinct from extended study leave or a pure

holiday, although they should contain elements of both. It should
include a number of particular elements, namely a period of

study or research, a time of retreat and reflection on the years of
ministry served and some personal or family time.

For my Sabbatical my study / research is going to be based

around the life and works of St Ambrose (bishop of Milan in the

4 century.) I will be looking at his life and his theological
writings, especially his work on preparation for the sacrament of

baptism. Ambrose was made Bishop of Milan by public acclaim,
he was neither baptised nor had any formal theological training

before the call came for him to be bishop. He was subsequently
baptised, ordained and consecrated bishop within a week. As

part of my study, I will visit Milan (although it will be a very
different place to when Ambrose was there!) And also spend

some time in Oxford making use of the University libraries. I am

not sure yet, what will come from this time of study. It may inspire
me to further research and academic qualification, or maybe a

small book, or maybe just pique further interest. Only time will

Later in the sabbatical I will be going on retreat to St Albans,

taking some time to reflect on the past 19 years and gaining

some inspiration for the future.

And of course there will be some time spent with the family.

Ministry is demanding on them as well as on me, so some quality


time spent with Hilary and the family will be very important. We
have a number of days out planned as well as a couple of weeks

of holiday all together.

It will be very strange to be away from St Andrew’s for three whole

months and there will be times when it is difficult to let go. Please
don’t feel as though I will be forgetting you all, as the times of

reflection will naturally bring you to mind and to my prayers, but I

do please request that you honour the time and direct all church
and pastoral matters to Fr John while I am away.

I look forward to telling you all about my experiences when I return

in September.

Many blessings

Fr David

St. Andrew’s Flower Club

Our May meeting was a very busy one as members could bring a
friend, so the hall was filled. The title was ‘Ancient and Modernish’.

Denise took the ‘Ancient’, looking the part in pinny and turban, she
really acted the part also with her flowers and baskets were all

beautifully worked. Then it was Janet’s turn! You had a job to
recognise her as she was beautifully made up looking very modern

in a black wig and dress, working with modern flowers. On arrival all
were greeted with refreshments and cakes made by the members.
Then again these could be enjoyed at the half time break. Thanks to

all members who made the cakes. The raffle was huge as members
had made flower arrangements in bottles. These all went in the

raffle along with the demo’ flowers. Thanks ladies. It was so nice
seeing so many happy faces leaving the hall with their prizes.T he

next meeting is to be held in St. Andrew’s Church, 11th June 2019,
7:30pm-Workshop on Pedestals. This is an opportunity to learn how

to arrange flowers, in larger containers. If you want to bring your own
pedestal, please do. Visitors very welcome free of charge.
Jean Everett


More silliness folks...

Some more nonsense….oh whoopie doos

Did you hear about the blond who thought that Doris Day was a
national holiday?

What did the bra say to the hat? "You go on ahead, I'll give these
two a lift".

A traffic cop pulls level with a speeding car on the motorway,

glancing at the car he's dumbfounded to see that the blond behind
the wheel is knitting! The policeman winds down his window and

shouts "PULL OVER", no shouts back the blond "SCARF".

A man gets lost and walks into a village shop for directions. "Can

you tell me the quickest way to Lincoln?" he asks. The shopkeeper
says "Are you walking or driving?”. The man replies "I'm driving"

"Oh good" says the shopkeeper, "Because that's defiantly the
quickest way".

-This is something you ought to know (it’s true)
Imagine your battery on your mobile phone is very low and you

need to make an emergency activate, press the keys
*3370# your mobile will restart with this reserve and the instrument

will show a 50% increase in the battery. This reserve will get

charged next time you charge your phone Make a note of this you
never know when you might need it.

That’s all folks

Be Kind



With school-days in mind…

A little girl after her geography
exam: “Please God make

Copenhagen the capital of

Japan – at least for this


The minister’s son had just
received a bad report from

school. Seeking to distract his
father, he asked: “Dad, what

do you think is the trouble with

me? Heredity, environment or
just plain original sin?”

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Do you want a few minutes away from
the hustle & bustle of life?

Why not join us for some
Reflective Prayer.

We start with some music followed by a reading and then 30
minutes of peace. We end with Benediction

Next Reflective Prayer 15 June

St. Andrew’s Church at 9.30 a.m.

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St. Andrew’s Parish Hall

For Hire

Did you know that St. Andrew’s Church has a Parish Hall? This is
situated across the road from the church, and behind the Arlington

Arms. It is a modern building which benefits from a well- equipped
large kitchen, outside space, parking and also accessible toilet.

Available to hire privately for parties, receptions, meetings, classes
etc both during the day and evenings.

To enquire about a booking please contact Vic our Hall Manager

T: 07546463555 or 01323 730428

E: [email protected]

We are on Facebook too, where you can find
details on regular groups that meet at the hall, and
photographs of the venue itself.



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School for us was a mile away
and we had to walk that four times a day

if you didn't go you would get what for
and the school board man knocking on your door

Hail-Rain-Sleet or Snow

whatever the weather, we still had to go
and when we got there our feet would be froze

but we'd sit round the stove, thawing out toes.

London winters were really cold and the windows would freeze

I would poke my nose from under the blankets, then dive back

under to hide
and the icicles hanging outside, were magnificent to see

and I always hoped it wouldn't drop on me,
lt was lovely in bed, I was warm as toast

with the blankets and coats that warmed me most

But when you got out and put your feet on the floor
it was hell on the cold lino till you got to the door.

Now. My old dads a milkman and he wears a milkman’s hat

he also wears an apron and he's full of his ol chat
we often go with him and help him on his round

we put the bottles on the steps and never make a sound

then one day we had finished and was on our way back home
when an irate lady was running up, you should have heard her

you missed me am I too late,she shouted from the heart

Nah it’s alright darling, jump up on the cart......

Steve Reynolds



All ladies are welcome to join us, for chat over brunch.

We meet in the Parish Hall at 10:30 am.

The cost is a donation to the pot at the end of brunch to cover expenses.

No Brunch in June (Summer Fair)

27 July

31 August

Coffee Morning and Ploughmans

Raising money for Church funds

Friday 21st June

10:30 am – 2 pm

Tickets from Audrey and Marion

£4 each

Bring a chair if you can

There will also be a raffle



The Devonshire Park theatre celebrates its 135 anniversary this
year. Built in 1884 for the Duke of Devonshire, the theatre has
recently received a major refurbishment and is now back in her

best condition.

The Friends of the Theatre are celebrating their 35 Anniversary
this year. The organisation has been responsible for many of the
interior improvements to the theatre, and are currently financing

the complete overhaul of the toilets in the foyer.
The aim of the Friends is to encourage more people to appreciate

the theatre and raise funds to keep the building looking its best.

Fundraising and social events take place throughout the year to
help the local council to improve the theatregoing experience.

We are always looking to increase our membership to get more
people attending the theatre. There are benefits to being a

member, the best of which is 25% off tickets for the first night of
many shows.

If you are interested in theatre and would like more information,

please contact Ian Goldsmith on 01323 638066

Easter Flowers - Thank you

To our Easter Flower Arrangers

Many thanks to everyone who helped out in some way to ensure
our church looked amazing over the Easter celebrations. We had

some lovely comments over Easter and the weeks following at

how beautiful the church looked.
Please do have a look at the Flower Club report for details of the

forthcoming workshop, in church, about pedestals and flower
arranging in our church.




Many people are beginning to look forward to your summer
holidays. Just think about it – sun, sea and sand, time to relax and

unwind, no deadlines to meet, no responsibilities to shoulder . . .
ah, bliss!

We are fortunate to live at a time when workers are encouraged to

take time off from work for the sake of their well-being. Most
employees are given 4-6 weeks paid holiday each year, plus Bank

Holidays. What a blessing that is, and a far cry from the day when
the only time workers had off was on church Feast days – the

original holy days.
This year, rather than go on holiday and forget God, we might use

our time away to become even more aware of God’s presence in

our lives. Here’s how:

(1) Thank God for recreation. Whatever helps you relax and wind-
down is a gift from God to be received with thankfulness and

enjoyed to the full.

(2) Take extra time to sleep and adopt a slower pace. This is how
you will recharge your batteries and be refreshed.

(3) Make space for the relationships that matter to you, especially

your family and friends. Enjoy each other’s company, talk and
laugh together, enjoy unhurried meals.

(4) Notice God in the world around you. Let the beauty of God’s

creation fill your soul with wonder. Linger and look deeply at
everything you see.

(5) Take a good book with you that will nourish your inner life; listen

to music that will help you relax. Breathe deeply and walk slowly,

there’s no need to rush.

Psalm 23:2 comes to mind: ‘He makes me lie down in green
pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul.’

Happy Holidays!


St Andrew’s Ladies Club

At our April meeting’s speaker was Michael Wilcock - Realities.
We were given a glimpse into his working life and his calling and

subsequent occupational journey in the priesthood. Our June

25 meeting is Jackie Marsh Hobbs and the secrets of the
Brighton Pavilion. Please come and join us, you will be most
welcome as a guest, or better still join us as a member.

A reminder that Fr David is on Sabbatical for the whole of June,

July and August. During this time all enquiries and

communication regarding Church matters including items for the
Parish Magazine should be directed to Fr John or

Liz Stanton . Thank you


Open to anyone who would like to come along,

meet other people, have a chat over a cup of

tea and a piece of cake, share stories, play
Scrabble, cards or dominoes or just enjoy

some company

Wednesday 19 June

Tel: 01323 723739 for more details

If you know anyone who would like to come along please let

us know!



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God among the ruins of Notre Dame

The tragic fire at Note Dame Cathedral shocked the whole world.

Seeing such a magnificent building engulfed in flames saddened
all who saw the devastation unfold. It was a monumental blow to

the nation of France. It will take years to rebuild this famous
place of worship.

One striking image from the fire showed the interior of the church
scorched and ruined, its art treasures lost, its contents still

smouldering. But high up in the background, unbowed by the

flames, stands a golden cross, brightly shining in the darkness of
the surrounding debris.

Since the fire took place at Easter, it is hard not to see this
picture as a parable. One Anglican vicar made this comment:

‘Notice what is left inside, untouched, after the destruction of all
sorts of ‘priceless’ works of arts at Norte Dame Cathedral? The

Cross. What an image for Holy Week and what a picture to
describe secular Western Europe.’

As I pondered the picture it spoke to me of the abiding value of

the Cross. The words of a hymn came to mind:

In the cross of Christ I glory,
Tow’ring o’er the wrecks of time;

All the light of sacred story

Gathers round its head sublime.

The place of worship may be destroyed, but not the God we
worship. The message of the Cross, at the centre of our faith,

remains a timeless, undamaged truth.

The hymn continues:

When the woes of life o’ertake me,

Hopes deceive, and fears annoy,
Never shall the cross forsake me,

Lo! It glows with peace and joy.

Even among the ruins of our own lives the Cross stands tall,

reminding us of the presence of God and His grip on our lives.



D-Day took place 75 years ago, on 6th June 1944, when over
150,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy,

France. The Battle of Normandy ended on 25th August with
victory for the Allies.

It began the liberation of France – and eventually Europe – from

Nazi control, and laid the foundations of victory on the Western

Front. Planning for the operation involved a great deal of
deception as to timing and the precise location of the landings.

The weather on D-Day was not ideal, and the operation had to

be delayed 24 hours. None of the immediate goals were
achieved, but a foothold was gained which the Allies expanded

over the coming months. The Germans had been misled by

inaccurate storm forecasts and were unprepared – with many
leaders, including General Rommel, not in position.

King George VI had earlier rallied England to prayer, and on the

eve of battle crowded services were held on landing craft, ships
and airfields, with chaplains urging troops to put their trust in

God. In America, as news of the invasion was broadcast, stores

closed and prayer meetings were organised all over the country.

Museums, memorials, and war cemeteries in Normandy still

welcome many visitors each year.


The peace of God to dwell with you, From the day we have here to-day

The peace of Christ to dwell with you, To the last day of your life’s way,

The peace of Spirit dwell with you, Till come the day that ends your way.

And peace dwell with your children

From Poems of the Western


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Our Holiday 2018...Mega Week Day Five....

Well you just cannot holiday in the UK without some wet weather!

Today was a bit damp. Undeterred we were going into Harrogate
today, for a teddy bear’s picnic! It was also a day for celebrating

as 10 years ago Harrogate hosted the first UK Mega event. After

York’s parking fiasco, we hopefully had found a reasonable one
...and we had. We made our way to the picnic area, and were

early, so hung around with others before the event begun so we

could sign and go before the rain came (not many braved the
weather to picnic). We found a few geocaches, and some

especially there just for today, before a dash to the car for lunch
as the rain really came down!Lunch finished and thinking the rain

had eased off we ventured out to find some more caches,
including one at the local spring water so prized by the Victorians.

Well we barely got to the first cache planned as

the heavens opened again, so thankfully it was
at a seating shelter! A break in the clouds and

we dash back to the car and drive to the
spring...parking next to it. We could not believe

how the Victorians could think such a foul
(sulphurous) smelling water was good for you!

Back in town we found another parking space to

find the last couple of caches on our ‘to do’list.
Back at the campsite the delayed sports event

was held, and we cheered on team Sussex as they took part in
the tug of war. In the evening was an 80’s disco

in the marquee, wow what a night! Superb
disco with laser lights and a fog machine. So

many people singing along and getting up and

dancing. At the start there was a gathering of
the teddy bears as they had not had a chance

to meet at the damp picnic(didn’t want to get
their fur damp).

The Slaughter Family



Britain is in the midst of a loneliness epidemic. A survey by the

Jo Cox Commission in 2017 revealed that nine million of us in the
UK are affected by it.

So, no wonder that last year the Government even appointed the

world’s first loneliness minister, Tracey Crouch. And no wonder
that the Marmalade Trust aims to raise awareness of isolation in

the UK.

Loneliness hurts you physically as well as mentally. It has even
been said that it can be as bad for your health as smoking 15

cigarettes a day. It can raise blood pressure, and cause diabetes
and obesity.

Technology is a big factor: we send emails rather than talk, we

have virtual team workspaces rather than speaking in person.
We use LinkedIn and Facebook to keep in touch. One health

expert said, “We’re getting out of the habit of actual


People who work from home and who also live alone can go days

without speaking to anyone. No wonder that the millennial

generation, for whom technology accounts for an increasing
percentage of their interaction, are reporting high levels of


Experts advise that you simply try and make as many social

connections as you can, however brief. Make tea for someone at

work, or chat to your neighbour.

Our CAMEO Club is one small way to help combat loneliness. If
you know someone who lives on their own, who might be

interested why not tell them about it, or even better offer to bring
them along.

If you have any other ideas of what we can do as a community,

do please let us know.



As you are, I am sure, aware we have recently launched our SOS

Save our South wall campaign, raising funds for the essential
work which needs to be carried out on the South Wall of the

Church. We have been successful in securing some external
grants form a range of trusts and good causes, but we still have

to do a significant amount of Fundraising ourselves. To this end
(to widen the scope of people who are able to donate) we have

established an online fundraising page with a company called

Golden Giving. They will manage any donations made online at
no cost to us and will inform us of any Gift Aid that can be

reclaimed. Donations can be made at

Please spread the word


Every year it is the same: the sun comes out, and the ladders
and power tools and enthusiasm for various home improvements

follow close behind. Shortly afterwards, there are hundreds of
falls and various injuries, as many a DIY adventurer spends the

rest of the day down at A&E.

When it comes to being willing to launch into the great unknown,
men win every time. They are far more likely to end up with

injuries from power tools, lawnmowers and even just falling off

ladders. Data for England shows that there were 4,764
admissions to NHS hospitals in 2017-8 from injuries from drills

and other power tools. A further 6,372 people fell off ladders,
while 519 lost a clash with their lawnmower.

It seems that we can’t resist the temptation to try some DIY, after

programmes like DIY SOS, Grand Designs and 60 Minute



For Your Diary

23rd June 2019 Corpus Christi 7:30 PM U

21st June 2019 Coffee Morning and Ploughmans - see Audrey/Marion 10:30 O

29th June 2019 Summer Fundraiser in Church 10:00 AM O

20th July 2019 Afternoon Tea and Open Garden - see notice/Carol O
22nd-25th July 2019 Holiday Club TBA I

7th September 2019 Flower Show O

14th September 2019 Ride and Stride (Historic Churches) All Day O
5th October 2019 Harvest Function (more details to come) Eve I

6th October 2019 Harvest Festival 10:00 AM U

10th November 2019 Remembrance Sunday 9:45 AM U
30th November 2019 St. Andrew's Day (Patronal Service - TBA) U

6-8th December 2019 Christmas Tree Festival O

Christmas 2019 Christmas Services - Please see Magazine/Fliers U

U ‐ Church Services … O ‐ Fundraisers … I - Social Functions
CPP = Cross Parish Partnership

sTue (term time) 0845 Drop in Cafés )2nd Sat 1000 Mantime( {Last Sat 1030 Ladies that
Brunch{ JWed (term time) 1900 Youth ClubJ vThird Wed 1400 CAMEOv.

Dates subject to amendment, please see the Parish Magazine, Pews News and Posters for more


The St Andrew's Community Flower Show will be held on Saturday

7th September 2019

The subject for the photo competition will be TREES

Schedules, with details of all the classes and entry form are

available for £1 from the Flower Show Committee, on Sundays in

church, at CAMEO or at other Church events. The schedules also
include a Lucky Ticket entry into the prize draw to be drawn on the

day of the show.



Love and Loss

Apparently today (3rd May) is national widow’s day and it got me
to thinking about the journey I’ve been and am still on... Shawn

(my husband) had just turned 47 when he was diagnosed with
kidney cancer and our world was ripped apart. The 14 month

journey we went on together was the start of my grieving, the

fears of facing what’s coming put you on the path long before the
actual passing of your loved one. I often get asked how I stay so

positive how have I coped? Well the truth is I don’t always stay
positive and I haven’t always coped there’s been many a duvet

day I just try to let them pass (like a kidney stone some days), but

pass they do. One of the strategies I’ve used right from the start
of Shawn’s illness and continually is to look for my sunshine

moments each day, admittedly some days they are harder to find
than others but nevertheless they are always there because the

sun always shines behind the clouds. So what are sunshine
moments? They are the little things on a cloudy day that make

you smile, fill your heart with warmth and fill your eyes with

beauty. A child's laughter, the sight of a beautiful flower, the
wagging of a dogs tail as it greets its owner, that kind gesture of a

stranger holding a door open, a smile from the person you just
walked by, the love in your heart as you see your child sleeping,

the friend that is always there for you and so the list goes on.... I
find writing very cathartic and a poem I wrote often helps me

remember to look for them still every day. …

Sunshine moments
Sunshine moments are what we look for in our every day,

Especially when the clouds come along before they drift away.

The clouds are the challenges we come across in life,
You know the ones that give us grief and plenty of strife.

So when the clouds come, in order to help them fade,
We look for sunshine moments to brighten up our day.

The clouds will keep on coming everyday you'll see,

There part of our life's teachings yes for you and for me.


So when they come along as hard as it maybe,

allow them to float on past and in time you will see.

Switching your focus is what you need to do,
Finding the sunshine to stop you feeling blue.

It's magical when this happens you open up your heart,
Life starts flowing again and you look forward not to the past.

Your energy changes for all around to see,

You start working from the We instead of the Me.

Your rays of light shine so brightly all around,

A new way of looking at life you have surely found.

It's time now to spread your wings go forward in your light,
To all who witness you it becomes a beautiful sight.

Written by Kerry Knight





An opportunity to learn how to arrange flowers, in larger containers, in

Tuesday 11 June 2019

In St. Andrew’s Church
Seaside, Eastbourne



For Christmas we have the build-up of Advent, and Easter Day is
preceded by Holy Week. But when it comes to Whit Sunday, it just

suddenly arrives. Yet Pentecost is all about the birth of the Christian
church and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Surely, that is something to
get excited about!

For forty days following our Lord’s resurrection, Jesus appeared to

His followers and taught them about the Kingdom of God. Just before
His ascension into Heaven, Jesus told the disciples to wait in
Jerusalem for the gift of the Spirit.

Ten days after His ascension, it was the Feast of Pentecost and this

was a significant festival for the Jews. It was an annual occasion for
people to assemble in the Holy City. The day marked the time when
the barley harvest officially ended. This feast day was characterised

by religious ceremonies and the offering of sacrifices. No work was
done. It was a day of thanksgiving. A time to remember deliverance

from Egypt and God’s mercy and reconciliation with His covenant

On the day of Pentecost, the followers of Jesus met together in an
upper room. Its location was probably on Mount Zion to the west of

Jerusalem. The site can be visited although it’s not the Upper Room.
It’s an ancient building dating from the 14th century and built on the

site of a church destroyed by the Persians seven centuries earlier.
But the first floor chamber is large with old paving stones, surrounded

by stone pillars and arches. According to tradition, this is where
Jesus ate the ‘Last Supper’ and His followers received the Holy

On Whit Sunday we would do well to remember why the Holy Spirit

was sent to us. We are given power to live God’s way:
to lead us into the things God has prepared for us;

to worship and glorify Him;

to enable us to pray;
to lead us into truth;

to give us a desire to share the love of Christ with others and to help
us trust God for all our needs.

This Pentecost may our prayer be for God’s Spirit to transform us, for
the gentleness of His Spirit to lead us, and for the gifts of His Spirit to

equip us. Amen.


PUZZLE PAGE - St Columba - June 2019

This month the Church remembers the Irish monk who first brought
Christianity to Britain in around 565. He was St Columba, and he left Ire-
land with 12 companions to settle on Iona, a tiny island off Mull, in the

Western Highlands. Iona had been given to him for a monastery by the
ruler of the Irish Dalriada.

Columba’s biographer, Adomnan, portrays him as a tall, striking figure of
powerful build and impressive presence, who combined the skills of
scholar, poet and ruler with a fearless commitment to God’s cause. For

as well as building his monastery on Iona, Columba also converted
Brude, king of the Picts.
A prayer of St Columba runs: My dearest Lord, Be Thou a bright flame

before me, Be Thou a guiding star above me, Be Thou a smooth path
beneath me, Be Thou a kindly shepherd behind me, Today and ever-
more. Amen

Church, Columba, First, Ireland, Companions, Settle, Iona, Tiny, island,
mull, monastery, tall, striking, powerful, impressive, skills, scholar, poet,

ruler, fearless, converted, dearest, bright, flame, guiding, star.




1. St Michael’s & All Angel’s David Weaver: Undertakers, Funeral
Directors; Raleigh Cl

2. The Life and Witness of this Parish, Our Servers and
Sacristans: those preparing for marriage and the recently

married; Ramsey Way
3. St Mary’s Old Town, Tom Mendel: Insurance and Finance

Industries; Mothers Union; Rodney Cl
4. St Saviours & St Peter’s, Mark Macaulay: Our local councillors,

MP’s. the Mayor, Our Drop in Café; Romney St
5. Christchurch with St Philips, David Charles: St Andrew’s Youth

Club; Sussex Down’s and Park College, Brighton Universities;
Roselands Ave

6. St Richard’s, Timothy Ezat: Guides, Girls and Leaders, Utilities,
Gas, Water, Sewage, Electricity and Waste Disposals; Roselands

7. Shinewater Community Church: Judges and Magistrates,

Probation Officers, Local Police: Roseveare Rd
8. St Mary’s Hampden Park and St Peter’s the Hydneye, Adam
Ransom: Mantime, The Society of the Holy Cross, Local offices,

pubs, garages, local shops; Rotunda Rd
9. The Life and Witness of this Parish, Our Organist and Our

Choir: Confirmation Candidates; Royal Parade
10. St Nicholas Pevensey & St Wilfrid’s Pevensey Bay, Tony Windross:

St Andrew’s School, Mrs Carol Meakins: Those away at college,
the self-employed; Royal Sovereign View

11. St Mary’s the Virgin Willingdon & Church in the trees, Kevin
Agnew, Sue Wilkinson: St Andrews Flower Club; Hotels and B &

B’s and Guest Houses; Rye Street
12. St John’s Polegate, Chris Spinks, Graham Burrows: Tollgate

School, Mr Stephen Dennis: Social Workers, the Archery Youth
Centre: Sandwich Mews

13. St Luke’s Stone Cross, James Vine, Danny Pegg: Church
Cleaners; Fire officers, air sea rescue, coastguards, ambulance

crews, our local RNLI; Sandwich St
14. St Barnabas, Langney: The Haven School: Building and

construction industry; Manual Workers; Seabeach Lane
15. All Saint’s, Robert Lovatt, Jon Haines: The confraternity of the

blessed sacrament, Home Communicants; Seaford Rd

16. The Life and Witness of this Parish, Our Church Wardens,

Church Officers, Synod Representatives, the PCC: Seaville Dr
17. St Elizabeth’s, David Gillard: hospitals, doctors, nurses, health
workers, dentists; Sidley Rd

18. All Soul’s, Mark Redhouse, Sam Carter: Monks, Nuns and

Members of Religious Orders: The newly moved in; Somerville Cl
19. St Wilfrid’s L, Willingdon, Richard Herkes: CAMEO; Citizens
Advice Bureau, Samaritans: Southbourne Rd

20. Holy Trinity, Phil Coekin, John Brook: Bridgemere Fellowship with
St Anthony’s; work with Young Families, Family Support Work: St

Philips Ave
21. Chaplaincy, DGH, Dennis Nolan: Guild of Servants of the

Sanctuary, those who work at home: The Circus
22. St Catherine’s College, David Garrett: The Shrine of our Lady of

Walsingham, The Sovereign Leisure Centre, The Oval Football
Ground and all who use it; The Sidings

23. The Life and Witness of this Parish, Our Sunday School: St
Andrew’s Parish Hall and all who use it; Vernon Cl

24. St John’s Meads, Giles Carpenter, Jill Preece, Ben Sleep: The
Redundant and Unemployed, People Matter, Employment

agencies; Vian Ave
25. Ss Simon & Jude, East Dean with St Mary’s Friston & St Andrew’s

Jevington, David Baker: St Andrews Ladies Group; Matthew 25,
the local homeless; Acts 435; Vincent Close

26. The Haven: Queen Alexandra Cottage Homes, Ashley Gardens,
New Derby House, All who work with the elderly, Home Helps,

those who cares for elderly relations: Vine Sq
27. St Mary’s Westham, Vacant: The magazine producers and
distributors: the press and media; Wallis Ave & Wallis Pl

28. Hospice, David Knight: Mission to Seafarers: Gatwick Airport,

Newhaven Ferries, Buses and railways, Sussex ports and the
fishing industry; Wannock Rd
29. Rural Dean David Gillard: Lay Chair, John Bourdon; Ladies that

Brunch, U.S. those who produce and supply our food, factories:
Wartling Rd

30. The Life and Witness of this Parish, Our Clergy: The recently
Baptised, Our God children and all God parents; Willoughby



June 2019
1 Sat 9am Requiem Mass

2 Sun Easter 7 8am Mass, 10am 1 @ Ten, 11.15am Mass
3 Mon 12noon Mass

4 Tue 8.45am Drop in Cafe, 5.30pm Mass

5 Wed 6pm Mass, 7pm Youth Club
6 Thu 9.15am Mass followed by Church Cleaning

8 Sat 9am Mass, 10am Mantime

Pentecost 8am Mass, 10am Mass, 12.30pm Bap-
9 Sun

10 Mon 12 noon Mass

8.45am Drop in Cafe, 5.30pm Mass, 7.30pm Flower
11 Tue

12 Wed 6pm Mass, 7pm Youth Club

13 Thu 9.15am Mass followed by Church Cleaning

15 Sat 9am Mass followed by Benediction

16 Sun Trinity 10am Mass

17 Mon 12 noon Mass

18 Tue 8.45am Drop in Cafe, 5.30pm Mass

19 Wed 2pm CAMEO, 6pm Mass, 7pm Youth Club

20 Thu 9.15am Mass

22 Sat 9am Mass

23 Sun Trinity 2 8am Mass, 10am Mass, 12.30pm Baptism

24 Mon 12 noon Mass

8.45am Drop in Cafe, 5.30pm Mass, 7.30pm Ladies
25 Tue

10.30am Diocesan Schools Leavers’ Service, 6pm
26 Wed
Mass, 7pm Youth Club

27 Thu 9.15am Mass

10am Coffee Morning and Gift Day, 3pm Rosary
29 Sat

30 Sun Trinity 3 8am Mass, 10am Mass



GUIDES Thursdays 6.00 – 7.30 pm. For more information
please contact Sarah Halbhuber on 07973414299

CHOIR For information about the choir please see
Mr Wooding in church on Sundays

ST ANDREW’S LADIES GROUP: Meet monthly 4 Tuesday of the month.
See inside magazine for details.

ST ANDREW’S FLOWER CLUB meets on the second Tuesday of each
Month, please see local adverts for information or the church website

CHURCH CLEANING takes place after mass, and a cup of coffee, on
Thursday mornings from 9.45 a.m. onwards. New volunteers always

Controlled School attached to this church. For information about the
school please contact the Head Teacher: Mrs Carol Meakins, at the school

on 01323.724749.

School with the Diocese of Chichester. For information about the school
please contact the Head Teacher, Mr Stephen Dennis, at the school on

Tel: 01323.730428 or Mob: 07546463555

Mission Statement: St Andrew’s is a worshipping, witnessing community,
faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ within the Catholic tradition of the Church of
England. With God’s help we are seeking to show the love of Jesus in worship

and prayer and the service of others.
For up to date information about the parish visit our website:


You can also keep in touch via our Facebook page:

St Andrew's Church, Seaside, Eastbourne


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