Second edition
StudeBnoto’ks 1
Meet the Characters
This book belongs to:
StudeBnoto’ks 1
In Unit 1, children will learn and practise:
• Counting to 5
• Words for colours and shapes
• Words for parts of the body and families
• Saying “Hello” and “Goodbye”
• Introducing themselves
• Pronunciation
• Words for foods, animals, clothes and toys
First published 2012.
Second Re-Print 2015.
Published by Kaplan International English, 2nd Floor, Warwick Building,
Kensington Village, Avonmore Road, London, W14 8HQ.
ISBN 978-1-909318-00-7 Student’s Book 1
© Copyright 2012 Aspect Education Limited and Baby Network Limited. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Kaplan/Aspect Education Ltd.
Join the
characters as
they travel to the
Picaro galaxy!
Charlie Zoe
SAMPLEYuki Jamal
Teeny Tiny
Draco Potch
Discover English with Picaro!
Contents StudeBnoto’ks 1
1 Hello 4
2 Meet the characters 6
3 Family 8
4 Family and friends 10
5 Colours 12
6 Animals 14
7 Counting to 5 16
8 Counting animals and colours 18
9 My toys 20
10 Boy or girl? 22
11 What’s his name? 24
12 It’s her toy 26
13 Parts of the body 28
14 Clothes 30
15 Fruit 32
16 What’s in the maze? 34
17 Hello again 36
18 Make a toy MakeIt! 38
19 Colours and toys 40
20 On the farm 42
For parents and teachers
Each Student’s Book contains one of Picaro’s Make It!
Creative Challenges. These provide opportunities for
lots of fun together. With easy-to-follow, step-by-step
instructions, you can make a series of games, toys and
objects that your child can enjoy as well as learn from.
1 Hello
Meet Picaroon Alex, Picaroon Anna and Mr Picaro.
What are they saying?
Hello! Hello!
My name’s Alex.
SAMPLEWhat’s your My name’s
name? My namAen’sna.
My name’s Anna.
Mr Picaro! Goodbye!
Hello ★ Goodbye ★ What’s your name? ★ My name’s...
Colour in Mr Picaro xelA ni ruoloC Colour in Alex oraciP rM ni ruoloC
He!olllloeH! H!oelllloe! H
.xelA s’eman yM My name’s Alex.
Colour in Alex SAMPLEannACnoi rlouuorloinCAnna xelA ni ruoloC
What’s your
name? ruoy s’tahW
s’eman yM
.annA My name’s
Colour in Mr Picaro annA ni ruoloC Colour in Anna oraciP rM ni ruoloC
!eybdooG My name’s s’eman yM Goodbye!
Mr Picaro! !oraciP rM
SAMPLE 2 Meet the characters
It’s your Picaro friends! Can you remember their names?
Put the stickers in the right places. What are they doing?
SAMPLECharlie ★ Draco ★ Jamal ★ Pitch ★ Potch ★ Teeny ★ Tiny ★ Yuki ★ Zoe
Who is it? ★ It’s ________.
SAMPLE 3 Family
Who can you see in the pictures? Draw a picture of your family
and tell your friends who they are.
SAMPLEmum(my) ★ dad(dy) ★ brother ★ sister ★ baby ★ friend
SAMPLE 4 Family and friends
Throw the dice and move your counter. Name the people in the square you stop on.
If you can’t remember, move back two squares.
SAMPLEAlex ★ Anna ★ baby ★ brother ★ Charlie ★ dad(dy) ★ Draco ★ friend
Jamal ★ mum(my) ★ Pitch ★ Potch ★ sister ★ Teeny ★ Tiny ★ Yuki
Zoe ★ Who is it? ★ It’s ________.
5 Colours SAMPLE
Which is the odd one out? Circle it.
Say the name of the colour and point to it.