Has your bedroom got PPPaaarrtrtstss11,1a3anandndd444
55 Haecollomputer?
1 Look, read and write sentences.
5.1 Wrictheatihr e words. radio
SAMPLEbedroom dining room
living room
cupboard lamp
5a..2 ITr’avceeg,octopaycahnadirciirncmley. bedroom .
b. in my .
c. in my .
d. in my .
12 Topic 5 Has your bedroom got a computer?
2 Read and colour. b. I’ve got a black cat.
d. I’ve got a pink computer.
a. I’ve got a green bed.
5.3c. RIe’vaedgoat na dpucrpolelolaumr.p.
3 Read, look, copy and answer. No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
a. Grace, have you got a purple lamp?
Yes, I have.
b. Grace, a brown cat?
No, I haven’t.
c. Grace, a pink computer?
5.4 Read, look, trace and answer.
a.d. Grace, a blue bed? Yes!
c. Topic 5 Has your bedroom got a computer? 13