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Published by Sabiah Saum, 2021-02-16 04:13:57

November/December 2020 Volume 31 Number 3 $6.95

A perfect Trust me, Emmett. Hey!
day for It'll be fun! That's
a sled ride, Em!
Let's go! Sorry, my
Molly. I'm just blanket.
getting to the

best part.

OK! Isn't this
in! Anything
for a friend.

Cover art by Kristen Scribner

I hate
to admit it,

but this
is the

I Spy Everyone is getting ready for a fall feast!
Can you spy 15 differences between these pictures?
Art by
Maria Starus

Answer on page 35.

Keep tahnroeuyeghoutthifsomr augsa! zWineeawreithgoyinogu! to roll

Max and Kate Art by Brita Granström
Story by Mick Manning

Maybe they went
on vacation.

The door to Kate's rabbit hutch is open.
Poppy and Floppy have escaped! Where can
they be?


They are going
toward the

“We’d better track them,” says Kate.
Bunny prints lead Max and Kate through
the bushes.


I hope they
brought skis for
the bunny hill!

Quietly, they follow the prints along the path
and behind the shed.


Oh, they’re coming back!
I hope they
had a good trip.

But then the bunny prints double back!


Welcome home!
We missed you!

Poppy and Floppy are safe in their warm hutch.
“Look, they came home all by themselves!”
says Max with a laugh.


Family Rain Day bySuzyLevinson
Art by Meredith Crandall Brown

Baking cookies,
Pillow forts,
Silly dancing,
Books (all sorts),
Jigsaw puzzles,
Model planes . . .
We’re so happy
When it rains!

Build a lookout tower!

8 text © 2020 by Suzy Levinson, art © 2020 by Meredith Crandall Brown

I’ll hum

What do you like to do when it rains? 9

text © 2020 by Brian Gene Olson, art © 2020 by Dream Chen

Where’s “Oh, Dad, have you seen my new teddy?
Teddy? I left him in my room alone.
I told him to wait right here for me,
by Brian Gene Olson only now he’s gone off on his own.”
Art by Dream Chen
Dad said, “He’s out seeing the city.
I gWotheTreeddisy hae?bedtime snack. He’ll wander the country as well.
So let him go off on his journey
10 and come back with a story to tell.”



Making “ ,” called down the hall.
a Mess? “Are you making a mess?”

by Karen M. Leet “No, ,” called back.
Art by Terri Murphy Bang, bang, bang. Boom, boom, boom.

text © 2020 by Karen M. Leet, art © 2020 by Terri Murphy

Rattle, rattle, rattle.

“ ?” called. “What’s all that noise?

Are you sure you are not making a mess?”

“No, . No mess,” called.

Bang, boom, rattle, bam, wham.


“Well,” called, “if you’re not making a mess,

what are you doing?”

“I’m making music,” told . “Come

and see.”

left the laundry she was folding to go and see.

sat at the kitchen table with a big wooden

in one hand. In the other hand, she held a

plastic .

“Listen,” said.

She tapped the on an upside-down metal
, bang, bang, bang. Then she hit a wooden recipe

box with her , wham, bam, bam. She shook
a box of dry pasta, rattle, rattle, rattle. Then

she tapped the back of a with her ,
boom, boom, boom.


Mommy spoon

chair spatula

“See, ,” said with a huge grin.
“I’m not making a mess. I’m making wonderful
music with all my musical instruments.”



Mommy asked, “Do you want
Amber to make music with me?” She

handed her .

took the and sat

beside . Together they made

spoon music—wonderful, special music.
Boom, boom, bang, rattle,
wham, bam.

“See, ,” said. “We’re

making music, not messes.”

Then and made up a song. They sang,
“We’re not making messes, messes, messes.” Boom,
boom! “We’re not making messes.” Rattle, rattle!
“Music’s what we make!” Bang, bang! “Yes, music’s

what we make!”

After they finished making music, helped fold

the laundry. They told knock-knock jokes and laughed a lot.

When came home, they taught him their song and

showed him their new musical instruments. laughed,

played a on a pot , and sang along. And at the end,

clashed two pot s together, clang, clang, clang!



The Dancing Bear

A German Children’s Song P Art by Corinna Ice



I am a lit - tle danc - ing bear. I live in the


wood. T T T TT T
I wish for some - one spec - ial, who will be my friend for

good. Come, be my friend and dance with me. I'd love to keep you



com-pa-ny. I am a lit - tle danc-ing bear. I live in the wood.

Dancing bears love
dancing honey,
and dancing birds
look pretty funny!


And don’t forget us
dancing bugs—
we give each dancer
dancing hugs!

Dancing mushrooms, 17
flowers, fox,
all agree that
dancing rocks.

art © 2020 by Corinna Ice

by Matt Novak


text and art © 2020 by Matt Novak

text © 2020 by Neal Levin, art © 2020 by Holly Berry Family Tree byNealLevin
Art by Holly Berry

There’s an old hollow tree
with a hole in the side
and a gaze of raccoons
cuddled closely inside.
They all sleep together
as snug as can be
in the heart of the woods
in their family tree.


Frosty Finds



Art by Francis Garland

There’s so much to see in the city today! Can you
spot the objects on this Bingo card in the big picture?
Try to find a line of 5 objects. The line can run across,


up-and-down, or diagonally on the card. When you find
a line, you can say, “BINGO!”


All Night Long byBeverlyMcLoughland text © 2020 by Beverly McLoughland, art © 2020 by Sean Hipkin
Art by Sean Hipkin

All night long
While you’re asleep,
Winter piles snow
Soft and deep
On the hillside
In the park,
All night long
In the frosty dark.

The only one
Awake to see
Is a small brown owl
In a tall pine tree.
He watches Winter
All night through
Making a sled hill
Just for you.



ISnowshoe Hare’s Winter HomebyGillianRichardsonIArtbyGiulianoFerri

Something cold tickled Snowshoe Hare on the I

nose. He looked up to see snowflakes tumbling and I
twirling. They carpeted the grassy clearing, coated II
the pine trees, and capped the rocks. Snowshoe Hare
could hardly feel them dusting his fur. He leaped up I
to catch them on his tongue. Each one vanished
before he could taste it.

“Quit fooling around,” said Bear, ambling into the
clearing. “Can’t you feel how cold the air is? That’s
the signal. It’s time to hibernate.”

“What does that mean?” Snowshoe Hare asked,
stopping to catch his breath.


I “I find a place to sleep when winter comes,” Bear
said. “I won’t come out again until it’s warmer.”
Snowshoe Hare didn’t feel cold. Why should Bear,
I with her thick fur coat, need to hide from winter?
“Where do you go?” Snowshoe Hare asked.

II “Up in the hills. Got a cozy den all picked out.”
Bear looked up at the heavy clouds and yawned.
“If I were you, I’d find a winter home, too. See you
in the spring.”

Snowshoe Hare watched Bear lumber away. “Sleep?”

I he asked. “That sounds boring.” He hopped a few
steps and grinned at his own tracks on the snowy
ground. “I’d rather go exploring.”




Near the pond, Snowshoe Hare met Beaver cutting I
branches from a fallen poplar tree.
“Are you having lunch?” Snowshoe Hare asked. I
“Nope. Gathering branches to take to the bottom
of my pond,” Beaver answered. I
“Why?” asked Snowshoe Hare.
“Those snow flurries are the signal that my pond I
will soon freeze over. I’ll have to stay in my lodge,”
Beaver said, dragging a branch down the muddy
slope of the pond. “I can reach this food through my
underwater tunnel. You’d better store some food or
you’ll go hungry.”
Snowshoe Hare watched Beaver and the branch
sink out of sight. “Who wants to spend all winter
eating soggy old branches?”


I Water trickled out of Beaver’s dam and became
a stream. Snowshoe Hare hopped along its edge,
I nibbling juicy grass. He leaped back as cold water
splashed him. Trout blew bubbles near the surface.
“Aren’t you afraid the water will freeze?”
I Snowshoe Hare asked.


I “Ice on top doesn’t bother me. It’s the signal to stay
near the bottom where the water is warmer.” Trout
I waved his fins. “Want to join me down below?”

I Snowshoe Hare dipped a paw, then shook off the
chilly drops. “I’d rather stay dry, thanks.”

A lumpy shadow rose beneath Trout. A small head
popped up. “Aren’t you two paying attention to the
signal? It’s time to hibernate,” said Turtle.



“But you already have your house on your back,” II
Snowshoe Hare said.

“Won’t keep the cold out. I’ll snuggle into the
mud at the bottom of Beaver’s pond.” Turtle sneezed

a snowflake off her nose. “You’ll need to keep

warm, too.”

Snowshoe Hare shrugged and thumped his foot. I I
“I have to stay above the water. I couldn’t breathe
down there.”

“Suit yourself,” Turtle said. She crawled out of

the stream and headed for the pond as snow covered I
her shell.









I That evening, the air crackled with cold.
Snowshoe Hare saw Duck circling above the pond.
I “I can’t land. It’s starting to freeze,” Duck called
down to Snowshoe Hare. “Happens every year about
I this time. It’s the signal for me to get moving.”

“Where are you going?” Snowshoe Hare asked.
“South. It’s warmer there. I can’t stay here if
there’s no open water. How would I get food from
the bottom of the pond? Why don’t you come
along?” Duck said, spiraling upward.


Snowshoe Hare peered over his shoulder. “No
wings!” he called out, but Duck was a tiny speck
against the blue-green
ribbons of northern
lights dancing in
the sky.

Alone, Snowshoe
Hare watched the snow
pile up all around.
Winter had arrived,
and his friends had
disappeared. They all
had places to go for
the cold season.

“What am I going
to do?” Snowshoe Hare
wondered. “I don’t want
to sleep all winter like
Bear. I can’t stay under
the ice like Beaver and
Turtle and Trout. I can’t
fly away like Duck.”

Just then, Snowshoe Hare heard some friendly
voices: “Stay with us! We’ll show you how to play
hide-and-seek with Fox.”


“Who’s there?” Snowshoe Hare
asked, peering through the flurries
at three ghostly shapes.

“We don’t hibernate or travel
far away. We can dig through the
snow for grass or snack on buds.
We’ll find a cozy bed in a snowbank.
Hardly anyone will notice us.”

“Where did you get your white
coats?” asked Snowshoe Hare.

“Take a look at yourself!” they
said and laughed.

Snowshoe Hare did. His coat
was white, too! Bit by bit, his
brown fur had changed when cold
days signaled the coming winter.

“We’re off!” the three snowshoe
hares cried as they dashed off across
the snowdrifts. “Come with us!”

Snowshoe Hare leaped high,
then bounded along the trail left
by their huge feet.

This was his winter home!


Snowfall byKatieHood 31
Art by Raffaella Ligi
Snow is falling,
Softly, gently.
Roll it in a ball.
Toss it in the sky,
Up high,
Watch it take a fall!


text © 2020 by Katie Hood, art © 2020 by Raffaella Ligi

Wherever I wander, I’ll always come back to My ski-jumping home!
Wherever I roam,
, &

Everyone House, did you
ready to want to go, too?
ski today?
What Yes, please.
me? I know what
to do!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes!

Everybody lean
forward . . .

Got it!

Hold that OK! We’re moving . . .
up a little
higher, Thud.

by John Sandford


Here we go! Hop!
and . . .

fIa’lml ofuinsisfhulwl istphinm! y

Who wants
to go again?


Sneaky Snow Trails ArtbyAlexandraWallner

Can you help the skier find her way home? With your finger, trace
the trail back to the winter cottage.


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LADYBUG, Stories and Fun for Young Kids (ISSN 1051–4961) is published 9 times a year, monthly except for combined May/June, July/August,
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James M. O’Connor, Director of Editorial; Kathleen Andersen, Editor; Emily Cambias, Assistant Editor; Stacey Lane Smith, Assistant Editor;
Suzanne Beck, Senior Art Director; Shavan Spears, Designer; John Sandford, Artist, LADYBUG bugs; David Stockdale, Rights & Permissions
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Grateful acknowledgment is given to the following publishers and copyright owners for permission to reprint selections from their publications.
All possible care has been taken to trace ownership and secure permission for each selection. “I Spy,” Maria Starus/; “Frosty Finds,”
(inset) yusufdemirci/, Irina Usmanovasame/, Anastasia Shishkanova/, Seita/,
miumi/, Mascha Tace/, zoyalipets/, notkoo/, MaryDesy/;
“Snowshoe Hare’s Winter Home,” text © 2008 by Gillian Richardson, art © 2008 by Giuliano Ferri, (bkg) Attitude/; “Sneaky Snow
Trails,” art © 2012 by Alexandra Wallner; “Molly and Emmett,” text and art © 2006 by Marylin Hafner.

Printed in the United States of America.

1st printing Quad Sussex, Wisconsin October 2020

Photos to do this winter? 35

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LADYBUG TAKEOUT PAGES Please remove carefully at fold. LADYBUG TAKEOUT PAGES Please remove carefully at fold. LADYBUG TAKEOUT PAGES Please remove carefully at fold.

Art by Shirley Beckes

Directions on other side.

Forest Friends Art by
Shirley Beckes
What You’ll Need:


What to Do:

1 . With a grownup, cut

out all the pieces on
the red solid cut lines.

2. Fold the mobile top in

half on the black dotted

3. Make holes in each dot. (You might

place the pieces on a towel and poke
them with a sharp pencil.) The holes in
the mobile top should go through both
sides. String the animals to the top.

4. String thread through the other hole in

the top to hang.

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