Pre activity
Look at the pictures and discuss the questions that follow.
1. Have you ever read the 3. What journey of life did they undergo?
biography books on the 4. What lessons can you learn
pictures above? from their biographies?
2. Who and what are those
Activity 1
Match the words into their description. You will find
these words in the text on activity 3
1. Explorer (n) 6. Terrible (adj)
2. Overwhelmed (adj) 7. Invent (v)
3. Famous (adj) 8. Publish (v)
4. Pregnant (V) 9. Hut (n)
5. Pleased (adj) 10. Recover (v)
a. extremely or distressingly bad or serious
b. a small, simple, single-story house or shelter.
c. an expression used for asking a permission
d. have a baby developing inside her body
e. return to a normal state of health, mind, or
f. given too much of a thing to (someone);
g. prepare and issue (a book, journal, piece of
music, etc.) for public sale, distribution, or
h. a person who explores an unfamiliar area; an
i. known about by many people.
j. reate or design (something that has not existed
before); be the originator of.
k. feeling or showing pleasure and satisfaction,
especially at an event or a situation.
Fill the blanks with the appropriate word on the list
Actress Nicole Kidman was (1)……in
Honolulu, Hawaii, in1967. Her father,
an Australian, was a student in Hawaii
at that time. when she was 4, the family
(2)……to Australia, and Kidman grew
up in a suburb of Sydney.
Kidman became (3)……acting early on. Her first experience
came when she was 6 yearsold and she played a sheep in her school's
Christmas (4)……. She trained in drama and dance in her teen years.
She got a couple of TV parts before she made her breakthrough: in
1995, the Australian Film Institutenamed her Actress of the Year for
her role in the TV miniseries Vietnam. She was only 17.
In 1989, Kidman (5)……in the creepy thriller Dead Calm. This
performance earned her the lead role in her first American movie,
Days of Thunder. Her co-star was Tom cruise. Following whirlwind
(6)……, Kidman and Cruise were married in Colorado in Christmas
eve, 1990.
During the (7)……, Kidman's career continued to grow. She
and Cruise adopted two children, and they worked hard to
(8)……their careers and family life.
Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t last. Kidman and cruise
(9)……in 2001. After the divorce, marriage the divorce, Kidman
threw herself the her work. She starred in a number of high-profile
movies, including the musical Moulin Rouge. Then in 2003, Academy
Award and a Golden Globe for her role as Virginia Woolf in the
(10)……The Hours.
And what does she think of her fame? "It's a fleeting moment,"
she said. "How long will it last?Who knows? But it's here and it's
Peagent Interested in Balance Divorced
Marriage Returned Got along Appeared
Born Romance Film Holiday
Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, Cardiff, Although he couldn’t fly any more, Dahl
on the 13th of September,1916. His parents was still able to help the war effort. In 1942 he
were Norwegian. They named him after the was sent to Washington D.C. to work. He
famous Norwegian explorer Roald began to write stories and he soon began to
Amundsen. get his work published.
In February 1920 Dahl’s older sister Astri In 1951 he met his future wife, an American
died. A few weeks later, his father died too. actress called Patricia Neal. They married in
In his book “Boy” Dahl said that his father 1953 and had five children together. In 1954
was “overwhelmed with grief ” for Astri. they moved to Great Missenden,
When his father died, Dahl’s mother was Buckinghamshire.
pregnant. His sister Asta was born later in In 1961 James and the Giant Peach was
the year. published. Roald went on to publish many
In 1925, when he children’s books: Charlie and the
was 9, Dahl was sent to Chocolate Factory (1964),
a boarding school in Fantastic Mr Fox (1970), and the
Weston-Super-Mare. Twits (1980) to name but a few.
When he was 13, he Dahl wrote his stories in a
moved to Repton, a writing hut in the garden of his
famous public school house, which children were not
near Derby. Dahl did allowed to enter! He invented
not enjoy it there. He was beaten and treated over 500 words such as “biffsquiggled”
badly by some of the other boys. When he (confused or puzzled) and “gobblefunk” (to
left school in 1934 he went to work for Shell play around with words, just like he did).
Oil. Dahl wanted to travel, so he was pleased In 1962 his daughter Olivia died. She was
when the company sent him to East Africa in seven years old, the same age his sister had
1938. He worked there until the Second been when she died. Dahl kept a picture of
World War started. Olivia in his writing hut and both James and
In November 1939, Dahl joined the Royal the Giant Peach and the BFG are dedicated to
Air Force and learnt to fly. He was sent to her.
Libya and in September 1940 his plane In 1981 he separated from Patricia Neal and
crashed. He was badly hurt and it took him in 1983 he married his second wife, Felicity
six months to recover. He went back to flying Crosland. Roald Dahl died in Oxford on the
but he got terrible headaches because of the 23rd of November 1990 and is buried in the
crash. In the summer of 1941 he had to go parish church of St Peter and St Paul in Great
home to his mother. Missenden.
Activity 3
1. Where was Roald Dahl born?
2. Why was he called ‘Roald’?
3. Dahl said that his father was ‘overwhelmed with grief
’What of the similar meaning to “grief”?
4. Why didn’t Roald Dahl enjoy his time at boarding
5. Why was Dahl pleased with his new job at Shell Oil?
6. Where did Dahl write his stories?
7. How many children did Dahl have with Patricia Neal?
8. When was James and the Giant Peach first
9. Which two books are dedicated to Dahl’s daughter
10. Where is Roald Dahl buried?
Text 1
Each April 21 peolple in indonesia celebrate the kartini day. It is
delightful day for the lady on the grounds that we praise the conception of
incredible woman R.A. Kartini. Everybody knows who Kartini is. She is our
national champion and an extraordinary woman with the brilliant thought.
Kartini was conceived in 1879 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her dad was
Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (associate of head of rule) in Mayong. Her
mom, Ma Ngasirah was a young lady from Teluk Awur town in Jepara as the
little girl of a respectable family, she felt fortunate in light of the fact that she
got more than the standard individuals got. She improved instruction than
other youngsters. In november 12 1903 she wedded adipati djoyodiningrat,
the head of rembang rule. As per Javanese custom Kartini needed to tail her
spouse. At that point she moved to Rembang.
In September 13 1904 she gave a conception to her child. His name was
Singgih. Anyway, subsequent to conceiving a child, her condition was
deteriorating and she at long last passed away on september 17 1904 on her
25 years of age.
Presently Kartini has gone. Anyway, her soul and dream will dependably
be in our heart. These days Indonesian ladies advancement is affected by
kartini’s soul expressed on accumulation of letter “habis gelap terbitlah
terang” or from the nightfall to the first light.
Kartini was conceived in 1879 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her dad was
Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (associate of head of rule) in Mayong. Her
mom, Ma Ngasirah was a young lady from Teluk Awur town in Jepara as the
Text 2
Mohammad Hatta or often called Bung Hatta was the first Vice President
of Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukit tinggi, West Sumatera on
August 12th, 1902. His father is Haji Mohammad Djamil and his mother is Siti
Saleha. His father died when he was eight months old. Hatta married to
Rahmi Hatta on November 18th, 1945. The couple had three children named
Meutia Farida Hatta, Gemala Rabi’ah Hatta, and Halida Nuriah Hatta.
Hatta started his education at a private school named Sekolah Melayu.
Then he went to ELS (European Language School). He continued his school to
MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs). Hatta began to show his
interested in politics and national movement since he was sixteen years old.
He joined Jong Sumatranen Bond and he was chosen as the treasurer.
In 1919, Hatta went to Hogere Burgerschool (HBS) in Batavia (Jakarta).
He finished his study with distinction in 1921 and he was allowed to continue
his study to Rotterdam School of Commerce in Netherlands. He took
economics as his major and got a doctorandus degree. He then continued to
pursue his doctorate degree, but he didn’t finish his thesis because politics
had taken over his life.
In Netherlands Hatta joined the Indische Vereeniging. In 1922, Indische
Vereeniging changed its named to Indonesische Vereeniging (Perhimpoenan
Indonesia). Hatta was the treasurer from 1922-1925 and then he became the
chairman from 1926-1930. Perhimpoenan Indonesia then changed from a
student organization to political organization that demand for Indonesia’s
Independence. It expressed its voice through a magazine called Indonesia
Merdeka of which Hatta was the editor.
Hatta attended congresses all over Europe to gain more support from
other nations, he always as the chairman of Indonesia delegation. By the
middle of 1927, Perhimpoenan Indonesia’s activites had alarmed the Dutch
authorities. On June 1927, Dutch authorities put Hatta and four other
Indonesian activists in jail. In 1929, Hatta and other Perhimpoenan Indonesia
activists were released.
Biography is is a kind of text which describes a person's life
and written by someone else in detail.
The purpose of biography text :
1. To understand a persons story of life outside of any
accomplishments this person may be known for.
2. To enable many information and educate the readers.
Generic Structure of biography text :
1. Orientation : It is the opening paragraph. It tells the
background information of the person. Usually, it consists
of a person's identity such as full name, address and date
of birth.
2. Events : It is written in chronological order. This
paragraph tells about the event happened to the person.
3. Re - orientation (optional) : It consists of conclusion or a
comment or the writer. It also tells about the achievement
or the contribution of the person.
Calum Scott is a singer and songwriter who was
born 12 October 1988 in Kingston Upon Hull.
He began his career after won a local talent
competition, then got attention on the
television programme Britain’s Got Talent
(2015). Scott released his cover of “Dancing on
My Own” in 2016 and became more famous. In
2017, Scott released the single “You Are the
Reason”. In the same year, Calum Scott began
working on his debut album, Only Human. The
album was released on 9 March 2018.