Issue Eye MAY 2016
127 Advertising For Local Businesses, Trades
and Community Information...
25% OFF
With This Ad
Soffi ts, Fascias, New Guttering & Downpipe
Doors & Windows
Highly Competitive Prices
Local Bournemouth Company - Established 20 Years
LE May 2016.indd 1 21/04/2016 17:09:06
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LE May 2016.indd 2 21/04/2016 17:09:06
128mm x 190mm
· Specialist in Dell Systems and Monitors
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606 Wimborne Road, Winton, OPENING TIMES:
Bournemouth BH9 2EN
01202 267267 MON-FRI 8:30am - 7pm
9:30am - 5pm
www.ezcomputers.co.uk CLOSED SUNDAYS AND
[email protected] PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
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LE May 2016.indd 3 21/04/2016 17:09:07
Welcome to the May issue of e local Eye
First of the May Bank Holidays probably over with by now, but another
not far off . Fingers crossed for good weather!
e Local Eye is delivered free to an alternating selection of around
13,000 homes and businesses in Bournemouth, mainly through the
Charminster, Queens Park, Moordown, Ensbury Park, Redhill, Winton,
Muscliff e & Strouden Park districts.
If you would still like to obtain a copy when it is not your regular month,
copies are available at e Bournemouth Life Centre in Moordown,
Mike Stokes Tyres and Johns Fish & Chips in Moordown,
AH Parfi tt - Chiropodist/Podiatrist and e Hungry Wolf Cafe in
Winton, Charminster & Winton libraries, Moordown Community
Centre, several laundrettes in Charminster, Moordown & Winton
as well as e Richmond Park Bowls Club in Charminster and the
Bournemouth Indoor Bowling Club, Kings Park.
(If you’d like to be included in one of these locations please do contact
me, all details are below)
Until next month,
01202 255485 / 08000 430485
07801 474788 / [email protected]
Reliable Delivery People
Due to the continued growth of The Local Eye,
I am in need of additional reliable delivery people.
You will need to be reasonably fit and healthy, and have
your own transport as each round is usually at least 500
magazines and they are too heavy carry all at once.
If you would be interested in earning a few extra pounds
for a few hours walking each month, then please give me a
call on 08000 430485 or email: [email protected]
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this publication was correct at the time of going to print. We
cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in advertisements, editorials or features nor for any consequences arising from these. We are
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of this publication for canvassing, direct marketing or any other activity apart from sourcing local goods and services, is strictly prohibited.
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LE May 2016.indd 4 21/04/2016 17:09:07
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LE May 2016.indd 5 21/04/2016 17:09:07
Hi Bob, the sizes are 128ml x 190ml
May 2016 History Spotlights...
Charles Lindbergh (4 February 1902 – 26 August 1974)
Charles Augustus Lindbergh was born in Detroit. He grew up on a farm near
Little Falls, Minn. He was the son of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Sr., a lawyer,
and his wife, Evangeline Lodge Land.
Lindbergh expressed an early interest in machinery beginning with his family’s
Saxon “Six” automobile, later his own Excelsior motorbike, and finally in
aircraft. In 1922, “Slim”, as he was known by his friends, quit the mechanical
engineering program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, joined a pilot
and mechanics training program with Nebraska Aircraft, bought a World War
I-surplus biplane, and became a barnstormer under the name of the “Daredevil
Lindbergh.” In April 1923, he made his first night flight from Lake Village,
Arkansas. In March 1924, Lindbergh enlisted in the Army Air Service and began military flight training.
He graduated first overall in his class in March 1925, earning his Army pilot’s wings and a commission as a
2nd Lieutenant in the Air Service Reserve Corps.
In 1919, a New York City hotel owner named Raymond Orteig offered $25,000 to the first aviator to fly
nonstop from New York to Paris. Several pilots were killed or injured while competing for the Orteig
prize. By 1927, it had still not been won. Lindbergh believed he could win it if he had the right airplane.
He persuaded nine St. Louis businessmen to help him finance the cost of a plane. Lindbergh chose Ryan
Aeronautical Company of San Diego to manufacture a special plane, which he helped design. He named the
plane the Spirit of St. Louis. On May 10-11, 1927, Lindbergh tested the plane by flying from San Diego to
New York City, with an overnight stop in St. Louis. The flight took 20 hours 21 minutes, a transcontinental
On May 20, Lindbergh took off in the Spirit of St. Louis from Roosevelt Field, near New York City, at 7:52
A.M. He landed at Le Bourget Field, near Paris, on May 21 at 10:21 P.M. Paris time . Thousands of cheering
people had gathered to meet him. He had flown more than 3,600 miles (5,790 kilometers) in 33 1/2 hours.
Lindbergh’s heroic flight thrilled people throughout the world. He was honored with awards, celebrations,
and parades. President Calvin Coolidge gave Lindbergh the Congressional Medal of Honor and the
Distinguished Flying Cross.
Although Lindbergh was the first to fly solo from New York to Paris non-stop, he was not the first aviator to
complete a transatlantic heavier-than-air aircraft flight. That had been done first in stages by the crew of
the NC-4, in May 1919, although their flying boat broke down and had to be repaired before continuing. The
NC-4 flights took 19 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
The first truly non-stop transatlantic flight was achieved nearly eight years before by two British flyers, John
Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown in a modified Vickers
Vimy IV bomber on 14 June-15 June 1919, departing
Lester’s Field near St. John’s, Newfoundland and arriving
at Clifden, Ireland (a shorter route than Lindbergh’s).
A total of 81 people had flown across the Atlantic prior
to Lindbergh. However, his was the first solo, non-stop
transatlantic flight.
The original “The Spirit of St. Louis” currently resides
in the National Air and Space Museum as part of the
collection of the Smithsonian Institution.
Birthdays This Month Include...
Kylie Minogue
Engelbert Humperdinck Cate Blanchett 28th May 1968
2nd May 1936 14th May 1969
Noel Fielding Birdy
Craig David
5th May 1981 21st May 1973 15th May 1996
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LE May 2016.indd 6 21/04/2016 17:09:08
& 100’S OF RUGS
EYE Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer
Ferndown Industrial Estate
FERNDOWN BH21 7PE, Tel: 01202 872240 store
Nuffield Industrial Estate,
Poole, BH17 0RR, Tel: 01202 723162
Flooring Superstore carpetsandbeds.com The Bed Specialist
Polishing in the Bournemouth area for over 30 years!
- Removal of water and heat marks
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Why buy new when you can have your old quality furniture
restored as good as new?
For a free quotation please call JIM PRICE
Tel: 01202 529910 Mobile: 07855 044732
16 Victoria Avenue, Winton, Bournemouth, BH9 2RN
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LE May 2016.indd 7 21/04/2016 17:09:08
How to Play
Fill in the grid so that every
row, every column,
and every 3x3 box
contains the digits
1 through 9,
with no repetition!
You solve the puzzle with
reasoning and logic,
there’s no maths involved
and no adding up.
It’s challenging.
It’s addictive!
It’s fun.
(Solution on page 38)
Susie’s husband had
been slipping in and out of
a coma for several months.
Things looked grim, but she
BOURNEMOUTH was by his bedside every day.
One day as he roused back
VETERINARY CLINIC into consciousness, he asked
her to come close to him.
Is your household on benefits She pulled the chair close to
or low income? the bed and leaned her ear
Are you a pensioner on pension credit? close to be able to hear him.
“You know” he whispered, his
If so, you may be entitiled to low cost eyes filling with tears, “you
neutering and other vet treatments. have been with me through
all the bad times. When I got
For more information on how to fired, you stuck right beside
register please call the clinic: me. When my own business
went under, there you were.
01202 526520 When we lost the house, you
were there. When I got run
144 Richmond Park Road over, you were there. and you
Bournemouth, BH8 8TW know what?” “What, dear?”
Mon-Fri 10am-4pm she asked gently, smiling to
herself. and he replied
Charity No. 205126 “I think you’re bad luck.”
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LE May 2016.indd 8 21/04/2016 17:09:08
Dog Walkers
Home Visitors
In The
Bournemouth Area
Tailored to you and your dogs needs, we
provide a bespoke dog walking and care
service. For your peace of mind, we have
had years of experience with dogs and
are also fully insured.
Tel: 01202 468978
Mbl: 07775 905263
Email: [email protected]
Clean Start
Carpet Cleaners
Single room £18.00
Lounge diner £22.00
Hall Stairs and Landing £30.00
1 bed house £60.00
2 bed house £71.00
3 bed house £80.00
4 bed house £95.00
Minimum charge £25.00
Fully insured
07455 427414
www. cleanstartcarpetcleaners.co.uk
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LE May 2016.indd 9 21/04/2016 17:09:09
“I can’t believe another year has gone by and Carly’s Crafts is now 7!
The interest in crafting, particularly crochet, still seems to be increasing and it’s nice to
see so many young mums and students taking up these traditional hobbies.
Carly again did the Race for Life and the customers and members of the knitting groups
were very kind in sponsoring her.
Knit alongs and crochet alongs are still popular. The Martin Storey knit along blanket
should soon be in the window the Stylecraft have just released their new Crochet Along
for the Year, again by Jane Crowfoot - Frida’s Flowers - leafl ets available in store.
Knitted socks are also the 2016 “must have” and we have some lovely varigated yarns
to keep your feet warm.
Our best source of advertising still remains The Local Eye.
Anyone mentioning The Local Eye in May or June this year will get a 7% discount on all
full price items, to celebrate the 7th anniversary - thanks Chris”
Shop 1, 1a Cardigan Road
We also stock a wide range of (road opposite Lidl),
Needles and Accessories plus a
seating area where you can browse Winton, BH9 1BJ
our extensive Pattern selection. 01202 512106
Delivery Service available
Charminster Afternoon Townswomens Guild
Trinity URC Hall, Sutton Road - 2pm Tuesday 24th May
This month our guest speaker will be talking about
the work of the Citizens Advice Bureau
All ladies welcome.
Come and meet us and make new friends, and fi nd new interests!
Further details from our secretary, Margaret, on 01202 512543
A young priest was asked by a funeral director to hold a grave side service for a
homeless man with no family or friends. Th e funeral was to be at a new cemetery a little
outside of the town in the country and this man was the fi rst to be laid to rest there.
Th e priest was not familiar with the area but being a typical man, of course he did not ask
for directions but fi nally arrived about an hour late. Th e mini-digger was still there and the
two man crew were eating their lunch. However, the hearse was nowhere to be seen.
Th e priest apologised to the workers for being late. Looking into the still open grave, he saw
the vault lid already in place. He told the workers he would not keep them long, but that
this was the proper thing to do. Th e workmen, still eating their lunch, joined him around
the opening. Being young and enthusiastic the priest poured out his heart and soul as he
preached. Th e workers joined in with, “Praise the Lord,” and “Amen,” at the appropriate
moments. Before they knew it, thirty minutes had swept by.
Th e service over, he said a prayer of thanks for the workmen for joining in the ceremony and
walked off to his car. One of the workers turned to the other and said, “I have never seen
anything like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.”
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LE May 2016.indd 10 21/04/2016 17:09:10
Sturtons & Tappers 50% off available on selected lines only
Once its gone its gone
Sophia 2 and 3 seater sofa Was. £1799. NOW £899
Chair was. £669 NOW £369
Winton - 426 Wimborne Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2EZ Tel: 01202 512345
Wimborne - 20 East Street, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1DT Tel: 01202 883311
www.sturtons.co.uk FREE parking
Like us on facebook Café instore (Winton)
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LE May 2016.indd 11 21/04/2016 17:09:10
Travel Feature -
Today’s Changing Travel World... By Mags Addison
Never has there been a greater need in today’s uncertain travel world to book
your holiday under the protective umbrella of a travel agent, a trusted travel
professional. It’s not just our expertise that’s useful – it’s a reassuring point of
contact if things go wrong.
It’s the boring, but essential, part of traveling in today’s uncertain climate.
On your own, you’d have to search for reassurance if your tour operator
collapsed. My clients are instantly helped, because our head office can pull up
a report showing which customers we have in any incident area, and contact us,
so we can check how they are, and help if need be. We now have a 24 hour Duty Office that keeps us up to date
with things that are happening in the world, from natural disasters, bad weather, terrorists incidents, strikes, and
airport issues. So believe me, we’d be actively in touch with you to sort the issue. It’s how we work – and how any
reputable travel agent should. My clients are important to me. To us it’s personal.
World politics have a devastating effect on travel companies – and sadly, a well respected operator that had
been operating for nearly 30 years, suddenly collapsed a couple of weeks ago due to the down turn in bookings to
Turkey. This company had over a thousand forward bookings – so imagine trying to sort that yourself and get your
money back. It’s always sad to us in the trade when we see this happen, especially if it’s an operator we’ve dealt
closely with – but it’s catastrophic for you if you’d booked with them, and not only lost your holiday, but are one of
many trying to get your money back. Imagine if you are overseas on your holiday when the company you travelled
with went bust.
Many specialist operators have been swallowed up by bigger parent companies, so that when one stops trading – it
has a domino effect of the whole pack going down. Do you know who owns what tour operator these days? Some
who were household names years ago, may have been taken over several times, and are now one of many - under a
bigger conglomerate. If they decide the smaller operator isn’t viable, the parent company will off-load them.
Unfortunately, I’ve seen this happen so many times during my years in travel, and to operators that were household
names. Not to mention airlines as well. One thing when this happens you can be sure of, it’s usually sudden and
happens overnight.
Sometimes the world’s press is so negative over recent events that it can devastate the tourism in that country. We
have to be sensible and accept that incidents are happening all over the world, so things need to be kept into
perspective. But be cautious.
Do you book online? Arrange your own holiday? Be careful. Its fine if all
goes well – but if the worse happens, it’s still up to you to try and sort it, down
to finding someone to call. You are responsible and have to keep chasing the
outcome, including waiting on premium rate numbers in a holding queue. I
know myself, how difficult it is finding a number to ring from some of the airline
websites. You see, with many online sites - everything is geared around selling,
not helping to sort problems. The world may be shrinking in size, but it doesn’t
necessarily make travelling any easier.
Beach holidays, City breaks, Honeymoons, Weddings abroad, Adventure holidays, Ski,
Cruise, Tailormade trips, Flight only, Car hire, Airport hotels and parking and much more...
Contact Travel Counsellor
Mags Addison
0845 058 7812
[email protected] Travel Counsellors ensures complete
www.travelcounsellors.co.uk/margaret.addison financial protection on every booking
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LE May 2016.indd 12 21/04/2016 17:09:10
Isn’t there
something you’d
rather be doing with
your spare time?
Could you use some help with your Cleaning, Ironing or Both?
• Regular hourly rate only £10.50 - £11.50 per hour
• One off spring cleans available - call for price details
• Times and hours to suit you - (minimum 2 hours per week)
• Reliable, honest, professional service
• Insurance provided
Call 0800 0925 773
Email: [email protected]
You deserve a rest... So be served by the best
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LE May 2016.indd 13 21/04/2016 17:09:11
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LE May 2016.indd 14 21/04/2016 17:09:11
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LE May 2016.indd 15 21/04/2016 17:09:11
Derek J.Rolls
Q....Why do agents’ fees vary so much?
A.... This question really goes to the very heart of what estate agency is all about.
Many people believe that all agents do the same job – and when you ask them what
they think that job is, they will generally say something like: “estate agents sell
Now, on one level, one could argue that this is tantamount to saying that all doctors
and nurses do the same job, which is “to make people better.” It might be true, after a
fashion, but it’s far from being the whole story.
But in any case, I would be inclined to go a lot further and argue that estate agents
don’t really sell houses at all! Given the right asking price, and sufficient market
exposure, houses more or less sell themselves.
Nor is this just playing with words. The simple fact is that neither I, nor any other
estate agent I have ever met, can “sell” a house to someone who doesn’t want to buy
it. In exactly the same way, no estate agent can guarantee to achieve a higher price for
your home than anyone else.
OK, so what do estate agents do? I would say that we sell a service – and not just
any service, but a complex, multi-layered service, demanding a whole range of skills,
knowledge and experience, which we utilise as facilitators to shepherd the highly
complicated process of property sales through to a successful conclusion, with the
minimum of stress to all parties.
Or at least, that’s what the best agents do. In this business, as in any other, you
generally get what you pay for. The fact is, all agents do not do the same job – and that
is why fees vary. Cheap agents will always cut corners on service – because they have
to in order to survive. And, when it comes to selling your most prized asset, why risk
spoiling such a valuable ship for a ha’porth of tar?
The final point I would make in answer to your question is simply this: just imagine the
outcry, and the accusations of price-fixing that would start flying around, if all estate
agents started charging the same!
Independent Estate Agents & Valuers
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LE May 2016.indd 16 21/04/2016 17:09:11
Derek J.Rolls
Independent Estate Agents & Valuers
You may have seen us, but have you met us?
Derek Rolls...
One of the area’s most known and respected Estate Agents. Selling property
locally for over 30 years. Much business is from recommendation and most
of you will have either instructed Derek or know somebody whom he has
helped to move home! Derek has a very valued and sought after opinion on
the local market having experienced and worked through all it can throw. A
charitable chap who devotes much of his spare time to organisations helping
to help others. Currently, one of the sponsors of Moordown Bowls Club, we
are very proud to support a truly local Moordown club, a great community
facility involving many local residents.
Wendy Rolls...
We couldn’t do it without Wendy’s support. Mum and self proclaimed
C.E.O! From a Banking and Finance background fulfilling the admin role
and basically runs the place! Wendy will be there for anybody if needed
especially for those with four legs and a tail. As well as handling the day to
day challenges of a successful estate agency Wendy is voluntarily involved
with local animal search concerns. Her main passion is Dorset Search
Dogs and she’s training hard to raise funds for them in the 2016 London
Marathon. Currently working towards getting Giant Schnauzer, Hattie,
operational as a search dog to find missing persons (and even lost estate
agents) throughout the area.
Martin Traves...
Lives locally and devoted to the industry for 30 years (catching up with
Derek). Worked with a corporate agent and 10 years for a local independent
company. We were thrilled to have Martin join us just over 2 years ago and
he is a vital part of our small team. He has sold more than a few thousand
properties over the years for families, companies, solicitor recommendations
and helped to build investment portfolios. There’s not much goes on he
doesn’t know about. Spare time, volunteers for Bournemouth Lifeguard
Corps, teaches rookie Lifeguards, a qualified beach Lifeguard/Rescue Boat
Crew, doesn’t need too much encouragement to get wet.
We are a very busy agency but always have time for anybody
wanting to sell or buy probably their most valuable asset.
Honest straightforward advice.
01202 525778
958 Wimborne Rd, Bournemouth BH9 2DG
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LE May 2016.indd 17 21/04/2016 17:09:11
Help the homeless get
back on their feet by
running with YMCA
NO sponsorship
Only a registration
Would like to thank the following for their support:
£5 could provide a
counselling session to YMCA CHARITY RUN
someone who needs to
talk to someone they trust Date: Sun 15th May
£22 could provide a one Venue: Poole Park, BH15 2SE
hour intensive 1:1 support 10k, 5k, 2k or 1k for all the family!
session with a trained
support worker A medal & massage for all runners!
10k 10.30am £12
5k* 10am £10
Call today to book 2k & 1k 9.30am £5
your place Family offer (2 adults, 2 children) £25
07824 333 505 *Buggies welcome in the 5k race
For an entry form please visit
Alternatively, for online sign up, please visit
What does an octopus wear when it gets cold? < A coat of arms.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road? < The chicken hadn’t evolved yet
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LE May 2016.indd 18 21/04/2016 17:09:11
Tani ha Shito ryu
New Members Wanted
Dance based fitness straight Adults And Children
from the ‘Strictly’ ballroom.
Small Friendly Club
With Black Belt Instruction
Training Mondays 7pm - 9pm
Tuesdays: 6.45- 7.45pm Moordown Community Centre
Thursdays: 7.45- 8.45pm
Glenmoor School BH10 4EX
Contact: Helen 07773099605 Chief Instructor
Shian K Tomiyama 8th Dan
Bring this advert. Get your first For More Information Contact
class Half Price £2.50
Chris Taylor - 01202 519692
Carpentry & Building
Kitchen Fitting General Building
Fitted Wardrobes Renovations
& Cupboards
Bricklaying & Plastering
Door Hanging, Patios
Architrave & Skirting
General Maintenance
Fencing, Decking, Sheds
1st and 2nd Fix
No Job too Small • References Available • Fully Insured • Free Estimates
Brian Stephens
Tel: 01202 525 445 Mob: 07921 525 424
[email protected] www.stephensbuilding.co.uk
26 Green Road Bournemouth BH9 1EA
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LE May 2016.indd 19 21/04/2016 17:09:12
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LE May 2016.indd 20 21/04/2016 17:09:12
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LE May 2016.indd 21 21/04/2016 17:09:12
Dorset Woodturners Association
We are an independent group of enthusiastic woodturners
from all walks of life and at various levels of ability
and experience. Our ages range from young to not so
young. Membership is open to both women and men. We
currently have a lady committee member. We have been
established since July 1992.
We have a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Committee
of six. We have, and abide by a simple constitution and
we operate within adequately funded resources. We also
have public liability insurance. A modest annual sub
covers the cost.
We do not categorise members as novices, intermediates,
or experts, we regard all as woodturners. We do not expect members to have a minimum
inventory of equipment and we have a policy of no competitive turning between
members. We pride ourselves in being a friendly group of people with a common interest
in woodturning and an enthusiastic willingness to help and learn from one another.
We arrange visits to places of interest, last summer to the Axminster Tools and
Machinery Factory and we are planning a visit to a Timber Yard at Hazelbury Bryan and
the Dorset Coppice Group in May.
We hold 12 meetings a year. These are directly or indirectly related to woodturning.
These meetings are mostly held on the first Wednesday of each month. We hold a
partners evening dinner annually to which spouses, partners, friends and relatives
are invited. Several times a year on a Saturday we invite professional woodturners of
national repute to visit us for a whole day to demonstrate woodturning techniques.
Our regular meetings begin at 7.15 p.m. and finish about
9.45 p.m. These meetings are held in the Village Hall,
Braeside Road, St Leonards Ringwood BH24 2PH. The
pictures show: professional Gary Rance, demonstrating to
us and a skilled member showing his work.
Why not try us out? It is a fascinating and rewarding hobby.
You will be made very welcome.
We always start with a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.
For more information contact our Secretary Alex Wells
Tel: 01202 233437
Email: [email protected]
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LE May 2016.indd 22 21/04/2016 17:09:13
D Learn To
N Dance Now
D Specialists in the following:
N *Ballroom
C *Latin
E *Junior Street
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D *1st Wedding Dance
A *Adults
N *Juniors
C *Tiny Tots
A 93a Chatsworth Road
N Bournemouth BH8 8SN
C Tel: 01202 514551
E www.anglodance.co.uk
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LE May 2016.indd 23 21/04/2016 17:09:13
when you spend £12.00 sqm or over (conditions apply)
• Carpet vinyl underlay rugs Karndean
• FREE measuring & quotations
• Carpet whipping service available
• Wide range of flooring to suit all budgets
Come and take advantage of our free customer parking
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm, Sat 9am - 4pm, Sun closed
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm, Sat 10am - 4pm, Sun closed
71 Alma Road. Winton. Bournemouth BH9 1AD
01202 254082
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LE May 2016.indd 24 21/04/2016 17:09:13
01202 533997
BBQ PACKS £3.99 each
Pork Ribs, Chicken, Burgers, Flavoured Sausages
3 FOR £10
Also available a wide
selection of flavoured
Pork & Leek, HoneyRoast,
Merguez, Hot Chilli,
Old English, Romany, British
Banger, Black Pepper, Beef
& Beer, Alabama, Stilton &
Chive, Sun Dried Tomato,
Pork & Apple.
(*all subject to availability)
Frozen Fish Fillets...
7-8oz Cod Loin Fillet - £2.50
6-7oz Haddock Fillet - £2.20
6-7oz Salmon Fillet -
£4.00 or 2 for £7.50
(Opposite Esso garage, lower Charminster)
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LE May 2016.indd 25 21/04/2016 17:09:13
Jack Boskett
Jack Boskett
"Through the Lens of Jack Boskett"
"Through the Lens of Jack Boskett"
Wednesday 11th May 2016 @ 7.30pm
Wednesday 11th May 2016 @ 7.30pm
All welcome At Broadway Park Sports & Community Club
All welcome At Broadway Park Sports & Community Club
£1 - Members
Broadway Park
£1 - Members Broadway Park
£3 - Non Members
£3 - Non Members Bournemouth
Call Mike 07850 335746
Call Mike 07850 335746 BH8 0AA
for Tickets
for Tickets
Jacks photography work regularly appears in a host of national newspapers and magazines,
the railway and local press, various websites, books & journals. Including, The Railway Magazine,
Jacks photography work regularly appears in a host of national newspapers and magazines,
1: Divide 30 by 1/2 then add 10. What is the answer?
the railway and local press, various websites, books & journals. Including, The Railway Magazine,
RAIL, Gloucestershire Echo, The Daily Mail, BBC, Railways Illustrated, Stroud Life, Steam Railway
Magazine, Heritage Railway Magazine, The Citizen, Rail Staff Paper, The Cornishman Magazine,
2: A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long
RAIL, Gloucestershire Echo, The Daily Mail, BBC, Railways Illustrated, Stroud Life, Steam Railway
before you run out of pills?
Caravan Magazine, The Times, Tewkesbury Direct, The Solution, and many more.
Magazine, Heritage Railway Magazine, The Citizen, Rail Staff Paper, The Cornishman Magazine,
Caravan Magazine, The Times, Tewkesbury Direct, The Solution, and many more.
3: A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern exposure.
A big bear walks by, what colour is the bear and why?
4: A treasure hunter found himself trapped in a room. Next to a door fi ve different
coloured buttons were beneath a sign which explained that only one button opened
the door to treasure and freedom. The others triggered deadly traps. Can you
determine the order of the buttons and the right one he used to escape.
Red: This button is somewhere to the left of the button to the door.
Blue: This button is not at one of the ends.
Green: This button is three spaces away from the button to the door (2 between).
Yellow: This button is next to the button to the door.
Orange: This button is in the middle.
Answers on page 38
Answers on page 38
Answers on page 38
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LE May 2016.indd 26 21/04/2016 17:09:14
01202 983854
Meyrick Rise Care Home
Experience a new approach to care
Everything we do at Meyrick Rise is designed to make every day the best
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As well as long-term placements, we offer the same quality care for
short-term respite – ideal for rest and a little extra help when you need it.
To arrange a visit to see for yourself, please call
the Home Manager on 01202 983854.
Meyrick Rise Care Home
11-13 Branksome Wood Rd, Bournemouth BH2 6BT
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LE May 2016.indd 27 21/04/2016 17:09:15
Lyndon-Shaw was established in 2014 with the vision of
providing all modern-day male grooming needs.
We pride ourselves on our attention to detail for each customers
individual requirements.
Our dedicated team are fully accredited to national diploma
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LE May 2016.indd 28 21/04/2016 17:09:15
Use these vouchers to claim your special discounts!
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please call to confirm current offers
918 Wimborne Road, Moordown, Bournemouth. BH9 2BJ
01202 524666
Please mention this magazine when responding to these adverts - Thank you
LE May 2016.indd 29 21/04/2016 17:09:16
Take care of your feet...
Policeman’s Heel
There are many causes of heel pain. The most
common is policeman’s heel (plantar fasciitis),
a very painful condition felt on the lower inner
border of the heel. Patients complain that it is
very painful when first getting out of bed in the
morning. What has happened is that the structure
that supports the arch of the foot (plantar fascia)
has stretched and is injured where it is connected
to the heel bone. It will heal itself over around 9
months without treatment but during this time it
can make walking very difficult.
Most sufferers want to know the cause and how
they can avoid it happening again. Common
factors are an increase in weight, taking up a new
activity such as sport or dancing, perhaps standing
on a ladder for long periods whilst decorating or maybe just age, generally middle age
onwards. Some people are predisposed to the condition as they have low arched feet
often walking with a ‘10 to 2’ gait.
Now there are a multitude of arch supports and spongy heel pads which can help but
can be hit and miss. The condition needs to be assessed by a podiatrist who will have
the knowledge to prescribe orthotics (insoles) that should correct the position of the
feet, taking the strain off of the painful parts of the feet. Wearing trainers can help and
there are shops that specialise in trainers made to accommodate various foot problems.
Strapping up the foot so that the arch is supported can give instant relief. Another simple
treatment is the roller exercise. Put a tin or jar in the fridge then when you are sat down
watching the television roll the affected arch over the jar/tin for ten minutes. Some GPs
will give a cortisone injection which can be a quick fix.
We have been using low level laser treatment, which makes the condition less painful.
Although laser treatment may not speed up the healing it certainly makes it more
Tel: 01202 528942 WINTON BH9 2AP
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 30 21/04/2016 17:09:16
854 Dental Health
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LE May 2016.indd 31 21/04/2016 17:09:16
Hi everyone my name is Royal and I’m a 2yr old American
Bulldog Cross and I’m looking for my forever home. I will
need a strong owner as I’m quite a strong boy who loves
to play, especially with a tennis ball. I’m very well behaved
and love to be with people and have lived in a large family
in the past, when I came into Waggy Tails I had an awful
skin problem which was possibley caused by stress and is
now being treated, so will need to kept in check. So if you
feel you are the right family for me please contact us on the
number below.
For more information on Royal or any of the other animals
in our care please contact us on 01202 875000, e-mail:
[email protected] or visit our website www.waggytails.org.uk
Waggy Tails Rescue is holding a Charity skittles night on the 19thof this
month to raise money for the welfare of our dogs, details can be found on
our website. Also coming up is our annual dog show held at West Parley
Memorial Hall on the 18th June more information to come, look out for one of
our Posters in the coming weeks? As usual we will be out and about with our
collecting tins in various locations in the area so look out for our yellow tops.
Waggy Tails Rescue is a registered charity based in Dorset; we rescue
Waggy Tails Rescue is a registered charity based in Dorset; we rescue
and rehome dogs that have been abandoned, neglected or otherwise
and rehome dogs that have been abandoned, neglected or otherwise
in need of a new home.
in need of a new home.
We also fi nd homes for other small furries that may be in our care, e also fi nd homes for other small furries that may be in our care,
We also fi nd homes for other small furries that may be in our care,
so to fi nd out more you can contact us on the number above nd out more you can contact us on the number above
so to fi
so to fi nd out more you can contact us on the number above
or send donations or letters to:
or send donations or letters to:
or send donations or letters to:
Donations for W
Donations for Waggy Tails can be sent to: aggy Tails can be sent to:
Donations for Waggy Tails can be sent to:
Waggy Tails Rescue, Helens House, 143 Magna Rd, Canford Magna
Waggy Tails Rescue, Helens House, 143 Magna Rd, Canford Magna
Wimborne, Dorset BH21 3AW
*Please note, these are NOT Waggy Tails animals, just very guilty ones!
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 32 21/04/2016 17:09:17
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LE May 2016.indd 33 21/04/2016 17:09:17
Picture Box Mount Pleasant
A simple question of say what you see?
For example the fi rst one below is? Townswomens
GUESS Afternoon Guild
GUESS We meet in the Bradpole Road
‘Second Guess’ of course! Community Centre at 2pm on the 1st
Wednesday of every month for a social
SHUT 12:01 activities including a speaker, and we
afternoon, when we have diff erent
SIT PM welcome visitors who we hope may join us
and become members of TG.
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Our other activities include Trampers
OTHER OTHER OTHER & Eaters (when we visit nearby places of
OTHER OTHER OTHER interest and end up with lunch), skittles,
a music afternoon (all sorts) and a Social
COME SERVED Studies afternoon when we reminisce and
COME SERVED discuss any current subjects of interest.
COME SERVED We are a happy group and look forward to
COME SERVED making new friends,
(Answers on page 38) so why not come along and join us.
Redhill Townswomens Guild
Hillview School, Hillview Road
7pm every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month.
We have a wide range of speakers and different social sections, choir,
craft group and a reading group.
This friendly group of ladies always welcome visitors and new members
so come along for a chat.
For more information please call: 01202 240815
At Heathrow yesterday an individual, later discovered to be
a school teacher, was arrested trying to board a fl ight while in
possession of a ruler, a protractor, a square, a slide rule, and a
calculator. The police believe the man is a member of the notorious
Al-gebra movement.
He is being charged with carrying weapons of math instruction.
“Al-gebra is a very fearsome cult, indeed”, a police spokesman
said. “They desire average solutions by means and extremes, and
sometimes go off on a tangent in a search of absolute value. They
consist of quite shadowy fi gures, with names like “x” and “y”, and,
although they are frequently referred to as “unknowns”, we know
they really belong to a common denominator and are part of the axis
of medieval with coordinates in every country.
“As the great Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, there are
three sides to every triangle.” When asked to comment on the arrest,
Mayor of London, Boris Johnson said, “If God had wanted us to have
better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more
fi ngers and toes.”
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 34 21/04/2016 17:09:18
R.J.Hull & Company
R.J.Hull & Company R.J.Hull & Company
Certified Practising Accountants Accountants
312 Charminster Road, Tel: 533370
www.rjhullaccountants.co.uk 533370
312 Charminster Road, Tel:
For more than 25 years we have been assisting business 312 Charminster Road, Tel: 533370
people in the Charminster and surrounding areas with :-
For more than 30 years we have been assisting business For more than 30 years we have been assisting business
∗ Tax Returns
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people in the Charminster and surrounding areas with :- people in the Charminster and surrounding areas with :-
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Fast, efficient personal service at affordable fees
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include Payroll, Bookkeeping and VAT, all company returns, annual accounts, and Limited Company accounts Bookkeeping & VAT
management advice on a fixed or variable fee basis
Fast, efficient personal service at affordable fees Fast, efficient personal service at affordable fees
Please enquire about our complete management service for Limited companies to Please enquire about our complete management service for Limited companies to
include Payroll, Bookkeeping and VAT, all company returns, annual accounts, and include Payroll, Bookkeeping and VAT, all company returns, annual accounts, and
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Available for full or half day hire to catch up with all the little jobs you have
been meaning to do.
Phone David McDonald for free no obligation quote 07951738446 or e mail
[email protected]
Numerous references available.
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LE May 2016.indd 35 21/04/2016 17:09:18
As seen on:
Bob Mills is one the UK’s most successful live acts
MAY 2016
Doors open 7.15pm
Doors open 7.15pm
Doors open 7.15pm
0 0
01202 31631611202 202 3311663316
Advanced tick
Advanced tickets £10kets £10kets £10 Opening Act
£15 on the door. Show starts 8.30pm Anthony Dewson
“Ant offers a musical comedy
Hotel Celebrity, 47 Gervis Road
Bournemouth BH1 3DD feast. He is witty, eloquent
Over 18’s only
Over 18’s only and a rhyming riot”
Acts may change due to TV commitments Hosted by Adrienne Coles
f tt plus support
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 36 21/04/2016 17:09:20
Horror Story 37
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Prize Crossword
9 10
12 13
14 15 16 17
18 19 20
21 22 23
24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
33 34
35 36
Win 2 tickets to
Coastal Comedy
37 38
Friday 27th May
© Chett - April 2016
Across Across Down Down
2. Home area for divisional offer on the
1. See 34A 1. See 34A 2. Home area for divisional offer on the sea (6)
sea (6)
5. Man responsible for starting the count
5. Man responsible for starting the count (4,6) 3. Pungent bulb could prevent a pain in the neck
3. Pungent bulb could prevent a pain in
9. Bang on the door of this house of old horror (6) the neck (6)
9. Bang on the door of this house of old
(6) horror (6) 4. After tea router stirs to inflict pain (7)
4. After tea router stirs to infl ict pain
10. See 5A 10. See 5A 6. Rising star from James Herbert (4)
11. Not on time or dead on it (4) 7. Creating mother and Stephen (6)
6. Rising star from James Herbert (4)
11. Not on time or dead on it (4)
12. Something for a vampire to get his
7. Creating mother and Stephen (6)
12. Something for a vampire to get his teeth into 8. Moon light brings out the beast in him (8)
8. Moon light brings out the beast in
(4) teeth into (4) 9. In New Delhi Vera got a skin rash (4)
14. Reminder of wound from cliff (4)
him (8)
14. Reminder of wound from cliff (4) 13. Loathe with nothing left out (4)
16. Make your movement slowly (6)
9. In New Delhi Vera got a skin rash (4)
16. Make your movement slowly (6) 15. It means this too (4)
13. Loathe with nothing left out (4)
19. Felt confused and not right (4)
19. Felt confused and not right (4) 17. Assists the assistants I hear (4)
15. It means this too (4)
21. Prevents rowers from reaching their
21. Prevents rowers from reaching their seats (7) 18. See 34A 17. Assists the assistants I hear (4)
seats (7)
23. Lose the pointer to take the point (4,3) 20. Sounds like you'll run from this insect (4)
18. See 34A
23. Lose the pointer to take the point
24 Travelled in a hot rod engine (4) 21. Lucky charm from author King (8)
20. Sounds like you’ll run from this
24 Travelled in a hot rod engine (4)
insect (4)
26. The size of shop home to Audrey II (6) 22. Corner a cat up an oak or elm (4)
26. The size of shop home to Audrey II
21. Lucky charm from author King (8)
28. Move gently into place with no trouble (4) 25. Roll my French dice, 3 sixes could bring this
32. Badly burn the cleaner (4) state (7) 22. Corner a cat up an oak or elm (4)
25. Roll my French dice, 3 sixes could
28. Move gently into place with no
34. A collection of Stephen King stories timed at 27. Make a mistake in the hill and you will know
trouble (4)
bring this state (7)
00:04 (4,4,8) 32. Badly burn the cleaner (4) great fear (6) 27. Make a mistake in the hill and you
35. Kill and return snare to the Queen (6) 29. Engineers taken in by scam and shriek (6)
will know great fear (6)
34. A collection of Stephen King stories
36. Put a tax on or cut it out (6) 30. Pay homage here for this tale of terror (6)
29. Engineers taken in by scam and
timed at 00:04 (4,4,8)
35. Kill and return snare to the Queen (6)
shriek (6)
37. Race to see the uncut version (4) 31. Encourage to retch (4)
30. Pay homage here for this tale of
36. Put a tax on or cut it out (6)
38. Resting place for one in grave condition (8) 33. Strokes domestic animals (4)
37. Race to see the uncut version (4) terror (6)
38. Resting place for one in grave 31. Encourage to retch (4)
33. Strokes domestic animals (4)
condition (8)
Please mention this magazine when responding to these adverts - Thank you
LE May 2016.indd 37 21/04/2016 17:09:20
Win 2 tickets to
Send your completed entries to:
May Prize Crossword, The Local Eye,
22 Oswald Road, Moordown, Bournemouth. BH9 2TQ
Name: ________________________________ Tel:____________________
Closing date for entries is Friday 20th May
Congratulations to the winner of the April Crossword
Howard Whalley in Moordown who won 2 tickets to Coastal Comedy
Picture Box Answers
March Solution
Solution > Travel Time
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 1. Shut up & sit down
V A C A T I O N S S H O R E Brainstorms
R C S E 9 S I T 2. Afternoon tea
10 11
H I G H W I R E T R A V E L 3. Hit parade
S T T Z A N F 1: 70 : 30 divided by 1/2 = 60 +10
12 13
O S L O E G Y P T I A N 4. Six of one, half
14 30 divided by 2 = 15 + 10 = 25
15 16 17 18 dozen of the other
S O 19 V V S 2: 1 hour. You take one at the 5. First come,
20 21 22 23
B U L G A R I A E I R E start of the hour, one at half past,
R S O L R E 24 P and the last a half hour later. First served
25 F A T H O M 26 I N S O M N I A 6. Plain sailing
27 28 3: White - A house with a southern
E D S S E S exposure on all sides must be on Sudoku Solution
the North Pole and therefore it
April Solution
Solution – Travel Centre must be a Polar Bear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
L A H 9 P Z R N E 4: The order (from left to right) is
10 11
O N T H I N I C E A N D E S Green, Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow.
12 L U N A T I C 13 H A N O V E R The Blue button was to escape.
14 S U S H I 15 I N S E C U R E
S S R L H 17 U
18 19 20 21
22 A I I V I A F
23 24 25
26 27
28 C O L O R A D O 29 O S P R E Y
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 38 21/04/2016 17:09:20
Bosch Car Service Centre
The national network of independent garages
3-5 Malvern Road
4 square . Servicing
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. First Class Customer Care
. Top Quality Bosch Trained
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. Loan Car Available
01202 528772 www.malverngarage.boschauto.co.uk
E: [email protected]
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LE May 2016.indd 39 21/04/2016 17:09:21
Project Indigo
One boy’s adventure through time and space!
Hi, I’m Tom, a local Doctor Who blogger & I write about my adventures online at
Recently I went on a trip through time
and space on a TARDIS… at Dunbury
Church of England Academy in the village
of Winterborne Whitechurch. It is a small
school for the children of the Winterborne
Valley in Dorset and the school’s motto is
Inspire, Learn, Empower.
Mr Payne, the teacher who made the
TARDIS, invited me to come and have a
lesson in it. The TARDIS was materialised
on the fi rst fl oor. There was no key but I
opened the door using a Sonic Screwdriver.
I started exploring but suddenly Daleks appeared on the screen - we were under threat!
The pupils and I travelled through time and space meeting historical fi gures. First we met
Archimedes, then Cleopatra. Next came Julius Caesar who sent us to see Eric the Red.
We then went to see William the Conqueror who sent us on our way to see the Doctor’s
old friend Winston Churchill. We solved puzzles to ensure we were safe from the Daleks,
including maths, codes, Roman Numerals and Hieroglyphics. After some timey-wimey stuff
we were safe, phew!
Then I talked to the children about the TARDIS. I asked them what they thought when
they fi rst saw it and they said ‘Amazed!’ It was built in the school holidays so it was a real
They have learnt lots of subjects in the TARDIS but it was built as part of a Space Topic.
For English they travelled to space to write a description of a planet. They have also fl own
through the solar system.
Next I got to interview Mr Payne. He built the
TARDIS because he wants to inspire children.
He has been a fan of Doctor Who since he was
three and his favourite Doctor is Tom Baker
because he grew up with him. I asked Mr Payne
where he would like to go in time and space and
he said he is happy right here, right now as he
wouldn’t want to change anything.
The TARDIS was made in his garage over two
weeks - the hardest part was collecting all the
egg boxes for the walls, it took him months to
get them! Mr Payne said that the TARDIS has
had lots of support from all the staff, parents
and children.
I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone at Dunbury Academy for their hospitality. It
is a very friendly, cheerful school and I had a fantastic day.
Thank you for reading and I hope you will join me again for my next
Doctor Who adventure.
Tom Project Indigo anadventurethroughtimeandspace.com
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 40 21/04/2016 17:09:21
by Travelling Trends
at Linwood School, Alma Road, Winton, Bournemouth,
21ST MAY 2016
Doors Open: 6:30pm - Show Starts: 7:00pm
A night out with the girls - and clothes at
BARGAIN PRICES—What more does a woman
If booked and paid for in advance - £8 if
paying on the night at the door
Please call 07780 156133 or email
[email protected] to book
your ticket
All clothes are available to try on
and purchase on the night; cash
and most major forms of debit and
credit cards accepted.
50% of proceeds will go to Linwood School and
50% to The Lions Club of Bournemouth’s
Charity Number: 272164
Raffle and Tea & Cake will be on sale
Please mention this magazine when responding to these adverts - Thank you
LE May 2016.indd 41 21/04/2016 17:09:22
There is no beating the taste of truly fresh
fruit and veg especially, when it’s yours!
Gardening Tips for May
Once risk of frost has passed, plant out tomatoes, courgettes and pumpkins that were previously
sown under cover. After hardening off other young plants can be planted.
Check for small holes fl ea beetles make on brassica seedlings. Water plants well to help them
continue growing despite the pest damage.
Protect carrots with insect-proof mesh to prevent carrot root fl y. Slug
controls are necessary now, as always. Protect brassicas and peas from
pigeons. Earth up potatoes, and plant any still remaining. Plant out summer
bedding at the end of the month. Hoe off weeds regularly.
Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days. Mow lawns weekly
Check for nesting birds before clipping hedges.
Lift and divide overcrowded spring-fl owering bulbs and Forget-me-nots.
Plant out cannas and dahlias. Tubs can be planted up with summer bedding. To grow your own
spring bedding for next year, many common choices (including wallfl owers, pansies, and daisies)
need to be sown between now and July in order to fl ower next spring, as they are biennials.
Plant winter bedding seed from now until July.
Remove faded wallfl owers and spring bedding, to make space for summer plantings. Apply a
liquid fertiliser to spring bulbs after they have fl owered, to encourage good fl owering next year,
and help prevent daffodil blindness.
Gardening Tips for June
June, the fi rst real summer month and how lovely the garden lawn, fl owers and vegetables should
be looking. If you have a fi sh pond then do cover it to protect from recently fl edged young Heron.
Do try to make time to enjoy the views and perfumes.
If you fancy having a go at building some hanging baskets, now is the time to do it but do
remember that as they are subject to wind and warm on all sides daily watering and weekly
feeding is essential to maintain a wonderful display of Begonias, Geraniums, Trailing Ivy and
Your fi rst picking of Strawberries will be ready, to keep them going a weekly feed of a soluble
Potassium rich fertilizer.
Always be on the lookout for predators on fruit trees, Apple, Pear,
Gooseberry and Plum fl owers are prone to Saw fl y laying their eggs.
The grubs look like caterpillars but are not. Use a Pyrethrum based
concentrate and spray, if not treated the worms will grow unnoticed
inside the fruit until you harvest them.
Have a go at growing your own herbs, you can do this in a designated
area of the garden, amongst borders or even in pots. It is a great way
to obtain the real fl avours rather than the dull tones of dried herbs.
Although you can preserve them yourself when you have an abundance. Try freezing them fi rst in
a bag, when you are ready to use them you just crush them whilst frozen and use directly in your
There are many other routine jobs for June, you can read up on these in last years’ issue of The
Local Eye or many other publications.
North Bournemouth Allotment Society, Cornelia Road, BH10 4FG
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 42 21/04/2016 17:09:22
WORLD 15OPS_HF_Recruitment_Flyer_A5.indd 1 24/10/14 18:05
into your
And host an International Student!
15OPS_HF_Recruitment_Flyer_A5.indd 1 24/10/14 18:05
We are looking for couples, singles & families to host students from across the globe.
Being a host family is as rewarding for you as it is for your students.
You learn about another culture and provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Homestay accommodation required all year round.
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Guaranteed weekly payments
24 hour staff support
50 years experience in language education
24/10/14 18:05
World’s largest private education company CONTACT
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Friendly & supportive team 01202
Accommodation required all year round
EF International Language Centre 832830
11 Poole Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5QR
[email protected]
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LE May 2016.indd 43 21/04/2016 17:09:22
The Moordown Traders Association are an enthusiastic group of business
owners from the Moordown community who have come together to promote
local trade and raise the profi le of Moordown as a shopping and business
destination, to support local traders and enhance local businesses.
We meet regularly, work voluntarily and liaise closely with the Bournemouth
Chamber of Trade & Commerce (BCTC), Bournemouth Council, elected
Members and local media to ensure that the Moordown trading district is
represented in a positive light.
The Moordown Traders Association meet monthly between 6pm-8pm
upstairs at the Moordown Conservative Club in Balfour Road.
All Moordown traders & businesses are welcome.
Come along, air your views and meet other local business people.
Drinks available at the bar and sandwiches are provided for the peckish.
Next meeting dates are:
Tuesday 17th May / Tuesday 21st June
For more information visit: www.more2moordown.com
Bournemouth In Bloom
For those who have already been involved in this Annual Competition
can I direct you to entering the
Bournemouth in Bloom competition. All the entries that we have had
over the past four years have certainly been of a standard worthy of
joining in the major town Competition. To enter go to the
Bournemouth in Bloom website www.bournemouthinbloom.com
Moordown has also been entered in the national
‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ competition. We have been entered for the
past 3 years and have been awarded a certifi cate each year, which can
be seen in the Community Centre, however, to improve we need to
do more. Everyone can help by keeping gardens neat and colourful,
picking up litter and reporting graffi ti.
Please help us to make Moordown a better and
more colourful place to live.
Best wishes for a happy and colourful summer gardening.
Cllr Sue Anderson, Moordown in Bloom Chairman
For more information please visit:
Th e best way to garden is to put on a wide brimmed straw hat and some old clothes. And
with a hoe in one hand and a cold drink in the other, tell somebody else where to dig.
A successful bonsai grower had to move to a house with a smaller garden.
New gardeners learn by by trowel and error.
Weeds.. Plants that have mastered every survival skill except for learning to grow in rows.
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 44 21/04/2016 17:09:23
Please mention this magazine when responding to these adverts - Thank you
LE May 2016.indd 45 21/04/2016 17:09:24
Catering & events
300g Dried cous-cous
480ml boiling water with one or
more vegetable stock cubes
Good slug of Olive Oil
Handful of capers
One lemon-chopped in chunks
200g chick-peas soaked over-
night and cooked.
46 Catering & events One third of a jar of sun-dried
tomatoes, snipped
www.adamandevesfood.webs.com Handful of chopped fresh herbs
Ingredients Seasoning
Catering & events
300g Dried cous-cous
Tuna Nicoise Frittata
480ml boiling water with one or
Tasty & easy cous-cous
Catering & Events more vegetable stock cubes Ingredients
Good slug of Olive Oil
300g Dried cous-cous
Catering & events
Handful of capers 480ml boiling water with one or
One lemon-chopped in chunks more vegetable stock cubes
Boil the water and add stock cubes. Pour over cous-cous and
www.adamandevesfood.webs.com 200g chick-peas soaked over- Ingredients
Good slug of Olive Oil
a splash of the oil- separate with a fork. Leave for 5 mins to
[email protected] night and cooked. 300g Dried cous-cous
Handful of capers
‘cook through’. Separate again with a fork to keep cous cous
One third of a jar of sun-dried
Catering & events
One lemon-chopped in chunks
or call 07948 494024 for a quote tomatoes, snipped 480ml boiling water with one or
200g chick-peas soaked over-
Add the other oil and all the other ingredients and mix lightly.
Handful of chopped fresh herbs more vegetable stock cubes
night and cooked.
Ideally, leave all the flavours to soak in over night. You can
Seasoning Good slug of Olive Oil
One third of a jar of sun-dried
Catering & events
Handful of capers
add other sliced vegetables like courgettes, or olives and other
tomatoes, snipped
One lemon-chopped in chunks
Ingredients beans if you prefer. 300g Dried cous-cous
Handful of chopped fresh herbs
480ml boiling water with one or
200g chick-peas soaked over-
more vegetable stock cubes
Tasty & easy cous-cous Serve with meat, cheese or on its own.
night and cooked.
2-3 tins dolphin friendly tuna Starting with potatoes, layer your, Good slug of Olive Oil
300g Dried cous-cous
One third of a jar of sun-dried
Handful of capers
480ml boiling water with one or
1 jar/tin olives (stoned) Tasty & easy cous-cous tomatoes, snipped
One lemon-chopped in chunks
more vegetable stock cubes
filling upwards, in a medium baking Handful of chopped fresh herbs
Boil the water and add stock cubes. Pour over cous-cous and
Good slug of Olive Oil
Large handful greenbeans tray for 6-8 portions. 200g chick-peas soaked over-
a splash of the oil- separate with a fork. Leave for 5 mins to
night and cooked.
Handful of capers
‘cook through’. Separate again with a fork to keep cous cous
(fresh/frozen) Method One third of a jar of sun-dried
Arrange anchovies attractively on top One lemon-chopped in chunks
Boil the water and add stock cubes. Pour over cous-cous and
200g chick-peas soaked over-
300g parmesan cheese Tasty & easy cous-cous tomatoes, snipped
Grate parmesan into beaten eggs and
a splash of the oil- separate with a fork. Leave for 5 mins to
Add the other oil and all the other ingredients and mix lightly.
Handful of chopped fresh herbs
night and cooked.
Ideally, leave all the flavours to soak in over night. You can
‘cook through’. Separate again with a fork to keep cous cous
8 anchovies Method Seasoning
poor over filling.
One third of a jar of sun-dried
add other sliced vegetables like courgettes, or olives and other
tomatoes, snipped
one onion fried until soft Boil the water and add stock cubes. Pour over cous-cous and
Add the other oil and all the other ingredients and mix lightly.
beans if you prefer.
For an added touch you can crack a Handful of chopped fresh herbs
Ideally, leave all the flavours to soak in over night. You can
500g newpotatoes sliced & a splash of the oil- separate with a fork. Leave for 5 mins to
Serve with meat, cheese or on its own.
couple more whole eggs into the top.
Tasty & easy cous-cous
add other sliced vegetables like courgettes, or olives and other
Bake at 180 for 20-25 minutes.
steamed ‘cook through’. Separate again with a fork to keep cous cous
beans if you prefer.
12 free range eggs,beaten and Add the other oil and all the other ingredients and mix lightly.
Serve immediately, or use cold as a
Serve with meat, cheese or on its own.
Tasty & easy cous-cous
Boil the water and add stock cubes. Pour over cous-cous and
seasoned Ideally, leave all the flavours to soak in over night. You can
a splash of the oil- separate with a fork. Leave for 5 mins to
nibble starter
add other sliced vegetables like courgettes, or olives and other
‘cook through’. Separate again with a fork to keep cous cous
beans if you prefer.
Boil the water and add stock cubes. Pour over cous-cous and
Serve with meat, cheese or on its own.
a splash of the oil- separate with a fork. Leave for 5 mins to
Add the other oil and all the other ingredients and mix lightly.
‘cook through’. Separate again with a fork to keep cous cous
Ideally, leave all the flavours to soak in over night. You can
add other sliced vegetables like courgettes, or olives and other
Add the other oil and all the other ingredients and mix lightly.
beans if you prefer.
Serve with meat, cheese or on its own.
Ideally, leave all the flavours to soak in over night. You can
add other sliced vegetables like courgettes, or olives and other
beans if you prefer.
Serve with meat, cheese or on its own.
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?
If vegetable oil comes from vegetables, where does baby oil come from?
What do they call a coffee break at the Lipton Tea Company?
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Is it true that cannibals won`t eat clowns because they taste funny?
What was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 46 21/04/2016 17:09:24
Get Fit & Flexible for the 55+
Thursdays 11 am until 12 noon.
Arrive before 10.45 am for your first session to complete registration
*Special offer until Sept. ‘16 from Ensbury Park Community Association
Phone Sue on 01202 282315 or see www.melodiesinmotion.co.uk
At twenty we worry about what
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At sixty we discover they haven’t been BSc.Pod.Med - M.Inst. Ch.Pod
thinking about us at all.
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I believe that the Good Lord gave us
a finite number of heartbeats and I’m
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running up and down a street.
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When I was younger, I looked forward
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So according to my new fitness trainer,
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LE May 2016.indd 47 21/04/2016 17:09:24
We are recruiting for friendly cheerful individuals to work as
Health Care Support Workers in the local community providing
care and support to people who wish to remain living in their
own homes.
What we Oer
Full training.
Uniform and
Excellent starting
rates of pay.
Enhanced pay for
weekends, evenings
and nights.
Mileage and travel
Support with learning
new skills.
Opportunities to progress
within Social Care.
We operate 24 hours a day providing round the clock care. We can therefore offer flexible
working shift patterns and hours from full time to part time.
If you think you have got what it takes, then contact us for an informal chat.
01202 737456 Poole Office. 01202 579624 Bournemouth Office
E-mail: [email protected]
To advertise <> 08000 430485 <> email: [email protected] <> www.thelocaleye.com
LE May 2016.indd 48 21/04/2016 17:09:25