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Published by gw09mcneilelaine, 2019-09-16 08:45:53

Digital LC Guide

Digital LC Guide

Primary School

‘Learning Conversations’

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Dear Parent/Carer

This leaflet outlines changes to the way we will
be reporting on your child’s progress this

The main aim of our new format is to further
promote parental engagement and pupil
involvement in setting targets for learning.

What is different about the new format for
reporting to parents and carers?

The main differences to the reporting
process are:

1. There will be three ‘Learning
Conversations’ with the class teacher at
regular intervals throughout the session.
(September, January and April.)

2.The format of the final reporting document
in June has changed.

3. There will be increased involvement of
parents, carers and their children in the
reporting process.

What will happen at a ‘Learning


 Prior to the ‘Learning Conversation’ it
would be helpful to spend time talking
with your child about their learning.


 If possible, please bring your child along to
participate in the learning conversation.
The class teacher will discuss the targets
for Literacy, Numeracy and Health and


 At the end of your conversation the class
teacher will ask parents/carers to leave a
comment and post the ‘Pupil Review
Report’ in the class box provided. A copy
of the targets will be shared on SeeSaw,
class blogs or in the homework jotter.

 The targets you set will be discussed at
the next ‘Learning Conversation’ and
marked as Achieved/Partially Achieved or
Further work required. The process will
continue at the next meeting with new
targets being set or existing ones

 In June you will receive your child’s
‘Progress Report’ for the session. This will
take the format of a copy of the three
‘Learning Conversations’ from the
meetings in September, January and April
and a final teacher comment on your
child’s progress throughout the session.

How is my child progressing?

In Curriculum for Excellence the standards
expected for progression are indicated within
the experiences and outcomes at the
different levels. A level is typically achieved
over a three year period. This wider spacing of
levels allows scope for children and young
people to develop breadth and depth in their

This also allows opportunities for enriching
learning experiences, for consolidation and
for reinforcing learning.

What are the levels?

The expectations about progress through
curriculum levels are shown in the table

Curriculum Stage
Early The pre school years and P1
First To the end of P4
Second To the end of P7
Third, S1 to S3 (Fourth level broadly
fourth aligns to SCQF level 4)
Senior S4 to S6 and college or other
Phase means of study

Throughout the school year we will use
various forms to report on your child’s
learning experience for example:

 Class showcases
 Stay and Play
 Learning Conversations with parents and

 Homework/Shared Learning and Homework

 Class Blogs
 SeeSaw
 Review Meetings - where applicable
 Additional Support Plan – where applicable
 Social Media
 School Website
 School Newsletters
 Learning Journey Wall and Achievement

 Family Learning Events
 Achievements based on Glebe Primary

School Values

Further information

You will also find helpful information online
at the National Improvement Hub:

The new format for reporting has been
developed in line with guidance in Education
Scotland’s ‘Reporting to Parents and Carers –
Guidance for schools and ELC settings’,
guidance on target setting in ‘Building the
Curriculum 5’ and feedback from the
parent/carer digital questionnaire.

We look forward to receiving feedback from
parents/carers and pupils on our new style of

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