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The Oronan 2nd Quarter Issue for 2022 is FINALLY OUT!

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Published by dilgr3.aurora.cdd, 2022-08-10 01:52:17

ORONAN 2nd Quarter 2022

The Oronan 2nd Quarter Issue for 2022 is FINALLY OUT!



BALER, AURORA. Outgoing Aurora Governor, Gerardo A. Noveras, facilitated the
2022 Local Governance Transition Ceremony on June 23, 2022 at the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan Hall, Capitol Building, Baler, Aurora. The ceremonial
turnover between the father and son tandem was graced and witnessed by the
DILG Aurora OIC-Provincial Director Ener P. Cambronero, CESE. Cont. page 4


D By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
ILG Aurora headed by Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr.,
CESO V officially bestows the key of responsibili-
ties and official documents to the incoming
Provincial Director Ener P. Cambronero, CESE,
on June 14, 2022 during the Ceremonial Turn-Over at La
Patricia Hotel and Resort, Sabang, Baler, Aurora.

The highlight of the turnover ceremony was the passing of the
symbolic key of responsibility to the new Provincial Director.

In his message, PD Tactac reminisced some good old memories
in his 7-year stay in Aurora and extended his utmost gratitude

to the 25 personnel of the DILG Aurora and reminded them to
adhere with the constant changes and to remain on their

B.E.S.T version in giving service to the people. Cont. p2

Continuation page 1

As PD Cambronero formally accepted the key of responsibilities, he
thanked the DILG Aurora for the warm welcome and looks forward to the
challenges he will face along with the team for the upcoming years. PD
Cambronero reiterated that he has a huge shoes to fill and gave his
assurance that he will continue his leadership as Matino, Mahusay at
Maaasahang Kawani ng DILG.

The turnover ceremony was led by LGOO VII Dennis A. Daquiz (CTL) and
LGOO VI Mary Joyce T. Bautista (Program Manager). Also participating in
the activity are the DILG Aurora Municipal Local Government Operations
Officers and Provincial Office personnel. Accompanying PD Cambronero
and officers and personnel from the Regional Office III namely: SAO Maria
Resa Pangilinan; HRMO III/AO V Crystal Joy C. Pineda; LGOO V Cherina
Quinones; LGOO V Khalid Sunggod; LGOO IV Jemimah Apron; PEO Ruben
Santos; ADA IV Jesus Turla and PC Anthony Jan Bengco.

T By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
he DILG R3 Regional Assessment 6. Business-Friendliness and Competitive-
Team headed by Team Leader ness,
ARD Jay E. Timbreza, CESO V, 7. Safety, Peace and Order,
along with Mr. Noel Sibal of 8. Tourism, Heritage Development, Culture

PPCRP, Assistant MED Chief, LGOO VI Ald- and Arts,

win Reyes, and LGOO V Joanna Maureen 9. Environmental Management, and
Marasigan, led the Regional Assessment 10. Youth Development.

and Onsite Inspection of the Provincial

Government of Aurora for the FY 2022 The IRR and previous metrics are used as

Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) on preliminary guides, pending the publication
April 12, 2022, at the Sangguniang Pan- of the final and accepted guidelines. This is to

lalawigan Hall, Provincial Capitol. determine the level of readiness of the LGUs

This is to assess the PGA's functionality on and to identify potential problems and con-
the indicators and documentary require- cerns and measures to resolve them.

ments stipulated on the SGLG Law. The SGLG, as the Department's flagship pro-

Aside from the RAT, also present in the as- gram, is the DILG's primary evaluation in-
sessment are DILG Aurora Provincial Direc- strument for assessing the efficiency of LGUs
tor, Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac Jr., SGLG Provincial in complying with a variety of national laws
Focal Person LGOO V Florenz Zaira Buencon- and policies that are key to providing quality
sejo, and Alternate SGLG FP ADA VI Bon Paby service to the public prior to the signing of a
Mingua. statute.

After a two-year deferment of the SGLG due As an advisory body, the Council of Good
to the pandemic situation, the Seal was once Local Governance, composed of the Depart-
again implemented for the FY 2022, with an ment of the Interior and Local Government,
upgraded set of indicators and assessment the Department of Budget and Management,
areas since it was signed into law in 2019 the Department of Finance and the National
through R.A. 11292. Economic and Development Authority, shall
act to ensure that the SGLG Award is proper-

From seven assessment areas as it started ly implemented under the law.

back years ago, the SGLG 2022 now covers 10 The SGLG assessment for the Province of
governance areas, as listed below: Aurora is set for the whole month of April

1. Financial Administration, wherein all the eight municipalities in the

2. Disaster Preparedness, province will be assessed by representatives

3. Social Protection and Sensitivity, from the DILG Nueva Ecija, on their perfor-

4. Health Compliance and Responsiveness, mance in various governance areas.
5. Sustainable Education,

“Kayo man ay sandaling naligaw ang guidelines.
landas at paniniwala, nalulugod ako na
kayo ay bumalik at muling nagpasapi sa E-CLIP, being locally-driven, managed
ating Gobyerno. Lubos ang aming and implemented, is a national program
pasasalamat sa inyong lahat. Nawa’y that veers away from the past practice of
huwag ninyong sayangin ang pagkakata- pre-packaged interventions designed at
ong ito.” the national level. It responds to the cir-
cumstances, needs and concerns of former
-Gov. Gerardo A. Noveras rebels through provision of assistance and
seeks to consider their basic rights and
BALER, AURORA. Six former rebels situations as men and women. DILG Aurora OIC Provincial Director Ener
who surrendered in the Province of Auro- P. Cambronero, CESE, pays his courte-
ra were given financial assistance amount- The E-CLIP is a flagship program of Pres- sy visit to the Provincial Government of
ing to P 65,000.00 under the Enhanced ident Duterte’s administration that aims to Aurora Outgoing Governor (Incoming
Comprehensive Local Integration Pro- help members of the Communist Party of Vice-Governor) Gerardo A. Noveras and Outgoing
gram (E-CLIP) of the DILG which is a the Philippines-New People’s Army- Vice-Governor (Incoming Governor) Atty. Chris-
flagship program of President Rodrigo National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA- tian M. Noveras on June 15, 2022.
Duterte’s peace and order agenda. NDF), and Militia ng Bayan (MB) to re-
store allegiance to the Philippine Govern- He also visited the Office of the Provincial Plan-
On June 01, 2022, Govenor Gerardo A. ment. ning Development Coordinator headed by PPDC
Noveras (Vice Governor-elect); Atty. Armida C. Palispis, Ph.D., En.P, and talked about
Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO V, DILG Au- In his message, Atty. Tactac mentioned the sustained partnership of the two offices.
rora Provincial Director; LTC Julito B. poverty and ignorance as major reasons
Recto, Jr. INF (GSC) PA, Acting Com- for joining the communist insurgency. OIC-PD Cambronero imparted his plans for the
manding Officer, 91IB, 71D, Philippine “Ginagawa po ng pamahalaan ang lahat strategic direction of the DILG and expressed his
Army; PMaj Emilio Sison of Aurora Po- ngunit wala pong perpektong Gobyerno. hand-full support for the Provincial Government
lice Provincial Office; and Ms. Camay Gayunpaman, hindi digmaan ang solusy- of Aurora in the upcoming years. Along with OIC-
Joy D. Bernardo of Aurora PSWDO, led on dito. Maraming pamilya na ang sinira PD Cambronero are CTL Dennis Daquiz, PM Mary
the awarding ceremony for the 6 former ng digmaan. Walang batang napagtapos Joyce Bautista, LGOO V Florenz Zaira Buencon-
rebels during the conduct of the E-CLIP ang digmaan. Maraming pangarap na sejo, LGOO V Madam Cassey N. Buenaventura
AWARDING at the Governor's Confer- ang sinira ng digmaan. Ngayon ang simu- and Information Officer Gerald Philip Esteves.
ence Room, Provincial Capitol Com- la ng inyong bagong buhay, kayo ay may
pound, Baler, Aurora. may pagkakataon nang mamuhay nang
may dangal. Maitaguyod na ninyo and
Six (6) former rebels were granted an inyong mga sarili sa pamamagitan ng
immediate assistance of Php 15,000.00 inyong sariling mga kamay at pagod mula
and a livelihood assistance of Php sa panimulang biyaya na bigay ng pama-
50,000.00 among many other benefits halaan”, he stated.
specified in the E-CLIP implementing

PEO I Sheen Myriane S. Caruluan


D epartment Heads and differ- that can be used for agenda-setting of eco- sampled from the barangays of the target
ent stakeholders of the Munic- nomic and human development plans and LGUs on their awareness, availment, satis-

ipality of Maria Aurora head- goals of LGUs. faction and gauge on the need-for-action of

ed by Mayor Amado M. Geneta Recognizing the relevance of the CSIS pro- services across various areas. Data gather-
attended the Service Delivery Baseline gram in promoting good local governance, ing and interpreting results are performed
Data Collection Form Presentation with Dra. Buenaventura accepted the call to be by research and academic institutions com-
the Local Research Institute for the con- the program’s partner LRI. missioned by DILG to ensure non-
duct of the 2022 Citizen Satisfaction partisanship of the exercises.

Index System (CSIS) on April 13, 2022 at Dr. Buenaventura informed LGU Maria The MOA signing between the DILG and the
the SB Hall, Municipal Government of Aurora about the processes and protocols WUP Aurora for the conduct of the CSIS is
Maria Aurora. in conducting survey or fieldwork, getting set to happen on April 22, 2022.
baseline data, selecting survey respondents,
The activity was initiated by the Depart- and making survey questionnaire, among
ment of the Interior and Local Government
- Aurora headed by Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. others.

CESO V, in partnership with the Wesleyan LGOO VI Mary Joyce T. Bautista, LGOO V
University of the Philippines - Aurora head- Madam Cassey N. Buenaventura, and ADA
ed by School Administrator, Dra. Estrella C. IV Gerald Philip Esteves along with MLGOO
Buenaventura, as the partner Local Re- Angara, serve as the members of the DILG
search Institute (LRI) of the DILG Aurora. CSIS Team.

LGOO VI Amado V. Angara, MLGOO, ap- The CSIS uses a mix of quantitative and
prised the participants of the CSIS, which qualitative research methods through face-
serves as a tool for drawing in applicable to-face interviews with residents randomly
information for gauging citizen satisfaction


During his message, PD Cambronero highlighted and Physical Framework Plan (PDFP); Capacity

that the 2022 Local Governance Transition Cere- Development Agenda or Program; LGU Results

mony is based on the Memorandum Circular Matrices (for Provinces and NCR LGUs); Execu-

2022–029 signed by SILG Eduardo M. Ano of tive Legislative Agenda (ELA); LGU Development
Department of the Interior and Local Govern- Transition Plan; Contracts and Loan Agree-

ment which aims to ensure a smooth and proper ments; Executive Orders, Ordinances and Reso-

turnover of responsibilities among the elected lutions; COA Report (C.Y. 2021); among many

and re-elected officials to guarantee continuity others.

in local governance. He reiterated that through

the MC, it is imperative for Local Government Emotional in his speech, outgoing Governor

Units to organize local governance transition Noveras extended his gratitude to the Depart-

teams to be headed by the LCEs, wherein mem- ment Heads and PGA personnel for their support

bers are Department Heads, DILG representative to him for his 9-year service as the Provincial

and one CSO partner which are tasked to safe- Governor of Aurora. He reminded everyone that
guard the keeping of the Local Government Unit by doing their job effectively and efficiently, as

(LGU) records and documents and the protec- they took oath to it, not only them will benefit,

tion of LGU assets during the election period. but also a massive number of the general public.
Taking his first speech as the Governor-elect,

OIC PD Cambronero, along with CTL Dennis A. Vice-Governor Christian M. Noveras said that his

Daquiz, PM Mary Joyce T. Bautista and PGA De- first priority is to have a “conducive and happy

partment Heads and Personnel witnessed the workplace” inside the Capitol by establishing

official transfer of the “INSIGNIA NG PAMAHA- good relationship with one another. He said,

LAANG PANLALAWIGAN” of the outgoing Gover- “Kung masaya po tayong nagsasama sama sa
nor Gerardo A. Noveras (Vice Governor-Elect) to kapitolyo, maayos po tayong makakapagtrabaho.

outgoing Vice Governor Christian M. Noveras Ang Kapitolyo po, hindi lamang Gobernador ang

(Governor-elect) as a key symbol of the official mukha nyan. Ang Kapitolyo, tayo pong lahat

turnover of the documents, records and proper- ‘yan. Hinihiling ko na sana ay magkaroon tayo ng

ties of the PGA, and the responsibilities of the magandang relasyon sa bawat isa dahil iyan po

Governor along with the official documents such ang unang magiging pundasyon sa maganda at

as Governance Assessment Report (C.Y. 2021); maayos na serbisyo publiko. At kapag maayos

Annual Budget (C.Y. 2022); Devolution Transi- ang serbisyo natin, sigurado naman po na ang

tion Plan; Programs, Plan and Activities (PPAs) taong bayan ang makikinabang.”

(C.Y. 2022); First Quarter Report (C.Y. 2022); DA
Programs Implemented in the province (C.Y. He also reminded everyone that he will not gov-

2022); Inventory of Constructions, Road Pro- ern the province alone, but will seek help from

jects, and Development Projects; Comprehensive everyone. “Hindi ko po kaya na pamunuang mag-

Development Plan; Provincial/Local Develop- isa ang ating lalawigan, kailangan ko po ang

ment Investment Program; Annual Investment bawat isa sa inyo. Magtulungan po tayo.”

Program (C.Y. 2022); Provincial Development




The DILG Dilasag, in coordination with the Liga ng mga
Barangay – Dilasag, Aurora Chapter, spearheaded the con-
duct of the Development Training of Barangay Officials
Towards Effective Delivery of Barangay Good Governance
cum Formulation of the Community-Based Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan and Operationalization of
the Barangay Materials Recovery Facility”, on June 25-28,

2022 at the Hotel Veniz Session Road, Baguio City.

As the Duterte administration intensifies its efforts Graced by Hon. Mayor Joe P. Gorospe, LnB Provincial Fed-
to end the communist insurgency in the country, eration President, Hon. Rafael De Mayo, and facilitated by
it is implementing a “Whole-of-Nation” Approach LnB Municipal Federation President Merrijoe A. Engaran
ADA wIVheGrEeiRnAnLaDtioPnHalILliInPe DagCe.nEcSieTsEVsuEcSh as the DILG and MLGOO Jonnie L. Glorioso, the activity aims to equip
and its attached agencies, LGUs, and civil society groups Cotuhrteesy obfaNrPaRn.ograg y officials with the required skills and
are closely working together to bring sustainable peace knowledge to be at par with the national government in
and development in conflict-ridden areas. the delivery of good governance in their respective com-
On June 24, 2022, about 250 former rebels and supporters munities.
from the 8 Municipalities in Aurora were gathered by the 91st
IB Sinagtala Batallion headed by PTCol Julito B. Recto, to join Specifically, the activity aims to enhance the capacity of the
the 3-day Peace Orientation Towards Transformation Program barangay officials in the following aspects:
to signify their official withdrawal of support to the Communist -Duties and functions of the BDC, BPOC, BADAC, BCPC,
Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA). BDRRMC, and BESWMC
This peace activity, graced and supported by the DILG Aurora -Formulation of the Community-Based Disaster Risk Re-
OIC-Provincial Director, Ener P. Cambronero, CESE aims to duction and Management Plan
cater to former members or supporters of the communist ter- -Operationalization of the Barangay Materials Recovery
rorist group (CTG) who voluntarily surrendered to the govern- Facility
National Government Agencies presented their respective pro- On the opening day of the activity, DILG Aurora OIC PD
grams for the former rebels. One of which is the Enhanced Ener P. Cambronero, CESE, delivered the context of public
Comprehensive Local Integration Program (ECLIP) of the service as the end goal of productive and competent local
DILG which is a flagship program of President Rodrigo Duter- officials through collaboration and citizens participation to
te’s peace and order agenda. It was discussed by OIC- uplift public trust public service delivery mandated by the
Provincial Director, Ener P. Cambronero, CESE. existing laws. He also recognized the crucial role that ba-
In his message, PD Cambronero encouraged the FRs to be rangay officials as well as the importance of barangays in
productive members of the community and be involved in gov- the system of government. He also reiterated that atten-
ernment community-support programs, and through the open tiveness of the national government in the development of
forum, PD Cambronero interfaced the FRs and answers to the barangays allow them to have the authority and capa-
each of their questions that mainly circled to the ECLIP. bility to handle concerns on its level. It is therefore fitting
E-CLIP being locally-driven, managed and implemented is a that measures to promote the welfare and prosperity of
national program that veers away from the past practice of pre barangays.
-packaged interventions designed at the national level. It re-
sponds to the circumstances, needs and concerns of former Also, PD Cambronero serves as the first resource person
rebels through provision of assistance and seeks to consider on the 2nd day of the activity and was tasked to give a lec-
their basic rights and situations as men and women. Cont. p6 ture on Public Accountability and Barangay Governance.
He took note that barangay governance gives an important
role in setting direction for the people at the barangay
level and empowering the local government units.


The E-CLIP provides a wide range of benefits which includes
Reintegration Assistance; Fire Arms Remuneration (Double-the-cost
valuation); Livelihood Materials and Implements or Employment
Assistance; Housing; Medical Assistance; Legal Assistance; and
College Tuition and Stipend (tertiary level), among others.
Before his talk, PD Cambronero also had a table conversation with
PTCol Recto along with the Provincial Director of DOLE and members
of the local media which revolved on crafting plans and interventions
to further strengthen the ECLIP committee in the Province, discussion
of programs that are geared to intensify the campaign to prevent
terrorism and violent extremism, and improve the public safety and
order in the province and the country as a whole.

DILG 3 Regional Assessment Team assesses
Barangay LUAL Lupong Tagapamayapa as
they are vying for the 2022 Lupong
Tagapamayapa Incentives Award (LTIA) on
April 12, 2022 via Zoom Video Teleconferencing Plat-

The online assessment revisited the submitted LTIA documents of
Brgy. Lual and focused on the following criteria: Efficiency in oper-
ations, Effectiveness in securing the settlement of interpersonal
dispute objective of the KP program, Creativity and resourcefulness
of the Lupong Tagapamayapa, Area or facility for KP activities, and
Financial or non-financial support for KP.

The LTIA is an annual search that honors excellent Lupong Tagapa-
mayapa who have demonstrated the ability to settle matters
brought to them intelligently and swiftly, as well as exemplary per-
formance and notable contributions to the Katarungang Pambaran-
gay (KP).

It also aims to strengthen the KP as a grassroots indigenous conflict
resolution structure, institutionalize a system of providing econom-
ic benefits and other incentives to Lupons, and raise awareness of
the KP as a powerful vehicle for social order and human develop-
ment among various sectors of Philippine society, as well as garner
support from them.

The activity was conducted by the members of the Regional Assess-
ment Committee composed of representatives from DILG Region 3
represented by Mr. Renzo Miranda and LGOO IV Isaac Joshua Mica-
bali, DILG Aurora LTIA Focal Team, DILG Casiguran MLGOO Jesus L.
Vizconde, Lupong Tagapamayapa of Lual, Casiguran, Asst Regional
Prosecutor Maria Helen Surla - DOJ 3, PMAJ Raquel M Pagnas - PNP
PRO3, and Viriginia Guarin - APC FDM (NGO).

By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves

GOVERNANCE AND PEACE AND ORDER He said, “To materialize fast, BLGUs need to be robust to
meet their mandate, with the former needing to strength-
SUSTENANCE THROUGH POPS PLANNING en its internal governance capacity to shepherd and nur-
ture to become accountable, transparent, and effective in
The LGU Dingalan, in collaboration with DILG Aurora, conducted a one rendering services to their constituents. On the other
-day Workshop on the Formulation of FY 2023-2025 Peace and Order hand, the BLGUs need to strive to observe these tenets of
and Public Safety Plan (POPS Plan) on June 28, 2022, at the Municipal good governance to effectively discharge their own duties
Building, Dingalan, Aurora. and responsibilities, en-route to becoming socially-
protective and safe; business-friendly and competitive;
The activity was aimed towards the formulation of a responsive POPs Plan and disaster-prepared and climate change-adaptive.”
which was anchored on the Local Strategic Directions and based on the
current peace and order and public safety situation in the locality. In his closing statement, he reminded the barangay offi-
cials that PUBLIC OFFICE IS A PUBLIC TRUST, that public
The POPs plan is a three (3) year term-based plan consisting of tangible offices and employees, must at all times be accountable to
strategies and countermeasures in the form of programs, projects, services people.
and activities (PPSA) to promote and sustain peace and order and public
safety in the locality. Pursuant to DILG MC No. 2015-128, it shall be formu- Consequently, LGOO VII Dennis A. Daquiz, Cluster Team
lated by the local Peace and Order Councils (POCs) within 100 days after Leader, discussed the importance and legal basis of Kata-
the assumption of office of the newly elected Local Chief Executive (LCE). rungang Pambarangay; Procedure on the Mediation pro-
cess being conducted by Punong Barangay; Procedure on
LGOO V Madam Cassey N. Buenaventura, LGOO II Reyner L. Buenconsejo, Arbitration and Repudiation Process; and procedure in
and PGA POC Liaison Officer Marianne Faraon, led the evaluation of the Conciliation Process.
implementation of FY 2020-2022 POPS Plan to determine the issues and
challenges that are not yet accomplished and the strategies that can be re- MLGOO Jonnie L Glorioso discussed the Seal of Good Local
tain, revise and or improve. LGOO V Buenaventura then facilitated the plan- Governance for Barangays. This is in line with the DILG
ning process based on the 2016 POPS Planning Guidebook. issued Memorandum Circular No. 2021-074: 2021 Pilot
Testing of Seal of Good Local Governance for Barangay
The workshop was attended by the POPS Plan Technical Working Group (SGLGB) that encourages and challenges the barangays to
(TWG) of the MPOC. scale up their performance and practices of good govern-
ance that is an important role in the overall development
DILG Aurora OIC-PD Ener P. Cambronero, CESE also gives a courtesy call to and transformation of the community and of the nation.
Mayor Shierwin H. Taay during the activity. This is to strengthen the part-
nership between the DILG and LGUs in promoting local good governance Other speakers are from the LGU Dilasag namely, Jade
especially in sustaining peace and order. Harley N. Trucilla, MDRRMO; Engr. Domingo E. Marzan, Jr.

By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves

In pursuit of good local gov- faction Index System (CSIS) for FY
ernance, the Department 2022 in the Municipality of Maria
of the Interior and Local Aurora.
Government Region 3 for- The agreement signed by the DILG
malized its partnership with the and the WUP details the partner-
Wesleyan University of the Phil- ship between the two institutions
ippines, through the Ceremonial to conduct CSIS in the municipality
Memorandum of Agreement of Maria Aurora, Aurora this year.
(MOA) signing on April 22, 2022,

at the AMCO Beach Resort, Brgy. CSIS is a tool to measure the citi-

Sabang, Baler, Aurora. zen’s perception of their local gov-

DILG Region 3 Regional Director, ernment’s delivery of services and
Karl Caesar R. Rimando, CESO III aid the concerned local govern-
and DILG Aurora Provincial Direc- ment units (LGUs) in improving
tor, Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO their performance.

V, was joined by the Wesleyan Uni- “As we plan to tie up the integrate

versity of the Philippines President the SGLG though the results of the

- Judge Benjamin T. Turgano (RET.) CSIS, we are really grateful for the

and WUP-Aurora School Adminis- open-mindedness of the LGU to

trator, Dra. Estrella C. Buenaventu- accept this program. At sana po ay

ra and LGU Maria Aurora, Aurora magtulungan lamang tayo and

MPDC, Nicasio Gatchalian, represe- tingnan po natin ang magiging ma-

nating Mayor Amado M. Geneta for gandang resulta ng CSIS upang

the ceremonial MOA signing for the makita natin at mas mapabuti ang

implementation of the Citizen Satis- ating paglilingkod at pagdedeliver


Cont. page 8 service as expected from us, and we look for- build multi-collaborations, for this will help us

ward to more productive collaborations as we grow and propagate not only as a person, but
ng basic services hindi lamang sa Maria Aurora move forward to a year with encompassing as an institution. Sa aspetong ito, dito po pa-
kung hindi sa iba pang mga kababayan natin.”, dedication to improve the lives of the commu- pasok ang ating partnership with the Local
Dir. Karl Caesar R. Rimando, CESO III said on nity we serve. We hope that this official inking Research Institutes. This program, with the
his opening message.
of partnership may pioneer more intensive help of LRI and the LGU Maria Aurora, Aurora,

The MOA signing is the start of a more signifi- collaborations and developmental programs.”, will help us create more library of knowledge.
cant partnership between the DILG and WUP said Judge Turgano. Dito po sa CSIS, ang ating main purpose is to

to help improve socioeconomic conditions, Representing Hon. Mayor Amado M. Geneta of know kung ano ba talaga ang opinion,
advance the appreciation of public affairs, and LGU Maria Aurora, Aurora, MPDC Nicasio pananaw, at tingin ng mga mamamayan sa mga
effectively transform into becoming produc- Gatchalian extended his support to the DILG serbisyong inilalabas at ginagawa ng ating mga
tive and development partners. and WUP for the program implementation. LGUs, so that they can improve their service
“Kung anuman po ang maging resulta nitong delivery. It has the sole aim of improving the
Along with the representatives from the WUP pag aaral na ito, nangangako ang LGU Maria current vision of public service to regain the
faculty, also present to witness the momentous Aurora na lalo nating pagiibayuhin ang ating public’s trust and confidence to the govern-
activity are DILG Region 3 Division Chiefs, serbisyo publiko. Sana po sa pamamagitan ng ment, through collaborations with all willing
LGOO VII Lerrie S. Hernandez (MED) and programang ito, mas lalo pang mapalawig ang and capable entities, tulad po ng Wesleyan
LGOO VII Ener Cambronero, CESE (CDD), along kaalaman ng mga tao patungkol sa mga ser- University.”, Atty. Tactac highlighted.
with the Regional CSIS Team, Ms. Edith Macali-
no and Ms. Guian Carla Gutierrez, with the bisyo ng pamahalaan, hindi lamang sa Bayan The CSIS uses a mix of quantitative and quali-
DILG Aurora CSIS Team LGOO VI Amado V. ng Maria Aurora, kundi sa buong Lalawigan ng tative research methods through face-to-face
Angara, LGOO V Madam Cassey N. Buenaventu- Aurora at maging sa buong Pilipinas. With this interviews with residents randomly sampled
ra and ADA IV Gerald Philip DC. Esteves, who partnership, let us all hope for the best.”, from the barangays of the target LGUs on their
Gatchalian said. awareness, availment, satisfaction and gauge
serves as the programme host.
on the need-for-action of services across vari-
During his acceptance of the program, WUP On his closing message, PD Tactac extended his ous areas. Data gathering and interpreting
President, Judge Benjamin T. Turgano (RET.) gratitude to the WUP and LGU Maria Aurora. results are performed by research and aca-
highlighted their willingness to take part of the for accepting the partnership with the DILG. demic institutions commissioned by DILG to
implementation of the program. “This partner- “We do not have a monopoly of knowledge, we ensure non-partisanship of the exercises.
ship presents vast and promising capabilities need inputs and participation from other peo-

not only between the DILG and the WUP, but ple, with different approaches, with different CSIS aims to inform LGUs and other sectors
also to our stakeholders. We are committed to expertise, and with different knowledge. We such as civil societies, academe, and national
deliver the best kind of assistance we can pro- have to consider that in order for knowledge - government agencies on the value of the col-
vide, to give quality research and extension to be permanent, to be substantial - we have to lected feedback from a cross-section of the

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ORONAN Editor-in-Chief


ENER P. CAMBRONERO, CESE Supervising Editors Contributors

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PEO I Sheen Myriane S. Caruluan
PEO II Denn Jennings Angel M. Oviatt

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