How much do you think
it hurts to fall off your bed
on your face in the night
and get a bloody nose
and be crying for your
A lot.
Well, that's what happened!
I know it sounds like a lot in one night.
It all started off like this. It was a Monday night. It
was in my bed and drifted off to sleep...
I was climbing up a cliff in a park with my
A couple of minutes later we were at the top and
we were looking over to the side of the valley. It
was a beautiful hill with lush flowers, big trees and
a big pond with lots of animals. Then, something
happened. I started to walk off the edge of the cliff.
Then I started to float in the air! I’m flying! But then
I started to fall! Faster,Faster!
Then I woke up. I was in the air.
Suddenly… Thump! I hit the ground. HARD! I
tried to get up, but I could not get up! My leg was
Not a moment too soon! I desperately started to
crawl to my parents’ room to tell them. I started to
bang on their door. Then it opened!
“l fell of my bed on my face and now l am
bleeding a lot!” I cried to my parents.
Then my parents helped me up.
The next day I thought I will look back on that
night as a bad night.
l learned something though, to never sleep on
the edge of the bed!