We are an emergent communication, advertising, and marketing company. Our spirits resonate
with the newfound confidence and pride of Qatar as a resilient nation. We extend our services
in advertising, social media marketing, public relations, event management, IT solutions, digi-
tal and traditional printing. Advertiqa is founded on the extensive experience, and repute of
its team leader and partners, and built upon the collective expertise and creativity of the
team behind.
Commit to our creative acumen and To establish ourselves as an innovative
business ideals, promote the reach and and ideal company in Communication,
repute of our customers’ products & Marketing and Advertising in the State
services and help them realize their of Qatar.
business aspirations.
Corporate Photography & Print & Online Graphic
Branding Videography Advertising Design
Media Print & Digital Copywriting & Events &
Relations Publishing (ePubliqa) Translation Exhibitions
Website Mobile App Social Media
Development Development Management
Print & Digital
Publishing (ePubliqa) Events & Exhibitions
Through our ePubliqa service, we You can certainly leave your events,
provide the traditional print publish- seminars or conferences to our
ing methods and transcend to efficient event planners who will do
adapt to the changing tastes in whatever it takes to make sure
publishing to an online audience. everything runs smoothly.
Media Relations Copywriting & Translation
We can assist you with all your With our talented team of writers,
media and press related needs. we will ensure that you receive the
Whether it’s a press release or main- best possible wording to appeal to
taining a positive relation with the your diverse target audience in
press, we have it handled. their preferred language.
Photography &
Corporate Branding Videography
Promoting the brand identity to the Providing high end photography &
targeted audience. While Portray- videography covering advertising
ing a consistent image with the advertisements, products & food prod-
company’s strategy, business activi- ucts, covering events & activities.
ty, and culture.
Print & Online Advertising Graphic Design
We will customize your advertise- Synthesizing creative visual repre-
ments to reach the targeted sentations in the form of images,
audience demographic to increase texts, and graphics to depict the
visibility among potential consum- persona of a corporation.
ers of your product or service.
Website Development Mobile App Development
Whether it’s a basic computer sized With the rising usage of mobile appli-
website, or a compact mobile cations, we will keep up with the
website, our team will develop newest technologies and interfaces
exactly what you need to promote to ensure you have an app to comple-
your business or product. ment your business needs.
Social Media Management
By advertising online, we will customize
your advertisements to reach the target-
ed audience demographic to increase
visibility among potential consumers of
your product or service.
Advertiqa is the Public Relations Consultant for Talabat Company in Qatar.
We do support in their general Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsi-
bility activities in specific with various ministries and governmental institutions.
As the demand for online food delivery increases, we are overseeing Talabat’s
implementation of the national health policy and food safety regulations given by the
concerned ministries, especially the Ministry of Public Health. They make sure that all
employees comply with the given precautionary measures.
Talabat is organizing outreach programs in coordination with the Ministry of Municipality
and Environment to raise awareness about public cleanliness.
[email protected] +974 4419 6725 45684 Doha, Qatar