The prefrontal cortex is the thinking -not stress with negative emotions Reticular activating system
brain(reflect information) while the we can control our brain. At this rate, -the first filter data passes
lower, automatic brain is the reactive the most valuable info were passed to -receive input from the sensory
brain(reacts to information). the brain. nerves
-bored, sad, anxious brain filters -if you focus, the imprtant input
conduct sensory information to the will make it the thinking brain
reactive brain.
Amygdala- system for routing The Limbic System: Emotional Core what can you do:-
information based on emotional -after RAS, it travels to the sensory -keep yourself physically healthy and
state intake centers of your brain well rested and control your
-negative fear strikes, amygdala’s -new info that become memory stored emotions
filter takes up excessive amounts of in the sensory cortex areas(brain lobes) -practice focusing and observing
brain nutrients and oxygen to analyze data from your 5 senses yourself (taking short break)
-puts your brain in survival mode -must pass emotional core where -as you are aware of your emotions,
amygdala and hippocampus evaluate you build brain networks that control
these data your action with the thinking brain
Hippocampus- brain links new Dopamine: Feeling Good Helps You Learn what can you do:-
sensory input to both memories of -dopamine levels increase when
past and knowledge already stored -most important neurotransmitters laughing, physical activities,
to make new relational memories -messages travel to neuron but there acting and etc and will boost
-PFC have executive function which are gaps called synapses carry electrical your learning
can convert short-term relational messages across the gap -will increase your learning
memories into long-term memories -crucial to process new info power if you pursue fun activities
-your brain release extra dopamine -you can use brain power more
when you’re happy and also increase efficiently to solve problems.
other neurotransmitters