September 2021
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine
Health and
Wellbeing Special
View from Welcome to this special
the CEO Health and Wellbeing
edition of Together, our
I am delighted to bi-monthly magazine
introduce this special for Bromley Healthcare
edition of Together, with staff working with NHS.
a focus on Health and
Wellbeing. Thank you Contents
to the Communications
team for another • View from the CEO..................................... 2
wonderful edition. • Health and wellbeing offer..................... 4
The research • Health and wellbeing week.................... 7
demonstrates, what I
actually see in practice, Walking Challenge
that those who care for Resilience and Mindfulness
others are often the Mental Health First Aiders
most reluctant of all to Physiotherapy
take care of themselves. Menopause 101
Taking the time to look More H&W week sessions
after yourself has never Schwartz Rounds
been more important Lived Experiences
after the stresses of the Ethnic Minority Mentoring
last year. I know that Freedom to Speak Up
some of you will say What’s next
that it is really not that • Watercooler chat......................................16
easy at the moment as • Tea time teaser...........................................18
in certain services you • What you’re up to.....................................19
are busier than you have • Starters and retirees ...............................20
ever been with increased
patient demand and
waiting lists / backlog
from the pandemic.
‘The Healthy Legs’ Walking Challenge team
In the past we have made a number of short term measures which have not always
endured the course of time. So we are now currently focused on measures that will
ensure services to be sustainable for the longer term.
A particular area of focus is looking at career pathways across the organisation so
that we have the most attractive offer for new recruits but also a clear pathway of
development for existing colleagues as we continue to concentrate on ‘growing our
own Bromley Healthcare team’. These are being supported by our new management
development programmes; ‘How to be a great leader’ which is now on cohort 4 (44
managers have been through the programme), Refinement programme for band 8 plus
and the new Stepping into Management to get you prepared if you are considering
taking on a management or leadership role in the future. By the end of this year every
team will have in place a bespoke recruitment and retention plan developed with the
team and driven through by the HR business partners.
In this edition it is fantastic to see more about the many health and well-being
initiatives that have taken place from the Schwartz rounds to the Menopause briefings.
All of these have been developed with the Health and Wellbeing steering group and
enabled by the Learning and Development Team. I do hope that you have managed to
benefit from some of them.
Thank you, as ever, for your continued support in enabling the best care possible for
your patients and families. Please do continue to look out for and after each other.
Best wishes
Jacqui Scott
Chief Executive Officer
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Health and Wellbeing Offer
We recognise the importance of the Health Covid-19 Personal Resilience
and Wellbeing of our employees, which is why The Talk together Bromley (IAPT) service
one of the key themes in our People Plan is introduced a COVID-19 Building Resilience
‘Looking after our Bromley Healthcare’. The Workshop held every six weeks. The
advent of Covid-19 in 2020 required additional workshop addresses and supports staff on:
consideration of the impact of the pandemic
on the health and wellbeing of our colleagues, • The psychological impact of Covid-19
where many of our teams and staff were under • Recognising anxiety and depression
enormous stress both at work and home.
using a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Wellbeing Hub (CBT) framework
We developed an easy access [virtual]
‘Wellbeing Hub’ on our intranet, signposting • Learning how to manage anxiety and
individuals to resources and services to
support good health and wellbeing. The low mood using problem-focused and
resource has a colour-coded guide to emotion focused coping skills
help navigate and access the appropriate
resources: • Providing access to further
Green – Promotion and Prevention
Amber – Early sign interventions computerised CBT support and useful
Red - Immediate interventions information
The resources are further divided into those Mindfulness
for individuals, for team members and for A taster session and 8 week programme
leaders. delivered by our Talk together Bromley team
was also introduced, which covers:
Wellbeing Steering Group
A staff Wellbeing Steering Group was created, • What is mindfulness and where does it
with representation across our services. This
group meets bi-monthly to discuss staff come from?
wellbeing across Bromley Healthcare.
• Having a taste of mindfulness meditation
in practice
• What are the benefits of practicing
mindfulness, and what can it do for you?
• Where and how mindfulness has been
used in our society
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Positive Pause Working Parents and Carers Wellbeing
Menopause awareness sessions were held with Session - this webinar was delivered by an
training delivered by menopause specialists employee and wellbeing consultant and mum
‘Positive Pause’: of two, who provided practical and helpful
• The extent of menopause symptoms and advice to guide employees who are juggling
work and parenting and help them maintain
the impact on women in the workplace their own wellbeing and stay productive.
• Options to manage menopause Vivup Employee Assistance Programme
• The business case for menopause support - learning about the programme which
provides mental health support via a
in organisations 24/7/365 telephone helpline, face to face
counselling, online Cognitive Behavioural
• Menopause as an Equality issue and the Therapy (CBT) workbooks and additional
support and training services.
legal context
An online Yoga session - which was suitable
• How menopause support is part of a for all levels of experience, delivered via Zoom.
health and wellbeing strategy Resilience Workshop - which offered a
number of tools and resources to support
• Practical suggestions your organisation Bromley Healthcare employees with
recognising signs of anxiety and depression
can offer employees using a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
framework. It also covered managing stress,
• How Bromley Healthcare can develop a anxiety and low mood using problem-focused
and mindfulness meditation techniques.
menopause friendly culture going forward
A nutrition talk with one of our Specialist
Health and wellbeing Adult Community Dietitians – which covered
plans for 2021 healthy eating/macronutrients, their role and
where we can find them.
During May we held our first annual ‘Health
and Wellbeing Week’ which was about How to have a wellbeing conversation with
ensuring that all of our colleagues at Bromley your colleagues - this session was hosted by
Healthcare have a safe and healthy workplace our Learning and Development team.
where their mental health and physical health
needs are respected and valued equally. Exercise videos - our Physiotherapy team also
recorded a number of videos for us on office/
We hosted a range of activities throughout desk stretches, exercises you can do at home
the week (details of which can be found in and Tai Chi.
the following pages) including:
The sessions were attended by c.360 members
Bromley Healthcare Walking Challenge - of staff and were extremely well received:
following the lifting of lockdown restrictions
we launched a 6 week walking challenge "I have been astonished and amazed at
to get our staff active and enjoy all of the the variance and quality of the sessions
mental and physical benefits of walking. We put on by Bromley Healthcare for Health
used the Big Walking Challenge platform to and Wellbeing Week."
host our walking challenge and teams of 7
were tasked with a virtual walk of coastal A number of other health and wellbeing
Britain (4,843km). initiatives were launched this year:
Menopause 101 - Back by popular demand,
menopause specialists Positive Pause
delivered a session for Bromley Healthcare
staff about understanding menopause.
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Schwartz Rounds - Schwartz Rounds provide
a structured forum where all staff, clinical
and non-clinical, come together regularly to
discuss the emotional and social aspects of
working in healthcare. The purpose of Rounds
is to understand the challenges and rewards
that are intrinsic to providing care, not to solve
problems or to focus on the clinical aspects
of patient care. Rounds can help staff feel
more supported in their jobs, allowing them
the time and space to reflect on their roles.
Evidence shows that staff who attend Rounds
feel less stressed and isolated, with increased
insight and appreciation for each other’s roles.
Mental Health First Aiders - within Bromley
Healthcare we wish to ensure we have a safe,
healthy workplace where the mental health
and physical health of employees are valued
equally. Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs) are a
key component to support us in this by raising
awareness of mental health and supporting
those with a mental health issue. The role
of a MHFA is to be a point of contact for an
employee who is experiencing a mental health
issue or emotional distress. This interaction
could range from having an initial conversation
through to supporting the person to get
appropriate help. MHFAs are not trained to
be therapists but they can offer initial support
through non-judgemental listening and guidance.
Freedom to Speak Up - we want to support a
culture of learning, openness and transparency
throughout Bromley Healthcare. We want
everyone to feel safe to speak up and we want
to hear about your concerns. When things go
wrong, we need to make sure that lessons are
learnt, and things are improved. The Freedom
to Speak up Guardian will have a specific remit
of ensuring processes are in place to empower
and encourage staff to speak up safely.
They will ensure concerns are investigated
appropriately and provide regular reports to
the Executive on areas of concern raised.
The Learning and Development Team
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Health and Wellbeing Week
Following on from the national Mental Health Awareness week, the Learning and Development
team coordinated our own Health and Wellbeing week in May 2021, implementing a
range of physical and mental health and wellbeing activities over 5 days. Each day health
messages circulated alongside key activities for the day which included:
• Launch of the Bromley Healthcare 6-week Walking Challenge
• Launch of the Bromley Healthcare Running club
• Launch of monthly Schwartz Rounds
• Menopause 101
• Working Parents & Carers wellbeing session
• Mental Health First Aid Drop-in session
• Vivup EAP overview session
• Online Yoga
• Resilience workshop - general focused on CBT
• Nutrition talk with a dietitian
• How to have a wellbeing conversation with a colleague
• Physio led sessions on: Tai-Chi session/Being active at home session/Office/desk
stretches session
Bromley Healthcare Big Walking Challenge
Using the Big Team Challenge
platform, the aim was to improve an
individual’s health by walking.
The challenge was to walk around
Coastal Britain (4843km) in teams of 7
in 6 weeks.
Communications included written
information, guidelines and internally
developed video.
Participants were asked to download
and sign-up to the Big Team Challenge
app and log the number of steps
walked each day.
39 teams signed up with 264
total participants walking a total of
114,947,679 steps or 79,084.1 km.
The winning team, Honey I Shrunk the
Gut walked 3,701km.
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Resilience and Mindfulness sessions
Resilience workshops - highlighting
how to recognise anxiety and
depression using CBT framework,
learning how to manage
anxiety and low mood, access to
further computerised CBT support
and useful information. 93 members
of staff have attended a workshop
between Nov 2019 and May 2021.
Mindfulness Taster sessions –
what is mindfulness and tasters of
mindfulness mediation in practice. An
8-week programme following a taster
session for individuals that wish to
become practiced in mindfulness. 72
members of staff have attended taster
sessions since Dec 2020.
37 waitlisted staff for upcoming
cohorts (across One Bromley).
Mental Health First Aiders
Role of the MHFA is to be a point
of contact for an individual that is
experiencing a mental health issue
or emotional distress. They are not
trained therapists but can offer support
through listening and guidance. 16
individuals appointed and trained as
MHFAs by the MHFA Trust.
A support network of MHFAs was
established with drop-in Q&A sessions
held during Health and Wellbeing week.
The MHFAs have an identifying signature
on their emails noting their role .
Biographies for each of the MHFAs can
be found on the Intranet along with
an availability calendar.
MHFAs will be attending team meetings
to spread the word.
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Physiotherapy You Tube sessions
Bromley Healthcare Physiotherapy-led
virtual exercises to support physical
health consisting of three internally
developed and filmed exercise routines;
• Tai Chi session
• Being active at home session
• Office and desk stretches session
Launched during Health and
Wellbeing week, these sessions
continue to be available via the
Wellbeing Hub on the intranet.
The three videos currently have
94, 103 and 40 views respectively.
This has shown that providing pre-
recorded sessions allowed for a
higher reach and meant that staff on
different working patterns were able
to participate.
Menopause 101
Positive Pause delivered a Menopause
101 session aimed at all staff and all
genders. The session covered the
phases, stages of menopause and
its impact on personal and work life.
It outlined options and strategies
available for managing symptoms and
signposted resources that help both in
and out of the work environment.
“I found all of the session useful, well
explained and easy to understand.
Found the management suggestions
most useful and easy to make a self-plan.”
“As always, I am open to information
and to see what works for me but
most of all I am impressed that as an
organisation Bromley Healthcare has
decided to provide this, I am very
impressed and thankful.”
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
More Health and Wellbeing week sessions
Working Parents & Carers Wellbeing
Webinar delivered by an employee
wellbeing consultant to guide
individuals juggling work and parenting/
caring, helping them to maintain their
own wellbeing and manage their time.
With 13 attendees, feedback was very
positive with all participants stating that
they learnt something new, and that
they found the session worthwhile:
”The session was delivered with
such enthusiasm and energy.”
Vivup EAP overview
An overview of our Employee
Assistance Programme and how to
access it including counselling, staff
discounts, various helplines and
the My Mindpal app. There were 8
attendees. Feedback: “Really good, very
informative”, “Excellent overview ... a
lot on offer. I will now be making use of
these benefits and feel comfortable to
signpost others”.
Online half hour yoga session suitable
for all levels of experience. There were
13 attendees. Feedback: “Really nice
to spend lunch break doing yoga, a
chance for restoration”, “Great fun and
we all enjoyed taking part”, “Would be
good to have this session regularly”,
“Really enjoyed and will be looking for
another class.”
Building Resilience workshop
A workshop, offering insight on how
to recognise and manage anxiety,
depression and low mood, took place
during Health and Wellbeing week.
There were 7 attendees at this session.
Feedback: “The combination of theory,
then skills helped me to be able to
put the tools into practise” and “It was
useful to allow time for reflection on
my wellbeing.”
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
More Health and Wellbeing week sessions
Online nutrition talk with a dietician
covering healthy eating/macronutrients.
There were 14 attendees. Feedback:
“Very well presented and clear”, ”Elena
was very engaging and the content was
easy to understand.”
How to have a wellbeing
conversation with a colleague
How do you approach a wellbeing
conversation with a colleague? What
tools are useful to use for this purpose?
There were 13 attendees. Feedback:
“Great session, loved the video and
the fact the session was interactive.
I think everyone needs to attend a
session like this”, ”I appreciate the time
offered to delegates to raise their own
questions and opinions.”
Bromley Healthcare Schwartz Rounds
Schwartz Rounds were developed in Feedback from recent Rounds
the USA by the Schwartz Center for “Today has been a real morale boost and
Compassionate Healthcare based an opportunity to recognise the value of
in Boston. Introduced in the UK by reflection.”
the Point of Care Foundation, over “Very well presented and I appreciate the
150 trusts in England have now panellists and feedback from all.”
implemented Schwartz Rounds. “It was really reassuring that other staff
members feel like I do.”
A Schwartz Round is a confidential,
comprehensive forum where all
staff, clinical and non-clinical, can
come together regularly to discuss
the emotional and social aspects
of working in healthcare. Schwartz
Rounds at Bromley Healthcare kicked
off with the first Round focusing on:
‘The day I made a difference’
There were 30 attendees and we
received really positive feedback.
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Bromley Healthcare Lived Experiences
To foster across One Bromley a greater
understanding of issues faced by ethnic
minority colleagues, to challenge any
form of discrimination and bias and
to encourage discussion around lived
Filmed and written stories of individual
volunteers collated into a resource
pack that includes montages and
presentation material.
Shared by Bromley Healthcare to
be available on the intranet, at staff
briefings and integrated into
development programmes.
Discussions on whether to extend
to other protected groups e.g. LGBT,
Ethnic Minority Mentoring programme
We have established a One Bromley
ethnic minority mentoring programme
to provide support and guidance
for ethnic minority staff members
across our Health and care system.
We hope that the programme will
increase a sense of belonging and
help to support career progression
for our ethnic minority staff members.
In the first phase we had 21 Mentors
across One Bromley volunteer and
provide their mentor bios.
17 Mentors and Mentees matched
across One Bromley in the first phase.
Mentor training course took place on
30th June with mentoring guidelines
sent to all mentors.
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Freedom to Speak Up Guardians
Speaking up protects patient safety
and improves the lives of workers.
When things go wrong, we need to
make sure that lessons are learnt, and
things are improved.
Freedom to Speak Up is about
encouraging a positive culture where
people feel they can speak up and
their voices will be heard, and their
suggestions acted upon. Guardians
have been appointed, trained and are
ready to listen.
Ambassadors are also being
appointed and trained to support the
More information about our Freedom
to Speak Up Guardians can be found
on the intranet.
What’s next for health and wellbeing
• Future Health and Wellbeing Weeks
• New Initiatives – Unconscious Bias
Theatre Forum
• Widen initiatives to One Bromley
partners Spring 2022
• Extending and opening up the Mentor
• Updates to our Wellbeing Hub-
regularly adding new resources to the
intranet. Linking with Vivup and other
support resources
• SEL - Keeping Well in South East
London (
• MHFA - continue to access and contact
our Mental Health First Aiders
• Monthly Schwartz Rounds and
introduction of ‘Team Time’
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Maria’s watercooler chat with...
Paulette Coogan
Every Together we will bring you an
exclusive interview with a member of the
Bromley Healthcare management team.
Maria: What is your work title and what does
your role involve?
Paulette: I work for Bromley Healthcare two days a
week as Strategic Advisor for People Development. I also work for 2
days a week as the Director of People and System Development for
One Bromley.
In my role with Bromley Healthcare my main responsibility is to
support the development and wellbeing of everyone that works for
Bromley Healthcare alongside the Learning and Development Team
who I manage.
Maria: What do you like about your job?
Paulette: I like the fact that the role is
varied with an overall aim of supporting
individuals and teams to be the best
that they can be, leading to an effective
organisation providing excellent services to
our patients.
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Maria: Tell us about your approach to your
Paulette: I take an open, flexible
approach to the role depending upon
the area of work and who I am working
Maria: How are things going in your role
and team?
Paulette: I really like the role and love working
with Learning and Development Team.
The team have a positive, can-do attitude
which has enabled us to achieve a lot
over the last 18 months including
the introduction of a range of new
development programmes that
take a blended approach to suit
all learning styles. They have also
implemented a range of health
and wellbeing initiatives to support
everyone who works with us which
has been particularly important given
the tough few months everyone has had.
Maria: Tell us about your own
interests outside of your role at
Bromley Healthcare:
Paulette: My interests are quite
varied and include going on
walks with my family, visits to
places of interest, the theatre,
concerts and watching my son
play hockey!
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Tea time teaser
Give your brain a workout during your tea break with
our tea time teaser and be in with a chance of winning
a prize. This month we have a ‘name the yoga position’
quiz! Just match the names of the positions labelled
A-F with the images below.
A Warrior Two B Child’s Pose C Plank
D Downward-facing Dog E Bridge F Chair Pose
12 3
Email your five answers to [email protected] and one of the correct entries
will be drawn at random to win a £20 Marks and Spencer voucher. Good luck!
Congratulations to our Spring/Summer winner Deepa Gumaste who correctly
identified the 5 ditloids as:
1. 7 Dwarves in Snow White
2. 60 Seconds in a Minute
3. 4 Wheels on a Car
4. 7 Colours in a Rainbow
5. 12 Months in a Year
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
What you’re up to...
Big Walking Challenge results
The first position was very closely contested between ‘Honey I shrunk the gut’ and ‘Is
this the way to Amarillo’. However, ‘Honey I shrunk the gut’ came out on top having
completed 3,701.1km - the team consisted of Cait Lewis, Carys Hartley, Louise Walker,
Zoe Beadle, Gemma Robinson, Zoe Beyerman and Jessica Sellar. Well done!
The top ten teams were:
1. Honey I Shrunk the Gut - 3,701km 6. Walkers not Fallers - 2837.1km
2. Is this the way Amarillo - 3,648.2km 7. RATTatouille Walking Team- 2,789.6km
3. Walkie Talkie - 3,140.3km 8. Restless legs - 2,772.1km
4. Where's the Finish Line - 3,025.2km 9. Barnard Buggles - 2,721.2km
5. The young and the breathless - 2865.3km 10. The Healthy Legs - 2,647.7km
Special mention has to go to Paul Drury who would go for break of dawn, late night,
middle of the night and weekend ambles and walked 1,014km and Diane Da Costa
who is also partial to an early morning and evening saunter and walked 956.8km!
Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded soon.
Happy Birthday to Alison - 21 again!
Pictured below is Care Coordination Centre Pod 1 (District Nursing) celebrating
Alison Vevers birthday.
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
New starters and retirees
Since the last issue of Together we would Gemma Knight - Greenwich 0 to 4
like to say hello the following colleagues Nancy Lahai - Greenwich 0 to 4
who have joined Bromley Healthcare: SophieLeggott - Greenwich 0 to 4
Jo-Anne Linnane - Greenwich 0 to 4
Roxana Bailey - District Nursing DionneLogue - Greenwich 0 to 4
Claire Bethell - Diabetes Maureen Makin - Greenwich 0 to 4
Elisabetta Clay - Community Paediatrics Louisa Malm - Greenwich 0 to 4
Clare Hewitt - Children’s OT Cynthia Matthews - Greenwich 0 to 4
Olivia Massey - Children’s SLT Alison McHugh - Greenwich 0 to 4
Nadia Mustafa - Community Paediatrics Fatima Meho - Greenwich 0 to 4
Grace Nwosu - District Nursing Rebecca Moody - Greenwich 0 to 4
Sarah Poynter - Rehab Home Pathway Natasha Moore - Greenwich 0 to 4
Neil Salmon - One Bromley Gursharan Nandra - Greenwich 0 to 4
Kate Stoneman - Patient Experience & Quality SandraNormahomed - Greenwich 0 to 4
Josephine Wynne-Williams - Adult Dietetics Deborah O’Shea - Greenwich 0 to 4
Josephine Wynne-Williams - Bexley Dietetics Chinyere Offorji - Greenwich 0 to 4
Cecilia Adomako - Greenwich 0 to 4 Victoria Okunlola - Greenwich 0 to 4
Jennifer Agbugba - Greenwich 0 to 4 Abiola Oladapo - Greenwich 0 to 4
Lade Akinbobola - Greenwich 0 to 4 Abiodun Olafusi - Greenwich 0 to 4
Kathy Aldridge - Greenwich 0 to 4 Deborah Olagbegi - Greenwich 0 to 4
Grace Amayo - Greenwich 0 to 4 Gbemisola Oluyemi - Greenwich 0 to 4
Jennifer Baker - Greenwich 0 to 4 Salome Osodo - Greenwich 0 to 4
Ann-Marie Brown - Greenwich 0 to 4 Nana Owiredu - Greenwich 0 to 4
Lorraine Bruzas - Greenwich 0 to 4 Linda Palmer - Greenwich 0 to 4
Obiageli Chiegbu - Greenwich 0 to 4 Elise Pearce - Children’s SLT
Cecilia Chigovanyika - Greenwich 0 to 4 Caroline Peters - Greenwich 0 to 4
Nicola Collins - Greenwich 0 to 4 Debra Pilszak - Greenwich 0 to 4
Kerry Cooke - Greenwich 0 to 4 Joan Pollydore - Greenwich 0 to 4
Veronica Daley - Greenwich 0 to 4 Isabelle Pressac - Greenwich 0 to 4
Adetola Dopemu - Bexley 0 to 19 Julie Price - Greenwich 0 to 4
Marina Down - TtoB (IAPT) Josephine Pwajok - Greenwich 0 to 4
Kim Evans - Greenwich 0 to 4 Michelle Reed - Greenwich 0 to 4
Asha Fernandes - Children’s SLT Sonia Roberts - Greenwich 0 to 4
Otilia Firiza - Greenwich 0 to 4 Teresa Robery - Greenwich 0 to 4
Elizabeth Ginty - Greenwich 0 to 4 Sarah-Ann Schofield - Greenwich 0 to 4
Sophie Greenwood - Greenwich 0 to 4 Gurvinder Seehra - Greenwich 0 to 4
Laura Hall - Greenwich 0 to 4 Judith Sherrell - Greenwich 0 to 4
Dawn Hamilton - Greenwich 0 to 4 Michelle Smith - Greenwich 0 to 4
Ann-Marie Hasphaul-Edwards - Grn 0 to 4 Karen Soroh - Greenwich 0 to 4
Susan Hazell - Greenwich 0 to 4 Rebecca Tauchert - Greenwich 0 to 4
Shamarah Henry - Greenwich 0 to 4 Julie Taylor - Greenwich 0 to 4
Naseem Iqbal - Greenwich 0 to 4 Christine Thornley - Greenwich 0 to 4
Janice Jarvis - Greenwich 0 to 4 Velma Tobun - Greenwich 0 to 4
Ursula Johnson - Greenwich 0 to 4 Natalie Troy - Greenwich 0 to 4
Haja Kamara - Greenwich 0 to 4 Diane Williams - Greenwich 0 to 4
Michella Kamara - Greenwich 0 to 4 Cornelia Williams-Ballantye - Greenwich 0 to 4
Shelley Kavanagh - Greenwich 0 to 4 Tracy Winfield - Greenwich 0 to 4
Amanda Kent - Greenwich 0 to 4 Kelly Wright - TtoB (IAPT)
Deborah King - Greenwich 0 to 4 Melis Cafer - Recruitment
Bromley Healthcare staff magazine - H&W Special
Tanya Clerkin - Bromley 0 to 19 Marlon Gunter - Care Agency
Katherine Creamer Jade Hamlet - Care Agency
Kayleigh Dixon - HR Joyce Hayward - Care Agency
Macie Djuric - HR Francisca Hezron Swebe - Care Agency
Kelly Frogbrook - CCNT Titilola Jalaade - Care Agency
Rosemary Gormley - Greenwich 0 to 4 Lauren Kouadio - Care Agency
Alexandra James - CCNT Daphne Kpange - Care Agency
Angella Louisy - Greenwich 0 to 4 Miracle Liberty - Care Agency
Megan Mott - District Nursing Conor McDaid - Care Agency
Kerry Murphy - Lewisham Dietetics Ethel Mesango - Care Agency
Sandra Okundaye - Respiratory Rebecca Michael - Care Agency
Nabilah Rifat - Information Benjamin Miller - Care Agency
Laura Rogers - Clinic Support Sherri Moffat - Care Agency
Rebecca Stanforth - Children’s SLT Amal Mohamed - Care Agency
Bindu Vekaria - Adult SLT Eddie Mongis - Care Agency
Fatima Abid - Finance Rebecca Moxom - Care Agency
Natasha Beer - Rehab Home Pathway Rebecca Okai - Care Agency
Carmel Bonse - One Bromley Ezinne Okolorie - Care Agency
Regan Cook-Waters - Children’s OT Francisca Olii - Care Agency
Natasha Cooper - Respiratory Monica Oni - Care Agency
Florence Impact - Rehab Beds Melanie Owusu - Care Agency
Deborah Back - Bromley 0 to 19 Vida Quarcoo - Care Agency
Jessica Davidson - Bromley 0 to 19 Saima Rahman - Care Agency
Naomi Honey - Children’s SLT Anjana Rai - Care Agency
Victoria Hulks - Children’s SLT Reanna Sackie-Mensah - Care Agency
Emma Rose-Ludlow - CCC Michael Safo - Care Agency
Joanna Sengendo - Twilight Claire Samuel-Hill - Care Agency
Ganesh Sivan - Recruitment Aishat Sanni - Care Agency
Kelly Smart - Rehab Home Pathway Azeezat Sanni - Care Agency
Jane Abolarinde - Care Agency Chanda Sinkala - Care Agency
Shally Adewale - Care Agency Cheryl Smart - Care Agency
Olufunke Adio - Care Agency Lucy Stoneham - Care Agency
Abigail Afful - Care Agency Sarah Stoneham - Care Agency
Tania Agbongiator-Ojimenta - Care Agency Clifford Tennant - Care Agency
Mercy Akajiuba - Care Agency Elizabeth Umusu - Care Agency
Oladotun Akinuli - Care Agency Gabija Vysockyte - Care Agency
Michelle Asiku - Care Agency Marian White - Care Agency
Ralphael Ayitey - Care Agency Elizabeth Yerimah - Care Agency
Oladeji Ayoola - Care Agency
Nakisha Baah - Care Agency If you meet any of our new starters, please
Barbara Barczynska - Care Agency do make them feel welcome. We also say
Anzelika Bauriene - Care Agency farewell and good luck to the following
Shannon Brett - Care Agency staff who have recently retired:
Hafsa Chowdhury - Care Agency
Alishia Chuky-Philips - Care Agency Jacqueline Husain - Children’s SLT
Danielle Collins - Care Agency Adeline Moss - District Nursing
Esmatu Conteh - Care Agency Victoria France - Bromley 0 to 19
Glenda Dougal - Care Agency Elizabeth Ginty - Greenwich 0 to 4
Kajal Dubey - Care Agency Susan Piper - CCNT
Jada Edwards - Care Agency
Adrain Ezeogwum - Care Agency Let us know if you have any photos that
Gillian Flynn - Care Agency you would like to be included in the
Carrolin Fuller - Care Agency next issue of Together. Please email your
Maddissyn Goldswain - Care Agency pictures, along with a few details to:
Together is published by Bromley Healthcare’s Communications team. If you have an
enquiry or an item for inclusion in the next issue please email: [email protected].