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Thursday, June 4, 2020

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Published by beachpaper, 2020-06-03 18:41:51

Beach Paper

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Keywords: beach,delaware

Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to
the Cape Region

Welcome back to the
Delaware beaches - Page 4

Local farmers markets
offer season’s best - Page 18


2 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

LIFE’S BETTER at the beach

Welcome to the best backyard at the
beach. Featuring new construction with
bay views!

ENJOY Stylish & Convenient


• Rooftop garden plaza • Rooftop pool 2, 3 & 4 BEDROOM OPTIONS
with grilling area, fire pit, STARTING IN THE MID-$600s
and expansive sundeck • Indoor saltwater pool
and fitness facility
• Access to Hyatt Place
Dewey Beach Services • Expanded bayfront beach
and Amenities and recreation access

• Assigned garage parking • Unparalleled ocean
and bay views

Private & virtual tours available.

Contact us today!

302-226-3770 Located at Lighthouse Cove & Hyatt Place Hotel 3 02-212- 0 0 02

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 3


Right now we’re all adjusting to our new normal. Daily routines and activities
look a little different these days. Many of us have realized we can work from
home and we enjoy it. So why not live and work at the beach and enjoy the
relaxed lifestyle Coastal Delaware has to offer? With an office view like this,
it’s no wonder people love living here!

©2020 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice.

4 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Welcome to the beach! ON THE COVER: Waves lap
Looking forward to visit- the shore at Lewes Beach,
ing Delaware’s beaches? PLEASE NOTE have limited capacity for the looking toward Roosevelt
While it’s exciting to time being. When you head to a Inlet.
return, keep in mind that things As this edition goes to press shop, there may be an employee Cover design
will be different from your last Delaware is in Phase 1 of outside counting customers, by Teresa Rodriguez
visit. offers Gov. John Carney’s Economic and you may need to wait your
things visitors should keep in Reopening plan, and certain turn to go in. DENY HOWETH PHOTO
mind when visiting Delaware. regulations are in place to
ensure everyone’s safety as Reservations required – About Beach Paper
Face masks – When enjoy- the state moves forward. Be While social distancing is still in
ing public spaces from parks to sure to check coronavirus. effect, reservations are required Editor General Manager/
the Boardwalk, face masks or for the latest at all restaurants, and once you Jen Ellingsworth Co-Publisher
coverings are required, so things updates. go in to dine you can expect Chris Rausch
will look a little different. fewer patrons, tables spaced Designer
your hands clean and germ-free farther apart, paper menus and Deny Howeth IT Manager/Photo Editor
Social distancing – So- is more important than ever, so waiters with face masks. Christopher D. Foster
cial distancing is still in effect be prepared to wash regularly Copy Editor
everywhere outside the home, and bring hand sanitizer for a Historical attractions also Bob Yesbek Advertising
so please be sure to maintain more convenient option. require reservations which may Amanda Neafie
six feet of distance between involve meeting an employee Production Supervisor Andrew Thomas
yourself and anyone outside the Limited capacity – Stores at the door and sanitizing your Edwin Krumm Cindy Bowlin
small group you traveled with, are just one of numerous busi- hands upon entry. Kathy McGinty
even when you’re outdoors. ness types that are going to Production
Remember to bring your face Teresa Rodriguez Web Manager
Handwashing – Keeping mask. Look into your desired Eric Lawson Kristin Sinnott
destinations at least a week Tara Arjona
ahead of time to be prepared on
RON MACARTHUR PHOTO what to expect. Find Beach Paper on Facebook for local news and events!

Crowds have returned to Rehoboth Beach over the weekend. Changes in accommoda-
tion protocol – Your hotel
or rental may reach out to you
before your arrival to provide
instructions for checking in and
out that have been modified
due to COVID-19. Housekeep-
ing services may have also been
changed, so follow all instruc-
tions to make your stay easy.

Share the fun – Post photos
on social media for your friends
and family to see.

Use #delagram for a chance
to be featured on Visit Dela-
ware’s Facebook or Instagram.

Join us in support of our restaurants
here along the Delaware Coast

sunday friday

JUNE 14 to JUNE 19

Participating restaurants
along the Culinary Coast will be offering



Brought to you by


to our favorite local establishments that make the Culinary Coast
such a wonderful place to live, visit, play and eat!

Visit our website to view menus and updates.
Order early and order often.

Beach Paper JJUUNNEE22002200 5


Visitors have returned to Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk, where masks are man- A family enjoys time on Lewes Beach.


Rehoboth Beach and Boardwalk shops are open for business.


An outdoor-dining area is ready on Baltimore Avenue in Rehoboth Beach.


The Starboard owner Steve “Monty” Montgomery welcomes everyone in Dew-
ey Beach.


Blooming Boutique in Lewes welcomes shoppers back on June 1.

6 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Scenes from the
Delaware beaches

Welcome back...we’ve missed you!


RON MACARTHUR PHOTO Playland is open for business on the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk.

Welcome to summer 2020 at the Delaware beaches. While things may look
and feel a little different, the sun and sand are still abundant, and the local
stores and businesses are happy to see the return of visitors.


Maureen McCurry, left, and Latoya Parish enjoy lunch on the sidewalk in front Sandwich board signs lined Second Street in Lewes A man enjoys his french fries sitting along the Boardwalk by
of Kaisy’s Delights on Rehoboth Avenue. June 1 as stores reopened. a sign that lets people know what’s expected.


Touch of Italy in Lewes makes it known they are open for dine-in service.


ELLEN DRISCOLL PHOTO At Woody’s Dewey Beach, owner Jimmy O’Conor said he was a little nervous to see how things go, but excited to have
You can buy a socially distanced T-shirt at T-Shirt World in Rehoboth. people in chairs again.

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 7

Nightlife is back
at the beach!

Live music returns to the Delaware
beaches, just in time for the summer.
Please note, regulations related to
COVID-19 precautions are in place,
including social distancing. Call
establishments ahead of time for details.

OUTDOOR CONCERTS Benderz; Saturday, June 6 - Indian We’re all in this together!
River, 1:30 p.m., Late Last Night &
• Lewes Summer Concert Series: Stealing Savannah; Sunday, June 7 FREE shipping on all orders!
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Stango - The Everafter. 302-227-3888.
Park. Tuesday, June 23 - Delaware Open At Shore Silver, you
287th Army Band; Tuesday, June • Starboard: 2009 Highway One. Fri-Sat-Sun NEVER PAY
30 - Christopher Dean Band; Sundays - Online live Bryen 3 to SALES TAX!
Tuesday, July 7 - Milford Com- 6 p.m. & Kristen, 7 to 9 p.m. 302- 10-4
munity Band; Tuesday, July 14 227-4600.
- Cocktails at 3; Tuesday, July 21 Taking Reservations
- Reel Ting; Tuesday, July 28 - The LEWES
Funsters; Tuesday, Aug. 4 - British for Limited Dine-in Service!
Invasion Experience; Tuesday, • Irish Eyes at Anglers: Anglers
Aug. 11 - Brothers Stonesifer; Road. Saturday, June 6 - Electric Carryout and Curbside Pickup Available
Tuesday, Aug. 18 - Vinyl Shockley; Velvet, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.; Friday, for Full Menu and Deli Counter
Tuesday, Aug. 25 - U.S. Navy Band June 19 - Electric Smoke, 9 p.m. to
Cruisers. For more information go 12:30 a.m. 302-645-6888. Open 11-8pm Daily
• Milton Theatre: 110 Union St.
• Bottle & Cork: 18047 Highway Friday, June 5 - Stand-Up Comedy
One. Friday, June 5 - Late Last Show with Missy Hall, Jeremy Hall
Night; Saturday, June 6 - Jam and Keith Purnell, 8 p.m.; Satur-
Session with Love Seed Mama day, June 6 - Drag Extravaganza
Jump, Kono Nation & Shake Shake featuring Magnolia Applebottom
Shake. 302-227-7272. & special guests, 8 p.m. 302-684-
• Jimmy’s Grille: Bellevue Street
and Highway One. Wednesdays REHOBOTH BEACH
- Ginger, 6 to 10 p.m.; Friday, June
5 - The Everafter, 9 p.m.; Saturday, • Bluecoast Seafood Grill & Raw
June 6 - Pat Stoner, 5 to 9 p.m.; Bar: 30115 Veterans Way. Friday,
Sunday, June 7 - The Everafter, 6 June 5 - Share the Road; Saturday,
p.m. 302-227-4333. June 6 - Keith White Duo; Friday,
June 12 - Nate Clendenen. 302-
• Northbeach: 125 McKinley Ave. 278-7395.
Friday, June 5 - Sam Capolongo &
Stealing Savannah; Sunday, June 7 • Blue Moon: 35 Baltimore Ave.
- Sunday Funday Brunch featuring Friday, June 12 - Spotlight Show, 7
Sam Capolongo, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. & 9 p.m.; Saturday, June 13 - Leg-
302-226-8673. ends Show, 7 to 9 p.m. 302-227-
• Rusty Rudder: Dickinson Ave
and the bay. Friday, June 5 - Rick • Conch Island: 207 Rehoboth
& Mike, Late Last Night & The Ave. Wednesdays - Electric
Velvet, 8:30 p.m. to midnight;
Fridays & Saturdays - Matt Avery;

• Rehoboth Ale House: 15 Wilm- Lewes
ington Ave. Tuesdays - Open-mic Rehoboth
Night, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, June 5 -
Radii, 8 to 11 p.m. 302-278-7433.

The British Invasion Experience will • The Pond: South First Street.
perform Aug. 4 for the Lewes Sum- Friday, June 5 - Lower Case Blues,
mer Concert Series. 7 p.m.; Friday, June 12 - Plot Twist,
9:30 p.m. 302-227-2234.

Love Seed Mama Jump is back at the Bottle & Cork for a jam session Satur- Stop missing all the fun! Follow @BeachPaper on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & Twitter.
day, June 6.

8 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

into its 40th season
2020 marks 40 seasons of to be cherished.
business in downtown Lewes The King children, Chelsea HISTORY
since King’s Homemade Ice
Cream opened its doors on and Ryan, were 11 and 8 the sea- HOME
Good Friday of 1981. Its location son King’s opened in 1981. They
was, at that time, the Zwaanen- believed there was nothing JOIN US AT THE 2020
dael Hotel, now Hotel Rodney. better than having a dad who
owned an ice cream shop and VIRTUAL FESTIVAL
Tom and Chris King decided enjoying free ice cream when-
that an ice cream shop was just ever they wanted it. KEYNOTE ADDRESS
what Lewes needed. Earl, Tom’s
dad, owned and operated King’s As former scoopers them- Purchase tickets for this History Book
Ice Cream in Milton, so opening selves, Ryan and Chelsea said Festival live online event featuring author
another shop in Lewes seemed the King’s Ice Cream tradition Erik Larson as he discusses his new book,
a natural extension to what was is meaningful to them as well. The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of
already a successful business. Now in California, Ryan and his Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the
wife Kelley bring their children Blitz, on Thursday, June 25, at 5 PM.
However, the logistics were back to Lewes where they can
not so simple. A recession, discover small-town life and the BOOK SALES BY BROWSEABOUT BOOKS
high interest rates, and naysay- delights of taste testing all the VIRTUAL VENUE HOSTED BY THE LEWES PUBLIC LIBRARY
ers who claimed it was not a flavors.
good time for a start-up busi- 2020 VIRTUAL HISTORY BOOK FESTIVAL PRESENTED BY
ness were discouraging, but the Chelsea left home for awhile,
Kings were not dissuaded. A lived and worked in Europe, DELAWARE HUMANITIES AND
local bank was willing to take a then returned to Lewes with her THE LEE ANN WILKINSON GROUP
chance on the Kings’ new busi- Dutch husband and first child
ness, paving the way for what in 2004. In 2010, she and her To purchase tickets for this live online Keynote
would become a Lewes tradi- husband Rudy bought King’s Address and to learn more about the 2020
tion. Milton and Lewes shops from Virtual Festival visit:
Tom and Chris.
With the help of two or three
local students, Tom and Chris Honoring tradition, Rudy
began working at their small continues churning the award-
walk-in shop with no seating. A winning ice cream flavors that
year later, when their growing Tom and Earl developed, but he
business required a bigger place, also enjoys making up his own,
the Kings moved across the such as Dutch Chocolate, Salted
street to 201 Second St., where Caramel Crunch and Funfetti.
King’s Ice Cream continues to Rudy and Chelsea’s son Aidan
operate today. now helps with the ice-cream
making, and their daughter
Through the years, many Kiran is just beginning her tour
hundreds of local and summer of duty behind the dipping
resident students worked in counter.
the Lewes shop. It became a
tradition to work at King’s, to Tradition continues as King’s
train a year or two prior to get- Homemade Ice Cream Shops
ting a job in the busier town of opens its doors for its 40th
Rehoboth Beach. season. Guests can visit King’s
Milton shop at 302 Union St. or
Children, parents and grand- the Lewes shop at 201 Second
parents enjoy making tradi- St. All the favorite ice cream
tional treks to King’s. Former flavors and desserts are served
King’s employees often relate from 1 to 9 p.m., seven days a
intriguing stories about custom- week.
ers who predictably ordered
the same thing every time, fun Along with family and
and tasty whipped-cream fights friends, guests are asked to
outside the building after hours, bring their masks to wear. One
employee pizza gatherings in family at a time may enter the
Rehoboth and lifelong friend- shop to order, so social distanc-
ships that developed among ing is requested as patrons wait
fellow workers. outside.

The experience of growing While 2020 might not be see-
up in a small town working at ing much to celebrate so far, 40
an ice cream shop, the hub of years of bringing “the best ice
Lewes after hours, is a memory cream on the Eastern Shore” to
Lewes is a cause for joy.


Behind the King’s Ice Cream freezers are in back (l-r) Chris King and Tom King.
In front are children Chelsea and Ryan King.

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 9


Right now we’re all adjusting to our new normal. Daily routines and activities
look a little different these days. Large backyard barbecues are on hold for now 302-745-9614
so imagine your new backyard where you can launch your kayak into our bays
and canals without having to leave your community. Why not live at the beach
and enjoy the relaxed lifestyle Coastal Delaware has to offer? With a backyard
like this, it’s no wonder people love living here!

©2020 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice.

10 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Serving up the Finest in



Order Online Lewes • Canalside 302.645.6888
Milton • Union St 302.684.8889
Pizza • Cheesesteaks
Burgers • Wraps • Salads

19287 Miller Rd., Rehoboth


Pete’s Supreme Pizza can be ordered with thick or thin crust. Get it hot out of the oven, delivered
to your door by their speedy delivery team.

Restaurant Tours Pete’s Steak Shop is still the go-to spot Voted Best Sandwiches,
for online ordering and quick delivery of their Best Nachos & Best Lunch Spot
Open Daily at 11:30 famous cheesesteaks, pizzas and sandwiches
108 Second St, Lewes by Delaware Today
Even after restaurants open with very limited (including curbside!) and pickup. Simply go to
302.645.6611 seating on June 1st, Pete’s Steak Shop has still on Visit any of our 7 locations.
got you covered for takeout and delivery. In fact, your computer or your phone. More info at
Midway Shopping Center Pete’s has been delivering cheesesteaks, BBQ,
Highway One, Rehoboth Reach delicious salads, Greek favorites, homemade Viewed from Coastal Highway, Pete’s Steak
desserts and a variety of hot, crispy pizzas since Shop could be a steakhouse, a butcher shop
Reservations: 302.645.9355 they opened. or even a pizzeria! But in fact, Pete’s is home to 19724 Coastal Hwy., Rehoboth Beach
some of the best cheesesteaks, sandwiches and 101 2nd Street, Lewes Pete’s is known for some of the fastest burgers in the Rehoboth Beach area. And you
delivery in the area, and Pete’s customers 302.703.3090
Always available at agree: “We got Pete’s delivered after don’t want to miss a long day at the the baked-
beach, and to-order
CapeCuisine it was by pizzas! It Call 302-645-7700
far the best all started to feature
I have ever with the your restaurant!
had. And you get A LOT of food for the price. quintessential American story.
We were all very happy.” Another regular Greek immigrants Pete and Marika Vasilikos
customer says, “We LOVE Pete’s Steak Shop! opened the downtown Wilmington Pete’s in
All-around good pizza, cheesesteaks, chicken 1974 with little more than a desire to share their
cheesesteaks, sandwiches and wraps. We love of richly flavored foods. Even during this
order from here often! They are very quick stressful time, longtime team members at Pete’s
with delivery, which we always do.” Yet Steak Shop in Rehoboth Beach continue to
another happy customer chimes in: “Very fast offer superior quality at an affordable price – for
delivery, always hot and delicious. … Delivery pickup or delivered right to your front door!
cheesesteaks and pizzas don’t get much better Pete’s “Home of the Ultimate Cheesesteak” is
than this.” Pete’s Steak Shop is known for quick located in the Rehoboth Marketplace at 19287
service, with online ordering for both delivery Miller Road and Coastal Highway. Order online
or simply call 302-226-3000.

sunday friday Due to the unusual circumstances of 2020,

JUNE 14 to JUNE 19 Coastal Delaware Restaurant Week
has become

Culinary Coast
Takeout Week

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 11

Be patient with us as
we slowly recover!

STEPPIN’ UP be here when vacationers re- REHOBOTHFOODIE PHOTO
TO THE PLATE turn. This past Monday, restau-
rants were finally permitted to In an attempt to weather this storm of restrictions, restaurant managers, owners and bartenders are pitching in for car-
REHOBOTH FOODIE welcome an extremely limited ryout and delivery. Clockwise from left, Catering Director Jess Nathan welcomes takeout customers to Bethany Blues
number of guests back into their Lewes. At 1776 Steakhouse, bartender Matt Sprenkle will even bring your goodies out to your car. And Minh's Bistro
For the last eight years, we dining rooms. So limited, in fact, boss Thinh Pham puts his personal touch on loyal guests' takeout orders.
here at the Steppin’ Up that some of our local owners
To The Plate main office still won’t open for indoor din- eateries will continue to do Many of the delivery people and out there and make the rounds
complex and hi-rise mall have ing until later in the month. some combination of carryout those bringing food out to your so we can keep our Cape Re-
looked forward to welcoming and delivery for the foresee- car are servers, bussers and run- gion food industry alive!
you back to Rehoboth Beach. We locals are doing our part, able future. Outside dining will ners who survive on tips.
However, this year’s welcome but the restaurant owners, become more ubiquitous. If the The Rehoboth Foodie also writes The
is somewhat bittersweet, as our managers and staff are the true weather cooperates, that could See the comprehensive take- Business of Eating every Friday in the Cape
beloved restaurants have been heroes. Eateries that never did actually be a good thing. And out and delivery list for Sussex Gazette under the pseudonym “Bob Yesbek.”
severely restricted as to inside carryout were doing it within 24 when you do go out to eat or to County - including addresses The two of them have never been seen in the
dining. The restaurants that are hours. Owners adjusted sched- get carryout, don’t forget to tip! and phone numbers - at re- same place at the same time. Just sayin’.
able to do it have been limited ules for kitchens and dining Get
to takeout and delivery. rooms in an attempt to hold on
to as many faithful employees as
The silver lining around this they could.
otherwise dark cloud is that our
locals have … well, stepped up Behind-the-scenes activities
the plate … to support our local like ordering takeout contain-
eateries so most of them would ers (almost impossible to get
nowadays) and negotiating with
food purveyors and landlords
took center stage as hardwork-
ing entrepreneurs figured out
new ways to hold on to their
precious investments.

So over the next few weeks,
a few lucky diners can sit in
restaurants if they make reser-
vations. Service might be off a
bit at first as everyone gets used
to these temporary inconve-
niences. But know that you are
welcome back into what many
restaurateurs consider their
homes. Virtually all of our local

Rehoboth Art League
open with regular hours

The Rehoboth Art League is if feeling sick. 2 LOCATIONS, 1 TEAM
currently operating under its Browsing exhibitions and
normal schedule. Hours are 10 to provide you with even MORE exceptional care!
a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Satur- the sales gallery are available
day, and noon to 4 p.m., Sunday. online. CHIROPRACTIC · ACUPUNCTURE · MASSAGE
The Rehoboth Art League MONDAY TO SATURDAY, AND
practices the COVID-19 Cus- NOON TO 4 P.M., SUNDAY. PAIN
tomer Protection Standards DOESN'T TAKE
Program, created by the Dela- Open studios, available to art A VACATION
ware Division of Small Business league members, will be opera-
and the Delaware Department tional with strict guidelines and Call Us Today!
of Health. Art league visitors, participant limitations.
members and staff are required
to wear face coverings, practice The league requests patience
social distancing and make use as it navigates new processes
of available hand sanitizer. for programs on campus.

All are asked to wash their For more information, go to
hands frequently and stay home

» More information: We’reDsRe.ekZiAnCgHaTOMKO • DR. AUDREY FARRELL

MASSAGE TLHEWERESA|P1I2S1T00 Black Swan Drive, Suite 103

(302) 644-5750to join ourIn the new Cape Henlopen Medical Center

award-winning team!

InterestedD?RC.aJllEuSsStIoCdAaByO! HL • DR. TRIP DELCAMPO
DR. AUDREY FARRELL REHOBOTH | 18585 Coastal Hwy., Unit 26
In the Midway Shopping Center

(302) 645-6681


The Rehoboth Art League Members’ Fine Craft Exhibition will be on display
June 12 to July 12 in the Corkran Gallery.

12 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper


Right now we’re all adjusting to our new normal. Daily routines and activities
look a little different these days. Forget the crowded spin class. Why not take a 302-745-9614
ride on one of our many scenic bike trails and enjoy the relaxed lifestyle Coastal
Delaware has to offer? With our low-tax living, pristine beaches, gorgeous
scenery, quaint beach towns, award-winning restaurants, and vibrant social
scene it’s no wonder people love living here.

©2020 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice.

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 13

C2 books • cards • gifts • art

Vintage Violet Open Daily C4 music • clothes • stuff we like A4 17314 N. Village Blvd.
CCHHIICC BBOOUUTTIIQQUUEE Second & Market Streets, Lewes 205 Second St., Lewes

Off Savannah Rd., 302.644.2210 in the basement | entrance in back of building behind biblion A4 E2
just 1 mile from Coastal Highway C4 B4
33800 Dreamweaver Lane A D2
(302) 703-6692
Check Facebook for hours Shipcarpenter Street Campus

1 23 45 6 Museums, Events & Tours

Experience Our Seafaring Past
A ARENA’S Delaware
DELI Bay LHS Ryves Holt House
CAR WASH P UNIVERSITY OF Part of the First State National
Historic Park
B Wescoats Rd. New Rd. DELAWARE LHS LIFE
SAVING LHS Lewes History Museum
WILKINSON HISTORICAL at Margaret H. Rollins Comm Ctr.
GROUP LHS Museum Store & Information
C CAPE HIGH HOLT HOUSE B Iconic Lewes Products
SCHOOL Lewes Life Saving Station
Shipcarpenter St.
Visit us online for Events schedule
Mulberry St. BIBLION &
UNDERGROUND Canalfront 302.645.7670
110 Shipcarpenter St. • Lewes



Lewes-Rehoboth Canal C

Savannah RoadGeorge HP P Bank Milton Lewes
Kings Highway Smith Park
Third Street C4302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
Second Street 302-684-8900 302-645-9425

Cape Henlopen Dr.OFFICE
HONEY’S Neils Alley A2

JACK LINGO LHS MUSEUM Conversation Peace

ZWAANENDAEL D Full Service Jeweler
Jewelry Repairs
OF COMMERCE Watch Batteries

Five Points Weis Ctre, Lewes

Kings Highway D2

E Gills Neck Road Stango LEWES CITY DOGFISH P E
Cape Henlopen 329 Savannah Rd., Lewes
Theodore E Freeman Hwy State Park
Map is for general reference and is Visitor’s Map to the Best of
not intended to be drawn to scale. F
The grid can be used to guide you LEWESTHE
to businesses and other points of List with Lingo
reference located on this map. Enjoy! CITY OF 1240 Kings Highway

23 45 6 302-645-2207
A1 E4


Superior Service, Outstanding Results in Real Estate 17246 Five Points Sq.
16698 Kings Hwy. 302-200-9007

14 JUNE 2020 Beach

Like B3 B7

149 Rehoboth Ave. on 32 LAKE AVENUE
B6 302.226.1160

1 2 3 4 5

A HeAnclroepsen REHOBOTH ART
Henlopen Ave.

Lewes-Rehoboth Canal STINGRAY 3rd St.


Grove TOWN



C Beach
COMFORT Rehoboth Ave.

Rehoboth Ave.


B3 Scarborough Ave. P

59 Lake Avenue D Christian St.

302.227.6476 Visitor’s Map to the Best of REHOBOTH

E P 3 Silver 5
1 Map is for general reference and is C3
not intended to be drawn to scale. 4
C3 The grid can be used to guide you
to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy!


C4 A Coastal American Grill. For all your local
news and events
Happy Hour Starts at 4PM Daily List with Lingo BUSIN

228 Rehoboth Avenue 1240 Kings Highway

302.227.3895 302-645-2207

Paper JUNE 2020 15


C8 C7
Olive Ave & The Boardwalk

C8 302.227.6261Taste of the First State®
On The Avenue

5 6 7 8 9 B8

LakeCAapvSeet.aHteenPloaprken N

Grenoble Pl.

Lake Gerar Virginia Ave. A 25 Baltimore Ave.
Olive Ave. Atlantic 302-227-8331
Maryland Ave.


Baltimore Ave. Baltimore Ave. B


Rehoboth First Ave NICOLA CARLTONS


Village By Rehoboth
The Sea
Bandstand C
Rehoboth Ave. BLACKWALL

First Street Penny A4
Station Lane
Second St. Wilmington Ave.
D C7

BDeeacwhey Philadelphia St. Delaware Ave. 30222-674-141-907400
Brooklyn Ave. JJoollllyyTTrroollleleyy.c.coomm


5 67 8 9


302 - 278 - 7433
Call us tJolly Van oday!
follow us on

16 JUNE 2020 B3 Beach Paper

129 Union St.
(nheisxttortioc lhibormarey) Friends of the Milton
@OGRESGROVE: 626 Mulberry St., Milton
121 Union St., Milton, DE
C4 302.684.1522

12 3

Milton Lewes C4 To Ellendale
Route 16
302 Union St. 201 2nd St. A Union Street
302-684-8900 302-645-9425 Saw Mill Rd. Mulberry Street

Spicer Rd.

Stenger’s Shamrock Farms Par 3 SHAMROCK To Route 1
22222 Saw Mill Road FARMS GOLF
Milton, Delaware PUTTIN’ ON THE
302.684.1808 COURSE

B To Ellendale HighwRayIT)Z SALON MILTON

Route 16

For all your local Broad Street MagOGnGRolORiaPEVS’EStreet
news and events



To Cave Neck Rd.
Mention Cape Gazette and get a FREE gift D Hudson

D4 Route 5 (Harbeson Road) Route 9 Cool Spring Road Route 9 Wagamons Pond
Fisher Rd
113 Union St, Milton, DE Martin’s Farm Road To Route 1
(302) 745-8338


12 3 4


Visit Milton, D6 CHAMBER 210 Union Street C4 on

Live In Milton. ic” “Hip & Histor 302-684-1010
18864 Coolspring Rd., E8
Milton, DE Milton, DE

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 17

WANT TO SEE Open 7 days / week 11am - 5pm
BUSINEFOSRS C5 50 + Dealers
Call us today! 109 UNION STREET
(302) 664-1840
Want to see
567 8 your business

Broadkill Rd (Rt 16) P here?

Map is for general reference and is CALL US TODAY!
not intended to be drawn to scale.
The grid can be used to guide you A 645-7700
to businesses and other points of
FRANTIC reference located on this map. Enjoy!

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18 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Off to market!

Local farmers offering season’s best

Local farmers markets are required to enter through a
open and ready with a fresh specific entrance and leave out
bounty of goods. Please note a designated exit; there will be
the markets are operating under no doubling back to shop.
strict COVID-19 state-of-emer- • To reduce shopping time,
gency restrictions. vendors will not display
produce so people can touch
Individual farmers markets or handle it. Customers will
may choose to implement more request items they want to
specific and stringent protocols, purchase, and the farmer will
but they must at a minimum then pack-
follow the issued protocols in MORE age those
order to operate and remain
open. INFORMATION items for
• No social gatherings, no REGARDING • The
entertainment or activities, no THE PROTOCOL
food trucks or prepared food for protocols
consumption on site, no on-site will be in
food preparation or sampling, FOR DELAWARE place until DENY HOWETH PHOTOS
no demonstrations and no pets FARMERS further no-
allowed, except service animals. Historic Lewes Farmers Market opened the 2020 season May 30 at Shields in Lewes, as Phase 1 reopening of Dela-
MARKETS CAN tice, and are ware began June 1. During recent weeks, the staff and volunteers of the market planned for no contact, social distanc-
• All customers will be re- intended to ing and masks.
quired to wear face coverings, BE FOUND AT allow farm-
or they will be denied entrance. Old World Breads, above, uses baking trays to transfer product and payment for their no-contact process.
A maximum of two people per WWW.DE.GOV/ ers to sell
household will be allowed to produce,
enter. BUYLOCAL. specialty

Customers will check in at crops and other value-added
the entrance with market staff. food items that have been
If the market is at capacity, grown or raised on a farm or
customers will be given instruc- prepared in a permitted on-farm
tions when they can enter. kitchen or cottage-food kitchen.
Information regarding the
• Progress through mar- protocol for farmers markets
kets will be in one direction. can be found at
All market attendees will be buylocal.

LOCAL FARMERS MARKETS Iris Prager is keeping count at the entrance to
Reminders are placed throughout the Historic Lewes Farmers Market. the Historic Lewes Farmers Market.
Tuesday The Milton Farmers Market finally got its start May 29 after stormy weather forced postponement of opening day. The
parking lot at Dogfish Head Brewery was the loop for customers who lined up with 6-foot distancing to take advantage
• Rehoboth Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Grove Park, of fresh vegetables and food the market offered. Volunteer Kathy Jordan gives Joan Seaburg a squirt of hand sanitizer.
Rehoboth. Face masks required to enter, maximum of 2 people per Dogfish Head hand sanitizer, right, was provided for shoppers.
household. Go to


• Market at Sea Colony, 8 a.m. to noon, Marketplace at Sea
Colony Shopping Center, Rt. 1 South, Bethany Beach. Go to seacol-


• Milton Farmers Market, 3 to 6 p.m., Dogfish Head Brewery, 6
Village Center Blvd., Milton. Face masks required to enter, maxi-
mum of 2 people per household. Go to miltondefarmersmarket.


• Riverwalk Farmers Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., S. Walnut St. &
Mispillion Riverwalk, Milford. Face masks required to enter, maxi-
mum of 2 people per household, credit cards preferred, if using
cash exact change appreciated. Go to or
Riverwalk Farmers Market on Facebook.

• Historic Lewes Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to noon, George H.P.
Smith Park, Lewes. In case of inclement weather market to be
moved to Shields parking lot, Lewes. Face masks required to enter,
maximum of 2 people per household. Go to historiclewesfarmers- for information.


• Bethany Beach Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to noon, Garfield Pkwy.
& Pennsylvania Ave., Bethany. Go to bethanybeachfarmersmarket.

• Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers Market, noon to 3 p.m.,
32165 Winery Way, Lewes. Face masks required to enter,
maximum of 2 people per household For more information go to or Nassau Valley Vineyards
Farmers Market on Facebook.

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 19

History Book Fest to host virtual talk with Larson

‘Splendid and Vile’ author to be featured June 25 History Book Discussion groups The History Book Festival is
held in conjunction with the the first and only book festival
Lewes Public Library. Some in the United States devoted
The 2020 History Book Fes- Broadcasting, and will take bookseller, Browseabout Books authors will also participate in exclusively to history. Led by a
tival, normally a live weekend audience questions. in Rehoboth Beach. special events with children and volunteer board and funded in
event in Lewes in late Sep- Drawing on diaries, original The 2020 Virtual History youth. part by tax-deductible contri-
tember, will become a virtual archival documents, and once- Book Festival: Bring History For the most up-to-date butions through the Greater
festival this year, launching secret intelligence reports, “The Home will roll out over the next information, subscribe to the Lewes Foundation, the festival’s
with a keynote presentation by Splendid and the Vile” sheds six months. The festival board festival’s e-newsletter by going organizers believe in the power
one of America’s most popular new light on a pivotal year in is scheduling authors for future to and of history, literature and civil
authors. London during World War II free Spirited Discussions, as clicking on the Connect button dialogue to influence the future
Erik Larson, author of the through the day-to-day experi- well as the popular monthly on the home screen. for the better.
bestseller “The Splendid and ences of Winston Churchill and
the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, his family. Larson takes read-
Family, and Defiance During the ers back to a moment of true
Blitz,” will appear live via Zoom leadership when, in the face of
at the virtual festival’s inaugural unrelenting horror, Churchill’s
Spirited Discussion at 5 p.m., eloquence, courage and perse- SALES RENTALS

Thursday, June 25. verance bound a country and a 414 Rehoboth Avenue 19606 Coastal Hwy #104

This ticketed event is pre- family together. 302.227.9477 302.226.5600

sented in cooperation with the Larson’s other bestsellers REALTORS®

Lewes Public Library and spon- include “Dead Wake,” “In the
sored by Delaware Humanities Garden of Beasts,” “Thunder-
and the Lee Ann Wilkinson struck,” “The Devil in the White www.MannandSonS.coM
Group. City” and “Isaac’s Storm.” His
Larson will be interviewed books have been published in
by Virginia Prescott, award- nearly 20 countries. SOLD NEW LISTING - COMMERCIAL
winning host of “On Second Ticket prices cover the cost
Thought” for Georgia Public 37298 11th Street, 14904 Coastal Hwy,
of one hardcover copy of “The Rehoboth Beach Milton
Splendid and the Vile” with the
author’s signed archival book 4 BR / 2.5 BA • Bay Front 2400 sq ft • 2 Parcels
plate. Books will be mailed to • Bay Vista • 3.33 acres
ticket holders, with the History $1,045,000 $750,000

MLS# DESU144394 MLS# DESU160184

Book Festival paying shipping Bill Mann (302) 470-7600 cell Bob McVey (302) 236-7795 cell
To purchase tickets for this
event, go to www.historybook- WATERFRONT NEW LISTING and click on the 20 Sloan Rd, 8 Olive Ave #402,
Virtual Keynote Address button Harbeson Rehoboth Beach

on the home screen. 5 BR / 5 BA • Pinewater Patrician Towers • Roof Top
Login information for A Farm Pool • Ocean Views
Spirited Discussion with Erik $698,000 MLS# DESU150256
Larson will be emailed to MLS# DESU144164

ticketholders the day before the Bill Mann (302) 470-7600 cell Pam Albanese (302) 227-9477 cell
Additional copies of “The

as other Erik Larson titles, are C30240 Dupont Blvd, 37496 Kaitlyn Dr #28,
Millsboro Rehoboth
available at the time of ticket
purchase (also with free ship-
ping) or may be purchased di- Currently 2 Rental Units 3 BR / 2.5 BA • Partially
• 1 Acre Furnished

Erik Larson rectly from the festival’s official $545,000 $350,000

MLS# DESU144998 MLS# DESU139766

Serafin Ensemble to Tammy Rust (302) 542-8187 cell Pat Giuliani (302) 265-8644 cell
perform Aug. 22, 25
Serafin Ensemble has post- virtual concert is set for 7 p.m., 611 Wagamon Ave. Ext., 27418 Walking Run,
poned its classical music festi- Tuesday, Aug. 25. Georgetown Milton
val, Serafin Summer Music, to 4 BR / 2.5 BA • Spacious 3 BR / 2 BA • Fenced in
summer 2021. Three dynamic brother-sister Backyard Backyard
duos will team up for a rollick- $299,900 $264,955
The festival was created in ing virtuoso display of violin MLS#: DESU143234 MLS# DESU144568
2019, in partnership with the and piano finesse, fun and
University of Delaware Depart- friendly feuding. Tom Hudson (302) 448-5022 cell Tammy Rust (302) 542-8187 cell
ment of Music and the Music
School of Delaware. This high-spirited perfor- During the COVID19 Crisis,
mance features sibling artists Mann & Sons is available by phone
In its first year, the festival Julie and David Coucheron,
presented eight concerts featur- piano and violin; Helen and for all your real estate needs.
ing 18 internationally acclaimed Michael Kim, violin and piano;
artists drawing large audiences and Kate and William Ransom, Sales Rentals
of classical music aficionados. violin and piano. 302-227-9477 302-226-5600
The post-concert meet-the-art-
ists receptions with sumptuous Tickets are $20, including Serving Sussex County for
bites and beverages themed to both the live and virtual perfor-
the concert programs became mances. Online ticket sales will Over 30 Years
a signature of the festival right begin July 15 at
from the start.

The Serafins will present a The Serafins have resched-
Sibling Rivalry Surprise with a uled their June 25 concert at
live concert at 5 p.m., Saturday, the Milton Theatre to 7 p.m.,
Aug. 22, at the Music School Thursday, Sept. 17.
of Delaware in Wilmington. A
For more information, go to

20 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Beachy Diversions


Fun By The Numbers
Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending
puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square
off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to
the test!

Here’s How It Works:
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down
into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers
1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each
number can appear only once in each row, column and
box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers
will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in
the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets
to solve the puzzle.


ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 HOROSCOPES SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
Things are not always what they seem, Sagittarius, people naturally want to be
Aries. Keep this in mind when dealing LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 around you, but sometimes you need to
or working with people you have never Leo, imitation is the highest form of flat- take a step back and focus on yourself.
met. It may take some time to figure tery. Keep a keen eye on someone you Clear your schedule for some personal
things out. admire, and then try to mirror this person time this week.
in your actions.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Taurus, asking a bunch of questions may Certain responsibilities may seem like a It is a time of new beginnings, Capricorn.
not unveil the answers you were hoping drain. But right now you are not seeing You may be presented with several new
for. You may not be asking the right ques- how even small tasks can add up to big opportunities. Travel, a new job or even
tions. Keep forging ahead. results in the end. Remain patient. expanding your family may be in the
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 cards.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Certain battles cannot be won no matter
The ability to listen is an important how hard you try. Don’t focus energy on AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
skill, Gemini. This ability is especially things that cannot be scaled. Direct your Aquarius, even if you do not have all the
valuable when others come to you for focus to more important projects. answers, you can take steps that address
advice. Listen intently and do your best SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 many of the changes that have occurred in
to help. A project you started may come to a your life lately.
screeching halt, Scorpio. This does not
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 mean you should abandon it entirely. It PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
Cancer, even if things do not entirely make just means you will have to take a brief Channel your creativity into projects
sense this week, you can glean certain hiatus and restart. that let you express yourself, Pisces.
bits of information here and there that can Artwork, writing and crafting are a few
help you to paint the bigger picture. examples.

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Beach Paper JUNE 2020 21

Join us in support Brought to you by
of our restaurants here
along the Delaware Coast

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JUNE 14 to JUNE 19

Participating restaurants
along the Culinary Coast will be offering prix fixe

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Order early and order often.
Stay tuned for more information

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NOW IS OUR CHANCE TO GIVE BACK to our favorite local establishments
that make the Culinary Coast such a wonderful place to live, visit, play and eat!

All local restaurants are invited to participate free of charge.

To register, contact your Cape Gazette advertising representative today.

If you don’t have a representative, call 302-645-7700 or email

22 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Artist Klabe takes creative closures and loss of income. Briefly » “This year, the league wants to
approach to help nonprofits The raffle winner got to select make the festival even bigger
the final nonprofit beneficiary Art league to host and better than last year. We’re
The Rehoboth Art League is of isolation, Klabe made use in addition to walking away Big Draw Festival very mindful that we are all
the recipient of funding from of technology and her artwork with Klabe’s original piece of missing our usual spring activi-
member artist Kim Klabe, a to raise awareness about the artwork, titled “The Beauty of The Mispillion Art League, ties, and we want to make sure
longtime fixture of the coastal important role that the arts play Community.” Milford’s community art re- our community has something
community well-known for her in the local community. source, will host the Big Draw uplifting to look forward to, be-
painting, and her new wine and The Rehoboth Art League Festival, a month-long event cause that is our mission as an
beer pours. KLABE’S WINE AND BEER was selected as the event’s celebrating the creation of art. arts organization,” said league
POURS TRANSFORM SPILLS ON beneficiary by raffle winner Mi- President Mimi Galligan.
Through a creative fundrais- PAPER INTO RECOGNIZABLE chelle Murray Flowers. To see The festival’s mission is to fill
ing initiative, the Beauty of SHAPES AND FIGURES, videos showing Klabe’s tech- Milford with art and creativity Free, family-friendly events
Community raffle, Klabe raised WHICH SHE DEVELOPS WITH niques and detailing her artistic through free, family-friendly already scheduled include
$400 and presented it to the art COLORED PENCIL AND OTHER process, go to activities throughout October. Recycling Is Art Too, Saturday,
league in support of its mission MEDIA INTO A FINAL PIECE OF Her work is currently for sale at Oct. 3, and Art Is Eco-friendly,
to promote arts and arts educa- ARTWORK. the league’s gallery. Saturday, Oct. 17.
tion. In response to the coro-
navirus pandemic and weeks

“The Beauty of Community,” by Kim Her Beauty of Community
Klabe, raised funds from a raffle that event, which began April 23
eventually went to support Rehoboth and lasted four weeks, included
Art League. demonstration videos of her
artistic process, sharing the
ways in which she developed
her pour techniques.

Klabe’s wine and beer pours
transform spills on paper into
recognizable shapes and fig-
ures, which she develops with
colored pencil and other media
into a final piece of artwork.
Viewers were able to follow
along on social media with the
development of the artwork,
and ultimately have a chance to
win it through a raffle.

Klabe selected five worthy
nonprofits that she knew were
struggling due to enforced

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 23

24 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Little-known facts PLAY THE ROOKERY SOUTH
about The Masters
THE SIX: In 1994, commentator
19TH Gary McCord was taken out The Rookery South is located off Route 1 near Milton. Call 302-684-3000. Hole number nine is a par three, which
HOLE of the broadcast booth after he plays 123 yards from the blue tees, down to 105 yards from the red tees. It is ranked the number 17 handicap on the
referred to the fast greens as card.
GENE BLEILE “bikini waxed.” In the ‘60s, com-
mentator Jack Whitaker covered Hole number 10 is a par 5, which plays, 601 yards from the blue tees, down to 565 from the red tees. It is ranked the
Now that the 2020 Mas- the event until he referred to number 4 handicap on the card.
ters Championship has the patrons standing around Hole number 18 is a par 5, which plays 618 yards from the blue tees, down to 507 from the red tees. It is ranked num-
been postponed until the 18th green as “a mob.” To ber 6 handicap on the card.
November, I thought a look get their next year’s contract
back at how the world’s great- renewed with Augusta, CBS
est golf tournament came about had to drop Whitaker from the
might get you in the mood for booth.
safe and social distancing sum-
mer golf. SEVEN: The top of the
Augusta National Clubhouse is
ONE: The Masters Golf called the “crow’s nest.” Dur-
Tournament actually got its ing The Masters week, four
start by accident. amateurs are invited to play and
stay on the grounds. Notable
In 1932, Bobby Jones opened past amateurs who went on to
his Augusta National Golf win in later years include: Tiger
Course, and by 1934 he, the Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Tom
members and his investors Watson and Phil Mickelson.
wanted to host a major tourna-
ment. EIGHT: After years of con-
troversy, African-American golf-
When the USGA turned him ers were allowed to participate
down in early 1934 as the host in The Masters tournament.
of the U.S. Open, Jones and the In 1975, Lee Elder became the
members held their own tour- first African-American to play
nament and called it the Na- at Augusta, after winning the
tional Invitational Tournament Monsanto Open.
(the name wouldn’t be changed
to The Masters until 1939). NINE: Next time you see a
close-up of Rae’s Creek on TV,
TWO: Jones and his inves- remember that the maintenance
tors wanted his course to be crew dyes the creek blue the
an art form, so they hired Dr. first week in April to look good
Alister MacKenzie to design it. for the audience watching at
In January of 1934, MacKenzie home.
died and never saw the comple-
tion of his course or the first TEN: Attendance figures and
tournament. gate receipts are never dis-
closed to the public. It has been
THREE: The Masters win- reported that scalped tickets to
ners green jacket got its start The Masters go for as high as
in 1937 when the club members $12,000 apiece.
wore them to distinguish them-
selves from the common fans. ELEVEN: From 1943-45, The
It wasn’t until 1949, when Sam Masters was not played. During
Snead won The Masters, that World War II, tournament play
the first green jacket was given was suspended and the course
to a winner of the tournament. was used to raise turkeys and
cattle for the war effort.
Along with the green jacket,
the winners receive a lifetime TWELVE: Jack Nicklaus has
exemption from qualifying for six Masters wins, followed by
future tournaments. In other Tiger Woods with five, Arnold
words, they have a permanent Palmer with four, and five dif-
invitation to play, no matter ferent golfers have three wins
their age, but they must make each.
the cut to continue. 19th Hole Trivia

FOUR: The Masters invented * Tiger Woods went 14 years
the format for tournament golf. between his last Masters win
It was the first 72-hole event (2005) and his 2019 win at
played over four days and is still Augusta.
used to this day
*The winner’s green jacket
FIVE: During the TV broad- must be returned to the club-
cast of The Masters, viewers house the following year and
will not hear the words: fans, will stay there, unless he wins
championship, bleachers, sand the tournament again.
traps, or how much money the
winner actually receives along *Bobby Jones’ main partner,
with the green jacket. who invested in and helped
start The Masters, was Clifford

Follow my column at
and stop by my website for landscape,
oceanscape, nautical and fine art images at:

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 25

Quest opens shack at Roosevelt Inlet in Lewes

By Nick Roth “I’ve talked to a lot of people we can accommodate the cus- “That’s kind of the light uses a wheelchair as a result and it seems like they’re very tomer a lot better and faster,” switch for here,” he said. of NGLY1, an extremely rare
happy for us to be here.” he said. “It also alleviates a lot genetic disorder. Quest has a
A modest shack sits on the of driving for us up and down Although some walk-ups may second chair at its Savannah
beach just east of the dune Quest’s base of operations is Cedar Street.” be accommodated, Carter rec- Road location that can be deliv-
crossover from the public next to the Beacon Motel on Sa- ommends people make reserva- ered anywhere in Lewes.
parking lot at Roosevelt Inlet in vannah Road. They also have a THE ROOSEVELT INLET tions to ensure they get what
Lewes. shack at the fishing pier in Cape LOCATION WAS CHOSEN they need. “It’s always free,” Carter said.
Henlopen State Park, a self- BECAUSE IT IS WHERE QUEST “We highly encourage reser-
Added by Matt Carter of serve station behind Irish Eyes HAS FREQUENTLY DELIVERED “We’re going to have a limited vations. We just ask to go to
Quest Adventures a few weeks in Milton and another location IN RECENT YEARS. stock here at first,” he said. “As and
ago, the shack offers chairs, at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center demand calls, we’ll have more.” donate toward a great cause.”
umbrellas, kayaks, stand-up in Milford. The Roosevelt Inlet shack
paddleboards, floating mats and will be open only weekends The Roosevelt Inlet location Carter is hoping to acquire
beach games for beachgoers. The Roosevelt Inlet location until mid-June when schools also has a beach access chair a third chair soon. For more
Later this summer, they’ll begin was chosen because it is where traditionally let out for the sum- available for people who are information, go to questkayak.
to offer a setup for bonfires and Quest has frequently delivered mer. unable to get to the beach. The com, call 302-74-KAYAK or
beach parties. “We’ve had a in recent years. chair was provided by Mason’s search for Quest Fitness Kayak
great response so far,” he said. Mobility Mission, a nonprofit on Facebook or Quest Adven-
“It’s important for us to started by Matt and his wife tures on Instagram.
improve our delivery system, so Sara. Sara’s son Mason Moore

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NICK ROTH PHOTO breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.

Matt Carter with his stepson Mason Moore at the new Quest shack at Roosevelt Inlet in Lewes. BAYWOOD GREENS.

Registration open for Amish Described as one of America’s truly great golf courses, Baywood Greens
Country Bike Tour Sept. 12 is a public 18-hole championship course. Manicured greens, flawless

fairways, man-made ponds, timber bridges, tunnels and over 200,000
flowers, plants, shrubs and trees don’t begin to describe its beauty.

Known as the “Augusta of the North,” Baywood Greens is by far the most
visually spectacular golf course in Delaware and is consistently
ranked #1 by Golf Digest’s Best in State.

Planning for the 34th Annual until 5 p.m. are working with USA Cycling A COASTAL GOLF COMMUNITY
Amish Country Bike Tour is Longer routes also take riders to identify resources and best
underway. practices for ensuring the health BAYWOODGREENS.COM | CALL (888) 844-2254 FOR TEE TIMES
past Harvest Ridge Winery on and safety of all participants in
Bike Delaware volunteers the state line in Marydel and the tour. DIRECTIONS: From Route 1 in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach DEVELOPED BY
have been busy working behind feature a stop at Painted Stave take Route 24 West for approximately 8 miles. The TUNNELL COMPANIES, L.P.
the scenes to obtain sponsors Distillery in Smyrna where “Rider packets and rest stops entrance to Baywood Greens will be on your left.
and work with vendors, as well riders can enjoy healthy snacks for the 34th tour will include
as mapping routes and consult- and beverages. health and safety items, and
ing healthcare professionals as standards that have not been a
they finalize plans for this year’s When cyclists return to Leg- part of any of the previous 33
tour Saturday, Sept.12. islative Mall for the conclusion tours,” said James Wilson, Bike
of their ride, it will be time to Delaware executive director.
The tour will begin at 8 a.m. celebrate being in the great out- “In addition, since USA Cycling
on Dover’s Legislative Mall with doors with friends and family. has ended their ban on cycling
its traditional Amish horse-and- There will be a catered lunch, events, we will be copying and
buggy start. Routes of 15, 25, 50, music, and local beer and wine implementing successful ideas
62 and 100 miles are planned for to enjoy. There will also be op- from other events around the
cyclists of all ages and abilities, portunities to make purchases country held during the sum-
with rest stops spread along not included with registration mer."
each route. All routes include from vendors and sponsors.
the famous Amish Schoolhouse For more information or to
and locally made, fresh-baked Bike Delaware and the Amish sponsor, become a vendor or
pie. Bike Delaware volunteers Country Bike Tour Commit- register, go to
will provide support for riders tee are actively monitoring the amish-country-bike-tour.
COVID-19 situation. Organizers

26 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper

Dogfish releases the Kraken

Artist turns sea creature into 3D mural at Rehoboth brewpub

By Chris Flood shark and shield in my base- create a 3D effect was limited. CHRIS FLOOD PHOTOS ment, and then bring them over “We couldn’t go any darker.
to the Cape Gazette for our Long Neck artist Holly Fields-Scott has turned the side of the distillery at Dog-
After a windy, rainy spring, ads,” said Calagione, during an Believe me, we tried,” said fish Head in downtown Rehoboth Beach into an interactive Kraken.
Long Neck artist Holly Fields- interview May 21. Fields-Scott, who has done
Scott has now completed a street art all over the country into the wood, she said. project until late April or early
two-story-tall Kraken mural, “This Kraken is very much and world. Fields-Scott said Sam and May, but when COVID-19 hit,
bringing spectacular color to complementary to those begin- her employer at her real job,
what had been a blank, black nings – just on a much larger Adding to the difficulty was Mariah Calagione contacted her Southern Tide Group, allowed
wall towering over the court- scale.” having to work on scaffolding last summer about the project. her to move up the timeline.
yard that links Dogfish Head during the windy spring, said Something to bring color to the
and Chesapeake & Maine. The Kraken is a mythical Fields-Scott. space between the two restau- It worked out well for every-
monster of the sea said to tor- rants, she said, showing off one one, because she said now some
Dogfish Head founder Sam ment sailors, and Calagione says “It was a challenge, but I was of the first sketches that in- of the restrictions have been
Calagione recalled that from the it represents the company’s Re- excited to do it,” she said. cluded the Kraken’s arms down lifted, and she’s able to get back
beginning days of the company, hoboth Avenue space well. He onto the glass. to her other work.
it’s always had a do-it-yourself, said the location is geographi- Fields-Scott got some help
nautical theme. cally close to the ocean, there’s from her daughter, Nevada Calagione said the piece of Calagione described having
the distillery, beer brewing, live Scott, who Fields-Scott said has art is intentionally interactive. the piece painted during the
“I used to hand-draw the music, Chesapeake & Maine’s been working with her since she He said the 3D experience, with pandemic-induced shutdown as
seafood and Brewings & Eats could hold a brush. the arm coming out onto the kismet.
The view of the back side of the wall offerings. concrete, will create a place for
shows how the arm had to be painted “She came from college six people to post photos on social It kind of spoke to the
onto the concrete to create the 3D ef- It’s a multifaceted location, weeks early because of COVID,” media. hopefulness and renewal that
fect for the camera. said Calagione. said Fields-Scott. “Having her everyone will be seeking when
really saved me.” Physical work on the project this all passes, he said.
Sitting in the outdoor patio at began in early April, weeks
Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats, Scott, who is attending Roch- ahead of the scheduled start. “We’re happier beyond our
with the face of the Kraken and ester Institute of Technology Fields-Scott said she hadn’t wildest imagination,” said Cala-
one of those arms holding a to become a medical illustra- planned on working on the gione, adding the company has a
beer looming down, Fields-Scott tor, said she’d be on the ground future plan to name the Kraken.
said the space was challenging. telling her mom a line needed
Because of all the glass showing to be five inches in one direc-
off the distilling operation, little tion or the other to make sure
of the wall actually connects to the painting worked. Hundreds
the ground, she said, and the of pictures were taken to make
building is tall, but the space sure the piece was working, she
is limited, meaning from some said.
angles the Kraken is stretched
out to fit the space. The build- Despite the challenges,
ing is also black, which meant Fields-Scott said, she thinks the
the ability to use shadows to painting should last as long as
the cedar siding on the building
lasts. It was great to paint on
because the paint really soaked

If this were a real Kraken, artist Holly Fields-Scott and her daughter Nevada
Scott wouldn’t be so happy to show off the 3D arm coming out at them.

Beach Paper JUNE 2020 27

Virtual soft pastel painting class to begin June 10

The Rehoboth Art League is a composition, alternate sur- “Alfresco-Season” by Dolores Andrew, Rehoboth Art League instructor.
offering the online class Soft faces to use with pastel, and safe
Pastel in Your Own Backyard ways to store finished pastels.
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Wednes- The cost of the three-week class
days, June 10 to 24. is $90 per person.

In small studies, participants Registration is required for all
will concentrate on sketching classes.
in their own backyard. Students
will explore the amazing variety To register and receive the
of surrounding greens in the log-in information, go to www.
trees, bushes, and other plants,, email
while considering the color
mixing in pastels that create all or call 302-227-8408, Ext. 112. All
those greens. registered students will receive
an invitation by email the day
The class will also discuss before the class with a link to
clouds, skies, flowers, buildings join the class on Zoom.
and texture, and possible color
combinations to best express To use Zoom, one just needs
them. an internet-connected com-
puter, laptop, tablet or smart-
The instructor and local artist phone and a webcam or built-in
Dolores Andrew will explain camera on the computer as well
the suggested order of planning as a computer microphone.

Cape Artists to open June 5 GAME SOLUTIONS FROM PAGE 20

The Cape Artists will take
baby steps to open with safety “Seascape” by Marie Isola, Cape Art-
protocols Friday, June 5. ists member.

With customers and artists
wearing masks and keeping dis-
tance, the gallery will be open
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, Friday to
Sunday, each weekend in June.

The gallery is at 110 W. 3rd St.,
Lewes. For more information,
call 302-644-7733 or find Cape
Artists on Facebook.

Delaware’s Cape Region Forecast and Tides

Today Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Humid with clouds Thunderstorm A p.m. shower or An afternoon t‑storm Sunshine; nice, less Partly sunny and Plenty of sunshine Mostly cloudy and
and sun t‑storm in spots humid pleasant humid

High 81-85 Low 68-72 81-85 / 67-71 81-85 / 64-68 76-80 / 58-62 71-75 / 55-59 77-81 / 65-69 83-87 / 69-73
UV Index: 11
UV Index: 9 UV Index: 11 UV Index: 7 UV Index: 11 UV Index: 11 UV Index: 6

The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2020

Delaware Cape Region Tides Boating Forecast

Broadkill Beach Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun. 8 Jun. 9 Jun. 10 Today: Wind SSW 7‑14 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet.
First high 8:25 a.m. 9:19 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:01 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 12:08 a.m. 12:56 a.m. Visibility clear to the horizon.
First low 2:43 a.m. 3:37 a.m. 4:29 a.m. 5:20 a.m. 6:10 a.m. 6:59 a.m. 7:49 a.m. Friday: Wind S 8‑16 knots. Seas 2‑4 feet. Visibility
Second high 9:42 p.m. 10:31 p.m. 11:19 p.m. 12:40 p.m. 1:31 p.m. under 2 miles in an afternoon shower or thunderstorm.
Second low 2:44 p.m. 3:34 p.m. 4:23 p.m. 5:12 p.m. ‑‑‑ 6:52 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Saturday: Wind SW 6‑12 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
6:02 p.m. generally clear.
Jun. 9 Jun. 10 Sunday: Wind N 7‑14 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
Cape Henlopen Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun. 8 12:18 p.m. 12:34 a.m. generally unrestricted.
First high 8:03 a.m. 8:57 a.m. 9:48 a.m. 10:39 a.m. 11:28 a.m. 6:09 a.m. 6:59 a.m. Monday: Wind N 6‑12 knots becoming ESE. Seas 1‑3
First low 1:53 a.m. 2:47 a.m. 3:39 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 5:20 a.m. 1:09 p.m. feet. Visibility generally clear.
Second high 8:31 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 10:09 p.m. 10:57 p.m. 11:46 p.m. ‑‑‑ 6:55 p.m. Tuesday: Wind SSW 7‑14 knots. Seas 2 feet or less.
Second low 1:54 p.m. 2:44 p.m. 3:33 p.m. 4:22 p.m. 5:12 p.m. 6:02 p.m. Visibility generally unrestricted.
Jun. 10 Wednesday: Wind SSW 10‑20 knots. Seas 3‑5 feet. Visibility gener‑
Rehoboth Beach Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun. 8 Jun. 9 12:04 p.m. ally clear.
First high 7:02 a.m. 7:54 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:36 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 11:14 a.m. 6:10 a.m.
First low 1:05 a.m. 1:59 a.m. 2:50 a.m. 3:40 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 5:20 a.m.
Second high 7:33 p.m. 8:23 p.m. 9:14 p.m. 10:03 p.m. 10:52 p.m. 11:40 p.m. ‑‑‑
Second low 1:03 p.m. 1:53 p.m. 2:41 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:19 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 6:03 p.m.

Indian River Inlet Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun. 8 Jun. 9 Jun. 10 Regional Summary Weather History
First high 7:59 a.m. 8:51 a.m. 9:42 a.m. 10:32 a.m. 11:21 a.m. 12:11 p.m. 12:41 a.m.
First low 1:39 a.m. 2:33 a.m. 3:26 a.m. 4:17 a.m. 5:08 a.m. 5:59 a.m. 6:51 a.m. Humid today with clouds and sun. High High and low records
Second high 8:36 p.m. 9:26 p.m. 10:16 p.m. 11:04 p.m. 11:53 p.m. 1:03 p.m. 83. Clouds breaking tonight with a were set on June 4,
Second low 1:35 p.m. 2:23 p.m. 3:12 p.m. 4:01 p.m. 4:50 p.m. ‑‑‑ 6:35 p.m. shower or heavier thunderstorm in the 1985. Williston, N.D.,
5:41 p.m. area, mainly early. Low 70. A shower or had a low of 31 that
Oak Orchard Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun. 8 Jun. 10 thunderstorm tomorrow and Saturday broke the record
First high 9:53 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:36 a.m. 12:05 a.m. 12:54 a.m. Jun. 9 2:31 a.m. afternoon. High tomorrow and Saturday from 1910. Macon and Augusta, Ga.,
First low 4:36 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 6:21 a.m. 7:11 a.m. 8:01 a.m. 1:43 a.m. 9:41 a.m. 83. Mostly sunny Sunday. High 78. reached 100 degrees or higher.
Second high 10:24 p.m. 11:14 p.m. 12:27 p.m. 1:16 p.m. 8:51 a.m. 2:55 p.m. Monday: partly sunny. High 73.
Second low 4:34 p.m. 5:24 p.m. ‑‑‑ 7:01 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 9:34 p.m.
6:12 p.m. 8:41 p.m.
Jun. 10
Fenwick Island Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun. 8 Jun. 9 11:57 a.m. Sun and Moon
First high 6:55 a.m. 7:47 a.m. 8:38 a.m. 9:29 a.m. 10:18 a.m. 11:07 a.m. 6:09 a.m.
First low 1:04 a.m. 1:58 a.m. 2:49 a.m. 3:39 a.m. 4:29 a.m. 5:19 a.m. Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
Second high 7:26 p.m. 8:16 p.m. 9:07 p.m. 9:56 p.m. 10:45 p.m. 11:33 p.m. ‑‑‑ 8:21 p.m. Today 7:17 p.m. 4:46 a.m.
Second low 1:02 p.m. 1:52 p.m. 2:40 p.m. 3:29 p.m. 4:18 p.m. 5:09 p.m. 6:02 p.m. Today 5:36 a.m. 8:22 p.m. Friday 8:29 p.m. 5:27 a.m.
Friday 5:36 a.m. 8:23 p.m. Saturday 9:35 p.m. 6:15 a.m.
Ocean City Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun. 8 Jun. 9 Jun. 10 Saturday 5:36 a.m. 8:23 p.m. Sunday 10:34 p.m. 7:10 a.m.
First high 6:47 a.m. 7:39 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:21 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:59 a.m. 11:49 a.m. Sunday 5:36 a.m. 8:24 p.m. Monday 11:25 p.m. 8:10 a.m.
First low 12:57 a.m. 1:51 a.m. 2:42 a.m. 3:32 a.m. 4:22 a.m. 5:12 a.m. 6:02 a.m. Monday 5:35 a.m. 8:24 p.m. Tuesday none 9:12 a.m.
Second high 7:18 p.m. 8:08 p.m. 8:59 p.m. 9:48 p.m. 10:37 p.m. 11:25 p.m. Tuesday 5:35 a.m. 8:25 p.m. Wed. 12:06 a.m. 10:15 a.m.
Second low 12:55 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:33 p.m. 3:22 p.m. 4:11 p.m. 5:02 p.m. ‑‑‑ Wed. 5:35 a.m.
5:55 p.m.

28 JUNE 2020 Beach Paper


Right now we’re all adjusting to our new normal. Daily routines and activities
look a little different these days. We’re all trying to get outside more and stay 302-745-9614
active. Why not live here where you can take a stroll on the beach anytime and
enjoy the relaxed lifestyle Coastal Delaware has to offer? With our low-tax
living, pristine beaches, gorgeous scenery, quaint beach towns, award-winning
restaurants, and vibrant social scene it’s no wonder people love living here.

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