Cape Gazette’s
Visitors’ Guide to
the Cape Region
Rehoboth Beach Museum to
host Funland program
Page 10
Get the lowdown on shark
fishing in Delaware
Page 34
2 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
LIFE’S BETTER at the beach
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Beach Paper JULY 2020 3
4 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Lewes market to offer sweet beans, and much more. Beach Paper: July 2020
corn, peaches, squash July 4 Customers should subscribe
The Historic Lewes Farmers Add peaches, tomatoes, sum- to the free market newsletter ON THE COVER: A
Market will be open from 8 a.m. mer squash, new potatoes, blue to see more specific listings couple enjoys a lazy
to 12 p.m., Saturday, July 4, at crabs, and blueberries for July of what’s available by vendor. summer day on Lewes
George H.P. Smith Park at the 4 supper. There will also be Email info@historiclewesfarm- Beach.
corner of Dupont and Johnson flower bouquets, cucumbers, to receive the Cover design
avenues in Lewes. radishes, salad turnips, kohlrabi, newsletter. HLFM has opened by Teresa Rodriguez
bibb lettuce, Swiss chard, kale, its Wednesday market from
Customers are advised to escarole, CBD oils and bath salts 8 to 11 a.m. at Crooked Ham-
watch the HLFM Facebook page made from organically grown mock Brewery, 36707 Crooked
for location updates. In case hemp, bok choy, mushrooms, Hammock Way, Lewes with
of rain, the market moves to croissants, baguettes, scones, many of its favorite vendors
Richard A. Shields Elementary pies, quiches, milk, butter, Ital- and convenient parking on site.
School parking lot on Sussex ian ices, honey, grass-fed beef, Organizers thank the Crooked
Drive off Savannah Road. chicken, eggs, freshly roasted Hammock Brewery team for
coffee – ground and whole generously allowing its parking
This weekend brings the lot to be used for the farmers
first sweet corn to the market. market.
to enter, maximum of 2 people
Tuesday per household, credit cards • Bethany Beach Farmers Editor IT Manager/Photo Editor
preferred, if using cash exact Market, 8 a.m. to noon, Jen Ellingsworth Christopher D. Foster
• Rehoboth Beach Farmers change appreciated. Go to Garfield Pkwy. & Pennsylvania
Market, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Grove or Ave., Bethany. Go to CoPublisher/General Advertising
Park, Rehoboth. Face masks Riverwalk Farmers Market on fenwickislandfarmersmarket. Manager Andrew Thomas
required to enter, maximum of Facebook. com. Chris Rausch Cindy Bowlin
2 people per household. Go to Kathy McGinty • Historic Lewes Farmers • Nassau Valley Production Supervisor
Vineyards Farmers Edwin Krumm Web Manager
Wednesday Market, 8 a.m. to noon, George Market, noon to 3 p.m., Kristin Sinnott
H.P. Smith Park, Lewes. In 32165 Winery Way, Lewes. Production
• Market at Sea Colony, 8 a.m. case of inclement weather Face masks required to enter, Teresa Rodriguez Find Beach Paper on Facebook
to noon, Marketplace at Sea market to be moved to Shields maximum of 2 people per Tara Arjona for local news and events!
Colony Shopping Center, Rt. 1 parking lot, Lewes, Shields household. For more information
South, Bethany Beach. Go to parking lot, Lewes. Face masks go to required to enter, maximum of market or Nassau Valley
2 people per household. Go to Vineyards Farmers Market on
Saturday historiclewesfarmersmarket. org Facebook.
for information.
• Riverwalk Farmers Market,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m., S. Walnut
St. & Mispillion Riverwalk,
We AOudrverRtiseerasde&rs,Supporters
In these unprecedented 8,000 print subscribers!
times, the Cape Gazette An All-Time High!
has reached over
Thank you! It is our promise to continue
delivering the highest level
For continuing to of community journalism
place your trust in us.
to the Cape Region.
Proudly serving the Cape Region since 1993
Beach Paper JULY 2020 5
SOURCE: CDC.GOV Then DART to the shops, restaurants and nightlife.
VIRUS OR NO VIRUS, a successful restaurant's first line of defense has al- With frequent daily service, from early morning to late night,
ways been cleanliness and attention to detail. it’s easy to DART everywhere you want this summer.
Restaurants are no
strangers to cleanliness
STEPPIN’ UP interesting aside, the Centers For quick and contactless mobile fare payment,
TO THE PLATE for Disease Control continues download the DART Pass app today!
to insist that there is currently
REHOBOTH FOODIE no evidence to support trans- l 1-800-652-DART Download the DART Transit app
mission of COVID-19 through for Real-Time Bus Informa�on
For many, all this discussion eating food.
of gloves, plastic shields, DART Transit
sanitizing liquids, etc., is As with anything scientific
a brand-new thing. “Uncharted that affects our daily well-being, Location really is everything
territory,” they scream. Well, not ignorance can be rampant. For
so fast. Among the people who example, I hear people complain 5 bdrm/5.5 ba home with garage
have been made to suffer finan- that the person preparing their located only blocks to Rehoboth Beach
cially and emotionally because food wasn’t wearing gloves. and all that town has to offer! Large
of this virus scare are those who Seems like a major offense, but porch with outdoor TV, 2 firelaces
know the most about keeping most state health inspectors & outdoor shower. Freshly painted,
things clean. And yes, I’m talk- maintain that gloves can give new HVAC systems and crawl space
ing about properly run restau- workers a false sense of security encapsulation! Rental potential $65,000+.
rants. And the great majority of when handling non-food items
our eateries in the Cape Region such as money, doorknobs, cans, MLS# DESU152536
fall into that category. boxes, etc.
111 Columbia Avenue
Few things annoy me more The next time you order $1,585,000
than social media drivel that from a carryout, a truck or a
questions the safety of restau- stand, watch the preparer’s Call Camilla Conlon
rant food - especially takeout hands. Does he or she handle 302-542-9601
food - during this time. The your money and make change
concept of washing hands, wearing the same gloves that 246 Rehoboth Avenue, CAMILLA
sanitizing surfaces, and being touched your burger? If they’re Rehoboth Beach CONLON
aware of what you touch is and not changed after touching 302-227-3883
always has been an everyday something other than food, or 800-345-3469 302-542-9601 (cell)
concern for well-run eateries. In gloves actually increase the
fact, sanitation is a front-burner possibility of pathogen trans-
concern for any restaurant that mission. Frequent hand wash-
wants to stay in business. ing has proven infinitely more
effective than the charade of
Volumes of regulations exist wearing gloves.
that grew out of real-life en-
counters with foodborne patho- FREQUENT HAND WASHING
gens. From the moment a seed HAS PROVEN INFINITELY
is planted or an animal is born MORE EFFECTIVE THAN THE
(or hatched), Hazard Analysis CHARADE OF WEARING
and Critical Control Points are GLOVES.
monitored to minimize the risk
of contamination. Educational Happily, all this attention to
programs such as ServSafe science is working, and chances
(mandatory for kitchen man- are very good that all your
agement personnel) address restaurant experiences - takeout
specific situations where food and otherwise - will be non-
safety could be threatened by toxic.
temperature, cross-contamina-
tion (e.g., between raw meats Furthermore, technical
and “ready to eat” items like let- advances and input from the
tuce) and exposure to anything food industry have given rise
that could harbor germs. As an to updated protocols designed
to detect, identify and prevent
food-safety problems.
It’s no secret that customers’
sense of well-being is vital to
success in the hospitality busi-
ness. To that end, guests don’t
hear much about food safety.
But for the eateries that want to
survive, it’s their No. 1 priority.
The Rehoboth Foodie also writes The
Business of Eating every Friday in the Cape
Gazette under the pseudonym “Bob Yesbek.”
The two of them have never been seen in the
same place at the same time. Just sayin’.
6 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Ellen Rice to debut ‘Incoming Tide’ painting July 4
Artist to unveil new work at Ocean View studio
Well-known Delaware artist Ellen Rice being outdoors but with a protective roof “Incoming Tide” by Ellen Rice depicts the Indian River Inlet at sunrise. The painting will debut in the
will debut a new oil painting and prints overhead. artist’s open air studio July 4.
of Indian River Inlet at sunrise, titled
“Incoming Tide” at 11 a.m., Saturday, July “There’s usually a good breeze going
4, in her new al fresco exhibit in the fin- through and a lot of natural light coming
ished garage attached to the Ellen Rice in. For better lighting, all people have to do
Studio, Gallery and Learning Center in is request that the piece they’re looking at
Ocean View. be taken outside a few steps. There’s no
better, more true lighting to view art than
“It’s been hard to know what to do in daylight, the light by which I work.
this time, so I’ve done what I do best:
paint,” said Rice. “The open-air exhibit feels a little like
going back to basics – very basic – but
The event will be held with precau- I keep reminding myself that the thing
tions. Only three people will be allowed that has propelled my success as a full-
in at a time. Masks, use of provided hand time artist over the years hasn’t been the
sanitizer and distancing from people not surroundings it’s shown in, but the work
in one’s party will be absolutely required. itself,” said Rice.
Rice said she previewed the painting Ellen Rice has been painting the Dela-
in progress on social media and got an ware coast professionally since the 1970s,
overwhelming response, more than 21,000 selling her first oil to a fellow art class
likes and loves, and several inquiries about student in high school, graduating to
the original. human and animal portraiture, land-
scapes, seascapes and historic scenes,
“I think people are craving nature and then newspaper and magazine illustra-
familiar scenes that hold fond memories. tions, combining art with professional
‘Incoming Tide’ seems to have struck writing and photography until demands
a chord. I haven’t released the original for her art persuaded her to go full time
painting for sale yet, but it will be shown painting in the early 1990s, instigated by
upon request while still available.” the release of her “Treasure Beaches of
the Mid-Atlantic.”
The debuting prints will be available
online and in the open-air exhibit, a space The map gained attention in newspa-
Rice feels will be comfortable for most pers and magazines nationwide, then put
people to enter. Rice in the spotlight on television and
radio, culminating in a sellout appearance
“When we were allowed to reopen, it on QVC.
was with great caution. We debated letting
people inside the lovely gallery space we The Ellen Rice Studio and Gallery is at
created when we moved here in October, 30370 Cedar Neck Road, Ocean View, DE
but just couldn’t see it. The garage area is 19970, just past Big Fish Grill on the left
almost as large as my first gallery space, and across the road from Bayside Jet Ski.
so we decided to go for it!” Ample free parking is available. It is open
six days a week and closed Wednesday.
High ceilings, open windows, plus the
back door and the double-car-wide door For information, call 302-539-3405 or
in front make it airy. Rice said it is like go to Members of the
public who would like to view original
» Ellen Rice Gallery online: paintings are asked to call ahead for an appointment.
Ocean Gallery’s Joe Kroart featured in new documentary
Owner has been making fine art fun for a street-facing porch and mean-
ders all the way back to art-filled
decades in Rehoboth and Ocean City sheds in the back.
By Chris Flood the name of visual art. “I’ve always loved Rehoboth,” CHRIS FLOOD PHOTO
[email protected] In an interview June 25, Kroart said Kroart. “I’ve outlasted ev-
erybody.” Joe Kroart’s Ocean Gallery is located on Wilmington Avenue in Rehoboth
For decades, Ocean Gallery said, from the beginning, the Beach. He also has a location on the boardwalk in Ocean City, Md.
owner Joe Kroart has been a idea has been to present fine art Due to COVID-19 restrictions,
tireless, and often eccentric, pro- as entertainment. Kroart said the Ocean Gallery location in
moter of the arts in Rehoboth the documentary is the first in a Rehoboth is not actually open
Beach and Ocean City. Now, a line of entertainment adventures right now; the Ocean City gallery
new documentary puts his ec- he has coming. He said there’s a is open by appointment only.
centricities on full display. full-length motion picture in the
works. Kroart said he wishes he could
Called “Joe Kroart’s World open the Rehoboth location, but
Center,” the documentary tells “All it takes is the first movie to he said he also knows it’s the
Kroart’s Ocean Gallery story, get the ball rolling,” said Kroart. best thing for the health of his
from how he sold paintings on “I’m very determined to do this customers. He said he’s planning
the porch of an Ocean City hotel adventure.” a special opening for later in the
to how he built his Ocean City season.
gallery with recycled materials The Ocean Gallery in Re-
from that old hotel after it was hoboth Beach, located on the “Doing the right thing is never
sold and set to be demolished. ocean block of Wilmington Av- the easiest thing.
enue, doesn’t have the iconic
He talks about turning old cars Boardwalk structure, but there’s “It was a difficult decision to
into moveable works of art and no denying Kroart has used his make, but it was also the right
then sinking one of those cars in stylistic sensibilities to decorate decision,” said Kroart.
the store. The gallery begins on
“Joe Kroart’s World Center” is
53 minutes long and available to
watch on Amazon Prime.
Beach Paper JULY 2020 7
‘Jawsfest’ donation proceeds will go to Beebe Healthcare.
Jawsfest to benefit
Beebe Healthcare HISTORY
Revival House to present Aug. 20 event HOME
Revival House will take a bite Revival House is working with JOIN US AT THE 2020
out of summer boredom with Beebe and Hudson Fields in
the launch of Jawsfest to ben- order to adhere to all state-man- VIRTUAL FESTIVAL
efit Beebe Healthcare at 6 p.m., dated social distancing measures
Thursday, Aug. 20, at Hudson and precautions, and partici- JULY EVENTS
Fields. pants will be required to keep
the proper six-foot distance from Thursday, July 9, at 5 PM
The event will feature music, others when on the field to view Jia Lynn Yang, author of One Mighty
food and fun as well as a very the film. All attending will be and Irresistible Tide
famous shark. required to wear protective face
coverings while on the premises. Yang is a deputy national editor at The New York
Jawsfest will welcome fami- Times whose family immigrated to the United
lies with various food trucks, a “We are doing this as a fund- States from Taiwan in the 1970s.
Jaws-themed beer release from raiser for those who continue to
Revelation Brewing, live mu- put themselves on the line dur- Thursday, July 16, at 5 PM
sic, local vendors and a feature ing this pandemic, so we want to Chester Johnson, author of
screening of director Steven adhere to all the requirements to Damaged Heritage
Spielberg’s milestone summer help flatten the curve, but let ev-
film “Jaws” at dusk. The event is eryone still have a fun time with Johnson, whose grandfather participated in the
free and open to the public, but their families,” said Rob Rector of Elaine Race Massacre, will speak with Sheila
donations are suggested, with Revival House. Walker, a descendant of massacre victims.
proceeds going to Beebe Health-
care, whose frontline workers Prior to the film, Jawsfest will Thursday, July 23, at 5 PM
have worked tirelessly during the provide a number of food trucks Neal Bascomb, author of Faster
COVID-19 pandemic. for visitors, adult beverages and
kids’ activities. Live music will Bascomb is the author of several bestsellers,
Celebrating its 45th year, also be provided prior to the including The Winter Fortress, Hunting
“Jaws” has become the model film. When the sun sets, the main Eichmann, and The Perfect Mile. He lives in
for the summer smash, becoming feature will begin, broadcast on a Philadelphia.
the first film ever to earn $100 52-foot screen, and families can
million in its initial theatrical view from their own blankets, Thursday, July 30, at 5 PM
release. The term “blockbuster” beach towels or low-back beach TaraShea Nesbit, author of Beheld
was coined as crowds would line chairs...all far from the ocean’s
up around city blocks in order to edge. Nesbit is the author of the national bestseller
get tickets to the film. The Wives of Los Alamos. She is an assistant
For more information, go to professor and Altman Scholar at Miami University
“It’s certainly my favorite in Oxford, Ohio.
film,” said Rob Waters, one of All events are subject to change
the founders of Revival House. with regard to state COVID-19 BOOK SALES BY BROWSEABOUT BOOKS
“And seeing it in as big a format regulations, so check back for ad- VIRTUAL VENUE HOSTED BY THE LEWES PUBLIC LIBRARY
as possible is the best way to ditional updates and information.
To learn more about the 2020 Virtual History
Book Festival visit
8 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Camera club to host photo driven to photograph it. They
seminars online Aug. 29 use different approaches and
techniques to interpret the
The Coastal Camera Club seeks meaningful interpreta- subject, all with the final goal Fox by by Nikhil Bahl, Coastal Camera Club event speaker.
announced its annual Day of tions to create photographs that of creating images that have Winter scene by Nikhil Bahl, Coastal Camera Club event speaker.
Photography Inspiration and transcend the commonplace, re- photographic impact.
Education seminars aimed at flect deeper insights and convey
photographers of all levels who an enchantment of the subject's That impact could be vi-
are interested in learning more beauty. Photographic Voice and sual, emotional or both. In this
about their craft from noted Vision will be the topic of the presentation, Bahl will break
subject matter first session. All photographers down the photographic process
experts. should think about how they and share his thoughts on how
can find their photographic people can take control of their
A Zoom we- voices. Then they can then photography and create more
binar this year, start to develop their vision. It meaningful and personal im-
the event will takes time, but both aspects are ages. The program is free to all.
start at 9:30 essential to the growth of any Those who wish to may make a
a.m., Saturday, photographer. Bahl will define donation in any amount to the
Aug. 29. photographic voice and vision, Coastal Camera Club to help
and share his thoughts on how offset some of the expenses for
This year's people can develop their pho- this day. Anyone who donates
speaker will Nikhil Bahl tography to speak about who will be entered into a drawing
be Nikhil they are and what they want to for one of Bahl’s prints, which
Bahl, a full-time professional express. will be mailed to the winner. To
photographer, author, educa- donate, go to www.coastalcam-
tor, workshop instructor and Photographic Impact will be For
environmentalist residing in the the second-session topic. more information, go to www.
Washington, D.C. area. Drawing
inspiration from nature, Bahl When photographers are
adopts novel approaches and inspired by a subject, they are To register, go to www.event- and search Coastal
Camera Club.
History Book Festival to host discussion with Jia Lynn Yang July 9
Jia Lynn Yang, author of “One gress instituted an immigration for reforms, resulting in the This Zoom event is free, but Irresistible Tide” with signed
Mighty and Irresistible Tide: system of stringent ethnic quo- 1965 Immigration and National- registration is required. To archival bookplates are avail-
The Epic Struggle Over Ameri- tas that sharply curtailed arriv- ity Act that opened the door to register, go to www. lewes.lib. able from the festival’s official
can Immigration, 1924–1965,” als from southern and eastern nonwhite immigration at levels and click on Virtual Pro- bookseller, Browseabout Books
will join a live online spirited Europe, and outright banned never before seen. grams for Adults. The festival is in Rehoboth Beach.
discussion sponsored by the those from nearly all of Asia. presented in cooperation with
2020 Virtual History Book Festi- In the ensuing years, a coali- A a deputy national editor at the library and sponsored by The festival encourages
val at 5 p.m., Thursday, July 9. tion of lawmakers and activists the New York Times, Yang lives Delaware Humanities and the readers to support local inde-
descended from Jewish, Irish in Brooklyn, N.Y. Her family Lee Ann Wilkinson Group. pendent bookstores. Copies
Yang’s book begins in 1924, and Japanese immigrants fought immigrated to the United States also may be borrowed from the
when the United States Con- from Taiwan in the 1970s. Copies of “One Mighty and Lewes Public Library.
Beach Paper JULY 2020 9
#1 Locally Owned Real Estate Company
in Sussex County for 2019*
This stunning 6 BR, 5.5 BA home is situated on a double lot, only 2 blocks to 4 BR, 4 BA ‘Mill House’ features kitchen w/over-sized island, Premier Style, innovative design, and cutting-edge features Located next to the state Nature Preserve, enjoy views of Rehoboth
the beach & seamlessly blends coastal charm with modern day amenities. granite countertops, a breakfast nook, & walk-in pantry, 2-story throughout this ocean front condominium in Rehoboth Beach! Bay! 3 BR, 3 BA, sun-filled double living room w/FP, elevator, storm
Features include gourmet kitchen with built-in seating, master suite with ceilings & FP in great room, & FF MBR & guest suite. The 2nd shutters, screened porch w/hot tub, 2 new HVAC systems, new Rinnai
private deck, spacious patio surrounded by mature landscaping and more. Two levels, 2,200 SF and shows like new! water heater, office, & seating/dining area overlooking pool, wetlands,
floor w/2 bedrooms, each with its own BA. $1,250,000 $1,995,000
$2,995,000 Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #3051AL woods & bay. $849,000
Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #3300F Call Tracy Kelley 302-542-9610 (Cell) #3301E Call Randy Mason 302-236-1142 (Cell) #3283U
Three stories plus basement, guest house behind main house, 3 Rarely offered, and located in the ocean block of the highly de- 5 BR, 5.5 BA home w/garage located just blocks to Rehoboth Beach This Silver Lake front oasis is located just steps from the beach!
woodburning FP in main house & 1 gas FP in guest house, wine sirable Rehoboth by the Sea. The interior boasts 7 BR, 3.5 BA, and all that town has to offer! Large porch w/outdoor TV, 2 fireplaces Situated on an oversized building lot, this 6-bedroom, 3.5-bath
cellar, workshop, 2 living rooms & large kitchen in main house, vaulted ceilings, exposed beams, skylights providing, HW floors, & outdoor shower. Rental potential $65,000+. Freshly painted, new beach house, offers hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, exposed
built-in bookcases, woodburning fireplace, & more. $2,247,000 beams, skylights, wood paneling, woodburning fireplace and more.
and 1st floor master. $2,574,000 Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #1306G HVAC systems & crawl space encapsulation! $1,585,000
Call Nick Carter 302-228-6425 (Cell) #1868EL Call Camilla Conlon 302-542-9601 (Cell) #3091E $2,247,000
Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Direct) #1399G
104 W Buckingham Dr WATERFRONT........$999,000 Lots 200 & 204 Wood Duck.................. $95,000 Each
308 Tanglewood WATERFRONT..................$339,900 Lot 30, Wandering Lane .................................$65,000
Bright & airy 3 BR, 2.5 BA Coastal home w/hardwood floors, vaulted Beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA custom home, situated on a premium perimeter Lot 36, Wandering Lane .................................$69,900
ceiling, gas FP, gourmet kitchen & spacious deck. FF bonus BR w/BA, lot, on the 8th hole, w/unsurpassed views! Beautiful hardwoods, soar- CANAL CORKRAN
hot tub, screen porch, storage & outdoor shower. Dog friendly beach. ing ceilings, an open floor plan, FF MBR, screened porch, multi-level 39 Eleanor Lee Lane....................................$749,900 HARBESON
1 Creek View Ct, Pinewater Woods ............... $279,900
Swim, fish, kayak & sail plus enjoy bonfires on the beach. decks & finished bonus area. Must-see property! INDIAN BEACH
$599,999 $699,000 22 McKean Avenue ...................................$1,299,999 HAWKSEYE
35548 Peregrine Rd ....................................... $359,900
Call Lucius Well 302-258-4590 (Cell) #3294R Call Bryce Lingo or Shaun Tull 302-226-6417 (Cell) #3142J
26114 John J Williams Hwy, 18.73 Acres ....$309,999 Lots 25/26, Oak Ln.........................................$69,900
2500 SF retail space consists of 4 units on Coastal Highway Private Beach – Rare Opportunity! Cottage located on an over-sized 17698 Beaver Dam Rd...................................$89,000
zoned C-1, situated across from the entrance to Rehoboth lot on the ocean block w/private beach! 4 BR, 1.5 BA, updated Lot S, Shady Road .......................................$165,000 KINGS CREEK COUNTRY CLUB
Avenue. Great build-to-suit potential, parking, & easy ingress, 34139 Cedar Grove Rd, 9 Acres...............$1,499,900 7 Sydenham Court .......................................$399,000
and egress. Unbeatable visibility & high traffic area! $1,129,000 kitchen, screened in porch & outdoor deck, large yard & ample park- 21345 N Acorn Way, Oakwood Village.........$119,000
Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #3190JL ing! Walk to Dewey or Rehoboth Bay Marina. 22425 Camp Arrowhead Rd, 5 Acres ..........$295,000 LOCHWOOD
$1,435,000 13 Acres, Wil King Rd ..................................$520,000 Lot 34, 3 Lakewood Dr ...................................$55,000
Call Merritt of the Carrie LingoTeam 302-562-7954 (Cell) #3124IL ANGOLA NECK ACRES OAK GROVE AT THE BEACH,
4 BR, 2.5-BA end-unit situated on a premium lot with FF 22750 Camp Arrowhead Road....................... $130,000 REHOBOTH BEACH
Master, bump-out and screened patio, upgraded counters, SS UNDTERRACTPAYNTERS MILL
503 Jones Lane ............................................. $995,000
appliances, loft, garage. The amenity-rich community offers This beautiful 3 BR, 2.5 BA home in move-in condition is being
clubhouse, pool, and much more. $579,900 ARABIAN ACRES TRAVIS ESTATES
Nsold fully furnished & offers gas FP, 2 covered porches, stone Lot 21, Tennessee Walk .................................$42,500 Lot 2, 5.86 acres, Lawton Ln........................$200,000
Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #3232AL
patio, & 2 car garage. Located just 10 minutes to the beach, BAY OAKS Lot 3, 5.86 acres. Lawton Ln........................$250,000
Odon’t let this one get away! Never rented. $399,900 19 Bay Oaks, Lot 17.....................................$139,900 Lot 4, 6.60 acres, Lawton Ln........................$250,000
CCall Mike Dominguez 302-745-2019 (Cell) #3194RL
One block to the beach! 1 BR, 1 BA unit with views of Rehoboth Bay This super cute 2 BR, 2 BA home features a newer roof/HVAC, open Pleasantly located just a quick ride to Rehoboth and beach, this This lovingly maintained 2 BR, 2 BA second-floor unit is ready
& Marina. HW floors, SS appliances, granite counters, 2 balconies, freshly painted 2 BR, 2 BA condo with screened porch, is offered for its new owner and just in time for summer fun! Never been
& storage space. Rooftop pool, 2 parking spaces, outdoor showers, Nfloor plan, covered porch, & potential for 3 BR. The community in- rented and located just off Rt. 1 behind Big Fish Market and
fully furnished. REALTOR owned.
BBQ grilling area, video surveillance, & more. cludes swimming pool for those hot summer days. With great location $217,500 Arena’s Café. $247,000
$375,000 and proximity to major roads and shopping, Call Molly Bayard 302-381-0839 (Cell) #3295J
Call Steve McGuiness 302-245-8644 (Cell) #3195B
Call the Carrie Lingo Team 302-344-9188 (Cell) #3293HL Othis one is worth looking at. $309,900
CCall Ron Whitesell 302-858-6786 (Cell) #3211B REHOBOTH MILLSBORO LEWES
246 Rehoboth Avenue 28442 DuPont Blvd. 1240 Kings Highway
227-3883 934-3970 645-2207
1-800-345-3469 1-888-934-3970 1-800-331-4241
10 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Rehoboth museum to host Funland program July 9
The Rehoboth Beach Muse- for Mother's Day. It's still un- SUBMITTED PHOTO
um invites members and friends sure when Funland in Rehoboth
to join an online conversation Beach will reopen.
with Chris Lindsley, author of
“Land of Fun: The Story of an Last year the museum helped
Old-Fashioned Amusement launch the publication of this
Park for the Ages,” at 2:30 p.m., book with an appearance by
Thursday, July 9. Lindsley as he interviewed four
generations of the Fasnacht
For many families, a vaca- family.
tion to Rehoboth Beach was
not complete without a visit Lindsley’s book is filled with
to Funland on the Boardwalk. personal history of Funland and
Memories flow through many is based on primary research
generations and grandparents with the family. It is also part
now take their grandchildren, memoir of his six summers
while parents reminisce about operating rides and games at
their years as children. Funland. Lindsley includes
photographs of the amusement
This year is one of the few park from the storm of '62 to
times Funland has not opened present day.
» More information: To register, go to www. and
click on the events tab.
Families enjoy an outdoor train ride in this vintage Funland postcard.
Swell Joe Coffee flows just a few miles away.” region have been reaching out “We’re happy to keep our coffee
into Summer 2020 About 30 miles south of to us after their DE/MD beach fans stocked and stoked, wher-
vacations to find out how they ever they live.”
Lewes/Rehoboth, on 2nd Street can have Swell Joe in their mugs
and the boardwalk in Ocean while back at home.” She said, For more information, go to
City, Md., sits A Latte Enjoy,
a boardwalk favorite for hot
Swell Joe Coffee Company Following their mid-March drinks and smoothies, baked Rh5o&d1e0sY19e5619a-2r0s20
in Lewes continues to enjoy closing due to pandemic-related treats and acai bowls. Owner
a flavorful business, six years restrictions, owners Christine Shannon Tippet purchased A Visit Us Online |
after selling its first pound of and Mark Chura were eager to Latte Enjoy just prior to the
fresh-roasted coffee beans to refresh their offerings to add pandemic, and when it was time Lowest Prices
Surf Bagel near Five Points. even more local flavors into to reopen her new business, she including Online on
the growing marketplace area. knew it was also time to seek a Old-fashioned,
Swell Joe’s signature roasts Christine Chura said, “Our coffee partner who shared her Rental Type,
are now served in more than customers identify with locally passion for quality and service, Wooden Pole Umbrellas
20 restaurants, grocers and based brands and offerings that with a distinctive coastal vibe.
specialty shops in and around are unique, artisanal, embody She said, “Our customers are Up to 7.5ft Wide in 20 colors
coastal Delaware, with signs of coastal living, and are not overly obsessed with a good cup of joe.
growth brewing. commercialized or mainstream; They are in a vacation mindset $5 OFF C$5h0aPiruorcrhUasmeborfeAllany
Swell Joe Coffee fits that bill.” and looking for ways, big or NO One Coupon per person. Thru July 31st
Following an anticipated early small, to treat themselves to SALES 118 Garfield Pkwy. • Bethany Beach • 302-539-9191
spring slowdown in coffee sales Swell Joe co-owners Karen something different than what TAX!
from restaurant clients, orders Johnson and Sharon Vitella they can get back home.”
from Cape-area independent couldn’t agree more, and love
grocers doubled in March and that they can bike over to the What happens after tour-
April while new business op- Brush Factory, refresh their cof- ists leave the beach? Swell Joe
portunities emerged in early fee on the shelves, then browse recently launched an online
May. around and pick up fresh flow- store after receiving calls from
ers, fruit, veggies and unique vacationers who first tried Swell
The team at Swell Joe recent- gifts. Johnson said, “Shop- Joe while spending time at the
ly announced four new loca- ping at the Brush Factory is a beach. Johnson said, “Because
tions where coffee lovers can multi-sensory experience that’s we’re located in a high tour-
grab a cup or bag of Swell Joe different with every visit. Room ism destination, coffee lovers
Coffee: Ada’s Picnic, the Brush by room, it's a house of hidden from the broader Mid Atlantic
Factory, Coho’s Market and A gems, and we're thrilled that
Latte Enjoy. Swell Joe is in the mix of local, Join us in the Make a Ring
eclectic offerings.” studio this July 15th, 10am-12:30pm
In May, Mary Tapp, owner of summer!
Ada’s Picnic and a longtime area In late May, Dave Lyons and Beach Glass Pendant
farmers market vendor, opened Rick Hardy greeted their first July 15th, 2pm-4:30pm
a physical store in Millsboro, customers at Coho's Market
and she knew exactly which cof- & Grill on Rehoboth Avenue, Make a Ring Make a Ring
fee she would brew on opening a new hot spot for locals and July 1st, 10am-12:30pm July 22nd, 10am-12:30pm
day. Tapp said, “I live near Surf vacationers to pick up grocery
Bagel and have enjoyed every staples, specialty foods and Make your own Souvenir Flower Cut Out Earrings
cup of Swell Joe. I couldn’t wait grab-and-go items. When decid- July 1st, 2pm-4:30pm July 22nd, 2pm-4:30pm
to open my new eatery and ing which coffee to sell, Lyons
serve my favorite Guatemalan and Hardy knew they wanted a Make a Ring Make a Ring
roast, Awake. Our mission is unique and local offering, given July 8th, 10am-12:30pm July 29th, 10am-12:30pm
to serve locally sourced, fresh their market’s proximity to a na-
food – and Swell Joe is a great fit tional chain coffee shop. Lyons Domed Earrings Stackable Rings
to Ada’s Picnic. A consistently said, “We strive to distinguish July 8th, 2pm-4:30pm July 29th, 2pm-4:30pm
great cup of coffee can make all our market by featuring items
the difference when folks think that are high quality and lo- Please visit for details and to enroll.
about where to grab breakfast.” cally sourced – with flavors and
tastes that are authentic to the HLG will be following CDC safety guidelines regarding COVID-19.
Swell Joe’s fresh-local-coastal Delaware coastal region.” Swell
brand meshes perfectly with Joe’s Karen Johnson said, “We’re
the Brush Factory on Kings, excited to make it easier for
an 11,000-square-foot Sus- Rehoboth Beach residents and
sex County destination that is visitors to sample coffee that’s
home to over 60 unique local off-the-charts fresh and roasted
and regional vendors offering
one-stop treasure hunting for
all things home and garden.
Beach Paper JULY 2020 11
FarC fromLOSE TOorHdOiMnEar. y.
doorstep is a Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course HOMES STARTING
and the Indian River Bay. Enjoy indoor and IN THE LOW $300s
outdoor pools, a trip to the spa, a meal at the
Terrace Grille and more, all without ever leaving Single-Family
Detached Villas
the gates. Live where you play.
Townhomes | 26937 Bay Farm Rd. Millsboro, DE | (302) 604-0453
© 2020 Schell Brothers LLC.All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice.
12 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Beachy Diversions
Fun By The Numbers
Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending
puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square
off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to
the test!
Here’s How It Works:
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down
into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers
1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each
number can appear only once in each row, column and
box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers
will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in
the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets
to solve the puzzle.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 HOROSCOPES SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
This is the week to take charge of your Sagittarius, this week should go
overall health, Aries. If you haven’t been LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 well for you. Expect to feel a renewed
feeling so well, now is the time to visit a Use good relationships with loved ones energy and harbor a more positive
doctor and get back on track. and friends to organize group activities. outlook. Use this to your advantage in
Such outings will strengthen your already your career.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 strong bonds with those you love most.
Taurus, if you have your heart set on an art VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
project but can’t find the time, figure out Virgo, if you have not been exercising Ambition is creeping up on you and it can-
a way to make it happen. If you commit to regularly of late, now is the ideal time to not be ignored, Capricorn. You have the
finding the time, your efforts will pay off. get back in the action. Embrace the physi- time now to devote to any plan of action,
cal and mental benefits of being active. so don’t be afraid to go all-in.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Gemini, now is the perfect time to get Let your ambition guide you this week, AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
up and get outside. Fresh air, sunshine Libra. Spend the week mapping out strat- Aquarius, do not be surprised if you wake
and physical activity are long overdue, egiess. Once you have a plan on paper, up feeling super this week. Chances are
and they can infuse you with positive you can work towards executing it to this renewed strength and energy has
energy. perfection. something to do with better lifestyle hab-
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 its.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Do not have a moment’s hesitation when
Cancer, do not get frustrated with a close taking on a project or spearheading plans PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
friend if he or she seems less ambitious this week, Scorpio. Your organizational Pisces, the cosmos puts an end to any
than you. Everyone works at his or her skills are right for the job. lethargy you have been feeling. Use this
own pace and may not have the same opportunity to be active and pursue new
focus as you. Be patient. goals.
SUBSCRIBE to the Cape Gazette RATES Full access to with your
Please print $73 2 years eEdition
$42 Sussex County 52 weeks
_______________________________________________________________________ $28 26 weeks 12 months $28 24 months $50
Your name $102 2 years
$59 Out-of-County 52 weeks We also offer gift subscriptions and
_______________________________________________________________________ $38 26 weeks student subscriptions. Call for details.
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$52 Snowbird: CHECK:
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part of the year 52 weeks
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Beach Paper JULY 2020 13
FOURTH 246 Rehoboth Avenue 28442 DuPont Blvd. 1240 Kings Highway
JUOLF Y 227-3883 934-3970 645-2207
1-800-345-3469 1-888-934-3970 1-800-331-4241
We are in your
Your go-to source for your to-do list.
18766 John J Williams Hwy,
Rehoboth Beach
The UPS Store [email protected]
Mon-Fri 7:30-6 • Sat 8-2
Pet Sitting and
We handle
Domestic, Exotic
& Farm Animals
Licensed & Bonded · 302.339.0376
Liberty and Justice for All FURNITURE • HOME GOODS
418 E. Savannah Rd. DER ONE R
Direct: (302) 645-6664 Lewes DE 19958
16698 Kings Highway, Suite A, Lewes, DE The Brush Factory on Kings
302-645-1955 • 800-705-7590 830 Kings Hwy, Lewes
[email protected]
(302) 703-7715
14 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
The “Energy Experts”
HVAC, Water Heaters
& Propane
Wear Your Beach
The ORIGINAL Beach Sand Jewelry
17382 Coastal Hwy 18675 Coastal Hwy
Five Points - Lewes Midway - Rehoboth
Next to Ace Hardware Across from Outlets
302-644-1822 302-644-4822
Tri-State Cleaning, L.L.C. Available at: ConveJrseawteiolenrPs eace
Owned and Operated by Tim 237 Rehoboth Ave 302-227-2520 Watch Batteries Intalled
& Mary Walker since 1963 18756 Coastal Hwy 302-645-6590
Five Points Weis Market, Lewes
17382 Coastal Highway • Carpet Open Daily at 10 AM Hurry In! 302-313-4664
Five Points, Lewes
Next to Ace Hardware • UArpehao lRsut1e8g6r7 y5CMC idlo&weasata ya,lRnHeihigohnbwogatyh Open Tues-Sat 10-4
302-644-1822•b aFDgeirln.yce oCm-flaebarniAccirno sgs30fr2o-6m44O-u4t8le2t2s
Professional Care
for a Healthier Home RD20 serves the Lewes, Milton,
Coolspring, Nassau and Harbeson
302-644-6554 • 302-684-2805 • 1-800-672-2805
areas of Sussex County.
Dr. Maria Childers Stay informed, get involved and fight for
Democratic values in our community.
Join us on Facebook:
Delaware’s 20th RD Democratic
Committee & Friends Group
Opening August. Brand New Facility. 30320-22- 51120--54774129 | 1 team-owned locations in
Coastal Hwy, Lewes (next to Home Goods) brokerage in Lewes +
Painting improves your home’s condition and Delaware Georgetown
Sign up today at protects its value. Your painting team at CertaPro
Painters® of Rehoboth is ready to get started. o: 302.217.6692 |
Request your FREE estimate today!
Beach Paper JULY 2020 15
Vintage Violet Showcasing
from many
Off Savannah Rd., just 1 mile from Coastal Highway
33800 Dreamweaver Lane, Lewes
(302) 703-6692
Check Facebook for hours
Tri-State Cleaning, L.L.C.
Owned and Operated by Tim
& Mary Walker since 1963
• Carpet
• Upholstery &
Area Rug Cleaning
• Fine-fabric
Dry Cleaning
Professional Care
for a Healthier Home
302-644-6554 • 302-684-2805 • 1-800-672-2805
All things Lavender Since 1960
18864 Cool Spring Road, Milton, DE 24 Hour monitoring
UL Listed • FM Approved • Central Station
Traditional Quality • Advanced Technology
645-2212 674-2261
Office: 28340 Lewes-Georgetown Hwy., Milton, DE 19968
302-629-0100 Happy July 4th!
To see a full list of our current services, go to Monday -Saturday
Sunday 10am-5pm
Happy 132 2nd St.
4th of July!
Liberty and Justice for All
(302) 645-8448
A Lewes Neighborhood Wine & Beverage Shop
in Delaware
Rated 100% by
Direct: (302) 645-6664 OPEN DAILY
16698 Kings Highway, Suite A, Lewes, DE 207 Second St.
Lewes, DE
Over 60 years of continuous
service to the community
16 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Now more than ever your home is your sanctuary. At the heart of it all are 20184 Phillips St. Rehoboth Beach, DE
the memories and milestones created in every room and hallway, corner and (302) 226-1994 |
doorframe. But your Schell Brothers home can be so much more than a
home. It can be your o ce away from the daily grind, your neighborhood’s
hottest bar hangout, and even your own home theater for private
screenings. With extensive personalization available for all of your living
spaces, Schell Brothers can help you discover that all of the places you love,
people you cherish, and memories you make can live together in this place
you call home. After all, home is where the heart is.
Learn more about Schell Brothers homes and get inspired
© 2020 Schell Brothers LLC.All Rights Reserved. All information
and pricing is subject to change without notice.
Beach Paper JULY 2020 17
C2 books • cards • gifts • art
Vintage Violet Open Daily C4 music • clothes • stuff we like A4 17314 N. Village Blvd.
CCHHIICC BBOOUUTTIIQQUUEE Second & Market Streets, Lewes 205 Second St., Lewes
Off Savannah Rd., 302.644.2210 in the basement | entrance in back of building behind biblion A4 E2
just 1 mile from Coastal Highway C4 B4
33800 Dreamweaver Lane A D2
(302) 703-6692
Check Facebook for hours Shipcarpenter Street Campus
1 23 45 6 Museums, Events & Tours
Experience Our Seafaring Past
A ARENA’S Delaware
DELI Bay LHS Ryves Holt House
CAR WASH P UNIVERSITY OF Part of the First State National
Historic Park
B Wescoats Rd. New Rd. DELAWARE LHS LIFE
SAVING LHS Lewes History Museum
WILKINSON HISTORICAL at Margaret H. Rollins Comm Ctr.
GROUP LHS Museum Store & Information
C CAPE HIGH HOLT HOUSE B Iconic Lewes Products
SCHOOL Lewes Life Saving Station
Shipcarpenter St.
Visit us online for Events schedule
Mulberry St. BIBLION &
UNDERGROUND Canalfront 302.645.7670
110 Shipcarpenter St. • Lewes
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal C
Savannah RoadGeorge HP P Bank Milton Lewes
Kings Highway Smith Park
Third Street C4302 Union St. 201 2nd St.
Second Street 302-684-8900 302-645-9425
Cape Henlopen Dr.OFFICE
HONEY’S Neils Alley A2
JACK LINGO LHS MUSEUM Conversation Peace
ZWAANENDAEL D Full Service Jeweler
Jewelry Repairs
Five Points Weis Ctre, Lewes
Kings Highway D2
E Gills Neck Road Stango LEWES CITY DOGFISH P E
Cape Henlopen 329 Savannah Rd., Lewes
Theodore E Freeman Hwy State Park
Map is for general reference and is Visitor’s Map to the Best of
not intended to be drawn to scale. F
The grid can be used to guide you LEWESTHE
to businesses and other points of List with Lingo
reference located on this map. Enjoy! CITY OF 1240 Kings Highway
23 45 6 302-645-2207
A1 E6 E4
Superior Service, Outstanding Results in Real Estate 17246 Five Points Sq. 418 E. Savannah Rd.
16698 Kings Hwy. 302-200-9007 Lewes Beach
302-645-6664 302-645-1955
18 JULY 2020 Beach
Like B3 B7
149 Rehoboth Ave. on 32 LAKE AVENUE
B6 302.226.1160
1 2 3 4 5
A HeAnclroepsen REHOBOTH ART
Henlopen Ave.
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal STINGRAY 3rd St.
Grove TOWN
C Beach
COMFORT Rehoboth Ave.
Rehoboth Ave.
B3 Scarborough Ave. P
59 Lake Avenue D Christian St.
302.227.6476 Visitor’s Map to the Best of REHOBOTH
E P 3 Silver 5
1 Map is for general reference and is C3
not intended to be drawn to scale. 4
C3 The grid can be used to guide you
to businesses and other points of
reference located on this map. Enjoy!
C4 A Coastal American Grill. For all your local
news and events
Happy Hour Starts at 4PM Daily List with Lingo BUSIN
228 Rehoboth Avenue 1240 Kings Highway
302.227.3895 302-645-2207
h Paper JULY 2020 19
C8 C7
Olive Ave & The Boardwalk
C8 302.227.6261Taste of the First State®
On The Avenue
5 6 7 8 9 B8
LakeCAapvSeet.aHteenPloaprken N
Grenoble Pl.
Lake Gerar Virginia Ave. A 25 Baltimore Ave.
Olive Ave. Atlantic 302-227-8331
Maryland Ave.
Baltimore Ave. Baltimore Ave. B
Rehoboth First Ave NICOLA CARLTONS
Village By Rehoboth
The Sea
Bandstand C
Rehoboth Ave. BLACKWALL
First Street Penny A4
Station Lane
Second St. Wilmington Ave.
D C7
BDeeacwhey Philadelphia St. Delaware Ave. 30222-674-141-907400
Brooklyn Ave. JJoollllyyTTrroollleleyy.c.coomm
5 67 8 9
302 - 278 - 7433
Call us tJolly Van oday!
follow us on
20 JULY 2020 B3 Beach Paper
129 Union St.
(nheisxttortioc lhibormarey) Friends of the Milton
@OGRESGROVE: 626 Mulberry St., Milton
121 Union St., Milton, DE
C4 302.684.1522
12 3
Milton Lewes C4 To Ellendale
Route 16
302 Union St. 201 2nd St. A Union Street
302-684-8900 302-645-9425 Saw Mill Rd. Mulberry Street
Spicer Rd.
Stenger’s Shamrock Farms Par 3 SHAMROCK To Route 1
22222 Saw Mill Road FARMS GOLF
Milton, Delaware PUTTIN’ ON THE
302.684.1808 COURSE
B To Ellendale HighwRayIT)Z SALON MILTON
Route 16
For all your local Broad Street MagOGnGRolORiaPEVS’EStreet
news and events
To Cave Neck Rd.
D Route 5 (Harbeson Road) Hudson
E3 Route 9 Cool Spring Road Route 9 Wagamons Pond
E Fisher Rd
Martin’s Farm Road To Route 1
18864 Coolspring Rd., 12 34
Milton, DE
Visit Milton, D6 CHAMBER 210 Union Street C4 on
Live In Milton. ic” “Hip & Histor 302-684-1010
Milton, DE
[email protected]
Beach Paper JULY 2020 21
WANT TO SEE Open 7 days / week 11am - 5pm
BUSINEFOSRS C5 50 + Dealers
Call us today! 109 UNION STREET
(302) 664-1840
Want to see
567 8 your business
Broadkill Rd (Rt 16) P here?
Map is for general reference and is CALL US TODAY!
not intended to be drawn to scale.
The grid can be used to guide you A 645-7700
to businesses and other points of
FRANTIC reference located on this map. Enjoy!
Broadkill River MILTONVisitor’s Map to the Best of D5
The Milton Theatre is open
for business, check out the
revised events calendar at
For tickets, call
302 THE MERCANTILE Route 1 110 UNION ST. | 684-3038
Front Street
MILTON Atlantic Street
Mulberry Street TOWN OF
Pond Federal StreetINN THE Carlton Drive
Chestnut StreetDOG HOUSE
MILTON Federal Street EBrick Lane
ELEMENTARY Chestnut Street
Carlton Drive
Adelaide Drive
CHAMBER OF Union St, Milton, DE
COMMERCE 113 (302) 745-8338
56 7 8
A626370 Broadkill Rd. on Tasting Room, Distillery, Outdoor
302-402-3055 Seating & Beer-centric Food!
Call for hours!
226 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Serving up the Finest in
Voted Best Sandwiches,
Best Nachos & Best Lunch Spot
by Delaware Today
Visit any of our 7 locations. 19724 Coastal Hwy., Rehoboth Beach
More info at 101 2nd Street, Lewes 302.703.3090
We Deliver!
Order Online
Pizza • Cheesesteaks DAN COOK PHOTO Midway Shopping Center
Burgers • Wraps • Salads Highway One, Rehoboth Reach
The Power House sandwich is a locals’ favorite that includes cucumbers, lettuce, sprouts, carrots, onions, tomatoes and honey mustard served on whole wheat bread. Reservations: 302.645.9355
Arena’s family of restaurants back open
19287 Miller Rd., Rehoboth for dine-in and patio service!
Restaurant Tours
Open Daily at 11:30 Arena’s is celebrating 30 years here at the If you’re a fan of craft brews, we’ve got you
108 Second St, Lewes beach! From a small beach bar in Rehoboth covered! Our flagship location on Rehoboth 2 LOCATIONS! OPEN DAILY!
to the seven-location company that we are Avenue has 12 draft lines that we rotate
302.645.6611 now, Arena’s still prepares everything using the regularly with local brewery specials, as well as Lewes • Canalside 302.645.6888
best ingredients, including soups, salads and nearly 100 bottles from which to choose. And Milton • Union St 302.684.8889
Always available at desserts ... just to name a few. be sure to become a member of the 2020 “Hall of Foam” club! Be sure to pick up your new card Call 302-645-7700
Under Phase 2 of the re-opening we are and get started. More details can be found at to feature
CapeCuisine happy to resume on-site dining service
following the guidelines. We continue to YOUR restaurant!
offer takeout and delivery from 4 of Arena’s great weekly
our locations: Our Café on
Coastal Highway, Five specials are now back
Points, Georgetown in effect. Please check
and Milford. Head our website for up-to-
over to www. the-minute info on our
arenasdeliandbar. specials and hours of
com for hours and operation for each location.
contact information Keep on the lookout for 30th
for each location. anniversary specials running all year. We
have entertainment lined up on weekends all
Arena’s has maintained its reputation as a summer, including some great bands. Updates
restaurant where one can always find smiling on upcoming entertainment can be found on
faces in a fun and casual atmosphere. With our website along with Arena’s downtown
summer bringing beautiful weather, remember Facebook and Instagram pages. We are excited
each of our locations offers outdoor seating for to be getting back to normal and welcome you
you and your family, including the furry ones. to Arena’s this summer!
SUBSCRIBE to the Cape Gazette RATES Full access to with your
Please print $$$724382 2 years eEdition
Sussex County 52 weeks
_______________________________________________________________________ 12 months $28 24 months $50
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We also offer gift subscriptions and
_______________________________________________________________________ $$$1350892 Out-of-County 2 years student subscriptions. Call for details.
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Beach Paper JULY 2020 23
Sundance evolving into week-long experience
For more than 30 years, the unprecedented needs of “Sundance, through the inclusive as possible, broaden All proceeds from Sundance
Sundance has been among the the community during CO- generosity of its hosts and spon- the Sundance Experience, and benefit CAMP Rehoboth, a
largest and most spectacular VID-19 by turning Sundance sors, has raised funds to support take it to a new level.” 501(c)(3) nonprofit corpora-
events held in Rehoboth Beach. into a week-long, United in the work of CAMP Rehoboth tion, and support the activities
Love celebration, fundraiser, and to establish Rehoboth as a Detailed information about and programs it provides to the
For many, Sundance is more and community-building ex- widely recognized community the United in Love event will Rehoboth community. Partner-
than just an event; it is a place perience. The event will kick with room for all.” be announced in the upcom- ships with other area nonprofits
to embrace old friends, meet off at 6 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 29, ing weeks and will be posted and the business community
new people, and celebrate and culminate with a virtual Murray Archibald, Sundance at To learn as beneficiaries will also be
inclusiveness. The annual Sundance Experience Saturday, chair and CAMP Rehoboth co- about hosting, partnership, and announced throughout the sum-
Labor Day weekend Sundance Sept. 5. founder, said, “We have never sponsorship opportunities, call mer. For more information, go
activities raise essential funds felt the need more acutely to Murray Archibald at 302-236- to
for CAMP Rehoboth, one of “CAMP Rehoboth’s goal from expand our activities to be as 2931.
the most respected and suc- the beginning was to Create A
cessful nonprofit organizations More Positive community,” said
in Delaware. This year, the David Mariner, CAMP Re-
organization is responding to hoboth executive director.
Over 1,000 partiers danced to the music of Studio 54/Saint DJ Robbie Leslie
while enjoying the light show by Paul Turner at Sundance 2019. Monies raised
at the event benefit CAMP Rehoboth.
Freeman Stage tickets on
sale; shows to start July 9
The Freeman Stage recently physical distancing guidelines,
announced the first two weeks attendance is being sold in pods
of performances for its 13th sea- rather than individual tickets,
son, which will feature local and which will have seating for up
regional artists and have a re- to four individuals. Also, all
duced capacity to comply with attendees of a pod will need to
physical distancing guidelines. be present before they can enter
Tickets are on sale now at www. the venue.
Patrons will also be required
The season will kick off with to wear a mask upon entry, exit
Lower Cases Blues for a special and moving around the venue
sponsor event Thursday, July 9. - though once seated, it may
The lineup will include other be removed. The stage is also
local favorites, such as Lauren implementing a clear-bag policy
Glick Band and Jesse Garron’s this season to limit physical
Tribute to Elvis as well as re- contact associated with tradi-
gional acts like Technicolor Mo- tional bag searches.
tor Home: A Steely Dan Tribute.
“Presenting a season of the
Young Audience Series arts in accordance with govern-
programming will start Sat- ment and public health guide-
urday, July 11, with Cascading lines is not without its challeng-
Carlos the Juggler, and will run es, but for our staff and board
through Sept. 5 with free weekly of directors, it was important to
children’s events at 10 a.m. on offer live arts experiences to the
Saturdays. community this summer,” said
Patti Grimes, executive director.
Organizers of the nonprofit
located in Selbyville hope to As an arts nonprofit, the sup-
roll out the rest of the season in port of Freeman Stage sponsors
two-week intervals as planning - including its season sponsors
will be ongoing. Sodoka Inc., Sara Chase Carl-
son and Schell Brothers - and
In addition to reduced capac- donors is as important as ever
ity, the nonprofit announced in continuing to provide arts
a few safety changes to its access to the region.
policies due to COVID-19. To
accommodate as many patrons The Freeman Stage is a pro-
as possible while adhering to gram of the Joshua M. Freeman
Foundation, which partners
» Tickets, more information: to present memorable perfor- mances and provide inspired
arts education for all.
24 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
RAL painting Clear Space to stage first show July 6
online July 6-7 Oil painting by Brian Murphy, Re- Clear Space Theatre Com- to guard against the spread of ever, not offering live theater to
hoboth Art League guest instructor. pany has instituted strict health COVID-19. Everyone will be people this summer is a greater
For those who are still more landscapes and seascapes that and safety procedures to pre- required to wear a mask, and hardship,” said Stephanie
comfortable staying at home inspired early California plein vent the spread of COVID-19 as a new seating arrangement at Hudson Whitcomb, Clear Space
rather than taking an art class air painters such as Edgar it prepares to reopen in July. cabaret-style tables will keep all director of development and
in person, the Rehoboth Art Payne, Hanson Puthuff and Wil- patrons at a safe distance from outreach. “Clear Space is com-
League will offer a Virtual Step- liam Wendt provide audience Rehearsals are underway for each other. mitted to our community and
By-Step Painting Workshop to the artist’s unrestrained style. the 2020 summer season, with providing a safe place to enjoy
with guest artist Brian Murphy. Further afield, extensive travels actors and staff following health The lobby area, theater, and our summer shows.”
to exotic locales including procedures set down by the restrooms are under strict
Using the Zoom platform, oil China, Singapore, Japan, Korea, State of Delaware, the CDC and cleaning protocols. Audience The summer season will
and acrylic painters will learn Hawaii, and Alaska have re- the EPA. Body temperatures are members will be expected to open at 7:30 p.m., Monday, July
to loosen up their techniques sulted in impressive collections taken when company members leave when performances are 6, with “La Cage aux Folles.”
and create light-filled paintings of oil paintings, while fostering arrive for rehearsals, and all over. “Cabaret” will open Wednes-
while discovering how to paint the artist’s creativity and global surfaces at the theater, including day, July 8, and “Sister Act” will
with a limited palette from 1 to awareness. furniture and floors, curtains, Wesley Paulson, executive debut Friday, July 10. All shows
4 p.m., Monday and Tuesday, costumes, props and equipment, director, believes the role of live perform twice a week at Clear
July 6 and 7. Registration is required for are wiped down and disinfected theater is to present entertain- Space Theatre, 20 Baltimore
all workshops. To register, go on an ongoing schedule. ment and escape, and it is Ave., Rehoboth Beach.
Students will be guided to www.rehobothartleague. needed now more than ever.
on establishing composition, org, email paula@rehobo- “CLEAR SPACE IS OPENING “Clear Space is opening for Clear Space Children’s
tinting the canvas, building or call 302-227- FOR SUMMER, GIVING A NEW summer, giving a new mean- Theatre will offer 30-minute
the underpainting, and adding 8408, Ext. 112. All registered MEANING TO OUR MISSION ing to our mission ‘to present versions of beloved classics on
layers of color to finish their students will receive an invita- ‘TO PRESENT ARTISTIC artistic endeavors of integrity summer mornings starting with
paintings. Murphy will demon- tion by email the day before the ENDEAVORS OF INTEGRITY and risk,’” he said. “Cinderella” at 11 a.m., Saturday,
strate his process step-by-step, workshop with a link to join the AND RISK.” July 11. Shows of “Cinderella”
giving participants plenty of class on Zoom. “At a time of continuing and “Heroic Hercules” will
time to paint after the demo. - WESLEY PAULSON, uncertainty and unrest in the alternate Saturdays through the
This class is for high beginner To use Zoom, participants CLEAR SPACE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR community, Clear Space offers end of August.
and intermediate painters. The need an internet-connected a time out for us to enjoy the
cost is $65 per person. computer, laptop, tablet or “Our No. 1 goal is to ensure shared experience of musical To learn more about the
smartphone and a webcam or the health and safety of patrons, theater. Beyond the ‘integrity theater’s safety precautions, go
Murphy has committed him- built-in camera as well as a actors and staff, and we are and risk’ presented onstage, to
self to capturing on canvas the computer microphone. making sure we do that,” said I hope that our new seating, covid-19-precautions/. For more
scenic environments through- Christopher Decker, sanitation safe distancing, and cleaning information about performing
out the United States, Europe team leader for Clear Space. are also done with integrity to arts education or for show tick-
and Asia. The same majestic minimize the risk to our actors, ets, go to www.ClearSpaceThe-
Members of the audience patrons and staff. Thank you for or call 302-227-2270.
» More information: will find procedures in place supporting live theater at the beach!” » More information:
“Opening the theater under
strict attendance and safety
protocols is far from ideal; how-
Online Ordering. Curbside Pickup. Welcome Back!
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WED: OPEN 3-8 pm
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Half-Dozen. Dozen. Bushel. 19178 Coastal HigHway CChoamnegCesh&eckNOewutLOooukr!
ReHobotH beaCH
Beach Paper JULY 2020 25
Surf Shack Outfitters open on Forgotten Mile
Coastal-inspired apparel paired with suits and bikinis,” said Ron. said Dawson. eat before hitting the beach for
smoothies, baked goods and more Topping off the clothing and In addition to outfitting the the day. For now, the menu is
mostly geared toward breakfast
By Chris Flood Located on Route 1, directly accessory options is Summer local beachgoers, Dawson said food, but there will be lunch of-
[email protected] across from The Dunes Re- Tide, the in-house label created Surf Shack Outfitters is going ferings in the future, he said.
hoboth Beach, Ron said he and by the Dawsons last year. to be feeding them too. The
Ron and Bernadette Daw- his wife purposely steered away entrance to the retail store faces Surf Shack Outfitters, 20905
son used to own a surf shop from some of the larger name Dawson said Surf Shack Route 1, but a walk-up food Coastal Highway, is open 10
in Fenwick Island, but left that brands and stocked the store Outfitters will soon carry a wide window has been opened up on a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through
retail business to focus on their with more traditional surf- selection of boards. Like every- the side of the building facing Friday, and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.,
wholesale business. ing brands. On the men’s side thing else, he said, there was a Quality Inn & Suites. Saturday and Sunday. For more
there’s Vissla Surf, Maui & Sons delay because of coronavirus. information call 302-258-8144 or
Now, at the urging of their and Toes on the Nose. On the Dawson said there will be go to
four kids, the couple has moved women’s side, there’s Sisstrevo- “Everything got screwed up, easy, good food that people can
back into retail with Surf Shack lution, Amuse Society, Angie but we’re in a good place now,”
Outfitters on the Forgotten Mile, and Malvados sandals. There’s
just outside Dewey Beach. also a selection of boating and SALES REALTORS® RENTALS
fishing apparel - Hooked Soul
“We’ve always wanted to get and What The Fin. 414 Rehoboth Avenue 19606 Coastal Hwy #104
back into owning a surf shop,” 302.227.9477 302.226.5600
said Ron, standing in the re- “We’re strong on the bathing
cently remodeled building. [email protected] [email protected]
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262 JJUULLYY22002200 Beach Paper
OUTDOOR CONCERTS Jenni and Jefe; Friday, July 3 - Sam Wednesday, July 8 - Anthony The Everafter has a trio of performances over the weekend in Dewey Beach,
Capalongo, Stealing Savannah, DJ Sophy, 6 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, July including 9 p.m., Friday, July 3, at Jimmy’s Grille; 2 p.m., Sunday, July 5, at the
• Freeman Stage at Bayside: Hugh and DJ RedFox; Saturday, 9 - Charrity & John, 6 to 9 p.m.; Rusty Rudder; and 6 p.m., Sunday, July 5, at Jimmy’s Grille.
Friday, July 10 - Technicolor Motor July 4 - DJ AJ, Kona Nation, DJ Friday, July 10 - Marielle Kraft, 4 to
Home: A Steely Dan Tribute, 8 Scooter and DJ Andrew Hugh. 7 p.m. and Pat Stoner, 8 to 11 p.m. July 9 - Quayside @Night featur- 11:30 p.m.; Tuesday, July 7 - An-
p.m.; Saturday, July 11 - Cascad- 302-226-8673. 302-291-3900. ing Scrapple, 6 p.m.; Friday, July thony Carmen, 8 to 11:30 p.m.;
ing Carlos the Juggler, 10 a.m. 10 - “Annie” Kids Camp Show Thursday, July 9 - Matt Avery,
and Lauren Glick Band, 8 p.m.; • Rusty Rudder: Dickinson Ave. • Irish Eyes at Anglers: Anglers featuring Cast A, noon and Cast B 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Friday, July
Thursday, July 16 - Red Sky Dawn, and the bay. Thursdays - Love Road. Wednesdays - Jake & El- performance at 2 p.m. 302-684- 10 - John Solinski, 5 to 8 p.m. and
8 p.m.; Friday, July 17 - Jesse Seed Mama Jump, 9 p.m.; Friday, wood, 7 to 10 p.m.; Fridays - Bryan 3038. Radio Neon, 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Garron’s Tribute to Elvis, 8 p.m. July 3 - Rick & Ginger Trio, 2 p.m., Clark, 5 to 8 p.m. 302-645-6888. 302-227-9378.
302-436-3015. Diller Trio, 5 p.m. and JJ Rupp and REHOBOTH BEACH
Kono Nation, 9 p.m.; Saturday, Lefty’s Alley & Eats: 36450 Plaza • Rehoboth Ale House: 15 Wilm-
• Lewes Summer Concert Series: July 4 - Marielle & Sam, 2 p.m. Dr. Movies show nightly at 9 p.m. • Bluecoast Seafood Grill & Raw ington Ave. Tuesdays - Open-mic
Concerts start at 7 p.m. in Stango and Jenni Schick, 5 p.m.; Sunday, Friday, July 3 - “Dirty Dancing”; Bar: 30115 Veterans Way. Friday, Night, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, July 3
Park. Tuesday, July 7 - Milford July 5 - The Everafter, 2 p.m. and JJ Saturday, July 4 - “Rocky”; Sunday, July 3 - Angelee; Saturday, July - Mad Dabbers Band After Party,
Community Band; Tuesday, July Rupp, 8 p.m.; Monday, July 6 - Up July 5 - “Carrie”; Monday, July 6 4 - East of the Mason-Dixon Line; 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, July 4 - Ill
14 - Cocktails at 3; Tuesday, July 21 All Night, 3 p.m. and Fantasic Four, - “Shrek”; Tuesday, July 7 - “Raid- Sunday, July 5 - Joey Fulkerson. Rendition, 8 to 11 p.m.; Friday, July
- Reel Ting; Tuesday, July 28 - The 7 p.m.; Tuesday, July 7 - Stealing ers of the Lost Ark”; Wednesday, 302-278-7395. 10 - Storm Over Seattle, 8 to 11
Funsters; Tuesday, Aug. 4 - Brit- Savannah, 4 to 11 p.m.; Wednes- July 8 - “The Notebook”; Thurs- p.m. 302-278-7433.
ish Invasion Experience; Tuesday, day, July 8 - Chris Diller, 2 p.m., day, July 9 - “Singing in the Rain”; • Blue Moon: 35 Baltimore Ave.
Aug. 11 - Brothers Stonesifer; Split Decision Duo, 5 p.m. and Friday, July 10 - “The Incredibles.” Mondays - Piano Bar with Nate, • Shrimpy’s Bar & Grill: 18585
Tuesday, Aug. 18 - Vinyl Shockley; Split Decision, 9 p.m.; Thursday, 302-864-6000. 5 to 8 p.m.; Tuesdays - Piano Bar Coastal Hwy., Midway Shopping
Tuesday, Aug. 25 - U.S. Navy Band July 9 - Marielle & Sam, 2 p.m. and with Nate, 5 to 8 p.m. and Bingo Center. Saturday, July 4 - Bryan
Cruisers. For more information go Indian River, 5 p.m. 302-227-3888. LONG NECK with the Blue Moon Ladies, 9 to 10 Clark, 7 to 10 p.m. 302-313-5124.
to p.m.; Wednesdays - Piano Bar with
• Starboard: 2009 Highway One. • Paradise Grill: 27344 Bay Rd. Nate, 5 to 8 p.m. and Games with • The Pond: South First Street.
DEWEY BEACH Tuesdays - Free Comedy Club, Thursdays - Acoustic sessions Magnolia, 9 to 10 p.m.; Thursdays Mondays - Jodi Lynn, 6 to 7 p.m.;
9 to 11 p.m.; Wednesdays - Lost with Capt. Mike, 5 to 7 p.m., Beach - Piano Bar with Nate, 5 to 8 p.m.; Tuesdays - Cooney Tunes, 8 p.m.;
• Bottle & Cork: 18047 Highway in Paris; Friday, July 3 - The 19th Stage. Friday, July 3 - Kingsley, 8 to Fridays - Spotlight Show, 7 & 9 Wednesdays - Wheezing the
One. Friday, July 3 - Holiday Jam Street Band, 2:30 to 6 p.m.; Sun- 10:30 p.m., Beach Stage; Saturday, p.m.; Saturdays - Legends Show, 7 Juice, 3 p.m. and BJ’s Damn Jam
featuring Split Decision, Stellar day, July 5 - The PIPS, 2:30 to 6 July 4 - Electric Velvet, 8 to 10:30 to 9 p.m.; Sundays - Climax with Crew, 8 p.m.; Sundays - Lower
Mojo and DJ Knappy; Saturday, p.m. 302-227-4600. p.m., Beach Stage; Sunday, July Magnolia, 9 to 10 p.m. 302-227- Case Blues, 8 p.m.; Friday, July
July 4 - LSMJ, JJ Rupp and DJ 5 - Brian McConnell, 6 to 10 p.m., 6515. 3 - The Classmates, 6 p.m.; Friday,
Knappy; Sunday, July 5 - Split GEORGETOWN Beach Stage. 302-945-4500. July 10 - Mike Check and The 1-2’s,
Decision, It’s All Good, Steal- • Chesapeake & Maine: 316 9 p.m. 302-227-2234.
ing Savannah and DJ Knappy; • Mulligan’s Pointe: 22426 Sus- MILLSBORO Rehoboth Ave. Friday, July 3 - Jazz
Friday, July 10 - Blue Label with DJ sex Pines Rd. Friday, July 3 - Trent y Bossa, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, July • Third Space Theatre at At-
Knappy. 302-227-7272. & The Trainwreck Duo, 5 to 8 p.m. • American Legion Post 28: 4 - Bryan Scar, 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday, lantic Sands Hotel & Confer-
and 2nd Time Around, 8 to 11 31768 Legion Rd. Smoke-free July 10 - Bruce & Sam, 5 to 8 p.m. ence Center: 1 Baltimore Ave.
• Hammerheads: 1818 Coastal p.m.; Saturday, July 4 - Shotgun environment. Friday, July 3 - 302-226-3600. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays
Hwy. Mondays - Dalton Elliott, 7 Willie, 2 to 4 p.m., Junior & Chatty, Karaoke with Shermanater, 4 to 9 - “The Sinister Secret,” 7 to 9 p.m.
to 10 p.m.; Thursdays - Let’s Do 4 to 7 p.m. and Dev Martel, 7 to 10 p.m. and Sky Brady, 7 to 9:30 p.m.; • Conch Island: 207 Rehoboth
Trivia, 7 p.m. 302-227-7325. p.m.; Friday, July 10 - Sol Knopf, 7 Saturday, July 4 - Family Day with Ave. Wednesdays - Electric Velvet,
to 10 p.m. 302-856-6283. music by Cadillack Jack Entertain- 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Friday, • Zogg’s: 1 Wilmington Ave. Daily
• Jimmy’s Grille: Bellevue Street ment. 302-945-1673. July 3 - Matt Avery, 8:30 p.m. to except on Friday - Jimmy G, 6 to 9
and Highway One. Mondays - • The Counting House: 18 The midnight; Saturday, July 4 - Matt p.m. 302-227-7660.
Stealing Savannah, 6 p.m. to close; Circle. Friday, July 3 - Matthew MILTON Avery, 8:30 p.m. to midnight; Sun-
Tuesdays - Chris Diller, 6 p.m. to Street Band, 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, day, July 5 - Tim Weldon; Monday,
close; Wednesdays - Ginger, Trio, July 10 - Dust & Bones, 6 to 9 p.m. • Frantic Frets Music Store & July 6 - Anthony Carmen, 8 to
6 to 10 p.m.; Thursdays - Rick 302-856-1836. Antique Shop: 26374 Broadkill Rd.
Arzt, 6 p.m. and Marielle & Sam, 9 Mondays - open-mic night, 6 p.m.
p.m. 302-227-4333. LEWES Go to Frantic Frets on Facebook.
• Nalu Surf Bar & Grille: 1308 • Bethany Blues: 18385 Coastal • Irish Eyes Pub and Restaurant:
Coastal Hwy. Wednesdays - Highway. Wednesdays - Acoustic 105 Union St. Fridays - Jimmy G,
Sinatra to Soul Show featuring Night, 6 to 7 p.m.; Thursdays - 6 to 9 p.m.; Wednesday, July 8 -
Bryan Clark, 7 to 10 p.m.; Thurs- Let’s Do Trivia, 7 p.m. 302-644- Music in the Parking Lot featuring
days - Matt Quinton, 8:30 to 11:30 2500. Big Hat No Cattle, 6:30 to 8:30
p.m. and DJ JY 11:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.; p.m. 302-684-8889.
Fridays - Matt Quinton, 8:30 to • Grain On The Rocks: Lewes
11:30 p.m. and DJ JY 11:30 p.m. to 1 Ferry Terminal, 43 Cape Henlopen • Milton Theatre: 110 Union St.
a.m; Saturdays - Matt Quinton, 1 & Dr., Lewes. Sundays - Slap & Bop Friday, July 3 - Independence Day
8:30 p.m. and DJ JY 11:30 p.m. to 1 Calypso, 2 to 5 p.m.; Friday, July 3 Stand-Up Comedy Show with Lat-
a.m Sundays - Matt Quinton, 4 to - Jenni Schick, 4 to 7 p.m. and Rick tice Mitchell and Keith Purnell, 8
7 p.m. 302-227-1449. Arzt, 8 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, July p.m.; Saturday, July 4 - 4th of July
4 - Kris V & Richie De, 4 to 7 p.m. Outdoor 80s Dance Party with DJ
• Northbeach: 125 McKinley Ave. and Marielle & Sam, 8 to 11 p.m.; Keith Purnell, 7 p.m.; Thursday,
Tuesdays - M80; Sundays - Sam,
Grain plans concerts at Lewes ferry terminal
By Nick Roth to eight family members. There Thursday, Aug. 6, with Pressing “[The state] has very specific Pressing Strings is based in Annap-
[email protected] will be 10 feet between indi- Strings out of Annapolis offering requirements to ensure a safe olis.
vidual squares. Guests will order a blend of indie, folk, and soul; gathering of over 250 people,” and I expect some version of it
Grain On The Rocks will be food and drinks by phone, and and conclude Thursday, Aug. Mikles said. “Their questions will continue after we get CO-
Rocking the Docks this summer the order will be brought to their 20, with New York-based Hot were straightforward and make VID under control,” Mikles said.
with three concerts at the Cape designated space by Grain staff. Dogs & Gin playing blues and sure event planners are thinking
May-Lewes Ferry terminal. Mikles says the ferry’s spacious rock covers. of everything.”
lawn is likely to accommodate
Using the terminal’s large, nearly 500 people. Guests are encouraged to Tickets are expected to go on
open green area, the restaurant bring their own chairs and ar- sale after the Fourth of July. To
will set up a grid system to keep The first of three concerts will rive by boat, bike or bus. learn more about Grain On The
guests physically distant from be Thursday, July 23, with local Rocks, go to www.meetatgrain.
others. Owner Lee Mikles says favorite The Funsters perform- Mikles said he worked with com or call 302-291-3900.
each 12-foot-by-12-foot square ing blues and rock covers. The Delaware River and Bay Author-
can be reserved for $40 for up concert series will continue ity and the state to develop a safe “I actually think this will be a
plan for the shows. fantastic way to watch a show,
Beach Paper JULY 2020 27
28 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
STEMporium reopens with
new activities, summer camps
As the largest science activity quickly becoming a must-see from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday to SUBMITTED PHOTO
center in the Delaware beach item for every science-curious Friday. Each week, campers will
area, the Great STEMporium kid and adult. The installation learn basic science concepts Many different head-to-head engineering challenges are available to partici-
was a start-up, less than a year of the World’s Largest Neuron such as how test for a sour taste pate in at the Great STEMporium.
old, when it was forced to close Model was completed just be- in candy under a microscope,
for three months due to CO- fore the doors reopened June 17. how friction affects a zipline are to remain tightly closed un- rium uniquely intriguing and
VID-19 emergency orders. Standing over 8 feet tall in their carrier basket, what causes til the Zoom instructor reveals different. She’s looking forward
reception area, this larger-than- static electricity, how the laws the contents and the challenge to releasing their first wave of
History shows that the first life neuron cell model boasts of motion and gravity work on a objectives. licenses next year. The plan is
year of any business is challeng- over a thousand points of light, marble run, and more. to offer 12 or more opportuni-
ing, and many new businesses which simulate synapses run- Not surprisingly, The STEM- ties to fellow science-minded
simply do not survive under ning through a typical neuron “Kids get bored so easily porium founder is often asked if entrepreneurs who would like
normal conditions. “As a local, cell. Just beneath the towering these days. We are really excited it is a franchise and where oth- to bring this important mission
women-owned small business, portrait wall of historic and about the variety of activities er STEMporium locations are. and magic of a STEMporium to
I knew I’d have my work cut current inventors and explor- we’ve come up with. We know The thoughtful design, provided other cities in the mid-Atlantic
out for me in the first couple ers sits a display of educational at this point, they’re probably a in large part by highly talented region.
of years, but I didn’t expect a facts about neurons, the central little tired of sitting in front of a local designer Rebecca Fluharty,
pandemic on top of all of it,” nervous system, and the brain. computer screen to do all their is striking in its creativity and The company submitted
said Cari Miller, STEMporium “We love asking people which learning. Our programs are level of finish. its 10-page safety plan to the
co-founder. She reiterates how animals have more neurons. designed to re-energize them,” State of Delaware and received
many comments she receives on The look of surprise on the said Daphne Leighty, STEM Even the bathrooms are ap- formal approval for operating
a regular basis from locals and faces of the kids and the parents programming manager at the pointed with fun elements of safety. Not only has the team
visitors expressing their grati- when we give them the answers STEMporium. science education. established a 100-checkpoint
tude for bringing much-needed is priceless,” said Ciera Barnett, procedure for hourly sanitiza-
science education to the region. a STEMporium lab assistant. A series of smaller summer Rather than franchising, team tion requirements, but it also
programs is coming too. Related members are actively working added a nightly electrostatic
In that regard, the STEMpo- In addition to adding over to the 4th of July, the first pro- on a licensing package for the deep-cleaning process that will
rium represents a solid example 30 new activities to the menu gram offering will take a look at STEMporium to grow into its likely be here to stay.
of entrepreneurial determina- for walk-in patrons, it has also the inner workings of fireworks next phase. Miller said licensing
tion to address an important added an entire carryout menu and color chemistry. While will maintain the integrity of the For more information, go to
social cause – bringing science and nine weeks of morning supplies last, participating kids activities while allowing for a or email
opportunities to kids and adults summer camps. can put together a see-through range of freedom by the future [email protected].
of all diversities. In the face of model firework to take home for owners to make each STEMpo-
uncertainty and financial stress- New activities for walk-ins $5 per model. [Note: No gun-
ors, the STEMporium has man- now allow kids and families to powder is used in the making of
aged to not only survive, but to sit at a table and make a ter- model fireworks.]
find new ways to prosper. rarium, build a weather station,
assemble a model car that runs STEMporium is partnered
This highly unique activity on kinetic energy, and engage with the Lewes Public Library
center has reopened with a host in a variety of head-to-head to offer a series of children’s
of new elements sure to engage engineering challenges, to name science seminars. Families must
locals and visitors year-round. a few. During camps, kids ages register for the seminar though
They took advantage of the 8 to 11 will engage in hands-on the Lewes library first, and then
quietness of the shutdown to learning activities every day they can pick up a hands-on kit
install a new attraction that is containing secret materials. Kits
Delaware Tourism launches Go-To
Guide to encourage safe travel
The Delaware Tourism Office “We can all help stop the Shore Silver’s 4mm Box Bracelet
launched the Go-To Guide in spread of COVID-19 in our Sells for $75!
partnership with the state's res- state while enjoying Delaware’s
taurants, hotels, and attractions favorite attractions if we follow Need we say more!
in order to show visitors how to public health guidance and
travel to the state safely. act responsibly with a sense (obviously we aren’t selling Tiffany bracelets,
of community,” said Gov. John but they are so close you can’t tell the difference in the picture)
The guide outlines specific Carney.
information on visiting Dela- Open
ware, from guidelines for relax- “It’s important that visi- Every Day
ing at the beaches to staying at a tors know what is required to
hotel to eating out at one of the protect Delaware’s hard-fought at 10am
state’s many delicious dining progress against this virus.
options. Wear a face covering. Wash
your hands. Practice social
Delaware Tourism worked distancing.
directly with the Division of
Public Health on the guide and If you’re sick, stay home.
its central messaging, includ- Travel may look a little different
ing: Bring a face covering to this year, but if you plan ahead,
wear in public; wash your hands you will still enjoy your visit to
early and often; stay six feet Delaware.”
away from anyone outside one’s
travel group. In addition to the Go-To
Guide, Delaware Tourism staff
Anyone who is sick should will be on call as discovery
stay home. To view an animated advisors for visitors looking for
safety video, go to https://youtu. personalized travel suggestions.
be/W2a5pyF3Le8. Tourists may go to www.visit-
The effort seeks to reinforce sors to share what they're hop-
the importance of planning trips ing to do while in Delaware, and
- even if just a day trip - ahead the office’s experts will send
of time so travelers can be back suggestions depending on
safe and prepared. This effort what is open and available.
comes in advance of the 4th of
July holiday, a popular time for For more information, go to
travel to the state.
Beach Paper JULY 2020 29
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Twins and Townhomes are now selling in Governors and Jefferson Creek.
Learn more at (302) 745-9614 or
©2020 Schell Brothers LLC. All Rights Reserved. All information and pricing is subject to change without notice.
30 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Lefty's featuring drive-in
theater summer series
Nightly movie classics on screen “Rocky.” Other upcoming movie
favorites include “Dirty Danc-
By Ron MacArthur ing,” which is sold out, “Beach
[email protected] Blanket Bingo,” “Animal House”
and “Texas Chainsaw Massa-
Like many other Cape Region Lefty’s opened its new drive-in movie cre.” RON MACARTHUR PHOTOS
establishments that were con- theater June 22 and will offer nightly
sidered nonessential businesses, shows throughout the summer. Go to Hill said they want to offer a Roller girls (l-r) Annie Judge, Lindsay Monigle, Alia Marshall, Kaylie Truitt and
Lefty's Alley & Eats near Lewes for a schedule mixture of blockbusters, fam- Victoria Lockwood will serve people attending the drive-in movie theater.
was forced to close its doors and more information. ily and horror movies nightly
when the COVID-19 state of “The new drive-in was both pancakes at the Bellmoor Inn in
emergency was declared in mid- Lefty's has a new chef and THE DRIVE-IN STARTED an exciting and an important Rehoboth Beach. “She's come
March. new menu, a new general JUNE 22 WITH A SOLD-OUT quick-pivot to help us offer en- full circle,” he said, recommend-
manager, an upgraded patio, SHOWING OF “ROCKY.” OTHER tertainment within the proper ing the new pizza selections.
Businesses have been able and is offering a drive-in movie UPCOMING MOVIE FAVORITES social distancing parameters
to reopen during Phase 1 and theater. INCLUDE “DIRTY DANCING,” and help business rebound,” she She will also oversee Lefty's
Phase 2 of the state's economic WHICH IS SOLD OUT, “BEACH said. new Black Hat Catering opera-
reopening plan. Currently, busi- General Manager Gary Foley BLANKET BINGO,” “ANIMAL tions, and the menus for VIP
nesses can accommodate up to was hired just before the state of HOUSE” AND “TEXAS Go to and corporate meetings and
60 percent of their maximum emergency was initiated. How- CHAINSAW MASSACRE.” for a movie schedule. events.
occupancy, and they must fol- ever, he immediately started
low all federal and state health revamping the operation. throughout the summer. In a Chef Paige van den Burg is a Lefty's, located behind the
guidelines. unique touch, servers on roller New York City-trained ex- Lewes Wawa off Dartmouth
“He said we have all the parts; skates take food orders from ecutive chef with more than 10 Drive, offers 16 lanes of bowling,
Co-owner D.J. Hill said in we just need a few changes,” moviegoers in their vehicles. years of experience in the food a large room filled with arcade
retrospect, the closure provided Hill said. and beverage industry. Hill not- games, two floors of laser tag,
time to take a look inward. “It Sunday shows in July will be ed that her first job was making and a bar and restaurant.
allowed us to get back in cre- The first task was to redesign reserved for streamed Clear
ation mode. It's the best thing the patio, and the second step Space productions with pro-
that could have happened at was to institute a drive-in the- ceeds going to the organization.
this time,” he said during a June ater utilizing the north wall and
18 VIP and friends reopening parking lot of the building. Anita Broccolino, director of
party. Lefty's officially reopened sales, said it's the first drive-in
its doors June 22. The drive-in started June theater in the state to operate
22 with a sold-out showing of since 2008.
“It gave us time to reboot and
retool. We've been busy and had
a lot of fun doing it. We are now
better than ever,” Hill said.
Beach movie, bonfire
nights on deck in Dewey
The Rehoboth Beach-Dewey SUBMITTED PHOTO
Beach Chamber of Commerce
and major sponsor Weis Markets Roasters prepare marshmallows for
will provide families with mov- s’mores at a bonfire on Dewey Beach.
ies and bonfires on the beach in
Dewey again this year. July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29, Aug.
5, Aug. 12, and Aug. 19.
Movies will start at approxi-
mately 8:30 p.m., Mondays on Parking in Dewey Beach is
the beach at Dagsworthy Avenue. free from 5 to 11 p.m., Monday to
Movie admissions are donation- Wednesday.
based. Attendees are asked to
bring beach chairs and remem- These events are weather-
ber to practice social distancing. dependent. In case of inclement
Here are dates and movie titles: weather, cancellations will be
July 6, “Ralph Breaks the Inter- determined no later than 7 p.m.
net”; July 13, “Toy Story 4”; July on movie dates and 6 p.m. on
20, “Aladdin” (2019 live action bonfire dates.
version); July 27, “The Lion King”
(2019 live action version); Aug. Notice of cancellation will
3, “Hotel Transylvania 3: Sum- be posted to the Rehoboth
mer Vacation”; Aug. 10, “How to Beach-Dewey Beach Chamber
Train Your Dragon: The Hidden of Commerce Instagram and
World”; and Aug. 17, “Frozen 2.” Facebook pages. If weather is
clear, events will take place as
For s’more fun, bonfires will be scheduled but may end early due
held from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednes- to weather conditions.
days on the beach at Dagsworthy
Avenue. A $1 donation gets roast- For more information, call 302-
ers a marshmallow, and sticks can 227-2233 or go to
be borrowed for roasting. Again,
attendees are asked to bring
beach chairs and remember to
practice social distancing. Bon-
fire on the beach dates are July 1,
» More information:
Beach Paper JULY 2020 31
O cials open Rails to Trails extension in Milton
Pathway features scenic views, refurbished railroad bridge
By Ryan Mavity Mayor Ted Kanakos said mental Control.
[email protected] the extension opened 12 years “This is a very special day for
after the first section of the
On June 29, state and town of- Rails to Trails, which led from the town of Milton,” Kanakos
ficials officially opened the new Chestnut Street to Federal said. “I’m glad to see comple-
1,600-foot-long Rails to Trails Street. The project was funded tion of the Rails to Trails Phase
extension in downtown Milton. with $800,000 from Delaware II extension. The extended area
Department of Transportation, results in increased connectivity
The $1 million project extends $110,000 in community trans- and an area for pedestrian and
the town’s Rails to Trails from portation funds from Sen. Ernie bicycling use.”
Federal Street to Lavinia Street, Lopez, R-Lewes, and Rep. Steve
complete with a refurbished Smyk, R-Milton, and $90,000 Smyk said the trail provides
railroad trestle bridge and ac- from Delaware Department of a link from Wagamon’s West
cess to Wagamon’s West Shores Natural Resources and Environ- Shores to downtown Milton.
“It’s great to see this beautiful
project completed in Milton,” RYAN MAVITY PHOTOS
he said. “Especially now when
families and loved ones are so Town and state officials on June 29 opened the newest section of Milton’s
ready to get outside and spend Rails to Trails, which runs between Federal Street and Lavinia Street. Mayor
quality time together in a safe Ted Kanakos said the extension comes 12 years after the first section of trail
and responsible way, this comes opened between Chestnut Street and Federal Street.
at a perfect time.”
The trail forks after the trestle bridge, with one section leading to Wagamon’s said trails promote health while Street to the bridge were com-
West Shores and the other to Lavinia Street. “Our beautiful networks of improving mobility. pleted by the end of May.
trails in the Cape Region are
jewels for all to enjoy. I've been Work on the trail began in DelDOT Secretary Jenni-
proud to support their growth early February and took until fer Cohan said, “Our growing
and am particularly pleased to mid-June. The longest portion Sussex County trail system is a
see Milton have a new public of construction was of the re- great example of our commit-
space which locals and visitors habilitated trestle bridge, which ment to supporting all modes
alike can enjoy with their fami- was converted to a wooden of transportation, and each new
lies and loved ones,” Lopez said. bridge for bicyclists and pedes- section we complete is an-
trians. The section connecting other piece of the puzzle as we
Sussex County Councilman Wagamon’s West Shores to the continue to build a low-stress,
Irwin ‘I.G.’ Burton III said trails trail was completed in April, interconnected trail system for
are an important and neces- and the sections from Lavinia the benefit of our residents and
sary part of a vibrant, efficient Street to the bridge and Federal guests.”
and safe transportation system,
and their popularity is evident
with the number of cyclists
and pedestrians using them. He
Milton Historical Society to on participating can be found at
conduct oral history project the society’s Facebook page or
by emailing Devon Filicicchia at
By Ryan Mavity conducted virtually, she said. [email protected]. Par- FILE PHOTO
[email protected] Founded in 1970, the histori- ticipants will be contacted by a
member of the society to set up Milton Historical Society is planning an oral history project to celebrate its
Milton Historical Society is cal society has been dedicated an interview. 50th anniversary.
planning an oral history project to collecting, preserving and
in celebration of the society’s telling the history of Milton, The project is open to people LNEoWw ELoScIaCteEd HonORUt.S1E
50th anniversary. and is encouraging citizens to of all ages.
take part in the oral history. All Your Bait
Alonna Berry, the society’s Besides stories of their time & Tackle Needs.
acting director, said interviews Marie Mayor, president of the in Milton, the society is also
will be collected over the society’s board of trustees, said, encouraging participants to NOW OPEN!
next six months to show in an “Milton has such a rich history, share stories and observations
exhibit next fall. Stories will and the 50th anniversary of the on the impact of COVID-19 for a 18388 Coastal Hwy.
be presented via the society’s Milton Historical Society is a separate project. Unit #6
website and social media at perfect time for residents of the
first before being presented in a town of Milton to share their Business owners, first (look for Go Brit)
public exhibit in fall 2021. special stories about Milton.” responders and those with first-
hand experience are encour- See current fishing reports
“We just want to learn from Those wishing to participate aged to take part. Those wish- on our Facebook page.
the public and their stories,” should provide their contact ing to participate can contact
Berry said. Interviews will be information and a short sum- Phil Martin, pmartin793@gmail. LEWES ICE HOUSE BAIT & TACKLE
mary of their story. Information com, with additional informa- (302) 645-0600
tion at the society’s Facebook
Heidi Lowe Gallery to host two jewelry classes July 15
Heidi Lowe Gallery will host hand. In both classes, students $10 or $30, depending on the
two jewelry classes Wednesday, will learn the basics of metal- class, for materials.
July 15. smithing such as sawing, filing,
texturing and soldering. Each Classes have limited availabil-
A rings class will meet from student will create a unique ity. To register in advance, go to
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This is an piece of jewelry to wear home.
introductory metalsmithing
class. Each student will make “Beach glass pendants are a Heidi Lowe Gallery in Re-
a ring out of sterling silver and fun way to create a beautiful hoboth Beach is under con-
wear it home that day. piece of jewelry from a cher- struction at the moment. Lowe
ished treasure found locally or can be found at her temporary
A beach glass pendant class on vacation,” said Lowe studio space at 17522 Ward Ave.,
will be held from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Lewes. The space is open for
Students will bring or choose Registration for the classes is classes and by appointment. For
a piece of beach glass to cre- open to anyone over the age of more information call 302-227-
ate a special pendant made by 13 and is $100 per person plus 9203.
32 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
Moe, Tiger and Curley PLAY BAYWOOD GREENS
THE named him “Pipeline” for his ac- GENE BLEILE PHOTOS
19TH curacy, and Lee Trevino called
HOLE him “a golfing genius.” Baywood Greens is located in Long Neck. Call 888-844-2254 for tee times. Hole number thirteen is a par five, which
plays 534 yards from the gold tees, down to 265 yards from the white tees.
GENE BLEILE In 2005, Tiger Woods said in
an interview with Golf Digest Hole number fifteen is a par three, which plays 195 yards from the gold tees, down to 94 yards from the white tees.
It has been said, “Your swing that, “There were only two Hole number sixteen is a par five, which plays 515 yards from the gold tees, down to 237 yards from the white tees.
is a work in progress, but a golfers in history who owned
bad grip follows you to the their swings, Ben Hogan and
grave.” I don’t remember who Moe Norman.” It later became
said that, but it certainly makes known as the Norman Swing,
sense. But what if your grip and which consisted of rigid,
swing were so unconventional straight arms, extended far from
that you were known as the best the body; a wider-than-normal
ball striker in the world, but stance with only a slight knee
today few people know your bend; a shorter-than-normal
name. backswing on a single-plane
takeaway; and an extended-arm
Born in 1929, in Kitchener, follow-through with minimal
Ontario, Canada, this young boy hand action.
was different from all the other
boys in school or his neighbor- Moe claimed this swing was
hood. At age 6, he was hit by a easier on his back, shoulders
car and became even more re- and knees. History has shown
clusive. Many people just called that he hit the ball straighter
him strange, while some said he than 99 percent of all golfers
was autistic. who ever played the game.
He found solitude in golf and Moe returned to the U.S. peri-
learned the game while work- odically from 1981-84 and played
ing as a caddie at the Rockway in five Senior PGA Tour events.
Municipal golf course near his During that time, he made all
home. He loved the game, and it five cuts, with a top-three finish
has been said that between the and two top-10 finishes, earning
ages of 14 and 19, he hit over a $22,983 in winnings.
million golf balls, which led him
to become one of the best, if not In 1983, he played in the Peter
the greatest golfer in Canada Jackson Championship and
who ever played the game. shot, 70, 69, 69, and 69 for a tie
for third and took home $10,100
In 1957 he turned pro, and in winnings. Not bad for a
during his Canadian career had 54-year-old golfer who was pos-
55 professional tour wins, shot sibly autistic!
59 three times and had 17 aces.
He played briefly on the U.S. What about Curley? Well,
PGA Tour in 1959, but due to his Curley Washburn was one of
shyness, unconventional play- the main characters in the hit
ing methods and bullying from movie, “City Slickers,” who held
some pro golfers, he returned up one gloved finger and said,
to Canada to feel more at home “There is only one thing you
and play the game he loved. need to remember.”
Murray Irwin “Moe” Norman Even though he never told us
was unlike other golfers, but this what that one thing was, he left
was his lot in life and he made it up to you to decide what the
the best of it. Once at a tourna- most important thing was in
ment, his caddie said, “He could your life. Honesty, integrity and
make the green with a drive and respect for others should be in
nine iron,” but Moe decided to your top five choices.
show the gallery and his caddie
just the opposite when he hit If the American “professional
nine iron off the tee and driver golfers” and officials in 1959 had
off the fairway to land on the respected Moe for what he was,
green. not for what they thought he
should be, then the world would
Another time in tournament have had the chance to appreci-
play, he decided not to lay up ate the “greatest ball striker” the
when he couldn’t carry the game had ever seen.
creek on the course, but instead
hit an iron so it landed on the 19th Hole Trivia
bridge and carried onto the • Moe died at his hometown
fairway beyond the creek. Not
bad for a guy who was possibly hospital in September 2004
autistic! • He was inducted into the
Sam Snead once called him Canadian Golf Hall of Fame in
“the greatest ball striker” he had 1995
ever seen. Ken Venturi nick-
• A movie about his life has
Wayne Gretzky as a financial
• Autism affects 21.3 million
people worldwide
• Watch Moe’s swing on You-
Tube – it’s worth your time.
Follow my column at and
visit my website
for fine art images.
Beach Paper JULY 2020 33
Yoga for golfers For more information, contact
comes to Cape Region Morrison at 302-703-6662 or
email brittmorrison@gmail.
By Fritz Schranck at 6:30 p.m. as well as Thursdays com. Namaste.
at 7:30 p.m. CoolNES masks
Cape Gazette golf columnist
Morrison said the classes Some consumer products are
Sticking to a pre-shot rou- will help with “stretching and so disarmingly simple you won-
tine is a common theme in strengthening the muscles most der why no one thought of them
every golf instruction book commonly used in your golf before. However, these products
I have read and reviewed in the swing.” Each session will take must not be so obvious that a
past two decades. between 30 minutes and one patent won’t be issued.
hour, will be held outside on the
These routines often call for back patio or one of the holes, The CoolNES neck and face
concentrating and will follow social distancing mask earned its patent and is
on a single guidelines. showing wide public accep-
word, such tance. The company sold more
as “tempo,” While the emphasis is on golf, than 300,000 pieces in its first
just before the sessions are open to anyone two years and made its first
beginning the interested. No prior yoga expe- appearance at the 2020 PGA
swing. rience is required, but all levels Merchandise Show. There it
This par- are welcome. Attendees should won the Best Product and In-
ticular mental bring a yoga mat, a beach towel, novation Award.
exercise is water and the $10-per-class fee.
sometimes The mask provides UPF 50+
referred to as Fritz Schranck Morrison is a fitness profes- sun protection, with silicon
sional as well as a busy club straps that hold the fabric swath
a mantra and manager at American Clas- in place around a cap, hat or SUBMITTED PHOTO
is also commonly used in the sic. She earned her bachelor’s helmet. The fabric absorbs
practice of yoga. degree in physical activity and sweat that evaporates quickly, CoolNES won Best New Product at the 2020 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlan-
fitness management from Slip- which helps cool off the user. do, Fla. The adjustable strap/mask device provides significant UV protection.
pery Rock University. Morrison Customers can place two pieces
Britt Morrison should be able also received a group fitness together for all-round protec- small retailers that can see the Snippets, stories and anecdotes from his
to teach Cape Region golfers instructor certification from the tion if desired. benefits of this kind of brand- columns are included in his new book, “Hole
all about that, along with a lot American Council on Exercise, ing. The mask retails for $14.98. By Hole: Golf Stories from Delaware’s Cape
of other useful tips and tech- a PiYo instructor certification, David Terol, the founder Both the strap and the mask are Region and Beyond,” which is available at the
niques, in her new yoga classes and completed 200 hours of and CEO, is branching out into available in a variety of colors Cape Gazette offices, Browseabout Books
at American Classic Golf Club yoga teacher training. She also the private-label market. The and patterns at in Rehoboth Beach, Biblion Books in Lewes,
in Midway. teaches privately. company offers logo opportuni- and local golf courses. His columns and
ties for the silicon strap and/or Fritz Schranck has been writing about the book reviews are available at HoleByHole.
The sessions began June 15, the fabric, in modest quantities Cape Region’s golf community since 1999. com. Contact Fritz by emailing fschranck@
and will be held every Monday suitable for pro shops or other
Rehab work underway at Zwaanendael Museum in Lewes
The Delaware Division of general administrator of the keeping with Gov. John Carney’s to 30-minute, self-guided tours 2:30 and 3:30 p.m., Sundays.
Historical and Cultural Affairs Swanendael colony. plans for reopening the state by advance registration only Admission is free. For more
began rehabilitation work June in the wake of the coronavirus at 10 and 11 a.m., 1 and 2 p.m.,
22 at the Zwaanendael Museum The museum will remain pandemic, visitation is limited Fridays and Saturdays; and 1:30, information and reservations,
on Kings Highway in Lewes. open during the process, but, in call 302-645-1148.
Expected to continue for breathtaking. beautiful. brilliant.
approximately one month,
work will include cleaning the BAYWOOD GREENS.
entire building exterior with
attention paid to its ornamental Described as one of America’s truly great golf courses, Baywood Greens
design features, replacement is a public 18-hole championship course. Manicured greens, flawless
of weather-damaged shutters,
and repainting of all remaining fairways, man-made ponds, timber bridges, tunnels and over 200,000
window frames and shutters flowers, plants, shrubs and trees don’t begin to describe its beauty.
according to existing colors and
design. Known as the “Augusta of the North,” Baywood Greens is by far the most
visually spectacular golf course in Delaware and is consistently
The division will work with ranked #1 by Golf Digest’s Best in State.
the contractor to limit public
inconvenience during the proj- A COASTAL GOLF COMMUNITY
ect. Residents and visitors will
notice the presence of equip- BAYWOODGREENS.COM | CALL (888) 844-2254 FOR TEE TIMES
ment, materials and workers on
site as well as the usual noises SUBMITTED PHOTOS DIRECTIONS: From Route 1 in Lewes or Rehoboth Beach DEVELOPED BY
that go with construction work take Route 24 West for approximately 8 miles. The TUNNELL COMPANIES, L.P.
during daytime hours. THE ZWAANENDAEL MUSEUM was built in 1931 to commemorate the entrance to Baywood Greens will be on your left.
300th anniversary of Delaware’s first European colony established by the
No evening or weekend work Dutch in 1631.
is anticipated.
The Zwaanendael Museum
was built in 1931 to commemo-
rate the 300th anniversary of
the state’s first European colony,
Swanendael, established by
the Dutch along Hoorn Kill
(present-day Lewes-Rehoboth
Canal) in 1631. Designed by E.
William Martin, the architect of
Legislative Hall and the Hall of
Records in Dover, the museum
is modeled after the town hall
in Hoorn, the Netherlands, and
features a stepped facade gable
with carved stonework and
decorated shutters. Crowning
the building’s façade is a statue
of David Pietersz de Vries,
34 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
The lowdown on
shark-fishing rules
FISHING day for an interview about This sand tiger shark in the surf is being worked for a quick, safe release by Cody. It takes a few people to perform this
REPORT clarifying the rules for shark task. One angler controls the shark from the tail and another holds the leader so the person with the dehooking device
fishing and possession. There can remove the hook. If the hook cannot be removed quickly, the line is cut and the shark released. It is recommended
RICH KING are a few in the guidebook, that inexperienced anglers just cut the line. You cannot control what you catch surf fishing at times, but you can release
but again how the angler safely for the survival of the catch.
We are in full summer interprets these is up to them.
fishing mode. Little The officers know this, and in the surf is the closest to shore from this clarification of the percent that make it a problem
fish in the surf, big told me they can not put you can bring in the shark; the rules that would help them (in for everyone. If the rules are not
fish offshore, and the action all of the rules in the guide definition of land comes into enforcement) and Delaware followed at any time, anything
has been typical for this time of book. The guidelines per play here.” anglers keep to the rules. Their can be shut down, and this is
year. Pond hopping is producing Delaware state law are online main concern is conservation of true for any regulated industry.
well and top water is starting to at, and Where exactly is that? The resources. Recreational fishing is a very
attract more hits in the eve- after reading them, I see they wash, as I have always called large part of this community,
nings. would definitely not fit in the it, is where the sand is exposed The Delaware bay is a breed- and we don’t need more legisla-
book, and would take a few between waves; is that consid- ing ground for many of these tion creating more rules. The
Put in the time and you will paragraphs to explain. Though ered the whitewater? “No, the sharks, particularity the sand majority of anglers are good
most likely catch something. the laws are more detailed whitewater is just that – the tiger shark. One of the things people and follow the rules. A
Use mullet rigs for bluefish in on the State of Delaware site, whitewater where the waves they wondered is, is it really good way an angler can help
the surf, top and bottom rigs there are a few that need to be flatten out behind the first wave. necessary to catch a shark? with these sharks is to study the
with a variety of baits for the clarified for the surf or shore This way the shark is still in the Since many are protected, this is species and be able to identify
smaller fish. This time of year angler. I asked the officers to water at all times. Remember their nursery, and their numbers them. If you don’t know, let it
the fishing techniques do not help out so there is no more as the animal must be identi- are on the decline. They see go. That is good advice, if you
change, just the frequency of confusion. I would like to fied first, it is not to be removed plenty of people out there shark don’t know what you are fishing
catching. Early mornings and thank the officers for meeting from the water in case it is a fishing that do it the right way, for, it would be a good idea to
evenings are preferred for tem- me and taking a day away from prohibited species.” like getting waist- to chest-deep study up on what you are deal-
peratures and light. their normal routine. These in the water to release the ani- ing with.
boys spend a lot of time on the Is it illegal to fish for or target mal. Charter captains like Brian
One thing people want to go trying to enforce the state’s prohibited species? “No.” Wazlavek have a true respect I receive many pictures each
catch in the surf is sharks. Dela- laws. They have a tough job, for the animal and take great week of misidentified sharks.
ware has specific rules for shark and I learned just how tough as I have heard of some people care in the release after catching Bull sharks and sandbar sharks
fishing, and I wanted to share the interview progressed. The being fined for pictures with a shark. I can attest to the fact are confused the most. I hope
an interview I did few years word proactive came up a few prohibited species out of water, that releasing the sharks while this clarifies any confusion
ago with DNREC enforcement times – let’s face it, they deal is this a fineable offense? "Yes, in the water is probably more with the rules and regulations
about those rules. The main with people who have knives it is considered possession of a thrilling than actually catching. regarding shark fishing from the
thing to know is that the angler and/or guns all day – it was a prohibited species in Delaware.“ Just get waist- to chest-deep surf in the future.
is responsible to know the rules good point. one time with a 10-foot sand
about any species they are fish- What are the fines involved tiger shark, and you will know The thing that was mentioned
ing for, not the fish. The guidebook states that the if one does this? “The fines can what I am talking about. The is the fact many people are not
shark is to be immediately re- be from $76.50 to $700 includ- term pucker up comes to mind. wearing their personal flotation
Shark-fishing rules for the leased, so what is the definition ing court costs. The actual fine Playing cowboy so you can brag devices when they are kayaking
State of Delaware - from an of immediately released? “As itself is $25.” to your friends, or take a picture out bait. Please be sure to wear
interview in 2016: soon as the shark is identified, it with the mouth pulled back and your PFD! When I asked what
is to be immediately released if That seems rather cheap a beer can on its head is not they thought of using a boo-
I met Sgt. Troy Trimmer and it is a prohibited species; if you considering the fines for other respectful of the shark caught. It gie board to take out baits, the
Sgt. Greg Rhoades the other do not know, then immediately offenses in Delaware. “Yes, that is is also not true fishing, in my response was a roll of the eyes
let it go.” is something we would like opinion. and some laughter. “Well, that
Remora caught from the surf by An- to see raised so it is more of a is one way to go if you want to
drew Shea. What is meant by maximum deterrent.” The officers are not saying get bit.”
probability of survival? “Sharks they want to see shark fishing
that are beached might have This information is what I shut down, but there is always Apparently that is not a good
a 50/50 chance of surviving. really wanted to know, and I that one person that messes it idea either. Remember, when
This rule was put into use thanked the officers for taking up for everyone else. For the it comes to our toothy friends,
a few years ago when many the time to clarify some of these most part, people have respect if you do not know, let it go. If
sharks were washing up onto regulations. I tell people all the for the creatures they are catch- you want a picture of you with
the beaches in Ocean City, Md. time that they are sending me ing. a shark while releasing it in the
We found that the ones that pictures that are illegal. I hope surf, have a friend take the pic-
were being caught in the surf this backs up those statements. There is just always that 2 to 5 ture, and do not pose for it.
in Delaware and beached were I did ask the boys what infor-
dying. The weight of the animal mation they would like to put
crushes its internal organs, out there for the angler, aside
and the shark may swim away
only to die later from injuries
sustained due to the beaching
process, and then wash up on
public beaches. Once the rule
was in effect and enforced, the
sharks stopped washing up on
the beaches.”
I know that beaching a shark
is prohibited by the rules
concerning prohibited species,
due to the fact that would be
removing the animal from the
water. Where do you consider
the water to end, and the beach
to begin? (Boaters are not to
remove the shark from the
water either.) “The whitewater
Beach Paper JULY 2020 35
Video games now more important than ever
PLAY As an introvert with social started it in January of 2019 and specifically JRPGs, give this one is. I love playing it in bed when
anxiety, staying home and play- didn’t complete it until April a chance. Now that Persona 5 I’m kind of sleepy and don’t feel
CASSIE GOTTO WHITE ing games by myself is noth- of 2020. Obviously I wasn’t in Royal has released, pick that one like being engaged enough to sit
ing new to me. While I have any hurry to get through it, and up if you can - I hear it’s even upright and stare at the TV with
Much has changed in the always loved playing couch I definitely took a few months better than the original. a controller in my hands, if that
world since I wrote co-op games with close friends off from it when I was playing makes any sense. Since getting
my last column. I don’t and family, sitting down and other things or just, you know, Got a Switch Lite the Lite, I’ve revisited Luigi’s
think anyone could have pre- playing a good single-player living life. As my first Persona Mansion 3 and Mario + Rabbids:
dicted that 2020 would be the game is something I’ve always game, I’m so glad I gave Persona I’ve stated many times before Kingdom Battle, and I finally
complete dumpster fire that it thoroughly enjoyed; it’s a form 5 a chance and saw it through to that having a husband who is picked up Runner 3 - for $5.99!
is, but here we are. Like many, of therapy for me. With all the the end. also a gamer means we have I’m a huge fan of the Runner
many others, I have been spend- extra time gained from not to buy two of each console if franchise and this game feels oh,
ing a lot of time playing video having to commute to work or I am not known for being we want to avoid fighting over so right on the Switch. Also, a
games while quarantined during go anywhere on the weekends, a huge fan of JRPGs or even them. We have had our Nintendo new Paper Mario is coming very
this pandemic. I have had tons of extra time to RPGs in general (although that Switch since launch back in 2017 soon along with Deadly Premo-
lose myself in good games. Here is changing the older I get, for and have shared it - until now! nition 2, so I’m glad my hubby
Games are always a great are some of the gaming mile- whatever reason) but Persona 5 I graduated with my master’s and I won’t have to fight over the
escape from reality, even when stones I’ve experienced. is one of the best games I have degree back in May and got a living room Switch anymore.
circumstances are normal, but ever played in my life. There is Switch Lite as a graduation gift.
they are now more important Finally played INSIDE not a single thing I didn’t like I had really been wanting my Wondering about my thoughts on The Last
than ever for me. It’s much less about it, other than the anxiety own Switch, and since we have of Us Part II? Be sure to pick up the next
stressful to attempt to survive I picked up developer I had trying to find a safe room a regular Switch to play games issue to find out. Spoiler alert: I have a lot of
the cordyceps outbreak or the Playdead’s INSIDE a few years after a tough battle. Even if you on the TV, I thought the Lite thoughts.
t-Virus with a controller in your ago when I had a gift card think you don’t like RPGs, or would be perfect for me - and it
hands than to think about the burning a hole in my pocket,
real-life virus that is COVID-19. but never actually started it for GAME SOLUTIONS FROM PAGE 12
whatever reason. It was always
hanging over my head, and I CROSSWORD SUDOKU WORD
thought there was no better time SEARCH
to play it than while quarantined
at home. I thoroughly enjoyed it;
so much so that I made a point
to get 100% of the trophies. I
highly recommend everyone
check it out if you’re remotely
interested in puzzle-platformers;
it is truly one of a kind.
Finally completed Persona 5
It’s embarrassing how long
it took me to finish Persona 5. I
Delaware’s Cape Region Forecast and Tides
Today Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Partly sunny and Clear and humid Mostly sunny and Partly sunny and Sunshine and humid A t‑storm in the A thunderstorm Thunderstorms
humid humid humid afternoon possible possible
79-83 / 68-72
High 83-87 Low 71-75 88-92 / 71-75 80-84 / 68-72 UV Index: 11 82-86 / 70-74 83-87 / 70-74 86-90 / 70-74
UV Index: 11 UV Index: 11 UV Index: 7 UV Index: 7 UV Index: 11 UV Index: 11
The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2020
Delaware Cape Region Tides Boating Forecast
Broadkill Beach Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 Jul. 7 Jul. 8 Today: Wind NNE 4‑8 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
First high 7:12 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 9:04 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 10:42 a.m. 11:28 a.m. 12:13 p.m. clear to the horizon.
First low 1:34 a.m. 2:31 a.m. 3:25 a.m. 4:15 a.m. 5:03 a.m. 5:49 a.m. 6:33 a.m. Friday: Wind W 4‑8 knots. Seas 2 feet or less. Visibility
Second high 8:38 p.m. 9:27 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 11:01 p.m. 11:45 p.m. generally unrestricted.
Second low 1:31 p.m. 2:24 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 4:53 p.m. 5:40 p.m. ‑‑‑ Saturday: Wind ENE 4‑8 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
6:27 p.m. clear to the horizon.
Cape Henlopen Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 Jul. 7 Sunday: Wind SE 7‑14 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility
First high 6:50 a.m. 7:48 a.m. 8:42 a.m. 9:33 a.m. 10:20 a.m. 11:06 a.m. Jul. 8 generally unrestricted.
First low 12:44 a.m. 1:41 a.m. 2:35 a.m. 3:25 a.m. 4:13 a.m. 4:59 a.m. 11:51 a.m. Monday: Wind S 7‑14 knots. Seas 2 feet or less.
Second high 7:23 p.m. 8:16 p.m. 9:05 p.m. 9:53 p.m. 10:39 p.m. 11:23 p.m. 5:43 a.m. Visibility less than 2 miles in an afternoon thunderstorm.
Second low 12:41 p.m. 1:34 p.m. 2:25 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:03 p.m. 4:50 p.m. Tuesday: Wind NE 10‑20 knots. Seas 3‑6 feet. Visibility
‑‑‑ under 2 miles in a shower or thunderstorm.
Rehoboth Beach Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 Jul. 7 5:37 p.m. Wednesday: Wind SE 4‑8 knots. Seas 1‑3 feet. Visibility under 2 miles
First high 5:49 a.m. 6:43 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 8:26 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:02 a.m. in showers and thunderstorms.
First low 11:50 a.m. 12:54 a.m. 1:47 a.m. 2:36 a.m. 3:22 a.m. 4:07 a.m. Jul. 8
Second high 6:25 p.m. 7:17 p.m. 8:07 p.m. 8:56 p.m. 9:43 p.m. 10:28 p.m. 10:48 a.m.
Second low 12:43 p.m. 1:34 p.m. 2:22 p.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:57 p.m. 4:51 a.m.
‑‑‑ 11:12 p.m.
Jul. 7 4:44 p.m.
Indian River Inlet Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 10:59 a.m. Regional Summary Weather History
First high 6:46 a.m. 7:43 a.m. 8:37 a.m. 9:27 a.m. 10:14 a.m. 4:47 a.m. Jul. 8
First low 12:32 a.m. 1:29 a.m. 2:22 a.m. 3:12 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 11:28 p.m. 11:44 a.m. Partly sunny and humid today. High 85. Violent thunderstorms
Second high 7:33 p.m. 8:25 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 10:02 p.m. 10:46 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:32 a.m. Clear and humid tonight. Low 73. Mostly developed at the
Second low 12:23 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:42 p.m. sunny and humid tomorrow. High 90. northern rim of a hot air
Jul. 7 ‑‑‑ Humid Saturday with times of sun and mass on July 2, 1980,
Oak Orchard Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 12:34 a.m. 5:17 p.m. clouds. High 82. Humid Sunday with dumping hail the size
First high 8:40 a.m. 9:34 a.m. 10:26 a.m. 11:17 a.m. 12:06 p.m. 7:38 a.m. sunshine and patchy clouds. High 81. of hens’ eggs on Louisville, Ky.
First low 3:26 a.m. 4:25 a.m. 5:18 a.m. 6:07 a.m. 6:53 a.m. 12:53 p.m. Jul. 8 Monday: humid; an afternoon thunder‑
Second high 9:16 p.m. 10:08 p.m. 10:58 p.m. 11:47 p.m. 7:28 p.m. 1:19 a.m. storm. High 84.
Second low 3:21 p.m. 4:14 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 5:53 p.m. ‑‑‑ 8:22 a.m.
6:41 p.m. Jul. 7 1:39 p.m.
9:55 a.m. 8:15 p.m.
Fenwick Island Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 4:06 a.m. Sun and Moon
First high 5:42 a.m. 6:36 a.m. 7:28 a.m. 8:19 a.m. 9:08 a.m. 10:21 p.m. Jul. 8
First low 11:49 a.m. 12:53 a.m. 1:46 a.m. 2:35 a.m. 3:21 a.m. 3:56 p.m. 10:41 a.m. Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
Second high 6:18 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:49 p.m. 9:36 p.m. 4:50 a.m. 8:29 p.m. Today 6:09 p.m. 3:21 a.m.
Second low 12:42 p.m. 1:33 p.m. 2:21 p.m. 3:09 p.m. Jul. 7 11:05 p.m. Today 5:40 a.m. 8:29 p.m. Friday 7:17 p.m. 4:05 a.m.
‑‑‑ 9:47 a.m. 4:43 p.m. Friday 5:40 a.m. 8:28 p.m. Saturday 8:19 p.m. 4:56 a.m.
3:59 a.m. Saturday 5:41 a.m. 8:28 p.m. Sunday 9:14 p.m. 5:53 a.m.
Ocean City Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5 Jul. 6 10:13 p.m. Jul. 8 Sunday 5:42 a.m. 8:28 p.m. Monday 10:00 p.m. 6:54 a.m.
First high 5:34 a.m. 6:28 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 8:11 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 3:49 p.m. 10:33 a.m. Monday 5:42 a.m. 8:28 p.m. Tuesday 10:38 p.m. 7:58 a.m.
First low 11:42 a.m. 12:46 a.m. 1:39 a.m. 2:28 a.m. 3:14 a.m. 4:43 a.m. Tuesday 5:43 a.m. 8:27 p.m. Wed. 11:11 p.m. 9:01 a.m.
Second high 6:10 p.m. 7:02 p.m. 7:52 p.m. 8:41 p.m. 9:28 p.m. 10:57 p.m. Wed. 5:43 a.m.
Second low 12:35 p.m. 1:26 p.m. 2:14 p.m. 3:02 p.m. 4:36 p.m.
36 JULY 2020 Beach Paper
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is subject to change without notice.