SEPTE M BER 2023 DISTRICT N E W SL ETTER MAROON MESSENGER MAROON MESSENGER V ol 10:2 Mo n t h l y Editor: A big a il s k ipper Celebrating Homecoming Celebrating Homecoming Navy recruiter speaks at Arp High School Navy recruiter speaks at Arp High School
C O NTENTS pg. 2- Contents pg. 4- A letter from the Superintendent pg. 6- Elementary pg. 8- Watch Dogs pg. 10- Jr. High Sports pg. 12- High School pg. 14- High School Students of the Month pg. 16- Male Sports pg. 18- Ladies Sports pg. 24 - Homecoming Recap pg. 3 - Calendar pg. 15 - Career Scan towatch Tiger Talk Broadcasting 2
Fishing/ FFA/ Pictures/Meetings/Band JV & Varsity Volleyball JV & Varsity Football High SchoolDates Jr.High SchoolDates Elementary SchoolDates WHAT’S HAPPENING NEXT MONTH? WHAT’S HAPPENING NEXT MONTH? 3 Oct.1-22 - State Fair of Texas Livestock Show Oct 5 - All-Region Jazz Band Auditions @ BullardHigh School Oct 9 - Arp ISDSchool BoardMeeting @ 6:30 p.m. Oct.12- Farmers Appreciation Breakfast @ 7:00 a.m. Arp Emmanuel Baptist Church Oct.13 - 7-Mile Rivalry Pep Rally @ 2:15 p.m. Oct.14- THSBA Fishing Tournament @ Lake Fork Oct.14 -UIL Region 21Marching Contest @ SFA Oct.17 - ACT forHigh School Students Oct.19 - Fall Picture Retakes,JH,HS/ Senior Pictures Oct. 30- Winona LDE Contest Oct. 24-28 -Harvest Festival Livestock Show @ Longview Fairgrounds Oct. 28 - AreaMarching Contest Oct. 5-JV @ Arp vs. Grand Saline 6:00 p.m. Oct. 6- Varsity @ Grand Saline 7:30 p.m. Oct.12-JV @ Troup 6:00 p.m. Oct.13- Varsity @ Arp vs. Troup 7:30 p.m. Oct.19-JV @ Arp vs.Quitman 6:00 p.m. Oct. 20- Varsity @ Quitman 7:30 p.m. Oct. 26-JV @ Edgewood 6:00 p.m. Oct. 27- Varsity @ Arp vs. Edgewood 7:30 p.m. Sr.Night October 2-5, 2023 - Elementary Book Fair October 7, 2023 - Mini Cheer Camp October 7, 2023- PTOPopcorn Friday October19, 2023 - Elementary Fall Pictures October 26, 2023 - Pre-K Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch in Brownsboro (UnionHill Baptist Church) October 2, 2023 -Jr.High Volleyball Game @ Arp 4:30 p.m./8:30 p.m. October 5, 2023 -Jr.High Football @ Grand Saline - 5:00 p.m./8:30 p.m. October 9, 2023 -Jr.High Volleyball Game @ Arp 4:30 p.m./8:30 p.m. October12, 2023 -Jr.High 7-Mile Rivalry Pep Rally @ 2:15 p.m./2:45 p.m. October12, 2023 - Jr.High Football @ Arp 5:00 p.m./8:00 p.m. October19,2023 -Jr.High Football @ Quitman - 5:00 p.m./8:30 p.m. October 23, 2023 -Jr.High Volleyball Game @ Jefferson 4:30 p.m./8:30 p.m. October 25, 2023 -Jr.High Kona Ice October 26, 2023 -Jr.High Football @ Edgewood - 5:00 p.m./8:00 p.m. Oct. 3 @ Arp v. West Rusk- 4:30 p.m. Oct. 6 @ Elysian Fields- 4;30 p.m. Oct.10 @ Waskom - 4:30 p.m. Oct.17 @ Troup - 4:30 p.m. Oct. 20 @ Tatum - 4:30 p.m. Oct. 24 @ Arp v.Jefferson - 4:30 p.m. Senior Night Cross Country Oct. 5 High School Boys and Girls District16-3A Cross CountyMeet @ Lear Park (LongviewTexas)-10:00 a.m.
Dear Arp Tigers Family, September 20, 2023 Greetings, Arp Tigers! The 2023-2024 school year is in full swing. It is such a privilege to serve the Arp ISD school community. Thanks to all who contribute every single day to our beloved school. It is a great day to be an Arp Tiger! I want to take this opportunity to update the community about our student enrollment numbers. As of today, our total student enrollment is at 1003. At the end of October last year, our student enrollment was at 985. Over the last three years our student enrollment has increased by 128 students. While the student enrollment growth this year is not as high as in the two previous years, we still are actively planning for the future. Please see the attached chart. Last year I wrote a letter to the community that outlined our plan to address our increased student enrollment. Our preparation has been spurred by the thought of possibly gaining 30-50 students a year. It looks as though we will not be realizing that many students this school year. We want the community to know that we have completed renovation to our junior high building. As noted in last year's letter to the community, this completed phase has moved us one step closer to possibly transitioning our 5th grade class over to the junior high school. Currently, our elementary student enrollment is at 463. At the end of last school year, our elementary student enrollment was at 474. The continuity in our current elementary school student population does not exhibit the absolute need to transition the 5th grade students over to our junior high school at this time. Before we make a final decision about the completion of the proposed Phase 3 and the transition of our 5th-grade students to junior high, there are a couple of important factors that we need to consider. Governor Abbott is scheduled to make an announcement in the coming days concerning an October special legislative session. We anticipate that public school funding will be one of the important agenda items. We feel strongly that the outcome of this special session, along with where Arp ISD elementary enrollment numbers are prior to Christmas, could determine for us whether or not we transition our 5th grade over to the junior high next fall. In other words, if we receive more funding from the state, this could help us expedite the construction of four more classrooms to our junior high building. If we feel that we could complete this construction within the next 24-28 months, and if we do not see a dramatic increase in our elementary enrollment, then we could complete the addition of the four classrooms prior to transitioning our 5th-grade class over to the junior high school. If no “new” state monies are realized by Arp ISD, then the determining factor will be based upon our elementary student enrollment, which is currently stable. After careful consideration, your Arp ISD board of trustees and administrators will make a final decision prior to the Christmas break this fall. A LETTER FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT 4
Sincerely, John S. Arrington (Coach A.) Arp ISD Superintendent of Schools As your Superintendent of Arp ISD, I am personally enthusiastic that the 2023-2024 school year is off to a great start in our classrooms, extracurriculars, and all our programs. We administrators and our board of trustees take pride in our schools. We strive to be forward-thinking and efficient stewards of all our district’s resources to best benefit our students and community. I can be contacted at [email protected] or 903-859-8482. Forward Ever Be Our Watchword Arp ISD 15 Year Enrollment Numbers Year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Elementary Junior High High School Total Enrollment 398 (+25) 396 (-2) 433 (+37) 415 (-18) 423 (+8) 405 (-18) 405 398 (-7) 443 (+45) 422 (-21) 406 (-16) 411 (+5) 441 (+30) 469 (+28) 463 (-6) 204 (-7) 216 (+12) 198 (-18) 198 181 (-17) 173 (-8) 179 (+6) 196 (+17) 191 (-5) 196 (+5) 214 (+18) 212 (-2) 219 (+7) 217(-2) 235 (+18) 285 (+3) 284 (-1) 279 (-5) 270 (-9) 275 (+5) 292 (+17) 255 (-37) 253 (-2) 265 (+12) 249 (-16) 265 (+16) 252 (-13 ) 263 (+11) 299 (+36) 305 (+6) 887 (+21) 896 (+9) 910 (+14) 883 (-27) 879 (-4) 870 (-9) 839 (-31) 847 (+8) 899 (+52) 867 (-32) 885 (+18) 875 (-10) 923 (+48) 985 (+62) 1003 (+18) 5
Arp Elementary was festive this past month with their own homecoming days! Monday - Pajama day Tuesday - Dress to impress Wednesday - Wear your hall color Thursday - Favorite jersey Friday - School spirit Arp Elementary School is always sure to have a fun time. They had a successful turn out with almost every kid dressing up. 6 UP COMING EVENTS MINI CHEER CAMP OCT. 7 PTO POPCORN OCT. 13 FALL PICTURES OCT. 19 BOOK FAIR OCT. 2-5
Watch D.o.g.s. 8
The junior high football team is off to a great start! 8th grade is 5-0, and 7th grade 3-2 so far. When asked what he is looking forward to the rest of this season, Coach Chris Cliborn stated “We are excited about the new season. The 7th grade team is learning a lot and growing daily. Growing and getting better each day is what matters.” JR. HIGH RUNDOWN STAFF HIGHLIGHT: 9 LARA PARKER Lara Parker is the counselor at Arp Junior High. Her advice to new staff members is to build relationships first. She began her career with the desire and goal to help students with their problems. If she could choose any motto it would be, “Do all things with love.” Per Jason Shieldes, the junior high principal, “She is the heart of the junior high.” A fun fact about Mrs. Parker is that she dreams to visit Ireland one day. Homecoming!
Junior High Sports Climbingindistrictaction Cross Country Saturday mornings do not mean sleeping in for these Jr. high cross-country students. Head Coach Joel Avance stated, “The hardest part of cross country is being committed to the early morning workouts and staying consistent when the athletes are sore and tired” They push their stamina to the max to beat their personal record and push to earn top place at the finish line. A fantastic district meet for our junior high cross country runners Saturday Sept. 30 at West Rusk. All but one runner PR'd by a huge amount. Here's how they fared: Girls: Bentley Gradick-4th place with a 15:48 (38 sec PR) Bailey Graham-6th place with a 15:58 (13 sec PR) Anna Schminkey-16th place with a 17:44 Aubrey Holley-20th place with an 18:05 (26 sec PR) Arianna Downey-24th place with an 18:45 (2min 8 sec PR) Boys: Ransom Terry-5th place with a 14:14 (28 sec PR) Carson Petty-13th place with a 16:17 (4 min 41 sec PR) Tanner Hunt-20th place with an 18:06 (41 sec PR) Volleyball The ladies' volleyball teams are on fire with several wins in the books as they compete against the schools in East Texas. These ladies work hard and are dedicated to achieving their best each time they hit the court. Football Thursday evening you can watch the undefeated 8th grade football boys fight against some of the toughest local teams. Both 7th and 8th grade come in with a big roar to take on their opponents and make their way through district. 10
JR. HIGH PEP RALLY Asthe Arp Jr.High football teams prepare to compete in district games, the tigerspirit roarsthrough the gym with cheering crowds,cheerleaders, majorettes, and heart pounding drums. 11
The high schoolcampusissure to put a smile on yourface as you walk through the halls ofthe best supportsystem, positive influences, and loads offun. 12 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION CEREMONY
Coach Brown isin hisfirst-year teaching WorldHistory and World Geography at his alma mater, ArpHigh School,while also serving as an Assistant Football Coach.He graduated from ArpHigh School in 2018 before pursuing a degree for Criminal Justice atHardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas. Coach Brown also enjoyed playing football in high school and college,which is where hewas encourage to teach others. The reason Coach Brown decided to have a degree to teachwasto give back to kids and be a positive role model. Coach Brown stated that he strivesto encourage the studentsto play hard no matterwhat they face in life.Hewould like hisstudentsto knowthat he has always has an open door for anyone that needsto have a listening ear. “Wisdom isimportant to give back to the studentsthat do not knowhowto support adversity the rightway”,stated Coach Brown. High School Staff Spotlight 13 Coach Byron Brown
High School Students of the Month The Senior Student of the Month is MichaelHerrell.He has been at ArpHigh School all hislife.Hislargest inspiration is his dad.Hisfavorite subject is Math because it is naturally easy for him.He iscurrently in firefighterschoolwhere he plansto pursue hisfuture career. The Sophomore Student of the Month is Wyatt Johnson.He has been in Arp since the third grade.Hislargest inspiration is his dad.Hewantsto go to Louisiana State University after high school.Hisfavorite subject in school is Spanish because he thinksthe teacher iscool. The Junior Student of the Month is Alejandra ChavezHernandez. She has been going to Arp since her Freshman year.Her largest inspiration is her parents. Shewantsto go to U.T. Tyler. Alejandra’sfavorite subject in school is math because she said the subjectcomes easy to her. 14 The Freshman Student of the Month is Wyatt Calley.He has been going to Arp since first grade.Hislargest inspiration is his dad.Hewantsto go to trade school to be awelder. Wyatt's favorite subject in school is World Geography because he said that the teacher iscool, and the subject is easy.
Careers Navy Recruiter Brandon Pratt, rank E5, who is directed to look for individuals usually around the ages 18-42 and going into college or has completed college. This was so he could help anyone who finished college if needed. He is also an Enlisted Recruiter, meaning he guides people interested in joining the armed forces, while he is still enlisted. He has been stationed in 5 different countries and is still actively serving today. UT Tyler representatives will be on campus every Friday to help juniors and seniors that are ready to apply for college. The representative stated that she liked seeing students get their acceptance as well as watching them get their futures started, which is nice. 15 ACT is on October 17, 2023
16 Football in SeptemberIn the previous month of Arp Tiger Football, your tigers beat 2A division one stateranked Joaquin. Following the massive win and heading into September, the Tigers took on the Garrison Bulldogs in week two of the season. Your Tigers were unsuccessful in beating the Bulldogs. But the Tigers bounced back in week three and took down the Carlisle Indians. Then Arp took on the undefeated Tenaha Tigers in the homecoming game. In a thriller, your Tigers went ahead with only twenty seconds left on the scoreboard and won 36-35. To round off the month, the Tigers took on the West Rusk Raiders but suffered a loss. They came back with a great roaring 65-7 win against the Winona Wildcats at Bill Herrington Tiger Stadium. If anyone is interested in volunteering for the concession stand please contact the Arp Athletic booster club!
17 Cross Country Starting off September, Ty Bardsley finished 12th at the Yellow Jacket Invitational and broke his personal best with a 17:49. He followed that up by placing sixth at the New Summerfield Invitational. The rest of the team made a great attempt as they worked hard to meet their personal best as well.
18 LADY TIGERS VOLLEYBALL Offensive player of the homecoming game vs. Waskom was sophomore, Lacy Fletcher, with 7 kills, 4 blocks, 6 digs, and 2 aces. On Friday, September 8, the Arp Lady Tigers volleyball team began district play with a loss against West Rusk. Tuesday, Sept. 12 the Lady Tigers continued district play against Elysian Fields, ending the game with a win. The Lady Tigers wrapped up the month with a 3-3 district record. The defensive player of the game vs. Elysian Fields was sophomore, Lucy Hopson. She had an excellent game, with five aces, five kills and 13 digs. “I feel like this season has been good so far. We have grown so much. I look forward to more wins this season.” says the sophomore when asked about her outlook on the season. “I love the bond that we have as a team. My favorite moments from the game were when we were having fun.”
Your Arp Lady Tigers Cross Country team competedwellwith all runnersreaching their personal best at the YellowJacket Invitational. Way to go Lady Tigers Cross Country! ARP LADY TIGERS CROSS COUNTRY 19
EAST TEXAS STATE FAIR EAST TEXAS STATE FAIR Heifer Results: Reese Pinkerton- 2nd in classwith her AngusHeifer Levi Williams- 2nd in classwith his polledHerefordHeifer Heidi Bryand-1st and 2ndwith her two SimbrahHeifer's Madelyne Eaton- 2nd placewith her LimousinHeifer Maggie Eaton- 4th placewith her LimousinHeifer David Domm- 3rd placewith his LimousinHeifer Lawton Emmons-1st in classwith his LimousinHeifer Elizabeth Lee- 2nd in classwith her ARBHeifer Reese Pinkerton- 3rd in classwith her SimmentalHeifer Brylee Crawford-1st in classwith her BrangusHeifer Steer Results: Caysen Wilson-1st in classwith his Shorthorn Steer LillieHaskins- 2nd in classwith her Limousin Steer Presley Johnson- 2nd in classwith her Simmental Steer 20
Bryce Everett& Will Sanford -1st place 25.64 lbs. Madelyne Eaton&David Domm - 8th place 13.96 lbs. Zach Garett&Shawn Sawyer - 25th place 10.84 lbs. Heidi Bryand&Abigail Skipper - 32nd place 8.37 lbs. TT T ee e xx x aa a ss s HH H ii i gg g hh h SS S cc c hh h oo o oo o ll l BB B aa a ss s ss s AA A ss s ss s oo o cc c ii i aa a tt t ii i oo o nn n 1st Place Team Overall Lake O’ the Pines Tournament 21
Datesto Remember UIL Region 21Marching Contestis held onOctober14, 2023 at SFA,Homer Bryce Stadium, 2102 AlumniDr,Nacogdoches, TX75962 AreaMarching Contestis held onOctober 28, 2023 at SFA,Homer Bryce Stadium, 2102 AlumniDr,Nacogdoches, TX75962 Marching season has gotten off to a greatstart. With 23 senior participantsin the band, it is a specialseason as many memories are created. Competition season is a timewhere every band student must be attentive, prepared, and willing to put in several hours of practice to keep the sweepstake award. 22
Photography 101Yearbook Club The Photography club is brand newto Arp. The club involves studentsthat are interested in learning more photography skills or joining the yearbook in their Junior/Senior year. If you love photography, don’t miss out on this great opportunity! De’Asia Green,which is a member of the Yearbook Club,would like to encourage othersto join because “You learn newthings and having funwhile you are doing it.” The club memberstrain at events and fill in for assistance at eventswhen yearbook students are not available. If youwould like to join,contact Mrs. Stinecipher in Room 238 at theHigh Schoolcampus. Must be a freshman orsophomore to join. The Digital Media Team consists of Yearbook, Digital Media (Maroon Messenger), and Photography Club. All team members have been working diligently on skills that are needed to produce every public release expected within their responsibility. Such as the monthly newsletter and annual yearbook. A few of the main focuses are photography, communication, and professionalism. These students are expected to hold themselves and their teammates to a high standard as we represent Arp America, the Arp Tigers, and our team. We take pride in our work to assure every student and parent/guardian is pleased with the time and effort in each item they receive to reflect a lifetime of memories. 23
HOMECOMING RECAPElementary School Junior High School High School 24
SEE YOU AT THE POLE GLOBAL STUDENT LEAD PRAYER SEE YOU AT THE POLE All campuses gathered at the flagpole for the student led global movement of See you at the Pole that began in Burelson, TX in the early 1990's. See you at the pole is an important day at Arp ISD. This is the day that students pray for their school, teachers, staff, and faculty that provide the opportunity to gain a free education by working to make sure every student has an adequate education. The movement began with a group of students in Burleson, TX and has spread throughout 1,200 campuses just in Texas that year. As the movement was acknowledged, it grew globally. The students spread their gratitude and humbleness as they sing songs of worship, pray, and share scripture with all individuals gathered around the pole. 25
26 SCHOOL CROSSWORD PUZZLE Read the clues below and fill in the grid. Across 3. A straight tool with markings used to measure and draw straight lines. 5. A tool with two blades used for cutting paper, cardboard, and other materials. 6. A colored wax stick used for drawing and coloring. Down 1. A bag worn on the back, used to carry books and school supplies. 2. A book with blank pages for writing notes or recording information. 4. A soft tool used to remove pencil marks or mistakes from paper.
Maroon Messenger 903-859-4917 101 TONEY DR. ARP, TX 75750 For more storiesvisit Editor of the Month Abigail Skipper