The Maroon Messenger
Upcoming Volume 5, Issue 3 November/December 2018
Arp Independent School District
Jan 1-4: Holiday
Jan 4: HS Boys/Girls Romans 8: 18
BB Harmony @ I consider that
Arp our present suffer-
Jan 7:In-service Day ings are not worth
Jan 8: HS Boys/Girls comparing with
BB @ West Rusk the glory that will
Jan 10: JH Girls BB- be revealed in us.
Arp @ Harmony
-JH Boys BB- Arp High School Hosts Foreign Exchange Students
Harmony @ Arp
Jan 11: HS Boys/ Thanathip Muangsuk aka “Ray Ray” is a senior at Arp
Girls BB-Winona @ High School. She's 17 years old and is from Surin,Thailand.
Arp Her favorite things about Texas are school and the people.
Jan 12:HS Boys BB- She said the people here are very friendly and kind. This year
Hallsville Tourn. she’s looking forward to spending her very first Christmas
-JH Boys BB-Spring with family and friends! Ray’s favorite subject is math. She
Hill Tournament is also part of the marching band where she played the piano
-Area Band Audition and cymbals as part of the pit. This year Ray was awarded
Jan 14: School the title of Band Sweetheart. After returning to Thailand,
Board Meeting Thanathip plans to go to college and pursue a major in English.
Jan 15: HS Boys/
Girls BB-Arp @ Supathip Praedam aka “Pim” is a junior at AHS. She's 16
Troup years old and from Bangkok, Thailand. Pim thinks the peo-
Jan 17: JH Boys BB- ple here are kind and the food is awesome! She's excited
Arp @ Troup about Christmas and the celebration that comes with it. She
-JH Girls BB-Troup has one younger brother back home and 3 host siblings. Out-
@ Arp side of school, she loves to cook “American Food.” Her fa-
Jan 18: HS Boys/ vorites are burgers and tacos. When she gets older she plans
Girls BB- on going to college to become a stewardess.
Gladewater @ Arp
Jan 19: All Region Andrés Roscales is from Madrid, Spain. Andres like the
Band Clinic/ people because they are friendly. His favorite things about
Concert Texas are pizza and being part of the basketball team. This
Jan 21: Holiday Christmas he’s looking forward to spending time with his
Jan 22: HS Boys/ family and friends. He has one little brother back home and
Girls BB-Arp @ 3 host siblings. This year Andrés participated in the band
Sabine where he played the piano as part of the pit. When he gets
Jan 24: JH Boys BB- back home, Andrés plans on going to college and pursuing a
West Rusk @ Arp career in computer science.
-JH Girls BB-Arp @
West Rusk
-Athletic Booster
Club Meeting
Jan 25: HS Boys/
Girls BB-White Oak
@ Arp
Jan 28: JH Girls BB-
Arp @ Winona
Jan 29: HS Boys/
Girls BB-Arp @
Jan 31: JH Boys BB-
Winona @ Arp
A Message From Our Superintendent, Coach A.
Christmas is fast approaching! As our fall semester is winding down, I would like to put a
spotlight on the Arp ISD Technology Department. Our Technology Department is dedicated to
promoting a challenging an supportive educational environment for all our students, educators,
parents, and community members!
Our students are offered the following:
2nd-12 grades are given usernames for email,
unlimited cloud storage, Microsoft Office ap-
plications, website construction, etc.,
All students are offered access to PC's, laptops,
and iPad devices, Students can bring their own
devices, K-12 participate in technology classes.
Through the Texas Lending Grant - hotspots &
devices are available for home checkout for our
Jr. High and High School students.
Our educators are all offered:
A district-owned personal device (netbook, laptop, or iPad)
ALL classrooms have access to mobile devices in multiple formats
ALL classes have interactive tools to help engage student learning
Our parents have access to:
Online grades and attendance reporting with the ability to set flags for notifications
Emergency communications on SchoolWay and Twitter, parents blogs, and parent
As you can see, our school community is certainly blessed to have such wonderful technology
offerings! Please check out our website for more information regarding our AWESOME
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp ISD Page 3
Veterans Day Program
By: Brittani Webb
On November 12, Arp ISD honored our nation’s veterans by hosting the annual Veterans
Day Program. As the veterans entered the auditorium, the band played service songs. The pro-
gram began with the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance and followed with the singing of the
National Anthem. Several students sang songs that reminded us of everyone who fought or
who is currently fighting for our freedom. Our schools, friends, and family came together to
honor the great men and woman who served our wonderful country through song and speech.
First Sergeant Chase Colbert had the opportunity to welcome the guest speaker Staff Sergeant
Frounfelker, who gave an important message about his experience and what it truly means to
serve for our great country.
A Message From Our Counselor, Mrs. Lowery
We are at the midway point in the school year and there are a few reminders I would like to share with
our upcoming graduates and their parents:
Start writing your college essay
Keep track of due dates—Start using a planner
Check college prices & talk with parents about money
Practice and take ACT or SAT if you haven’t already
Visit colleges
FAFSA should be complete!!!
If you are a recruited athlete, complete NCAA clearinghouse form or NAIA forms
Narrow college list
Don’t forget community service ----opportunities everywhere over the holidays!!!
As a high school senior, it’s very easy to continually look towards the future and not focus on
the present. However, don’t lose sight of your current responsibilities (scholastic and extra-
curricular). You need to remain in good standing academically in order to graduate and retain
your college admission offer.
Most of all I would like to tell everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and leave you with
the following quote:
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in
each other. – Burton Hillis
National Honor Society Helps Community
By: Briana Dear
On November 6th, the Arp NHS members volunteered at the East Texas Food Bank in Tyler to pre-
pare food for distribution that will go out to help those in our community.
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp High School Page 5
Teacher of the Month - Student of the Month -
By: Katelyn Wilmoth By: Katelyn Wilmoth
Congratulations Mrs. Katie Laird is
Arrington for being AHS student of
the high school the month! Katie
teacher of the month! This is a senior who loves
is her 17th year teaching at playing softball and en-
Arp HS. Mrs. A. loves joys going to any science
playing the piano, reading, class she can get her
and spending time with her hands on. Her favorite
family. If she could go any- holiday is Halloween and
where on vacation she would like to go to Hawaii her favorite color is teal. If she could go anywhere
and her favorite holiday is Christmas. She gradu- on vacation, she would like to go to Spain. Her
ated high school here at Arp and went to TJC and family is very important to her and she cannot live
LeTourneau. She enjoys listening to instrumental without them. Her favorite restaurant is El Phoe-
piano music and having a good meal at Olive Gar- nix and she listens to a lot of country music. After
den. Her favorite part about working here at Arp high school, she plans on attending TJC and
is sharing her love of math to students. transferring to A&M in order to pursue her dream
job of becoming a vet.
Fishing Team
By: Joshua Pawlik
The Arp fishing team competed at the Lake Palestine tournament on Saturday, October 27. Seven of
Arp’s teams participated in the field of 136 teams. Ben VanWinkle and Hunter Wright lead the way for
Arp, finishing 3rd with 11.65 lbs. Weston Sanford and Landon Latham finished 8th with four fish for
8.89 lbs and Joshua Pawlik and Claye Whitehead finished 20th with three fish for 5.55 lbs. Lane and
Zach Batie had one fish for 2.03 lbs and Collin George had one fish for 1.91 lbs. Hannah Eakin and
Hayden Bradshaw had one fish for 1.59 lbs. The Arp Fishing Team won the Lake Palestine tournament
and are looking forward to the Lake Bob-Sandlin tournament on December 1st. Way to go boys!!
Lady Tigers Basketball
Varsity Junior Varsity
#2 Niya Nelson #3 Emily Jenkins
#3 Rachel Dews #4 Abby Lee
#4 Kearra Geter #5 Karisma Yarbrough
#5 Kierra Yarbrough #10 Ashley Lopez
#10 Micaiah Dixon #11 Lexi Ferguson
#11 Natalie Wiggins #24 Arieonna Richardson
#14 Makayla Potts #30 Keasia Allen
#15 Hailey Honzell
#20 Hannah Eakin
#21 Daysha Fults
#23 Vera Greenlee
Picture Courtesy of AHS Yearbook Staff
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp High School Page 7
Tigers Basketball
By: Aaron Dews
Varsity Roster Junior Varsity Roster
1 Kameron Medlock G 1 Michael Brager
2 Aaron Dews
2 Devon Wagoner F,P 3 Colin George
4 Tristan Shaw
3 Johnathon Blackwell G,F 5 David Perry
4 Chris Gladney F,P 10 Ryan Hamilton
5 Ka'Darion Barnett F,P 12 AJ Arrington
10 Kevin Mauldin F 13 Broderick Allen
11 Zach Mauldin G 15 Hayden Wright
12 Logan Shuttlesworth P 21 Andres Roscales
32 Matthew Wagoner
13 Colton Birdsong G,F 35 Tristen Wagoner
55 Ja'Quavius Pierce
14 Brandon Holloway G
21 John Henry P
22 Elijah Mauldin G
23 Tren Jones F,P
24 Kajun Horton F,P
33 Kadaylon Williams F,P
Picture Courtesy of AHS Yearbook Staff
Staff Member of the Month
By: Abbey Stalnaker
Dr. Dacus has been working in Arp for 23 years. She enjoys
playing with her dogs and watching her grandsons play
when they have tournaments. In the last 2 years, she has
had the privilege of going to France twice and Ireland. If she had a
chance to visit another country it would be Germany. She likes Christ-
mas “winter holiday”, she says she also enjoys Thanksgiving because of
family getting together. Dr. Dacus also enjoys Valentines Day, because
it’s her birthday! She got her Associate from TJC, Bachelors from Texas A&M, Masters from Lamar
University, and Doctorate at Stephen F. Austin University. She has two sisters, ” she's the good sis-
ter”, according to Dr. Dacus. She also has three children who are now all grown. Her favorite part
about teaching would have to be the kids. Dr. Dacus loves listening to contemporary Christian while
on the road to her favorite Mexican restaurant.
Student of the Month 8th Grade
By: Abbey Stalnaker
Kyia has been chosen as our 8th grade student of the month. Her
hobbies outside of school would have to be hanging out with
family and friends. Her favorite holiday is Christmas, probably
because of the presents! She has a brother in high school and her mom is one
of our coaches. She plans on going to college and majoring in classes to be-
come an orthodontist. She would like to visit Costa Rica one day if she ever
had the chance. Her favorite food is pizza along with her favorite music being rap. At the school, she
plays basketball, track, volleyball, and softball. Her favorite teacher at the Jr. High would have to be
Dr. Dacus, but I can't blame her she does seem pretty fun!
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp Junior High Page 9
Student of the Month 7th Grade
By: Abbey Stalnaker
Christian has been chosen for our 7th grade student of the month.
When Christian isn't busy he enjoys hunting with his dad.
When he graduates high school he plans on pursuing a career in
baseball with the National Baseball League, along with being a game war-
den. At the school he plays baseball, football, and soon track. His favorite
holiday is Christmas, he wishes to get some new hunting gear. His favorite
place to go outside of school would have to be McAlisters or Casa Olé, but
if he had to choose, his favorite food, it would have to be a burger.
Student of the Month 6th Grade
By: Abbey Stalnaker
Rebecca has been chosen as our 6th grade student of the month. She
enjoys playing sports and drawing art. When she graduates high
school, she plans on taking classes in college to become a nurse
practitioner. When Rebecca isn't busy with school work, she enjoys twirling in
her room. If she had the chance to travel anywhere in the world it would be
Paris, France. Her favorite teacher would have to be Mrs. Hardy, along with
her favorite subject being science. Her favorite music is classic country. Her favorite food would
have to be seafood, I mean who doesn't love seafood! For sports, Rebecca plays softball, basketball,
and volleyball.
Page 10 Arp Junior High THE MARRON MESSENGER
Staff Member of the Month
By: Katelyn Wilmoth and Brianna Dear
Mrs. Gentry has been selected as AJHS Teacher of the Month! This is her
6th year teaching art at Arp Jr. High, and her 17th year teaching overall.
Her favorite part about teaching art is being able to help students to use
and develop their creativity to the best of their ability. It is the “magical side” of
teaching, which is when students work to solve a problem, find their mistake, or
change or add something to their work to make it look better, that she looks for-
ward to most and tries to encourage students to do everyday. Mrs. Gentry went to
Baylor University and received her degree from UT-Tyler. In her free time, she
enjoys gardening, baking, and doing as many creative art projects that she can. If
she could go anywhere, she would travel all throughout Europe, especially Italy. Her favorite holiday
is Christmas and she enjoys listening to Christian contemporary music. Her favorite restaurant is PF
Chang’s. One of her biggest goals is to share creativity with others. She wants to not only show stu-
dents, but everyone how creativity has, “A positive influence in life now and for the future.”
Student of the Month 8th Grade
By: Abbey Stalnaker
Colten has been chosen for our 8th grade student of the
month. When Colten isn't busy he likes to work on four
wheelers and dirt bikes! When he graduates high school
he plans on going to college to become a Mechanical Engineer. His
favorite place to go outside of school is his bedroom to do his favor-
ite activity, sleep! His favorite holiday is thanksgiving, and his fa-
vorite thanksgiving food is his mothers meal called “Trash”. If he
could go anywhere in the world it would have to be “ Somewhere in Italy”. His favorite food is ta-
cos, “they’re the best!”
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp Junior High Page 11
Student of the Month 7th Grade
By: Abbey Stalnaker
Ryson has been chosen for our 7th grade student of the
month. When Ryson graduates, he plans to go on to college
and major in art to become an animator. When Ryson isn't
busy, he likes to draw or visit his local Barnes and Noble. His favorite
teacher is Mrs. Miller and his favorite subject is math. If he could visit
any place in the world it would be Japan, fun! His favorite type of music
is vaporwave.
Student of the Month 6th Grade
By: Abbey Stalnaker
Bailey was chosen as the AJHS 6th grade student of the
month. During her free time, Bailey likes to draw. After
graduating from high school, Bailey plans to work at a lo-
cal small business. When she has saved up enough money for college,
she then plans to go on to college to pursue a career in small business-
es to start her own! Her favorite place to eat is at Kawa’s Hibachi
Grill, because her favorite food is fried rice. Her favorite class is the
computer lab, with her favorite teacher being Mrs. Hill. Her favorite holiday is Christmas and she
hopes to get a computer from Santa.
Page 12 Arp Junior High THE MARRON MESSENGER
AJH Tiger Basketball
7th Grade B Team 8th Grade B Team
Christian Ward Colton McInroe
Tristan Garrigan Justin Acord
Dominique Barnwell Kennith McFadden
Zach Garret Zach Herring
Kale Hamilton Landon Langenbau
Paul Olegario Emmitt Henry
Nick Anderton
7th Grade A Team
Frank Smith 8th Grade A Team
Fisher Arrington Makavion Potts
Ty Bardsley Jeremy Zamagni
Nicholas Locklear Colton Cross
Bryant Hays Bolton Smith
Jacob Latham Braxton Smith
Lance Langenbau Ty Anderson
K.J. Yarbrough Blake Archie
Wyatt Ladd
Jaylon Potts
Clayton Owens
Hunter Nash
Thomas Fuller
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp Junior High Page 13
AJH Lady Tiger Basketball
7th Grade B Team
Seauphe Acker
Jamie Brewton
Lyrica Cottrell
Karli Flowers
Makayla Garcia
Emilee Herring
Skylar King
Kate Paz
Julianna Ponce
Ryan Sherwood
7th Grade A Team
Joslyn Dewberry-Swinney
Sarah Mauldin
Ryleigh Mclouth
Allee McCullom
Brooklyn Morton
Sydne' Garrett
Kenzi Thomas
Rheauna McGruder
Maddie Poole
8th Grade Team
Abby Nichols
Jocelyn Rodriguez
Aubrey Irwin
Kyia Horton
Cyla Nelson-Rose
Dakota Garrison
Kyleigh Pawlik
Zoey Garcia
Page 14 Arp Junior High THE MARRON MESSENGER
Having Fun At the Jr. High
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp Elementary Page 15
Staff Member of the Month
By: Leonard Cabe
Ms. Baker is a Pre-K/Headstart teacher. This is her
first year to teach in Arp. She graduated from
Joshua High School and then attended Texas A&M Uni-
versity. When asked about what her favorite part about
teaching is she answered “Getting to see the kids faces
light up when something clicks”. Outside of school, Ms.
Baker likes to spend time with her family. Her favorite mu-
sic is Texas Country and worship music.
Student of the Month
By: Leonard Cabe
Bailey is a second grader. Her favorite subject is
math, and she likes to get extra practice when not
at school. When asked about her favorite food she an-
swered quickly with “steak”! Her wish this Christmas is
for Santa to bring her a basketball goal. Bailey likes to
listen to country music, especially songs with drums! She
has one brother and when she grows up she plans on be-
coming a teacher!
Page 16 Arp Elementary THE MARRON MESSENGER
Elementary Celebrates Red Ribbon Week
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arp Elementary Page 17
Pre-K Goes Trick-or-Treating
Students Excel at Cheer Competition
Congratulations to Kylee Maxwell, Maddi
Marshall, and Journey Lane who are on the
12u Troup cheerleading squad. They won first
place in their division in the Tri-Country cheer
competition which was held on October 27th!