October 2019
Volume 6, Issue 2
The Maroon Messenger
Nov 4 JH Girls BB vs Troup In Loving Memory of Mr. Lowery
Nov 6 UIL State Marching Contest
Nov 7 FB: JH - Arp @ Troup Former Arp ISD Superin-
Nov 7 FB: JV - Arp @ Troup tendent, Toney Rynn
Nov 8 FB: Troup @ Arp Lowery, beloved husband of Mrs.
Nov 11 Veteran’s Day Program Donna Lowery passed away on
Nov 11 JH Girls BB @ West Rusk October 7, 2019 at the age of 66.
Nov 12 JV, V Girls BB @ Slocum Mr. Lowery was not only a hus-
Nov 14 7th Grade to Perot Museum band, father, grandfather, son, and
Nov 14 JH Boys BB vs West Rusk friend, but he was also a former
Nov 14, 16 JV Girls BB @ CH Tourn. educator, coach, and administrator
Nov 15 JV, V Girls BB @ Cumberland for 35 years. He was an avid
Nov 16 JH Girls BB @ Henderson ‘ hunter, fisherman, and outdoorsman. Before coming to Arp, he
Nov 16 Arp FFA Chili Cook-off and was a very successful coach at Gilmer-Union Hill, winning the
state championship there. Mr. Lowery was employed with the
Benefit Auction Arp school district for 21 years. He played an integral role in a
Nov 18-19 All Region Jazz Clinic/ district bond initiative that helped Arp build the schools that we
have today. Toney Lowery loved the Arp Tigers and the Arp
Concert community in general and he never failed to make that known.
Nov 19 JV, V Girls BB @ Hawkins He always stated that Arp reminded him of home because it re-
Nov 21 JH Boys BB vs Winona sembled his home town of Hughes Springs in many ways.
Nov 23 JV, V Girls BB @ CH Through the leadership of Mr. Lowery, Arp ISD has grown into
Nov 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Break the great school district that we all cherish. We are so thankful
Nov 30 V Girls BB @ Athens for all of the time and consideration that he put into all of our
Dec 2J H Boys BB @ Gladewater organizations. He will always be remembered. Fly high, Mr.
Dec 2 JH Girls BB vs Gladewater Lowery.
Dec 3 HS Boys BB vs Brownsboro
Dec 3 JV, V Girls BB @ Frankston
Dec 3-4 JH OAP Contest
Dec. 5 Elementary Academic UIL
Dec 5-7 V Girls BB@ Athens Tourn.
Dec 9 JH Boys BB vs Sabine
Dec 9-13 State Testing
Dec 10 HS Boys BB vs Cushing
Dec 10 JV, V Girls BB @ Grace
Dec 12-14 HS Boys BB @ Brownsboro
Dec 12-14 V Girls BB @ Frankston
Dec 13 JH All Region Band
Dec 14 HS JV Boys BB @ Hawkins
Dec 14 HS All Region Band Auditions
Dec 16 JH Boys BB vs White Oak
Dec 17 HS Boys BB @ Hawkins
Dec 17 JV, V Girls BB @ Troup
Dec 20 JV, V Girls BB vs Gladewater
Dec 20 Early Release
Dec 23- Jan 3 Christmas Break
Dec 27-28 Boys BB vs Wagstaff Tourn.
Dec 27-28 V Girls BB @ Troup Tourn.
By: Kyndel Fuller & Isaac Penney
Page 2 Arp ISD Maroon Messenger
Honoring Charlie Cook
During the halftime performance at the 2019
Homecoming football game, the Cook family
was presented with a football helmet signed by Arp
Alumni. Charlie Cook was a graduate of West Rusk High
School, but he and his wife Mildred settled in Arp around
6o years ago. Charlie was known as a devoted Arp Tiger
fan. He was the statistician for the Tiger football and bas-
ketball teams, then he began announcing for the football
games. He had two children, Terry and Kim. Charlie
started baseball in the Arp community, beginning with the
Arp youth little league team. He was also the first to pro-
mote African American students for sports. His selfless
and caring character even awarded these students with
trophies out of his own pocket. He was involved so deep-
ly in this community and was a beloved person to many.
Mr. Charlie Cook’s legacy will be carried on.
Message from Mrs. Lowery
Seniors, a TJC application drive will be on Nov. 20th from 8AM-noon. If you have not filled
out your FAFSA, please do so ASAP. If you need help, see Mrs. Lowery for information.
Upcoming ACT and SAT Succeeding as a Senior Parent please contact the high school office
Test Dates: to get set up. Be sure to ask for pro-
Stay focused on success by follow- gress reports, as well as report cards
December 7- SAT ing: combating senioritis, monitor- to ensure your student is staying
December 14- ACT ing progress and providing support. focused.
February 8, 2020- ACT
It can be easy for students to fall Be sure to regularly talk with your
into bad academic habits and slack student about what is going on at
off as the end of their high school school. There are many events and
career comes to an end. It may be deadlines that you may need to be
necessary for you to remind your aware. Continue to encourage and
student that senior grades affect support your child and let them
GPAs, scholarships, and possibly know you are always available for
admissions to colleges and technical them.
Look for the next issue of The Mes-
Take time to double check your stu- senger as we discuss helping to plan
dent’s current grades. If you do not for the future after graduation!!
have parent access to gradebook,
By: Marissa Alibrando
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp High School Page 3
FFA Show Results
State Fair of Texas
Junior Breeding Heifer Show Open Breeding Heifer Show
Reed Thorn Reed Thorn
Champion Brangus Female Champion Brangus Female
Grand and Reserve Calf Division Brangus Reserve Calf Division
Champion Senior Showman Two Second place heifers in class
Colton Smith Colton Smith
3rd in class Angus Reserve Intermediate Heifer Division Angus
5th in class Angus
Ben VanWinkle
2nd in class Horned Hereford Ben VanWinkle
3rd in class Horned Hereford 1st in class Horned Hereford
2nd in class Horned Hereford
Hayden Wright
1st in class Polled Hereford Ag Awareness Day
Arp FFA took 35 students who sold 15 or more
Hunter Wright items in the fresh country fundraiser to the State
Reserve Calf Division Horned Hereford Fair of Texas for Ag Awareness Day.
Junior Barrow and Gilt Show Chili Cook-Off and Auction
Kylie Hill did a great job representing Ar p FFA On November 16th at 5pm, the Arp FFA will hold
at the Gilt and Barrow Show at the State Fair of its first Annual Chili Cook-Off and Auction to bene-
Texas. fit the Arp FFA students. Come help us raise money
and enjoy some good food!
By: Reed Thorn
Page 4 Arp High School Maroon Messenger
Employee of the Month
Employee of the month is Mr. Hurst, our wonderful principal! Before
coming to the high school, Mr. Hurst was the assistant principal at
Athens for 2 years. He then served as principal for 3 years at Arp Junior
High. He attended TJC, Texas A&M Commerce, as well as Texas A&M
Texarkana where he earned his master’s degree. Mr. Hurst says, “My favor-
ite holiday is Thanksgiving. I love visiting with friends and family and not
having to worry about gifts.” His goals for Arp High School include having a
loving, family environment. He is married and has three children. We are so thankful to have such
an amazing principal. Congratulations on receiving employee of the month!
Senior of the Month
Dezerai Hunt is the Senior of the Month. She’s very involved
in NHS, volleyball, cheerleading, and she plans on partici-
pating in One-Act Play. She is an honor student who never fails to
make everyone smile and brightens their day with her bubbly personal-
ity. She has eight siblings and has attended Arp ISD for four years. Her
favorite subject is science and the career path that she has chosen is to
one day become a dental hygienist. Congrats on receiving Senior of the
Junior of the Month
Colton Birdsong is the Junior of the Month. He is involved in
athletics and enjoys playing basketball. His favorite subject
in school is math. He has attended Arp ISD since his first grade year.
He is an honor student who is always on top of things and getting his
work done on time. Colton has an older brother who graduated from
Arp as well as a younger sister who also attends Arp Junior High.
Congratulations on receiving Junior of the Month!
By: Kyndel Fuller
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp High School Page 5
Sophomore of the Month
Kylie Hill is the sophomore student of the month. Ky-
lie is involved in sports, FFA, and is an honor stu-
dent. Kylie plays 2nd base and outfield in softball as well as
left back in volleyball. She shows pigs during her free time.
She is currently raising 6 pigs for up coming shows, a spot, 3
crosses, and 2 durocs. Her favorite subject in school is agricul-
ture. Kylie says, “The goals that I have for myself during
shows are to always try my best and aim for Grand Champion
or Reserve.” Kylie has one sibling who graduated from Arp.
She has attended Arp since she first began school. Kylie plans
to go into culinary school at the Art Institute of Houston. Con-
gratulations on being selected as Sophomore of the Month!
Freshman of the Month
Ashley Howard has been chosen as the freshman student
of the month. Ashely is 14 years old and her favorite
thing to do when she is not at school is to draw. Her favorite
place to go after school is the swing set behind her house. She
told us that her favorite subject in school at the moment is art.
The career path she would like to pursue is to one day become a
veterinarian. The extracurricular events she takes place in are
band and theater. Congratulations on being Freshman of the
By: Kyndel Fuller & Gaven Brittian
Page 6 Arp High School Maroon Messenger
Homecoming Dress Up Days!
Monday: America Day
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Camo
Thursday: Neon Day
Friday: Maroon Out
Homecoming Pep Rally
By: Kyndel Fuller
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp High School Page 7
Homecoming Court
Homecoming Court (Left to
Right): Kyndel Fuller , Kyia
Horton, Kierra Yarbrough,
Jazmine Cavazos, Angel Taylor,
Jazzlyn Calley, and Dezerai
Homecoming Queen: Kier r a Yar br ough
Homecoming Door Decorating Contest
1st Place: Mrs. McClendon 2nd Place: Mr. Hurst 3rd Place: Mrs. Owens
By: Kyndel Fuller
Page 8 Arp High School Maroon Messenger
Cross Country
The Junior High and High School Arp Tiger Cross Country teams completed in their district
meet at Letourneau University on October 10, 2019 with great results. In the Varsity Boys 5000
meter run, Zach Mauldin finished with a time of 22:33.7 and in the Junior Varsity Boys 5000 me-
ter run, Wyatt Ladd finished with a time of 27:31.1. In the Junior Varsity 2 mile run, Haley Bry-
and crossed the finish line with a time of 15:43.5 in which she received 1st place! In the Junior
High Boys 2 mile run, Paul Olegario finished with a time of 13:00.3 and Tyler Bardsley finished
with a time of 13:36.5. In the Junior High Girls 2 mile run, Alyssa Talamantes finished with a
time of 16:35.9 and Rebekah Hardy followed not far behind with a time of 19:49.4. Congratula-
tions to these amazing runners!
By: Isaac Penney
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp High School Page 9
Arp Bass Fishing Team
Fishing Tournament October 5, 2019
The Arp High School Bass Fishing team competed at the
Lake O’ the Pines Tournament on Saturday October 5, 2019.
Out of eight Arp boats, seven were able to weigh in fish out of
135 teams. Josh Pawlik and Claye Whitehead finished 18th and
weighed a total of 9.53 lbs.
Colin George and Hunter Wright placed 25th with 8.56 lbs.
AJ Arrington and Hayden Wright placed 26th with 8.53 lbs.
Tucker Evans and Mason Bardsley placed 41st with 5.83 lbs.
Blake Archie and Landon Langenbau placed 65th with 3.51 lbs.
Ty Anderson and Haley Bryand finished 82nd place and
weighed a total of 2.01 lbs. Weston Sanford and Ben VanWinkle placed 94th with 1.56 lbs.
The next tournament will be held at Lake Fork on October 26, 2019.
See You At The Pole!
On September 25, 2019, Arp students gath-
ered at the flagpoles of each campus for See
You at the Pole. A morning of student led pray-
er and worship filled the air. We encourage eve-
ryone to join the District at next year’s See You
at the Pole!
By: Reed Thorn & Kyndel Fuller
Page 10 Arp High School Maroon Messenger
Band Competes at Region
On October 19th, the Arp High School Band competed at the Region 21 Marching Contest. The
dedication and hard work of these band members showed throughout; even though the scores didn’t.
The band received a rating of straight 2’s at the annual SFA marching contest this year, but with the
relentless dedication and determination that these band members have, advancing in 2021 will be no
Twirlers Advance
On October 23rd, the Arp High School Majorettes competed at the Region 21 twirling contest in
Bullard. Receiving a 1 for their individual solos and advancing to State are: Macy Maxwell, Jasmine
Cavazos, Emily Stiles and Kyleigh Pawlik.
By: Gaven Brittian and Marissa Alibrando
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp High School Page 11
Friday Night Lights Fun!
By: Marissa Alibrando
Page 12 Arp High School Maroon Messenger
Varsity Football
JV Football
By: Karisma Yarbrough
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp High School Page 13
Varsity Volleyball
JV Volleyball
By: Karisma Yarbrough
Page 14 Arp Junior High Maroon Messenger
6th Grader of the Month 7th Grader of the Month
6th grader of the 7th grader of the
month is Wyatt. month goes to
His favorite sport is Lane. His favorite
football. When at subject in school is
home, he enjoys play- reading. He enjoys
ing video games, any- watching the movie,
thing that involves American Sniper. He
technology, as well as playing with his little enjoys playing football and watching foot-
sister. Someday he hopes to visit a NFL foot- ball on TV and helping his family with
ball stadium and he dreams of being able to ranching. Lane has 5 dogs and his 3 horses.
play in the NFL. His favorite books are all He someday wants to visit Montana. His all-
the Diary of the W impy Kids books. His fa- time favorite restaurant is Texas Roadhouse.
vorite food is steak from anywhere. Congrat- Congratulations on being Student of the
ulations on being Student of the Month! Month!
8th Grader of the Month Employee of the Month
Arp Jr. High The AJHS Employee
8th grader of the Month goes to
of the month goes to Mrs. Garett. Mrs. Garett
Zach. His favorite teaches intervention math and
sport is football and life skills for special needs
his favorite all-time students. She attended Jarvis
movie is Transform- Christian College in Haw-
ers. He dreams of one day making it to the kins, TX and she majored in secondary educa-
NFL. His favorite book is The Reaper by tion with a minor in mathematics. Mrs. Garett
Nick Curtain. His favorite food is his Dads has been teaching at Arp for 13 years. Her
prime rib. He wants to visit AT&T stadium proudest accomplishments are her 6 children (3
and would love to watch a game there. He boys, and 3 girls). Her one hobby outside of
enjoys football and fishing, playing around school is line dancing. Her favorite holiday is
with Frank, and clay shooting. Congratula- Christmas, because she can spend the vacation
tions on being student of the month! with her family. Her favorite part about teaching
is being with the students. Congratulations on
being Employee of the Month!
By: Karisma Yarbrough
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp Junior High Page 15
8th Grade Football
7th Grade Football
By: Isaac Penney
Page 16 Arp Junior High Maroon Messenger
The Best Days Are Thursdays!
By: Marissa Alibrando & Alie Parker
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp Junior High Page 17
8th Grade Volleyball
7th Grade Volleyball
By: Marissa Alibrando
Page 18 Arp Elementary Maroon Messenger
Student of the Month
The Elementary Student of the Month is 4th
grader, Miss Cortlynn. We asked what was her
favorite thing to do and she said math. Her fa-
vorite TV show is Miraculous and if she could have any
superpower, it would be x-ray vision. She said that her fa-
vorite dish was chicken and dumplings. She has one sister
and has two dogs. When she grows up, she would like to
become a singer. Congratulations on student of the month!
Employee of the Month
The Elementary Staff Member of the Month is
Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Kristel Munson.
Ms. Munson has been working at Arp Elementary for
two years. Her favorite things about Arp Elementary are
the kids and the small town vibe. She was inspired to
become a teacher by her two sisters who are teachers as
well. Her favorite subject in school was history. She
went to college at Sam Houston State University. If she
could be remembered by one thing, it would be her love
and passion for the kids. Congratulations on Employee
of the Month!
By: Alie Parker & Marissa Alibrando
Volume 6, Issue 2 Arp Elementary Page 19
The Lemonade War!
By: Marissa Alibrando